Chapter 06

As soon as Jina and Sonali left the shop, Seema told her father that she will be back soon to take their grocery to them and ran back to her house. The thought of being close to those delightful creatures running through her head and she wanted to be ready in case the opportunity presented itself.

She took a quick shower, putting on her sexiest bra and panties. Then she went through her clothes trying to find just the right clothes. Choosing a skin tight, low rise jeans that highlighted her incredible ass and rode low on her hips buttoning up below her navel, pairing it with a short skin tight t-shirt that left a good few inches above the jeans, leaving a good expanse of her flat stomach bare.

Applying some perfume, making sure to dab some in her cleavage, she quickly put on a loose shalwar and kameez over her sexy clothes to hide them from her father, who would never approve of such clothes. Grabbing her purse, she put some makeup items in it. Finally, she put on a pair of strappy shoes on her small feet.

"Well...I hope this goes well." She thought to herself. When she got back to the shop, the groceries were already packed waiting for her and her father was locking up the shop.

Helping her load the bags into the car her father said "Beta, on the way why don't you grab some food for them? It's late and it will take some time for them to make something."

"That is a great idea Abba (Dad), you are really very considerate." said Seema, which was true, her father was one of the most trusting and helpful people she had met in her life.

Starting the car, she headed out, stopping at a local restaurant to pick up a couple of pizzas. Soon she was at the gate of the house where Jina and Sonali were staying. However, before ringing the bell she quickly took off the clothes she had been wearing over her sexy get up. Using the car mirror, she quickly applied some makeup, highlighting her eyes, freshened her lipstick and pulled her hair in a ponytail.

When she was ready, she took the car through the main gate. Getting out she rang the doorbell and waited with batted breath.

The sun was setting as Jina and Sonali headed back to the house. Walking side by side they were talking about what to have for dinner once the groceries arrived. Neither one of them wanted something which would take time to cook, as they wanted to spend the least amount of time out of bed and each other's arms.

"That girl, Seema, was so kind to volunteer. Otherwise, we would have to carry some of the grocery ourselves." said Jina.

"Yes, she was." replied Sonali "When I first saw her, I thought she was much younger, but I was surprised at her age. I guess it was because of her height."

"Probably, but there was nothing childish about her." said Jina, with a small smile, remembering the exquisite beauty when she had held her hand. Her small but pert and perfectly propotionate breasts that stood out prominently from her chest, the gorgeous ass that her loose-fitting clothes failed to hide. Not to mention her small but bee stung lips.

Jina had always been good at picking up when others were sexually attracted to her, in the past it had been men, but over the last two days she had also started picking up on when women felt the same. Guessing that it had always been so, but she had missed the signals due to her limited exposure to lesbian attraction.

"No, there wasn't!" said Sonali with a faraway look in her eyes, thinking about the gorgeous, petite girl they had just met. In her current hyper sexualized state of mind, she had been looking at every attractive woman, with lust. She wondered if this is how boys saw girls all the time. As she thought about Seema, she felt a stab of guilt, she and Jina had only just started exploring their relationship, and here she was already thinking about another girl, that they just met. She turned towards Jina to say something and saw her looking at her, the look in her eyes showed the same excitement that she knew was in her eyes.

"Jina was also thinking about that girl." thought Sonali.

Seeing her own excitement reflected in Jina's eyes, Sonali felt herself getting aroused. Taking a quick look around and finding the road empty she reached out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her towards herself, her lips reached out for Jina's. As she slowly kissed Jina their bodies came together, Jina's own hands went around Sonali and grabbed her by her ass and she pulled her against herself harder, Sonali also lowered her hands to Jina's ass as their kiss increased in intensity.

Just then they heard a motorcycle coming down the road and quickly moved apart. As the motorcycle passed by them, they looked at each other, their breaths comings faster as their bosoms rose and fell with their breathing. Jina took Sonali's hand and they started walking quickly back to the house. Along the way both of them felt their arousal increasing in anticipation and found their hands making quick passes over the other ass or breasts keeping the fire of lust they were experiencing burning.

