Part 02
The morning after the night at The Smokin' Bull, which ended so dramatically, was a strange one to wake up to. Aside from nursing a sore head from too much alcohol, my pussy and ass also felt sore....and then I remember how the night had ended.....
"Oh my god...oh my god..." I said to myself, clutching my temple. I figured I should at least go downstairs to get some water and aspirin for my hangover. The house was quiet as my two sons had gone for an early workout, which I discovered via a note left on the kitchen table.
I shook my head in disbelief as I looked at that kitchen table knowing I'd taken both of my sons inside me at the same time. I felt a mixture of shame and sheer amazement at how far things had gone. I also distinctly remembered how much I had enjoyed the sex, as debauched and forbidden as it had been. I got the water and aspirin and headed back to bed, needing to recover and reflect on everything that had happened.
As I began to feel a little clearer headed I dared to switch my phone on and got the expected flood of messages from my friends, especially my best friend Pennie. It had been her son Buck that I'd been flirting and dancing with, which had started off all the drama. First, my son Denny had got in his face then my son Lee had a proper fight with him after I'd left. Pennie's texts were full of concern about me as well as Lee, who'd taken a right hook from Buck, who was a big guy. Pennie was worried that our sons having such a big fall out would affect our own friendship.
However, I was not worried about that at all. Any jealousy that Denny felt towards Buck would have dissipated the moment he got his cock inside me and the same for Lee. If anything, they probably wanted to shake Buck's hand for inadvertently causing the situation that led to them taking such good care of me when they got home. Oh boy, they sure took care of me!
As I texted back and forth with Pennie she noticed something was up with me, as if I was holding back. She was smart to realise but she knew me better than anyone including my husband.
Yet even though she was my oldest and best friend, it was not exactly an easy decision to tell her what had happened after the incident at the bar. All I said was "the drama didn't end at The Smokin' Bull".
Suddenly, the phone rang and I knew she was going to get the truth out of me one way or the other.
"Ok, spill the beans Marilyn Jackson! I know you better than you know yourself and you've got something spicy to tell me haven't you? What happened, Denny and Lee started fighting too?"
"Oh no, nothing like that. If I tell you it's because you've asked me to tell you. If you don't like what I tell you, you don't get to complain. Deal?"
"Oh my, this sounds like something serious...let me make a coffee first".
Once she was back with her coffee I told her exactly what happened after Denny got back home and then Lee a while after. And, I'll be damned, it was the first time I'd known Pennie to be speechless in all the years I'd known her. I was thinking I must have been crazy to tell her, after all what we had done was downright illegal.
"Pennie? Still there?"
"Yes, I'm still here....I'm a little shocked by that Marilyn. Ok...a lot shocked. I mean, I've heard of that happening in some families....but Denny and Lee at the same time? I mean, it's hot....some would say very wrong...but it's hot!"
"I know I can trust you to not tell anyone else about this, Pennie. I've been laying here all morning wondering whether what we did was bad...but I expect it was just one of those crazy moments that never happens again. My boys are obviously embarrassed about it, I've not even seen them since, they left early for the gym."
"I'm sure you will be fine with both your sons Marilyn, and I am just so relieved that what happened with Buck hasn't come between our friendship."
I thanked her for her support and we hung up the call on good terms. I felt so relieved that I'd told the truth to my best friend and she hadn't completely freaked out on me. Half an hour later I get another call from her.
"Ok, I've been processing all of that! I just keep thinking about it and now I have to ask....what's it like? What's sex with your own sons like? How does it feel to have them inside you?"
It was admittedly very titillating to hear my best friend sound so curious and I could only think of a one word answer: "Intense".
There was a short silence on the phone and then Pennie said, "I've had thoughts about Buck...but then I feel guilty even though it excites me. I can't believe I'm telling you this. I can't believe that I felt jealous when I saw him dancing with you at the bar, but I did. I didn't think I'd ever be able to tell you...but I think I have a crush on my son!"
