Part 03.1
After the amazing sauna session with Pennie and Nora and all our horny sons, I didn't see much of Pennie and Nora for a while. I'd get texts from Pennie saying she and Buck were having an incredible time at home now that they were sexually intimate. I was so pleased to know that she was loving being an incestuous mother as much as I was.
But the other friends in our group, who were all wives of truckers and all had sons, started asking me why they weren't turning up to our social events such as our weekly drinks in our favorite bar.
The first couple of weeks I was able to make lame excuses for why they'd gone so quiet but when we'd go out for drinks now it would just be four of us; me, Liza Jane, Cassandra or Cassie as we called her and Jacqueline, who preferred to be called Jackie.
They'd obviously been talking amongst themselves as I began getting phone calls from each of them as they knew something was up.
I was good friends with all three moms but I just wasn't sure that I could tell them what had been developing with our sons. Cassie had a gorgeous son called Matthias, who we called Matti, but I didn't know whether she'd ever had thoughts about him in that way.
Of the three moms, though, she seemed the most curious as to what had been going on recently. She rang me one night when my sons were working out at the gym.
"I hope we're going to meet up for cocktails this Friday, Marilyn! I've had a crazy week and need to let my hair down."
"Sure, we will Cassie! I'll book us a table there right after our call. I know what you mean, I love it when we meet up and go a little crazy!"
"I suppose Pennie and Nora are still busy with...something? I've not seen or heard anything for weeks now. Which is pretty weird. Are they still in touch with you?"
"I get the occasional text from Pennie but they have definitely been quiet lately" I said, wondering how much I could say.
"I don't want to sound all butthurt, but the last thing she told me was that she was going with you and Nora for a sauna session. Did you fall out with them after that or something? And why weren't we invited? It's been on my mind for a while so I would really love to know what the hell is going on. I thought we did everything together!"
Cassie had really put me on the spot this time and I didn't feel I could make any more excuses or come up with more bullshit. I did actually feel bad that they'd not been invited, but with good reason.
"Oh boy....ok, Cassie. I'll tell you the whole truth as you're a good friend and you deserve to know....".
So I went ahead and told her every damn thing, from the night at The Smokin' Bull when my sons came home and fucked me in both holes in my kitchen to what happened in the sauna. I was really risking our friendship by telling her, but I just couldn't see any way out of it.
"So that's why Pennie and Nora have been so quiet lately. They've been having sex with their sons at home. I'm sorry if this is way too much information but I'm not going to bullshit you, Cassie. I know it's a lot to process....".
There was a long silence on the other end of the line and I wondered if she was just going to hang up on me in disgust.
"I knew it had to be something like that! I knew something was going on behind closed doors as you've been different with me as well. Now it all I mean, I suppose it's's definitely not legal....but I can see how that might happen. Our husbands are away, our sons are young and horny, and we are attractive mothers. I'm glad you've told me, Marilyn."
"It's only taken me so long because I just didn't know whether you would freak out. You're not disgusted?"
"No....I walked in on Matti drying off after a shower the other week. He's a lot more relaxed about being naked around the house since his father left. He's...well endowed. He has an amazing body.
He wasn't embarrassed or annoyed when I walked in. I sure was embarrassed...but I went straight to my room and fingered myself to the most intense orgasm of my life. Then I felt guilty as hell and it's been on my mind since. What is it actually do it?"
I was only too happy to tell her the honest truth at that point.
"Incredible. The hottest sex of my life. I wish you'd told me sooner and I'd have invited you to the sauna session. Pennie and Nora watched me being fucked by Lee and Denny...then Buck and Tyler fucked them there and then for the very first time. We had an incestuous orgy in the sauna and it was just....beyond words. It sounds like Matti is interested in you, Cassie....have you talked to Liza Jane and Jackie about this?"
"Are you kidding me? Hell, no...I'm nowhere near as advanced as you! It's taken me this long just to tell you."
"You know what? I think you should tell them both. You can tell them what I've just told you about the sauna and if they freak out, you don't have to tell them about your attraction to Matti!"
