Page 02

"No, for real. She came like almost right away. Anyway, Eleyna came back just after and her mom acted like nothing had happened. Except, when I left, when Eleyna wasn't looking, she put her hand on my cheek and told me not to be a stranger."

"Holy fuck," Lisa said again. She sat down on the bed beside me. "You're not going to, are you?"

"Not going to what?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. You're not going to fuck her, are you?"

I paused. This was getting too complicated.

"You are. You're really going to fuck her?"

"No. I'm not," I protested. "I just," my mind flailed about. I just what? What could I say? "I just... wondered, why she got off so quickly on my arm," I finished lamely.

"Hmmm," Lisa mused, engaging that dangerous mind of hers. "I wonder," she said, nibbling on the tip of her finger. "Maybe she likes the feel of something big there. You have strong arms."

"You think she uses... really?"

"Dildoes? Sure. She's been alone for years, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, maybe she uses real big ones but is tired of inanimate toys. Your arm might be the only warm flesh she's felt in a long time."

Lisa's face showed her disgust but her eyes twinkled with interest.

"Is that what you're wondering? You want to know if Eleyna will let you use your whole hand if you jam your arm between her legs? Like mother, like daughter?" Lisa giggled.

I didn't nod one way or the other. I couldn't think fast enough to know what to do.

"Well, I've seen it done on the web."

"I don't think even Eleyna would let you do that," Lisa said, disgusted.

"Maybe not at first, but would a woman get off on it after she got over the idea of it?"

Suddenly, we were into one of the strange conversations Lisa and I sometimes got into as I tacitly admitted that I wanted to try this with Eleyna.

"Probably not a younger one. I mean, I would think it would feel pretty uncomfortable." Lisa put her hands over her own groin. "No way. I think you'd have to do some fast talking even get even Eleyna to try that."

"But, would she like it if she gave it a try?"

"Why, because it's so big."

"You're always saying bigger is better. That's the reason you said your friend wanted to go out with me."

"I can't help it if some of my friends are sluts."

"So, they might like it once they got used to it?"

"I suppose it's possible," Lisa was pensive again. I could see her turning it over in her mind and that made me excited. Lisa was imagining a whole hand being shoved inside her. She almost grimaced. "On second thought, I don't think so. Maybe an older woman, after having kids, might like it, getting stretched like that. Ewwwww," Lisa laughed, falling back on the bed, but she got up a minute later.

"Wait a minute," she said. "You don't want to get Eleyna to do it, you want to fist her mom, don't you?" she accused.

I looked away, afraid my face would reveal the truth, that the thought of fisting a mom had crossed my mind, like last night, lying with my hand cupping my balls and my boner lined up along my forearm.

"You do, don't you? You want to fist that old bag?"

Lisa seemed convinced she was onto the truth, so I hung my head in shame.

"Yeah," Lisa's tone changed. "I bet she would get off on it. I mean, if she reacted like that, she probably really does want something big inside her. She probably already has, like huge dildoes or something, or maybe she's already done it, and a cock, any cock, isn't good enough anymore. Yeah, I bet Eleyna's slut of a mom would go wild."

Lisa's eyes were fevered and she was breathing fast. I don't know where the conversation would have gone after that because Mom called Lisa and she got up to go.

"I want to hear more about this," she said. "And don't think for a minute about not telling me if you do it. Understand?"

I nodded.

Could my sister be right? Could Mom really want something big inside her? Is that why she reacted so strongly. I had no idea what Mom and Dad's sex life was like. I mean, as far as I knew, they didn't even have one. I never heard anything and always assumed they waited until later but that didn't make sense anymore since they'd been going to bed before us for years.

I scolded myself for thinking something so gross about my own mother. What an asshole. But the thought kept sneaking back into my head for the next week and, though it had eased, there was still a strange tension between Mom and me. I couldn't help wondering if she would have that same look on her face if I just walked up to her and pushed my hand right in there. Every time I entertained that thought, I almost slapped myself, but that didn't stop me wondering about it again only minutes later.

The thoughts didn't go away. In fact, I thought about it often, each time more intensively than the last. I searched out amateur videos of fisting on the web, rejecting the obvious porn actress wannabes, and convinced myself that real women did get off on it. I don't know if Lisa's reasoning was right, but they did tend to be older.

