Part 01
My name is Marilyn Jackson, from a small town in Arkansas (pronounced Arkensaw, in case you didn't know. Don't ask me why). The town of Magnolia, where I've lived my whole life, is a nice place. Unremarkable to the casual tourist you might say, but it's a small town with secrets.
There had always been things going on behind closed doors and rumors going around, just like any small town. But something very unusual happened in the summer of 2022 that deserves writing down for posterity, so I guess it should be me who does it.
Anyone familiar with the state of Arkansas knows that it's a central hub of the trucking industry in the States. My husband Dom is a lifelong trucker, and most of my best friends had truckers for husbands. For me and other trucker wives, we'd all gotten used to our husbands being away a lot when they were working.
We all supported each other, some of us with local jobs of our own as well as raising families. It was an arrangement I'd gotten used to and I was happy with my lot in life. I'd raised two sons, Denny and Lee, pretty much single-handedly and they'd both turned out to be good boys.
Not even the pandemic of 2020 stopped my husband and his fellow truckers from working, they were basically on the front line, making sure everyone got the food and supplies they needed to keep going.
Hell, Dom probably worked harder during those two years than ever before, and he was lucky that his health stayed strong. The problems began when the inflation hit in 2021, which even I saw coming, the way the damn government were printing money like crazy.
When that happened, everything went up in price including the price of gas. Suddenly, every trucker in town was starting to get mad about this as it meant they were expected to work just as hard but for much less money.
In the spring of 2022, all our trucker husbands decided to join in with the strikes that began happening all over the country. That meant that us trucker wives suddenly had our husbands at home day after day and we weren't used to it. It didn't help that all the stress and drama over the strikes was taken out on us wives, who were trying to be sympathetic.
But as the strikes and the negotiations with the truck companies went from weeks to months, it had to be said that we were wives getting pretty darn tired of having our hubbys around. It's true what they say about a man eventually becoming his job, and my husband Dom was just miserable and morose around the house, he wasn't a homebody and never had been.
He was just made for driving a truck, it was what he was used to and I couldn't wait to see him driving off and knowing he wouldn't be back for a while. I know that sounds terrible, but it's how all the truckers' wives felt at the time. We were just sick of the sight of them!
Just when I was getting so uptight that I thought I might end up throttling Dom in his sleep one night, I was mightily relieved to find out that the truckers had finally reached a pay deal in line with inflation. The palpable sense of relief was huge and I realised that the only reason I'd stayed married to him for so long was because he was hardly ever around!
My sons Denny and Lee respected their dad and kind of liked having him at home with us - at first. But he'd become resentful that they both had jobs, nothing special, just hospitality work.
Yet here he was, not earning a dime and his pride had really taken a hit. Fortunately, before it got unbearable at home, the pay rise came through and major father and son drama was averted.
By the time May came around Dom was clearly itching to get back to his trucking and had planned a busy itinerary with his company.
"Honey, what with all these strikes I've lost a lot of money in potential earnings, but if I work hard over the summer with this pay rise then I should be able to get back what I've lost and then start making good money. Now I know you've liked having me home....".
I had to fake a smile as he said this...
"....but you know that I'm only going to be working so hard to provide for us. Once I've made enough for us to be financially secure again, I won't have to be away quite so much. You're not mad, are you hun?"
I sighed, pretending I really would have preferred him to stick around the house and carry on driving me crazy.
"You do what you have to do, Dom. I have loved having you home but this situation is what it is. I'll be ok here, I can look after the house and keep an eye on the boys. They're sure gonna miss you..." I said.
"And you'll miss me too, right?"
I nodded slightly over dramatically.
"Oh absolutely, Dom. Absolutely. A lot."
I didn't think I sounded convincing at all but he smiled and announced he was heading to the bar for his last weekend of freedom. He came home steaming drunk that night and I had to pretend I was pleased when he woke me up at 2am for two minutes of grim, unenjoyable sex. He rolled over and fell asleep instantly as soon as he came and l, as his loud snoring began, I felt so relieved he was starting work again on Monday.
We all got up early that day to drive to the company depot and I stood waving goodbye with my two sons as he climbed inside his huge truck and started it up, waving his baseball cap out of the window as he drove off.
"Well, that's the last we'll see of Dad for a while, huh?" said Denny, my oldest son at 22.
"Yeah, guess so..." replied his brother Lee, a year younger.