"I'm so glad I made this call, Marilyn. I'll ring them both later. I'll let you know what happens!"
This was an exciting development and it was a real load off my mind. I couldn't wait for Cassie to ring Liza Jane and Jackie as they both had hot sons of their own, Ben and Jeremy, who we called Jez.
They didn't bother with the gym but were both very sporty, athletic guys and were just as attractive as our boys. I didn't have long to wait to find out as Cassie called me late at night, after Denny and Lee had just fucked me in my marriage bed.
"Marilyn! I'm sorry that this is a late call...but I rang Liza Jane tonight and told her about what's going on. She said she'd had her suspicions too but felt it was too crazy to be true! I told her about the sauna and she was just amazed!
So I started saying how these things can develop when husbands are away and moms have horny sons around the house. She said she had a confession of her own.
Nothing had happened with her son Ben yet, but she'd noticed him peeking on her whenever she'd dress up sexy for our Moms' night out. She said she felt embarrassed by it at first, but she'd begun to enjoy the attention and it had become a bit of a teasing ritual.
She said it had really turned her on knowing Ben was watching as she'd hitch up her leg on a chair to roll on her stocking and admitted she'd started wearing sexier clothes around the house to catch his eye. She said she was always catching him glancing at her legs or her cleavage and it was just harmless fun to her.
I asked her if she'd go any further but she said she wasn't sure. We talked about Jackie. We both agreed this would be genuinely shocking to her as she is so religious. Marilyn, maybe you should be the one to talk to Jackie?"
It was true that Jackie would be the toughest nut to crack as she was such a staunch Catholic.
"You know what? I think the four of us need another Mom's night out. I'll talk to her when she's got a few strong cocktails inside her...."
"Ok, deal! Let's make it Saturday night."
The next day I rang Jackie to see if she could come, along with Liza Jane. Jackie was definitely going to be the one in our group most resistant to family love. She was the oldest of us at 50 and attended Mass every Sunday. She was still very attractive though, with long black hair and the biggest boobs out of all of us, which she did her best to hide!
Her son Jez was the youngest of the sons at eighteen and he was a total stud, the local baseball star who they said had the potential to make it to the big leagues. I didn't know whether Jackie had ever allowed herself any sinful thoughts about Jez but I was hoping all that religious repression of sexual desire was building up inside her, waiting to be coaxed out.
Both Jackie and Liza Jane were up for cocktails and making it a Saturday was a smart move, the night our sons would meet up in The Smokin' Bull, where all this incestuous excitement began. I booked us a table at the Blue Moon Saloon just like that night, only this time it would be with three moms who'd not yet had the pleasure of their son's cock inside them.
I knew Pennie and Nora were both busy fucking their horny boys and wouldn't be butthurt about not being invited. I didn't quite know what I was going to say to Liza Jane and Jackie, but I felt Cassie was ready for me to act as an Oedipal matchmaker.
On the Friday, I had a chat with Denny and Lee about us moms meeting up the following night. I explained how Cassie was attracted to her son Matti and Liza Jane had enjoyed teasing her shy son Ben but we didn't know about Catholic Jackie yet. They said they'd never talked to Matti, Ben and Jez about their moms so I asked them to see what they could find out when they saw them at The Smokin' Bull.
"Maybe we could all have a dance together again and it won't get so dramatic this time....".
Denny looked at Lee and smiled.
"Sounds like this is going to be another wild Saturday night, Mom" said Denny.
"It's always going to be wild from now on with me around, boys...." I said, loving my new found role as an incest instigator.
I had a good feeling as I climbed into a tight fitting white dress that night, a slinky number that reminded me of the dress Sharon Stone wore in that classic 90's movie Basic Instinct. I'd never felt as sexy as I did during that summer and I walked out to the cab feeling ready to cause some more trouble!
All the moms were looking fantastic as we picked up each one along the way and the conversation was flowing between us before the first cocktail glass had even graced our lips.
