There had been many beautiful women through my office in the last four years, but I couldn't recall this girl's equal. She wore almost no make-up and she didn't need any; her skin was near translucent. She was, maybe, five feet, nine inches tall, and weighed about 120 pounds. Her breasts were nice B's and they fit her slender build perfectly. Slim shoulders and hips, flat belly, and firm small butt cheeks. She spent time in the gym. Her light brown/dark blonde hair ran down past her shoulder blades and her eyes were a fascinating blue/green in color. Her facial features gave her a sweet, almost innocent, look. She had graduated from college three years before and had earned high marks as a teacher at a difficult East Coast high school. That summer we had several openings at Maria Iren Fornes High and hers was one of the hundreds of applications we received.

On the screen before me were the results of her psychological profile. She had done well in the areas of obvious interest: she was bright, industrious, flexible, and open to new experiences. She also did well in other areas, areas most people wouldn't think interested me. She was attracted to danger, was a caretaker, loved sex, and had a submissive side.

She was acing the interview. She displayed a sound understanding of academic theory and a far better than average grasp, after only three years in the classroom, about how theory all too often failed to dovetail with the real world. Most of all, however, I was struck by her positive upbeat optimistic attitude, which was reflected in a dazzling ready smile.

I had been concerned when I started this experiment that we'd have trouble finding teachers interested in what had the reputation as a dangerous inner-city high school, but applications flooded in. Nina, like so many young idealistic teachers around the country, was fascinated by the progress we had made at Fornes, turning an underperforming gang-dominated high school into a first rate institution in less than five years.

Chenetrea, the office intern, knocked on the door. "Ms. Olga," she said, and held up a pot of hot tea. I nodded and she re-filled Nina's cup. It was a special blend. It promoted those tendencies I mentioned a minute ago, the ones the applicants did not know I was looking for.

We watched Chenetrea leave. She was a beautiful young woman. Dark brown in color, she kept her hair cut short and had the long lean build of the champion middle-distance runner she was. She had graduated from Fornes two years before and was attending college on an athletic scholarship. Her dream was to return here as a teacher. Chenatrea was wearing tight jeans, a tank top, and three inch wedge sandals. Nina, on the other hand, was dressed conservatively, appropriate for a job interview. I had told her to dress fun, the school year had not yet started, but like most people looking for employment she was playing it safe. Of course, with her charms, she'd be eye-catching in any outfit.

I stood and took off my jacket, revealing a short form-fitting black dress showing a hint of cleavage. My nails were painted bright red. It was, I thought, a sexy but still classy look. I sat in the chair next to Nina and crossed my legs, emphasizing my killer gams, four inch stiletto heels, and the seam that ran down the back of my stockings. The contrast in our looks was noticeable. While I shared her fair skin, I am of Polish extraction with brown hair of medium length and brown eyes. My build and features were fuller and more feminine than Nina's; my curvy 34-24-36 body featured a full round pair of C breasts. I was gratified by the sparkle in Nina's eyes; she had noticed the school principal was uncommonly beautiful.

"Nina, we've rarely had an applicant who so perfectly fits what we are trying to do here. I think you're going to be exactly what we need."

She beamed; less than 1% of our applicants were offered jobs.

"Now, we need to begin the real interview process."

She was, understandably, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'll explain on the way. Please come with me."

I saw the staff's envious looks as we left my office. These women remembered this day. They all wished they could be in Nina's place.

My red Mercedes Cabriolet was parked outside the front door. I opened the door for Nina and then walked around to the driver's side. Our destination was only five minutes away, but I wanted to delay our substantive discussion a few minutes.

"It's hard to miss your accent. Scandinavian?" I asked.

"My family is from Denmark," she replied. "We came to the United States when I was eleven. Most people guess Holland."

"If you don't mind my asking, you're such an attractive woman and you'd be making a big move. Would it be a problem for you?'

She got my meaning immediately. "Are you asking if I have a boyfriend? I do. This job is something I really want. He does not want me to leave; he has a nice job with his family business; he prefers to play it safe. If I get the job we decided to try dating long-distance for awhile."

