What a shit day. A complete moron who called himself manager had been on my case all day. "Dickhead couldn't manage a piss up in a brewery", I thought to myself as I pulled the car up into the driveway at home. All I could hope for at home was that the kids had been good all day and that Mary, my wife, was in a good mood. I wasn't sure that was going to be the case when I saw the kids come out the back door yelling at each other.
"It's your fault we have to stay outside. Oh hi Dad."
"Bullshit, I'm not the one who spilt soft drink on the carpet. Dad Tina's being a bitch."
"I am not!"
"Whoa! Hold it you two. First of all Danny, don't swear, and stop picking on each other. I thought I asked you to be good for Mum today. I haven't even got in the door yet and already you two are at each other. If Mum has told you to stay outside for a while then I would do just that."
Oh great, just what I wanted to come home to. I sent the kids into the backyard and took a deep breath as I entered the door. My wife greeted me on her hands and knees in the dining room. Normally this would be a great sight but the look on her face was enough to make any one think twice about saying something dirty or funny, except maybe my brother in-law Geoff. He would say something about her earning a dollar while she was down there. Then again, he would probably say that to a nun if he saw her on her hands and knees.
The thought of him actually saying that to a nun made me laugh and the look on Mary's face made me quickly tell her my thoughts before she rammed the towel she was using to wipe up soft drink down my throat. She smiled at that, thank god.
"Funny you should mention Geoff," she said. "Jenny came around today and we were talking about him - you too actually."
She had an evil glint in her eye that said she was up to mischief and I started to think this day might not turn out so bad after all.
"Oh yeah, do tell,"
I said with my eyebrow arched and no doubt a wicked grin on my face.
Mary got up off her knees and walked over to me, sexily swaying her hips, and put her arms around me. She leaned back a little to look me in the eye and push her pelvis against mine. She was trying to tell me something.
"How would you like it if...? Well Jenny and I were just thinking that you boys would like it if we... well you know, if we ummmm...?"
I was getting very excited about this conversation. She had a coy look on her face as though she wasn't sure how to broach the subject.
"Spit it out. There's no need to be shy."
"Oh okay. Would you like it if Geoff and you went fishing for the weekend?"
She giggled when she said this and it took my worked up brain a few moments to actually comprehend what she had said.
"You know go out on the boat for a weekend fishing?"
She said this as though talking to a child.
"Smart ass! You are such a tease,"
She just laughed again.
"Maybe I am and maybe I'm not."
With that, she walked out the back door to talk to the kids. I had no idea of what she meant by this comment and I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her about it again.
That evening I rang Geoff to organize the fishing trip. There was a lot to organize and we were both excited, as it was the first time this summer that we had the time to get the boat out.
We both love fishing and there is something to be said for the relaxation value of spending time on a gently rolling boat with a few drinks on a nice sunny day. We organized the food and equipment needs and I hung up the phone to go get my things ready.
I guess it was the perfect opportunity to get all our camping gear out and organized. Mary and I had decided to go camping with the kids in a few weeks. We hadn't been camping for ages and we were both looking forward to it. Mary for some reason was really looking forward to it. I thought I would have to talk her into it, she isn't normally a huge camping fanatic but she was really enthusiastic it about this time.
I got my sleeping bag out and a change of clothes packed in case it got cold. I filled the cooler then thought I should probably add some food as well. You can definitely drink too much when you're on a boat - unless you want to spend the day vomiting over the side. I then spent the remainder of the evening getting my fishing gear ready.
We would be having an early start so I went to bed early that night. With getting everything ready, I completely forgot about Mary's sly comment. The next morning the alarm went off at five and I rolled over to give Mary a cuddle and poked her in the back with my morning hard-on. Mary is not a morning person at the best of times so I just laughed when she said the usual thing.
"You've got to be kidding. There is no way you're getting any at this hour. Go have a wank in the shower."
So, I took her advice then packed the car with all my stuff for the weekend. I went back inside to cook some toast and make a cuppa for the road, but Mary, dressed in her fluffy slippers and her dressing gown, had beaten me to it and had it ready for me as I said good-bye to the kids. Mary walked me out to the car.
"Have a good weekend won't you," she said with a cheeky grin on her face
She gave me a kiss and I got into the car. As I was reversing down the driveway, I looked back at Mary to wave goodbye and was greeted with the sight of my wife standing at the top of our driveway with her dressing gown wide open. Even better, she was bare assed naked flashing her tits and pussy at me. I was shocked to say the least. I wound the window down and called her a tease to which she shook her boobs and then ran inside.
I looked in the mirror to continue down the drive way and burst out laughing. The young bloke who delivers the paper in the morning was sitting on his bike across the road with his jaw down around his knees. As I drove off I couldn't help but think that Mary had just given this guy masturbation material for life. As much as it was funny, it actually turned me on a bit to think that someone would be beating off thinking about my wife.
It takes about half an hour to get to Geoff and Jenny's place and it is a really nice drive in the summer through farmland and native bush. I just knew this was going to be a great weekend. I was relaxed already and smiling thinking about Mary's antics earlier. I wondered if she saw the guy across the road and that was why she ran inside. I hoped she saw the guy across the road and that was why she flashed. The idea gave me a hard-on again and I had to get thinking about other things so I'd be down again by the time I reached Geoff's place. I didn't want Geoff to think that I was that excited to be going fishing.
I pulled up in the driveway right behind the boat trailer. Geoff and Jenny were standing there loading the last few things into the boat. Timed to perfection I thought to myself. Jenny was looking very nice in a sleeveless shirt and a short skirt. Not a mini skirt but one that came down to about half way down her thigh. I got out of the car and started loading my things into the boat when I noticed something was missing.
"Where are the kids?"
"They're spending the weekend at their grandparents."
"Oh so you've got the weekend to yourself. I hope you stocked up on batteries."
Jenny laughed.
"You are such a pervert," she teased. "I'm actually coming with you guys. I haven't been out on the boat for ages and I really needed a weekend without the kids."
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. On one hand I was really looking forward to a boys weekend but on the other Jenny was pretty good company and she was one of those people who you could say anything around and she wouldn't get pissed off. Also, she was pretty good eye candy. That could present its own problems later but I was willing to risk being caught wanking by her. I've done it often enough thinking about her, especially after Geoff's birthday. That was one wild night.
We made sure nothing was going to fall out of the boat, locked the house and the car and climbed into the four-wheel drive to take off. I was a bit disappointed that I had to sit in the back seat as I'm fairly tall and there isn't a whole lot of room back there. Also, Geoff had left his workbag on the seat behind the passenger so I got in the seat behind him which meant I had to sit on an angle with my back against the door. I knew this was going to be an uncomfortable trip as it was about an hour and a half of winding roads to the beach.
