Chapter 11 - Finale

After that second video, me and Jamie had a very long talk. I think we both needed to clear the air and make some decisions. The day after the video went live she asked me to go out for drinks to celebrate, and we did. Between the wine, my feeling of confidence and the fact that donations for that video had reached two hundred and twenty dollars after less than twenty-four hours I definitely felt on top of the world. Jamie ordered us our second glass and then settled down and told me we needed to have a serious talk. I said alright and braced myself a little.

"First off, I think you should know something about me, which is that I'm poly." I nodded, not really understanding what it meant. Okay -- of course I knew what the word polyamorous meant -- but it's not like I understood what being polyamorous meant. Where I grew up being poly was what a girl called themselves when they wanted to pretend they weren't a slut. Hardly what I thought Jamie meant.

"I'm poly, and as you've probably figured out I don't really have a problem with casual sex with my friends." she grinned. "Buuut I feel like we need to clarify where we are." I swallowed.

"I'm not gay." I said automatically.

"'Kay'. Jamie said. "You sure do kiss like you're gay though." I blushed and took another sip of wine.

"I hope I haven't done anything wrong, Jamie."

No hun, you haven't. I'll admit I'm... maybe a little taken with you, though." Time stood still for a second.Jamie was taken with me?

"I'm not sure what to say." I said, eventually.

"That's okay, you don't need to say anything. Just needed you to know, so, you know... I just don't like lying, hun. Not to you, not to anyone." For a little while neither of us spoke. "Okay, well -- that's out of the way, I have a second thing I wanted to talk about. How do you feel about becoming partners?"

"I thought-"

"Other kind of partner, hun."

"Oh. Wait, what?" Jamie chuckled, pulled out a packet of gum from her handbag, opened the wrapper and tossed the contents into her empty glass and wrote something down on the wrapper. She slid it over to me. On it, she'd scribbled:

I stared at her and suddenly became aware we were in public. I scrunched the wrapper up.

"Are you kidding?" Jamie shook her head and looked serious.

"No. Did you know I got fifteen new subscribers since you did your first video? The preview showed up on some other sites and it drew in lots more people. Traffic is up and so are subscribers. That's over a hundred dollars a month more than I had before, plus the three hundred extra in donations that went straight to you. Hun -- your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. We could make bank together." I kept staring.

I thought about it.

I told myself no, this was crazy.

But you want to.

Yes I did. Holy shit yes I did. I wanted to say yes.

"How... how did you imagine it working?" I asked.

"Well," Jamie began. "first of all we'd change the contract and I'd make you a partner in my business. We'd split all profits evenly, including donations to all videos regardless of who was in it."

So, the subscribers' fees..."

"Fully shared. I make about four thousand a month, though taxes are a bitch on that. And I think if you do join me we can motivate raising the fee -- honestly I've been a little cheap for a while." she grinned.

Two thousand extra dollars a month...

"What about the videos, how... I guess... how many would we do?"

"I've always aimed at doing at least two premium ones per month, with two of us and with a higher cost I think we should up that and try to one per week. We can take turns being on camera, plus I'll teach you how to run the camera -- it's not hard." I thought long and hard.

A small part of me screamed I was crazy and I should walk away right then.

But I didn't. I looked at Jamie and I said yes.

"Hello everyone and welcome to a very special video!" Jamie said, beaming at the camera. "Today we have an important announcement to make and I'll start with the news you won't like: I am raising by premium subscription fee to $12.99. I know you won't like that; nobody likes paying more, but hopefully you'll forgive me once you find out why." she paused, grinning wickedly and waved me over. "Introduce yourself."

"Hi." I said, my black flower-patterned bra chafing. I'd worn the exact same outfit as I did in the last video with Trevor but after discussing it we agreed we'd both start the video in our underwear. Jamie wore a plain white bra and some incredibly sexy red thong panties and as I stepped into view from behind the camera she put her arms around me and guided me to sit down on the bed. "I'm Beth." I said, crossing the Rubicon.

I did it. I said my name.

"And I'm Jamie. And this website is now Jamie and Beth's slutty adventures." We both waved our hands in the air in celebration.

"We hope you'll stick around to see what the two of get up to." I said.

"We're gonna keep doing what I've been doing in the past. We'll be doing solo videos -- except now you'll get to watch Beth go to town on herself, too. And we'll be doing a lot of videos with the two of us playing with some of my friends -- and of course with our lucky contest winners." She winked at the camera.

"But that's not all." I said and looked at Jamie.

"That's right, hun." She said and looked back at me. "We know what everyone's been wanting, don't we?"

"We do." I answered, just like we rehearsed. Jamie leaned in and kissed me. I returned it, our tongues meshing again, hers aggressively pushing against mine and the blood rushed from my head into my loins. We had talked it all through and I'd agreed to it. Jamie had said that we would both always be able to back out of anything, ever and had kept repeating it to me before this shoot -- moreso than the times with Trevor. I'd told her I was okay with it.

