Page 03

"Holy," I moaned out loud as I sank my turgid rod into Mom again, my swollen and throbbing cock head pressing into her cervix.

Mom's eyes widened and she came out of an orgasm-induced haze and gasped, "What's that, darling?"

I rocked into her again as I replied, "Fucking my mother...fucking you, Mom, I feel...holy!"

Mom nodded, perceiving the truth of my words instantly. "Oh yes....MMMMMMM...yes, this is so pure and sweet. It has to be the Lord blessing our union. Nothing that feels like this could be a sin!" Mom tightened her arms and legs around me and kissed me again until my thrusts compelled her to begin moaning with intense pleasure again, her entire body seeming to burn with the incestuous passion that consumed both of us. "This...this has to be the purest form of worship...making love to each other -- creating love and what is God but love."

Mom began flinging her hips upwards to meet my increasingly violent thrusts, screaming out with pleasure as we heard something snap and then the chair seemed to tilt and drop several inches, the jolt again making me slam deeper inside her. "Fuck me, son! Make me holy...make me pure with your cock...with your love. Fuck me, John. Worship me with that big cock!"

We began to buck and thrust into each other, our sweaty bodies slapping wetly together as we really threw ourselves into our incestuous fucking, losing ourselves in the carnal abandon of the moment, Mom screaming into my mouth and then biting my shoulder as her orgasm raged. We fucked on, part of me wondering how I was able to maintain control, fucking my mother madly into the onset of another orgasm.

As Mom's cunt tightened yet again around my hard cock, I slowly wormed my swollen penis all the way inside her pussy, feeling the onset of my own orgasm approaching. Mom's back arched and her mouth hung open, the very avatar of incestuous orgasmic perfection and I hung on the precipice, trying to hang on to that wonderful moment of pleasure before orgasm when suddenly Mom tilted her head and looking into my eyes, whispered, "Son, you should know that your cock is so much bigger than your father's!"

I felt a wave of satisfaction and pleasure wash over me at her words and I growled, "And it's all yours, Mom!" and I exploded inside her pussy, great gouts of hot semen flooding her womb which tipped her over the edge of her orgasm and as our bodies stiffened together, our loins locked in place and ignited a sun of radiant, incestuous pleasure that consumed us and took us to heaven. In the throes of mutual orgasm, we both felt so blessed and happy, basking in the pureness of God's love as we created love...knowing that in our incestuous joining, we had found the keys to paradise.

I do not know how long we remained joined on the now broken recliner, Mom's arms and legs wrapped around me, holding by body to hers like the best security blanket that ever existed. We kissed and dozed and even fucked a little more as my cock, aching from such a tremendous climax took seemingly forever to soften.

Finally, when I felt my cock slip from between her sperm smeared labia, I began to move off of her, hopping off to the side of the chair after the recliner refused to return to an upright position. Laughing, I held a hand out to Mom as I walked around to the front of the chair while I said, "I reckon we broke Dad's chair."

I lifted a foot to the footrest of the chair and put my weight into it. Mom was suddenly flung into an upright position as I forced it down -- her breasts bouncing hypnotically as again we heard something snap and the seat canted another couple of inches to the side. "Yeah, we definitely broke Dad's chair."

Mom was now sitting up, her face even with my crotch and she gave me a sly grin as she eyed my semi-erect penis covered with semen and her pussy juices. "Who cares...I have more important things on my mind!" She leaned into me, mouthing my cock without using her hands, making me groan and go weak in the knees as she sucked my still incredibly sensitive penis into her mouth, seemingly eager and pleased to taste herself and my sperm as her tongue slathered over my shaft.

I ran my hands slowly through her long and tangled tresses, barely able to breathe as the reality of the situation sank in...that in the living room where I had spent so much time as a child and a teenager, watching cartoons and television shows and baseball games and did my homework, I was standing naked before my mother while she eagerly licked and sucked my cock clean of her pussy juices and my sperm. "My god, Mom...that's so...fucking sweet!"

I felt myself begin to harden again and heard Mom murmur her approval, her looking up at me with her big brown eyes to show how much she was enjoying this and then winking at me as she tried to take my entire cock down her throat, almost succeeding before with maybe an inch or so to go, she began to choke. She eased off me, coughing for a second before beginning to laugh.