About fifteen minutes into the trip, I noticed that Jenny had pulled down her sun visor. No big deal I hear you say but this was one with a mirror on it and it was pushed so far forward I could see straight into Jenny's crotch. As I watched, I saw her hands go down along her skirt and start to pull the bottom of it up into her lap.
"The sun is so nice coming through the window. Mmmm nice and warm on my legs."
She then slid the skirt up some more. I could now see most of her long, smooth thighs in the mirror. I was starting to be thankful for my cramped position in the backseat. This was feeding my voyeuristic streak nicely.
Over the next few kilometres I just stared at that small mirror willing her skirt just that bit higher where I could get a glimpse of her panty-covered mound. A few minutes later, my wish was fulfilled when she lazily stretched her arms up and yawned.
"This is such a boring trip over to the beach Geoff. Nothing ever happens and we never see any other cars or anything."
"It isn't too boring from where I'm sitting", I thought.
When she stretched, she slipped her hips forward about two inches, which was enough for me to get a perfect view straight down at her covered pussy. She turned her head back to face me.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"I reckon it's a very nice view. I could look at the scenery for hours."
She just raised one eyebrow.
"It could be better."
"Not a whole lot."
I said with a grin.
She looked slightly confused until she turned her head back to the front where she must have looked straight at the mirror. She gave a small laugh.
"Oh I see what you mean. I still think it could be better though."
She put her hands in her lap and Geoff looked over at her, not sure what we were talking about until he looked in her lap. He then looked at the mirror and laughed shaking his head.
"You just can't help yourself can you?"
"You love it. " Jenny said to him as she grabbed the top of her white cotton panties with her fingertips and started to pull them up tight against herself.
She pulled them up about as far as you would imagine they could go without disappearing between her pussy lips. They were so tight against her that I could clearly see the shape of her pussy. I could also see that she had very neatly trimmed her pubic hair on her mound and had waxed all around her lips.
"Mmmmm that feels nice,"
She purred to no one in particular.
She held the top of her panties firm against herself with one hand, and using the other hand started tapping gently against her clit with one finger. She was clearly enjoying this. Although I don't know what was turning her on more, the sensation or the fact that she had an audience. After about ten minutes of this slow tease and several low moans from Jenny, I noticed that a wet spot was appearing on the front of her panties. I would have given anything to be between those sexy legs right now; to take her panty-covered pussy in my mouth and taste her juices through them.
I was becoming intensely uncomfortable now. It was bad enough to be cramped up in the backseat, sitting sideways. Add to that a raging hard-on in my shorts and you get the very definition of uncomfortable.
We weren't all that far from the beach now and the smattering of houses that signified the town there were now in view. I was beginning to think she would pull her skirt down to cover herself as we were about to pull into the servo where they sold bait and fuel for the boat.
We pulled in the driveway of the servo and the attendant came out to help as Geoff got out to get the bait. Jenny hadn't changed a thing and was still tapping and moaning. The attendant spoke to Geoff briefly and started to fill the fuel cans for the boat. Geoff went inside to get the bait from the freezer.
Jenny was really getting into it now and slid her panties to one side where she had better access to her clit and her very wet, sticky hole. I was mesmerized as she alternated between slipping a finger into her pussy and rubbing her clit furiously. You could smell sex in the air and hear her moaning and the car was moving slightly as she humped back against her fingers. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked to see the attendant had moved closer to the car and was staring intently into the side mirror of the car with his mouth open and a blush creeping up his neck and face.
At this point Jenny stopped moving. Fearing she had seen the attendant and stopped, I looked back at her to discover she was rigid with her finger still resting on her clit and small grunting sounds were coming from her. I realized she was coming, and coming hard by the look of it - or maybe it was just the strain of coming and keeping the noise levels down.
"Nnngh, nngh. Oh fuck that was intense."
She pulled her skirt back down her thighs, reached up and sucked her juices off her finger while she squeezed and massaged her tits with her other hand. Geoff walked back out with a hand full of bait bags and some snacks. He had to speak three times to the attendant before he managed to drag his eyes away from the mirror.
"Huh, what? Oh sorry yeah umm. What can I help you with today?"
"Well you've already served me for fuel. How about I just pay you for this stuff and you can go do whatever it is you need to do."
Geoff had a big grin on his face and was laughing when he got back in the car.
"I think you melted his brain Hon."
"I know what he's going to be doing for the next half hour,"
She said with a smile on her face.
"Somehow I don't think he'll last that long," Geoff replied.
I was looking out the back window as we pulled out of the servo and the attendant was bolting for the loo with the key in his hand and an awkward looking bulge in his pants.
It was only about ten minutes down the road to the boat ramp and all I could do was make sure my cock was pointing up against myself and not standing straight out when I got out of the car. I had no hope of getting it to go down after Jenny's little display.
We got out and got the boat ready. I climbed in it with Jenny while Geoff backed it down the ramp. We slid off the trailer with a little bump and I started the boat. I drove the boat over to the jetty and tied off while Geoff parked the car and trailer. While we were waiting for Geoff to come over to the boat, Jenny spoke again.
"You liked the show?"
"You know I did. Look."
I pointed at my cock, which was still at attention, and I pushed my hips forward to emphasize it against the fabric of my shorts. She laughed then grabbed hold of it very tight.
"You know, I think maybe you did enjoy it, but you missed out on part of it," She said, still holding onto my bulge.
"Oh yeah? What part was that?" I asked.
She slid her hand up under her skirt fiddled around for a second then pulled her hand out. She then put her finger to my lips. I inhaled and could smell her sweet juices. I then opened my mouth slightly and she pushed her finger into my mouth where I could taste her honey. I must have swelled a little harder in her hand because she responded very quickly.
"Oohh. Looks like someone really likes my pussy!"
She giggled as she pulled her finger from my mouth. Geoff was walking up the jetty now and it was time to get going.
After a nice leisurely cruise out to the reef where we'd had some success previously - thank god for g.p.s - we finally got around to doing some fishing. We baited up, set all our rods up and began the waiting game. While we were waiting, we decided to get some food organized for our lunch.
One thing is certain when we go on one of these trips, and that is we don't go half-assed with the food. We had cracked pepper biscuits topped with smoked salmon, oysters, camembert cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. Very lah di dah. Also, very nice. If you're going to get seasick, it might as well be with something decent in your stomach.
It was also time to crack our first beers of the weekend. Geoff looked at his imaginary watch and said.
"Yep definitely beer o'clock."
Almost as soon as we sat our cans down in the cup holders, the rods started going crazy. It was as if they all went off at once. This is what any angler hopes for.
No sooner had we brought one in than we were grabbing another rod and reeling like maniacs. We were catching small school shark, about three and a half to four feet in length. They were fighting like crazy and really making us work for them. We didn't even have time to re bait once we landed them as the other rods were going off.
This was great fun but absolutely exhausting. By the time we got to the last rods we were running on adrenaline alone. Once we had our catch sorted out, cleaned and on ice and had new bait on the lines, the school had passed and all of a sudden it was quiet again.
