Chapter 08.1
Jina and Sonali were cuddling on the large bed, still recovering from their incredible early morning fuck session. The beautiful, naked women lay in the bed, languidly running their hands over each other's bodies.
Something had been at the back of Sonali's mind, caused by something Jina had mentioned last night.
"Jina" she began, "We are going to be here for a while, but what are we going to do once, other people also join us? I don't think I can go a day without making love to you."
"Oh, my princess, I feel the same way." replied Jina, "Don't worry we will find a way, in the meantime let's make the most of the time we have together."
"What about when the school vacations are over, how am I supposed to make it through the days without you? I don't want to give this up, even for a day." Sonali said.
"I feel the same way, dear." said Jina, "But I am sure that we both will be able to find something to keep us going the days we are apart."
Sonali pondered on Jina's words. A little saddened that this time of solitude will be limited. After her graduation she would be off to college, which will make their distance even greater. While Sonali would have Reeva, Lucy and Ms. Maliya to keep her warm at night, she wondered how Jina would cope.
"I know that we will take whatever moments we can to be together, but once I go back to school, what will you do. I don't want you to be lonely." she said.
"Oh, don't worry Jai will be there for me." replied Jina.
"Oh, I know. Will he be enough? Can he satisfy you the way I can?" asked Sonali.
Jina pondered her words. Jai had always been a very considerate lover, but she had a much more active libido and had never really felt fully satiated. Her experience with Sonali and now Seema, had opened her eyes to just what it took to make her feel sexually satiated. Sonali's words made her consider how she could ensure her sexual satisfaction after they part. She did love Jai, and did not want to cheat on him with another man.
As Jina pondered her own future plans, Sonali was wondering how Reeva's first days back had been. They had not had a chance to talk and catch up. She had so much to discuss and share with her, planning to call her as soon as possible, she wondered if she had experienced anything approaching what the she had gone through in two short days.
She doubted it.
As the two women lay on the bed, lost in their own thoughts, Sonali's stomach suddenly rumbled in hunger. Jina looked over at her niece and burst out laughing.
"Well, I guess we know what we have to do first." she said, "Come on, let's get out of bed and have some breakfast. We need to keep our strength up. Don't we?"
"I would love to spend the whole day in bed with you, but yeah you are right. An empty stomach is no fun." smiled back Sonali.
The beauties finally broke apart and rose from the bed, heading to the bathroom which they planned to share as long as they had the opportunity. The two of them brushed their teeth, naked, standing in front of the large mirror. The two smiled as their rigorous brushing caused their naked breasts to jiggle softly.
"No funny stuff." said Jina, "We will have plenty of time today, but right now we still have to unpack fully and open the rest of the house."
Pouting Sonali nodded her head in agreement. Despite their plans the shower took much longer than expected with a lot of mutual caressing, kissing, licking and fingering being involved. By the time the two of them stepped out they were well and truly clean, as well as aroused. However instead of repeating the performance of the morning, they quickly dried off and put on some comfortable clothes and headed to the kitchen.
The groceries from the previous night were still not put away as the three of them had got distracted so Sonali started putting them away while Jina prepared breakfast. The two of them settling into an easy domestic setting. As they moved around the kitchen, they bumped against each other from time to time, smiling at each other they shared a few soft kisses and a lot of errant hands rubbed pussy, ass and breasts.
Sitting down to a nice breakfast, they discussed the events of the previous evenings and their plans for the coming days of the summer vacation. As they talked Sonali suddenly remembered something from last night, before they got distracted, that she wanted to talk to Jina about.
"Jina, last night you were telling us a story from your college days." she said, "but then we got...side tracked, I don't remember much about it. What were you saying?"
"Oh, I was telling about a time with my roommate." Jina replied.
"What about her?" asked Sonali.
"Oh, it doesn't matter it was a long time ago, water under the bridge." replied Jina.
"Come one, it sounds like a juicy story and I want to hear it now that I am not distracted." pleaded Sonali.
"Oh ok. Well, as I was saying yesterday before we got interrupted, my roommate in college was this gorgeous Punjabi girl, she was my senior but was very friendly, we were only together for a year before she graduated," began Jina, "but she really helped me out in the early days to adjust, and being roommates, we became close friends."
Sonali listened as Jina told her about her roommate, the two of them were very close and used to spend most of their free time together.
"What did she look like?" asked Sonali.