As soon as they were through the door, Jina grabbed Sonali and pulled her in for a deep kiss, which she returned with enthusiasm. Jina's tongue exited her mouth running over Sonali's lips coaxing her to part her lips, which she did willingly, her tongue entered Sonali's moist mouth running over her lips and the inside of her mouth, drawing her tongue into her own mouth where Jina sucked on it.

While their mouths and tongues were dueling their hands were running over each other's lush bodies. Sonali slid her arms inside Jina's lehenga and grabbed her naked ass. The heat coming off her body felt incredible on her hands. She brought her right hand towards the front, her hand searching for Jina's slit while her left hand teased her deep ass crack.

As her fingers reached Jina's cunt, Sonali felt the wetness that had already begun to leak out of her. She searched for her sensitive clit with her fingers as she found the prominent button and pinched it with the fore finger and thumb.

"Oooohhh!! Yes... that feels great... aarrgghhh... more, more" moaned Jina, as she felt the pleasure shoot through her body under Sonali's ministrations.

Hearing Jina's encouragements, Sonali pushed her middle finger inside her, curling her finger to massage her g-spot. As Jina clutched Sonali to herself she broke the kiss with Sonali latching her mouth to her exposed neck as she continued to stimulate her as Jina ran her hands all over body. Finally, having enough Jina pushed Sonali back and took off her kameez, seeing that Sonali grabbed her lehenga and pulled it down.

Just then the doorbell rang and both women stopped what they were doing, looking at each other they wondered who it could be, in their passion forgetting all about Seema and the delivery. Jina was standing in front of the door with her lehenga around her feet, her slit leaking down her thighs and her shirt in her hand only wearing her bra. Sonali while still dressed but her clothes and hair were messy. Both women's lips were slightly swollen from the kissing and the lipstick had been rubbed off.

Jina was the first to come to her senses, quickly picking up her lehenga she headed towards the bedroom silently pointing at the door to Sonali to open it up. Giving her a thumbs up, Sonali reached for the door handle and turned it.

As the door opened Seema held her breath in anticipation. Sonali, the younger one, opened the door, but her eyes were drawn to something in the background. She could swear that she saw a flash of a naked ass as it disappeared around the corner.

Had she just interrupted a lovemaking session? she wondered.

She looked back at Sonali noticing the general disarray of her clothes and hair, the hooded, glassy, gaze and the slightly swollen appearance of her lips, which seem to have lost some of the lipstick from earlier. She was now sure that she had just interrupted a serious make out session between them.

Sonali was also giving Seema a once over, for a minute she did not recognize the girl, having seen her in traditional clothes and without makeup. Seeing her now in the skin tight low rise jeans and t-shirt that displayed her breasts, given her small stature, with her flat stomach and belly button exposed to her eyes. It was only once she had taken in the beauty in front of her, did she notice the car parked behind her and two pizza boxes in her hand.

"Hello, I am here with your groceries." said Seema, not missing the looks Sonali had been giving her, "I also thought that it is quite late and you must be hungry, so I also got a couple of Pizza's for us to eat, so you don't have to cook anything tonight." Putting the 'US' in her statement in an attempt to get herself invited.

"Thank you!" said Sonali "How considerate of you, please come in." Moving to the side to give Seema room to walk into the house.

Seema stepped in handing the Pizza's to Sonali and said "I will get the rest of the groceries from the car." as she headed back to the car, making sure to put a little extra swing in her steps, something which was not missed by Sonali as she watched her swinging ass hypnotized. Coming quickly to her senses she put the pizza on the kitchen counter and headed out to help Seema with the rest of the groceries.

Between the two of them they were able to bring in all the groceries in a couple of trips, putting them in the kitchen for further sorting. As they were bringing in the last load, they were joined by Jina, who had been expecting whoever was at the door to have left by this time and had put on red, sexy, high cut silk short and a skimpy silk top that left her mid riff bare, however seeing Seema and Sonali coming in with the last load she stopped in her tracks. Both girls also stopped to drink in the vision in front of them. They took a long time going over Jina's smooth long legs, flat sexy tummy and beautiful braless breasts.

Watching the two girls eyeing her with undisguised lust on their faces Jina felt a thrill run up her spine and felt herself getting moist, as she watched them watch her, she imagined the two of them naked lying on each side of her, their bodies writhing against her.