It's quite a strange thing when this happens. You go from being relaxed and kicking back one moment. Frantic pace the next moment. Then back to that quiet stillness in what seems like the blink of an eye. The only indication of the action is your heart still pounding away, pumping the adrenaline through your body and making your hands a little unsteady.
"Holy shit, that was madness,"
Geoff said as we all started to come down from the excitement.
"I love it when they bite, but I've never seen anything like that before," I remarked. "We need to mark this spot on the g.p.s. for sure. We'll be back here again Geoff."
"That's the best time I've had fishing. Is it always like this boys?" Jenny spoke up.
"We wish,"
I said.
At the time, I was thinking this was the best fishing trip I'd ever been on. If I could do something about this chronic case of blue balls, I'd be a very happy man.
We finished tidying up the deck and washed ourselves off as we all smelled a bit fishy. It was time to sit down and relax; to open some new beers, as the ones we had earlier were either spilled or warm and flat from sitting in the sun being ignored.
Obviously, the sharks or the blood in the water had scared most of the fish off, as there wasn't much happening in the bite department, so we got talking again. I laughed at the image in my mind of the attendant at the servo with his jaw down around his knees.
"You sure gave the guy at the servo an eyeful Jenny."
"I didn't realize he could see in through the mirror. That was meant to be a private show. Not that I'm sure I would've stopped anyway. I was too far gone."
"Poor guy could barely speak when I was paying,"
Laughed Geoff.
"He kept saying thank you to me. Like I had any say in it."
"I reckon he'll wear the end off it with the amount of wanking he's going to be doing thinking about the show you gave him Jenny. Not that I won't do the same, I certainly enjoyed the show too."
Jenny was blushing a bit but all she said was,
"Mmmm well there's a nice thought."
"What's that, a stranger beating off thinking about you?" I asked.
"That is a nice thought too, but I was actually thinking about you beating off."
"Well I'm not about to just stand up and beat off for you right now, so stop teasing," I replied. "I already feel like my balls are going to explode."
Geoff cut in.
"I know what you mean. That show got me pretty toey too, what I saw of it."
Geoff was trying to re-adjust his shorts when he was saying this, and Jenny was just laughing at the two of us. Thinking back to Geoff's birthday dinner reminded me that Geoff isn't exactly small in the cock department, as my wife found out on that night. So, when I say he had to re-adjust his shorts there was a fair bit to move around.
He finally found a comfortable position and sat back down in his chair. I decided to stand at the edge of the boat and fish over the side and let the sun warm my back. Jenny got up and moved back into the half cab.
I heard her return a few minutes later and sit down again. I turned to look at her. She's pretty hard to keep your eyes off, and I was surprised to see she'd changed. She saw me glance at her, and smiled.
"Thought I'd work on my tan."
She was wearing a two-piece bikini that frankly didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. It was a light material that seemed to be only as thick as a piece of cling wrap, and it was clinging to her body in a most delightful way. Judging from the shape of the front and the string sides, I thought it had to be a thong. The view was spectacular from the front but I couldn't wait for her to stand up so I could see the back. Jenny has a gorgeous ass and I'm somewhat of a butt man. The top was barely there. Two pieces of material about the size of postage stamps attached to some strings was about all there was to it.
They just covered her nipples. When I say just, I mean just barely. They were so small you could see the very edges of her areola. The rest of her firm, milky- white tits was on display for us to ogle, and ogle we did.
I reeled my line in and said to her, "There is just no way I can concentrate on fishing with you sitting there like that."
"Well seeing as you're not busy then you can help me with the sunscreen," she smiled.
She pulled a tube out of the bag she had sitting next to her. I looked over to Geoff to see if he was O.K. with this. I still felt somewhat weird touching Jenny in front of him. I know that seems odd, especially considering the events of his birthday, but that's just how I feel about it, like there is an invisible line, you just don't cross without permission. Looking is one thing, touching is another all together.
"I've got my hands full buddy, sorry but you're going to have to do it,"
Geoff said with a grin on his face. I noticed that his hands were indeed full. Beer in one and a hard bulge in his shorts in the other. He too had decided that it was a bit hard to concentrate on the fishing.
"I guess I'll just have to make the sacrifice then. You're going to have to stand up if you want this done properly."
"Of course. I don't want you to miss anywhere. I might get burnt and we don't want that do we."
She stood up slowly, bending at the waist and pushing her ass out towards me. Oh yeah, thong. Well not much more than dental floss really but technically it was a thong.
"You are such a tease. You have one of the finest asses and you know I love it."
"Well you had better not let it get burnt then."
She handed me the tube of sunscreen and bent over slightly, presenting me with her fine ass. I decided if she could tease then so can I. instead of diving straight for her ass I decided to start with her shoulders. I put some cream on my hands and reached over to rub it into her shoulders, the problem being that she was still bent over. As I reached forward, my hard-on met perfectly with her ass.
I couldn't get much harder than I already was, and the ridge in my pants fit perfectly between her cheeks. I started to rub her shoulders and upper back.
"Mmmm. That feels so nice. Don't forget my neck, will you."
This of course meant I had to lean even further forward. As I bent over her a bit further, the head of my cock moved down a little and even though it was still in my shorts I could feel the string pressing against its tip and Jenny moaned again. I'm pretty sure I moaned too when she clenched her butt muscles and squeezed me for a few seconds. If this kept up I was going to lose my load in my pants.
"You're bending too far forward, I can't quite reach."
"Mmm feels like you're reaching just fine to me." She said her voice a little huskier now.
She straightened up a bit but she grabbed my hands from her shoulders and pulled them around her so that I was still wedged in tight behind her. There was still a large dollop of sunscreen on her back between her shoulder blades, which gave me a thought.
I took my arms from around her long enough to remove my shirt then quickly put them back around her, pulling her in closer to me until our bodies squashed the sunscreen between us. The moment was almost lost when we both laughed at the squelching, wet fart sound of the cream being squeezed between our bodies.
My nipples were really hard and sensitive and felt great against her warm skin. I felt like I couldn't get close enough, that there wasn't enough of me touching her. I wanted so much more. Jenny started to move up and down against me, spreading the sunscreen all over her back and my front. It was such an erotic feeling. The sensation of her thong string rubbing on my cock through my shorts just added to the pleasure.
Jenny grabbed my hands and squirted sunscreen on them as well.
"You don't want my front to get burnt do you? You're taking pretty good care of the back; I don't want the front to miss out."
I started rubbing the cream all over her stomach slowly working one hand up and the other hand down. All the while she is still rubbing her back and butt against me. My right hand started to rub the cream into her firm tits at about the same time my left hand reached the top of her panties.