"She was my height, maybe a little heavier, but I remember having this amazing skin tone almost golden." recalled Jina, "She also an amazing hourglass figure, but she was not soft by any means, I remember how her breasts and ass being firm very little jiggle, if you know what I mean."
"She sounds like a beauty." said Sonali.
"She was. All the girls were jealous of her, because she was so vivacious and outgoing, the boys were always hanging around her. They hardly paid any attention to anyone else when she was around." said Jina.
"I bet the same can be said about you." smirked Sonali.
"Oh no, while I did get my fair share of attention, but I was very introverted and rarely became friendly with any of the boys, so after a while they got the message and didn't bother me much." replied Jina.
"So, she was very popular with the boys?" asked Sonali.
"Yes, she was, but I don't think I ever remember her being serious with anyone of them, more like just friendly and enjoying their company, maybe a few dates here and there, but nothing serious." replied Jina.
Thinking back, she recalled that her roommate never seemed to show much interest in the boys, in a sexual sense, sure they gossiped about this boy or that girl and their dating habits, and teased each other about their male friends. But she could not recall any actual romantic entanglements.
"Anyway, one day we were in our room, it must have been a week before the end of term and she would be graduating, and she asked me to oil her, to keep her shirt from getting dirty she took off her shirt. This was nothing new but that she was wearing a very sexy net bra, very different from her regular underwear, and it really put her breasts on great display." said Jina, her thoughts going back to that day.
"So, as I massaged her head she started moaning, and rubbing her legs together, then as I finished, she turned around kissed my hands softly, looking deeply into my eyes and thanked me for the great head massage. She then offered to return the favor." Jina continued.
"As she started putting oil in my hair and started massaging my head, she would also massage my neck and shoulders or run her hands over my face, it was so relaxing and sensual. As she finished her hands were lying lightly on my shoulders, her fingers touching the top of my breasts, where they were slowly pressing on them. It felt great. After a while I stood up so did, she and I turned around we were face to face, a few inches separating our lips, both of us were breathing heavily, while I was still wearing my shirt her breasts were clearly visible in her bra and I could see her aroused nipple. The heat I was feeling was incredible, then slowly her mouth started moving closer..." Jina stopped then, thinking back to that day and the feeling of the moment.
"What? What happened then?" whispered Sonali, desperate to hear what happened next.
"Oh." said Jina, breaking out her reverie. "Someone knocked on the door and we jumped back. She went into the bathroom, while I opened the door. That was pretty much it. She left a few days later after her graduation and we never got a chance to discuss about that moment."
"Unn hunh..." moaned Sonali, in frustration. "It sounds like she wanted a lot more."
"Yeah, I have thought about that moment from time to time. But since I have had my first lesbian experience and thinking about her in this light, I am sure she was attracted to women, now that I think about our interactions, it is clear that she wanted a sexual relationship with me. I guess the signals never got through." replied Jina, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"So, do you still keep in touch?" asked Sonali.
"No, we drifted apart after college, I am not even sure where Maliya ended up after graduation." said Jina.
"Wait, her name was Maliya...was her full name by any chance Maliya Chopra?" asked Sonali, in surprise.
"Yes, it was, how did you know that?" replied Jina.
"My teacher in school is named Maliya Chopra, she is Punjabi and would be a few years older than you." said Sonali.
"Really, I doubt we are talking about the same person, it would be too much of a coincidence." said Jina, with a hint of hope in her voice.
"That is easy, I have a picture of her, let me show you." said Sonali. Quickly running back to her room, she grabbed her phone and opened her school's website. Scrolling down the list of teachers she tapped on Ms. Maliya's name which showed her picture along with her bio.
Jina gasped in surprise as she saw the picture of her old roommate on Sonali's phone.
"It is her!!" Jina gasped, "What a coincidence."
"You want to talk to her?" asked Sonali, "I have her number."
"I... I am not sure." Jina said, "It's been so long, not sure if she even remembers me, or if she feels the same about me."
"Oh Jina. You are unforgettable. She will definitely remember you." said Sonali.
"Why don't you give me her number, I will think about calling her." said Jina.
Sonali sent the contact details to Jina's phone, she really hopped that Jina called her.
"Ok, let's just unpack the rest of our stuff. We then need to call the rent-a-car company to send over the car Jai arranged. We can't spend the rest of the vacation couped up in this house." said Jina, as she stood up and started to clear the table.
"Ok, but I am going to call Reeva first." replied Sonali, as she headed for her room.