Wiping her lips of spittle and maybe a smear or two of our mixed juices, Mom sighed and said, "I guess I'm a little out of practice." She grinned up at me and said, "You wouldn't know it, but by the time I graduated high school, I was considered the best cock sucker in my senior class."

I just gaped at her for a long minute before replying in a husky voice, ", Mom, if you want, I'd be happy to help you get back to form."

Mom reached out and stroked my resurrected erection and said, "Oh, you're going to help me with a lot of things. Right now, you're going to help me cum my brains out by going upstairs to bed with me and fucking me until I'm unconscious!"

My cock jerked at her bawdy words and if she hadn't been holding it firmly, I'm sure it would have slapped against my stomach...I was that hard -- the kind of hard that almost hurts and needs something hot and wet to soothe it. I pulled Mom to her feet and we kissed for a time, my arms pulling her tight against me as she continued to stroke my hard dick until finally, she broke the kiss with a playful lick across my lips and then led me by my erect penis towards the stairs.

As we climbed, I said, "So, my bedroom or yours, Mom?"

Mom looked at me, her eyes now filled with need and a little wildness and she said, "Our bed, son! From now on, you're taking your father's place in it." She gave my cock a little squeeze and added, "At least you know what to do with this big thing unlike your father." She squeezed and stroked it again and playfully said, "Did I already say you were bigger than your father? You are...thicker and longer too!"

I felt both excitement and a twinge of guilt at her words. Yes, Dad was a cold fish who rarely interacted with being more years than I could remember when he and I had done anything together, but still...he'd been a good worker and along with Mom had been a good provider. I found it hard to dislike him even though I knew in my heart that given a choice between Mom or I and his briefcase full of engineering diagrams and specifications, his goddamn briefcase would win every time.

I pushed any guilt away and as we strolled slowly down the hallway towards Mom's bedroom...our bedroom, I put my arm around Mom's waist, savoring the touch of her still slightly sweaty flesh against mine and vowed that no matter what life through at us and what paths we might tread, that I would never put anything ahead of Mom's happiness.

Later, looking back at that night, I would remember the lovemaking...the raw, unbridled fucking that occurred as something almost mythical...legendary. It seems as if the entire night, my erection never faltered -- that I was hard and throbbing in my mother's incredible and perfect pussy...her wet and silky flesh massaging my cock to create pleasure that had heretofore been unimaginable.

I can still recall how awestruck I was to see Mom atop me, riding my cock with the skill that only a lifetime of fucking can create -- her large tits bouncing and her lewd sneers of ecstasy as she arched her back, hands running through her long, mahogany hair one moment and cupping and mauling her breasts the next.

I can still see how carnally alive Mom was as I took her from behind, her head turned to look back at me, her wordless cries of passion intermixed with screams of "More, fuck me more, John...give Momma MORE!"

I remember so much...the taste of her cum filled cunt and her quiet sobs of pleasure as I tongued her well fucked flesh and teased her throbbing clitoris. I remember the faint aroma of her favorite perfume, mixed with the scent of her pussy and her sweat as we rocked together, me sitting on the edge of the bed with her in my lap. I remember the look of contentment and satisfaction on Mom's face as she sucked a fresh load of hot semen from my cock.

I remember that first night of incestuous lovemaking...the night when my dreams of so many years came true...fantasies becoming realities and all through it, Mom and I both vowing to make the dream live on, day after day, night after night, forever. When sleep came on, it was if nothing ended because my dreams were now mother and I now and for eternity, lovers.

I awoke to find that it was mid-morning and I'd slept through my early class. I'd open my eyes and stretched, feeling weary muscles popping in that delicious way one experiences after a night of glorious sex. I reached out for Mom, but her side of the bed was empty. I started to rise up, but there Mom was, curled up in an overstuffed chair by the bedroom's big bay window. She was a picture of erotic beauty...her hair bed tousled and her skin aglow from a night of passionate lovemaking. Mom had an afghan wrapped around her, but from her bare legs and thighs and a bare breast where the blanket had fallen off her shoulder, I knew that she was naked beneath it. A cup of what I assumed was tea steamed in the window sill.

Mom smiled at me and said, "Good morning, sleepy head. I was getting worried that I'd worn you out."

