Part 01

A friend's father-in-law paves the way for me to lose my virginity to an American stripper.

The ad in the paper said, "Available For Private Shows' and provided some details, a few mugshots of female dancers and a phone number. I was anxious as this was my first time. But I gathered some courage and called the number.

"Hi, honey," a sweet voice said from the other end. "What's your pleasure?"

"Uh... I...we...we were wondering if you are" I said, trying to keep my nervousness in check.

"What, hon? You want a stripper? We only have girls, just so you know. I need more details, you know, so I can see who is available. Where and when?"

I was in a daze as I gave her all the details. At the end, all I knew was that I had arranged for a woman called Kristina to come over for two hours on Friday evening.

I put the phone down and looked at the other person in the room, who was looking at me questioningly. He asked, "Yes? Did you do it? Yeah, tell me. Come on, what?"

"Yes, uncle," I replied. "All set. This Friday." His face gleamed as I gave him the details.

A bit of background .

Mahesh and I met when we both came to work in the US in our early twenties, and we immediately hit it off.

We had a lot of common interests. We liked to play and watch all kinds of sports, we shared the joy derived from drinking and smoking, engaged in a lot of outdoor activities like hiking and camping and trekking, visited bars, but stopped short of dating or having girlfriends. We came to rely on each other at work and outside. We carpooled wherever we went, ate together more often than not, were interested in the same kinds of books and movies and cars. We gradually became close friends, and grew more distant from the others.

We both were quite conservative when it came to girls. I had long since reconciled myself to the fact that my marriage would be an arranged one, initiated mostly by my parents, but that I would have the final say. Mahesh was in the same boat as me. The fall of that year, Mahesh's parents had arranged for him to marry, and he took a couple of weeks off work, and returned to the US with his new bride.

Her name was Kalpana. The name meant 'imagination'. And she was beautiful. There was a tacit agreement, a gentleman's code if you will, that decreed a friend's girl or wife was out of bounds. But I couldn't help but ogle at Kalpana. She exuded a quiet sexiness. She was a normal girl, very fair and naturally pretty. I was sure that her very homely features, shy demeanor and soft voice and her overall cool nature belied the heat within. I could see that she tried her best to hide and play down her figure. But her fantastic breasts, slim waist, wide hips, thick thighs and best of all, her gorgeous behind, beckoned to one and all. At least to me. She knew perfectly well the effect she had on boys and men. Kalpana had a great ass, and it was not easy for an ass-man and a panty-man like me to look away. I was envious of Mahesh. Damn!

One day at work, I asked Mahesh to come out for a smoke and was surprised when he declined.

"What, da, Mahesh? What happened?" I asked.

"No da, Murali. I .. I promised Kalpane I'd know smoking."

"What? Oh my, she has her claws in you already!" I said.

"No no..nothing like that. It's just that, you know, health and stuff."

"Ok, Ok," I said and went on my way.

I could imagine the conversation he and his wife had on this topic.

Kalpana:' If you love me you'll stop smoking'

Mahesh: 'What? Why?'

Kalpana: 'You think it's good for you? Does your mom know about this? They did not tell me you smoked and drank. If I'd known I'd have refused you.'

Mahesh: 'C'mon. Everybody does that. It's normal.

Kalpana: 'Normal for you maybe. Not for me'

Then she must've played the sex card, for sure.

Kalpana: 'Hmm. You stink. Your breath stinks. I will let you come near me or touch me only if you promise not to smoke.

What was a guy to do? Mahesh and I had ridiculed guys who gave in to their wife's unrealistic demands. And now, he too had gone to the dark side!

But that was not all. Mahesh gave up drinking alcohol altogether. His wife must have had an ace up her sleeve to make him give up his favorite Black Label whiskey. What? Did she promise to give him her ass, allow him to fuck her gorgeous ass, if he promised to give up alcohol? Could be. I would have done the same if my wife promised me a daily blowjob. I did not blame him. Mahesh and I grew apart. Our interactions stopped and it happened rather quickly, which surprised me. I don't recall even going to his house more than a couple of times since Kalpana's arrival.