As Raj came down for breakfast, Nikita, Reeva and his mother were already sitting down to eat. Having changed into shirt and trousers, his usual dress code for work, he observed from the door that Nikita and Reeva were still wearing their pajamas and t-shirt, which showed of their incredible bodies, both pair of breasts were unencumbered by bras and from the angle he was standing he could tell that Reeva was also not wearing any panties.
"Good morning." said Raj as he entered the room and took his place at the table.
"Good morning, beta." his mother replied, as she passed him the fried eggs, as both Reeva and Nikita nodded at him.
As they sat in silence eating their breakfast, Raj would look over at Reeva and Nikita from time to time, the sight of the two of them naked on the bed running through his head. As he replayed the memory, he felt himself getting aroused. Looking at Reeva he couldn't help but picture her naked as she ate her breakfast.
"Damn it." he thought to himself, "this is getting out of hand, she is my sister."
Even as he admonished himself, another part of his mind was telling him that she maybe his sister but she was also a sexy, desirable woman. He tried to get a hold of his runaway imagination, but the more her tried to ignore his sister, the harder it became and he felt the stirring in his pants get worse.
As Raj adjusted himself in the chair to take some of the pressure off his penis, Nikita was observing him discreetly from the corner of her eye. As he moved around, she smiled to herself, knowing full well what was the reason of his discomfort. Catching her husband's eye, she smiled at him and tilted her head towards Reeva, Raj catching the motion nodded, confirming her suspicion about what was happening to him.
Quickly finishing off his breakfast, Raj got up from the table saying, "I have to get to work quickly, have a major meeting today. Nikita, you have to get to work today also, right? Will you be able to get there? I won't be able to drop you today."
Reeva, looked over at Nikita in surprise since she had not mentioned anything about work to her. Nikita worked as a senior administrator in one of the top private schools in the city, and like most students she was also on vacation.
"Oh!! I completely forgot." she said, "Thanks for reminding me Raj. I will call an Uber, don't worry." looking over at Reeva and her mother-in-law she explained, "Have to go in for a few hours today, need to finalize a few things, my boss's wife fell and broke her leg and I have to cover for him. It will only be for today, then I am free for the summer."
Reeva, pouted on hearing about Nikita's plans, she had hoped to have another day with her sister-in-law with Raj out of the house, but it was apparently not going to happen.
"I am sorry, Reeva." said Nikita, "We will spend more time together over the rest of the vacations."
"Don't worry, beta. You go and take care of your work. You don't have to babysit Reeva all the time. She is grown up and can take care of herself." said Reeva's mom, without realizing what kind of taking care Reeva needed.
Both Reeva and Nikita, smiled at her mother's unintended pun, while Raj barely suppressed his grin from Reeva.
"That is ok, Amma. I still have to fully unpack and I have not talked to Sonali. I will call her once I have showered and changed." said Reeva.
Raj, headed out to work, while Reeva helped her mother clean up the kitchen as Nikita headed up stairs to get ready for work. Once she was done with helping in the kitchen, she headed to change and call Sonali.
Sonali pulled up Reeva's number on her phone and hit call. The phone rang for a few seconds before Reeva picked up.
"Hi Sonali, it is great to hear from you. I was about to call you." said Reeva.
"Hi Reeva, it is so great to hear your voice. Sorry it took so long to call you, but I have been...busy." replied Sonali.
"Really! What have you been doing that has kept you so busy?" asked Reeva, with a small smile. "I hope your gorgeous aunt has been too distracting for you."
Smiled laughed at Reeva's tone and the implication of her statement. Little did she know just how distracting Jina had been since the moment they got home from school.
"I will tell you all about it, but first can you talk freely?" asked Sonali.
"Yeah, I am in my room, no one will overhear us." replied Reeva.
"Ok, I really had a great time with you, at school, especially the last night." said Sonali.
"Well, it was not just you and me." replied Reeva, remembering the presence of Ms. Maliya and Lucy.
"I know, but you are the one I have the closest connection. I do really miss you; I may even be in love with you." said Sonali.
"Oh Sonali." replied Reeva, feeling a little overwhelmed, "I feel the same way, you are my best friend and ever since that night, you are so much more now."
The two girls silent as they contemplated what they had just shared with each other. Now that their feelings had been said out loud and shared with the other, a weight seems to have been lifted from their shoulders.
"So now what?" asked Reeva, "Where do we go from here? Are we like exclusive?"
Sonali thought for a few seconds about what Reeva had said. While she felt a strong connection to Reeva, she was very close to Jina and Seema was another person that she felt could come to also love.