"Hi...Seema, it was so nice of you to bring the groceries, really needed those to make dinner." said Jina, snapping out of her day dream she broke the sexual tension in the room.

"Oh, no need for making dinner." said Sonali "Seema has brought some pizzas for us, since it was already late."

"Really? That is so kind of you." said Jina, looking at Seema "Please you must join us for dinner, it is the least we can do."

Seema nodded her acceptance, smiling broadly, her plan was coming along so far, now she only needed to figure out how to initiate the sexual liaison she had been dreaming of ever since she saw these two women. She quickly called her father to let him know about the change in her dinner plans and that she would be late getting back.

As the three of them gathered around the pizzas, the conversation started to flow between them. Jina and Sonali found Seema to be very fun, who kept them amused with stories of the town's people and her college life. She also found the two women easy to talk to.

As they continued talking Seema started making more physical contact with Jina and Sonali, touching them on their hands or arms when making a point, pushing their hair back from their face, making sure to run the back of her hand across the neck, slowly Jina and Sonali also started mirroring her. With a lot of mutual touching happening among the three the overall mood was becoming more sensual as time went by and all three of them started feeling the beginning of their arousal.

"So, Seema, do you have anyone special in college?" asked Jina as the conversation became more personal.

" one special, just me and my girlfriends." replied Seema, putting an emphasis on the word girlfriends, something which Jina and Sonali did not fail to notice.

Exchanging a quick glance, the both wondered what Seema meant by girlfriends. It was quite clear to both of them that Seema was attracted to them and they to her, but did not want to presume anything more than innocent flirtation, but the way she said the word made them think twice.

"Ok, so what do you and your girlfriends get up to?" asked Jina teasingly, trying to get a better sense of what kind of relationship she had with them.

"Oh, you know, most days we are just running from class to class, or working on some assignment or other." replied Seema with a small smile, catching on to what Jina was trying to do.

Picking up on Jina's signal Sonali turned to Seema and asked "So what do you do in the evening and the weekends?"

Seeing where the game was going, and delighted that the two of them were playing along and were clearly interested in pushing the envelope, Seema decided to see how far they were willing to go. Even if this did not turn into a sexual relationship, she genuinely liked them and wanted to spend more time with them. A summer spent with them was preferable to one stuck at home or in the shop, even if they did not end up in bed together.

"The usual...hanging out, watching TV, going to a club...making each other feel good." stressing the last two words while replying with an impish smile, a hint of challenge and invitation in her eyes, as she looked at both women.

Both Jina and Sonali picked up on the implied invitation in Seema's eyes and words, but were unsure as to how to proceed. While they thought about it, Seema decided to push them a little further as she had realized that the two of them were interested, but were hesitant to make the first move, meaning that she would have to initiate the next step in the mutual seduction that the three of them were conducting.

"Jina, you must have had a lot of interesting adventures at your university." said Seema, "I bet there were a lot of...people after you, you are so gorgeous."

"Thank you." said Jina, secretly pleased that Seema found her gorgeous. "There aren't a lot of stories from my college days, I was pretty focused on my studies."

"I don't believe that, you would put any Bollywood actress to shame." replied Seema, ramping up her appreciation of Jina and trying to highlight her interest "You make Sunny Leone look plain in comparison, and she is so hot, no way you didn't have a lot of admirers in college." Seema made it a point to mention the Indian actress, well known for her lesbian movies in the American porn industry. It was not an idle comparison, Jina did remind her of a much hotter, sexier and sensual version of the actress.

"Come on Jina, just one good story." pleaded Sonali, having picked up what Seema was trying to do when referring to Sunny Leone.

"Well, there was that one time, I and my best friend in college..." began Jina leaning forward to tell the story, she noticed the two girls getting very quiet. Looking at them she realized that she had displayed a generous portion of her breasts in the low-cut top, both pair of eyes were locked on her breasts.

Seeing the glassy looks she decided to have some fun with the two girls and shimmied her breasts causing both the girls to catch their breath at the erotic display. Instead of breaking the mood, Jina's little display just charged the atmosphere with additional sexual energy. Seema ran her tongue over her lips while Sonali breathing became heavier.