One day at work I overheard someone talking about a party in Mahesh's house that past weekend. Party? At Mahesh's, and I wasn't invited? What was wrong? Was it something I did? Did he see me ogling his wife? I had plenty of opportunities, no doubt, and I grabbed them. What could I do? I was provided unfettered views of Kalpana's ample boobs and deep cleavage, and magnificent ass on many occasions. Was I that obvious?

One day they had gone out shopping and I helped bring stuff back from their car to their apartment. I clearly remember walking up the stairs behind Kalpana. She was wearing a pretty skirt that day and unwittingly my eyes went up her legs. From the beautiful strap leather sandals, up her shapely calves, and thick, marbled thighs. And then....then...her beautiful bright blue panties, hugging her ass. Fantastic, full back panties, tight on her ass cheeks. I was so close I could see the band that went around the top of her thighs, the bottom of her ass cheeks were practically hanging out for me to touch and feel. There was a deep wedgie and it ran up her butt. The image stayed with me for a few days and I masturbated to it many, many times.

++++++ My imagined conversation between Kalpana and Mahesh ++++

Kalpana: 'You really have bad taste in friends.'

Mahesh: What? What do you mean?

Kalpana: Yes. All of them. None of them has clean habits. If you continue being friends with them you'll become one of them'

Mahesh: Come on. It's not like that. They are just friends'

Kalpana: 'Yeah? What friends you have! And that Murali? He is the worst. He is a bad, very bad influence on you. You should stay away from him.'

Mahesh: 'Murali? He's been my best friend here. He's helped me a lot. You don't know him.'

Kalpana:'Well. I don't like him. I don't like the way he looks at me! Eats meat three times a day, morning, evening and night. Hmmph..tell you what? Choose me or your friends!

Mahesh: 'Now you are being dramatic! C'mon!'

Kalpana: 'Dramatic? I am from a pious, religious family and I expected you to be too, like your mom, dad and sisters. Now I come here and see you cavorting with guys who are just, just, just.. I don't know what to say. Drinking, and smoking, and going to bars looking at naked women, and eating meat! I never imagined you would do all these things.

Mahesh (feebly): 'I never eat meat!'

Kalpana: 'Well, you did the other things. If you want me, you'll stop with all this, starting with those friends. I am serious! Promise me this, and I will do anything you want. Anything!'

Mahesh (looking at her sharply): 'What do you mean? By anything?'

Kalpana (softly, eyes down to the floor): 'Remember, what you tried to do, tried to make me do, on Friday night? That thing, turned me around and...and..?'

Mahesh (excited, now): 'Yes! I thought you said it will hurt?'

Kalpana: 'Well, I will bear it if you do what I tell you to do! I am willing to do things for you and you are not even thinking about me!'

Mahesh (fucking excited): 'Ok. Really? You'll let me fuck you in the ass? How about what I asked last night? I want to finish in your mouth....Please, please, that too and I will do anything!

Fuck!! Man, I was sure that was their conversation. That scheming bitch! Slut! And Mahesh, that sonofabitch. To be fair, I would have done the same, forsaken everything for my woman who was willing to do anything for me.

But now I wanted to teach her a lesson. But how? What to do? I needed to be patient, take my time and plan well.

That's when Kalpana's dad came into the picture.

After about six months, Kalpana's dad came to stay with them for a while. I called him uncle Murthy. He was retired with nothing else to do in India so what better than to visit the US when the opportunity provided? I learned that he had worked in a company that had an oblique relationship with the Indian Armed Services and had travelled all over the country during his time.

He and I hit it off. Party because I was the only remaining bachelor in the group and in part because I became his smoking and drinking partner.

When I realized his habits, I asked him, "Well uncle, doesn't Kalpana object to all this?"

He said, "She can't control me. I am not her husband," and we laughed. "I don't do it inside her house, so she should be ok. Besides, what am I going to gain by stopping now, what I have done all my life, eh? Let's enjoy it!"

Kalpana enforced a 11 PM curfew that uncle followed strictly. On Friday or Saturday nights when he and I got together for a few drinks, smokes, games of cards or movies, we both made sure he was back in Mahesh's apartment by 11 PM.