Again, she just moaned and started moving further up and down my body. I glanced quickly over at Geoff to make sure everything was still okay. I guess he was okay as he had his cock out now and was stroking its impressive length to the same tempo as Jenny was moving her body. He didn't look at me at all, His eyes kept going from her tits to her panties seeing how much further my hands had travelled between each movement.
My fingers slipped under the material covering one of her nipples at the same time as the finger tips of my other hand slipped under the band at the top of her thong. Jenny sucked in a hiss, I looked back at Geoff who was biting his bottom lip, and I'm sure I saw his cock expand in his hand. He still didn't say anything and I took this as permission to go ahead.
Jenny's nipple was rock hard and she moaned again when I gave it a light squeeze. My hand slid further down into her panties and I felt her curls brush against my fingertips. Further still and I felt the curls give way to the top of her slit. I gently tickled my fingertips over the top of her clit and the lips of her pussy to find that further down, not only was she very smoothly shaved or waxed but extremely wet as well.
The room taken by my hand in her panties caused them to pull forward and the string at the bottom of them pulled forward to slip between her lips. My fingers were doing a little dance on her clit, alternating between lightly tapping on it to gently squeezing it between two of my fingers. My other hand was busy as well. She had pulled her bikini top up to expose her tits to the air, sun and of course my fingers. I kept swapping back and forth and alternating between gently squeezing and pulling her nipples to lightly brushing them with my fingertips.
Jenny was now moaning quite loudly, which was almost a growl. She had also lost all rhythm with her sliding up and down.
"Oh fuck, you have to stop now." She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
"What's wrong?"
I looked around thinking maybe another boat was approaching. Geoff looked around confused too.
"Jenny, what's wrong? I thought this was why you set this weekend up?"
"It is, but watching you stroke that cock of yours has made me want it so bad, I want you both in me."
Jenny turned around, dropped to her knees and grabbed hold of my shorts. She tried to pull them straight down but my aching hard-on got caught in the top band.
"Ow! Shit go easy."
She pulled the band away from me reached into my pants and grabbed hold of my cock and pulled it away so that my shorts could come down with ease.
Her cool hands felt great on me and I nearly came just from her touch. I knew this was going to be no marathon effort from me.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt you. Let me kiss that better for you."
She very gently kissed the tip of my cock. She licked the large amount of pre-cum that had escaped my cock, I shivered at the incredible feeling.
"Mmm yummy." She whispered.
She continued to give me small sucking kisses all over my cock and the occasional lick just under the head where it is oh so sensitive. She looked back over her shoulder at Geoff.
"Are you going to put that in me or are you just going to play with yourself all day? I know you like to watch but you can fuck at the same time you know."
Geoff walked up to her, got on his knees behind her, lined himself up and just slowly plunged in to her as deep as he could go. He didn't even bother taking her panties off, just pulled the thong to one side. Jenny let out a long slow growling moan as he slid slowly into her.
"Oh fuck yeah baby. Fill me with that monster cock. Oh god I can feel your balls on my clit. I want you to fuck me hard baby while I suck this sweet cock."
I'd forgotten how Jenny was so vocal while she fucked. I'd forgotten how much I loved it when she was too.
I thought I want a part of this too. "Yeah take that big cock. Take it while I fill your throat with mine. Were gonna spit roast you, you sexy little bitch."
I couldn't say anything else after that as she took my breath away when she grabbed hold of my cock and swallowed me down to the balls. The feeling was incredible, every time Geoff would drive into her he would force her onto my cock and every time he pulled back she would take a breath or lick me. I was in heaven and I knew I wasn't going to last long.
Jenny started cumming and was making lots of noises in the back of her throat which felt delicious on my cock head. She was so wet she was squelching as Geoff fucked in and out of her. Suddenly Geoff picked up the pace and started grunting. I knew I wasn't far off either. Geoff started to make a lot of noise too and when he came, he bellowed so loud I'm sure he would have been heard on shore. I lost any control I had at this point and with no warning to Jenny I started to shoot spray after spray of my cum straight into her mouth and throat. She didn't hesitate, just started swallowing. There was so much however that it started to come out the sides of her mouth and dribble down her chin.
Geoff pulled out of her and she let go of my now softening cock with a soft popping sound.
"That was incredible." Geoff said in between pants for breath.
"Absolutely incredible, you should see the view from here Geoff."
Jenny had a grin on her face a mile wide and cum running down both sides of it.
"Is it as good as the view from here?" he asked.
I walked around to see what he was talking about. Her pussy was still spread open from the intrusion of his monster cock but I could still see the convulsions of the aftershocks from her orgasm. Each time her pussy clenched a small amount of cum would be pushed out and dribble down over her clit and fall to the deck joining the small puddle that had formed there.
"I have never been so full of cock. I love it!"
"If you're lucky and we manage to recuperate you might get some more tonight." I suggested with a wink.
"Mmm I hope so. I'm so sweaty and sticky. I think I'm going to have a swim.
Jenny got up, climbed over the edge and dove gracefully into the water. Not long after she surfaced, she threw her bikini back into the boat.
"I love skinny dipping, feeling the water wash every single part of your body. It feels so nice and a little naughty at the same time. Are you two coming in?"
Geoff went and checked the anchor was still secure so the boat didn't drift off while we were in the water. We both dove in and made a beeline for Jenny who started giggling like a schoolgirl when we started a tickle fight.
We spent most of the remainder of the afternoon mucking around like kids. Most of the time we were naked and didn't have a care in the world; except to reapply sunscreen often. I can't imagine how painful a sun burnt cock would be, I was in no hurry to find out. Later in the evening, we got some clothes on because it got quite cool when the sun went down and the wind picked up.
We decided to do a bit more fishing and were mildly successful. We caught a few fish that would be nice for dinner, as we wanted to keep the shark for home. The fish, along with the other goodies we had brought from home were beautiful on the barbecue.
Dinner went down well and we had a couple of white wines with it that matched the fish in a most satisfactory way. While we ate, we watched the sun go down over the horizon turning the sky all different colours, from salmon pink to turquoise to a rich deep blue before turning black. The sky was sprinkled with billions of stars that you don't see when you're near a town.
The only thing that would have made this day any better would have been sharing it with Mary. That reminded me. Geoff had said something earlier that got my interest and I had forgotten about it until I thought of Mary.
"Jenny. Did I hear correctly before when Geoff said that you set this up on purpose?"
"You might have."
"Did Mary know about this or did she just think it was a fishing trip?"
Okay so I'm not the smartest bloke on the planet. I just wanted to be certain because some things were starting to fall into place.
Laughing, Jenny shook her head and said "Dumb ass, It was mostly her idea."
I must have looked shocked because both Geoff and Jenny started to laugh.
"You know that camping weekend you are going on? Well guess what. The kids aren't going with you. They will be staying with me. Geoff is going with you instead. She is going to have a very, very good time."