I was shocked but not that shocked. I was beginning to realise that a lot of us moms were having feelings that were so taboo that we kept them hidden under the surface. But now that I'd admitted to my dirty deeds, Pennie felt she could finally make a confession of her own.
"Well hun, maybe Buck has had thoughts about you too? It's not exactly an easy subject to discuss and the way it happened for me and my sons...well, it just happened. It was the influence of so many things, the humidity, the alcohol, the tension of repressed desires and feelings...".
Pennie mulled this over.
"So you're saying that they are factors that need to happen if I'm ever going to know if Buck is attracted to me? I just can't ever see myself asking him without a few drinks inside me...and I know what you mean about the heat, it's been so sultry and humid lately that my libido has gone through the roof...".
I could sense that Pennie really wanted something to happen with her son.
"And I think it's going to be like this all summer so I think if you want something sexual to happen with Buck this would be the time to do it, with our husbands away for so long...".
Pennie went silent again, this was clearly a big deal for her.
"I'll be honest, I'd love something to happen. Would you help me, Marilyn? Maybe your sons could find out if Buck is attracted to me?"
I agreed that I'd do what I could, and felt sure that Denny and Lee would be fine with making up with Buck, now that there was no need for jealousy or rivalry over me.
"Let me talk to my boys about this, Pennie. Who knows...maybe all us moms and sons have been secretly lusting after each other?"
Pennie gasped at that thought.
"Oh my god, just imagine....".
It was certainly a very hot idea to contemplate. After our phone call I decided that I needed to resolve things with Denny and Lee, who were probably avoiding coming home from the gym as they didn't know how I would be after our night of illicit lust together.
Denny was taciturn and Lee was tentative when they finally walked through the door with their gym bags slung over their shoulders late in the afternoon.
"That must have been a long workout, boys!" I said breezily and they relaxed a little at my upbeat tone.
"We...we weren't sure how you were going to feel today over what happened last night...." said Denny, unsure how to act around me.
"Well, I want you both to know that I don't regret it. I've had all day to think about it, and I'm not going to feel ashamed over something we all wanted and all enjoyed. It goes without saying that you can never tell your father about this...".
"Hell, no!" said Lee and their relief was palpable.
"That would not be a good idea" said Denny with a wry smile. I could tell my boys wanted to ask if it could ever happen again, I could see they both had semi-erections just from being near me.
I'd gone from being a regular mom and housewife to an object of lust to my own sons, and had to admit that gave me a deep thrill. I decided I was going to have my fun teasing them and enjoyed their eyes following me around the room after I changed into a short white dress that showed off my legs and ass nicely, two of my best features.
"So humid today, boys...I've had to put on a light cotton dress...".
"Looks good on you, Mom" said Lee.
"Looks amazing" said Denny, and the competition for my attention was sweet and funny, like two eager puppies wanting to play. I honestly felt like a new person, and yet at the same time I felt I was just being my real self, my true self. Anyway, aside from driving my horny sons wild I knew there was work to do to see if I could help Pennie find out if Buck had sexual feelings for her.
I knew it had to be good odds, Pennie was pure milf material. She was 46 with a voluptuous, feminine figure that now looked even better since we'd begun hitting the gym. Pennie was getting plenty of admiring looks but, really, we were all just a hot bunch of middle aged mothers and we knew it.
"So, did you happen to see Buck today at the gym?" I asked, predicting the answer.
"Um no, Mom, I think he's avoiding us after what happened last night. Lee gave him a bloody nose back when Buck punched him in the face" explained Denny.
"I sure did!" exclaimed Lee, proud of himself.
"Well boys....I'm going to tell you something that can go no further, do you understand?"
Both boys sat up, suddenly alert and all ears after both being slumped on the couch.
"Go ahead Mom, we're listening" said Denny, his face a picture of concentration all of a sudden.
"Ok, well as you know, Pennie has been my friend for a long, long time. We tell each other everything and I mean everything....".
Denny immediately realised where this was heading, the penny hadn't dropped for Lee yet.