Uncle was a pervert and a lecher. He had a roving eye. He ogled girls and women of all kinds as much, if not more, than I did. When we went to a mall (he had me drive him there on some pretext or another), I could see him leering and looking at the other sex, young and old, black, white, asian, spanish, indian - you name it. He tried to hide it from me, but his nature came out anyway. We both made comments on women, all in good taste. He peeped into lingerie stores, stared at their window displays, spent a lot of time in the lingerie section of stores like Macy's and Nordstrom and JC Penney. The man had a fetish like mine. In him I found a kindred spirit. We will work out well, I thought.

One evening over drinks, he started in earnest, "Hey man, Murali, I see a lot of signs for go-go bars. What are those?" I had a feeling he knew very well what they were.

"Nude dancers, uncle. Completely naked, not an inch of cloth on them, for the whole wide world to see. Lap dances. And other things, I have heard but not experienced."

"Wow. Nude girls. All legal?"

"Yes, uncle. Look, but mustn't touch - that's the policy."

He was quiet for a few seconds and I prodded him, "You want to go there uncle? I could take you." I was ready and prepared for this conversation.

He jumped at the chance, like I knew he would. "Yes, yes, can we?"

"Oh yes. But what about Mahesh and Kalpana?" I asked.

"To hell with them!! They needn't know. It's my life. Hey Murali, I have money, if that is a problem for you. I have a boatload of money to spend for myself. Just don't tell them."

"Oh no uncle. That is not a problem. But know....she..she thinks I am a bad influence on Mahesh, and if she came to know that I....and you..I helped you.. In this...."

He interrupted me by saying, "Murali, no no. I don't think she will find out. You know, she is my daughter, but she has turned out to have that mean streak, you know, like her mother. But Kalpana can be very mean and vengeful and vindictive, take it from me. We just need to be careful. That's all."

So that was settled. I took him to a go-go bar that weekend. His eyes almost bulged out of his glasses as he took in the naked girls, so many of them, available for his pleasure. He insisted on tipping the girls himself, from his pool of money. After the first round of girls had done their numbers on the stage, he leaned in to me and asked, "So Murali, you said something about a lap dance?"

So I explained to him what it was. He was quick to select a statuesque brunette and asked me ro request a lap dance. Her name was Vicky and she was a goddess. She took uncle by the hand to a screened off area out of sight, and uncle emerged after about five minutes, flushed and sweaty and breathing hard. Vicky looked at me and winked, "Your dad is a horny bastard!"

Uncle was hooked. We went to a couple of go-go bars the next weekend and uncle had his fill of lap dances. Two or three in the same bar. I could see he was excited, and he tried hard to hide his erection in his pants, but I was too much of a player to not notice that.

Meanwhile, Kalpana was oblivious to our adventures. To her, it was just uncle and me spending some time together over drinks and games and food. Mahesh though, had a fairly good idea what his father-in-law was up to.

Uncle was getting bolder by the day. It was his idea to get a dancer for a private party. "Money's not an issue, Murali. I have a stash, as I told you. My stupid daughter and her husband needn't know."

So that's what I was doing that Tuesday evening. Arranging a private show for uncle and me.

"Yes, uncle," I replied. "All set. This Friday." His face gleamed as I gave him the details.

"Kristy will be here at 7 PM Friday. She is a brunette as you requested, twenty-four or five years old. Five feet three, One-hundred-and-twenty pounds. She said she was a knockout. But I guess they say that of all dancers."

"Ohhh, great, Murali. Wow! I am excited. Damn! Can't wait till Friday!!"

The next weekend was a long weekend, with Monday being a national holiday. And Mahesh and his new 'group' of friends planned on a trip to a desert resort. They were to leave Friday afternoon, reach the resort by night time, start on a trek or hike or safari for the next two days on horseback and foot and what not, coming back home only Monday evening. Uncle and I had three full days to ourselves. Knowing this, he had laid out a detailed plan,and having a private show was the kickoff to our weekend. It was going to be great. At least that's what we hoped.

