Chapter 08.2
As the speed and power of her slaps increased so did Diya's arousal, she was on the edge of an incredible orgasm and it was clear that she would not be able to suppress her moans, and just as she was about to vocalize her release, Shreya stopped. Diya looked at her with a wildness in her eyes that Reeva had never seen before in anyone. Her eyes begged for Shreya to finish her off, her entire body vibrating in need, but Shreya just sat back in her seat a smile on her face and ignored Diya.
Reeva watched with her mouth open, her breathing coming in gasps. Shreya then turned her head towards her, a smile on her face and winked at her before going back to watching the movie, leaving a clearly aroused and frustrated Diya as she was, her jeans around her ankles, her blouse open, exposed to the entire world.
As Reeva turned to say something to Alisha, her own lips were captured in a deep searing kiss by Alisha as she grasped her breasts and expertly squeezed them. Giving into the kiss Reeva moaned softly into Alisha mouth, her tongue entering the other girls mouth where she ran it all over teeth and gums. As she withdrew her tongue, Alisha's tongue followed it into her mouth. After some time, Alisha pulled back from the kiss and let go of Reeva's tits, sitting back in her chair.
"Wha...what?" asked a confused Reeva, as she suddenly found herself, without the other girl's lips. She looked at Alisha with confusion who was now watching the movie with a small smile on her face.
Settling back in her seat she looked over at Diya and Shreya, however it seemed that they were done for now. Shreya was watching the movie, while Diya had calmed down from the writhing, vibrating mass she had been a few minutes, still mostly naked.
Confused and not sure what had just happened she also turned back to the screen to watch the rest of the movie, however by this time she was hopelessly lost, having missed large chunks of the story and was in no condition to concentrate on the screen, what with her mind trying to understand what had just happened.
After a while Reeva, heard some rustling, looking over she saw Diya pulling up her jeans, her blouse already buttoned up, once she was done, she looked over at Reeva and gave her a shy smile, before settling back to watch the movie.
"Seriously, what is up with them?" asked Reeva, turning to Alisha. Alisha thought about Reeva's question and seeing that she was not going to let it go decided to explain it to her in more details.
"A couple of years ago Diya started seeing this guy." began Alisha, "She was really into him and told him about her submissive side. At first it worked very well, but as time went on, he started to abuse her trust putting her into more and more situations which she was not comfortable with. Finally, unable to handle it anymore she told Shreya."
Reeva listened closely as Alisha explained the relationship.
"Shreya may be all bubbly and friendly, but she can be your worst nightmare if you hurt her or anyone she cares about." continued Alisha, "She really went after the guy, since Diya was unable to, she really lit into him, and when he threatened to expose Diya to the entire school, Shreya threatened to spread a rumor that he had been using Diya to hide the fact that he was gay."
Alisha grinned at the last part, remembering how quickly and effective Shreya was in putting the guy back in his place.
"With her social skills and networks, the news would have spread like wildfire." said Alisha, "A couple of weeks later the guy transferred out to a school in another city. Which was great, but it left Diya in a tight spot, she needed a dom, but did not trust anyone after her experience."
Reeva, glanced over at Diya who was watching the movie, feeling sorry for how she was treated, she turned back to Alisha and indicated she continue the story.
"Diya has always been an over achiever, she is not only beautiful, but extremely smart and athletic. From what I understand she needed to not feel so much in control all the time, as a submissive it allowed her to let go from time to time. But without a dom, it was really messing with her, her grades were getting effected, her personal relationships were strained. You see now that she had accepted her submissiveness, she needed a dom." Alisha continued with the story, "When things really got bad, Shreya finally set her down and forced her to tell her what was going on with her. When she finally told her the truth, Shreya offered to be her dom, until someone better came along. As it stands Shreya turned out be an excellent dom."
"So, they have been like this since then?" asked Reeva.
"Oh no, at first it was all non-sexual, just a way for Diya to stay focused and on point." replied Alisha, "Then about six months ago, it changed into a sexual one, it took them both by surprise since neither one considered themselves to be lesbians, but I suppose it took getting so close that allowed them to explore it further."
Reeva pondered what Alisha had just told her and while she herself was still not sure about the whole sub-dom thing, she would have to read up on it online, it seemed to work for those two.
