Page 01

Fisting Mom

Sister inadvertently helps.

"A thorn between two roses," my sister and mother laughed as I stopped to deliver a dirty look. There were sitting on either end of the couch where I had been before leaving to get a snack. They had also changed the channel to a chick flick.

"Hey," I cried. "No fair, I was watching the game."

"Too bad, so sad," they chimed in unison.

Mom and my sister Lisa often said the same things at the same time. They were so much alike. They had the same laugh and the same light red hair, though Mom's was shoulder length and Lisa's was short. Physically, they were almost identical, Lisa being a younger, more slender version of Mom but old pictures showed that Mom was probably skinner at Lisa's age. I liked those pictures because despite being thin Mom was better endowed than my twenty-year old sister even then. Not that Lisa was bad, maybe a thirty-four or so with a B cup, but Mom's were bigger and meatier, if you know what I mean.

A year and half younger than Lisa, we had always been close. She didn't even think it was gross that I was dating one of her college friends which made me the envy of the guys at school. "She's just in it for the meat," she had commented with false derision, referring to the three years of weight training that hadn't won me more play time on the team but had other benefits.

An eternal gossip, Lisa had pushed me for juicy details on what her friend was like in bed. She had used me as a source throughout our school years to see what rumors my younger crowd had heard about her friends. So far, I had resisted the pressure to inform on my current bed mate in fear of losing my poontang privileges should my sister inadvertently spill the beans through one of the snide remarks she was prone to making.

Frustrated, I looked from my green-eyed mother on the left to my blue-eyed sister on the right. Their eyes were the only striking difference between them.

"Dad," I wailed, a common sound over the last eighteen years in our house.

"There's nothing I can do, son," Dad half laughed, rattling his newspaper and burying his head deeper within it. He had learned long ago that there was no profit in getting between me and the women in the family. Pouting, I dropped onto the couch with my full weight, bouncing both women up and down, pleased to see the pop slop over the rim of the glass my sister held in her lap.

"Jerrod, you asshole!" Lisa screamed.

"Hey, watch your language young lady," Mom barked.

Lisa grabbed the napkin from my hand and feverishly scrubbed her new jeans. I turned toward Mom, the shit-eating grin on my face quickly dropping when I met her angry, green eyes. I ducked my head in an 'oops' gesture and fixed my gaze on the game, or where it was supposed to be.

"Did anybody score, Dad?" I asked, trying to establish a connection for my own protection. As expected, he didn't answer. I was on my own again.

"Asshole," Lisa muttered under her breath, tossing the cola-stained napkin on top of my sandwich.

"Lisa," Mom admonished.

The corners of my mouth threatened to curl upwards.

"Why are you eating so soon after dinner?" Mom asked.

I shrugged, my shoulders rising and falling in sheepish fashion, while grossly shoving half of the sandwich into my mouth.

"Ughhhh, men," Mom said, turning away in disgust.

A thorn indeed. I finished my sandwich and proceeded to make a nuisance of myself for the next half hour, fidgeting about and bumping into both Mom and Lisa as they tried to watch the movie. I refused to leave. My sister finally got up in disgust and stomped out of the living room.

"I'm going to my room. It's Neanderthal-free," she harrumphed.

I smiled as she clumped up the stairs, reveling in the sound of her angry demonstration. Mom released a long sigh, handed me the remote, and picked up a book. She suggested I move over but I defiantly stayed where I was.

"Suit yourself," she said.

I put the game back on but it was half-time.

I didn't pester Mom further because I recognized the warning in the firm set of her face. Battling my sister, even with Mom on her side, was one thing. Taking on my mother alone was quite another. So we sat there, close together, my leg rubbing against Mom's, trying to make a point without drawing return fire, and she pretending I wasn't bugging her. I was quite experienced in skirting the edge of danger and knew exactly when I was at the point of no return. Figuring I was pretty much there, I decided to finish watching the game on the small TV in my room. I started to get up, rocking forward and putting my hand on Mom's thigh to leverage myself up, thereby delivering a parting annoyance.

My hand slipped and skidded down the inside of Mom's leg, and buried itself deep in the cushion right in front of her crotch. Thrown off balance, I fell back and my wrist jammed in tight, pressing firmly into the puffiness at the apex of Mom's legs. Her legs automatically closed, trapping my hand. I pulled but her clamped thighs held my arm too tightly. I tugged again without success. I turned toward Mom to apologize and to ask her to release my arm but was stunned by what I saw.