Sonali and Seema shared a quick look after Jina's little display, seeing their own lust reflected in the other's eyes. Turning back to Jina they started listening to her story absent mindedly, all the while trying to ignore the growing heat in their loins and the hardening of their nipples.

As Jina continued with her story she felt a foot touch her leg, softly at first, which she ignored, but then more insistently the foot slowly started to rub up and down her smooth leg. She looked towards the two girls trying to figure of which one of them was playing footsie with her. She caught Seema's eye who was boldly looking at her, with lust in her eyes.

As the two of them stared at each other the foot moved up from her shin to her inner thigh shooting waves of arousal straight to her vagina, making her wet. She also noticed that Seema's left hand was no longer on the table, but paid no attention to it as she held her gaze and bit her lower lip in arousal suppressing a moan, she closed her eyes as the foot slowly made its way towards her cunt.

Sonali who had been getting aroused with all the touching and the charged atmosphere felt a hand on her thigh, as the fingers gently rubbed her thigh she looked as Seema whose hand was now in her lap moving towards her cunt. Seema for her part was pretending to pay attention to Jina's story while her right foot moved closer to her vagina and her left hand touched Sonali between her legs.

Seema's foot and hand reached the spot between both women's leg at the same time. Jina, who had already been primed felt the pressure on her vagina and unconsciously opened her legs further. Forgetting all about her story she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the expert manipulation of Seema's foot, she clenched her hands to try hold of her rising orgasm.

Sonali on the other was enjoying Seema's actions, with hooded eyes, her breathing coming heavy, her lips parted as she felt a moan rising. In an effort to give Seema more access, she leaned towards the girl as a moan escaped her lips, only to be captured in a sensual kiss by Seema. Sonali eyes opened in surprise as she felt the kiss, but before she could pull back, Seema's talented tongue entered her mouth and she lost herself with a loud moan into the kiss, as her hand moved into Seema's hair to pull her into the kiss.

Hearing Sonali moan Jina opened her eyes to the most erotic thing she had ever seen in her life. Two beautiful women tenderly kissing each other. The sight of the two of them kissing and moaning was the final straw, she experienced a small orgasm, moaning as she reached her peak.

Sonali and Seema broke their kiss and looked at Jina as she moaned through her orgasm, her legs clamping down on Seema's foot on her cunt. Jina looked at the two beautiful faces next to each other, their eyes full of lust and their beautiful breasts topped with hard nipples, rising up and down as they breathed heavily, observing her enjoy her orgasm, she felt a wave of love and lust for the two of them.

All doubts about where this was going gone, Jina released Seema's foot as she stood up and held out her hands to the two sexy vixens. Taking one hand each, the two of them also stood up as Jina pulled them away from the table and towards herself.

Bringing the two of them close to herself, Jina kissed Sonali first running her lips over hers and stroking them with her tongue, she opened her mouth to allow Jina's tongue to enter where she proceeded to play with Sonali's tongue drawing it out into her own. As the two of them shared a kiss that increased in passion, Jina's hand settled on Sonali's lower back just above her firm buttocks, while Sonali reached up to fondle her abundant breasts.

Breaking the kiss with a soft moan Jina turned towards Seema, who being shorter, stretched upwards while Jina reached down to capture her lips in a searing kiss. Grabbing the much shorter girl with her ass, she pulled her to herself even as their tongues dueled. Seema in the meanwhile had joined Sonali to fondling Jina's breasts, where they proceeded to squeeze the abundant flesh, tweaking her nipples which stood out prominently in arousal.

Finally, breaking the kiss, causing Seema to moan in disappointment, Jina looked at the two girls fondling her breasts while rubbing their bodies against her. Stepping back, she took their hands, turning around to lead them to the master bedroom. The two girls following Jina eagerly as they thought about what was about to happen, their eyes on Jina's luscious ass in the silk shorts.

Once they reached the room, Jina hesitated not sure how to proceed further. Seeing her hesitation Seema took charge, being the more experienced among them. Stepping forward she put one hand behind Jina's head pulling her head down for a kiss while other hand reached for the waist of her shorts, as the two beauties shared a deep kiss, Seema pushed her hands inside the shorts and grabbed Jina's naked ass.