I think they were expecting me to be emotional about it but I suggested we go get some waffles at the local cafe, wanting to celebrate without using that word. That night, even though it was a Monday, I rang up all the truckers' wives I was friends with who all felt exactly as overjoyed and relieved as I did!
My best friend Pennie summed up how I felt completely when she said, "I swear to god, another week with Bob at home and I'd have become an axe murderer!".
We both laughed loud and hard at that one and I knew just how she was feeling. I told her I'd been chatting to the other wives we were friends with and all of us agreed that we were going to party while our husbands were away like we'd never partied before.
It was only May, the beginning of summer, and it was already scorching hot almost every day. We'd all put on a few pounds since our husbands had been home on strike and we all wanted to look our best for the summer.
"I know that going to the gym is a pain but I want my figure back if the weather is going to stay like this all summer! We might be a landlocked state here, but I like the thought of getting out of here for a few days and going somewhere with a beach...." I said, wanting to feel sexually attractive again even if it was just for a few admiring glances.
"I'm with you! I need something exciting and fun to look forward to...why don't I ring the girls and get us signed up for Tommy's? It's the best gym in town and there's usually some hot guys in there...".
"Now you're talking", I replied. Within a week there were six of us all signed up and we began working out together. I guess I should tell you about my other friends, who all have trucker husbands. Aside from Pennie, there's Cassie, Nora, Liza Jane and Jacqueline but we all just call her Jackie.
We are all attractive women in our forties, I'm one of the oldest of our group at 48. If I do say so myself, I'm regarded as the "hottest" of my friends and so I couldn't wait to shed a few pounds and get back to feeling and looking sexy again.
We found that it was too hot to go to the gym in the day, and a couple of our group had part time jobs. So we decided to start doing our workouts in the evening. What I hadn't foreseen, in fact none of us had, was that Tommy's gym was used by both my sons Denny and Lee, Pennie's macho son Buck and Nora's son Tyler.
I had no idea that they'd be going the same times as us, so I got a shock when I was getting all hot and sweaty in tight black Lycra leggings and a crop top and then saw both by boys walking in wearing tight tank tops and shorts that were...well, short!
It was only then that I realised what young hunks they had become, but my initial reaction was pure embarrassment and it was exactly the same for them.
"Mom! You'!" said Denny, stating the goddamn obvious.
"I always said you should be a detective, Denny" I said sardonically, which made Lee laugh and it broke the awkward tension.
"Are you gonna be here often? It looks like you've got the whole Trucker's Wives Union going on here...." said Denny, looking around at the other moms on treadmills and rowing machines.
"We're thinking three times a week, we are getting in shape for the summer. I hope that's ok with you, Denny? Wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of your gym buddies...".
"It's no problem at all, just a little unexpected, that's all...".
I smiled at his obvious embarrassment and Lee said, "It's great to see you here, Mom. Right, Denny?"
"Sure" he replied with a wan smile.
When Pennie's son Buck turned up later in the week, he was just as embarrassed and the same went for Tyler, Nora's son. But they got used to us being there, though I did hear a couple of Denny's gym buddies making fun of having his Mom around.
"Won't she let you out of her sight, Denny?" one of them said.
"Get the fuck out of here, asshole" replied Denny and I felt proud of him.
At the end of that week Pennie and me decided all us Moms deserved a good night out together so on the Saturday we all met up at our favorite bar, the Blue Moon Saloon, who make these amazingly delicious cocktails.
I'd already lost a couple of pounds that week and I was pleased to fit into a slinky blue dress that showed off my figure. My legs have always been my best feature, so I showed them off in black thigh highs, my dress only just long enough to cover the hems.
With a few cocktails inside us the conversation was lively, all six of us had made it that night.
"Oh god, I hate to say it, but I feel so much happier now that Dom has gone back to work!"
The other Moms all started saying similar, and it was like a pressure cooker letting off steam. They all started telling me how each of their husbands had been a massive pain in the ass and it felt shocking to say that none of us were missing them at all. But it was true and it felt strangely liberating to say it!
"And we might all be married women but that doesn't mean we can't get in our best shape for summer! We can flirt and tease and have as much fun as we want!"
"I agree! Though have to admit, the gym isn't the easiest place to flirt with all our sons around..."
Liza Jane, who was a little younger than me and an attractive blonde with long curly hair, said, "Yes, I don't think you'd be very pleased if I started flirted with Denny and Lee, Marilyn!"