By the time we were on our fourth drink in the Blue Moon Saloon, it was Cassie who was trying to stir things up, asking me all innocently about whether I had a nice time in the sauna a few weeks ago. I smiled and kicked her ankle under the table, knowing she was trying to move the banter in a sexual direction.
"Yes, we had a swell time in wouldn't believe how hot things got!" I said, giving Cassie a wink.
Cassie grinned and replied, "Oh, I can imagine!"
Liza Jane, one of the quieter friends in our group usually, was a lot more loquacious with a few cocktails down her neck and said, "So come on Marilyn. Us moms have been talking and we know something wild happened in that sauna. We've not heard from Pennie or Nora since!"
Well, that put me on the spot but I was sufficiently tipsy enough to roll with the punches. I knew that Cassie had told Liza Jane about the sauna already, this was her way of bringing Jackie in on the secret.
"I'm not sure I should say! We have a devoted Catholic amongst us and I don't wish to shock or offend!"
Jackie raised her eyebrow at me and said, "I may be religious but I'm not stupid, Marilyn. You don't think it's crossed a Catholic's mind how Eve started the whole human race if she only had two sons?"
"Oh my god, Jackie! Are you saying Eve in the Bible was breeding with her sons?!" I said, genuinely shocked.
The other moms jaws just about dropped to the floor, this was the last thing we expected Jackie to say!
"It's one of those things us Catholics don't talk about. Like what we say in confession...." she said, clearly enjoying turning the tables on us when we'd been trying to shock her.
"And would you ever tell us what you've confessed to? Maybe having thoughts about a certain young man called Jeremy?" said Cassie, clearly turned on by where this was going.
"Oh, well that would be telling. Maybe if you told me what went on in that sauna Marilyn, it might loosen my tongue....".
This really got the night going and I told the three enthralled mothers what had gone on in that sweltering sauna, every last sordid detail.
Liza Jane said, "That's just about the hottest thing I've ever heard. I told Cassie how Ben has been peeking on me getting dressed, but I think he's too shy to ever suggest anything. I think I'd have to take the lead. How do I get your amazing confidence, Marilyn?"
"My advice is have another cocktail...".
Two more drinks and Jackie made our little corner of the cocktail bar a private confession booth.
She told us how her guilty desires had been going on for years but she'd only allowed herself to enjoy them since he became of age and now regularly fantasised. She said that as long as she confessed every fantasy to the priest, her conscience was clear. That only seemed to heighten the sexual mood that had overtaken us all.
I had sent a text to Denny telling him to talk to Ben and Jez about their moms to see if he could glean any information for me. I looked at my phone under the table and a text from Denny said: "Talked to Ben and Jez. Buck told them what happened in the sauna. Boys talk! I had no idea. They are both attracted to their moms. Hot situation, huh?"
I read that with wide eyes then had to pretend like I hadn't received such dynamite info. Buck has already told them! Wow. I texted back: "Are Ben, Matti and Jez in The Smokin' Bull right now?". Two minutes later I got a one word text: "Yep".
I knew that I just had to get Liza Jane, Cassie and Jackie in the same place as their sons and something seriously hot would happen.
After one more cocktail, I suggested The Smokin' Bull and this time there was no hesitation, the moms could sense something was about to occur even though they didn't know what I knew.
Twenty minutes later we were stepping out of the cab and flirting with the doormen. We all felt so good as we went inside, the bar even more busy than last time. It felt incredibly exciting for me, knowing these stud sons were lusting after their mothers just like Denny and Lee lusted after me.
This time, there was absolutely no awkwardness about having their moms in their favorite bar and absolutely no jealousy. Within twenty minutes all nine of us were sat around a circular table, the waiter bringing us drinks. I swear to god you could have cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife.
Every son was flirting with every mom and only me and my boys knew that all the sons wanted their mothers. For me, it was a question of when to throw some paraffin on the flames that were building nicely.
The only problem was the place was getting so busy that we were all having to shout over the band playing and everyone else talking. Thankfully, Denny came to the rescue with a genius solution. He got up from his seat and leant over to me, saying, "Mom, want me to see if we can get a private room? It's about 150 dollars to get a room for just us....".
