Chapter 09

A week later I was at work, busting my ass off as usual towards the end of a 7-hour shift when my phone buzzed. I checked and saw it was a text from Jamie.

>Results are in! Want to know or come over?< My heart pounded and I found myself glancing at the kitchen where Trevor was manning the grill, our shifts lining up for once. It had been a week and a half since I made that first video and Trevor had acted super cool about it. The day after we did it he'd actually texted me to tell me he'd had fun and that I had been great, but after that he'd acted completely normal around me. Friendly, charming and approachable. I watched him flip burgers and thought about kneeling down in front of him again but snapped out of it -- I was at work.

>tell me!< I texted back, not feeling able to wait. I quickly put my phone away, Bart was kind but he did not like staff using their phones during work hours. I stepped outside, past someone else on a smoke break and rounded the corner and sat down on a crate, eagerly staring at my phone. Finally, it buzzed again.

>The people have spoken, they want to see what u can do with your mouth< My heart leapt with joy. Another text:

>u okay with that?<

>yes i am<

>Thought u would be :P< I actually laughed at that. My shift was almost over and as I walked back inside I walked past the door to the fridge. Inside was Trevor, looking like he was doing inventory. I took a quick look around, my heart racing. Nobody was around. I stepped inside. Trevor looked up from his notetaking.

"Hey Beth. How you doing?"

"I'm good." The frigid air gave me goosebumps and in my excitement I felt my nipples harden.

"Heading home soon?"

"Yep." I said. "And... looks like we might have another shift together this week."

"Oh yeah? Wanna grab lunch together or something? What day?"


"I'm not working Friday."

"Well," I said and cast another look behind me. I lowered my voice and said "I might not mean here." Trevor looked confused for a second then his eyes lit up and to my astonishment he blushed and looked behind me, but there was no-one there.

"Oh, erm... oh okay." he grinned. "Well, er... looking forward to that." I smiled and quickly leaned in and whispered:

"This time I'm-" my courage nearly ran out then, but I summoned it back. "I'm gonna let you finish in my mouth." I turned around before he could say anything and strutted out, feeling like the sexiest bitch who ever walked the face of the Earth.

I am going to suck Trevor's big, fat cock on Friday. I thought to myself, almost like a prayer.

The weekend could not come soon enough.

Eventually Friday did come, and I practically skipped home from work. Was I nervous? Oh good god, yes. But every time I thought about chickening out I thought about the brief taste I had had of Trevor's cock, and the sight of me in the video with his cum all over me. I also thought of Jamie and found myself wanting to make her proud.

I want to show her I can be a good slut. I thought as I opened the door to our building and headed up the stairs -- I never took the elevator but always tried to squeeze in just that extra little bit of exercise. By the time I got to the fourth floor I was usually out of breath, although less and less as time went by -- I was on my feet all day at work, after all.

So I was a bit shaky when I got to that last step, and maybe that's why I didn't notice someone else rounding the corner just as I did. For a brief moment I fell, I grabbed the handrail but it slipped through my fingers and I was sailing backwards down the stairs. And then a hand yanked a hold of mine and I fell awkwardly, but not disastrously down one or two steps before I managed to brace myself. I caught my breath for just a second, then slowly got up.

"Woah, that was close -- you okay?" someone said and I looked up at whoever was holding my hand. A man with brown eyes, messy, blond hair and a full beard looked down at me with a concerned expression. As I got up my butt hurt like hell, but I wasn't inclined to tell him that.

"I'm alright. Sorry."

"No no, I'm sorry, I think it was my fault." He said and looked appropriately embarrassed. He looked cute like that, I thought to myself. He wore a simple hoodie and sweatpants, and suddenly I realized he looked a bit like my brother Jim. By which I mean he was of a familiar stock -- country-boy; big, muscular maybe but definitely heavy. He helped my up the last steps.

"Okay, well... thanks for saving me." I said awkwardly and smiled. He smiled back.

"My pleasure. I'm sorry again."

"It happens. I'm Beth."

"Toby. Are you... I'm new here, moved in last week."

"Oh welcome!" I said, "Where are you?"


"I'm in 4B. Nice to meet you."

"You, too. Bad circumstances, I guess."

"Don't worry about it." I said and there was an awkward pause which I decided to fill: "Well, I've got to go I've got a... thing."

"Oh right. Hot date?" He asked, jokingly.

