Chapter 13

Reeva rang the bell.

The last two days had been a whirlwind of preparations and anticipation. Ever since they had decided to join, Sonali and her aunt at their vacation home, she had been in a state of constant anticipation, counting the minutes when she would be re-united with her friend.

Reeva, on the other hand, waited with a little trepidation, not sure how comfortable she would be with Sonali's aunt, as she fully expected the two girls to spend most of their time with each other. The fact they may not get much time alone saddened her.

She put a positive spin to the whole issue, it was not every day that she got a chance to spend her vacation in such a beautiful location, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

"Reeva!!!" exclaimed Sonali, as she flung open the door.

Hugging her best friend in a tight embrace, she completely missed the presence of Nikita, who was smiling at the enthusiastic reunion of the two girls.

Noticing Nikita, Sonali broke the embrace.

"Hi, you must be Nikita. Reeva has told be so much about you. I feel like we already know each other." said Sonali.

Giving Nikita quick hug, she gestured for them to enter the room as the taxi driver brought their luggage to the door.

"You can put the luggage in the lobby." instructed Sonali.

Reeva and Nikita waited in the lobby as the driver put away their luggage, and was paid by Nikita.

Sonali led them into the main sitting area.

"Jina, they are here." she called out, turning to her guests she continued, "She is in the kitchen preparing some refreshments, come sit make yourselves comfortable."

Nikita had been observing Sonali, as the young woman talked and was deeply affected by her beauty. She could see why her sister-in-law was in such lust with the young nymph. Her smooth skin and pouty lips just begged to be caressed and kissed. Her gorgeous lush breasts where on full display under the tight blouse she was wearing with a lehenga.

"Welcome. I am sorry, I could not greet you at the door, was busy in the kitchen." called out Jina, as she entered the room with a tray laden with snacks and refreshments for her guests.

Three heads turned to watch her enter, Reeva who had already met Jina smiled and ran her eyes over her luscious body. Nikita who was seeing Jina for the first time was dumbstruck, as her eyes drank in the most gorgeous woman, she had ever seen in real life enter the room. Taking in her extremely fair, almost white, complexion, large smoky eyes, her incredibly curvaceous body. She felt a pang of arousal.

Jina too stopped in her tracks as she looked at Nikita who had stood up to greet her. Drinking in her slim waist and beautiful breasts standing up proudly, long legs and her large sultry eyes set above high cheekbones and full lips. She couldn't help but wonder what she would look like naked.

The thought took her by surprise and she felt herself blush. Both Reeva and Sonali were looking at the two women and shared a secret smile at their reaction to each other.

Getting a hold of herself, Jina continued walking in and placed the tray on the center table.

"You must be Nikita." she said, extending out her hand.

Nikita nodded as she took the offered hand.

As their hands touched both, Nikita and Jina, felt a jolt of electricity pass through their bodies, taking them both by surprise. Neither one of them could recall ever reacting to another person in the same manner. As they held the handshake both looked into each other's eyes and saw the same smoky signs of arousal reflected there.

Leaning forward they kissed each other on the cheek, breathing in each other's intoxicating smell and feeling the other person's smooth skin. They gave each other a quick hug.

Reeva and Sonali watched the two women's reaction to each other in surprise, while they had hoped and planned to get the two of them together, it was clear to them, that won't be necessary. Anyone watching could clearly see the heat between them and that that it was only a matter of time before these two beauties ended up naked in bed.

Nikita and Jina's, quick hug had turned into a long one, as the two of them enjoyed the heat and feel of the others body. Finally stepping back the two once again looked at each other with lust on their faces, holding hands.


The two women broke out of their reverie and turned to the two girls, sheepishly. Both, Sonali and Reeva, were grinning broadly as they looked at the two of them.

" two seem to be hitting it off." said Sonali.

"Yeah, and only a couple of sentences shared." added Reeva.

Nikita and Jina blushed but did not deny the girls observation. Taking a seat on the other sofa the four of them started to eat. As the two girls talked excitedly about schools and common friends. Jina and Nikita were feeling the other one out tentatively.

The two of them got more and more comfortable with each other, sharing their interests and experiences and soon they were laughing and smiling at each other's stories and jokes.

"You are really beautiful. Reeva had told me about you, but she did no do you justice." said Nikita.

"Thank you." replied Jina, blushing, "I can say the same about you. I just love your skin tone. I know Indians are obsessed with white skin color, but I have always found dark skin to be very sexy."