"We can get a private room to ourselves? Go find out, Denny."
While he was enquiring, I was thinking to myself that $150 was a lot for us four moms to cover...but if we had Pennie and Nora with us, it would be just $25 each. I realised that if we could get a private room and Pennie and Nora would agree to get a cab here then we would have just about the perfect situation on our hands. Denny came back breathless, sharing my excitement at the potential on the cards.
"They got a room free upstairs. We can get drinks sent up. We better give them an answer fast though, Mom, before somebody takes it".
I nodded and immediately walked to the ladies to get the quiet I needed for a phone call.
"'s Marilyn. Are you busy right now?"
"Ohhh...hi Marilyn. Well, I have just finished a pizza with Buck. We were going to drink a little wine and watch a movie...and you know....have sex! I hope you're having a good night".
"Pennie, I'm at The Smokin' Bull. Buck, your naughty son, told Matti, Jez and Ben about what happened in the sauna. Denny has spoken to them and they all want to fuck their moms. I've spoken to Cassie, Jackie and Liza Jane. They all have fantasies, they all want it to happen. We can get a private room here on the top floor. Come on, get a cab here and we can have a night together that will make the sauna sex look tame!"
I knew Pennie wouldn't be able to resist an offer like that.
"Oh damn, Marilyn. That does sound wild! What about Nora and Tyler?"
"Ring them, tell them they'd be missing out on the experience of their lives if they missed this. I don't care if Tyler has his dick in her already, just order a cab and pick them up on the way!" I said, on fire with desire. I made my way back to the table, having to barge my way through the chaotic throng.
It was now the very height of summer and even though it was late evening, it was still very hot and humid. Sex was in the air, you could see it in the way people were dirty dancing on the dance floor. I took out $150 from my purse and told Denny to secure the room.
Half an hour later Pennie and Nora turned up, Buck and Tyler with them. Denny led the way upstairs to the next floor where the private room was situated, me carrying a glass of red wine and the half full bottle in my other hand.
The other moms were so pleased to see Pennie and Nora and so we traipsed up the stairs, seven horny sons and six mothers with sex on their mind. Denny held the door open for us like a gentleman and we walked into a plush, beautifully decorated room that the bar rented out for private functions.
It had plenty of tables and chairs and Denny adjusted the lighting so that it created a sensual ambience. We all took our seats at a suitable table and made ourselves comfortable.
As I looked round, all the moms were looking fantastic; Pennie had turned up in a flamboyant red dress split at the thigh and black stockings underneath, Nora was revealing more cleavage than I'd ever seen her do before in a low cut chiffon blouse. And there was me looking hot in my Basic Instinct dress.
The three moms who hadn't experienced the delights of mother son incest were more conservatively dressed but still sexy, with Jackie looking especially hot in a figure hugging black number and she had a figure worth hugging.
All the boys were looking handsome, Cassie's son Matti looking particularly cute in a tuxedo with a bow tie. He always dressed well on a night out and looked so handsome with his tousled, brown hair and finely chiselled jawline.
While they all looked confident, there was a noticeable air of alpha male arrogance to my sons, as well as Buck and Tyler. Having been absolutely nailing their mothers these past few weeks had done their sexual confidence the power of good.
I knew it was going to be one of them who got the ball rolling. I had Denny and Lee sat either side of me and I knew their sibling rivalry was going to kick in, they just couldn't stop competing with each other.
"It's so great to see you and Nora again, we've missed you!" said Cassie, giving Pennie a wink as she knew the reason why.
Pennie blushed and said, "Yes, things have been very busy at home lately....".
"So I heard!" said Jackie.
"And do you all know about what happened in the sauna now?" said Liza Jane, looking around at everyone.
"Buck told us everything..." said Matti, Cassie's son.
"Everything? Oh my..." said Nora.
"Well, it looks like the cat is out of the bag...." I said with a cheeky grin.
I turned to Denny and said, "Honey...can you see if this room has a lock on the door?"
Denny got up reluctantly, perhaps as he didn't want to cede anything to his brother. As he walked over to lock the door and protect us from anyone wandering in, Lee saw his opportunity to make his move.