Her voice displayed little confidence in that prospect or, I thought, little enthusiasm for him. That was all good. I pulled up to a small house near campus. It was nondescript; the kind of house you might drive by a hundred times and not notice.

While fishing out the key to the front gate, I said, "It took me only a couple of weeks as principal at Fornes to realize I had no power. The school was infested with gangs; the biggest and most powerful ran the school. It was also clear why the school board selected me as principal. The press had been bashing them about the fiasco at Fornes for years. They knew the public would give me, a photogenic young woman, a few years to try to fix it. The school board didn't think I'd make the school any better, but figured I'd take the heat off them for awhile.

"It was also clear that the theories about how to take a school back from a gang were useless; the gangs were stronger than anything I could throw at them and their leaders were smart, real smart.

"So I decided to try something radical. I asked the leader of the school's most powerful gang to my office and offered him a deal. If he gave me what I wanted, a disciplined atmosphere in which kids could learn, not only wouldn't I fight him for control of the school, I'd support him. In fact, I'd give him more control than he ever imagined including, as you are about to see, selection of teachers."

"What did he say?"

"He tried to play it cool. He said he'd think about it, but you could see he was confused. He thought I was conning him. I didn't hear anything for a few days and figured my effort had failed when one of his buddies came to my office and asked me to meet him here."

I inserted a key in the front door. It opened to a living room and kitchen. Despite a few decorative touches, the rooms were essentially Spartan, but spotless clean. Nina looked around.

"When I got here that day he was waiting for me. This place was also a pigsty. I'm still working with the guys on the ambience, but at my insistence, as you can see, they keep it clean.

"Alone, he didn't put on the tough guy act; he was polite and solicitous. He poured me a glass of wine, much better quality than I would have expected, and we talked for a few minutes. I think he was trying to gauge my comfort level. He then asked if I meant what I had said. I said I did. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, let's see, let's fuck."

Nina hovered between embarrassment and fascination. "My god, what did you do?"

"I slept with him. I couldn't back out and," adopting the tone of a girl sharing a secret with a best friend, "he turned me on something fierce. I figured, what the hell, if I'm going to go out, I might as well go out it in a blaze of glory. He turned out to be the best fuck of my life."

I went to the refrigerator and poured two glasses of wine, adding a low-level aphrodisiac to hers. It wouldn't turn a nun into a slut; it was more a gentle nudge to a person already inclined in a certain direction.

"At first they said they just wanted hot teachers, but they let me vet them and I made sure they were like you, hot but good. The boys quickly saw the value of good teachers and a good school. They pretended the point was to keep the world out of their business; they figured if the school performed well the authorities would leave them alone. But don't let that fool you. They're proud of what they done here. Most of the gang members are now leaving the barrios and excelling in college. As I said, they're smart kids."

"And these boys, they will want to evaluate me?"

Was she afraid of being rejected? Was she afraid of the consequences of being accepted? Some of both, probably. I emphasized the former.

"Yes, they will. Although, to be frank, I can't imagine you'll have any trouble."

This was the tipping point. If she didn't head for the door screaming now, she probably wouldn't later. She didn't budge. There was concern in her face, but there was also curiosity. She was intrigued.

I checked the clock. It was time to get ready.

"They'll be here in a few minutes. They'll want you in something sexy. What are you? Size two?"

Nina smiled. "Yes." Her voice was light, almost playful. She was hooked, she wanted to know more.

We entered a large bedroom, normally bare except for two large beds and two chairs. Today there was a vase of flowers. I looked at the card. "They're for you, from Fernando."

Nina took a deep whiff of the flowers. "Whose Fernando?"

From inside the closet I said, "You'll find out."

I came out with a yellow Nasty Girl short-sleeved summer dress and held it up against her. The fit was perfect. "The bathroom's over there," I said, gesturing with my head, "change and freshen up. No underwear and no shoes."

