Chapter 07

Jamie had already prepared things in the bedroom. There was a tripod set up but that was only for ease of access; Trevor would shoot us, POV-style. There was a bottle of lube in case we needed it, a towel and some small pillows for me and Jamie to kneel on. Trevor would stand. Jamie closed the door and Trevor turned on the camera. Jamie pulled me in for a quick hug.

"Remember" she whispered in my ear, "any time you want to pause or stop, say so and we will." I nodded.

"Ready?" she asked and again I nodded. She gave Trevor a sign to start recording. As soon as the camera turned on her whole energy changed and instead of the gentle, caring attitude of a moment ago she was now her naughty, fun-loving and carefree Jamie; I loved both equally.

"Hey there everyone and welcome to another video and have I got a surprise for you today!" Trevor kept the camera on her and me out of frame for the moment: "I'm here with T: Say Hi, T!"

"Hi, T." Trevor said and Jamie giggled.

"Aaaand..." the camera moved over to me and I stared down the lense: "my new friend, B! Say hi, B!"

"Hi, B." I parroted Trevor and Jamie giggled again and put her arms around me to pull me closer to her, so we were both in shot -- she made it look natural.

"B here is a new friend of ours and today she wanted to show you something she's been wanting to do for a long time, isn't that right, hun?" My heart raced and I cleared my throat and nodded with as natural a smile as I could muster.

"That's right."

"And what's that, hun?" Jamie asked, prodding me to keep going.

"I'm..." I froze for a moment, thinking about what was happening and how crazy it was -- but then I pushed it aside. "I'm here to play with your cock."

"Yeah you are!" Jamie said.

"I like that." Trevor chimed in.

"Do you like playing with cocks?" Jamie asked and I answered without looking at her -- I couldn't look anywhere except the camera right then.

"I love it." I tried to smile again and stiltedly added "I love cock so much."

"Yeah? Well then why don't you," she raised a playful finger at Trevor, "show us what you've got for her to play with."

"Happily." Trevor said and his hand travelled down to his pants and started unzipping. His pants fell down to his ankles and for a brief moment I saw the bulge in his underpants while he untangled himself, then they went the way of his jeans and suddenly I was face to face with Trevor's penis. I was still standing but I went down on my knees almost on autopilot, as if I was expected to.

"Oooh, she's eager." I saw Trevor peek at me from behind the camera and gave a quick thumbs up, then my eyes returned to his dick. It seemed smaller than it had on camera but it was certainly big by my standards (at the time). Girthy and veiny it looked like it was still getting hard.

"What do you think, hun?" Jamie cooed behind me and I swallowed hard before answering.

"It's so big." I said and slowly reached my hand out. I gently took Trevor's cock in an underhand grip, closing my fingers around it. As I did it grew harder and I smiled a little.I guess my hands are bigger than Jamie's, I thought, as I could get my hand around Trevor's cock just fine. Almost without thinking I pulled on it and only then did I become away of Trevor moaning. It brought me out of my trance and suddenly I didn't know exactly what to do but Jamie must have noticed because knelt down too and scooched up next to me.

"Look how hard you made him already." she smiled and suddenly her hand joined mine around his penis. Jamie's fingers rubbed against the head and Trevor moaned deeply. I sat on my knees, unsure what to do and Jamie whispered in my ear:

"Do you want some help, hun?" I nodded; "Sit back for a second and watch what I do." she whispered, then added in a louder voice; "Let me have some fun with his cock, too." She said and gripped his dick. She moved her hand gently but steadily, jerking him like like she'd been born to do it. I watched her, taking mental notes. Trevor kept making little whimpers of pleasure and telling Jamie she was good, how horny she made him and things like that while Jamie responded with her own dirty talk about how massive his cock was.

