Page 04

He opened the top of the bag and peeked inside. In a flash, he understood why Linda was so fidgety, why she kept moving about and shifting her weight from foot to foot, and particularly why she didn't want to sit down. He closed the bag and wondered if she had started with the mid-sized one that was missing or had already used the first two.

Downstairs, on impulse, Ted informed his wife that he had received an email calling him away on an urgent interview, right away, the next day.

"But you just got home," Linda complained.

"It can't be helped but I'll only be gone a few days."

Ted planned on staying at a nearby motel to keep watch on his wife and her young lover. He could use the respite to write up the story forming in his head and knew there would be plenty of video material to spice up all his stories for the foreseeable future. And once he got access to Gary's account, he knew there would be something he could hold on Ashton, and maybe even some great videos of his wife. She was pretty good looking and if what he had seen on his own home videos was anything to go by, the little prick was probably giving her a good pounding too. Ted wanted to see that. She would make good material for a Lance story. He pictured Mrs. Ashton's head rattling off a wall as Gary banged her face. God, Ashton's place was probably rigged with security cameras. Could he access them?

"Okay, honey, but they should give you some extra time off for calling you back so soon."

"You know they're too cheap for that, unless…"


"Unless you can get something I can use from Gary about the Ashton's."

"I'll try."

"Please do. It's important."

"Okay, I'll do whatever I have to."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing. Just that I might have to be sweet to my young tutor. I think he's got a crush on me."

"You always were popular with Scott's friends."

"I was, wasn't I?"

"You're a young man's dream, honey. Anyway, I've got to run. Going to get in a game of golf."

"Okay, honey. Have a good time."

She surprised Ted by coming over for a kiss. He put his hands on her hips and she turned the light peck into a real kiss. His hands slid down onto her ass and over to the middle just before the kiss ended and felt a small, hard disk right where he expected to find it. He was both horrified and thrilled at the same time.

"I'll see you later."

Ted left but returned to the house a few minutes later, having forgotten his wallet upstairs. Linda wasn't in the kitchen. He climbed the stairs, quietly, almost stealthily, and heard her voice as soon as he reached the top. He made his way to bedroom and retrieved his wallet, then returned, pausing outside the door to the office. Linda was speaking on the telephone.

"It's nice to talk to you, too, Mrs. Huber. Yes, Scott is doing well. He's almost finished his second year now."

"Uh huh, that's right. He's a good tutor and my husband says he's doing quite well at work too. He's in great demand, he says."

"Mmhmm. He's coming? Okay, thanks, and it was wonderful to finally speak to you."

There was a pause and Linda spoke again, only this time her voice was totally different, low and throaty, almost to the point of being hoarse.

"I'm ready," she rasped.

There was a long pause while Linda listened. Ted wondered what Gary was saying to change her eager look to one of disappointment.

"Tomorrow, at the usual time?…Well, if that's what you want…but, you can come early if you want. He'll be gone by eight."

A shorter pause ensued.

"The third one," Linda said.

"Okay, if you think so."

Ted walked to stairs. He didn't want to ruin everything by getting caught eavesdropping. Though disappointed nothing would happen until morning, he rubbed his cock as he descended the stairs and played his wife's first words to Gary over in his head.

"I'm ready," she had rasped.

To think he'd been living with such a hot woman all these years! He didn't want to wait until morning to see her let loose. What was the matter with that fucking kid?
* * * *​

Ted watched the whole performance live from a motel room only blocks from his home. At times he felt sick to his stomach but couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen or his hand from his cock. Despite her eagerness on the phone, Linda was reluctant to go through with it and almost quit several times during Gary's first attempts to penetrate her rear. But later, he had never seen a woman so desperate for sex. She begged him not to stop. And the sounds. Good God! Ted couldn't have imagined she would act like a feral animal. What a dimension that would add to his stories.

She lay on the bed, breasts pressed flat on the mattress but her hips only half way there while her head twisted back so she could watch Gary's face as he prepared to penetrate her dark hole. Her mouth opened in a small 'O' as soon as his tip pierced her ring, then widened to mouth a silent scream, relaxing only when he eased back. He didn't ask if she was OK but waited a few seconds before flexing his hips, forcing her mouth open again.

The almost penetration was maintained for a few seconds longer before he withdrew. Linda's face, which had fallen on the pillow, lifted as her back arched, tits appearing and thrusting hard nipples forth. He eased out and she fell back to the bed but he was upon her right away, startling her with a quick penetration. This time, when her back arched and head lifted, he flexed his hips to pop the entire head inside instead of withdrawing. The open mouth closed as her face fell into the pillow and her hands gripped the sheets.

Gary pushed and pushed and her wails grew louder with each inch of shaft she accommodated in her ass. The sheets were clutched with greater ferocity but her head didn't lift. It seemed to take forever but eventually his cock was embedded to the balls. He waited until she lifted her ass and then began to stroke in and out, tiny strokes at first, but then grew in length and frequency until he was fucking her as if they were doing it normally. Ted could only wonder how it felt.

Several times, during the initial penetration, Gary turned to look directly at the hidden cameras and grinned which was unnerving for Ted. Did he know? Ted shook it off and watched his wife give herself utterly to her tutor no matter what position he pulled her into, stretched out on the bed, on all fours, bent almost double while he squatted above her, she loved it all.

After it was done, they went downstairs and Linda fixed him some lunch which they ate in the living room. As soon as they finished, Gary pulled Linda onto her knees before him. He shifted forward to the edge of the couch and pulled her face close. Her mouth opened and he pushed his cock inside, then sat flexing his hips until he unleashed his load. He surprised Ted by not spraying it on her face but keeping it inside her mouth until he was done.

After that, Gary pulled Linda up to sit beside him on the couch and proceeded to tell her about Mrs. Ashton. Evidently, she wasn't the prim and proper executive's wife, or at least, hadn't always been. Unknown to him, Mr. Ashton's career advancement had been vastly aided by a discreet but selectively promiscuous wife. Put simply, she had fucked her husband into his present position but that wasn't all.

Gary discovered her online diary and found that she had secretly enjoyed the illicit liaisons and missed them. Her husband, much to her dismay, was satisfied with his accomplishments so the opportunity to 'help' no longer availed her of the opportunity to please his bosses. The problem was, though Mrs. Ashton admitted to herself that she enjoyed the sex, she firmly believed she only did the things she did—which were described in intimate detail in the diary—to advance her husband's career.

Gary planned to seduce Mrs. Ashton and to record the hunt for their mutual amusement. He promised to degrade the lady to make up for past insults but only if Linda submitted herself to similar but less extreme treatments. Did she have sufficient desire for retribution to subject herself to these terms?

Ted was shocked to see his wife nod her head without the slightest hesitation. With that, Gary stood and took her hand. He led her away into the only room in which Ted hadn't thought to have cameras installed—his office.

That night he received the following email from Gary:

"Dear Mr. Nelson. Please provide me with a reference to do further work for Mrs. Ashton. It seems she might be interested in the same kind of tutoring I'm conducting for your wife. I'm sure I could repay the favor in the near future with additional informational services for you. Cheers, Gary."

How could Ted resist such an intriguing request?
Previous page: Page 03