I was stunned. My shy, quiet, unadventurous Mary had come up with this devious plan. My my my. That is one naughty girl who will need to be spanked when I get home. If I have any energy left of course. I had a suspicion I wasn't going to be getting much sleep tonight.
"It's your fault we have to stay outside. Oh hi Dad."
"Bullshit, I'm not the one who spilt soft drink on the carpet. Dad Tina's being a bitch."
"I am not!"
"Whoa! Hold it you two. First of all Danny, don't swear, and stop picking on each other. I thought I asked you to be good for Mum today. I haven't even got in the door yet and already you two are at each other. If Mum has told you to stay outside for a while then I would do just that."
Oh great, just what I wanted to come home to. I sent the kids into the backyard and took a deep breath as I entered the door. My wife greeted me on her hands and knees in the dining room. Normally this would be a great sight but the look on her face was enough to make any one think twice about saying something dirty or funny, except maybe my brother in-law Geoff. He would say something about her earning a dollar while she was down there. Then again, he would probably say that to a nun if he saw her on her hands and knees.
The thought of him actually saying that to a nun made me laugh and the look on Mary's face made me quickly tell her my thoughts before she rammed the towel she was using to wipe up soft drink down my throat. She smiled at that, thank god.
"Funny you should mention Geoff," she said. "Jenny came around today and we were talking about him - you too actually."
She had an evil glint in her eye that said she was up to mischief and I started to think this day might not turn out so bad after all.
"Oh yeah, do tell,"
I said with my eyebrow arched and no doubt a wicked grin on my face.
Mary got up off her knees and walked over to me, sexily swaying her hips, and put her arms around me. She leaned back a little to look me in the eye and push her pelvis against mine. She was trying to tell me something.
"How would you like it if...? Well Jenny and I were just thinking that you boys would like it if we... well you know, if we ummmm...?"
I was getting very excited about this conversation. She had a coy look on her face as though she wasn't sure how to broach the subject.
"Spit it out. There's no need to be shy."
"Oh okay. Would you like it if Geoff and you went fishing for the weekend?"
She giggled when she said this and it took my worked up brain a few moments to actually comprehend what she had said.
"You know go out on the boat for a weekend fishing?"
She said this as though talking to a child.
"Smart ass! You are such a tease,"
She just laughed again.
"Maybe I am and maybe I'm not."
With that, she walked out the back door to talk to the kids. I had no idea of what she meant by this comment and I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her about it again.
That evening I rang Geoff to organize the fishing trip. There was a lot to organize and we were both excited, as it was the first time this summer that we had the time to get the boat out.
We both love fishing and there is something to be said for the relaxation value of spending time on a gently rolling boat with a few drinks on a nice sunny day. We organized the food and equipment needs and I hung up the phone to go get my things ready.
I guess it was the perfect opportunity to get all our camping gear out and organized. Mary and I had decided to go camping with the kids in a few weeks. We hadn't been camping for ages and we were both looking forward to it. Mary for some reason was really looking forward to it. I thought I would have to talk her into it, she isn't normally a huge camping fanatic but she was really enthusiastic it about this time.
I got my sleeping bag out and a change of clothes packed in case it got cold. I filled the cooler then thought I should probably add some food as well. You can definitely drink too much when you're on a boat - unless you want to spend the day vomiting over the side. I then spent the remainder of the evening getting my fishing gear ready.
We would be having an early start so I went to bed early that night. With getting everything ready, I completely forgot about Mary's sly comment. The next morning the alarm went off at five and I rolled over to give Mary a cuddle and poked her in the back with my morning hard-on. Mary is not a morning person at the best of times so I just laughed when she said the usual thing.
"You've got to be kidding. There is no way you're getting any at this hour. Go have a wank in the shower."
So, I took her advice then packed the car with all my stuff for the weekend. I went back inside to cook some toast and make a cuppa for the road, but Mary, dressed in her fluffy slippers and her dressing gown, had beaten me to it and had it ready for me as I said good-bye to the kids. Mary walked me out to the car.
"Have a good weekend won't you," she said with a cheeky grin on her face
She gave me a kiss and I got into the car. As I was reversing down the driveway, I looked back at Mary to wave goodbye and was greeted with the sight of my wife standing at the top of our driveway with her dressing gown wide open. Even better, she was bare assed naked flashing her tits and pussy at me. I was shocked to say the least. I wound the window down and called her a tease to which she shook her boobs and then ran inside.
I looked in the mirror to continue down the drive way and burst out laughing. The young bloke who delivers the paper in the morning was sitting on his bike across the road with his jaw down around his knees. As I drove off I couldn't help but think that Mary had just given this guy masturbation material for life. As much as it was funny, it actually turned me on a bit to think that someone would be beating off thinking about my wife.
It takes about half an hour to get to Geoff and Jenny's place and it is a really nice drive in the summer through farmland and native bush. I just knew this was going to be a great weekend. I was relaxed already and smiling thinking about Mary's antics earlier. I wondered if she saw the guy across the road and that was why she ran inside. I hoped she saw the guy across the road and that was why she flashed. The idea gave me a hard-on again and I had to get thinking about other things so I'd be down again by the time I reached Geoff's place. I didn't want Geoff to think that I was that excited to be going fishing.
I pulled up in the driveway right behind the boat trailer. Geoff and Jenny were standing there loading the last few things into the boat. Timed to perfection I thought to myself. Jenny was looking very nice in a sleeveless shirt and a short skirt. Not a mini skirt but one that came down to about half way down her thigh. I got out of the car and started loading my things into the boat when I noticed something was missing.
"Where are the kids?"
"They're spending the weekend at their grandparents."
"Oh so you've got the weekend to yourself. I hope you stocked up on batteries."
Jenny laughed.
"You are such a pervert," she teased. "I'm actually coming with you guys. I haven't been out on the boat for ages and I really needed a weekend without the kids."
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. On one hand I was really looking forward to a boys weekend but on the other Jenny was pretty good company and she was one of those people who you could say anything around and she wouldn't get pissed off. Also, she was pretty good eye candy. That could present its own problems later but I was willing to risk being caught wanking by her. I've done it often enough thinking about her, especially after Geoff's birthday. That was one wild night.
We made sure nothing was going to fall out of the boat, locked the house and the car and climbed into the four-wheel drive to take off. I was a bit disappointed that I had to sit in the back seat as I'm fairly tall and there isn't a whole lot of room back there. Also, Geoff had left his workbag on the seat behind the passenger so I got in the seat behind him which meant I had to sit on an angle with my back against the door. I knew this was going to be an uncomfortable trip as it was about an hour and a half of winding roads to the beach.
About fifteen minutes into the trip, I noticed that Jenny had pulled down her sun visor. No big deal I hear you say but this was one with a mirror on it and it was pushed so far forward I could see straight into Jenny's crotch. As I watched, I saw her hands go down along her skirt and start to pull the bottom of it up into her lap.
