Page 02

The bottom hem of my blouse was no longer hiding the panties under my hose, but I didn't care. Jacob started massaging both of my calves at the same time and his hands on me were my only thought. He kept this up while I sighed and cooed, encouraging him much more than I should. Then there was a moment where his hands hesitated. I felt like I knew what he wanted to do, to move his hands up to feel my thighs. I wanted the same thing, but had no idea how to say so. He was rubbing the undersides of my knees, keeping his hands there as if they were being stalled in their progress upward.

"You have nice legs, Mom," he said. "Really nice."

"Thank you, baby. What you're doing feels so good. It's okay if you, umm, want to go higher."

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind," he said, trying to sound matter of fact.

I opened my eyes and watched his hands slip up to the tops of my legs and massage me up higher, going above my knees and into the firm meat of my thighs. "Oh yes, darling, that's wonderful," I sighed, knowing my tone sounded much more sensual than I wanted it to. But that's how my beautiful son was making me feel. I even whimpered aloud when his fingers kneaded into my inner thighs, going dangerously close to my pussy.

It was then that I felt him growing hard under my feet, his rapidly swelling cock burgeoning into hardness inside his boxer briefs. This sent me into a whole other type of dream state, the kind where you're wide awake yet everything seems to be happening in another realm. I kept staring at his hands, thinking how inappropriate this kind of touching was getting to be while I angled one foot against the length of swollen cock shaft in his briefs. The reality of touching my son's aroused cock, even if only with my foot, shattered the dreamlike feeling I had while I lifted my eyes and found Jacob staring back at me.

"Keep going, baby," I sighed. "You don't have to stop. It feels so good."

The words seemed to come from someone else despite the fact that they came out of my own mouth. I felt the slightest rock of Jacob's hips as he ever so subtly ground his cock against his mother's foot. I rubbed his shaft and met the astonished look in his beautiful eyes. His hands kept massaging my thighs, deeper and higher, but he seemed so timid when it came to touching my pussy. I almost begged him to me there, but despite my rubbing his cock with my foot, his mother's pussy seemed like such an off-limits area. A mere touch would be an earth shattering violation of every rule of human behavior.

Yet my slit was now seeping juice into my panties at an alarming rate. I was close to soaking all the way through the crotch panel of my pantyhose. I started unbuttoning my blouse with one hand while I sent the other down into my pantyhose and under my panties. Jacob's eyes were on fire as he watched my hand dig and rub at my wet pussy, watching the way my hand moved under the two, thin layers of fabric covering my motherly treasure.

I know it must seem strange -- it did to me -- that I was so afraid to go any further toward revealing my pussy to my son, but I wanted him to see me touching myself. I wanted him to be fully aware of the way he affected me. The way he stared at the motion of my hand only made my juices flow hotter and heavier. After rubbing my clit for a long time, I slipped a pair of fingers into my slippery hole and started moving them in and out.

"Oh, Mom. Fuck," my spellbound son groaned.

He took one hand away from my leg and touched my foot, the one that was rubbing against his cock. I moved my foot away and spread my legs as far as my position on the couch would allow.

"Touch it, darling," I cooed. "Touch that beautiful cock for me."

Apparently, my son wasn't going to be as timid as his mother. He stood up and pushed off his briefs, revealing the most beautiful cock I'd ever seen. He was so long and thick, standing out sturdy and hard with a beautifully defined ridge around the head. He came back onto the couch on his knees, close between my open legs. His large hand curled around that marble shaft and he began stroking for me. I gasped and then whimpered as I stared at my son's mouth-watering cock, pumping my fingers harder into my pussy.

"Ohhh, baby, what a man you are now," I sighed wistfully, following the statement with a long moan of pleasure.

"You make it so hard, Mom," he groaned, already losing himself to the pleasure of his stroking. "You're so beautiful,"

My blouse was open now, my bra barely holding in my tits as my chest heaved with my breath. Jacob was watching me just as intently as I was watching him. The sloshy, slick noise of my fingers fucking in and out of my needy hole rose up through the layers of fabric while my body began to writhe with pleasure. I was relieved to still have on my pantyhose. If I hadn't then I would never be able to keep from taking my son's red hot hardness deeply into my wet lady hole.