Kristy was at my door two minutes before 7 PM on Friday. She was really a knockout. Fantastic, body, well toned and fit, very, very pretty, not sexy like a slut. No flashy makeup. She was really cute and had a beautiful smile. I was aroused in just a few seconds of seeing her. I knew the effect she'd have on uncle.

"Hey there! I'm Kristy. Nice to meet you. Did you set up a session?"

"Yes, Yes," I mumbled. "Please..please....come in."

"Oh!" she exclaimed when she noticed uncle. "Is this for your father? How sweet of you.Wow!"

"No,no.,...friends," I stammered.

"Well, I believe you. Ha ha. No worries! Let's get to it!"

She set her stuff up - her stereo, some lights and the like - and she went into the bathroom to change.

Uncle was besides himself. "Oohh, Murali. She's awesome, man!"

Kristy came out of the bathroom in a pink bikini, and smiled at us, and started her show. God! This was great. Even Mahesh and I hadn' thought of this. And here was this sixty year old showing us the way!

She looked into our eyes as she danced. It was intoxicating and I couldn't hide my erection. She smiled knowingly. She took turns dancing near our respective chairs. Uncle almost jumped out of his seat. Kristy just giggled. This went on for about half an hour and she took a break. So did we.

Before she started again, she sat on the chair away from us and made small talk. Fuck, did I say she was pretty? Not sexy, not slutty, not model-like beautiful or unreachable. But normal pretty. Then she started her routine again. This time she changed the music and set it to a fast, latin beat. And she danced like an angel. This time she tossed off her bra and panties and was fully naked! Her tits were small and close to her chest. They were firm and hardly jiggled as she moved this way and that.

Then, incredibly, the second time around when she danced close to uncle, he leaned in and said something to her. I couldn't hear it over the sound of the song that was playing. She was surprised, and she stopped dancing and leaned back, and mouthed the word. "What?" Uncle leaned in and repeated what he said. If Kristy was offended, she did not show it. She just got up and walked up to her stereo and stopped the music.

I was scared. What the fuck did he do, now? Kristy put her hands on her hips, looked at me and cocked her head and moved her head towards uncle Murthy.

"He wants a blowjob," she said matter of factly.

Fuck! What? I turned and looked at him and he smiled sheepishly, and looked down.

I turned to Kristy and said, "I'm sorry..I...I."

"It's gonna cost you. $$ bucks. Each"

Fuck me sideways! I almost burst out of my pants. Before I could say anything, uncle jumped in, "OK, OK, yes, yes, $$ is fine!"

"I need to see the $$ first, " she commanded. Uncle complied. She went to where he was sitting and knelt before him.

And for the first time in my life, I saw a woman giving a man a blowjob, live, right in front of me!

I couldn't but notice that uncle Murthy had a huge cock. It was almost as big as mine, and the motherfucker had it out and ready, with the foreskin pulled under the bulbous purple head, for Kristy. She opened her mouth and put it over the old geezer's cock and thrust her mouth up and down. He was moaning and groaning. He had his hands on her head as he followed her up and down motion.

What was I doing, you ask? Without realizing it, I had dropped my pants to my ankles and I had my cock in my hand, and stroking like I was seeing a porno movie! This was fucking great. I hadn't seen a live sex act in my life, and here it was in my living room.

Then suddenly uncle shouted, "Wait, wait, wait! Ahh.. Ahhh!"

Hearing this, Kristy lifted her head from uncle's cock with a 'pop' sound and looked at him. Her spit was still drooling from the thick head of his cock.

"Do him, do him," cried uncle., "Please..I...I..."

I was in a trance as Kristy crawled on her knees towards me. And reached out and grabbed my aching, throbbing, hot, veiny, dick.

For the very first time in my fucking life, my cock was in someone else's fist. I gasped. Kristy was experienced. She looked up and said, "This is your first time, isn't it?"