"I... I don't know." said Sonali, "We are still young, and I do feel a strong attraction to some others, I don't think we should be limiting ourselves."
Reeva sighed in relief, she felt the same way, while she felt the strongest about Sonali, she did not want to give up on her relationship with Nikita. She knew that if Sonali wanted her to be exclusive she would make that sacrifice for her, as she was sure she would too, but it was a relief now that they were actually discussing the boundaries of their relationship.
"So, what does that mean in practice?" she asked, "How do we move forward?"
"Well, I guess that we keep ourselves open to new experiences and partners, as long as we are honest with each other and don't hide anything from each other." said Sonali.
"Yes, I agree. Honestly at all times, no secrets between us. You tell me about anyone that you like and I do the same." agreed Reeva, "As long as we are honest and completely in agreement that we are each other's primary partners, I... I think we can make it work."
"Oh Reeva, I am so happy to hear that." gushed Sonali, "This is something that has been bothering me. To be honest I hadn't given it as much thought as I should have, but talking this out with you has really helped me see, helped me understand how to navigate this situation."
"Same her Sonali. Same here." agreed Reeva, "So tell me what have you been up to?"
"Well... I hope you have time, I have so much to tell you." said Sonali, as she started laying out what she had been up to since they last saw each other.
As Reeva, listened to Sonali sexual adventures in the short time they had been apart she felt herself getting wet, her description of Jina was actually better than her fantasies about the beauty. The idea of making love in a moving train had its own attraction, and she wondered when she would get a chance to do that.
As Sonali, continued to share her experiences with Jina and then Seema, Reeva felt herself getting wetter and more aroused. Her hand found itself back inside her pajamas as she slowly rubbed her clit and pussy. Reeva breathes started to get deeper as she listened to the hot story that Sonali was telling. As she continued to rub herself, she moaned softly.
On hearing her moan, Sonali stopped her story and asked "Are you getting hot? What are you doing?"
"Oh Sonali, this is so hot. I couldn't help myself. I am just rubbing myself listening to you." replied Reeva.
"Tell me what you are doing?" asked Sonali.
"Well, I am lying on my bed, wearing my pajamas." began Reeva, "My right hand is inside my pajamas as I rub my clit, oh I am wet, I can feel my juices start to leak."
"Are your nipples hard?" asked Sonali, breathlessly.
"Yes, I can feel them rubbing against my t-shirt, they are so sensitive. I feel so great." replied Reeva, "Please tell me more." she begged.
"Play with your breasts." said Sonali, stopping her story.
"Yes, I am rubbing my breasts, tweaking my nipples. Tell me what happened next." replied Reeva.
Sonali started talking again, making sure to spare no detail. She felt herself also getting aroused as she relived the events of the last two days. Hearing Reeva moan as she listened to her and played with herself increase her own arousal.
By the time she finished her story both Sonali and Reeva were feeling incredibly aroused. Sonali was rubbing her legs together to put pressure of cunt, while running her hands over her breasts over shirt she was wearing concentrating her caresses on her areolas and nipples.
Coming to the end of her story Sonali was breathing deeply, while she could hear Reeva's ragged breathing and moans over the phone.
"Now, tell me about yourself. What have you been doing over the last two days?" asked Sonali.
Reeva started to share her own adventures with Nikita, making sure to make her retelling of the events as descriptive as possible to arouse not only herself but Sonali also. As she talked about their adventures with the strap on Sonali stopped her.
"Where did you get that?" she asked in surprise.
"It was in my luggage. Ms. Maliya put it in there." she replied.
"I didn't find anything in mine." replied Sonali, feeling a little jealous.
"Have you checked your luggage? It was at the bottom of my suitcase." responded Reeva.
"Perhaps, I haven't fully unpacked. Wait, let me check." said Sonali, as she got off her bed and started rummaging through her bags. At the bottom of her bad from school she found a cylindrical package, about 16 inches long.
"Wait, I have something here." she told Reeva over the phone. On top of the package was a smiley face and 'From Maliya' written under it. Tearing the packaging she found a solid pole like piece, made of some and slippery material that was rigid but flexible in the middle rubbery material. She described it to Reeva.
" is a double headed dildo." said Reeva.
"How does it work?" asked Sonali.
"Well one end goes inside you, while the other goes inside your partner. Then the two of you can kind of fuck each other like a man." she explained.
"Wow, this is going to get a lot of use over the vacation." replied Sonali, with a smirk.