"Ooohhhh!!" moaned Jina, from both the kiss and Seema manipulation of her ass.

As the kiss continued Seema started pushing the shorts off Jina's ass. Seeing her actions Sonali came closer to the two women and grabbed Jina's shorts from the other side and started to slide them off her. As the shorts came down her smooth legs Sonali knelt down to take them off her feet, finding her face in front of Jina's slit which glistened with her arousal. Unable to stop herself Sonali leaned forward and ran her tongue over the exposed flesh.

"Aaahhh!!" moaned Jina, feeling Sonali lick her. While Seema broke the kiss and stepping back grabbed the top from the bottom and started pulling it upwards. With Jina's help she quickly raised it off her body, throwing it behind her back as she drank in the image of the naked Jina in front of her.

Jina stood naked in front of the two a little self-consciously. A shiver ran up her spine as she saw the naked lust on the faces of the two girls in front of her. Reaching towards Sonali, Jina pulled her closer to take off her top just as Seema moved behind her and started undoing her jeans and pulling them down her legs. Kneeling behind Sonali, she pulled her jeans down her legs, leaning forward and kissed her naked ass.

Once Sonali was also naked, she and Jina, turned on Seema and started undressing her. There was a lot of kissing and caressing as two undressed the shorter girl. Both Jina and Sonali moaned is lust as they uncovered the small Venus like body. Seema's breast while smaller than theirs were perfect. Reaching forward they slowly caressed them while tweaking her nipples.

"Oh God!" moaned Seema under the twin assault. "Somebody please kiss me!!"

Sonali was first to capture her lips in a deep kiss, even as she continued to caress her body. Jina took over from Sonali, capturing her soft beautiful lips while her tongue caressed the inside of Seema's mouth while Sonali started kissing Seema's neck. The kiss soon turned into a three-way kiss with the three women sharing lips, tongues and spit among each other while they wantonly caressed each other's bodies.

Finally breaking apart and they quickly lay down. With Jina in the middle as the two younger women arranged themselves on either side of her. Seema immediately started kissing her lips while Sonali kissed her neck moving towards her breasts, Seema followed her lead and soon the two of them were licking and softly sucking her abundant breasts without touching her super sensitive nipple and areolas, teasing Jina and raising her arousal to a higher plane.

"Oooohhh!! Stop teasing me." moaned Jina as she put her hands in the two girls' hair, trying to guide their mouths towards her sensitive nipples.

Seema and Sonali shared a look over her breasts and smiled at Jina's aroused state and her frantic demands. Giving into her demands the two vixens started licking her nipples and the engorged areolas around them at the same time both of them ran their hands down her flat stomach towards her leaking cunt, but instead of touching her where she most wanted, the two ran their hands on her inner thighs coming close to her center without ever touching her.

Jina was going out of her mind, the slow but insistent sucking of her breasts and the hands over her body were driving her crazy. Since the two girls were pleasuring her in their own different ways she was having trouble in anticipating what they would do to her again which only heightened her arousal. In the back of her mind a thought passed that the two of them seem to be extremely well coordinated when it came to arousing her without letting her reach release.

All thoughts left her mind as the two hands reached between her legs with one flicking her aroused clitoris while two fingers from the other reached inside her flooded vagina. The combined manipulation of her breasts by tongues and mouths combined with the hands on her vagina was too much for Jina. She felt herself rising to an orgasm that she had never experienced before, just as she was about to scream out her release the two fingers inside her curled upwards and brushed against her g-spot.

Jina body went rigid as she orgasmed, her mouth fell open in a scream, but no sound came out. As the intense orgasm crashed over her, all sense of time and place left her, her senses were so completely overloaded that she did not know what she was doing.

"Ooohh God, ummm, fuck, fuck, fuck...argghhhh!!" Jina finally started to vocalize her release, as she orgasmed, her body started to shake and arching in pleasure. Seema and Sonali watched in wonder at her intense reaction, a little worried, afraid that Jina may hurt herself as she trashed around in her release, completely lost to the world around her.