I laughed and then Nora said, "Oh my! I'm not sure how I'd feel if any of you started flirting with Tyler. He'd probably love it though, I bet!"
Pennie laughed and said, "Oh I bet they'd all love it! Marilyn, even you have to admit that Denny and Lee have developed into handsome young men! And all that pumping iron has paid off for sure!"
I mock gasped and put my hand to my mouth, theatrically. "Well, Pennie Michaels, I hope you're not having indecent thoughts about my two sons! I might add that your Buck has a nice physique!"
Jackie and Cassie, who had sons of their own that didn't go to the gym, burst out laughing at all this wild banter.
"Oh wow, it's all coming out tonight! I'll have to make sure that none of you ladies end up going to The Smokin' Bull, that's where my sons goes drinking. I bet they all go there."
I'd heard Denny and Lee talk about The Smokin' Bull and it had a reputation for being the place where the young folk went when they were looking for some action.
"Oh, well I don't think they get many women our age in there, they probably wouldn't even let us in!" I replied.
Pennie said, "Marilyn, are you kidding? We are HOT! They would pay us to go in that place!"
We all burst out laughing again and I motioned a waiter over to bring us another round of cocktails. It was a great night as it felt so good to have such a strong group of similarly aged friends who were all in the same situation.
The conversation we'd had that night stuck in my mind as I lay in bed that night. I had to admit that what Pennie said about my sons being studs had excited me in a way I didn't quite understand, but there had been a kind of unspoken sexual tension building between all the moms and our sons in the gym.
The tension seemed to increase during the next week and after our candid chat at the Blue Moon Saloon, it was like we'd given each other permission to be flirtatious with each other's sons. It was rather fun to see how the other Moms were starting to wear more tight fitting clothes and I noticed my boys checking them out.
I also noticed Pennie's son Buck checking me out, which was flattering. But there was an awkward moment when I saw Denny looking over and he didn't look too pleased. Denny was more intense than his brother Lee, he could brood with the best of them and he didn't like Buck talking to me and making me laugh one bit.
It was that weekend that things really began to develop. It was strange how the tension that was building up seemed to coincide with the heat, which seemed to increase every passing day. All the Moms has decided to get together for another wild Saturday night and it started out normally enough.
The evening was so humid that I decided on another thin fabric dress, this was black and very figure hugging with a fair bit more cleavage than the last one I wore out. I have nice boobs, but I don't usually show them off all that much. But I was feeling more confident and attractive now I'd lost several pounds and looking in the mirror was making me feel good again.
So anyway, we just had pretty much a repeat performance planned, go to the Blue Moon Saloon and drink more cocktails. We were having fun but after about three cocktails and the heat making us feel a little crazy and light headed, my friend Jackie decided to stir things up with a radical suggestion.
"I have such a good idea!" she exclaimed.
"Uh oh" I said, knowing that she couldn't handle her drink as well as the rest of us.
"I think we should go to The Smokin' Bull!" she said and I nearly dropped my Sex on the Beach cocktail right there.
"Jackie, you might have drunk your last cocktail too fast! That's where all our sons hang out on a Saturday night, you know that! We discussed it last time".
"I know we did, doofus! That's precisely why it would be such a blast to walk in there looking hot and see them blushing! Oh come on, where is your adventurous spirit Marilyn? It's harmless fun!" she replied and I didn't have a good answer.
Maybe it was the drink or the heat but I suddenly felt wildly impulsive and said to Pennie, "Would it be crazy? It does sound kind of...tempting in a way. Just to see their faces!"
"You've talked me into it" she replied with an ear to ear grin and Jackie clapped her hands with excitement. Nora, Liza Jane and Cassie all looked at each other and Nora said, "We're in. We're coming too."
With trembling hands I ordered us a cab (well two, as there were six of us) across town to The Smokin' Bull. We needn't have worried about whether we would be let in, the doorman was extremely friendly and flirtatious and the place was packed with a great live band playing on a stage at the back of the place.
We made our way to the bar and I fluttered my eyelashes at the barman to get his attention. We were already nicely wasted on the cocktails but I got a round of gin and tonics and double vodkas. Once we'd got those down us we were feeling reckless and wild and made our way to the dance floor.