"The sun is so nice coming through the window. Mmmm nice and warm on my legs."
She then slid the skirt up some more. I could now see most of her long, smooth thighs in the mirror. I was starting to be thankful for my cramped position in the backseat. This was feeding my voyeuristic streak nicely.
Over the next few kilometres I just stared at that small mirror willing her skirt just that bit higher where I could get a glimpse of her panty-covered mound. A few minutes later, my wish was fulfilled when she lazily stretched her arms up and yawned.
"This is such a boring trip over to the beach Geoff. Nothing ever happens and we never see any other cars or anything."
"It isn't too boring from where I'm sitting", I thought.
When she stretched, she slipped her hips forward about two inches, which was enough for me to get a perfect view straight down at her covered pussy. She turned her head back to face me.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"I reckon it's a very nice view. I could look at the scenery for hours."
She just raised one eyebrow.
"It could be better."
"Not a whole lot."
I said with a grin.
She looked slightly confused until she turned her head back to the front where she must have looked straight at the mirror. She gave a small laugh.
"Oh I see what you mean. I still think it could be better though."
She put her hands in her lap and Geoff looked over at her, not sure what we were talking about until he looked in her lap. He then looked at the mirror and laughed shaking his head.
"You just can't help yourself can you?"
"You love it. " Jenny said to him as she grabbed the top of her white cotton panties with her fingertips and started to pull them up tight against herself.
She pulled them up about as far as you would imagine they could go without disappearing between her pussy lips. They were so tight against her that I could clearly see the shape of her pussy. I could also see that she had very neatly trimmed her pubic hair on her mound and had waxed all around her lips.
"Mmmmm that feels nice,"
She purred to no one in particular.
She held the top of her panties firm against herself with one hand, and using the other hand started tapping gently against her clit with one finger. She was clearly enjoying this. Although I don't know what was turning her on more, the sensation or the fact that she had an audience. After about ten minutes of this slow tease and several low moans from Jenny, I noticed that a wet spot was appearing on the front of her panties. I would have given anything to be between those sexy legs right now; to take her panty-covered pussy in my mouth and taste her juices through them.
I was becoming intensely uncomfortable now. It was bad enough to be cramped up in the backseat, sitting sideways. Add to that a raging hard-on in my shorts and you get the very definition of uncomfortable.
We weren't all that far from the beach now and the smattering of houses that signified the town there were now in view. I was beginning to think she would pull her skirt down to cover herself as we were about to pull into the servo where they sold bait and fuel for the boat.
We pulled in the driveway of the servo and the attendant came out to help as Geoff got out to get the bait. Jenny hadn't changed a thing and was still tapping and moaning. The attendant spoke to Geoff briefly and started to fill the fuel cans for the boat. Geoff went inside to get the bait from the freezer.
Jenny was really getting into it now and slid her panties to one side where she had better access to her clit and her very wet, sticky hole. I was mesmerized as she alternated between slipping a finger into her pussy and rubbing her clit furiously. You could smell sex in the air and hear her moaning and the car was moving slightly as she humped back against her fingers. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked to see the attendant had moved closer to the car and was staring intently into the side mirror of the car with his mouth open and a blush creeping up his neck and face.
At this point Jenny stopped moving. Fearing she had seen the attendant and stopped, I looked back at her to discover she was rigid with her finger still resting on her clit and small grunting sounds were coming from her. I realized she was coming, and coming hard by the look of it - or maybe it was just the strain of coming and keeping the noise levels down.
"Nnngh, nngh. Oh fuck that was intense."
She pulled her skirt back down her thighs, reached up and sucked her juices off her finger while she squeezed and massaged her tits with her other hand. Geoff walked back out with a hand full of bait bags and some snacks. He had to speak three times to the attendant before he managed to drag his eyes away from the mirror.
"Huh, what? Oh sorry yeah umm. What can I help you with today?"
"Well you've already served me for fuel. How about I just pay you for this stuff and you can go do whatever it is you need to do."
Geoff had a big grin on his face and was laughing when he got back in the car.
"I think you melted his brain Hon."
"I know what he's going to be doing for the next half hour,"
She said with a smile on her face.
"Somehow I don't think he'll last that long," Geoff replied.
I was looking out the back window as we pulled out of the servo and the attendant was bolting for the loo with the key in his hand and an awkward looking bulge in his pants.
It was only about ten minutes down the road to the boat ramp and all I could do was make sure my cock was pointing up against myself and not standing straight out when I got out of the car. I had no hope of getting it to go down after Jenny's little display.
We got out and got the boat ready. I climbed in it with Jenny while Geoff backed it down the ramp. We slid off the trailer with a little bump and I started the boat. I drove the boat over to the jetty and tied off while Geoff parked the car and trailer. While we were waiting for Geoff to come over to the boat, Jenny spoke again.
"You liked the show?"
"You know I did. Look."
I pointed at my cock, which was still at attention, and I pushed my hips forward to emphasize it against the fabric of my shorts. She laughed then grabbed hold of it very tight.
"You know, I think maybe you did enjoy it, but you missed out on part of it," She said, still holding onto my bulge.
"Oh yeah? What part was that?" I asked.
She slid her hand up under her skirt fiddled around for a second then pulled her hand out. She then put her finger to my lips. I inhaled and could smell her sweet juices. I then opened my mouth slightly and she pushed her finger into my mouth where I could taste her honey. I must have swelled a little harder in her hand because she responded very quickly.
"Oohh. Looks like someone really likes my pussy!"
She giggled as she pulled her finger from my mouth. Geoff was walking up the jetty now and it was time to get going.
After a nice leisurely cruise out to the reef where we'd had some success previously - thank god for g.p.s - we finally got around to doing some fishing. We baited up, set all our rods up and began the waiting game. While we were waiting, we decided to get some food organized for our lunch.
One thing is certain when we go on one of these trips, and that is we don't go half-assed with the food. We had cracked pepper biscuits topped with smoked salmon, oysters, camembert cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. Very lah di dah. Also, very nice. If you're going to get seasick, it might as well be with something decent in your stomach.
It was also time to crack our first beers of the weekend. Geoff looked at his imaginary watch and said.
"Yep definitely beer o'clock."
Almost as soon as we sat our cans down in the cup holders, the rods started going crazy. It was as if they all went off at once. This is what any angler hopes for.
No sooner had we brought one in than we were grabbing another rod and reeling like maniacs. We were catching small school shark, about three and a half to four feet in length. They were fighting like crazy and really making us work for them. We didn't even have time to re bait once we landed them as the other rods were going off.
This was great fun but absolutely exhausting. By the time we got to the last rods we were running on adrenaline alone. Once we had our catch sorted out, cleaned and on ice and had new bait on the lines, the school had passed and all of a sudden it was quiet again.