"Have you tried her yet?" Lisa asked, as soon as she pushed my door closed behind her.

I didn't pretend that I didn't know what she on about even though it had been over a week since we'd talked about it.


"You're going to though, aren't you?"

I was surprised. Looking at my sister, I could see real excitement in her piercing blue eyes. She was really into this.

"No, it's too risky." I hoped if I chickened out, Lisa would drop the whole thing.

"Too risky? That airhead will never find out."

"She's not an airhead."

"Bullshit. Eleyna's a total ditz. You're only doing her because she's got a decent body and likes to do it a lot."

I couldn't argue that. Eleyna liked to do it often, but she always wanted to do it the same way and that was boring.

"When are you going to do her mom?" Lisa asked, as if it was a foregone conclusion that I would.

"I don't know."

I wanted to put Lisa off but she wouldn't be dissuaded. Exasperated, I tried ineptitude.

"I don't know how to approach her. I'm not sure she's still interested."

Lisa walked to my bed and stretched out. I turned and watched her supple cheeks tweaking through her tights as she passed by me. Lisa had a great little ass. She arched her back as she stretched out, pulling her t-shirt tight over her small breasts. Lisa often did stuff like that when she wanted me to do something for her. She held her pose for a bit and I knew then this was something she really wanted me to do. Her breasts were stretched into elongated bumps by the arch of her back but it made her nipples much more prominent and they looked like they were going to pierce her t-shirt. Relaxing, Lisa caught me looking at her tits as they flopped forward to regain their form. She smiled, knowing I was now in the malleable state she liked to work with.

"Have you seen her since?"


"Did she seem mad?"


"Did she come on to you?"


"Ok, so she's playing coy or she's not sure but she's definitely interested."

"How do you know that?"

"That's too difficult to explain to a guy. Just take my word for it. She's intrigued, she just thinks she shouldn't be, so you have to start things up again."


"By an 'accident', or better, just do something obvious, really sudden. Don't talk about it, just do it."

"Do what?"

"Grab her."

"Grab her? You want me to just walk up and grab her?"

"Yeah," Lisa laughed. "Just walk up to her like the Neanderthal you are, and grab her crotch."

"You have to be kidding. You called me a moron last week when you thought I would actually do something like that."

"I know," Lisa stopped laughing. "But I think it would actually work. I mean, if you surprised her, she might react the same way she did the first time. That would bring it out in the open. She'd have to admit she let you do it and might then acknowledge she liked it and wanted more. Better yet, if she starts getting off, tell her what you want to do to her. Then, even if she gets mad, I bet she'll think about it and let you do try again. Yeah, do it like that."

"You're crazy."

"Yeah, well she might be too," Lisa laughed, her eyes burning with excitement.

I was awake a lot that night, thinking about what Lisa had said, especially the last bit. I could tell Lisa was really intrigued about the fisting thing despite putting it down as gross. And, she was a lot like Mom. If she was crazy, maybe Mom was too.

I wondered if Lisa was thinking about what it would feel like. I pictured herself in her bed, covers off, of course, so I could see her tight little body trying to feed a big dildo into herself. Big dildo? Did Mom have dildoes? If she did, maybe Lisa was right. I made a point to search Mom's room the next day. Now, where was I, or more to the point, where was my dirty mind. Ah yes, Lisa.

Well, that didn't pan out. I looked all over Mom's room, through her closet and all her drawers. I didn't find anything that looked remotely like a dildo. Now, I was really apprehensive about following Lisa's instructions. If I'd found one, I might have screwed up the courage to do it, but the fact there weren't any made me suspect Lisa's logic.

"Have you done it yet," Lisa burst excitedly into my room. I had heard her running up the stairs as soon as she got home. She was panting, I suppose from running, but I had a gut feeling it was partly because she was excited to hear what had happened with Eleyna's mom.

"No, there wasn't an opportunity," I said.

"For Christ's sake, Jerrod, don't be such a chickenshit," Lisa barked. "If you don't risk, you don't get. Look," she said, more calmly but still exasperated, "Eleyna's mom sent you a signal. If you don't do something soon she'll be offended and the invitation will be withdrawn, forever."

Lisa stared at me, waiting for her words to sink in. Receiving no response, she sighed and continued.