Mom's face was painted with the weirdest expression. She looked like she was on the verge of having an epileptic fit. Her eyes were kind buggy and her jaws were clamped shut. I tugged on my arm again but that only pushed my wrist harder against... well, her pussy.

Mom's hips suddenly lunged forward and her legs squeezed my arm even tighter. I pulled harder but couldn't get free and the effort made Mom's legs start to quiver. I pulled again to no avail and her hips jerked erratically as her legs continued to vibrate. Scared, I yanked my arm hard and succeeded in getting my hand up a little but my face paled when I felt it cup Mom's pussy, warm and pulsing in my palm through the thin, stretchy material of her pants.

I could have pulled my hand away then but I admit I left it there. Mom's hips were jerking involuntarily up and down, humping her mound against my hand. Her eyes were closed but I knew she wasn't having a fit, she was having an orgasm. Oh my God.

I glanced at Dad but his head was still buried in the newspaper. I looked back at Mom. There was no doubt about it. Even with my limited sexual experience, I still knew what I was seeing, and feeling. Mom was getting her rocks off on my hand.

God help me, I curled my hand more tighter around her pussy, and rubbed it. Mom bucked hard and I pressed equally hard back, if only to keep her seated so she wouldn't attract Dad's attention. I dug the heel of my palm against the upper part of Mom's snatch and my longest finger automatically stretched down, finding and fitting into the length of her slit under the tight, black stretchy pants. I was a bit stunned by my action but I crooked the tip of my finger to get a better hold anyway and ground the heel of my hand firmly against Mom's frantic love muscle. She shuddered, long and hard. When she was done, I pulled my hand away, got up, and walked quickly upstairs to my room. I tried to wait until I was out of sight but couldn't, lifting my hand to my face to smell my palm.

I hid in my room that night, living in fear of a visit from either my father or my mother. Lisa was still pissed at me so I wasn't worried about her coming. Thankfully, I was left alone.

The next morning, Lisa was back to normal, kidding me about this and that and Dad was in his usual shell. Mom ignored me but I could tell she was bothered. Like me, it didn't look like she had slept well. I ate my cereal quickly and tossed down a glass of juice, then got up to leave. As I was going out the door, Mom called out.

"Don't forget your lunch."

Reluctantly, I returned to the kitchen to get my lunch.

"It's over there," Mom jerked her head toward the counter beside her.

I glanced at her as I retrieved it but Mom stared straight into the sink at the dishes she was washing. Lisa and Dad were oblivious to the tension between us but to me it was a palpable entity in the room.

I had a hell of a day at school and skulked around for hours before going home, leery of facing Mom alone. I was afraid she would want to talk and I couldn't face that. Why, oh why had I moved my hand? Why couldn't I leave well enough alone? If I had kept still, it would have been all on her, but no, I had to rub her pussy. What a dumb fuckwad!

Dinner was much like breakfast except Lisa seemed to twig that something was up between Mom and me. She didn't say anything but I knew she would be in my room like a dirty shirt soon enough to get the skinny on what was going on. I stayed in the living room to avoid her but when Mom came in after cleaning up the kitchen, it became too uncomfortable, so I chose the lesser of two evils and retreated to my room to surf the net.

"What?" I answered the quiet knock on my door. It opened and Lisa's head poked in.

"Shhhhh," she shushed, slipping inside and closing the door. "What did you do to make Mom so uptight," she asked, quickly moving past me and flopping down on my bed.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to play innocent despite my flushing face.

"Don't give me that shit. I have eyes. What did you do after I left to make Mom so mad."

"I have no idea," I answered, deciding to tough it out.

"Nice try but you know I'll get it out of you eventually," she giggled with confidence.

The fact I could never keep a secret made her reaction all the more irritating despite my resolve that this time, I absolutely couldn't tell her. This was something I couldn't talk about to anyone, not even Lisa.

"So," she said, changing the subject. "Are you going to spill the beans on Eleyna?"

Eleyna was a girl I had recently met and was spending more time with than Lisa's friend Cathy. She dressed pretty slutty, which was a little embarrassing, but she fucked like a mink. Lisa didn't like her much.

"No, that's none of your beeswax," I said.

"Come on, Jerrod." Lisa laughed, then asked, "Is she a moaner?"

She laughed so hard she fell back on the bed, throwing her arms over her face and lifting one knee to relieve the pressure on her stomach when her laughter spiraled out of control.