Nina emerged a few minutes later and handed me her clothes, which I hung in the closet. Above the waist the dress was snug, but not tight. It showed some cleavage. The bottom flared out, reaching a third of the way to her knees. She was proud of her body, as she should have been, and showed no hesitation when she turned around. "What do you think?"

"You're stunning," I said.

"Now the boys will expect you to be fully aroused."

Her hand disappeared under the hem of her dress and a frown appeared on her face. "I am sorry. This is all very exciting, but I guess I'm nervous."

"If you weren't nervous I'd be worried about you. Expecting you to be wet for boys you've never met and who are about to judge you is, well, asking a bit much. Don't worry, I've got the solution."

I ducked in the bathroom and returned with a rose colored fingertip vibrator smeared with lubricant. "This should help."

I stood to Nina's side, pressed my body against hers, switched the vibrator on low, and reached under her dress. She was stiff, apprehensive. I ran the vibrator along her upper thighs and then massaged her belly. She gradually relaxed and finally took a deep breath. "It feels nice."

I kept it up. The tension left her arms and chest; the muscles of her legs let go; she leaned against my body. I cupped the vibrator in my hand and ran it up the lips of her labia, then just under the clitoris, where I moved it in a gentle circle. She leaned against me. Several minutes later her left hand lightly grasped my arm and she mewled. Her breathing deepened and her lips parted; her eyelids drifted to half-shut. Dew was forming on her crotch. She groaned, deeper this time, and did not react when I placed a hand on her butt. I flicked a switch on the vibrator up a notch. She let out a sharp sigh.

I ran the vibrator up and down her labia. My pinky played with the opening of her vagina, which swelled and flattened. When her vagina opened up I pushed my pinky about half an inch inside. She leaned her head against my shoulder and breast and started gracefully undulating, moving her hips against the sex toy. Her coos of delight were constant. She said in a dreamy voice, "Ohh, it feels so nice." I ran the vibrator up higher and ever so slightly touched her clit. She groaned sharply.

I heard a key in the door. I turned off the vibrator. Nina, too lost in what I had been doing to hear the sound, looked at me in confusion.

"They're here," I said.

"Oh," she replied, pushing her hair back in place. Then, straightening her short dress, her voice slurred with desire, she said, "How do I look?"

"Wonderful," was all I could say before Carlos, Aiza, and Fernando stepped in the room.

Carlos was the gang's leader and my lover. Fernando was the person for whom Nina, if she passed, was destined. I had first tried making all the teachers available to all the gang members, but that resulted in fights among the guys that threatened the entire experiment. Carlos' predecessor and I decided to give the most important gang members a teacher of their own. They were free to share - almost everyone did - but at the end of the day a teacher belonged to her student. The system had worked perfectly.

Fernando was gentler and sweeter than most gang members. When I first met him I thought he had little chance of moving up to its leadership, but he surprised me. He learned to play the tough guy when necessary and his powerful intellect had been instrumental in securing a massive grant for the school, administered by the gang, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Aiza was here for purposes of initiation. Why will be made clear later. He was an all-state outside linebacker - headed for Stanford on a scholarship - and his lover was Raquel, the women's physical education instructor, a fitness fiend with an insatiable appetite for sex. She, possibly, was the only woman at the school who could have kept up with Aiza.

"Hello boys. This is Nina," I said. Fernando's eyes jumped; she clearly exceeded his expectations. Carlos was cool and unemotional. Aiza, well, with him I could rarely tell what he was thinking. Nina stuck out her hand. Fernando shook it. Carlos ignored her, looking at me. I knew what he wanted. Turning my back to Nina I gestured to the clasp of my dress, "Nina, give me a hand please."

Nina undid the hook and I shimmied out of my dress. Underneath I was wearing Margot lingerie from Agent Provocateur - black bra, briefs, suspender, thong, and stockings. I swivelled around to admiring stares from Fernando and Aiza.

Carlos, however, barely glanced at me. "Fernando, check her out."