"Oh, I am sure it will." replied Reeva.
"Enough about this, tell me what happened next with Nikita?" asked Sonali.
Reeva continued her story of her time with Nikita, ending with their session earlier in the morning. By the time she finished her story, both she and Sonali were aroused and leaking from their cunts. Sonali had also been rubbing the dildo up and down her slit as she listened to Reeva.
"Oh, Reeva. That sounds incredible. I am so happy for you." said Sonali.
"So am I. Your aunt and Seema sound incredible." replied Reeva, "Send me a picture of them when you get a chance."
"I will, and you must send me Nikita's picture also. I would like to see the beauty who has so completely owned my Reeva." whispered Sonali.
The two girls listened to each other heavy breathing and soft moans as they continued to play with their own bodies. Discussing their plans for the rest of the vacations, they were saddened that it would be so many days before they would be back in each other's arm. The two of them promised to talk again soon and finally disconnected the call.
Sonali finally got off her bed and headed to the washroom, feeling warm all over from the stories and the new feeling of closeness with Reeva, following their understanding of how they will make their relationship work. Reeva too was feeling the same as she headed into her own bathroom to shower and change.
As Reeva came out of her room, having changed and cleaned up, she heard her mother calling for her. Finding her sitting in the kitchen where she was preparing lunch, she gave her a quick hug and grabbed a glass of water.
"Can you please help me with this? The maid has taken the day off." said her mother as she passed her some vegetables to cut.
Taking a seat at the kitchen table, Reeva started cutting the vegetables as she and her mother discussed their plans for the day. As they talked the discussion turned to Reeva and the family's plans for the rest of the vacation.
"Oh, I don't know what I will be doing, most of my friends from school don't live in the city and Sonali is off to her family farmhouse." complained Reeva.
"Well, you could spend more time with your cousins. What about Alisha? She is about your age." said her mother.
Remembering Alisha, Reeva considered her mother's advice. Alisha was gorgeous and fun to hand out to, and considering her brother, it not like she and Nikita can spend all their time together. Hanging out with Alisha and her friends would be nice, and who knows she could share more with her than just school stories.
"That is not a bad idea, Alisha and I have not really spent much time together in the past, but you are right. I will see if we can get together sometime." said Reeva.
"That is good to know, family is important, we should make a point of maintaining our bonds." replied her mother.
As the two of them continued their conversation and prepared the food, the phone rang, her mother picked it up and talked to the person on the other end for a few moments then said her good bye and put the phone down.
"Well, that was Nikita, she said she is going to be late getting back from school." she informed Reeva, "Apparently the amount of work left over was more than she expected, and if she wants to avoid going back tomorrow, she will need to stay late today."
"Oh," said Reeva in disappointment, "That sucks, I was hoping to spend more time with her." as she wondered what to do for the rest of the day, by the time Nikita got back Raj would also be back from work and they would not get a chance to get together.
Sonali came out of her room, to share the news of the gift she had found in her luggage she heard Jina to talking to somebody, entering the sitting area she saw her thanking a man at the door before closing it.
"Hi Sonali." said Jina, "The car just got delivered so now we will be able to go around on our own while we are here."
"That is great, but I have something to show you." replied Sonali.
"Can it wait? I have to shower and change." said Jina.
"I guess, I will show it to you after you are free." said Sonali as Jina headed to her room to change.
On her own Sonali, opened the TV and started watching a TV show distractedly, wondering what Jina would think about the gift from Ms. Maliya, her old college roommate. As she waited for her, she also started to realize that there was not much to do around here with just the two of them. Perhaps, Seema being a local may be able to take some time off and take them around.
She decided to give Seema a call to see if she was free that day, then perhaps they can pick her up from her shop and they could go out together.
Seema was already back at her father's shop helping out, even though she was not needed since the regular worker was at work that day. She moved around the shop fixing some of the displays and products on the shelf.
Working almost on automatic her mind still replaying the events of last night with Jina and Sonali, while she wondered when she would get a chance to hand out with them again and introduce them to her stash of toys, now that the ice had been broken.
As she smiled to herself remembering their soft skins and moans, her phone started to ring, seeing a new number she wondered who could be calling her she answered the call.
"Hello?" she said.
"Seema? Hi this is Sonali." said Sonali.
"Oh, hi Sonali, how are you. I was just thinking about you guys." said Seema.
"I was thinking about you also." replied Sonali, with a smile, "We just got our car delivered and were planning to go out to some of the local spots. Would you like to join us?"