"Mom, ohhh fuck, Mom," Jacob was groaning.

His member looked bigger and more imposing with every rapid stroke of his fist. The swollen head was glistening with precum while every muscle in his straining body stood out so beautifully defined. I felt like I was swooning, finally taking in the magnificent manliness of my rock hard baby boy. When I started to cum it felt like I was never going to stop. I ground my fingers unmercifully into my G spot while one climax gave way to the next. Jacob fisted his massive bone furiously as he gazed at his own mother at the peak of a woman's ecstasy. In the moment, I felt like I was his completely and forever, like he was the one I had always been made for, even thought I was the one who made him those eighteen years ago.

"Mom, fuck Mom, I'm gonna cum!" he cried.

"Do it, baby," I shrieked in my excitement. "Cum on Mommy! Give it to me now!"

I don't know how I managed it but I shoved my bra up above my tits with my free hand, offering my pale, round orbs for my son's explosive climax. He growled hard and deep just as his gorgeous cock erupted and sprayed thick wads of his cum all over my tits and belly, some of it landing on the waist of my pantyhose. I can't even describe feeling so filthy yet so beautiful and desired at the same time. And the moment Jacob's cum started flying all over me, it seemed like every orgasm I'd had before all gathered up together into one, mind-bending climax that rocked my body and left me breathless.

Jacob stayed where he was, with his cum-lathered cock slowly going back down. We stared at each other in disbelief as we both caught our breath again. It was like coming out of a bizarre trance of lust, except neither of us felt the least bit sorry about what happened. I did, however, realize we could never do such a thing again. It would just have to be a sweet memory of the time a mother and son almost crossed a line they could never return from.

In the days that followed, Jacob and I both did our best to treat each other the same as always, as if nothing we could ever talk about to anyone else had ever happened. Yet we didn't talk about it to each other, either. Jacob seemed too shy, and I couldn't bring it up simply because I was afraid it would lead us right back to that same, dangerous place all over again. At the same time, there was this intense feeling of affection between us. We would talk more like friends than mother and son, or even like a couple sometimes, laughing together about anything and everything. I couldn't remember ever feeling so lighthearted.

But I was vigilant, too, always careful to keep from falling into the wrong situation. For one thing, when I came home from work, I was careful to always keep my skirt on and I kept my feet well away from Jacob's lap. I knew he noticed the change, but he was a gentleman and never said anything about it. But every night I ended up lying in bed thinking of that one, insane night. I thought of that young man I loved so much and the magnificent cock I knew I could never have. When I got to my bedroom every night I wasted no time in getting out one of my toys and pleasing my wet pussy to the vivid memory of my son's powerful, cum-spurting cock. I would cum hard, but never as hard as I did that night.

I could hear Jacob masturbating in his own room night after night while I was masturbating in mine. While I struggled to fuck myself quietly, my son grew increasingly louder, not caring if I heard him pumping his cock over and over again. Eventually, I gave up trying to be quiet and let him hear his mother cumming to thoughts of him. Always and only him. Knowing Jacob could hear me made my orgasms better, but I still hadn't matched the breathtaking pleasure of that night on the couch.

This went on for a few weeks. Then, on the Fourth of July, a group of families in our neighborhood got together to host a barbeque. There were four houses all built on a cul-de-sac on properties that looked over a sloping hillside that offered a fabulous view of the town's annual fireworks display. Everyone in the neighborhood was contributing food and drink, and the cul-de-sac became the site of a summertime block party.

This was the first time Jacob and I went anywhere together since that unforgettable yet unspeakable night. There was a buzz of excitement throughout the neighborhood about the party, and neither Jacob nor I were immune. I even felt a little giddy getting ready. It felt like we were going on a date, even though at least half the people who were going to be at the party knew us. It wasn't as if we could go out and act like a couple on a date, but it felt nice to think of it that way in my own mind.

In the end, I decided to dress to please my handsome son and not care what any of our neighbors thought. Besides, who was really going to think my boy was the one I wanted to look good for?