Fernando stepped towards Nina. She moved to throw her arms around him and kiss him, but stopped short in light of his manifest disinterest. He slipped a hand inside her dress, cupping a breast. "Supple and firm." He ran his thumb across her nipple. Her knees shuddered and she let out a sharp gasp. "Nipples nice and hard, very responsive."

He took his hand from her breast and reached under her dress to her vagina.

I couldn't see what he was doing, but it wasn't hard to guess. She started cooing, softly rocking her hips in time with a finger, or fingers, thrusting in and out of her. Her eyes glazed.

"Well?" Carlos said.

"Her cunt muscles are well-developed," Fernando said, "and she's real tight."

"Pretty teacher," Carlos said, "Fernando say's your real tight. You're a little fox. Ain't you getting fucked enough? Gotta boyfriend? What's he packin?"

It took a moment for Nina to process what she'd been asked. "I've had a boyfriend since college. He's nice. He's about four inches and this big around." She made a circle with her fingers.

Carlos laughed. "You gonna like it around here."

Fernando ran his hand from her cunt to her ass and explored her backside. After a moment Nina winced.

Fernando spoke. "Ass is nice and firm; asshole is tight, virgin tight."

Carlos again: "Well, little fox, are you a virgin back there?"

Nina nodded in the affirmative.

Carlos sat down and glanced at the chair next to him. Fernando walked over and sat down.

"It appears you have the tools. Let's see if you got the skills. Olga."

I knew what he expected. I dropped to me knees between Carlos' legs, undid his belt, and yanked down his pants. I then pulled out Carlos' nine inch dick. It was thick and brown. Rolling back the uncircumcised head, a drop of pre-cum emerged. I squeezed the shaft hard. It further stiffened.

Nina, following my lead, walked over and knelt before Fernando. I had never seen what Fernando was packing. I glanced over. He was as hard as granite. He was also big, not as big as Carlos, but big, much bigger than what Nina was used to. His was lighter in color than Carlos'; the red and blue veins running up its sides were clearly visible.

I turned back to the tool in front of me. Although I had spent many happy hours with Carlos' cock, I remained in awe of it's power and strength. I took a moment to take it in my hand and study it. The shaft was hot to the touch and the skin, especially along its sensitive underside, soft and lighter in color. I looked at, and then touched, the spot where the foreskin attached to his penis. This was the most sensitive place on his beautiful body and he gasped. I pressed my finger to and gently massaged this area while lightly running my fingertips along the length of his shaft.

After several minutes of this I pushed his tool back against his belly, exposing his testicles. His cock was big, but his testicles were supernaturally large, like two ripe oversized oranges. This, I thought, is where he manufactures the gallons of cum with which he had repeatedly filled my sex-hungry body. I leaned forward and kissed each ball. I imagined myself the high priestess in his fertility cult, leading the worship of his cock and balls.

I glanced at Nina and Fernando. She had not had my patience. The head of Fernando's cock was already in her mouth. Covering her teeth with her lips she moved her head in a circle letting the crown slide around her mouth. She was not used to anything this big; she was taking time to adjust. Fernando's head lay back on the chair. His eyes were closed, joy evident in his features.

I turned my attention back to Carlos. After I licked my fingers I ran my hand across his powerful pectorals and played with his nipples. I slid my tongue underneath a testicle and licked in an upward motion, stopping at the tip of his cock. He groaned and I, starting with the other testicle, repeated. After several trips up his dick I pulled back his foreskin and was rewarded when several drops of pre-cum spilled onto my tongue.

I cupped his balls in one hand and gently, using only my tongue, licked softly, but carefully, the underside of his erection, gauging his responses, identifying the areas that give him the greatest pleasure. I had spent hundreds of happy hours with his prick but, I thought, I'd never stop studying it, trying to learn all its secrets. It was a remarkable sexy instrument.

When my tongue reached the spot where his foreskin attached to the shaft a shudder ran the length of his body. I focused here, licking and tapping the spot with my tongue. I considered bringing him off, but decided to wait. I was afraid watching Carlos geyser a load of his thick cum into the air so quickly might intimidate Nina.