It's quite a strange thing when this happens. You go from being relaxed and kicking back one moment. Frantic pace the next moment. Then back to that quiet stillness in what seems like the blink of an eye. The only indication of the action is your heart still pounding away, pumping the adrenaline through your body and making your hands a little unsteady.
"Holy shit, that was madness,"
Geoff said as we all started to come down from the excitement.
"I love it when they bite, but I've never seen anything like that before," I remarked. "We need to mark this spot on the g.p.s. for sure. We'll be back here again Geoff."
"That's the best time I've had fishing. Is it always like this boys?" Jenny spoke up.
"We wish,"
I said.
At the time, I was thinking this was the best fishing trip I'd ever been on. If I could do something about this chronic case of blue balls, I'd be a very happy man.
We finished tidying up the deck and washed ourselves off as we all smelled a bit fishy. It was time to sit down and relax; to open some new beers, as the ones we had earlier were either spilled or warm and flat from sitting in the sun being ignored.
Obviously, the sharks or the blood in the water had scared most of the fish off, as there wasn't much happening in the bite department, so we got talking again. I laughed at the image in my mind of the attendant at the servo with his jaw down around his knees.
"You sure gave the guy at the servo an eyeful Jenny."
"I didn't realize he could see in through the mirror. That was meant to be a private show. Not that I'm sure I would've stopped anyway. I was too far gone."
"Poor guy could barely speak when I was paying,"
Laughed Geoff.
"He kept saying thank you to me. Like I had any say in it."
"I reckon he'll wear the end off it with the amount of wanking he's going to be doing thinking about the show you gave him Jenny. Not that I won't do the same, I certainly enjoyed the show too."
Jenny was blushing a bit but all she said was,
"Mmmm well there's a nice thought."
"What's that, a stranger beating off thinking about you?" I asked.
"That is a nice thought too, but I was actually thinking about you beating off."
"Well I'm not about to just stand up and beat off for you right now, so stop teasing," I replied. "I already feel like my balls are going to explode."
Geoff cut in.
"I know what you mean. That show got me pretty toey too, what I saw of it."
Geoff was trying to re-adjust his shorts when he was saying this, and Jenny was just laughing at the two of us. Thinking back to Geoff's birthday dinner reminded me that Geoff isn't exactly small in the cock department, as my wife found out on that night. So, when I say he had to re-adjust his shorts there was a fair bit to move around.
He finally found a comfortable position and sat back down in his chair. I decided to stand at the edge of the boat and fish over the side and let the sun warm my back. Jenny got up and moved back into the half cab.
I heard her return a few minutes later and sit down again. I turned to look at her. She's pretty hard to keep your eyes off, and I was surprised to see she'd changed. She saw me glance at her, and smiled.
"Thought I'd work on my tan."
She was wearing a two-piece bikini that frankly didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. It was a light material that seemed to be only as thick as a piece of cling wrap, and it was clinging to her body in a most delightful way. Judging from the shape of the front and the string sides, I thought it had to be a thong. The view was spectacular from the front but I couldn't wait for her to stand up so I could see the back. Jenny has a gorgeous ass and I'm somewhat of a butt man. The top was barely there. Two pieces of material about the size of postage stamps attached to some strings was about all there was to it.
They just covered her nipples. When I say just, I mean just barely. They were so small you could see the very edges of her areola. The rest of her firm, milky- white tits was on display for us to ogle, and ogle we did.
I reeled my line in and said to her, "There is just no way I can concentrate on fishing with you sitting there like that."
"Well seeing as you're not busy then you can help me with the sunscreen," she smiled.
She pulled a tube out of the bag she had sitting next to her. I looked over to Geoff to see if he was O.K. with this. I still felt somewhat weird touching Jenny in front of him. I know that seems odd, especially considering the events of his birthday, but that's just how I feel about it, like there is an invisible line, you just don't cross without permission. Looking is one thing, touching is another all together.
"I've got my hands full buddy, sorry but you're going to have to do it,"
Geoff said with a grin on his face. I noticed that his hands were indeed full. Beer in one and a hard bulge in his shorts in the other. He too had decided that it was a bit hard to concentrate on the fishing.
"I guess I'll just have to make the sacrifice then. You're going to have to stand up if you want this done properly."
"Of course. I don't want you to miss anywhere. I might get burnt and we don't want that do we."
She stood up slowly, bending at the waist and pushing her ass out towards me. Oh yeah, thong. Well not much more than dental floss really but technically it was a thong.
"You are such a tease. You have one of the finest asses and you know I love it."
"Well you had better not let it get burnt then."
She handed me the tube of sunscreen and bent over slightly, presenting me with her fine ass. I decided if she could tease then so can I. instead of diving straight for her ass I decided to start with her shoulders. I put some cream on my hands and reached over to rub it into her shoulders, the problem being that she was still bent over. As I reached forward, my hard-on met perfectly with her ass.
I couldn't get much harder than I already was, and the ridge in my pants fit perfectly between her cheeks. I started to rub her shoulders and upper back.
"Mmmm. That feels so nice. Don't forget my neck, will you."
This of course meant I had to lean even further forward. As I bent over her a bit further, the head of my cock moved down a little and even though it was still in my shorts I could feel the string pressing against its tip and Jenny moaned again. I'm pretty sure I moaned too when she clenched her butt muscles and squeezed me for a few seconds. If this kept up I was going to lose my load in my pants.
"You're bending too far forward, I can't quite reach."
"Mmm feels like you're reaching just fine to me." She said her voice a little huskier now.
She straightened up a bit but she grabbed my hands from her shoulders and pulled them around her so that I was still wedged in tight behind her. There was still a large dollop of sunscreen on her back between her shoulder blades, which gave me a thought.
I took my arms from around her long enough to remove my shirt then quickly put them back around her, pulling her in closer to me until our bodies squashed the sunscreen between us. The moment was almost lost when we both laughed at the squelching, wet fart sound of the cream being squeezed between our bodies.
My nipples were really hard and sensitive and felt great against her warm skin. I felt like I couldn't get close enough, that there wasn't enough of me touching her. I wanted so much more. Jenny started to move up and down against me, spreading the sunscreen all over her back and my front. It was such an erotic feeling. The sensation of her thong string rubbing on my cock through my shorts just added to the pleasure.
Jenny grabbed my hands and squirted sunscreen on them as well.
"You don't want my front to get burnt do you? You're taking pretty good care of the back; I don't want the front to miss out."
I started rubbing the cream all over her stomach slowly working one hand up and the other hand down. All the while she is still rubbing her back and butt against me. My right hand started to rub the cream into her firm tits at about the same time my left hand reached the top of her panties.
Again, she just moaned and started moving further up and down my body. I glanced quickly over at Geoff to make sure everything was still okay. I guess he was okay as he had his cock out now and was stroking its impressive length to the same tempo as Jenny was moving her body. He didn't look at me at all, His eyes kept going from her tits to her panties seeing how much further my hands had travelled between each movement.