I sat up and leaned against the headboard, feeling my weary cock already stiffening at the sight of my beautiful mother. "Not hardly, Mom. I'd have to be a week past dead not to get hard just looking at you. Have you been awake long? You should have woken me up."

Mom gave me a sleepy smile. "I was just enjoying watching you sleep, son." She gave a little sigh. "I used to do it all the time when you were a baby...and as you grew up..." She chuckled and added, "At least until my little boy hit puberty and insisted on his privacy. I never dreamed I would have the opportunity to do it again...and so much more." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I felt a flush spread across my face...both of mild embarrassment and arousal. Part of me seemed to believe that I should have had a harder time reconciling that my soul mate was my mother, but it just seemed natural. Maybe it was all the long years of fantasizing about fucking Mom...maybe it was because of the role I had played in helping Gwen and her son become lovers. I guess it didn't matter. Mom and I were together now and I prayed that she had no regrets.

I couldn't help but voice those concerns. "Mom...are you okay with, I mean? This is happening so fast -- I hope you have no regrets."

Mom smiled back at me and shook her head. "No, regrets except maybe not realizing that becoming lovers with my son was actually possible." She took a deep breath and said. "It is happening so fast...and already I know that there are decisions that I've made that I will not go back on...that I don't want to go back on."

My mother stretched her arms above her head causing the afghan to fall away and expose her naked body to her waist.. "Now that I've had your lovely cock in me son, it's like I'm in a wonderful dream..." She paused and pursed her lips. "Or maybe, I've finally awoke from a long and dreary sleep. I've never felt so...alive!" Mom stood up, the afghan falling away completely as she slowly strolled towards me...her breasts slowly swaying as her long and shapely legs brought her closer and closer to me. "I've never felt like this before. It's like your cock, your kisses, your seed has awakened every cell in my body."

Mom climbed into bed to curl up against me, her moist bush nestling against my thigh as she kissed me. "I love you, John. I don't care if it's a sin. I never want another day to pass that I'm not well fucked by my son."

We continued to kiss for a while softly caressing each other, our hands eventually intertwining and tracing around each other's fingers. I trailed a finger of Mom's ring finger, pausing to brush against her wedding ring. "What about Dad?" I said softly.

Mom answered without hesitation. "I'll not suffer him in my bed ever again. I'm divorcing him, son." She reached out and stroked my face with her free hand and said. "Please don't feel any guilt over this, John. Our marriage has been dead for years -- we just didn't want to admit it. We should've parted ways long ago." She glanced down to her hand where I was toying with her gold band, turning it on her finger. "While you were sleeping, I called a lawyer. I have an appointment on Monday -- I'll file for divorce."

I nodded and looked into her eyes. "Are you sure, Mom?"

Mom kissed me again, her tongue slipping between my lips to dance with my tongue for a long time. Finally, she said, "I'm positive. Your father isn't my husband anymore." She looked at me with such love and desire, it nearly made me swoon as she finished. "You're my husband now, son. You're my man."

"Then...I guess you don't need this anymore," I said quietly, watching her watch me ease her wedding band off her ring finger." Mom's breathing seemed to quicken, her breasts rising and falling as her nipples swelled with arousal. "I love you, Mom!"

Mom took the wedding ring from me and tossed it casually onto the bedside table. She looked at where it rolled to a stop against the table lamp and then turned back to me, swarming into my lap as she breathed, "God, I love you, John!"

As naturally as if we'd been doing it for years, Mom rose up and sat down on my cock, gasping a little and wincing as she gasped, "You feel so wonderful, son, but we might want to take it slow and easy...I haven't been fucked like this in so long. I'm a little tender!"

Thinking of my own aching and slightly chafed cock, I nodded and replied, "I completely understand, Mom." We resumed our lovemaking, but instead of the mad passion of the night before, we simply took our time, barely moving, my cock remaining deep in my mother's wet pussy. I let Mom control the pace, allowing her to gently rock and hunch into me as we kissed and nuzzled each other, my hands sliding to cup her taut ass cheeks and lift and lower her when her pleasure overwhelmed her and she couldn't move on her own.

Time seemed to stand still as we slowly fucked, our bodies becoming slick with a thick sheen of sweat...both of us discovering to our mutual delight, the joyous ecstasy that comes from being so closely joined. We spoke little...Mom's little coos and cries of pleasure breaking the silence as we became one being. I don't know if I've ever seen a more beautiful sight than my mother, leaning back slightly, her glistening breasts swaying just a little as she slowly rolled her hips, mouth open in orgasmic awe and her eyes filled with absolute love for her son.