Sitting up, a minute later, she persisted, "Come on Jerrod. Tell me and I'll let you alone about Mom."

I gritted my teeth and ignored her.

"Ohhhhhh, oh God, ahhhhh, ungghh, unhhh, unghhh," Lisa moaned, then broke out into another fit of hysterics.

I couldn't help laughing. She had Eleyna down pretty good.

"Shut up," I cried in short-lived anger.

"Uhh, uhhh, uhhh, ohhhhaahhhhooohhhh," Lisa cried, both feet trummeling the mattress.

I got up and fell upon her, grabbing her arms and holding them above her head, using my weight to pin her legs down. I didn't say anything but Lisa became still and stopped teasing me. I was pissed with myself when my eyes darted down to her chest to take in the sweater pulled too tight over her straining, smallish left breast. Lisa smiled smugly and I let go of her hands. We both sat up.

"You wouldn't like me anyway," she said. "I'm not a moaner like Eleyna."

"I didn't say she was," I retorted, not bothering to deny the thought Lisa had correctly read.

"And you didn't deny it either," Lisa laughed. "I could see in your eyes it was true."

"You didn't hear it from me," I said.

"Nope. I didn't hear it from you," she tinkled, eyes sparkling.

"Don't say anything, Lisa," I pleaded. "Cathy will hear about it and have a hissy fit and then it will get back to Eleyna and then I won't be getting any at all."

"You'll still have your hand," Lisa giggled. "Or do you forget how it works?"

"Fuck off."

Lisa threw her arms around my shoulders and snuggled up. "Don't be like that, little brother. I won't ruin it for you, though it would serve you right for fucking around on my friend."

Lisa released my shoulders and shoved me away but was back at it within five seconds. "That is, I won't spill the beans if you tell me what happened with Mom," she purred.

"Nothing happened between me and Mom. I just put my hand on her leg when I got up, to bug her you know, and it hurt her. She blew up, said she was tired of my shenanigans, and told me to grow up."

It made sense and I must have sounded sincere because Lisa bought it.

"Oh, does little Jerrod need to grow up?" she teased, trying to push her index finger into the hollow of my neck, a favorite tickling spot for which she knew I had no defense.

I tilted my head over, jamming her finger against my shoulder but she simply wiggled it, pursuing when I tried to pull away and climbing on top of me, forcing me to fall over sideways on the bed.

"Poor little Jerrod," she cooed, wiggling her fucking finger.

A minute later she relented and prepared to go. Unfortunately, I had the brilliant idea, since I'd fooled her about Mom, to query her about Mom's instant response to my hand being jammed between her legs. If I acted like it was with someone else, Eleyna say, who I had already compromised, what was the harm?

"Hey, Lisa, before you go. Is it weird for woman ... a girl, to get off right away if a guy suddenly shoves his hand between her legs?"

Lisa looked at me like I was out of my mind. "Well, yeah. What, do you think we walk around, perpetually horny, just waiting for some moron to stick his hand in our crotch?"

"No. I mean, if it happened by accident, would she get off?"

"You need to come up with some better approaches, bro."

"I'm not talking about just grabbing a wom... a girl. I mean, if it happened by accident."

"Are you telling me you grabbed Eleyna and she got off right away?"

"I didn't grab her. It was an accident. We were sitting on the couch, and my hand slipped and jammed between her legs, and she started jerking and quivering. I mean, she really got off."

"The horny little bitch," Lisa exclaimed, taken aback.

Shit, I could see that this was too good for Lisa to keep to herself. I knew she would spill it to some of her friends, at least to Debbie, the yappiest of the bunch.

"Hang on, Lisa. You can't say anything to anyone. You promised."

"I didn't promise."

"Well, you said you wouldn't."

"But I didn't promise."

"Ok," I agreed, realizing she was just pushing my buttons. "You didn't p r o m i s e. So anyway, is it possible?" "I guess, if a girl hasn't had any for a long time and is in the mood."

Lisa looked thoughtful and I instantly regretted bringing the whole thing up.

"I can't see that happening with Eleyna though," she mused. "I mean, she fucks like a mink, doesn't she?" she asked, looking at me for confirmation.

It wasn't anything I could deny. I nodded, a little uneasy about the direction she was taking.