"What else do you find sexy?" asked Nikita, her eyes smoky with heat, as she pointedly ran her eyes over Jina's body, as she softly ran a finger over the back of her hand.

Feeling the change in the tone of their conversation, Jina blushed, but refused to back down.

"I find a lot of things sexy." said Jina, "Some would say that I find too many things sexy."

Looking deeply into Nikita's eyes she softly pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, making sure to fondle her ear softly. Nikita closed her eyes at Jina's soft touch. Surprised at how such a small gesture could arouse her.

"Perhaps we will have a more detailed discussion about the things we find sexy later." said Jina softly, "But for now why don't I show you guys to your rooms."

Standing up she held out her hand to Nikita who took it as she stood up, coming face to face with Jina. The two beauties contemplated each other silently. Both having the exact same thought.

"What would her lips taste like, I wonder."

Turning to Sonali and Reeva, they found the two girls cuddling together and still talking to each other in hushed tones, seemingly unaware of anything else. The older women watched the as the two of them slowly ran their hands over each other's bodies.

"Sonali." said Jina, "Why don't you help you girlfriend bring in their luggage and I will show them the rooms."

Breaking off the two girls stood up, their nipples advertising their aroused state to everyone. The looks of their faces, also something Jina and Nikita were very familiar with.

"Reeva, will be sharing my room." announced Sonali.

"I expected that so why don't you help her settle down while I take Nikita to her room." said Jina.

Between the four of them they carried all the luggage to the bedrooms, the two girls entered Sonali's room, while Jina led Nikita to one of the smaller rooms.

"You can use this room, I am sorry but this one does not have an attached bath, but my room is just after this and you can use that one." said Jina.

"Thank you." said Nikita.

Putting her luggage down, she pulled out her toiletries bag.

"Can I put this away now?" she asked.

"Sure, follow me." said Jina.

Walking behind Jina, Nikita took the opportunity to admire her incredible ass. On entering the room Nikita took in the spacious room, her eyes settling on the very large bed.

"Wow. That is some bed, you could sleep four people on it." she remarked.

"More, if you don't mind a little crowding." said Jina.

"I never mind a little crowding when I am in bed." said Nikita.

In the bathroom, Nikita put away her toiletries and freshened up. Stepping out she found Jina sitting on the bed waiting for her, inclined with her arms straightened behind her to support herself, which had the effect of pushing her incredible breasts upwards and making them more prominent.

The two women silently observed each other, the room filling with a sense of anticipation. Both of them felt their nipples came erect in arousal.

"My god, just looking at her makes me hot." though Nikita.

"Why does this woman make me so hot?" wondered Jina.

Getting a hold of herself Jina stood up.

"Let's see what about dinner, I was thinking we can go out today." said Jina.

"That is a good idea, but after the snacks I am not really that hungry...for food." said Nikita.

Arching her eyebrow at Nikita's words, Jina smiled at her.

"Well, I am sure we can find something else for you to feast on, till you are ready for food." she said.

"Oh, I have no doubt about that." said Nikita, running her eyes over Jina's body with undisguised interest.

Blushing at Nikita's innuendo, Jina smiled sexily, which only made her appear more desirable in Nikita's eyes.

"Let's see what the girls think about dinner, then we can finalize our plans." she said.

The two of them headed towards Sonali's room, side by side, their hips touching each other from time to time. As they approached the closed door, they didn't hear voices. As they reached the door they could hear quite moaning.

Nikita looked at Jina in surprise, Jina softly opened the door so that they could peak inside. The two women were greeted by the incredible sight of two lusty girls entwined in each other arms as they kissed, fondled and groped each other.

It was clear from their still dressed condition that they have only just started. Sonali and Reeva were lying on the bed in a tight embrace one thigh presses against the other girl's crotch. Their mouths sealed in a deep kiss.

Sonali hands were on Reeva's ass, kneading them and pulling her body closer to her own, while Reeva's hands were on Sonali's breasts squeezing the beautiful flesh on her lover and friend. The two girls were lost in their own lust, unaware of the audience watching them.

"Let them be, it has been a while since they have seen each other." whispered Nikita, in Jina's ear.

Nodding her head in agreement, Jina closed the door softly. Turning she found herself face to face with Nikita, her breasts almost touching hers, her lips only a few inches from her moist lips, her eyes shining in arousal. Jina moaned softly.

Taking one of Jina's hands in her own, Nikita led her away, back to the sitting area of the house. Sitting down on the couch she pulled Jina down to sit beside her.

"Did you know about them?" she asked Jina.

"Yes, and I am guessing so did you." replied Nikita.