"But she left her frustrated, isn't that wrong?" she asked.
"Oh, don't worry about it. This is pretty normal. Diya likes to be sexually on edge from time to time. Trust me they are going to be fucking each other brains out once they get back home." replied Alisha, "And Diya is not the only one who is sexually on edge, Shreya is in just as bad a shape."
"How do you know what they will do once they leave here?" asked Reeva, suspiciously.
"Firsthand experience." replied Alisha smiling.
"Is this why you kissed me?" asked Reeva.
"I kissed you because I wanted to." replied Alisha, "You are hot, those two made me hot, and something about you has changed since the last time we met. I did it because it felt good."
Pondering her words Reeva nodded, understanding what she meant. Then she recalled something else Alisha had said.
"Firsthand experience? You have been with them, sexually I mean" she said.
"Yes, a couple of times actually. Usually after one of these things when Shreya pushes her like this. Diya is a demon in bed once she gets going. Shreya usually calls me over to help her out." said Alisha with a big grin on her face.
"So... you are going to go with them today also?" asked Reeva a bit disappointed.
"No, not today. Shreya is going to regret winding up Diya." said Alisha with an evil grin.
"Shreya?" asked Reeva in surprise, "Isn't she the dom?"
"Thats not how it works, Diya is not going to stop until she is satisfied and Shreya is her dom, not her master. She really does love her. This is all consensual, so she is not going to leave her wanting, that would be cruel and make her a poor dom." explained Alisha.
Her mind reeling from all this new information, information that she was still not clear on, Reeva continued to turn it over in her mind until the movie ended. As the lights came on Reeva noticed that a lot of the couples who had been sitting around the mostly empty cinema stood up and discreetly adjusted their clothes. Apparently the make out sessions were not restricted to Diya and Alisha only.
Smiling she turned towards the two lovers. Both of them were blushing deeply, their arousal clearly visible to anyone who choose to pay attention. Diya was back to her calm exterior but her eyes had a wildness to them from her arousal and her braless nipples were standing out like bullets under her blouse. Shreya was also flushed and even with her bra you could clearly see the outlines of her aroused nipples.
As they started to walk towards the exit Diya reached forward and pushed her finger between Shreya's buttocks along her ass crack, causing her to moan and wiggle her ass. Reeva watched the two girls in awe as they continued to tease each other even with the lights on. They were clearly aroused to a degree that they did not care if they got caught.
"Well, it's getting late we should get going." said Shreya, as they exited the cinema into the mall, "Alisha will you be joining us?"
"I would love to but not today, I promised mother that I would be home early." replied Alisha. Shreya lost some of her blush on hearing that, while Diya gave an evil grin on hearing that Alisha will not be joining them. Shreya was going to regret revving up Diya so much now that it will only be the two of them.
"Oh, ok. Do come by if you get the chance." she said to Alisha, a hint of pleading in her voice.
"Of course, but it is unlikely. You two have fun." replied Alisha, with a smirk.
Saying their goodbyes, the two girls sashayed away to the car park, while Reeva and Alisha headed towards the other exit from where they could catch their rides home. On the way they stepped into the washroom, as the both were washing their hands, Reeva looked around and realized they were the only ones there.
"You really have to go home early?" she asked Alisha.
"No, not really. But it was just too good an opportunity to mess with Shreya." she replied with a laugh, "She sometimes forget that Diya is her sub not me, and if she is going to rile her up like that, she should be a good dom and satisfy her."
"Are you also a dom?" asked Reeva, intrigued by the whole dom-sub dynamic.
"Nah, it's fun to play one from time to time, but that is not what gets my motor running." replied Alisha.
"Hmmm, so what does get your motor running?" asked Reeva.
"Sexy girls in jeans and halter tops." replied Alisha, pointedly looking at Reeva clothing.
"Oh, I noticed. I also noticed that you didn't do much when you had the chance." replied Reeva, with a hint of challenge in her voice.
Giving Reeva a long look, Alisha decided to see just how far the little tease was willing to go. Grabbing her by the waist she quickly pushed her into one of the empty cubicles. Kicking the door shut behind her she pulled Reeva into her body, her left hand grabbing her ass, while her right hand pulled her head in for a kiss.