I nodded. And she said, "I knew it," and giggled. And then she opened her mouth and took my cock in it. I almost left my skin! Motherfucking god! I was in a girl's mouth! So fucking great! Her lips were tight around my shaft as her head went down slowly, then up, over the edge of my cock head and over the purple head. I was delirious, intoxicated with pleasure. It felt like electric waves were running up and down my spine. Her spit was cool, her tongue darting in and out of her mouth and making slurping sounds. Damn, I was about to come! It was only a few seconds that I was in her mouth and I was about to ejaculate! You couldn't blame me. This was my first time and I couldn't help it. With a great force I stood up, taking Kristy with me. Now we were in the classic blowjob position with her kneeling and holding my ass with one hand and stroking my cock with the other.

"I am going to come, ahh! Aaah!! Ohhh noooo," I screamed a warning to her and tried to pull out. But she wouldn't let go! God in heaven! Motherfuck! I went absolutely still a few seconds before my cum shot out as I realized she was taking me in her mouth, allowing me to ejaculate, and I watched as my cock pulsated against her lips and I exploded in her mouth.

I love my mom, my dad, my sisters, my nieces and nephews, my dogs, my house - but I would have forsaken everything I loved and owned for these few seconds - when my cum rocketed out from my cock into Kristy's mouth in long unending ropes, and she continued stroking my cock slowly until she drained my balls. Fuck! I was shaking from head to toe, my orgasm spreading like shock waves from my crotch to all parts of my body.

When she thought I had finished, Kristy did not open her mouth but she pushed me back, and my still erect cock slipped out of her mouth with a sloppy sound, a cum leaving a trail from the top of my cock head to her mouth. I flopped back on to the chair, heaving and gasping and panting. And I saw her expertly close her mouth and then spit out all my cum onto the carpet. She had done this before, maybe hundreds of times. She wasn't going to swallow. She spat out my remaining jism on a piece of cloth, and rose and went to the bathroom.

I looked up at uncle Murthy and his mouth was agape, his eyes bulging out of their sockets, his hands holding on to his thick, erect cock. "Wow, Murali..fantastic man, she is fucking great,,yeah, man, yeah!"

Kristy came back and got ready to service uncle. But that sonofabitch had other plans. He said, quite bluntly, "How much to fuck?"

I don't think Kristy batted an eyelid, "$$$. One time" she said.

"Ok..ok..," uncle gasped. What the hell? He was going to fuck her. Here, in my apartment. Just like that. He just asked her! That lucky, cunt-licking, son-of-a-whore, bastard!

"Do you have a condom," Kristy asked.

"Condom?" uncle asked, "No," and he looked at me. I shook my head, still not believing what was happening.

"Jesus Christ, Shit," Kristy exclaimed, as she got up and rummaged in her bag and brought out a long strip of condoms. She ripped one out, and handed it to uncle, and we watched as he tore it out and rolled it on his cock. Kisty said, "Good man, come on, now," and lay down on the sofa, using a pillow on the hand rest as support. Then she raised her butt and spread her thighs.

Both of us feasted on Kristy's cunt. It was beautiful. Her cunt was just a thin line, with dark hair spreading like branches of a tree on either side. She slid a finger into her hole, and I could see she was well lubricated already. Uncle cupped her crotch and she tensed. "No, no," she said. "Just straight fucking."

Uncle positioned himself inside her thighs, placed his cock at her hole and thrust. I watched entranced as he moaned in pleasure as his cock entered Kristy. He started slow, but increased his pace in about thirty seconds, and was slamming into her. His big fat belly was slamming into hers.

I had never seen anyone have sex before. I mean, live. I had fantasized about it. About seeing, or peeking, or walking in on couples I knew, as they fucked. Uncles, Aunts, Friends. But here it was. I was watching old-young sex. A balding, gap toothed, pot-bellied, bespectacled, sixty year old geezer, fucking a young, beautiful woman! I could reach out and touch their sweating bodies.

She was groaning and moaning with each thrust, her hands on his waist, as she looked up at him, goading him, 'Come on, come on, daddy, fuck me..yes, hard, hard, harder!" I had heard the sound they were making, as their bodies slammed into each other, so many times in movies. Flap, Flap, Flap! They went at it for like a couple of minutes. Uncle stopped and started. The sonofabitch was taking his time.

Incredibly, I was erect again. My cock rearing up at an angle, some precum oozing out. I was watching Kristy, and maybe she sensed it and looked up at me. And smiled.