It seemed as if our languorous, incestuous fuck went on for hours and maybe it did. My need to cum was tempered by having had so many climaxes earlier and as I reveled in the intense pleasure of feeling Mom's body on mine and her wet, slick cunt flesh wrapped so deliciously around mine, I felt an overwhelming desire to stretch out my mother's pleasure for as long as she could endure it!

An eternity later, as Mom sobbed and leaned her head against me, her dark hair dripping with perspiration, she began to cum for...well, I'd lost count, her lips brushed my chest and she moaned, "Cum in me, son. Shoot your mother full of your hot, sweet seed."

In the end, it was the way Mom asked me that pushed me over the edge. How could any son not cum when their mother pleaded for them to fill their womb with their steaming semen? "Love you, Mom!" I rocked upwards, piercing her womb a little deeper and began to flood her pussy with my sperm.

Mom sobbed loudly and hugged herself to me, her body shaking violently, fingernails clawing my back as she rode out her orgasm, grinding herself down on my cock as her cunt muscles went into spasm, milking my shaft of my semen. Like the incestuous fuck that preceded it, our mutual orgasm seemed to last nearly forever. It was again, that perfect moment that I knew would be impossible to experience with anyone else...that only a mother and her son could share.

We rocked together for a long time, Mom's breasts sliding up and down as she worked to regain her breath. Finally, I felt Mom regaining mastery of herself, planting little kisses on my chest before she raised her head and looked at me -- her face streaked with tears. "Oh my...that was incredible, John. That was a baby making fuck, my son!"

I raised my eyebrows in surprise and interest. I'd never really considered the possibility of making Mom pregnant, but I was immediately interested and aroused by the possibility. "Mom...did we...did I make you pregnant. Can you really tell?"

Mom grinned and shook her head, "No...but I think I'd like that. And I think I'd like to try...a lot. Getting fucked like this is well..." She kissed me and said, "I know I have been fucked and loved well."

Soon after, we fell asleep and didn't wake up until well into the afternoon. We shared a long, hot bath, both of us very sore and quite weary and simply soaked for a long time -- Mom resting back against my chest, both of us luxuriating in the touch and presence of each other. Afterwards, we descended on the kitchen where we collaborated on a huge evening breakfast, almost letting the bacon burn as we got lost in kissing each other.

As we were finishing washing the dishes, the kitchen phone rang and after a brief hesitation, Mom crossed the room and answered it with, "Hilton Residence...Oh, hi, Dana. What? Um, no, I've been kinda busy since yesterday."

Mom shot me a wink and then her eyes went wide. "What!" she exclaimed, leaning against the wall, looking enticing in one of my AC-DC t-shirts. "Good lord! Does Gwen know?" She glanced at me, surprise in her eyes. "Is she okay? Well, maybe I'll call her, I'm not going to judge her. I think any of us could be in her shoes if we were married to that cold fish."

Mom looked mischievously at me as she listened for a moment and then said, "I'm not implying anything, Dana. I'm just saying that in her situation, who knows what we might have done." She nodded and said, "Sure, if I hear anything, I'll let you know. Talk to you later...oh, give Jimmy our best!" Mom grinned again and I knew what she'd have looked like as a little girl being naughty. "No, I'm not implying anything, Dana...just, polite! Yes...bye, bye."

Mom hung up the phone and looked at me speculatively. I finished drying the frying pan and set it on the counter and walked towards Mom. "What's up, Mom?"

Mom opened her arms and drew me in against her. "Well, I know that Dana Boggs is suddenly highly defensive, her and her son, so maybe she and Jimmy are being as naughty as we are."

I nuzzled Mom's neck and said, "Old news, right. What else is happening?"

Taking a deep breath, Mom replied, "Well, it seems that after confronting Gwen at the Missionary meeting yesterday, Reverend Walker packed a suitcase, turned in his resignation to Church elder Tom Brewer and left town...his destination unknown."

That did surprise me. I wouldn't have thought anything short of dynamite or an act of God would ever pry Reverend Walker loose of the pulpit. "Did...has he said anything about Gwen and Kent?"