"So I was feeling conflicted about last night at first, I admit. So when Pennie rang to apologise for Buck...I told her what happened when you got home."
"You told her we had sex in the kitchen?" said Lee, getting it at last.
"Yes, Lee. All the details. She was very curious."
"And what does she think about it, Mom? Does she think we're bad now?" asked Denny, looking a little concerned.
"No, Denny. In fact, she admitted she'd had thoughts of her own about Buck. Fantasies. But she doesn't feel she can ever tell him in case he reacts negatively. So this is where you boys come in....I'm going to tell Pennie to tell Buck that you want to be friends again and that you want to put the fight behind you.
Then, when you get a quiet moment with Buck....see if you can find out if you think he's attracted to Pennie. I'm sure you boys are smart enough to do that without giving the game away...".
Denny looked at his less intelligent brother then back at me and said, "I'll take care of that part, Mom".
Lee realised he'd lost out in this little competition but he didn't really care about being the smart brother. He just wanted to know when he could fuck me again. A simple creature!
So later that evening I gave Pennie a call and told her to tell Buck that my sons were ready to forgive and forget and hoped they'd see him at the gym tomorrow. As it happened, Buck was in the house and by the end of the call he'd agreed to talk things through after they'd had a workout together. Pennie said Buck seemed impressed that they were being so mature, unaware of the ulterior motive I had planted the seeds of in their minds.
"I wonder if Buck will say anything to them about me" she half-whispered down the line once she knew Buck was out of earshot.
"I guess we'll soon find out" I said with a smile.
When the next evening came around and my boys headed off to the gym, I was feeling almost as nervous as Pennie. She rang me as soon as Buck left with his gym bag, her voice shaky and anxious.
"Hun, I can understand that this a big deal to you, but Denny is in charge of finding out whether Buck sees you in a sexual way, I have every faith in him that he'll be able to say it in a way that won't be too obvious...".
"I'm sure you're right, Marilyn. I just don't want to be the one left out. You know who rang me today?" she asked.
"I'm sure you're about to tell me..." I replied, intrigued.
"Nora....Nora rang me today. We chatted about how wild it had been on Saturday night, how we'd really stirred things up by going to The Smokin' Bull and dancing with each other's sons.
I told her how mature your sons had been about forgiving Buck for the fight and she was amazed. She said she'd never seen such jealousy between our sons before. I really wanted to tell her what happened when your boys got home. But I didn't Marilyn, I swear!"
"Ok, ok...I believe you" I said and I did.
"Anyway, we started talking about Tyler and she said he'd started looking at her differently since she'd begun losing weight like we all have lately. I knew exactly what she meant and I said it was natural, as Nora is an attractive woman and Tyler is a young man full of hormones. She said she found it flattering but she didn't know how to feel about something else he's been doing...".
"Ooohhh and what is that? Tell me!" I replied, getting turned on.
"So Nora had been buying herself some new clothes now she's gone down a dress size, along with some sexy new lingerie. Turns out that Tyler has been rifling through her drawers and taking her lingerie.
When he was out with his buddies, she searched his bedroom and found two pairs of silk panties and a pair of stockings. They were all...stained with semen. He's been masturbating with her lingerie!"
"Oh my god! What did you say to that?" I said, feeling my nipples hardening.
"Well, I just said it was harmless fun but that he'd obviously developed a crush on her. I said it was hot! She asked if Buck had ever done anything like that. I said he hadn't but that I'd feel turned on if he did. I was being honest! And do you know what she said to me?"
"No, Pennie." I said, dryly.
"I was being rhetorical, hun. She said she was so relieved that I'd said that as she admitted she found it a huge turn on but was embarrassed about it. So I went for broke. I asked if she had an attraction to Tyler. She said YES!"
"Oh my god. Oh my god....this is hot. Tyler is a stud just like our boys, it's no wonder Nora is attracted to him."