"," she said to me between gasps, as uncle resumed fucking her. ", .... ready!"

But uncle couldn't hold it any longer. He suddenly increased his pace. His ass was a blur and he rose and fell on Kristy with great speed for about ten seconds. Then he became still and started a low groan, and the muscles on his ass contracted, and he let out his groan in a long drawn out wail, as he ejaculated. He pushed a couple more times into her, groaning and grunting. And finally flopped on her. His entire session lasted maybe two minutes.

She let him lay there for about half a minute, allowing him to gather his breath, and then patted his shoulder. "Good job, old man! Now get off. Let your son get his fill."

Uncle heaved himself off of her and groaned in pleasure. "Oh god! My god. You are great!!"

God! I was going to fuck! I was losing my virginity to this beautiful, sexy lady! Who cared if she was a whore. Man, to me she was Kristy, a whole, mature, fucking woman. Yes, fuck all!

I went to the bathroom to take a piss as my bladder was full, even though my cock was erect. Then I remembered that I had a cream that I used while masturbating. It was called VigRx or something and what it did was numb my cock and delay my ejaculation. It really worked. I could edge for hours watching porn when I used the cream. And the ejaculations at the end of the sessions were spectacular. I put it on my erect dick and walked back to the living room. I took a bedsheet with me and laid it on the floor.

Thinking back to this, I was surprised at how calm, cool and collected I was. I spread the sheet on the floor, and Kristy lay down and spread her legs, holding out a condom to me. I reached for it and rolled it on my cock like an expert. I knelt between her raised thighs, put my hands on either side of her chest, and looked down as she reached and held my cock with her fingers. She put her other hand on my back and pulled me down.

I can't even begin to describe the sensation that coursed through my body, starting from the tip of my throbbing cock, as I made contact with a live cunt for the first time. It is like asking someone to describe snow when one has lived one's entire life in an arid desert. Kristy was well lubricated by now, and I heard and felt a soft 'squish' as my thick purple head parted her outer lips. I looked down and in a motion that seemed very natural to me, I pushed my torso down and my condom covered cock disappeared into the folds of her pussy.

Fuck! This is what people have gone to wars for, this what people have forsaken their fortunes and killed others! Mothefucker!! Enough said. I am having sex. I am inside a woman.

I realized I was raising and falling on her. My thick cock moving in and out of her like a well oiled piston. I was in a daze. I could only feel the pleasure I was getting from my thick cock. I looked down and my belly was a blur, and I could only see flashes of my big, black cock, covered in thick, white, creamy, pussy juice, sliding effortlessly in and out of her cunt.

I actually looked up to the clock. In my mind, instinctively, I had recorded the time I started, because that was the kind of guy I was. I realized I had been fucking non stop for about five minutes!

I looked down at Kristy, and she was staring at me. Her mouth open, gasping for air, panting as I heaved and pushed in and out of her. Her hands bit into my forearms and was groaning with each of my thrusts.

"Ah..Ahhh.. this... is .....your ...first..time? So fucking good, aaaahhhh!! Don't...stop....ok...ok?....don't... come...!"

I shook my head to clear it and realized I was on top of his goddess and fucking her. I stopped to take a break and I rested on my palms. I looked down as drops of my sweat fell on her face and chest and all over her body. I now noticed her very small breasts,she was almost flat chested, but her tits were like raised, firm, bumps on her chest, with distended pink nipples.

"Go.. wanna...suck'em?!"

She didn't want uncle to touch her. "Straight sex," she'd said. But now she was letting me touch her, suck her nipples! I bent and sucked on her pink, swollen, nipples. They were like hard stones. I sucked, and licked and slathered my spit on each of her nipples. She gasped and raised her chest at me as I sucked. I rose and looked at her again, and she giggled. "You like'em, sweety?"

I nodded and gasped and started fucking her once again. I went at it for about another five minutes. The fucking cream was working wonders. My cock felt like a solid steel pipe. I fucked her in long, slow, smooth strokes. I looked up at uncle and he was just staring at the spectacle before him, his eyes almost out of their sockets. He was stroking his cock, but it was kind of limp, after what he had gone through.