"You're looking really hot tonight Mom, I've never seen you in that dress before...." said Lee, his right hand suddenly moving to my left thigh.
"Well, thank you, handsome....".
This must have irritated Denny but it was just what was needed as I turned to Lee and he leant his mouth towards mine. There was a sudden very intense silence as Lee and I began a slow, languorous French kiss without the slightest shame or inhibition.
With his left hand he began to caress my breasts through my dress and I felt my nipples hardening. While our tongues were swirling in each other's mouths, delving and exploring, I heard Buck say, "And you look stunning tonight, Mom".
Pennie said, "Flattery will get you everywhere, you sexy stud son of mine..." and then the delicious sound of his mouth on hers made my nipples throb. Denny sat back down at the table and I could feel his jealousy as he had to watch me French kissing his brother.
I knew it was driving him wild but I brought him in on the action, letting my right hand stray under the table, caressing his muscular thigh and raising my hand till it was over his crotch. I softly rubbed it and felt it harden against my hand.
Once Lee had enjoyed a long kiss with me I turned to Denny and he eagerly latched his mouth onto mine, proceeding to give me a feral kiss, the most sexual and aggressive kiss he'd given me so far. He was an alpha male marking his territory and I was a willing submissive. Lee was a gorgeous young man but he couldn't quite compete with Denny, as much as he tried.
Once Denny and I had finished kissing he came up with a brilliant idea.
"Hey, why don't we go sit in the corner on those leather sofas? Looks a lot more comfortable. I'll see if I can figure out the lights...".
He walked over to the light switches and flicked a few on and off until the far corner of the room lit up. Denny saw there was a dimmer switch too and dimmed them a little to create the perfect sensual vibe.
"Denny, you're a genius! Ladies and gentlemen...or should I say filthy moms and horny sons....please make your way to the corner sofas and don't forget your drinks!" I said and rose from my seat, feeling turned on as hell.
The red leather sofas contrasted with the dark decor and dimmed lighting had such a sexual mood to it that it felt tailor made for us.
I could see that the three mothers and sons who'd not crossed the line yet looked a little less relaxed than the rest of us, so I walked over with them and made them feel relaxed with a few well chosen words. A skill I never knew I had until that night.
Soon, we were all sat on adjacent red leather sofas, sons sat close to their mothers, Denny and Lee once again either side of me. Once everyone was seated, I took a long sip of my Cabernet Sauvignon and savoured the delicious taste. I felt wonderfully decadent as I reclined on the plush sofa with my legs crossed and began pulling down the shoulder straps of my white dress, revealing a sheer black bra underneath that Denny and Lee had never seen me wear before.
"Boys...let's see how hard you can get my nipples without me removing my bra...." I said and smiled as they both moved their heads to my breasts and began licking a breast each through the sheer fabric. It felt divine and I held their heads in place as they latched onto my nipples with their mouths.
They sucked and suckled, licked and even gently bit them, competing with each other to pleasure Mommy's breasts. I could feel everyone watching us and I absolutely adored being the centre of attention in this situation. It was a subversive debauched euphoria, that's the best way I can describe it.
With my reddened and swollen nipples now throbbing it felt like my breasts were being constrained by my bra and I uncupped it in one motion, exposing my bare breasts to the sound of sharply inhaled breath from my fellow moms.
I loved them watching me and my boys, it was sexually fulfilling to me on a deep level that I can't articulate. I suppose having two stud sons instead of just one like them made me the alpha mother amongst us, the taboo queen....
I looked down and felt my already wet pussy get even wetter as I watched my salacious sons gorging on my maternal teats. I closed my eyes and felt the bliss of my nipples throbbing in their mouths, their tongues circling my nipples between giving suck.
When I opened them I looked across at everyone and suddenly they were all kissing. My mouth fell open as I saw Cassie French kissing her handsome Matti, Jackie with Jez and Ben with Liza Jane. This was going exactly as I hoped it would but it was turning out even hotter than I could have imagined.