Her hands reached behind my back and undid my bra and I did the same. Our breasts were out and I instinctively pressed myself against her so they met. My big, heavy tits were pushed against her small, perky ones and I moaned, the sound muffled into her mouth.

"Your boobs are so big, hun." Jamie whispered, but loud enough for the camera to hear.

"Do you want to suck on them?" I asked and Jamie moaned a yes. She leaned forwards, lifted one of my breasts up and her lips closed on my nipple. I gasped and leaned backwards, Jamie following me. I lay down, Jamie on top as she played with and licked and sucked my tits. My eyes were closed and my hands wandered down between my legs, and I felt Jamie's legs on top of mine. She spread them, mounted me so I could get to my crotch. I was wet and I slipped a finger inside myself as Jamie sucked on my tits.

I lost track of how long we lay like that, it felt like hours -- Jamie seemed like she could keep going forever. Eventually I worked up the courage to move a hand from my own crotch and gently brush it against her thigh. She looked up at me from between my breasts and smiled.

"I'm soaking wet." she said. I moved my hand up her thigh and felt her warm pussy, and she was right -- my head buzzed. I felt the slight fuzz where she'd shaved, the mat of pubes at the top. I ran my finger along her lips and felt her shiver. Slowly, I moved my finger up until I got to her clit (at least... I was pretty sure that's what I did, I'd never actually done this. Well, not from this angle, that is) and then I eased my finger inside, gently, and slowly brushed the tip of my finger against it.

"Aaaah!" her voice quivered and her body sent shocks like electric jolts through mine. Gently, slowly, she rolled over just a little onto her side and lifted one leg up so the camera could get a glimpse. I kept my hand where it was and kept carefully playing with her clit. Breathlessly I asked if I was doing okay and Jamie responded by kissing me again.

"I don't want you to stop but -- ah! Ah, this isn't... isn't very good on camera." I nodded and we paused for a second; Jamie caught her breath. We talked briefly about what to do. I finally asked her in an embarrassed voice:

"Could you sit in my lap?" Jamie's eyes lit up and she nodded excitedly. I sat on the bed, my legs spread wide and Jamie sat in front of me. I still had my panties on but Jamie discarded hers. I wrapped my arms around her and my hand travelled down her flat stomach, down over the mound of pubes and Jamie dutifully spread her legs as wide as she could to allow me access. My free hand reached for one of her breasts as the other one entered her and I kissed her neck as I fingered my best friend. Jamie writhed and moaned, moving her crotch in rhythmic motions. After a little while I whispered;

"You should probably say something."

"Oh fuck! Oh yes I, er... I fuck. Fuck you're so hot Beth. I can't... I can't wait for you all to watch us -- ah! us be slutty whores together... ah!" she turned around and our lips locked again. "Can I please eat you out? Please?" Jamie pleaded and I blushed, kissed her and nodded. She got up like a bullet and before I knew what was going on she had pushed me down on the bed and was pulling off my panties.

I showed the camera my pussy. Jamie held my legs wide.That's it, I thought.That's the last straw. They've seen all of me. I hoped my belly didn't show off too much but soon I had other things to occupy my mind. Jamie knelt down on the floor and disappeared between my legs. Someone ate my pussy for the first time in my life --a woman. A woman was eating my pussy!

It was heaven. Jamie explored me with her tongue like she wanted to push her head into me.

I'd never felt so wanted in my life.

I felt her flex her tongue and screamed it was so intense. She firmly grasped my thighs and picked up the pace. Rhythmic, steady movements followed and my body tensed with pleasure. I had no idea I could feel that way. My body spasmed and I almost closed my legs it was so intense. Jamie didn't stop for a second, she just kept on going, her mouth locked into place. I heard her muffled moans, hot breath hitting my pussy and I realized she was touching herself -- I raised myself and glanced down. Her head was buried down there but she'd stuck her butt up high in the air and spread her own legs so the camera could see her playing with herself.

We spent minutes like that, the room filled with our moans and gasps and the occasional quiet lapping, slurping sounds coming from between my legs.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. My whole body tensed and I screamed out my orgasm. My legs closed tightly over Jamie's head and I thought I was going to kill her. She didn't stop until I pushed her head away, but by then I'd come so hard I thought I might have passed out. I rolled over to my side and nursed my sensitive pussy, breathing heavily.

"That... was... amazing." I finally said. Jamie was on the bed, lying down on her back playing with her pussy.

"I'm glad... I'm so glad..." she sighed between breaths. I rolled over to look at her. Her face was wet. "I... already... came... twice." she whispered. "Working... on... three." My eyes went wide. I hadn't even noticed. She craned her back and pulled her hand away like it got burnt as she came again. She collapsed, lying on the bend with only her arm raised and flexed her hand as the orgasm ebbed out of her. Finally she sat up, slowly and stared at the camera.

"Welcome to the new site. Enjoy your stay. Bye for now!" We waved goodbye.

And I realized I'd found the life I'd wanted for myself.​
Previous page: Chapter 10