I opted for the classic little black dress. It was one I hadn't worn in three years, but when does a little black cocktail dress ever go out of style? It was form-fitting without being skintight, with a hem that fell above the middle of my well-toned thighs. On top it had a V shaped scoop that fell between my braless tits, showing more cleavage than I normally would around my neighbors. A pair of straps rose up from the V in an oval that went around my neck, leaving my well defined shoulders bare. I left my legs bare, too, and I very nearly went without panties, but I chickened out at the last minute and put on a lacy pair of high cut bikini panties.

I put on low heeled sandals, figuring I'd probably be on my feet for much of the evening, but the taut muscle tone of my legs didn't need high heels to set it off. A not so quick look in my full length mirror brought a satisfied smile to my face as I mused over Jacob's reaction. I couldn't wait to see what he thought of his pretty, young mom in her revealing party dress. My pulse picked up a notch in anticipation as I went out to find him in the kitchen. He was putting the drinks and potato salad I made to contribute to the party into a cooler. When I walked in he stopped what he was doing and stared at me with an open jaw. I couldn't help blushing and grinning as he gazed up and down his mother's body.

"Wow, Mom," he said with a rush of breath. "You look amazing."

"Thank you, baby. I guess if we're going on a date you deserve to have a hot looking girl to go with."

"A date?" he chuckled a little deviously. "You're the hottest date I've ever had."

That made me blush all over again.

We left the house, deciding to walk the few blocks to where the party was taking place. We walked side by side, but Jacob was turning to look at me every few seconds. His admiration made me smile, and I'm afraid my nipples grew full against the fabric of my dress. I couldn't deny feeling tingles in my clit as we walked and I savored the way my boy was appreciating his mother's attributes. He made me feel better than I'd felt in years, but I guess he'd been doing that a lot lately.

So much had changed between us, especially after masturbating together on the couch and then openly listening to each other over the past few weeks. It was inevitable, I suppose, and I thought we were both doing a pretty good job of keeping it from going too far. That was enough reason all by itself to go out and celebrate. It was so good having such a handsome young man who loved me and made me feel beautiful, but it was more than a little frustrating having to keep a socially acceptable distance. Either way, we were both in a festive mood for more reasons than just the holiday.

There was already a gathering crowd of people at the end of the cul-de-sac when we got there. I knew a few of my neighbors by name, a few more to recognize by sight, and the rest not at all. Jacob and I spent some time talking to some of the people we knew and ended up meeting a few of the neighbors we didn't know.

There was wine and beer for the grownups. I stayed with wine while I noticed my son help himself to a couple of beers. He grinned at me with a guilty look when I caught him drinking beer, but I just gave him a wink to let him know I didn't mind. It was a party, after all. But as time went by, and a lot of the crowd had a few drinks our collective belt, there were a couple of men from the neighborhood who started showing their interest. I couldn't help smiling when Jacob stuck to me like glue when those tipsy neighbors of ours were hitting on me. I didn't have any interest in them anyway, but I loved how possessive my son got and kept inserting himself into the conversations until they went away.

"Jealous?" I said to him with a wry smirk.

He blushed but admitted that he was. "Just like you," he retorted under his breath, reminding me of the dirty looks I'd given a couple of the neighborhood girls who been flirting with him. Then he leaned closer and his voice dropped even lower. "But they don't hold a candle to you, Mom. You're the hottest girl at the party."

"Boys don't call their mother's hot," I told him coyly.

"I do," he replied without skipping a beat. At the same time, he let his hand slide surreptitiously over my ass. It was so brief and sneaky, yet the intimate touch made my pulse quicken.

"Bad boy," I whispered, even more quietly than I needed to. But it wasn't his borderline inappropriate compliment I was really talking about, and I think he knew that judging from the smug grin on his face.

The sun was going down at this point, and a lot of people were going back behind the houses onto the large, open slope behind the properties where there would be a great view of the fireworks. Jacob and I both got another drink and went back to the hillside where most of the crowd were claiming their seats for the display. With his drink in one hand, my son took my free hand in his and led me off toward the edge of the open area to a spot within a few yards of the tree line and well removed from the main part of the crowd. I gave my son a wary look at his choice of a more private spot, but then I smiled and took a seat on the grass.