Alisha's kissed Reeva aggressively driving her tongue into Reeva mouth where she massaged the other girl's tongue with her own. As she withdrew her tongue Reeva moaned softly in disappointment, pulling back a couple of inches she took in the panting girls face, Reeva lips were parted as she breathed deeply, her nostril flared in arousal and her eyes full of lust. Her hand gently stroking her neck.
As she Alisha just stood there looking in to her eyes, without kissing her again, Reeva got more desperate, "Why wasn't she kissing her?" she thought.
When Alisha refused to make any further move to continue the kiss, finally unable to take it any longer Reeva moved forward and started kissing her. Her hand going into Alisha's hair as she ran her tongue over her lips and then into her mouth. Alisha reciprocated her enthusiasm, her hand going to Reeva's breast which started to fondle and pinch while with her other hand she squeezed Reeva's ass while pulling her into her body harder.
Their bodies came together, their breasts mashed into each other, groins rubbing together. Reeva broke the kiss and exposing her neck by pulling Alisha's hair she started kissing and sucking on neck, as Alisha used her hands to grope her ass and breasts.
Alisha brought her hand to Reeva crotch and cupping her groin in her palm she squeezed. Reeva moaned loudly, no longer kissing Alisha as she was lost in her own arousal. Suddenly, Alisha gently pushed her back and opening the cubicle stepped out into the washroom, which thankfully was still empty. Standing with her back towards the mirror she watched the incredibly aroused Reeva struggle to bring her breathing under control, with a smile on her face.
Turning around she quickly checked her make-up, satisfied that nothing would raise any suspicions she then walked out of the washroom leaving a very confused Reeva still standing in the cubicle in shock.
Coming to her senses Reeva followed Alisha out, all set to call her out for her teasing, but before she could say a word Alisha put her finger on her lips silencing her.
"Be patient, gorgeous." she said, "When I take you it will be not in a mall bathroom and it will be at a time and place of my choosing."
"Who says I want you?" asked Reeva.
"Your trembling lips and your aroused nipples say it." said Alisha.
Glancing down at her nipples which were tenting her shirts and the wetness of her groin were proof of what Alisha was saying, but still not ready to give, she gave her a hard stare.
"That may be, but I am not giving you anything after you treat me like a plaything." she said.
"Oh, my dear. You are anything but a plaything. Infact I believe we are going to have a lot of fun together; the anticipation will make our coupling sweeter." whispered Alisha, "Now why don't we go home and dream about the time when we will be together again."
Reeva saw the promise is Alisha's eyes and nodded. The two of them caught Ubers from the mall exit and headed to their respective homes. Gazing out the window at the passing view Reeva's thoughts were still on the make-up session with Alisha. The feel of her lips and body still fresh in her mind. The dull ache of arousal still present.
She knew that she should be angry at Alisha for the way she played with her, but she wanted her now more than ever. Which was probably her intent.
"She wants to control me." thought Reeva, "Well, we will see who has the last laugh."
Lost in her thoughts Reeva was surprised when the car came to a stop outside her house. Paying the driver, she entered the gate and saw her brother's car. Raj was back from work early, something which rarely happened. A little concerned she went in wanting to make sure there was nothing wrong.
Raj, Nikita and her mother were sitting in the living room. The excitement evident in their voices.
"Hi, what is everyone so excited about?" Reeva asked.
Raj quickly stood up and hugged Reeva, his happiness clearly visible on his face.
"I have great news, my company has chosen me to lead a major project and if I do well on this one, a promotion and move to the head office." said Raj.
"Really, that's great news. I am so happy for you. I know you will kick ass." replied Reeva.
"Reeva! Watch your language." said her mother.
"Oh! Sorry Amma. But this is great news, I had no idea you were good at your job." she smirked, looking at Raj.
"Well now you know." smiled Raj.
"So, when do you start." asked Reeva.
"As I was telling Amma and Nikita. The project is in Dubai, so for the next two months I will be moving there." said Raj.
"Dubai? That is great, this will be a great excuse to go to Dubai for the vacations." said Reeva.
"Yeah, that is not be possible. I won't be in the city; I will be travelling to various client facilities spread all over the middle east, living on site. No fancy hotels." explained Raj, "Plus the timelines are so tight that my team and I will be working pretty much around the clock."