"It gets better. She asked me if I'd ever fantasised about Buck...I said I had. She said the fantasies had been on her mind ever since she found her lingerie under her bed. She asked me if I thought that incest between a mom and son was wrong! I said I didn't think it was."
"Oh wow. This is dynamite. I can't wait for my sons to get home so I can ask them about Buck. I bet he is just as hot for you as Tyler is for Nora! And my sons are for me!"
"I'm so excited I can hardly breathe, Marilyn. He will be home soon...".
Half an hour later my sons got home and I immediately wanted to know what they'd said to Buck. They talked about how they'd shaken hands straight away and apologised to each other for the fighting.
Denny explained to him how he felt protective over his mom and that's why he'd lost his shit when he saw me dancing with Buck. In truth, I know it was sexual jealousy.
"But did you manage to find a way to ask Buck if he felt attracted to Pennie?" I asked impatiently.
Denny replied, "So I said to Buck that if we ended up in the same bar again that he would be welcome to dance with you and I hoped he wouldn't mind if I danced with Pennie. I said, after all, she's a very attractive woman like my mom. Buck agreed that she is and said it would be fine...".
"And? Anything else?" I asked, hoping for something more concrete.
"Not really,'s not that easy to discuss incest in a public gym" replied Denny and I had to concede he had a point there.
But it didn't matter as the following night Pennie rang me and said that Buck was definitely acting a little different around her since she'd started dressing more sexually at home.
"He can't take my eyes off my legs now that I'm showing them off more, Marilyn. But I need your help, I want to go further but I don't know how..."
"Leave it with me, let me think..." I said.
Now that the air was cleared with Buck, we were all able to resume our gym workouts and Pennie was asking me at the end if I'd had any smart ideas on how she could move things forward with her son. I hadn't been able to think of anything but then a poster on the wall caught my eye.
It read: "40% off the sauna room for just this month. Book in a session and enjoy a truly enervating, sensual experience. It doesn't get much hotter than that!"
"Ooh....interesting" I said and pointed Pennie to the poster. She looked at the poster and then looked at me and smiled. If Pennie and Nora could get Buck and Tyler to enjoy a sauna session with them, then with me and my boys, that would be three hot moms and four hot sons.
The other Moms in our friends group were going to have to miss out on this one as their sons didn't attend the gym. This was all about getting Pennie and Nora flirting with Buck and Tyler and hopefully going further than that.
That night Pennie rang Nora and getting her to agree to a sauna session on Friday was easy, she loved the idea. But they were both nervous about asking their sons, knowing it was a test of whether they were truly attracted to them.
So I got Denny to text Buck and Tyler saying how it would be cool to catch a sauna after Friday's workout as it was so cheap this month. It worked, they agreed with a hitch....
Leading up to the Friday I had to talk on the phone a lot to Pennie and Nora, who were nervous about the sauna session. I said that it would be me and my sons who would get the ball rolling and let them know that mother and son love is absolutely fine.
I was so turned on by the idea of two of my best friends and their hot sons seeing me getting it on with Denny and Lee. And even if they decided not to join in the action and just watched us, it would be an evening they would never forget.
That Friday, we all did our usual workout at the gym after I'd booked the sauna the night before. Buck and Tyler seemed relaxed, laughing and joking around with Denny and Lee which was great to see. Pennie and Nora looked understandably nervous but I could tell they were also immensely excited about what was about to happen.
By the end of the workout we were all hot and sweaty, the boys really getting a sweat on as they pumped iron, trying to out compete each other as usual.
Watching Buck and Tyler compete with my sons over how much they could lift and benchpress made me realise that they would want to compete sexually with them as well. I knew then that they would be doing a lot more than watching in the sauna....
Once our sons were finally done lifting weights and showing off, I walked up to them in my tight Lycra leggings and reminded them that we had a one hour sauna session booked and all us moms were ready for it.
"Oh we hadn't forgotten Mom, you guys ready?" asked Denny to Buck and Tyler.