Mom shook her head and said, "Dana didn't say. I don't think any of us ladies have been gossiping." She kissed me and said, "Maybe I'll call her later." She rubbed up against me and said, "First, I think we should get some real sleep...maybe rest up for more interesting things this evening."

When we climbed back into bed, both of us naked, I thought sleep would be an impossibility, especially as I snuggled up behind Mom, my cock quickly rising against Mom's warm and soft buttocks, but apparently I was more tired than I thought and feel asleep feeling Mom wiggling her ass against my erection while I cupped one of her meaty breasts, feeling her hard nipple scraping against my palm.

I awoke to find myself alone and in darkness. I padded naked downstairs to hear Mom on the phone, looking freshly showered, her hair still wet as she curled up in a bathrobe on the couch. "Oh, I think an hour will be fine...uh, huh -- the side entrance." Mom glanced up at me and smiled. "Yes, I know John knows the way. See you then."

Mom hung up the phone and rose, her bathrobe falling open to reveal she was naked underneath, her pale and flawless skin still aglow from a hot shower. She stepped into my arms, my already swelling cock nestling in her trimmed bush while her breasts pillowed against my chest. "Everything alright, Mom?"

She kissed me and stroked my face. "I think so, baby. You need to hop in the shower while I fix us something to eat. We have places to go and things to do!"

I groaned a little as Mom rubbed herself against me teasingly. "Like what? I was hoping we could jump back into bed." I slid my hands down Mom's back to cup her cheeks and lift her up just enough so that my nearly erect cock could nuzzle and confirm the wetness of her pussy."

Mom giggled and broke free of me, her fingers softly running over my hard shaft as she danced away from me. "None of that now, son. I just spoke to Gwen and told her that I thought we needed to have a long heart to heart talk and she agrees." My mother pointed up the stairs. "Now hurry, get a shower and get dressed and come back down to eat. Be quick about it. You know how I hate to be late to church!"

We parked in front of the parsonage and quietly walked next door and around the side of the Church we'd been attending for as long as I could remember. I had a sense of deja-vu as we moved to the side entrance and entered through the unlocked door. Even though that had been on a warm August day two years ago and there was now a chill in the air of the late October evening, I still remembered how that earlier evening had ended up.

"Gwen asked us to please lock the door behind us," Mom murmured in the near darkness, taking my hand after hear me turn the door's deadbolt. Although, I imagined that she knew the church basement as well or better than I did, having taught Sunday school and working numerous Vacation Bible Schools during my childhood, she allowed me to lead the way through the dimly lit corridors.

There was more light on the stairs, particularly on the last set of steps that ended at the foyer to the church sanctuary. I glanced at Mom, admiring how lovely she was. I was in a sweatshirt and jeans while Mom had elected to wear a long denim skirt and a white blouse with a sweater over it. I imagined though, that in all the years she'd been coming here, she'd never entered the building braless or showed as much cleavage, having left undone enough buttons to make sure that anyone who saw her could appreciate her lovely bosom.

I pushed open the sanctuary's large double doors and let us both into the room. Much like the first time I had fucked the minister's wife in the center of the church, only the lights over the front of the church were on -- illuminating the alter and pulpit and the choir benches beyond. Gwen was standing facing away from us, her head tilted up towards the large ornate cross that hung on the wall behind the choir seats. Kent was sitting in front of her on the steps of the altar, his eyes fixed on his mother.

Neither of them seemed to notice our approach until we came around Gwen and stood off to one side. Her brilliant blue eyes were focused on the cross and her lips were moving in what I assumed was silent prayer. She was wearing a light blue dress that buttoned up the front -- one that I recalled from many Sunday morning services...although now instead of being buttoned up to the neck, several upper buttons were undone, spreading to reveal much of her breasts. Her nipples were hard, outlined by the cotton material and I realized that like Mom, Gwen wasn't wearing a bra. Her blonde hair hung down to her shoulders, framing her Nordic face.

Finally, she gave us a sidelong glance, smiling a bit wickedly before resuming to gaze up at the cross. Suddenly she spoke. "I guess I set off quite the hornet's nest, didn't I, Candace?"

Mom hesitated for a moment, her hand squeezing mine before she replied, "Well, you certainly have triggered some radical changes." She looked over at Kent for a moment and then at me before she added, "You didn't do this alone. There are others just as responsible too."