I'm off to suck my coworker's cock with my friend on camera.

"Sort of. Anyway, see you around, Toby!"

"You too, Beth!" we parted and I eagerly got back home. I grabbed a ready-meal, scoffed it down then went for a quick shower and, wrapped in a towel went to my bedroom. Massaging my sore butt, I spent some time agonizing over my choice of clothes. I'd picked out an outfit already but of course I was now second-guessing myself.

The outfit I was thinking of showing up in was the sexiest outfit I thought I owned. A short, plaid skirt in light blue-white checkered pattern that ended just above my knees and a short-sleeved dark-green blouse that was my best fit at the time: It didn't show off rolls on my belly but when unbuttoned it gave a nice view of my cleavage. Jamie had told me she thought I'd look great in it and that I was worrying too much. She'd also probed me again the other day if I thought I was going to take some of my clothes off this time and I really couldn't make up my mind. I asked her if she would and to my surprise she said that this time she only would if I did. At first that felt like a lot of pressure, but after thinking about it I realized it was actually a big comfort: I would set the pace and all she would do was match me.

Before I knew it it was nearly time. Trevor had said he'd come round to Jamie's around eight and it was half past seven when I finally decided that I couldn't second-guess anymore. I got into the outfit I picked. If I felt unsure about it I at least felt better about my choice of underwear: I'd put on a black, flower-patterned bra that was far from comfortable but really made my boobs look great. It was pretty much the only thing I'd ever gotten a big reaction from Mark over (I'd bought them especially to impress him and it had worked). I hoped they'd get a reaction from Trevor, too.

And maybe Jamie, I added, quietly. The panties were a plain black tanga style (back then I didn't own any g-strings or anything else like that, I thought they'd just look ridiculous on me, rather than sexy).

Suited up and feeling at least somewhat ready I went over to Jamie's. She greeted me at the door and just like last time we sat down and she talked me through the gameplan. It really wasn't all that different to last time, she told me. She repeated everything from last time about how I could call it quits at any point and we could break whenever I needed. She also told me again that she would follow my lead about getting undressed. I nodded and took in her outfit again: She looked fucking stunning, despite wearing nothing special. Tight-fitting jeans and a simple v-cut t-shirt. I felt a twinge of jealousy; if only I could look that good with so little effort.

She also had a new contract for me, same deal as before except for this particular video, plus a new consent form. I really appreciated how seriously she took all of that and in hindsight I realize just how much she was looking out for me.

"Anything you want to go over, hun, anything at all?" she said after she'd gone through it all. I thought for a moment.

"How... erm... if we take turns on, you know, er, how do we..." I trailed off and Jamie looked puzzled, "How do we take turns?" I finally said and Jamie grinned.

"However you want, really. You can, you know... back off and let me pick up the slack or you can ask me to help you and we can both be... well, you know... on him." I blushed, a thought that hadn't really occurred to me. Then another thought occurred:

"Hey, that night... the day I moved in here you and Trevor... you made a video. And... can I ask how you... what were you doing, exactly?" Jamie looked unsure, not really getting what I was asking.

"We... I sucked him off, is that what you mean?"

"No, I mean how? Like, how were you guys doing it?"

"Oh!" understanding dawned on her face. "Well, I... think we started off with me sitting on the bed and him standing in front of me but then I got up on the bed and he sat on top of me." So that's why he could bang so hard on the wall, I realized.

All of a sudden I had more questions but there was a knock on the door and Jamie got up to get it. Trevor walked in and my heart fluttered. He looked like he'd dressed up for the occasion a bit, compared to last time: He wore khakis and a plain white shirt with a blue tie. He said hi to Jamie then looked over at me.

"Wow, Beth. You look amazing." I stayed where I was, I didn't trust my legs this time. Jamie led him over to the sofa and we all sat down and chatted.

"So, Trev, you know the deal today?" Jamie said, business-like.

"I think so. I understand I'm getting my dick sucked by two gorgeous girls?" Jamie nodded seriously and I blushed. She went through everything again, just like last time: I would be in the driver's seat but Jamie would help me. Just like last time she would introduce us and then she'd let me set the pace, help out if necessary and basically do what I wanted. I felt nervous, but eager. I'd done this before, I could damn well do this again.

"Ready?" Jamie asked us.

"All set." Trevor said.

"Let's do it." I said and we all headed for the bedroom.​
Next page: Chapter 10
Previous page: Chapter 08