"I would love to, but let me first check with my father if he needs me today." replied Seema.
Finding her father at the main checkout counter she asked, "Abba, do you need me today? A couple of friends have asked me to go out with them."
"Who?" asked her father.
"Sonali and Jina, I delivered the groceries to them yesterday and had dinner at their place." she reminded him.
"Oh, sure. I don't need any extra help today and I know this is not your favorite way to spend your vacation. Go ahead and have fun." he replied.
"Sonali it's done, I can join you guys, how long will it take you?" she asked Sonali on the phone.
"Oh, we should be ready to leave in about 30 mins. Where should we pick you up from?" she replied to Seema.
"You can pick me up from my place it's a couple of streets behind the shop, I will send you the location pin." said Seema.
"Great! That will be very helpful. See you in a little while." said Sonali, as she ended the call.
She quickly ran to Jina's bathroom to tell her about the plan, seeing the open door she peeked in and saw Jina under the falling water naked. Taking a few minutes to drink in the sight of the naked body. She finally broke out of her reverie and she called out to her and updated her on the plan. Jina agreed that it was good idea and that they will leave as soon as she is done. Taking a last look at the naked Jina, Sonali went back to her room and got ready to leave as soon as Jina was ready.
Reeva was getting ready to go out. She had called Alisha who had invited her over to their place to hang out, and in the evening go out with some of her friends to a local mall. It sounded a good way to pass the day and she had agreed.
Going through her clothes, she decided to wear a skin tight black jeans, and paired it with a skimpy red tank top over which she wore a black net top, on her feet she had red strappy heels to finish the look. Puttin on some make up she grabbed her phone and keys. Stopping for a minute to let her mother know that she was leaving, she grabbed an Uber.
On reaching the apartment complex where Alisha's family lived, she took the elevator to their floor and rang the bell. While waiting she once again recalled her reaction to Alisha when she had come over a couple of days ago. Wondering what she would be wearing and if her effect on her would be the same as before. While she was lost in her thoughts the door was opened by Alisha's mom.
"Hi Reeva, so nice to see you." said Alisha's mother, as she welcomed her into the house, "Alisha is in her room, the second door on the right. Go right ahead she has been waiting for you."
Reeva thanked her for the warm welcome and gave a quick kiss on the cheek as she took off her heels, as expected in the house, and headed bare footed to Alisha's room. The door of Alisha's room was partially opened so she pushed it open and stepped inside. Reeva stopped in her tracks.
Alisha was standing with her back to the door, almost naked in her bra and panties. Reeva stood there in shock as her eyes ran over Alisha body, her long tapering legs, her gorgeous round ass, the curve of her hips and waist, ending over her smooth beautiful back.
Sensing someone else in the room Alisha turned her head to look behind her and caught Reeva ogling her, her eyes hooded and her breaths shallow as her eyes roamed over her. She smiled seeing the effect she was having on Reeva; she had hoped for something like this when she had prepared this little display. Happy to see that her instinct about Reeva was correct.
"Oh, hi Reeva, close the door will you." she said.
Reeva snapped out of her trance and quickly closed the door. Alisha turned around to face Reeva bringing her breasts into view. Reeva ran her eyes over Alisha's incredible body, her perky breasts, taught stomach and her crotch nestled between her firm thigs with a small gap just below it.
As she was drinking in the beautiful vision in front of her, Alisha moved towards her hugged her tightly, still almost naked, she molded her body against Reeva her hands rubbing up down her back. Reeva inhaled the intoxicating smell of Alisha and moaned softly.
Stepping back Alisha asked Reeva, "Are you ok?"
"Yeah...yeah...I am fine." replied a flustered Reeva.
"Great." said Alisha, as she stepped back.
Turning around she picked up a pair of black yoga pants and slipped her legs through them. As she pulled them on, Reeva could see her ass on full display on the painted-on yoga pants, which accentuated her incredibly firm ass. Alisha finished her dressing by putting on a loose white t-shirt, with the name of a famous rock band on it, a large neck leaving one of her shoulder bare.
"So, tell me how has school been going?" asked Alisha.
Reeva started telling Alisha tales from her school and soon the two girls were laughing and sharing stories. As they talked the conversation moved away from school to other topics of interests. Alisha's mother interrupted them once as she bought in some snacks for the girls and left reminding Alisha that she would be going out shopping with one of their neighbor's and not to forget locking up when she went out with Reeva to meet with her friends.
"Sure mother, I won't forget. I will see you around dinner time." replied Alisha.
