Chapter 02

My first day working at Bart's Big Grill is a bit of a blur to me, at least the latter half. When I woke up to a text message from Jamie that I barely didn't dare read, but when I finally did it said: >So lovely to meet u hun -- good luck today! <3 <3 <3'<. It made my heart race to read it, but I pushed the reasons why out of my mind. I remember meeting Bart; a sweet old man who was running the grill alone now that is wife had passed and who greeted me with a big smile and showed me around. I let slip I grew up in a big family and his face lit up like a Christmas tree as he started telling me how much he loved having a large family and going through what each of his kids were up to, the sense of pride in his voice so palpable you felt you could touch it. Afterwards he told me not to worry about anything, he'd never fired anyone in his life and he wasn't gonna start now; though he did warn me that times were hard which is why he couldn't promise too many hours or more than minimum wage. I told him that was fine and I was just happy to be working; in hindsight of course I know I was being naive, but hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

Bart gave me an apron and a little hat -- the grill was a very traditional diner, though the menu was up-to-date. It appealed to me, and I could imagine myself taking my folks out for a bite here some day: A classic American diner like this was just the sort of thing they would love. I took the apron and the hat, put them on and thanked Bart. I felt weak at the knees, to tell you the truth -- the whole morning I'd felt like I was walking around in a daze. The night before kept playing through my head and I sometimes thought I could still hear Jamie's moans as she orgasmed. It was a struggle to calm myself down. 'Nothing bad has happened', I kept telling myself. Jamie was the first (and at the time only) friend I'd made in Feltville. I felt terrified of meeting her again. Why? I asked myself, You're not gay.

Woah! Where the hell did that come from?

Bart had told me that I'd start off waiting tables but he wanted me to learn the grill as soon as possible: He taught everyone the grill as a matter of course so anyone could step in if there was ever an emergency. Trevor was the guy who ran the grill most of the time and he'd come in a little later to show me, Bart told me, so I spent a few hours waiting on customers who'd come in for breakfast and all the time struggling to control my thoughts.

"Hi there, welcome to Bart's Grill, what can I get you?"

You listened to another woman come last night.

"Uh-huh, sunny side up?"

You heard her give head to some random guy. You listened to her lips smack.

"And to drink?"

It made you curious. You wish you could have heard more. Maybe even watched...

"Milk or sugar?"

It made you wet. Wetter than you've ever been before.

"Coming right up!"

It was absolute torture and let's just say more than one order got mixed up. But everyone in the kitchen was pretty patient with me and thankfully most of the guests were regulars so they understood I was new. But I really wanted to make a good impression and there were times where I felt like crying. Lunch came and went and Bart took the time to tell me I was doing fine and he'd seen much worse. He was a sweet man, and he really did treat everyone well. I owe so much to him.

I took a lunch break while waiting for Trevor to show. I tried to settle down as I sat down in a park a stone's throw from the grill. It was a beautiful day: Late spring and the air was clear and fresh and full of birdsong. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear my head properly. I brought myself to the here and now, and thought how lucky I was. My apartment was nice, my new boss seemed super nice and despite last night I'd made a friend. A friend who did porn, I reminded myself, expecting; almost forcing the thought to repulse me and finding that it didn't. So what? I asked myself but couldn't think of an answer. Just because I could never see myself doing anything like that maybe wasn't enough of a reason to judge Jamie for doing it. Just because my parents wouldn't approve (putting it mildly) did that mean I had to feel the same way?

"Excuse me?" a voice from nearby called out and I opened my eyes to see a man standing in front of me. He was tall and very masculine-looking; he had a strong chin and backslicked dark hair and was broad along the shoulders. He was wearing a sports jacket and looked like he might have played football in high school. The kind of guy teenage girls swoon for. Or, well, the kind of guy a lot of teenage girls are told they should swoon for.

"Are you Beth, by any chance?"

"How did you know?" I asked, caught off guard. He smiled a little and tapped his chest, then pointed at mine. I looked down to the nametag from Bart's Grill: 'Hi, I'm Beth'.

"Oh." I said then burst out laughing. "Yes, I'm Beth."

"Hi, I'm Trevor. I think I'm meant to teach you the grill today?"

"Oh, hi!" I got up to shake his hand and damn well nearly curtsied before I stopped myself.

"Sorry to bother you but I saw a girl in Bart's gear who I didn't recognize so I guessed you must be the new girl and figured I'd come over to say hi."

"That's fine. Are you starting now?"

"Mhm." he nodded. "Don't let me interrupt your break though."

"No no, it was almost over -- I'm eager to learn!"

"Okay, let's get grillin'!" he flashed another smile -- it was infectious, and I felt myself relax. Really I was being silly. My first day at a new job and it was going quite well, all things considered. I was just tired, I told myself as we walked back to the restaurant. Trevor made polite small talk as we walked and as he changed into his own apron and hat. He asked where I was from and I went through the same routine as I had with Jamie a few days earlier, minus the liquor. I told him so far I was loving the town and the people here and Trevor gave me a flirty wink:

"Well, a pretty, charming girl like you is gonna fit in just fine." I blushed but couldn't think of anything to say back.

Trevor took me to the grill and switched with whoever was manning the grill since lunch -- I can't remember who now. He showed me how it worked, demonstrated the gas settings, told me how to clean it and took a little too much delight in showing me his burn marks from when he'd put his hand or arm in the wrong place. I watched, eager to learn and perhaps a little eager to impress Trevor in particular. We shared some laughs and I'll admit, I was really quite smitten by him. He told me he had actually played football in high school but gave it up after his mom asked him to because she was worried for him and mentioned where he lived. I said I didn't know where that was and he explained it was a little ways outside of town. After maybe half an hour he looked at the time; we shouldn't have a rush for another few hours, so now would be a good time for me to try it for myself.

"Wanna give it a go?" he asked. Something in the back of my head triggered. Something about his tone of voice... I stared into space for a moment before stammering back:

"Y-yes I think so."

"Yeah? Think you can handle it?" His voice, it was...

'Think you can handle it?' My head spun. I turned to look at him.

"You okay there? It won't bite, really it's nothing to worry about, I was just fooling around showing you my arms before; I'm sorry, that was stupid."

My only friend in town had your cock in her mouth last night.

"S-sure. Okay, yeah." I said. I think. Something like that, anyway. Like I said, it's a blur to me now. And I did give it a go. I grilled some burgers under Trevor's supervision. Trevor who I now knew had played football in high school, was left-handed, lived a little ways out of town and had a cock that my friend Jamie could barely wrap her hand around and could only just fit in her mouth. At one point he asked if he could grab my arm to show me how to flip the burgers and I thought I might pass out as his strong arm grabbed mine. His grip was gentle, but all I could think was how he'd slammed that same hand into my bedroom wall when he came last night, presumably in Jamie's mouth.

Did she swallow? I remember wondering and suddenly my knees grew weak again, imagining either Jamie's face stained with Trevor's cum or her mouth filling with it before swallowing it down. Trevor must have noticed something because he put his hands gently on my sides, as if to catch me should I fall.

"You okay?"

"Mmm-hmm. Yup, I'm okay," I lied "Just a little light-headed."

"You need anything? Low blood-sugar or something?"

I wonder what your cock tastes like.

"No no I'm okay, don't worry." Eventually he believed me and went back to teaching me the grill, which went about as well as you might expect. I never really got comfortable on it, but it wasn't his fault, of course. Trevor was a nice guy and now we laugh about how weird I was acting that day, but that came later; much later. And by that time wouldn't need to wonder: I knew intimately what his cock tasted like.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01