As Jina came back to her senses, she felt hands on her face and body as they caressed her, soothing her. Opening her eyes, she saw the beautiful faces of Seema and Sonali with looking down at her with concern.

"Jina, are you ok?" asked Sonali.

"I have never seen anyone cum like that!!" said Seema, with a touch of awe in her voice. "Do you always orgasm like that?"

"No." replied Jina, softly. "This was new for me...and yes I am fine. I guess...the whole situation kind of pushed me to the extreme."

Looking at herself she saw that her flushed body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and the inside of her legs were wet, while her breasts still ached, pleasantly, from the girl's ministrations.

"That was amazing...I can't thank you two enough for that." she said caressing their faces. The two girls saw the gratitude in her face and smiled back to her.

"I am sure the two of us can think of a few ways you can show your gratitude." smiled Seema looking over at Sonali, with an impish grin.

"Oh, I fully intend to." smiled back Jina, lustily. Her hand running over the smooth, soft, naked bodies of both girls.

Sonali leaned forward over Jina's body and softly kissed Seema, now that she was sure that Jina was going to be ok. Seeing the girls kiss over her body, Jina moaned softly and her hands made their way to the girl's vaginas where she started to massage the outside of their slits, until her fingers felt their aroused clits.

As Jina pinched their clits both Seema and Sonali moaned into each other's mouth their hands rising to massage the others breasts and run their hands over the their bodies. Kneeling on either side of Jina on the bed the two of them opened their thighs to give Jina easier access to their groins even as they continued to kiss and pleasure each other with their hands.

As Jina's manipulated their clit and groin she plunged one finger into each of them, feeling the hot and moist interior, crooking her finger she lightly scrapped the top of their vaginas searching for their g-spots. Her actions elicited an almost instantaneous reaction from both girls.

Seema broke her kiss with Sonali, moaning loudly as Jina's finger touched her g-spot leaning forward she rested her head on Sonali's shoulder, clutching her tightly as Jina fingered her, while her thumb rubbed her clit. Seeing her reaction Jina did the same to Sonali, who immediately started undulating her body clutching Seema to herself. Both girls were lost in their pleasure running their hands over each other body, kissing, moaning and rubbing up against each other as their pleasure started to peak.

Jina added a second finger inside each girl while continuing to manipulate their clits with her thumbs. She was rewarded for her effort, both girls, their bodies vibrating with arousal, their moans reaching a higher crescendo even as they their hands and lips became more active not only caressing each other but her naked body also from time to time, tweaking her nipples or grasping her breasts. Jina watched this tableau play out right on top of her, the fit and gorgeous bodies undulating, perspiration covering them as the light from the lamp shined off them, giving the erotic sight greater power and she felt herself getting aroused again.

Seema in a moment of clarity observed the scene, one beautiful girl moaning, kissing and caressing her while another lay between them as she brought pleasure to them both and felt a great sense of joy. In that moment she brought one of her hands and joined with Jina in pleasuring Sonali's vagina. Feeling Seema's hands join with Jina, Sonali opened her eyes to stare into Seema's eyes and returned the favor.

The two beautiful girls stared into each other eyes as they pleasured each other and were in turn pleasured by Jina. Seeing the pleasure and rising passion in the other's eyes. Finally, unable to take it any longer both of them started to feel their orgasm approaching and at the same time their other hand reached out for Jina's slit, with Sonali fingers finding their way inside Jina, while Seema pinched her clitoris.

Jina who had not been expecting this renewed assault on herself was taken by surprise her bee stung lips falling open as a deep moan escaped her mouth as she felt another orgasm approaching. To speed her along Seema suddenly slapped her pussy lightly, then harder, the pain followed by the caressing increased her sensitivity as Seema pinched her clit even harder.

All three women reached their culmination together, the room was filled with the screams and moans as all three orgasmed with Sonali and Seema arching their backs as they shook through their peak and finally falling backwards on the bed, while Jina creamed herself on her back.

The three naked beauties lay on the bed panting and recovering from their mutual orgasms. Their bodies covered in a fine sheen.

"Oh my god!! That was amazing." Seema was the first one to verbalize her feelings.