"Yes, Sonali told me about her." said Jina.

The two women sat in silence for few minutes, their shoulders touching holding hands, both of them thinking about what they just saw.

"Have you and Reeva..." started Jina.

"Yes, we have, but that is a recent development." said Nikita.

"Oh, okay." said Jina.

Once again, the two of them sat in silence trying to figure out what to say next.

"You are also not unfamiliar with the charms of Sonali's body." stated Nikita.

Jina was caught off guard by Nikita's statement, but could only nod in agreement while blushing furiously. Nikita put one finger under Jina's chin and turned her face towards her.

"You look even more gorgeous when you blush." said Nikita.

Leaning forward she place her lips onto Jina's. Jina stiffened for a moment but then relaxed, feeling Nikita's soft lips on her own felt as good as she had imagined from the moment, she had laid eyes on her.

Relaxing into the kiss, Jina felt the light feathery touch of Nikita's tongue run over her own lips, asking for permission. Giving in, Jina opened her mouth and with a soft moan let Nikita's tongue enter her mouth where it massaged and dueled with her own.

Soon the two women were in a deep kiss, tasting each other's mouth, even as their hands ran over the other person's back and head. Breaking the kiss, the two of them sat their panting trying to catch their breaths, staring into the others eyes as their bosoms moved up and down with their breaths.

Breaking the tension, Nikita pushed Jina back onto the couch and climbed onto her lap and started kissing her again. Jina moaned in arousal as Nikita took charge of the situation her hands grabbing her incredible ass which she squeezed even as Nikita hand went to her breasts.

Breaking the kiss, Jina latched her lips onto Nikita's neck, licking and biting the moaning woman in her lap, the two of them lost to their rising passion.

"Well, that was easy." a voice startled the two women.

Jina and Nikita broke their passionate embrace and looked over to where the voice had come from, and found Sonali and Reeva, standing at the entrance of the sitting room.

The two girls were holding hands, the evidence of their recent amorous activities noticeable by their disheveled clothes and hair, even though they had made an effort to straighten things up.

"Oh...I...Sonali..." stuttered Jina as she tried to explain the situation.

"No need to explain, we were hoping something like this would happen." said Sonali.

"Yeah, we just didn't think it would happen so quickly, or without any push from our side." said Reeva.

"You to go ahead with what you were doing, we are just going to grab a drink. Seema is coming over to say hi to Reeva and Nikita." said Sonali.

The two girls headed towards the kitchen, leaving Nikita and Jina alone. The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds then broke down into giggles. Placing her forehead on Jina's, Nikita smiled at her.

"Well, that broke the mood." she said, "But I have to agree with them. I did not expect this to happen."

Jina caressed Nikita's face.

"Neither did I, I don't know why, but the way I react to you is overwhelming." said Jina, "I am not in the habit of making out with every beautiful woman I meet."

"Me too, from the moment I saw you, I have been unable to get you out of my mind." said Nikita, planting a soft kiss on Jina's lips.

"Shall we join the girls?" asked Jina, as she ran her hands over Nikita's back and ass.

"In a minute...but...we will...pick this...up at a...later time." replied Nikita, as she kissed Jina between each word.

After a minute of kissing, the two women reluctantly broke apart. Getting off Jina's lap, Nikita stood up and held out her hand for Jina, who took the offered hand and stood up, her breasts touching Nikita's for a moment which caused both to moan softly. They headed to the kitchen making no effort to hide the evidence of their recent make out session from the girls.

Sonali and Reeva, were sitting at the table drinking soda when Nikita and Jina joined them. The two girls grinned at their disheveled look, taking a couple of sodas from the fridge Jina passed one on to Nikita as they joined the girls at the table.

"It's a little late for going out now and too early for dinner, so what are your plans?" asked Jina.

"Well, Seema should be by in half an hour to say hello but she can only stay for a few minutes as she is going out with her family." said Sonali.

"Nikita and I are a little tired from the journey, so maybe we can all relax and watch a movie and then call it a night early." said Reeva.

Jina nodded her head in agreement, but knew that no one will be doing much sleeping tonight if the events of the day were anything to go by.

With everyone's agreement the four of them started discussing which movie they would watch and the plan for the coming days.

"By the way Jina, when is the rest of your family going to join us?" asked Nikita.

"Hmm...another three days, but I do need to check in with them to confirm in case there has been any change in their plans." replied Jina.

Realizing that they may have only three more days of freedom left to enjoy each other's bodies put a dampener on their mood. Thankfully the bell rang just then. Sonali went to see who it was, and returned with a smiling Seema in tow.