Gwen nodded. "I know and I give thanks to God every day for what these two boys helped me to discover. I told everyone yesterday, Candace, that I'm not ashamed one bit and I meant it. The love that your John and my darling son helped me to discover helped me understand the true meaning that I've heard parroted all my life." Still looking up at the cross, Kent's mother spoke in a hushed, reverential voice. "'He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love,' 1st John 4:8." She turned and smiled at us. "Plainly put, 'Anyone who loves, knows God, for God is love.'"

She turned and ran a hand through her blonde hair. "I love my son and in that love, I have discovered how incredible love can be. I'm not ashamed of being my son's lover and I don't believe I should be." She smiled proudly at us. "'There is no fear in love,' love covers a multitude of sins.' 1st John 4:10." She glanced back at Kent who had now stood up and was approaching his mother. As he slipped his arms around Gwen, she looked at us and said, "If fucking my son is a sin, I think the love that is created by our union is more than great enough to allow God to forgive and even to approve."

Gwen threw her arms around her son's shoulders and rising up on tip-toe, kissed him deeply, unashamedly making a show of slipping her tongue into his mouth. There was little sound except the erotic wetness of their kiss. Finally, the kiss ended and Gwen rested her head on Kent's chest as she looked at us. Mom's chest was heaving up and down, her lips parted slightly as she breathed heavily...her eyes wide and shiny with excitement.

Kent's mother studied us for a moment and then she said, "I don't see judgment in your eyes, Candace...nor anger." She looked down to where our hands were still joined, Mom clenching me so hard that her knuckles were whitening. "My understand. You listened. You listened to what I said yesterday and went home and fucked your son!"

Mom gasped, perhaps not prepared to have what we had done spoken of by another and I didn't have to look at her to know that she was turning a bright red. "I...I..." Mom's mouth worked but nothing came out for several moments until finally, Mom laughed and shook her head and said, "Yes...I fucked John and..." Mom paused as an expression of wonder crossed her face. "I fucked my son and I have absolutely no regret." Mom's voice then began to crack as she went on, "It the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced. I love him and I love what we are now."

Tears were now running down Mom's face and to my surprise, Gwen began crying too and then suddenly both women stepped away from their sons and into each others arms. Kent and I glanced at each other...silly grins on our faces as our mothers embraced. On some instinctual level, I perceived that there was a sense of shared relief...a shared knowledge that someone else understood how they felt...and approved.

Gwen wiped her eyes with one hand and with her arm still around Mom's waist, said, "You don't hate me, Candace? I mean, you're not angry with me for all the lovely, stolen moments I've had fucking John?"

Mom started to laugh but suddenly seemed to sober up. "I was royally pissed off when I first comprehended what you were saying yesterday...that you had not only fucked your son, but my son too, but..." Mom held out her hand to me and I stepped up to her and kissed her on the cheek. "I think that it must have been God's plan -- things had to happen this way so I could accept the truth about my marriage and who was really the love of my life."

Kent stepped up behind his mother and kissed her on the neck. He glanced at me and then directed my gaze down to where our mothers' bodies were pressed together -- their immense breasts pressed together, both appearing as if they might spill out of their dresses. I felt my cock throb against Mom's thigh and I imagined Gwen was feeling her son's erection against her ass.

Mom and Gwen quickly picked up on what we were staring at and both laughed. Mom said, "Maybe we should get out of here...go find a couple of beds and deal with our sons' hard dicks."

Gwen nodded, but then raised her hands upward. "I think we should fuck these boys' till they can't move, but why leave?"

Mom gasped and looked around the sanctuary. "Here! Oh my god, I couldn't! Not here...that's like fucking in front of God."

Kent laughed and said, "Especially here, Mrs. Hilton!" Like his mother, he held his arms out, spreading them wide. "Fucking is just another word for making love and that's what fucking is...making LOVE and what's a more appropriate purpose for the house of God, but to make more love here?" He stepped us to us and hugged us both, saying in a raised voice that seemed to be a more humane version of his father's preaching tones, "FUCK YOUR SON AND REJOICE! FUCK YOUR SON AND GLORY IN THE LOVE THAT GOD HAS BLESSED YOU WITH!"

"I think my son has found his calling," giggled Gwen. "My son, a minister serving the Church of Incest!"