"You said it. I didn't think it could get hotter but..." replied Jina, at a loss of words for the passion she had experienced since they entered the bedroom.

"I didn't know it could be like this, so loving and hot at the same time." agreed Sonali.

As the three women lay where they fell gathering their strength and wondering what comes next. Jina smiled and sat up. She leaned down to kiss Seema gently on the cheek. Sonali moved onto her knees, kneeling on the bed behind Jina and wrapping her arms around her shapely waist.

The girl pressed her body against Jina's back, her breasts mashed firmly as she nuzzled her hair and neck. Jina moaned softly, closing her eyes to mere slits as she felt Sonali's warm body nestled against her own. Smiling, Seema moved forward, kissing Jina softly on the lips, then growing more passionate and urgent with her mouth and tongue. Jina grew limp in the twin embraces of the two girls, her body yielding and compliant as she leaned against Sonali while returning Seema's kiss with equal passion and desire.

Seema slid her small tongue into Jina's mouth. Sonali reached around Jina, fondling and caressing her large breasts with great enthusiasm as she slowly licked the sweet flesh of her naked back. Seema moved down, licking Jina's nipples until they were hard with arousal, then circling the tips with her tongue, leaving a trail of saliva in her wake.

Jina panted softly, her pussy growing wet with lust as the two girls caressed and licked her naked torso. Sonali pressed Jina onto her back, spreading her legs apart, and began licking Jina's pussy, her tongue insistent as it slid up and down her quivering slit. Seema climbed over the bed, bending down briefly to kiss Jina as she groaned with pleasure, then straddling her face with her small crotch. Seema lowered her cunt onto Jina's mouth, gasping sharply as Jina eagerly began sucking on her labia folds. The petite girl rose and fell, cupping her own breasts while Jina buried her mouth in her cunt, her tongue an eager probe that thrust deep inside Seema's wet vagina.

Sonali buried her mouth inside Jina's cunt, the fingers of her right hand pressed against her cunt, spreading the slit of her pussy apart until her fuck hole was visible. Female juices trickled from Jina, the sticky honey staining Sonali's lips as she resumed her tongue-fucking, her member a small probe of wet flesh that pushed inside Jina's pussy, burrowing until it entered her.

Jina moaned loudly; her groans of lust muffled by Seema's cunt. Jina used her hands to fondle and pinch Seema's bare ass, her fingers caressing the panting girl's ass crack while the young woman licked her own lips. Sonali slid two fingers from her left hand into Jina's pussy, pushing the digits deeply into Jina's vagina until she reached her throbbing womb. Keeping Jina's thighs far apart, the young woman began licking her cunt, pressing her tongue firmly against the small clit.

Seema pressed her small hands against the nearby headboard, her nails digging into the wood as she pumped her ass over Jina's face. The young girl panted loudly, her pert tits heaving with effort as Jina sucked on her young cunt, devouring her sex until it gushed with warm honey. Sonali filled Jina's pussy with fingers, sliding in and out of the slit until her vagina shook with excitement. The girl covered Jina's cunt with her mouth, sucking loudly on the clit. Jina released Seema's cunt long enough to groan loudly, her naked body trembling as an orgasm pounded her brain and exploded in a spasm of energy.

"Jina!!, keep eating my pussy," begged Seema as she leaned against the headboard, her small, round ass an irresistible lure. Smiling wantonly, Jina leaned back, fastening her mouth on Seema's cunt, sucking energetically until the young girl screamed with sexual release, falling to her side. Sonali rubbed her face one more time in Jina's crotch, relishing the feel of the naked pussy and velvety inner thighs, then she began licking Jina's cum from her fingertips.

"How do you feel?" asked Sonali as she caressed Jina's bare leg with her right hand.

"Great...thanks to you." replied Jina as she lay limply on the sweat-slick sheets, her large tits rising and falling with her deep breaths.

"I'm glad." said Sonali before she snuggled in close against Jina's side, hugging the beauty while she leaned forward and kissed Jina deeply on the lips. Both girls curled up against Jina, the three naked, sweaty women lying in bliss on the bed.​
Next page: Chapter 07
Previous page: Chapter 05