I again looked to the side. Nina was lovingly sliding her wet tongue over the head of Fernando's cock. After coating it with her saliva she locked her moist lips around his shaft and took about two inches into her mouth. She grabbed the shaft of his penis with her hand. The muscles of her arm noticeably tightened; she had a vise-like grip. Nina twisted her head from side to side, making sure her lips stay fixed on the coronal ridge while her hand moved up and down, frigging his shaft. Fernando stared at her, happily in awe of this gorgeous young woman who had become instantly devoted to his dick.

Watching Nina suck Fernando's dick was turning me on. I clamped my lips together and pushed my face onto Carlos' tool. I built up a fat load of saliva while twirling my lips around the coronal ridge. After several minutes I slid my head further down, taking in five inches before the head reached the back of my mouth. A few of his pubic hairs tickled my nose. I remembered the first time I had tried to tackle this monster, how I had struggled to get it inside my mouth. Its amazing what constant practice can do.

I began tracing a figure eight pattern with my mouth while moving up and down his magnificent meat. Carlos placed his hands on his thighs and leaned back, moaning in delight, content to let me serve his cock. I kept going until my lips and cheeks became numb and spittle began dripping from the corners of my mouth.

Finally, I pulled my face from his cock. I peeled back the foreskin and locked my lips on the exposed cockhead, lavishing attention on it with my tongue while sucking voraciously. Carlos' cock felt great. I admired its warmth and strength. I loved the way it throbbed in my mouth. He was, I realized, going to come soon. I decided to put on a special show for our guests. Nina would learn that at Fornes we were very serious about our blow jobs.

My lips compressed, I pushed down his shaft until the head was lodged in my throat. I had no problem; I had long ago conquered my gag reflex. As I traveled back to the cock head I opened my mouth and filled my lungs with air. With my mouth still open I moved back down his cock, exhaling, bathing his prick in the warm moist hot air. I did this several times. Soon he was moaning my name, calling me his whore, his slut. He snaked his hand around the back of my neck and tugged me forward. It was time; he wanted to dump his salty cum in my mouth.

I returned to the top of his cock, focusing my attention on its underside. I took a glance at Nina. She was fisting Fernando's shaft while working the crown with her tongue. She kept her eyes on Fernando's face. He returned her gaze, a happy smile plastered across his face. I heard Carlos' voice and glanced up. He was also looking at Fernando and Nina.

"On your face, pretty teacher. Fernando is going to cum on your face."

Nina did not hesitate. She pulled back and holding Fernando's cock directly before her face started frantically jerking his tool. "Cum on me, baby, cum on my face. Cover my face, baby. Mark me baby, mark your teacher-cunt with your cum."

Fernando, who was still relatively new at this game, never had a chance. He sprayed almost instantly. The first load arched in air and splattered on Nina's forehead and, just as she squeezed them shut, her eyes and the bridge of her nose. She kept jerking him and a second load shot from his cock, this one covering her mouth and chin. Fernando had delivered a flood of semen; he must have been abstaining for days. His seed began sliding down Nina's face.

I knew what those visuals would do to Carlos. I placed my thumb at the base of the penis, blocking the tube through which his cum would journey. At the same time I pushed down hard on his cock, enveloping it with my face. Carlos grunted, an otherworldly sound erupted from his solar plexus, and he thrust his cock into me, jamming several inches down my throat. He was cumming. I could feel his muscles try again and again to push his seed out. His orgasm was stalled, delayed and drawn out, and when I finally stopped blocking his cum I was rewarded with an immense load of his seed as he shook through an intense powerful orgasm.

While savoring a mouthful of cum I looked to the side. Nina was kneeling before her lover. She cleared the cum from her eyes with her thumbs. Her tongue rolled around outside her mouth, capturing of much of his jism as she could manage. He watched, happily muttering, savoring the afterquakes of his orgasm and the sight of this woman, a teacher with the looks of a supermodel, kneeling before him, her face coated with his cum. Finally, he stood and walked to the bathroom. Remaining on her knees, she twisted her body around to watch him. He came back out and handed her a damp towel. She wiped off her face.