Buck wiped the sweat off his forehead and rippling pecs and said, "Let's do it". Tyler simply nodded and off we went. Pennie and Nora came over to us and I led the way to what was going to be an unforgettable hour.
When we reached the reception for entry into the sauna, the guy on the desk confirmed my booking and said we had the sauna to ourselves.
"Perfect" I replied and he smiled, oblivious as to the reason why. That was a turn on in itself. I looked around and all the boys looked excited or intrigued while Pennie and Nora looked nervous as hell.
But as we entered the sauna area and us Moms stripped naked in our cubicles, and the boys stripped down to shorts, I began feeling very nervous myself.
Suddenly, I knew that nothing would happen unless I initiated sex with my sons in front of my best friends. I was feeling the pressure but I knew I had to follow through.
I wrapped myself in the thick, white towel I was given and made my way into the sauna. Denny and Lee were in there already, looking very hunky and hot, the sauna filled with steam and incredibly humid.
"Hello boys....I hope you're not feeling shy" I said, but I could tell they were horny as hell by the bulges in their tight white shorts. I told them I wanted to sit between them and they made way for me. I kissed Denny and then Lee on the cheek and said, "Let's see if we can get Pennie and Nora started with their boys....".
Buck and Tyler opened the sauna door with a plume of steam following out of it.
"Come in boys, the temperature is just right" I said, trying to relax them. They smiled, Buck looking magnificently hot, 6ft 4 inches and I could tell what he had in his shorts was a lot bigger than 4 inches. Tyler was a gorgeous young man too, with tousled light blonde hair and a chiselled jawline.
They were both good looking enough to be models but then so were Denny and Lee. I began to enjoy myself, knowing that even if nothing developed sexually, this was going to be a very sensual experience. But I could sense something sexual was going to take place, my confidence rising with the intense heat.
Pennie walked in, followed by Nora, both wrapped in white towels. For three mothers in their mid to late forties, we were all absolute "milfs" as they say. Nora had jet black hair cut in a cute bob and her firm, pert breasts were straining nicely against her tightly wrapped towel.
Pennie looked so sexy, her long blonde hair cascading down her back and her large breasts, bigger than mine, catching the eye of all the boys. Including Buck, her hunk of a son....
"I think you boys should sit next to your moms" I said, without offering a reason but they happily did so and Pennie looked at me with an anxious smile.
"It sure is hot in here..." said Pennie and Nora replied, "Oh my god yes! But I like it....".
With us all Moms now sat next to our sons, or between them in my case, on the wooden benches that circled the perimeter of the sauna, you could have cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife.
I knew it was reaching the moment where I had to make a move, I could sense Pennie and Nora getting tensed up, and the sauna heat was so strong that we were already starting to sweat. It was the heat that gave me the reason to get the party started.
"Oh my, I didn't think it would be quite this hot....I think I'm going to have to lose my towel, I hope nobody minds...".
Buck and Tyler shook their heads and Denny and Lee leant forward and looked at each other, as if confirming they were both ready for action. I stood up and removed my towel and stood completely naked in front of my best friends and their sons.
I felt so confident now that I'd a few pounds and knew I looked good. As I put my towel on a handrail I sat down again and noticed Denny had a rather large bulge sticking out of his tight white shorts.
"Looks like the heat is getting to you as well, Denny...." I said then began rubbing his bulge, to the amazement of Pennie and Nora. I could hear them gasp as I started gently stroking the long shaft of his stallion cock, the steam from the sauna making his shorts stick to his muscular thighs and made the outline of his erection very visible and obvious.
I looked at Pennie with a smile to relax her, Buck sat beside with his mouth open, stunned.
"Is the heat getting to you too, Lee? Looks like it is...." I said in a sultry voice, feeling so aroused.
With my left hand I began doing the same, caressing his length to full turgor. I looked at Nora whose eyes were as wide as saucers as I ran my fingertips up and down both my son's magnificent appendages.
"You know, boys....if you're too hot in those shorts you can take them off, you know...we're all good friends here....".