"Halleluejah!" I said. "That sounds like a faith I can believe in!"

Mom laughed and looked around at us, a look of disbelief still on her face. She gasped again as Gwen sank to her knees in front of Kent and began to undo his pants, her fingers flying over his belt with obvious experience. "Oh my God, you're serious!" She gasped again as Kent's mother yanked his pants down, freeing his long, erect penis.

Gwen grinned at Mom as she began to stroke her son's cock and replied, "Candace, for the last two years my son has fucked me right here on the altar of God more times than I can remember and never, in all the places I've spread my legs for my son's cock, did I cum harder and more powerful than right here in this most holiest of places." Gwen ran her tongue up Kent's shaft and added. "What we're doing is sacrament! You know that've had John's thick cock buried in your know that it must be holy in the eyes of God!"

Mom stared, her mouth hanging open as Gwen began to suck on her son's dick, not moving until I shifted to stand behind her and reached around and began unbuttoning her blouse. Mom moaned and looked down as I undid the last button and then pulled her blouse out of the waistline of her skirt and spread her shirt and the overlaying sweater away from her chest and then off her arms, baring her large and beautiful breasts.

"Oh my lord, John...your mother's tits are awesome!" breathed Kent, staring at my now topless mother while his mother's head bobbed up and down on his erection.

Gwen let her son slip from her mouth and leaned back on her haunches to eye Mom appreciatively. "Kent is right,'re simply beautiful." She licked her lips and then her eyes went wide as I undid the clasp of Mom's skirt and it fell down to pool around her ankles revealing that Mom was not wearing panties either." "Oh, John -- your mother's pussy looks so delicious! You are such a lucky son to be able to fuck your mother!"

Mom moaned and leaned back against me as if her knees were about to give out. "I'm going to get fucked right in the middle of church!" she moaned...not asking, but stating it as a fact, her voice filled with desire and fear.

Gwen rose to her feet again and slowly stalked towards us, her eyes roaming hungrily over my mother's form. "Yes,'re going to get fucked in the sight of God...making holy communion with the Lord!" She kissed Mom gently and chastely on the lips. "And you'll cum like never before!" Gwen looked back to her son and nodded and Kent, kicking away his pants walked behind the pulpit to where the communion table resided. He removed the sacristy, placing them on the cushioned chair where special guests would sit during a service.

Gwen took Mom's hand and walked her towards the communion table, Mom high stepping to get clear of her skirt. Mom watched as Kent opened up the cabinet beneath the table top and pulled out a dark burgundy velvet cloth. He unfurled it over the top of the table and my mother looked back at me with questioning eyes. Her eyes widened as she realized that I was quickly shedding my clothes.

When Mom reached Kent, she gave a cry of surprise when he placed his hands on her waist and with little seeming effort, picked her up and placed her atop the communion table. "Candace Hilton, mother of John, prepare to offer witness to God and others of the glory of the love of a mother and son!" he said in a reverent tone that seemed to echo throughout the church sanctuary while he guided Mom to lay back on the table, her knees bent and her feet resting at the edge of the table.

Gwen, now as naked as the rest of us, walked me up to the table, her hand stroking my cock as we approached my mother's prone body. "Candace, I have waited for so long to share this wonderful joy with another mother," she said as she walked around the table to Mom's side. She placed her hand on Mom's bare stomach, slowly caressing it in small circles and added, "Thank you for being brave enough to take this leap of faith!"

She motioned me to take my place between Mom's spread thighs, Mom's eyes shiny with lust as I ran my cock up and down her already flowered labia. Gwen nodded to me and began to pray, "Our heavenly father...we give you thanks for your love and blessing and for giving us the strength and bravery to step beyond the bounds of accepted society to know true and absolute love that only family can achieve! We ask you to shower our sister in incest with love and ecstasy as her son honors you and her by returning his cock to the place of his birth."

Gwen motioned to me to move and then Mom cried out, "OH, GOD, YESSSSSS, JOHNNN!" as I shoved my cock into her wet and steaming pussy, sending thrills of pleasure through us both as I sank inch after inch in motherly cunt flesh.