Silently Aiza, who had been watching the show from one of the beds, approached her from behind. He had stripped naked and sported the biggest erection I had, and still have ever, seen. Twelve inches long, thick as a child's wrist, and dark brown in color, it was the thirteenth wonder of the world. He slipped a hand under Nina's arm boosting her to her feet and then, his hand on her butt, effortlessly lifted her into the air and turned her towards him.

Nina must have been deeply aroused, because she showed no trepidation - as others I had known before her - when first confronted by the redwood dangling between Aiza's legs. Instead she set her legs on Aiza's waist, grabbed his tool, and fitted its head to her twat. She did not slide onto his pole effortlessly, no one impaled themselves on that battering ram effortlessly, but she wiggled her hips taking inch after inch of him inside her. Aiza normally shoved himself into new conquests, he loved to watch their pleasure-pain when they were stretched like they never imagined they'd be stretched, but Nina's determination to fuck herself on his tool impressed him. He let Nina do the work.

Once his entire cock was inside her, Nina stopped moving, trying to adjust to the monstrous intrusion. Aiza held her up with one arm. He used the other to pull up her dress. Nina got the message. She stripped the dress from her body and tossed it to the floor, leaving herself naked. She was an exquisite creature, slim and trim. Her breasts featured delightful pink nipples. The contrast between their bodies was striking. Nina's slender pale body hung from Aiza's muscular dark body like a small branch from a massive tree.

Nina locked her hands around Aiza' neck and started to undulate. Aiza matched her movements, not thrusting in and out, but moving his cock around within her, rolling his pubic bone against hers, mashing her clit against his powerful body.

That she was already desperately aroused was instantly clear. Her voice soft, but intense, she started gasping, "Yessssss oooooooh yessssss fuck me! Fuck me! Ohhhhhhh baby! Fuck me! Oooooooohhhhhhh myyyyy gooooossssshhhhh yeeeeeeessssss!"

Fernando, Carlos, and I simply watched. Aiza supported Nina with no apparent effort and she took full advantage, grinding her crotch into her groin. I had watched women panic when they had first experienced Aiza's gargantuan instrument; Nina was instead eager to conform her body to its girth. She was going to fit right in.

"I am so hot. I need to cum. PLEASE MAKE ME CUM! Ooooooooh Gawwwwwwwwd, please make me cum! I need to cum soooooo bad, mmmmmm, please, ohhhhhhhh yesssss, mmmmmmm, uuunnnnhhhhhhh, UNHHHHHHHHHHH."

Nina pulled herself tight to Aiza, her chest pressing against his, her legs wrapped around his waist. Aiza cupped her ass cheeks with his hands, and, carefully at first, began thrusting into her, pushing only a couple of inches into her at a time.

Nina loved it. In response her motions became longer and longer and soon she was spearing herself on the full length of his cock. Each time their groins smacked together she let out a small grunt, a mix of pleasure and pain. She was unambiguously approaching a climax, pushing harder on Aiza's tool, her gyrations becoming increasingly jerky.

"Please mmmmmmm ohhhhhhhh, more! Give me more! Please! I want more! Please ohhgoood hhhhhhhh Gawwwwwwwd, fuckkkkk, give it to me! Ohmigod, FUCK FUCK, CUMMMMINNNNGGGG!!" As sh came Nina thrashed in Aiza arms. Her body shook, her arms and legs flailed about like a scarecrow in a hurricane, and then, suddenly, she went limp. Her head fell back, her mouth opened, her tongue flopped on her lips.

Aiza walked her to the bed and lowered her; his cock never leaving her body. He took her legs and placed his feet on the front of her shoulders. He reverted to classic Aiza, pushing the entire length of his cock in and out of her snatch, picking up and speed and power as he did so.

At first she just lay there, her body bouncing in response to his thrusts. I was concerned she had lost consciousness. But she started moving, pushing against Aiza. At first her movements were slight, barely perceptible, but she kept at it. Soon she laid her arms on the bed, using them to leverage her body as she sought to match her thrusts to his.

