Chapter 04
The next day I set out to do some shopping. The previous night still had me a little rattled but jesus, getting off had done me a world of good. I'd thrown my sheets in the wash after breakfast and headed off into town to get some things. Back home in Botaka my family did most of our shopping in bulk by driving to the nearest town with a Walmart or occasionally buying stuff online. Feltville was large enough to actually had some specialist shops rather than just the big box-marts and I knew one or two items I knew I wanted. First, I wanted a table cloth to cover up my ugly, cheap kitchen table and I found an adorable blue one with a floral pattern. Second, wine glasses, which was easy enough -- and I decided to get a bottle of wine, too, while I was at it. I picked up some assorted items for my kitchen, too, although by now I was getting quite heavily ladened down with bags and my credit card was metaphorically weighing me down, too. I probably didn't spend more than $50, but back then that was a lot. I decided to head back home. Halfway back to my apartment building I felt my phone buzz, and I fished it out while shuffling bags around. It was a text from Jamie.
>Hey hun, u in?<
>Out shpping atm, whats up?< I waited a minute for a reply, but it didn't show up until I started walking again. Re-shuffle the bags, phone out:
>Need to talk about last night. Please, I don't want any weirdness< My heart froze and I barely dared move. I walked home with my legs feeling like lead, like I was walking to my death. Had I fucked up my only friendship in town? Had I just made myself a pariah? Jamie seemed to know so many people, was she going to tell everyone I was pervert? I walked up the stairs to our floor slowly, dreading what was to come. I dropped my bags inside the door, took a deep breath and wrote:
>in now<
>Want to come over?< I didn't really know what to do, what I wanted was to sink through the floor and disappear from the face of the Earth. But I just replied 'ok' and went over. I knocked and she opened the door, smiling at me but not as cheerily as I was used to by now. She let me in and a little surprisingly she walked into her living room and sat down on the sofa -- the same sofa we'd sat in and drunk wine together the night before. Would we ever again, I wondered as I carefully sat down next to her.
"So..." she said, finally. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing. I was mortified. "I... just want to know if you're..." that was as far as Jamie got before I started crying. I couldn't help myself, the tears just started flowing and I couldn't stop. I started bawling like a child. Jamie looked horrified.
"Hey, hold on there, hun- schh, schh, it's okay!" she suddenly had her arms around me and held me tight as I wept openly. Her perfume smelt of pine and lavender.
"I- I'm so sorry" I said as my breathing got back to normal and Jamie got me some tissues to wipe my face with "I've never done anything like this in my life before!"
"What, you've never eavesdropped before?" Jamie asked, her tone flat.
"Not like that -- I'm so sorry I know it was wrong, I never meant to-" she suddenly brought her hands up and smiled.
"Honey, I'm not upset about that." I stared at her.
"You're not?"
"...well okay, yeah maybe a little, but I'm assuming your bedroom and mine are wall-to-wall?"
"Right, so really, how could you not have eavesdropped?" I mean, I wish you'd have come talked to me and asked me to keep it down or...." she grinned "or at least subscribed." I blushed. "I just want to check if you were planning on telling Rob."
"Rob?" I asked.
"Yeah. Rob, our landlord?"
"Oh. Why... why would I tell him?"
"Well, erm... no I just... just wanted to know. Cause you know there's not technically anything in our contracts against recording porn in our apartments, but Rob's pretty conservative and he'd make up some other reason to kick me out if he found out, I'm pretty sure."
"No, no no I would never! I mean... it's your business."
"Thanks, hun."
"And..." I began, still worried this was going to turn bad "and we're still... friends?"
"Of course we are, hun!" she leaned in for another hug, this time she held me tightly and my heart fluttered in relief -- my nerves were a mess. "I have loads of friends who get off to me." I must have turned beet red because Jamie started laughing and put her hands on my knee. "I'm just joking, Beth. I promise, we're still friends." I nodded and smiled.
"I'm so glad. I really like you."
"I like you, too. I just... I don't know, I didn't peg you for a lesbian." I went rigid.
"I'm not! I mean, I don't have a problem wi- I'm not, though!"
"Oh." Jamie said and I could have sworn she looked disappointed but I told myself it was my imagination. "You sure? I mean... you sounded like one last night."
"No! No no it's just... I never... I never you know... I've never-"
"Met someone who did porn?"
"I've never even watched any!" Jamie's eyes went wide.
"Well... okay, I once found stuff on my brother's laptop that I watched a little bit of but that's it."
"Wow!" Jamie said, looking genuinely surprised. "Okay. Well... erm... what did you think?"
"Of what?"
"Of... well, erm... me?" to my amazement, Jamie was actually blushing. This, I would later learn was rare. I very much did the same, but eventually answered:
"Well, erm... what I heard sounded... intense."
"In a good way?"
"I suppose." I was quiet for a moment, then asked "Is that stuff about fan contests real?"
"No! Fuck no, no no that's just for show. You really think I'm gonna invite some guy I've never met into my apartment alone and let him fuck me? Fuck no. No whenever I do a contest like that I invite someone I know and trust to be in the video. I rotate who I invite so no-one notices."
"Your fans don't get suspicious?"
"Good god, no. Guys never look at the guy's dick and girls kind of know it's all fake, anyway -- they understand why."
"There are girls who watch it?"
"Sure. Not as many, but sure! I mean..." she looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I blushed again. She grinned and leaned in for another hug.
"I'm so glad you're not being weird about this." she said and I felt a stone lift from my heart. I hadn't ruined things with my friend -- me and Jamie were okay. We spent a few more minutes talking and agreed that we would put up something up to try to muffle the sound a bit -- I needed to be able to sleep, after all. We hugged one last time and I went back to my apartment. As I was putting away my shopping and laid out my new tablecloth I got another text.
>Sorry if weird, but thought maybe you'd be curious -- we're good, hun, promise <3 < After the message came a link. I clicked it. And found Jamie's website. My jaw dropped as I looked through it. It was called Jamie's Slutty Adventures and had almost a hundred videos. Most were behind a paywall where you needed to sign up as a member to see it, but she had a handful of videos up for free previews. My body warming, I scrolled through a few thumbnails and felt my throat go dry. All of the free videos were of her on her own -- I saw her in her underwear or wearing nothing, her hands between her legs. I clicked on one.
There she was -- my new friend Jamie, in her bedrom; the string lights I now recognized on the wall behind. She was bent over, showing her naked behind to the camera. Her hand ran up between her legs and caressed her pussy, and as she did she talked to the camera:
"Is this what you want? You want me down on all fours like a good girl? Like a little slut -- like your slut? Oh fuck I'm so wet. So wet... I wish you were here-" I stopped the video, my pulse racing. I'd just seen Jamie naked. Another woman. For a few seconds I watched another woman touch herself, talking... like that. God, she's so pretty. What is happening to me? I thought, then shook my head, put my phone away and finished tidying up. I didn't pay it any more mind that day, except one more time. Lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, I couldn't get one thing out of my mind. I picked up my phone, scrolled through her website and looked for the latest videos. She hadn't put up the one from last night yet, so the last one was from a few days ago. Its title was "Contest #9 winner -- Sucking my fan's big cock until he nuts in my mouth." It was not one of the free ones, and the thumbnail was mostly covered by a big dollar sign to show that it was only available to subscribers. I could only just make out Jamie's face, but not her mouth. I stared at the image, thinking, imagining...
I wonder how big Trevor's cock really is...
I closed the page, put the phone down and went to sleep. Eventually.