It was then that I saw my sons dancing with two girls their age, having a great time. I wondered then if we'd made a mistake. Before I knew what was happening a strong hand on my shoulder pulled me round and I was suddenly face to face with Buck, who was looking handsome in a black shirt, open at the collar.
"Great to see you here, Mrs Jackson!" he shouted over the raucous bar band.
"I think you can call me Marilyn tonight, Buck!"
"Sure thing, Marilyn. Want to dance? This band is pretty good"
I looked over at my sons who hadn't noticed I was there yet and I felt a strange sense of jealousy that I didn't know how to handle.
I turned to Buck and said, "Let's do it".
We were soon dancing in a pretty flirty way and he was a good mover. I got caught up in the moment and we were having a ball together when I noticed Pennie dancing with Tyler, Nora's son, then saw Cassie and Jackie dancing with Matti and Jez.
Seeing several older women on the dance floor with younger men was getting some attention as we were so much older than the other women in there. As we were dirty dancing with each other's sons it felt like all eyes were on us but I didn't dare look to see if my sons had spotted me yet.
But at the end of the band's song I found out as I looked to my right and saw Denny storming across the dance floor with a look of thunder on his face. I stepped back in shock as he went up to Buck and grabbed the lapels of his shirt. Buck is a big guy, 6ft 4, and wasn't intimidated as much as Denny had expected.
He shouted something at him that I couldn't make out as the band quickly started another song to diffuse the situation taking place. I thought about pulling Denny away but felt it too risky and it was tense as I wondered if my son was about to fight my best friend's son right there in their regular bar.
I looked around and saw the security guys looking over with interest. I felt mortified that I'd agreed to coming to this place as it was a major drama waiting to happen. I watched as Buck then grabbed Denny's shirt and pulled him up close, shouting something straight into his face.
I realised by then I'd made a major mistake and I couldn't wait to try and round up all my friends. I just had to get out of there and walked quickly to the entrance, stumbling out into the humid late night air and calling a cab home.
I felt so relieved as one arrived with a few minutes, I clambered inside and gave the driver my address. As he drove away I looked across out of the window and could see Denny stood in the entrance looking emotional.
I realised that flirting with Buck had really pressed some buttons inside him and seeing me dancing with Buck right in front of his face had tipped him over the edge. I felt upset all the way home, trying to rationalise why Denny had reacted that way.
Was he just being protective of his mom while his dad was away? There was something going on with him that I didn't get. But I was about to find out...
I got out of the cab and paid the driver, wanting to get in the house as soon as possible. As soon as I got inside I went to the kitchen and poured myself a wine even though I was already drunk. My hands were shaking and I needed something, anything, to steady my nerves. I was just starting to calm down when I heard a car pull up outside.
Instinctively, I knew that Denny must have hailed a cab straight after me. I took a deep breath to compose myself as he let himself in through the front door and I knew controlling my emotions wasn't going to be easy.
Without turning round to see him as I faced the kitchen window I immediately showed how upset I was by saying, "What the hell just happened in there, Denny?"
"Mom...I don't know what to say...I saw you dancing with Buck and I just saw red...I don't know why...I had to make sure that you're ok...".
I turned to face him.
"No Denny, I'm not ok. I was having a great night out with my friends and we thought it would be fun to visit your bar for once. It was all innocent fun on the dancefloor..."
"Is there something going on between you and Buck? Be honest with me, Mom..."
"Absolutely not! For a start, Buck is my best friend's son and one of your friends too, or at least so I thought...".
Denny sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Denny...something is going on with you, the way you overreacted tonight just wasn't like you at all. In a way, it was sweet that you were being protective of me but you were so....angry! I've never seen you like that before. Is there something you're not telling me?"
I was acting on female intuition at that point and I just remember the sheer heat and humidity even at that late hour, and the atmosphere so thick in the room you could have cut it with a knife.
"Oh, don't ask me that, Mom. Not tonight...."
"What's that supposed to mean? Denny...tell me".
He sighed again, clearly wrestling with some intense emotions. He couldn't look me in the eye, looking down at his shoes.
"I've been having feelings that I shouldn't be having for a while but I've kept it to myself. But since Dad went back to work and then you started coming to the gym I've been finding it harder to ignore. And then seeing you with Buck...I don't know, something just snapped, I'm sorry...".
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Denny...are you saying you're...attracted to me? Sexually attracted?"
He looked up at me and said, "Yes. I know it's wrong. But I am."