After an hour or so Alisha, called her friends to confirm their plans. They would be meeting at a local mall to do some window shopping, grab a cup of coffee and maybe catch a movie if something interesting was showing. Once the plan was confirmed the two of them locked up and headed to the mall.
They were met at the mall by two of Alisha's friends. Diya, who at 5 feet 10 inches was very tall for an Indian, she was also very thin with modest but well-shaped breasts, long legs and but it was her ass which stood out, Reeva had only ever seen such an incredible ass in heavily photoshopped magazine shoots. She was wearing jeans and a sleeveless button up blouse which set off her supermodel body to its full effect. Her face was also incredibly attractive with high cheekbones and large eyes under perfectly shaped eyebrows and pouty lips. Her hair in a spiky pixy haircut. Diya had a very cool and reserved personality which was dismissed as her being haughty on first impression. It just took her a while to warm up to new people.
The other one was Shreya, who was the exact opposite of Diya. Being of shorter stature at 5 foot 3 inches with large breasts which appeared to be incredibly soft and pillowy, with a pronounced drop, wide hips and a flat stomach. However, she could not be called fat or overweight the best way to describe her was voluptuous with curves is all the right places and an incredibly pronounced and conspicuous ass. She was dressed more traditionally in a fitted kurta and shalwar. But it was her face which captured your attention with large, dreamy light brown eyes, a small button nose and incredibly plump kissable lips. Shreya's was the opposite of Diya in nature also, extremely bubbly and outgoing she made friends very quickly.
The four of them had a great time, window shopping in the cool air-conditioned mall, they visited multiple stores to check out the latest clothes. Finally, after an hour of roaming around they decided to go to the coffee shop to sit and relax. As they were walking towards the shop Reeva and Alisha stopped to check out some shoes in a window display while Diya and Shreya went ahead. As the two of them walked up to catch up to the two girls ahead of them, Reeva couldn't help notice the two girls sexy walk, with Shreya having a pronounced sway to her hips which grabbed your attention while Diya's walk would not be out of place at a fashion show.
As they ordered their coffees and sat down to enjoy the beverage, they discussed what they could do next, since they still had a couple of hours to kill. No one was interested in walking around more, so they decided to catch a movie. After finishing their coffees, they headed to the cinema. Unfortunately, most of the newer movies were either sold out or the available seats were in the worst part of the cinema.
One of the movie's still running had been out for a few weeks, Reeva had not seen it yet as she was away at school, she picked that movie and while the other girls had already seen it, they were not averse to seeing it again, so they took four tickets for it and headed in as the show was about to start.
In the movie theater they noticed that ninety percent of the seats were empty. The four of them took seats at the back and settled down. The lights went out and the previews started as they got comfortable.
Reeva was sitting next to Alisha, leaving a couple empty seats from Diya and Shreya who sat together. As the previews played a few more people entered the theater and took seats here and there. Reeva noticed that most of the viewers were couples and everyone was sitting as far away from each other as possible giving everyone a lot of privacy.
Abut fifteen minutes into the movie, which Reeva who had been paying close attention, she sensed that Diya and Shreya were fidgeting in their seats, paying no attention to them she continued to watch the movie, her concentration was broken when she heard them talking in a soft voice.
"No... not now." she heard Diya speak in a whisper.
"Yes, now! I have been waiting too long." replied Shreya in a low but firm voice.
"But... Reeva is here. What about her?" said Diya.
"Don't worry she is too busy watching the movie and the theater is too dark. Anyway, even if she sees anything, she's not going to say anything." replied Shreya.
Wondering at what the two girls were talking about Reeva, glanced over to them but didn't see anything, so she turned back to the movie, keeping her ears open in case the two said anything more. After a few minutes she heard a soft moan come from the two girls, followed by the sound of smacking lips and deep breathes.
Her curiosity peaked she turned her head towards Diya and Shreya, her eyes getting used to the darkness, just then the scene on the screen changed to a bright setting illuminating the people in the cinema and what she saw left her surprised.
Shreya and Diya were locked in a deep kiss, with one of Shreya's hand in the taller girl's hair as she controlled the kiss while here other hand was inside Diya's blouse squeezing one of her breasts. Diya who had apparently not worn a bra, had her eyes closed as she allowed the shorter girl to have her way with her body.