Denny saw an opportunity to take pole position and said, "Why don't you take them off for me?".
That was an invitation I could not resist and slid off the bench onto my knees in front of Denny. I could feel all eyes on me as my hands reached up to Denny's waist and began to peel down his shorts. Even I gasped as his huge cock sprang out, harder than I'd even seen him the first time.
I flung his shorts across the sauna and they hit the glass door, sliding down to the floor. I grappled his thick meat in my hand and brought the bulbous crown to my mouth, feeling in the moment and sexually inspired by the sheer eroticism of the situation.
The tip of my tongue circled his mushroom head and I suddenly couldn't take my eyes off his perfect six pack and delicious pecs. My god, my son was a real stud! I felt no shame at all, in fact I felt proud and sexually liberated as I sucked the head before sliding my full lips down his shaft once more.
In the corner of my eye, I could see Lee stroking his meat through his shorts. I knew he must be feeling jealous of his older and smarter brother, but I knew it wouldn't be long before Lee got to join in the fun too.
Denny closed his eyes to savour the delight of his mother giving him head, taking him to the back of my throat while my hands roamed and caressed his muscular thighs. Once he was suitably pleasured I told Lee to slide his shorts down and the sight of his wang springing out was another moment to behold.
Grabbing his shaft with my right hand, I moved in between my boys, starting to suck Lee while with my left hand I slowly jerked off Denny. It felt particularly hot pleasuring both sons at once but I still didn't know if this was just going to be me putting on a show or whether Pennie and Nora would dare to cross the line with their stud sons.
But I was too horny to care by now, sucking Lee then back to Denny while jerking Lee. The steam had my body dripping sweat and both boys looked so hot with beads of sweat on their toned torsos, running down over their taut muscly six pack stomachs.
Once both were well sucked I finally dared to look around and what I saw was an immense turn on. Pennie had removed her towel and was French kissing Buck whilst caressing his cock through his shorts. He was caressing her large breasts, glazed with perspiration, with one hand, the other running up and down her back.
I looked to my right and it was even hotter, Nora was now completely naked and Tyler was on his knees between her splayed thighs. Nora had her hand on the back of his head, holding it in place as he ate out his own mother.
I couldn't stop watching him lick her as I carried on jerking my horny boys. I looked back at Pennie and she now had Buck's meat in her hand and he was another big boy, very nicely endowed indeed!
We were now involved in a mother and son orgy, a fantastic, indescribable feeling I will never forget. I watch as Buck moved his mouth to his mother's large and firm breasts, sucking on each nipple as she jerked him slowly.
Her moans filled the sauna and I knew how intense and erotic it felt to have your son sucking on your breasts like that. Her moans were soon rivalled by Nora's as Tyler finally got to pleasure his mom in the way he'd obviously been wanting to for a while, her cunt visibly wet as he ate her out with a voracious, greedy tongue.
With the incestuous orgy now in full flow I felt I wanted to take it to the next level and gave a nod to Lee that I wanted him in me from behind. I sensed he felt I was showing some slight favouritism to his brother but now he had the chance to show his masculine virility.
The wooden floor of the sauna was as hard as my kitchen floor but I didn't care as my hunk of a son entered me from behind, the moms stunned to see full incest between us for the first time.
I carried on jerking and sucking Denny as Lee aggressively rammed into me, our sweaty bodies making a satisfying smacking noise, his balls swinging against me as he thrust in and out. I could feel the sweat dripping off me onto the floor as Lee fucked me into a frenzy, loving his moment in showing everyone his virility.
I looked to my left and was so aroused to see Pennie mounting Buck's cock, sinking down on his long shaft as he sat on the bench. I knew what an incredible and intense moment that must have been for her. She began gently riding him and her moans became the loudest of all as she felt her son inside her, the position allowing him to carry on licking and sucking her breasts.
Lee could sense that Denny was getting frustrated and was hogging my pussy so I felt him pull out and my boys swapped positions. Denny was a little bigger and thicker and there was a particularly strong sexual attraction between us.