Even though I had fucked Gwen alongside her son many times, it seemed so strange to now be fucking my own mother in front of others....even though it was Gwen Walker...a woman who now proudly considered herself a cock slut for God...a woman who wantonly craved cock and now as she caressed Mom's naked breasts, reminded me that she had discovered an appetite for women too. New possibilities erupted in my mind and I offered up a little prayer of thanks to God while Gwen continued to pray -- Kent now joining her to offer up praises to the Lord.

Soon, the very air of the Church was filled with the almost musical praises of mother and son intermixed with Mom's moans of pleasure. I grunted with effort as I thrust into Mom's hot cunt again and again, her never looking more beautiful and sexy than she did on that communion table. As they prayed, Gwen and her son were adding to Mom's ecstasy as they caressed her -- hands massaging and squeezing her breasts with first Kent and then Gwen leaning in to flicker their tongues over Mom's swollen nipples before Kent moved to kiss Mom while Gwen's fingers slipped down to my mother's pussy to tease her swollen clit and caress my constantly thrusting penis.

To most folks' way of thinking, we were engaged in a wild and profane bacchanal -- performing a pagan rite, but never did it feel so right, me fucking my mother atop the broad communion altar of our church, demonstrating for our friends and God, our love...the perfect love that can be shared between mother and son. I felt Mom's cunt tighten around my cock as she approached orgasm, her breasts now rolling violently as she writhed atop the communion table, gasping and trying to control her cries of pleasure as it washed over her.

"Scream, Candace...scream your pleasure, raise your voice to God in thanks for being loved by such a wonderful son and let your orgasm ring out in Heaven!" Gwen cooed, her fingers trailing through Mom's furry bush to caress my mother's cock filled flesh.

Mom began to buck and twist, making me groan as her pussy clamped down around my cock, making it almost impossible for me to drive deep one last time and begin to cum inside my mother's womb. As my hot semen flooded her pussy, Mom arched her back and screamed, "FUCK SON, OH GODDDD YESSSSS CUMMINGGG, CUMMINING...THANK YOU, GOD FOR MY SON AND HIS BIG COCK! LOVE YOU, GOD, LOVE MY SON!"

Gwen laughed and raised her voice as well, praying loudly to the Lord as she watched Mom and I cum together, her eyes shiny with tears that fell onto Mom's face as she leaned down and kissed my mother, making me moan as I seemed to cum more intensely as I watched Gwen's tongue slip between my mother's lips.

When I finally stepped back, gasping for air as Mom's pussy let me slip wetly from her clasp, Mom moaned and said, "Soooo perfect and wonderful. I love you, John." She glanced at Gwen who was massaging her heaving breasts, shivering at the other woman's touch and said, "You were right,'s like...fucking my son in heaven. I felt God's presence here."

Gwen nodded and said, "And you still have so much to much pleasure that the Lord's plan for us has to offer...if it be your will...your desire." Gwen turned to look at me and at Kent who had moved up alongside me, his cock slapping against his stomach, precum drooling out the tip of his swollen head. "Candace...I offer you the pleasure of my son. I want you to know the same ecstasy that Kent and John have given me so many times."

Mom moaned and her body quivered as she was hit by an aftershock of her incestuous orgasm or perhaps a anticipatory precursor if she allowed my friend to fuck her. "Oh, Lord...I don't know..." Mom glanced at me and I smiled at her -- letting her know that I was fine with sharing her with Kent.

"Mrs. Hilton...Candace, I would be honored to fuck in the presence of my mother and your son and in the sight of almighty God," Kent said in a serious tone. "Making love...bringing more love into the world cannot be a sin, but rather the holiest of offerings in the eyes of the Lord."

Mom glanced at Gwen who smiled and as she teasingly pinched one of Mom's swollen nipples, said, "Look inside yourself, darling. Your heart will never steer you wrong."

Mom looked at me again and I said, "I love you, Mom."

My mother nodded and pulled her knees back and spread her thighs, opening herself up to Kent even as a trickle of semen emerged from her pussy. "Fuck me, Kent! Make me cum as an offering to the Lord!"

Kent murmured a fervent "Amen," as he stepped up to my mother, his hand guiding his cock towards Mom's sperm filled cunt. A moment later, Mom was throwing her head back in an ecstatic scream as Kent rammed his cock into her pussy! "My God, Mrs. Hilton...your pussy is like a furnace!" he growled as he sank himself into her wet flesh to the hilt.​
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