"Oh" said Reeva.
Disappointed at the news, she glanced over at Nikita and saw same disappointment on her face. Two months away from her husband. Reeva sat next to Nikita.
"How do you feel about it?" she asked.
"Of course, she is happy, her husband is getting a great career opportunity." said her mother.
"Amma is right. This would be really good for Raj's career. I know two months seems long but it will pass quickly." agreed Nikita.
Nikita was not happy with the situation. She and Raj had never been apart for so long before. But the opportunity was too good to pass up.
Reeva could see that Nikita was not happy with the situation but admired her for accepting this for the good of Raj's career and not making a scene.
"When do you leave?" she asked Raj.
"That's the thing I have to leave in two days, my visa should be here tomorrow." replied Raj.
"That's quick." said Reeva.
"Yeah, but the client is in serious trouble. My company was able to negotiate a great package and a fat bonus at the end. So once this is done, we will go on a family vacation to Europe or someplace." replied Raj.
"I will take holidays from school if I have to, but I am not missing that vacation." she told her mother and Raj.
"Ok, Ok, but don't get ahead of yourself." said her mother, "Today we celebrate. Raj is taking us all out to dinner."
They continued discussing Raj's upcoming move and the vacation that would follow for the next hour or so. When it was time for dinner everyone headed to their room to get ready.
The car Jai, Jina's husband, had arranged for them was sedan, which Jina was driving with practiced ease of an experienced driver. They were on their way to pick up Seema. Since the plan for the day was to visit some nearby tourist spots and shopping district they were dressed in comfortable clothes.
Sonali was wearing a loose blouse, comfortable jeans and sneakers while Jina had put on an ankle length skirt and paired it with a loose peasant blouse, on her feet were also a pair of sneakers. Their long hair in ponytails. The clothes while simple could not disguise their beauty.
At Seema's house Jina blew the horn as they waited for her. Receiving a few looks from the people around at seeing a strange car in the neighborhood. Seema joined them after a couple of minutes, carrying a small backpack.
Dressed casually in jeans and a button up blouse with joggers on her feet, her beauty, like the other two showed through. Putting her backpack in the trunk she took the rear passenger seat, quickly giving peck on the cheek to the two of them before settling back.
"So, where do you guys want to go?" she asked.
"I want to visit the nearby nature preserve and maybe visit the abandoned temple there." said Jina.
"And I want to do some shopping." added Sonali.
"We can go to the reserve first and afterwards I will take you to a nearby district which has developed a pretty cool shopping street." replied Seema.
"Ok, sounds like a plan let's go." said Jina.
As she smoothly drove out of the town and onto the nearly empty main road towards the nature preserve, Seema leaned forward between the front seats.
"I had a really great time yesterday." she said.
"So, did we." replied Jina.
"Will we have more opportunities?" asked Seema, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
Jina and Sonali glanced at each other to see the others' reaction and seeing her own thoughts reflected on the other face.
"If we can, every day we are here would be like that." she said, her voice thick with passion.
"I was hoping you would say that." said Seema.
Leaning forward between the seats she turned Sonali's face towards her and gave her a deep sensual kiss that left both of them panting as she broke the kiss Seema lightly ran her hand over Sonali's breast, then turned towards Jina to give her a kiss also.
"Hi, I am driving here." said Jina, seeing Seema's intention.
"The road is empty so just don't run us off it." replied Seema. Turning Jina's face towards her she proceeded to give her a deep kiss which left both of them panting and moaning. Luckily Jina managed to keep the car steady and as she turned back to the road, Seema settled back in the car seat.
"Damnit!!" she said, "Now I am all horny."
Seema and Jina both laughed.
"Serves you right." said Jina, "Now you will just have to deal with it."
After a forty-minute drive they reached the entrance to the nature preserve and parked in the designated area. Being a weekday, the parking was mostly empty with only a scattering of cars belonging to visitors. Getting out of the car they grabbed a small bag containing a couple of water bottles and headed for one of the nature trails.
Walking the cool pathways, the three of them enjoyed the calm and quite of the nature reserve. The trail was fairly easy to navigate and with few visitors they only saw or heard a couple of other hiking parties as they trekked. As they trekked through the forest they talked about various things, getting to know each other better.