My fingers slipped under the material covering one of her nipples at the same time as the finger tips of my other hand slipped under the band at the top of her thong. Jenny sucked in a hiss, I looked back at Geoff who was biting his bottom lip, and I'm sure I saw his cock expand in his hand. He still didn't say anything and I took this as permission to go ahead.
Jenny's nipple was rock hard and she moaned again when I gave it a light squeeze. My hand slid further down into her panties and I felt her curls brush against my fingertips. Further still and I felt the curls give way to the top of her slit. I gently tickled my fingertips over the top of her clit and the lips of her pussy to find that further down, not only was she very smoothly shaved or waxed but extremely wet as well.
The room taken by my hand in her panties caused them to pull forward and the string at the bottom of them pulled forward to slip between her lips. My fingers were doing a little dance on her clit, alternating between lightly tapping on it to gently squeezing it between two of my fingers. My other hand was busy as well. She had pulled her bikini top up to expose her tits to the air, sun and of course my fingers. I kept swapping back and forth and alternating between gently squeezing and pulling her nipples to lightly brushing them with my fingertips.
Jenny was now moaning quite loudly, which was almost a growl. She had also lost all rhythm with her sliding up and down.
"Oh fuck, you have to stop now." She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
"What's wrong?"
I looked around thinking maybe another boat was approaching. Geoff looked around confused too.
"Jenny, what's wrong? I thought this was why you set this weekend up?"
"It is, but watching you stroke that cock of yours has made me want it so bad, I want you both in me."
Jenny turned around, dropped to her knees and grabbed hold of my shorts. She tried to pull them straight down but my aching hard-on got caught in the top band.
"Ow! Shit go easy."
She pulled the band away from me reached into my pants and grabbed hold of my cock and pulled it away so that my shorts could come down with ease.
Her cool hands felt great on me and I nearly came just from her touch. I knew this was going to be no marathon effort from me.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt you. Let me kiss that better for you."
She very gently kissed the tip of my cock. She licked the large amount of pre-cum that had escaped my cock, I shivered at the incredible feeling.
"Mmm yummy." She whispered.
She continued to give me small sucking kisses all over my cock and the occasional lick just under the head where it is oh so sensitive. She looked back over her shoulder at Geoff.
"Are you going to put that in me or are you just going to play with yourself all day? I know you like to watch but you can fuck at the same time you know."
Geoff walked up to her, got on his knees behind her, lined himself up and just slowly plunged in to her as deep as he could go. He didn't even bother taking her panties off, just pulled the thong to one side. Jenny let out a long slow growling moan as he slid slowly into her.
"Oh fuck yeah baby. Fill me with that monster cock. Oh god I can feel your balls on my clit. I want you to fuck me hard baby while I suck this sweet cock."
I'd forgotten how Jenny was so vocal while she fucked. I'd forgotten how much I loved it when she was too.
I thought I want a part of this too. "Yeah take that big cock. Take it while I fill your throat with mine. Were gonna spit roast you, you sexy little bitch."
I couldn't say anything else after that as she took my breath away when she grabbed hold of my cock and swallowed me down to the balls. The feeling was incredible, every time Geoff would drive into her he would force her onto my cock and every time he pulled back she would take a breath or lick me. I was in heaven and I knew I wasn't going to last long.
Jenny started cumming and was making lots of noises in the back of her throat which felt delicious on my cock head. She was so wet she was squelching as Geoff fucked in and out of her. Suddenly Geoff picked up the pace and started grunting. I knew I wasn't far off either. Geoff started to make a lot of noise too and when he came, he bellowed so loud I'm sure he would have been heard on shore. I lost any control I had at this point and with no warning to Jenny I started to shoot spray after spray of my cum straight into her mouth and throat. She didn't hesitate, just started swallowing. There was so much however that it started to come out the sides of her mouth and dribble down her chin.
Geoff pulled out of her and she let go of my now softening cock with a soft popping sound.
"That was incredible." Geoff said in between pants for breath.
"Absolutely incredible, you should see the view from here Geoff."
Jenny had a grin on her face a mile wide and cum running down both sides of it.
"Is it as good as the view from here?" he asked.
I walked around to see what he was talking about. Her pussy was still spread open from the intrusion of his monster cock but I could still see the convulsions of the aftershocks from her orgasm. Each time her pussy clenched a small amount of cum would be pushed out and dribble down over her clit and fall to the deck joining the small puddle that had formed there.
"I have never been so full of cock. I love it!"
"If you're lucky and we manage to recuperate you might get some more tonight." I suggested with a wink.
"Mmm I hope so. I'm so sweaty and sticky. I think I'm going to have a swim.
Jenny got up, climbed over the edge and dove gracefully into the water. Not long after she surfaced, she threw her bikini back into the boat.
"I love skinny dipping, feeling the water wash every single part of your body. It feels so nice and a little naughty at the same time. Are you two coming in?"
Geoff went and checked the anchor was still secure so the boat didn't drift off while we were in the water. We both dove in and made a beeline for Jenny who started giggling like a schoolgirl when we started a tickle fight.
We spent most of the remainder of the afternoon mucking around like kids. Most of the time we were naked and didn't have a care in the world; except to reapply sunscreen often. I can't imagine how painful a sun burnt cock would be, I was in no hurry to find out. Later in the evening, we got some clothes on because it got quite cool when the sun went down and the wind picked up.
We decided to do a bit more fishing and were mildly successful. We caught a few fish that would be nice for dinner, as we wanted to keep the shark for home. The fish, along with the other goodies we had brought from home were beautiful on the barbecue.
Dinner went down well and we had a couple of white wines with it that matched the fish in a most satisfactory way. While we ate, we watched the sun go down over the horizon turning the sky all different colours, from salmon pink to turquoise to a rich deep blue before turning black. The sky was sprinkled with billions of stars that you don't see when you're near a town.
The only thing that would have made this day any better would have been sharing it with Mary. That reminded me. Geoff had said something earlier that got my interest and I had forgotten about it until I thought of Mary.
"Jenny. Did I hear correctly before when Geoff said that you set this up on purpose?"
"You might have."
"Did Mary know about this or did she just think it was a fishing trip?"
Okay so I'm not the smartest bloke on the planet. I just wanted to be certain because some things were starting to fall into place.
Laughing, Jenny shook her head and said "Dumb ass, It was mostly her idea."
I must have looked shocked because both Geoff and Jenny started to laugh.
"You know that camping weekend you are going on? Well guess what. The kids aren't going with you. They will be staying with me. Geoff is going with you instead. She is going to have a very, very good time."
I was stunned. My shy, quiet, unadventurous Mary had come up with this devious plan. My my my. That is one naughty girl who will need to be spanked when I get home. If I have any energy left of course. I had a suspicion I wasn't going to be getting much sleep tonight.