As Reeva watched enthralled, Shreya pulled on Diya hair breaking the kiss and exposing her neck, to which she promptly latched onto with her lips, kissing, licking and sucking on Diya long exposed neck even as continued to squeeze her breasts and nipples. While Shreya was taking liberties with Diya, running her hands over her body, Diya hands lay in her lap where she was clenching and unclenching them, but was not making any move to touch Shreya's body.
Shreya finally let go of her Diya's head and moved back from her. Diya moaned softly in protest as Shreya's withdrew her hand from inside her blouse. Opening her eyes, and looked at Shreya with need in her eyes. When Shreya made no move, Diya started to button up her blouse but her hands were softly slapped away by Shreya who then reached forward and further opened her blouse putting her naked breasts on display to anyone who happened to look at them.
Diya caught Reeva looking over at them, her small but incredibly perky breasts on full display to her and even in the dark cinema Reeva could see her blush, but she made no move cover herself up. After a few seconds she settled back in her seat, her breasts open to the cold air of cinema and started to squeeze her legs together to put pressure on her groin. Once again Shreya softly slapped her thighs and she immediately stopped what she was doing.
Fascinated by how Shreya had been controlling Diya, Reeva waited to see if anything else would happen but apparently, they were done for the moment so after a little while she turned back to the movie. As she did so she felt Alisha move closer to her.
"They are really something, aren't they?" she whispered in Reeva's ear, as she lightly ran her finger over her arm.
The startled Reeva swung her head towards Alisha which brought her face only a couple of inches away from Alisha's. She looked deeply into Alisha's eyes which were locked on her lips. Reeva slowly ran her tongue over her dry lips, Alisha moaned softly on the incredibly sexy display. Reeva's breathing was already heavy from the little show Diya and Shreya had put on and Alisha's little moan only aroused her more.
"What... what is up with them?" asked Reeva, huskily, her eyes locked on Alisha face only inches away.
"They are together, Diya is a submissive and Shreya is her dom." explained Alisha.
"You mean like a slave?" asked Reeva in shock.
"No nothing like that. Shreya would never do anything to hurt Diya, and Diya would never let anyone else dominate her like Shreya does. It's just the way their relationship is." explained Alisha, as she continued to run her hand along Reeva's arms while her eyes stayed on her moist lips.
"So, Diya does what Shreya wants her to?" asked Reeva.
"Pretty much. She trusts Shreya completely and she has never done anything to betray that trust." said Alisha, "It is kind of hot to see someone control another person like that."
"Unhun." agreed Reeva, recalling how hot the little display had made them, "What about you? Do you have a submissive of your own?"
"Why? Are you offering?" Asked Alisha.
Reeva drew in a quick breath, the idea of giving someone else complete control over her body, sexually, was a new concept for her, but one which was strangely fascinating and attractive. Even as she contemplated the idea, Alisha gently grabbed her chin and ran her thumb over her lower lip slowly.
"Who knows? Maybe you will like it." she said in a whisper full of heat. Glancing over her shoulder she continued, "Looks like the show is starting."
Reeva reluctantly turned away from Alisha, and looked over at where Diya and Shreya were sitting. Her eyes opened wide in surprise. Diya was in the process of pulling her jeans down her long, shapely legs, she had also not worn any panties as her cunt became visible, she spread her legs giving a clear view to her smooth cunt, even in the poor light Reeva could clearly see the moisture between her legs.
As Diya sat there fully exposed, her breasts rising and falling with her deep breaths, her nipples engorged in arousal, Shreya put her hand between her legs and started to massage her cunt lips, pushing her fingers inside then drawing them out to rub and pinch her clit. Diya pushed her cunt into Shreya's hands her legs splayed open and straight as she pushed her head into the seat's headrest, eyes tightly shut and mouth open while no sound came out of it. Her hands grabbing the hand rests in a death grip as Shreya expertly manipulated her body and raised her arousal higher and higher.
Reeva felt herself get aroused as she watched the two of them, she also sensed Alisha move closer to her and felt her breasts press into her back as she hugged her from behind, her breath hot on her neck, as she placed her chin on her shoulder.
"Isn't she beautiful?" she asked Reeva, who could only nod in response. Her own senses getting overloaded with the sight, and feeling Alisha's breasts on her back and her hands slowly rubbing her stomach.
As they watched, Shreya took her fingers out of Diya cunt and started to lightly slap her cunt, and every time she did Diya responded by shaking all over. As they watched, the power behind Shreya's slap increased as she alternated between slapping Diya's cunt and massaging it. The sound of her slaps was mostly drowned out by the film, but could be heard by Reeva and Alisha.