Finally she turned to me and in a hushed voice asked if I was okay. I said I was and she then asked loudly "You want to get back in here, hun? It's not fair I get him all to myself.". We switched places and sat down as close as I could until I was right in front of Trevor's crotch. I could smell his cock. I could smell the precum on its tip, I could smellhim all around me. Jamie backed off as I gripped his cock firmly, looked up at the camera and started jerking him off. I wasn't terribly experienced, but I did my best to do what Jamie did. I went slow and careful and to my delight Trevor occasionally closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. Behind me Jamie spoke:

"I do, she's really good." Trevor answered and I felt my confidence grow.

"Want something to watch while she strokes you?"

"Yes please." In the corner of my eye I saw Jamie take her top off and unclasp her bra. She gave a silly moan and talked to the camera:

"Mmm yeah, look at my tits while she jerks you off. Does that make you horny?" Trevor mumbled that yes it did. I felt his hot cock in my hand and looked up at him and asked what he wanted me to do. He seemed a little unsure as he glanced at me from behind the camera; I looked into his eyes and realized there were so many things I wanted him to know -- and I wanted to do with him.

"Could you play with my balls?" he finally came up with and Jamie leaned in to whisper something in my ear but before she managed I had already used my other hand to very, very gently cup his ball sack. I could feel his big testicles in my hand and I gave them the gentlest of squeezes and Trevor responded by a long, deep shiver rippling through his body.

"Fu-u-uuuck..." he croaked and leaned forward and for one dizzying moment I thought he might come -- I felt a twinge of disappointment; I didn't want it to be over yet but he stood back up, eyes closed and breathed heavily but not yet at his limit. I smiled and brought my face right up to his cock. By now my breath was on his dick and of course I thought of going farther but I didn't dare. Instead I just kept his cock close to me, smelling it, watching it as I worked it and his balls with my hands.

"Oh fuck, fuck -- play with your tits for me." Trevor said and behind me, Jamie obeyed. I listened for a few seconds as she started moaning, then I slowly turned my head, tearing my eyes off of Trevor's cock and looking at Jamie for the first time since I knelt down. She had her hands on her breasts, rhythmically squeezing them and moving them in circular motions. Our eyes met. Her eyes were intense, almost burning and I thought I saw a challenge in them, possibly imagined.

How far are you willing to go?

It wasn't her asking, it was me. How far was I willing to go? Right there and then I felt like I could go as far as anyone. She slowed just a little and in a quiet voice asked:

"Are you okay, Beth?" Instead of answering I looked up at the camera.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" I said.

"So are you, babe." Trevor said and I thought I might come there and then. I turned back to Jamie.

"Am I doing good, do you think?"

"I think you're doing great, hun."

"Is it okay if I kiss his cock?" she looked a little surprised but quickly recovered, gave a wicked grin and said:

"I'm sure he'd love that," she turned to Trevor "Wouldn't you?"

"Yeah I would." Trevor said. I leaned close in, my breath on his cock, licked my lips and placed my mouth on his head. I parted my lips just the tiniest bit and flicked my tongue out before pulling back. My lips were sticky with precum.So that's what his cock tastes like.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh shit -- I'm close!" Trevor said and suddenly I panicked -- what should I do? Jamie leaned in again, whispered to me and asked what I wanted to do and I mumbled I wasn't sure.

"Do you want me to finish him?" she asked and I'm embarrassed to say I quickly said no, I wanted to do it. Jamie supressed a laugh but quickly asked where I wanted him to come, then. I still wasn't sure, Trevor again told me he was close and I panicked. I grabbed his balls again. I fondled them, gave them a gentle squeeze while bringing myself close to his cock and I kissed it again, quickly closing my lips around the tip and flicking my tongue over it, acting on pure, lustful instinct. I'd never swallowed cum before and I wasn't ready to, so as he gave a deep, primal grunt I pulled away and aimed his cock at my chest and closed my eyes. I felt something warm and sticky hit my chin; droplets splashed my face. More followed: His cock pulsed in my hand as he ejaculated and it hit my throat, my chest -- it seeped down under my shirt and stained my bra. He still wasn't done, still he kept going; Trevor's cock was exploding in my hand and showering me in cum. Another blast on my chin and I felt some hit my lips. Almost on instinct I licked them and felt drops of cum in my mouth; sticky, salty and slimy.More, I thought to myself;Give me more, never stop -- cover me in your semen Trevor, please. I want to disappear beneath it. I want to be yours. I want to be the kind of girl boys think of when they jerk off. I want to be a slut. I want to be wanted. I want this, forever.