Carlos' hand tapped my butt. It was time. I pulled aside my thong, walked to the bed, and straddled Nina's head. Facing her feet, I lowered my snatch to her face. It wasn't going to take much to bring me off. I had yet to come; my cunt was a fetid swamp of lust and need.

Nina, it turned out, had no lesbian experience, but she knew what she liked and figured I'd like the same. She was right. She licked my swollen pussy lips, pushing her tongue inside a couple of dozen times, and then licked along my labia towards my clit. When she got there she sucked it between her lips, pulling it from it's protective hood. Her lips massaged its sides while the tip of her tongue teased it and the flat of her tongue glided over it.

I'm not normally a big-time screamer, but in the interests of encouraging Nina, and, well, because it felt do damn good and I was so damn horny, I made no effort to hold back, sharing my pleasure with the room. "Yes, yes, yessssss! Mmmmmmm, Oooooooooh yeah, mmmmm, ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh, ugggggghhhhhh, oooooohhhhhh."

I ground my sex into Nina's face, steadying myself by placing my perfectly manicured hands on my stocking clad thighs. I stayed happy and vocal. "Mmmmmmmmm, lick my yummy cunt, ooooohhhhhh, Gawwwwddddddddd fuckkkkkkkkk, mmmmmmmmm fuuuuuccccckkkkkkk, SHIT YEAH!!" Nina held my clit between her lips and ran her tongue across it, left to right, right to left, up and down, back and forth. There was an explosion building inside me. My entire universe was centered on Nina's mouth. I leaned forward, rocking my pussy on her face and getting a bird's eyes view of Aiza's impossibly thick cock plunging in and out of the pink lips of Nina's pussy. It was a riveting sight, but even so I was distracted when Nina began fingering the opening of my asshole. My god it felt good. I was shaking, my entire body grew warm, and then it hit me like an explosion. My orgasm geysered from my cunt through the rest of me. "Yeeeeeeeesssssssssss! Mmmmmmmmm, oooooohhhhhhhhh," I cried out joyfully before sloughing off Nina's body, coming to rest on the bed next to her.

Nina and Aiza didn't stop. They were pistoning into each other like heavy grade industrial machinery. Aiza, as usual, was quiet, although anyone looking at his face could see the delicious sensations Nina's tight pussy brought his monumental cock. Nina, on the other hand, bit her lip and jerked hard against him. She was consumed by carnal need, craving the release that Aiza's talented dick promised. She looked directly into his eyes. "Take me stud, take me with your big dick, fill my entire pussy, split me in two, fuck the teacher, fuck her." Aiza picked up the pace, bouncing her hips off the bed with each thrust. She looked like a doll twisting on the end of his pole.

"Mmmmmmmmm fuck! Do it. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Gaaaaawwwwwwwwddddddddd yeeeeeesssssss! That's it, HARDER! FUCK ME HARDER! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH GAWWWWWWWDIIII! SLAM ME! POUND ME DEEP! HARDER, DEEPER, OH FUCK! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH, FUUUUCKKKK, FUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!"

Nina squirmed. The lips of her pussy convulsed and her breasts swelled. I propped myself up on an elbow and played with her nipples with my fingernails. Her clit, which had popped free from its hood, started to retract. She was, I thought, about to blow and as I finished the thought Nina gasped and her body shook violently as she came, her ass and cunt twitching. Aiza let out a deep animal moan and jammed himself into Nina's cunt, their pubic hair melding. His jaw locked and his cum filled her. Aiza then staggered back. A combination of her juice and his cum dripped from her pussy and down her thighs, ponding on the bed. Aiza's massive, now only semi-hard dick, swung between his legs. I was amazed: I had never seen him lose a full erection after a single cum before.

Nina merged into the mattress, gasping for breath.

Carlos didn't really need a report. He asked anyway.


Aiza was not an effusive guy. "Carlos, she's got a good, no, she's got a great cunt." He looked at Fernando, "You're a lucky dude."