"So this isn't about Eleyna, is it? You've got your eye on someone else. Jesus Christ, Jerrod, you're already doing one girl behind my friend's back. What are you, some kind of sex addict?" Lisa picked up a pillow and belted me with it.

I fended her off as best I could.

"Ok, ok. I was just kidding. One of my friends asked me to ask you."

"Who?" Lisa demanded.

"I can't tell you."

"You're full of shit, Jerrod. You're after... wait a minute, you said 'woman'." Lisa sat up straight, the pillow falling silently to her lap. She peered at me with renewed interest. "You said woman," she accused me again, "then changed it to girl. You're trying to fuck around with an older woman." Lisa's head started bobbing up and down, assuring herself that she was on the right track. "No, you actually did something with an older woman. By accident you say. Who could that be?"

Lisa got up and started pacing around my room. "Who... who could it be?"

This was dangerous. If she matched her current thought with what I'd said about Mom, I was doomed. I could hardly believe she hadn't already made the connection.

"I didn't say..."

"Oh, don't even try, muscle head," she waved me into silence.

Really dangerous. I wished I hadn't told her about hurting Mom's leg and then mentioning jamming a hand between a woman's legs. How stupid could I be? Fucking dumb fuckwad! I needed to throw Lisa off. Desperately, I racked my empty head for something, anything, to no avail.

Suddenly, Lisa stopped and turned to face me.

"Ahhh ha," she cried, an evil smile appearing on her face as she stalked toward me with knees slightly bent. "Ahhh haa," she repeated gleefully.

"What?" I cried, already on the defensive.

"Eleyna's mother. You're trying to get into Eleyna's mother's pants."

Lisa snapped her arm forward and pointed her finger as if shooting a gun.

"You stuck your hand between her legs, maybe by accident, and her mother got off. Yeah. She's a single parent, right? Her husband ran off on her and she's all alone. I bet she hasn't had a decent fuck for years and, she's probably not bad looking either, right? I mean, I have to give Eleyna her due, she's quite good looking."

Lisa straightened up and put her hands on her hips. I had mentioned that Eleyna only had one parent and Lisa had erroneously assumed it was her Mom who actually was the one that had run off. Judging by the pictures I'd seen, she had been pretty hot.

"She must be what... forty-five years old? God, you guys would fuck anything that moved, wouldn't you? Jesus Jerrod!"

Actually, Eleyna's mom was only twenty years older than her, which made her thirty-eight. A germ of an idea began to shine in my mind. This wasn't so bad. It threw Lisa off the scent of the real trail and she knew she couldn't talk about this. I mean, Lisa wouldn't do me any real damage and this would be all over town if it got out, potentially damaging her own reputation by association.

"She isn't that old, and you said yourself she wasn't bad looking," I mumbled, trying to look as guilty as I could. I was surprised Lisa believed this act.

"Holy fuck," she cried. "What happened?"

I tried to look reluctant to tell but told her anyway.

"We were sitting on the couch, watching a movie."

Lisa nodded, intrigued.

"I was sitting between Eleyna and her mom and, well, her mom kept rubbing her leg against mine."

Lisa was paying very close attention now. A good hunk of gossip, even if she couldn't tell anyone about it, was like gold, and this was a delicious morsel.

"God, she must be as horny as Eleyna. Go on," Lisa instructed.

"Well, during the commercials, Eleyna got up to use the bathroom and her mom put her hand on my leg, rubbing it, like."

Lisa's eyes were almost coming out of her head.

"So, I put her hand back on her leg and got up, but I lost my balance and fell back on the couch with my right hand out to stop myself, you know, and it went right between her legs. I didn't realize it at first, but when I tried to push myself back up, I could feel her heat. She was real soft there and she clamped her legs real tight and grabbed my arm."

I stopped to take a deep breath. This was dangerously close to what I'd said about Mom but keeping as close to the truth as possible, I reasoned, made my story more plausible.

"And..." Lisa said, impatient for me to continue.

"She started humping my arm."

"No way. You're kidding?" Lisa started to laugh. I nodded and she started laughing hard.

"Yeah, she started humping my arm hard. I mean, her eyes were open and everything, but she looked like she was having a fit. She humped and humped and I was freaking out thinking Eleyna would come back and see, so I started frigging her with my hand."

"You what?" Lisa was incredulous.

"I started frigging her with my hand. I mean, I didn't want Eleyna to catch us, so I wanted her to get off quick so she'd stop."

"You're fucking joking," Lisa cried, amazed.​
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