"Look, if you're nervous about it, find a way to touch her, maybe just brush up against her or put your hand somewhere that's intimate but not too threatening. If she doesn't do anything, or pushes back, you know you're got her. If she reacts badly, just act like it was an accident, say you're sorry, and that's it, you know it's a no-go. If she pulls away and gets flustered and agitated, then she probably wants to but can't bring herself around to letting it happen. In that case, just press on and she'll probably go with the flow, even if she keeps acting sort of like she doesn't want to. Kapeessh?"

I looked away, a dumb look pasted on my face. It wasn't an act. I had hoped Lisa would just drop it but she seemed determined and it wasn't easy to dissuade her once she got something in her head. I stared at the floor trying to look like I wasn't going to do it but was really thinking that what she'd said made sense.

Lisa left in disgust, unaware that what she'd said had hit home, but vis-à-vis Mom. Mom hadn't extended an invitation like the one I'd made up for Lisa's benefit about Eleyna's mom but if I'd stayed on the couch, maybe she woud have. It had been two weeks since the accident. Maybe I was too late already but I couldn't do anything sooner than now so there was no sense crying about it.

Forever. If I could have done something with Mom — God knows I wanted to, my cock had been telling me that ever since my forearm became acquainted with her pussy — and didn't, I would kick myself forever. I had to find the courage to try, and a way to do it that would leave an excuse if it didn't work out, as if it had been an accident again.

Could I just do the same thing again, maybe after both Lisa and Dad had gone to bed? I doubted it. Mom went to bed early with Dad. Could I get Lisa and Dad out of the house at the same time? Doing what? I racked my brain but came up empty. Lisa would have thought of something but I couldn't ask her, she'd put two and two together right away.

What to do?

The next morning I dawdled at breakfast. I came downstairs late and picked at my cereal. I couldn't help looking at Mom a few times. I mean, given what I was planning, how could I not. She was wearing plain white blouse and a longish brown skirt, not tight but loose, kind of like a riding skirt, I guess. Below, she wore tall, brown leather boots. Mom looked quite attractive in it but it wasn't exactly an outfit conducive to what I had in mind. Maybe I should just abort? I mulled that over as I chewed my cereal incessantly.

Lisa noticed me dawdling but probably assumed I was sulking because she was mad at me. She ignored me until she was ready to leave, likely to increase the pressure for me to do something with Eleyna's mom. Dad waved and said goodbye as Lisa was putting on her coat. She walked to the kitchen doorway.

"You better hurry up if you want a ride," she said.

"I'm going to walk," I mumbled.

Lisa didn't answer but passed by me to give Mom a peck on the cheek, then left. I ate my cereal more quickly, glancing at Mom as she slowly washed the dishes. The tension had reappeared and was thickening with each moment, though we hadn't spoken and Mom was focused on doing the dished. I finished my bowl, took a long look at Mom, especially the way the skirt sloped back over her buttocks and then dropped down her legs until it hit the brown boots. Too bad her legs weren't showing. I decided then to go for it.

As soon as I made my decision, Mom moved away from the sink to wipe the counters. I hesitated, then adjusted my half-baked plan. After depositing my bowl and spoon in the sink, I stepped in behind Mom. Stage fright grabbed hold of me and I stood behind her, struggling, trying to decide whether to make my move or run. Mom was slowly wiping the counter as if I wasn't there. I noticed she was swirling the dishcloth around in a circle, wiping the same area over and over. That decided me.

"I need something out of the drawer," I said.

Before Mom could react, I knelt down and thrust my hand between her boots, grasping a drawer handle about level with the hem of her skirt. I pulled the drawer out about four inches, muttered that it was the wrong drawer and pushed it back in, then reached up to grasp the next drawer. Amazingly, Mom didn't move, even when my forearm pushed her skirt up several inches to her knees above the top of the boots, despite the obvious fact that I couldn't see what was in the drawer since the long skirt blocked my view. I pulled the next drawer out a few inches, took a desperately needed deep breath, and pushed it back in.

"That's not it either," I said.

I reached up to the next drawer handle, my arm scraping between Mom's legs, right about where they thickened into thighs.

"This is it," I cried, as if that justified my ridiculous action.