I could sense he'd been holding back his lust till now, but he really built up a head of steam and began yanking on my long, red hair with my hand still gripping Lee's cock. When he let go of my hair to start slapping my ass cheeks, I looked to my right and was so pleased to see Nora now having sex with Tyler in a reverse cowgirl position.
The look of sexual ecstasy on her face let me know how much she was enjoying Tyler inside her at last, his hands cupping her breasts with his arms reaching round from behind.
He rubbed her hard nipples between his fingers as she rode him right down to the base of his cock. He had his eyes closed and I knew it must taking all the self control he had to not shoot his load, his very first time inside his mother's pussy.
I looked to my left and Pennie was riding Buck hard, the sweat rolling down her back onto her ass crack. The sight of seeing so much mother and son incest all around me made my clit throb and I began rubbing it with my spare hand, feeling a deep orgasm was approaching.
It got even hotter as Pennie climbed off Buck's cock and got on all fours beside me, saying, "Get that big cock back inside your Mommy, can cum in Mommy's cunt".
Buck was then side by side with Denny, ramming into Pennie as soon as he was lined up again. Nora saw this and wanted in on the action, unmounting Tyler's veiny length and getting on all fours on the other side of me.
"Tyler, get that meat inside your mother again and fuck me....hard!!!" shrieked Nora, who was seriously on heat by now. Tyler, drenched in sweat, fed his cock back inside her and grabbed both her hips. All that pent up sexual frustration seemed to come out as he fucked her like a train, reducing her to whimpering moans and soft squeals.
This made Denny go harder in me and from Pennie's shrieks, I could tell Buck was fucking her like a bull, wrapping her hair tight round his fist. This is what I'd wanted, for my best friends to experience the sheer delight of being sexually dominated by our sons. I felt so fortunate to have two to play with.
Nora was the first to start climaxing, suddenly shrieking "Do it! Cum in your Mommy! Ohhhhh!!" and I knew her orgasm was taking hold of her, her arms shuddering from the force of it. Tyler obviously had no problem unloading in her, his guttural grunts suddenly filling the sauna as he shot his fuckmuck deep inside her.
That set me off and I felt my pussy twinge hard then heard Denny grunt like Tyler. I suddenly felt that warm surge of semen being pumped into me and soon my cuntjuices were flowing out of me as freely as the perspiration dripping off my body.
Nora went into a climax so intense that she could barely breathe in this hot and humid sauna, Buck's feral masculinity and strength overwhelming her and all she could manage was, "Cum in me...cum!!!".
The deep moan she exhaled let me know he had and so all three of us Moms not only now had experience of sex with our sons but all three of us had taken their virile semen. We knew what we were risking and didn't care....
As we recovered I felt a little sorry for Lee who must have felt left out of the final action. But with us Moms all lined up next to each other I looked at him and said, "Why don't you finish on all our faces, stud?".
He liked that idea clearly and stood up. Nora and Pennie had just about recovered their breath when Lee stood in front of us jerking his prime meat and said, "Tongues out, ladies".
We did as we were told and Lee jerked his cock to a frenzy in front of us. He was so turned on that I knew it would be a good load but even I was amazed as his balls tightened up and an absolute torrent of sticky spunk splattered across our three faces, Lee making sure we all got a good facial.
By the time he'd emptied his ballsack we were covered in cum, it was dripping off our chins onto the sauna floor. I couldn't resist turning to Pennie for a sticky French kiss, which she gladly responded to, then I turned my head and did the same with Nora, who was happy to cumswap my son's seed and let me lick her face clean.
We mopped up all the cum off the floor with our towels then wrapped them round our bodies and the boys put their shorts back on. As we left, feeling in a state of debauched euphoria, the guy on the desk said, "I hope you enjoyed your sauna session."
"Hotter than I thought was even possible...." I said with a smile, Denny's jizm seeping out of me and sliding slowly down my thigh....