He took a seat right behind me, but pressing up close so I was right in the open space between his legs with his chest touching my back. It was an awfully intimate way for a mother and son to be sitting together out in public, especially in front of so many neighbors who knew us. I couldn't bring myself to move, though. It felt too good, and a few glasses of wine were probably clouding my better judgement. As it was, I had to keep shifting around to find the right way to sit without making my short dress ride up too high. I finally set my feet in line with Jacob's, with my knees raised like his, so his leg was hiding mine.

My dress rode up too high after all, but at least this way he was the only one who could tell. He could easily just look down over my shoulder and see down the top of my dress or right to where the gusset of my panties was exposed. Fortunately, none of our neighbors were too close, and it was quickly growing dark. With Jacob in a pair of loose, linen shorts and a polo shirt, I held onto his bare knees and leaned against him. His large body felt like a big, warm easy chair.

Once the sun was completely down, there was a delay before the fireworks. It was getting hard to see, but we could hear the murmur of our neighbors' voices those several yards away. Jacob snuck his arm around the middle of my body and held me closer. I felt his breath on my neck just before he planted a light kiss on the side of my throat.

"I love you, Mom," he said softly.

It's hard to describe the warm tingles that ran through my body. "I love you, too, baby," I said, turning my head halfway.

He kissed my neck again, and then again several more times. I should have stopped him, but it was dark by now and since his head was on my right side, the side facing the tree line, I rationalized that no one would see what he was really doing. They were just simple kisses, but neck kisses always make my skin feel hot, and feeling my son help himself without a care for the fact that the entire neighborhood was gathered not that far away sent a quivering sensation straight to my pussy.

"Baby, you shouldn't do that."

"What's wrong with kissing my mother?"

"Nothing. It's just...well, the way you're kissing me."

He placed several more warm, sensuous kisses along my neck. "Does it make you feel good, Mom?"

"Yes, baby. It makes me feel too good," I told him in a husky whisper.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Yes. Stop that right now."

But my tone was unconvincing and he kept kissing my neck and now my bare shoulder. Then I felt his right hand settle onto the inside of my right thigh. He lightly massaged the muscle in my leg, sending deeper twinges of feeling into my slit. I could feel his cock growing in his shorts, pressing up against my ass.

"Baby, we're not alone here," I reminded him weakly.

"It's dark, Mom. No one can see. Besides, with our left knees up like this there's nothing to see anyway."

That was when his hand slid along my thigh until he was touching my pussy through the thin layer of my skimpy panties.

"Fuck," I said, barely above my breath. "Baby we really can't be doing this."

"Okay, Mom," he said. But then he kissed my neck again and slipped his fingers underneath my panties. He started exploring my slit with his fingertips. I nearly screamed out loud, partly out of shock but also out of the sheer excitement and pleasure that my horny, loving son was taking what he wanted.

"Your pussy feels so good," he said. "I've been dreaming of doing this for the longest time."

"How long, baby?" I asked in spite of myself.

"I shouldn't say," he chuckled. "But you remember that night on the couch?"

"I'll remember that forever."

"Mmmm, me too. You have no idea how bad I wanted to rip off your pantyhose and panties."

"Fuck," I sighed under my breath. "You have no idea how much I wanted you to. But it's a good thing you didn't."

"Why, Mom? I was dying for you."

"Because it would've led to this, what you're doing to me right now. Something boys aren't supposed to do to their mothers."

Despite my empty protests, my pussy began to flush with dripping honey in record time. I pulled in a soft gasp in response to my son's searching fingers as they rubbed my slit, exploring my swollen sex lips and creamy hole, then paying sorely wanted attention to my engorged clit. Suddenly the first of the fireworks went off, bathing the hillside in light. I panicked briefly, but realized no one was paying attention to us, and even if they were, my son's hand was hidden from that side by the way his leg was raised along the outside of mine. Yet it was almost more than I could comprehend: my son was fingering my pussy in public, and his touch was making me drip like a piece of overripe fruit.

As the fireworks started to explode more often, Jacob stopped nuzzling my neck since we being lit by the bursts. But his fingers kept playing with my pussy, making me ache more and more. Between explosions, he told me, "I don't think we should keep masturbating in our own rooms all by ourselves anymore."​
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