I had to straighten up a little to pull the drawer open which angled my forearm higher and wedged it firmly between the thickest part of Mom's thighs, dragging the heavy skirt with it. This time I pulled the drawer open slowly and didn't stop until its face hit the front of Mom's pelvis. I paused, relishing the feel of Mom's thighs pressing on my arm, a little stunned about what I'd done and that she wasn't doing anything.

"Where is that stuff?" I cried, pushing the drawer slowly back in, scraping my arm through her thighs. I reached up to the top drawer and grasped its handle, the middle of my forearm pressing against Mom's panties. The heat on my arm was incredible. I stood up straight, pulling my arm up with me but keeping hold of the drawer handle, thereby jamming the crook or my arm firmly into Mom's hot crotch.

Mom stopped wiping the counter and pressed her hands onto the counter to steady herself but I still had to grab her shoulder her as she teetered forward on my arm and slid down to my wrist. Her breathing became harsh, matching my own. I moved closer to smell her hair and kiss her cheek but stopped when I saw her eyes were closed. Instead of kissing her, I let my left hand slide down to her waist and brought it up under her arm to cup her breast. Squeezing gently, I pushed my right shoulder into Mom's back, nudging her off my wrist and onto the back of my hand. Mom squeezed her thighs tight, whether involuntarily or in appreciation, or both, I didn't know. Mom expelled her breath in an abrupt huff as her shaking thighs clamped hard around my hand.

I was about to turn my hand over so I could cup Mom's pussy when the front door opened and Lisa yelled, "Are you coming?"

Fuck, I thought she had gone. I had told her I was going to walk. Hadn't she heard me?

"Come on, Jerrod. Let's go."

Evidently not.

"Coming," I yelled, to hold Lisa at bay.

I released the drawer, surprised that I hadn't already done so, and tried to pull my arm out but Mom's legs were squeezing too hard, trapping my hand between her thighs. I pulled again but Mom only tightened her legs. I closed my hand into a fist and twisted it to and fro, panicking, fearing that Lisa would come in to see what was keeping me. I yanked hard and half spun around when my hand burst free. Mom dropped onto her elbows on the counter, her hair falling over her face, her ass swaying from side to side and the skirt swishing around her boots. I ran to the door and met Lisa who was already half-way to the kitchen.

"Hurry up," she berated me.

Lisa ignored me on the way to school which suited me. I rested my chin on my knuckles as I gazed out the window at the fresh spring scenery whisking by, immersed in the musky aroma emanating from my fingers.

Dinner was strangely normal that night. Nevertheless, Lisa sensed that something was up and came into my room without knocking soon after I left the table.

"What's up?" she asked, bursting in my door.

"Lisa!" I yelled, stumbling with one foot partly into a clean pair of jeans. I twisted around and sat down on the bed, hunching over to cover the front of my shorts.

"What's up?" she repeated, closing the door behind her and leaning against it, oblivious of my partial state of undress.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"Nothing. I'm just going over to Eleyna's."

"You weren't there this afternoon?"

"No," I growled, leaning back on the bed, lifting my ass and yanking my jeans up.

Lisa approached me. "I can tell something's up. It's written all over your face and you were off in space all through dinner."

No doubt. I couldn't stop thinking about the morning and was kind of blown away by how normal Mom acted, as if nothing had happened. Obviously, I hadn't been able to do the same.

"Nothing's up," I reiterated. "I'm just going over to Eleyna's."

"Will her mom be there?"

"I don't know."

"You do so. I can tell just by looking at you," Lisa smirked, moving to sit beside me. She elbowed me in the ribs. "Own up."

"Alright, alright," I complained, leaning away and pushing her. "Yes, her mom will be there, and yes, I'm going to try something if I get a chance."

"What? What are you going to do?" Lisa grabbed my wrist and gripped it hard. Her eyes burned into mine. She was really excited.

"Just what you said. When Eleyna leaves the room, I'll touch her and see what happens."

"When are you coming home?"

"I don't know. Late probably. I haven't seen Eleyna for a couple of days and you know how she is."

"I know, the little slut," Lisa said. I didn't bother to protect my girlfriend. "And if things go well with her mother, you'll be ready to give it to her too, won't you my horny little brother?"

Laughing, I replied, "You bet."

"You better leave something for Cathy this weekend or I'll hear about it."
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