Finally, Trevor pulled away from me and I opened my eyes. His cock was still hard, cum still stuck to the head and dripping off it onto Jamie's bedroom floor. My hands were covered in it, too. I smelt of cum; of cock. Trevor caught his breath. After a few moments Jamie, in what I was learning to recognize as her 'Porn Voice' said:

"Wow! You sure came a lot. You nearly drowned the poor girl!"

"I know," Trevor said, laughing; "I'm sorry." I locked the camera with a smile.

"Thank you. I can't wait to have some more."

"Oooh you hear that, everyone? I think she might be falling for our boy here." I blushed. Jamie addressed her viewers, thanked them for watching and waved goodbye. I held up my cum-covered hand, waved and then blew them a kiss:

"Okay" Jamie said in her normal voice, "holy shit hun, you did great!" I breathed heavily, the feeling of cum all over me driving me nuts. When I didn't answer Jamie touched my shoulder and pulled me towards her, looking me dead in the eyes:

"Beth? Are you okay, hun?" I looked at her and my eyes found her naked breasts first, then her face. So many thoughts whirled around in my head then, so many possibilities; a whole new world had just opened for me. But Jamie was worried about me, like a good friend. I finally said:

"I'm fine." Jamie gave me a look like she didn't believe me so I took a deep breath;

"I'm okay, Jamie, really. I'm... I'm okay." I looked down at my hands, Trevor's cum already drying up. "Did I.... was I any good?" I asked her.

"Are you kidding? Hun, you were amazing, that video is gonna do great! Don't you think, Trev?" she looked behind me and I glanced over. Trevor had sat down on the bed and put the camera way. He smiled at me, his cock noticeably slacker and gave me a thumbs up.

"You were awesome, Beth. That was hot as fuck." I felt ten feet tall: A man like Trevor thought I was hot. A woman like Jamie thought I was amazing at doing porn. It might actually have been the proudest moment of my life up until that point. I sat there on my knees, cum drying on my skin, my best friend topless next to me and my co-worker sat on a bed, naked from the waist down and thought about what might come next. Jamie handed me a towel and I wiped myself clean a little reluctantly. Trevor's cum had left crusty stains on my blouse, I noted. Trevor put his pants on again. Jamie took the camera and her laptop and started copying the video over. I wasn't sure what to do, Trevor gathered up his things and gave Jamie a hug. He put out his arms to me and I accepted: We hugged politely, which felt comical to say the least and he left. I stood in the hallway a little awkwardly when Jamie came up to me.

"You okay? Do you need to talk?" I shook my head, what I really just needed was to clear my head. Oh, and come. I really needed to come. Jamie insisted, though.

"Seriously hun, you were incredible but you're sure you're okay? It didn't go too far or too fast or anything? Did we do too much?"

Too much? It had been a lot, more than I guess I'd planned. Going into it I really thought I would probably jerk Trevor off for a little bit, maybe try to say something... porn-y and then I'd let Jamie take over. But too much? Had we done too much? No. No, we hadn't done enough.

I wasn't sure I could tell Jamie that, though -- not yet. I also knew it wasn't too smart of me to say too much right then in the heat of the moment. I needed to clear my head.

"No, I promise. I feel okay. I... I had a good time." I finally managed to say and Jamie smiled a little.

"Okay, hun. But you can always come over to talk, okay? And I'll let you know when I finish editing, if you want to look at it first." I nodded, thanked her and then went home. In five minutes I was in bed, moaning into my pillow and thinking about Trevor's cum on my body.​
Next page: Chapter 08
Previous page: Chapter 06