Seema was taken back by the two new beauties in the kitchen, wondering if these women even knew any unattractive women, stepping forward she shook hands with Reeva and Nikita, noticing Nikita and Jina's still somewhat disheveled condition with an arched eyebrow.

"It a pleasure to meet you." she said, "Sonali has been looking forward to your arrival for the last two days."

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." said Nikita.

"So how long are you guys going to be here?" she asked.

"A week, maybe ten days. Depends on my aunt's health and my mother's travel plan." replied Reeva.

"Thats great, there are so many great places around to see. Sonali has been putting it off since she was waiting for you guys to get here." said Seema.

"You did?" asked Nkita in surprise, "That is so kind of you."

"Anyway, my family is waiting outside, I just wanted to pop in say hi." continued Seema, "Tomorrow let's go out for brunch. I know this really nice place and it should not be too crowded at that time. What do you think?"

Looking around Jina saw that everyone liked the idea.

"That is a lovely idea. We would love to, Seema." said Jina.

"Great, then let's meet at the shop around 11 tomorrow, and we will go from there." said Seema as she headed out with Reeva and Sonali following to see her out.

With the evening approaching Jina and Nikita prepared some light snacks and drinks as the four of them prepared to relax with a good movie. Settling down in the sitting room, the four of them paired off naturally with Sonali and Reeva taking one couch and Jina sitting on the other one with Nikita.

The movie the girls had picked a new Hollywood release, a romance. Jina and Nikita both rolled their eyes at the girl's choice and their transparent efforts to set the mood, but were soon engrossed in the movie as much as the girls.

As they watched the movie Sonali and Reeva, moved closer to each other and soon they were stretched out on the couch in a light embrace. From time to time the two girls would nuzzle or share soft kisses even as their hand became more active and adventurous.

Nikita and Jina on the other hand had also moved closer and were leaning against each other. After some time, Nikita took her right arm and put it around Jina's shoulders, the action felt so natural to the two that neither one of them were surprised at it. As the movie continued the scenes between the characters became steamier, which had the desired effect on the 4 women.

Sonali and Reeva's kisses became longer and their hands bolder, while Nikita right hand moved down from Jina's shoulder and onto her breast where it rested lightly, her fingers drawing random pattern around her aroused nipple. Jina's left had found its way into Nikita's lap where her hand was absent mindedly mirroring Nikita's actions near hear crotch.

As the movie moved into its closing scenes in which the two leads shared a particularly erotic scene, the four of them felt their arousal rise, their breathing become deeper. Soon Sonlai and Reeva were moaning softly, almost nonstop, as they kissed, petted and squeezed each other. Jina finally giving in to her lust moaned softly and buried her face in Nikita's neck, as Nikita pinched her aroused nipple through her shirt.

As soon as the movie ended, Sonali and Reeva, jumped up from the couch, blushing.

"We are going to bed." they called out as they hurriedly left the room, their eyes shining.

Jina and Nikita looked at each other and burst out laughing at the girls' antics.

"Well, that was expected." said Nikita.

"Yeah, the two of them need some alone time. I just hope they don't stay up all night." agreed Jina.

"I would not be surprise if they did." said Nikita.

"What about you? Are you planning to make it a late night?" asked Jina, tentatively.

"I am always open to making it a late night...provided that the company in stimulating." replied Nikita, with a hint of promise in her voice.

Looking into Nikita's eyes Jina saw the same need which she was sure was in her eye. Taking a deep breath, she broke eye contact and turned away. Turning off the TV she started to pick up the dirty dishes and left-over snacks.

"Why don't you go get ready for bed, I will just clean up here." she said.

"It's ok, here let me help you with that." said Nikita.

"No. No. You are our guest, please go ahead it will only take me few minutes." insisted Jina.

"Are you sure?" asked Nikita.

"Yes, yes." said Jina.

As Nikita left the room, Jina took a deep breath to calm herself down. The other woman's effect on her was a little disconcerting. Picking up the dishes from around the room, she took them to the kitchen and washed up. Turning off the lights she headed to her room.

As she neared the bed rooms she could clearly hear sound of female joy coming from the room Sonali and Reeva were sharing. Smiling at the two girl's enthusiastic reunion, she thought it best not to disturb them and continued to her room. Entering her bathroom, she saw that Nikita had already been there, changing into her night clothes, Jina cleaned up for the night. Turning off the bathroom lights she stepped into her room and stopped dead in her tracks.​
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 12