Carlos nodded his approval. I looked at Nina, her body flushed, still breathing deeply. "You're hired."

Her eyes were hazy, but she gave me a broad smile, full of enthusiasm and joy. I would see it many more times and I would never grow tired of it.

She wearily dragged herself to the head of the bed and turned her smiling face to Fernando. "Well Fernando honey, come take what's yours."

Fernando forgot about playing it cool in front of the guys. He jumped from his chair, scooted across the room, and slid onto the bed between her legs. She grabbed his dick and put the head in her cunt. I had expected Fernando to pound her as had Aiza, but instead he eased inside her, nice and slow, and then ground his body into her, moving his hips in circles and ovals, trapping her clit between them. She moved with him. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she completely surrendered to him. They kept going. Her hands and fingers, almost mindlessly, dug into his back and she called out his name as if there was no one else in the room. Fernando fucked her, but kept the rhythm slow, almost insolently slow. She responded in kind, grinding her body against him. Their hearts were pounding against each other, a thin sheen of sweat covered her body, and her wet breasts slid against his chest. She breathed into his ear, her lips pursed as she squeaked, muttered, whimpered her delight. You could see the pressure build within her.

The three of us watched in fascination at this carnal display. Fernando was playing Nina like a virtuoso, pushing her slowly into a world composed only of concupiscence delight. She strained against him, her skin flushed. Drops of sweat appeared on her forehead. Her breathing grew ragged.

Finally, her body tightened and she came, emitting a long slow moan, somewhere between the sound of an animal and a person. Fernando kept going, fucking her with the same methodical precision. Nina's next orgasm came more quickly and soon she was shivering from one come to another; each one incrementally stronger than the last. No human being could withstand these sensations forever and the pressure inside stripped Nina to her prurient core; her nails were leaving indentations in Fernando's back and she started biting his mouth.

Fernando understood it was time. He pulled back and Nina, in response, rose, trying to keep his entire dick inside her. She hung from his body, whimpering into his mouth. Fernando rotated his hips, moving his cock within her and at the peak of her desperate need, slowly sank back in.

Nina came. Nina exploded. Nina stiffened. Nina melted. Nina screamed. The intensity of her orgasm with Aiza had been mind-boggling; this one took her beyond the limits of her character and physical integrity. She buckled as Fernando poured his cum into her body. Carlos, Aiza, and I left.

Nina told me later it had never been so good. She couldn't move for an hour.
* * * *​

It was the first day of school. I was standing in the entrance hallway. Carlos had just fucked me on my desk. In half-an-hour, when I addressed the students in the assembly hall, the gang leader's cum would be dribbling down my leg. At the moment he was holding court at the far end of the hallway.

Nina walked in the front door. She was spectacular. She was wearing a black Bebe Grace dress that clung to her body like a second skin and ended only a few inches below her pussy. The sheer long sleeves added a sexy sophisticated touch. She was also sporting open toed five inch heels held to her feet my ankle and toe straps. Everyone's eyes turned towards her.

Nina located Carlos and nodded her head, the appropriate gesture of obeisance. He nodded and returned his attention to his entourage. She started scanning the hallway, looking for Fernando. Her face broke out in a wide smile when she saw him. He must have seen her first; he was already bounding towards her. She jumped into his arms, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and they exchanged a deep sexy kiss. There was no question to whom she belonged

Gang members, once they claimed their teacher, treated them in a variety of ways. Some incorporated them into a pre-existing collection of girlfriends, akin to the head of the harem, some enjoyed passing them around among their friends, some employed them as part-time prostitutes. A few fell in love. I could not recall, however, seeing a couple as completely smitten with each other as Nina and Fernando. I waved them over. "My office is available, but the assembly starts in twenty minutes. Be on time." They scurried by.
* * * *​

Early in his senior year Fernando accepted a scholarship to Brown. There was no question, even before Nina's baby bump became evident, that she'd accompany him and I would need to find a replacement. Not that I minded. Nina was an excellent teacher and her warm optimistic personality made her a joy to be around. I did, however, love the hiring process.​