This time when I stopped, Kristy put her hand between us and as I watched, she placed all her fingers on her clit and started rubbing furiously. She then urged me to start. I resumed fucking her and she started groaning and moaning, " ..fucking..good...harder...harder..harder!!" she screamed softly, and slammed her belly up at me and held me still. As we watched, she trembled and shook. I was in awe. I had only seen girls having orgasms faked in porn, and here was a real woman having a real orgasm. I was sure she was not faking it. She was panting, gasping, heaving, and screaming, "gaaaaawwwwwdddd! Fuuuuuuck! Fucccccckkk!" punctuating the words as she thrashed her torso repeatedly up at me. Then she slammed down back on the carpet, and looked at me, and blurted out, "Goddamn,motherfucker!'t....know., you cunt-licker!"

I was not done, but I wanted to be. I raised myself and mercilessly slammed into her. She took my punishment without complaints. "" She knew when I was about to come and spread her legs wider.. "!"

A low groan came out of my mouth as I realized I was going to empty my balls. I slammed hard into her as the first spurt ejected from my cock. My dick throbbed and pushed hard against her flesh. Her cunt held me in a vise like grip. Then released me as I spurted, then tightened again. Motherfucker! I came in my condom, while inside her. My cock throbbing against her cunt walls. The spurts slowed down, but my dick was still throbbing. As I finished, she said, "Man..that ..was..some..cum!"

I flopped on her. I was again in a daze. God! I had fucked. I was not a virgin anymore. Fuck..I felt great. I felt renewed. I felt like a complete man!

I think the three of us there were looking at my cock as I pulled it out of her. It came out in a semi-erect state, all rubbery and covered in her juices. I didn't wait, I quickly ducked my head between her thighs and latched on to her cunt lips with my mouth.

"What?!" she screamed softly.

"Let me lick...ah...lick....oh god!" I said, as I tasted her juices and smelled a female cunt for the first time.

"Fuck!!" she shouted, and let me lick her for a while. Suddenly I felt myself being pushed away roughly from her crotch. I looked up to see uncle positioning himself at her cunt, and he proceeded to lick her now. I could see his thick tongue lapping at the line of her vagina, going up and down up and down. He was moaning, "mmmmmm, mmmmmm, aiyoh, ammma, aaaaaaaaa," with the flat of his tongue on her pussy.

Kristy put her hand to her head, "Oh mother fuckers....what are you doing.. Ok.. what the fuck.. Yes...fucking lick me. Drink my cum...yes..!" Then she grabbed uncle's head and pushed it down and simultaneously raised her legs. Uncle's tongue was on Kristy's asshole!! And he did not mind! He lapped at her asshole, entered it with her tongue, in and out, in and out, repeatedly, making slurping sounds.

Then Kristy had enough. She grabbed and pushed his head away and walked quickly to the bathroom. Uncle was on his knees now, and had his semi-erect cock in his hand and he shamelessly stroked himself, and ejaculated a few tiny drops on the carpet, and screamed in pain, and pleasure. "Ohhhhhh, my...lord...Shiva...aiyoo....aiyoh, amma, ammmmmmma!" and double over. Then he got up and flopped on the sofa.

But uncle was not done! When Kristy came back from the bathroom, uncle held up her panties and said, "How much for these?" and he put it to his nose and inhaled.

Kristy laughed, "You old pervert! Ok, you can have it for $$$! Bastard!"

Needless to say, uncle gave Kristy a lot of money, more than she bargained for. "Oh my! Thank you sir! Oh daddy!!" she said. "Thank you, guys! Be sure to ask for me the next time know?" But she did not meet my eye. I thought I sensed a bit of modesty or shyness in her. But I could have been wrong. Then as she went out the door, she looked at me and said in a low voice and waved, "Bye now, sweety. You big boy!!"

Uncle and I just looked at each other and smiled. We were quiet for a long time, digesting what just happened. Then I realized I had to thank him for this. So I did. He just laughed and said, "No.No. Murali, Thank YOU! Man, you made my day, my life!!" He decided to spend the night in my apartment, sleeping on the sofa. Both of us dozed off, obviously, with thoughts of Kristy floating inside our heads.