It felt like my heart missed a beat. I had no way to process this based on any experience and so reacted purely on instinct. I was excited, intrigued.
"How long have you been having these...feelings for me?" I said, thinking to myself what a handsome young man he was with his light brown, tousled hair and firm, masculine jawline framed with designer stubble.
"A while....".
I don't whether it was the heat or the alcohol clouding my thinking but I suddenly felt so much sexual desire for my own son.
"Well, maybe you should do something about it..." I said and his eyes widened.
He saw his opportunity and stepped towards me before I could change my mind. Suddenly, his mouth was on mine and we began kissing like lovers, like a mother and son are never supposed to. I opened my mouth as we kissed and let him invade my mouth with his strong, roaming tongue while his hands explored my body.
My nipples throbbed and hardened at his touch and I didn't resist as he slipped his hand under my short black dress and rubbed my pussy through my increasingly soaking wet panties. My hand strayed to his crotch where I found him already hardening. As we French kissed with feral, swirling tongues I caressed his bulge till I knew he was ready to fuck.
I knew we didn't have that much time as at the back of my mind I knew Lee would be coming home too at some point. But I wanted to know how it felt to have my son's cock in my mouth so I hastily unbuckled his belt and simultaneously pulled down his jeans and blue briefs as I sank to my knees on the hard kitchen floor.
I looked up at him with such desire in my eyes as I marvelled at the size of his beautiful, thick appendage. I took it in my hand and circled the head, then got to work sucking him slowly, careful not to bring him to the boil too soon.
My knees were hurting as I took him to the back of my throat, taking as much as I could but he was a big boy, seven to eight inches I guessed. He had more on his mind than getting head though and he gave me a nod that he was ready for more. I took him out of my mouth, a sticky web of precum clinging to my lips and, with his strong arms, he pulled me back on to my feet.
He really became aggressive and assertive then and it still sends shivers up my spine to recall it. Once I was back on my feet he pulled my tight dress up over my hips and dragged my sodden panties to my ankles.
I kicked them impatiently across the room. Then he lifted me onto the edge of the kitchen sink and ordered me to spread my legs. I felt such a whore as I did, exposing my wet cunt to my own son.
We kissed passionately then he thrust it inside me with such force that I thought I might faint. My son had his cock inside me and it felt incredible. He held me tightly as I meant back and started fucking me. He quickly worked up a rapid thrust and I wrapped my legs round his back, my eyes closed as I took his delicious pounding.
He rammed into me balls deep and he was going at me so hard I really thought he was going to unload his cum in me right there and then. But he wasn't done by a long shot and pulled out after a few minutes of raw fucking then lifted me off the edge of the sink.
He dragged me over to the kitchen table and I felt like a rag doll at the mercy of his alpha male masculine strength that had me under his spell at that moment. I didn't care that he was being so rough with me as he bent me over the kitchen table, in fact it was absolutely exhilarating.
I'd never been taken with such feral, wanton abandon before and I let out a shriek of delight as he thrust back inside me as I lay sprawled across the table.
"Oh god yes...fuck Mommy! Give it to your Mommy hard you hot stud!" I said, feeling on fire with incestuous lust.
"Yes, that's it Mom, you love it hard and rough don't you? I should have done this years fucking cock teaser, well now you're getting my cock whenever so want to put it in you...fucking slut whore!" he said in a deep and seedy voice that really turned me on.
"I'm your whore from now on, son! Make Mommy your whore with your big cock, Mommy wants it!"
"Yes, she fucking does....Mommy needs it doesn't she?" he said in that same voice and I felt weak at the knees. He began slapping my bare ass hard as he fucked me, his balls swinging against me. I felt him grab my long hair tight and he yanked on it hard, making my back arch.
That slight change of angle meant his cock was hitting my G spot a little bit better and my moans and squeals were getting so loud that I worried we might have the neighbors knocking on the door.
But something even wilder than that happened. We were making so much noise that we didn't hear the cab pulling up outside or Lee coming in the front door. But suddenly he walked into the kitchen with his nose bloodied and his shirt covered in blood.
"What the fuck happened to you?" said Denny, without stopping for a second as he continued pumping me.
"I...I got in a fight with' are having...." managed Lee, looking very confused.
"We're having sex, we're help me fuck Mom while she's drunk and slutty".
I really don't know why, but being trash talked by my own son while he nailed me like a prize stallion from behind just turned me on like nothing else. Knowing my other son could agree to join in with the illicit pleasure had my cunt and clit throbbing and pulsing.
Lee's sexual instincts seemed to clear up his confusion and suddenly I was watching him unzipping his black jeans. I knew I was about to one son in my cunt and one son in my mouth. He was almost as big as his brother I found out, reaching inside his boxer shorts and yanking our his delicious length, a thick seven inch beauty.
I looked up at him as I took him in my mouth and he closed his eyes to savour the intense sensation of his own mother giving him head with a lusty mouth.
As I sucked him with unrelenting fervour he unbuttoned his blood soaked shirt and then threw it across the room, revealing his magnificent torso, shiny and rippling, so toned and contoured. He was a perfect picture of masculinity, I felt proud to be enjoying him with my endlessly lustful lips.
I was being spit roasted by my own sons and it felt absolutely incredible, Lee starting to dominate me like his brother. He told me to relax my mouth and so I slackened my lips as he grabbed my fringe and began to facefuck me just as hard as Denny was penetrating my well pounded pussy.
Soon, my mouth was a froth of precum and I don't know how Lee managed to resist shooting down my throat as I looked up at him and his eyes locked on mine in sexual union.
Though there seemed to be some competition between my sons, Denny knew he'd had my pussy to himself and once he'd had his fill he simply said, "Swap". Suddenly, I had Denny's even bigger cock stuffed in my mouth and now he was face fucking me like his brother rather than me giving him head.
I felt the mushroom head of his cock bang against the back of my throat as Lee drove into me from behind, slapping my reddened ass cheeks as he fucked me with an unrelenting pneumatic rhythm. And then, with his cock nicely lubed up with my cunthoney, he pulled out and fed his cock into my ass.
My husband had always had a thing for anal but he only had a five inch cock with not much girth. Lee has a much thicker, bigger cock and I felt my ring stretched so much as he pushed inside. But the pain was worth the pleasure as he began ass fucking me, his meat filling me and his ballsack swinging against my pussy which I loved.
Denny wrapped my hair round his fist as he continued to fuck my mouth, as I literally drooled a frothy mess of precum and saliva on the kitchen floor and felt like an utter whore.
Letting myself be fucked by both sons like that made me realise that's exactly what I am and it was a thrilling moment to be awakened to it. But then things somehow got even wilder! Denny wanted to go even further than this and said, "Bro, think we can DP this bitch?".
Lee was keen and they told me to actually get on the kitchen table on all fours instead of just sprawling across it. I finally pulled off my tight black dress that had been halfway up my back and unhooked my bra so that I was only wearing thigh highs and heels. I felt so turned on as my ass and pussy was poking up in the air, awaiting their re-entry.
My stud sons got on top of the table too and Lee was able to straddle my back with his legs either side of me and fed his cock back into my red raw rosebud. Denny was able to kneel on the table and be the right level to get his cock back in my cunt where it belonged.
As they began to double penetrate me I thought that I might actually pass out from the intensity of the pleasure, both holes absolutely rammed full of incestuous cock. I'd never been more aroused in my entire life.
I'd not known the delights of double penetration before, let alone with my own sons. But it was so overwhelming that it was all I could do to cling to the edge of the kitchen table till my knuckles turned white, hoping my legs wouldn't buckle under me.
I suddenly felt an a torrential orgasm take over me and the now steamed up kitchen was filled with my climactic shrieking and squealing as my body began to shudder and my cunt twinged hard.
"Ohhhhh my godddd!!! I'm cumminggggg!" I managed between clenched teeth, feeling my juices pouring down my thighs and onto the kitchen table. As my pussy tightened up like a vice round Denny's cock, he couldn't hold back any longer and let my climaxing cunt milk the warm spunk from his balls.
He let out a guttural grunt of satisfaction as his balls pulled up and went into deep spasm, then I felt a torrent of son-spunk shooting deep inside my unprotected pussy walls, taboo cum heading for my womb.
I orgasmed again as this happened and that made my ass tighten up, which was enough to send Lee over the edge. I felt another surge of seed spurt deep into my ass right at the apex of my second orgasm and that did it for me, my knees felt so weak and my legs gave way.
I lay sprawled across the kitchen table recovering my breath as my sons pulled out of me, feeling their semen seeping out of both my holes. I smiled with the knowledge that I'd just been absolutely destroyed by my own sons and that this was just the start of a summer of incestuous lust...