The next morning at 7 AM, uncle Murthy had a heart attack.

I was always an early riser. I had finished my early morning yoga session when I heard a growl from my living room. I ran out and saw uncle sprawled on the sofa, legs askew, and right hand clutched onto his left arm, his mouth twisted in pain. He was unable to move or speak and I knew there was something wrong with him. I was calm and collected. And I immediately called 9-1-1. The operator stayed on the line and someone walked me through how best to stabilize uncle until the ambulance arrived.

The next few hours went by in a daze. I remember EMTs coming into my apartment and getting us to the emergency room (ER) in the hospital. I waited as they did the required tests and all the rest and finally close to noon, a doctor came out and told me uncle had suffered a minor heart attack and needed to be observed for a few hours. Nothing that required hospitalization. But it was fortunate that we had him brought to the ER in time. Also they pumped his stomach and found a lot of alcohol in it. I was surprised.

Only then did I realize I had to inform Mahesh, and Kalpana of what happened. I had no idea where they had gone, as Mahesh had not bothered to tell me. I informed another colleague and instructed him to contact Mahesh and tell him the news.

By the time Mahesh called back, they had released uncle from the ER and we had him back at his apartment. I spoke on the phone to Mahesh and we went through everything, and he, of, course, thanked me profusely. Finally he said, "Hey, Murali. Thank god you were there. Thanks a lot for your help. Without you I don't know what would have happened!"

I was struck by the fact that Kalpana did not want to talk to me. Here I was, saving her dad's life and she was not willing to speak to me, ask me about what happened, much less thank me!?

To be fair, she called the next morning. But a lot happened in the night at Mahesh' house.

+++++ That night +++++++

I stayed at Mahesh's apartment to take care of Kalpana's dad. A few of our friends came over to inquire and I had the opportunity to take a break.

I made a bed on the couch in Mahesh's living room and slept there after settling Murthy uncle in. But sleep eluded me. I kept thinking back to the video, to Kristy, to fucking her. God! It was just yesterday. I got an amazing, aching erection. I pulled my cock out of my shorts and started jerking off on Mahesh's and Kalpana's couch, replaying last night in my mind. Each and every minute of it. I had brought back Kristy's panties back with me. Where was it? I wanted so badly to have it, sniff it, rub it on my cock, smell my first cunt and my first woman. Then amazingly my thoughts went to another woman and her panties. Kalpana! Wow! I was in her house, with no one to stop me. "Fuck!," I told myself. "Let's just go get hers! Why not?" In a flash, I was in their bathroom. I had guessed correctly. Kalpana had two hampers of dirty clothes. I opened hers and was delighted to find her clothes there. I picked them up one-by-one. Wow! T-shirts, pants, lingerie and her bras. And her panties!

Wow! She wore cotton panties, but not the expensive brand name ones. She had the common store brand ones. So what? I held them in my hands. Fuck! They were full back, cotton, patterned ones. I turned them over inside out and looked at the gusset. These would have been pressed against Kalpana's cunt, biting into the line of her vagina. That part was squished and crumpled. And stained and crusty, with her dried up juices. I did not hesitate. I lifted her underwear to my nose and sniffed the inside of each of her panties. Fuck! My cock jerked up and stood at attention and leaked pre-cum profusely. Drops trailed to the ground from the tip of my cock head. The aroma of cunt was heavenly. Oh fuck! I licked and tasted her juices and almost swooned. Damn!

I jerked off with Kalpana's panties. I wrapped two of them around my cock and stroked it. The feel of the cotton fabric on my dick was fantastic. I put another one to my nose and sucked in the smell of her cunt, pee and sweat. Was she wearing them as she worked out under those skin tight leggings? She always had the full back variety of panties - I could see that from the panty line that was always visible. Or was she wearing these under her tight salwar? I saw myself in the mirror as I jerked off, alternating her panties between my cock and nose.

I took Kalpana's panties back to the couch and had a long, long jerk off session, fantasizing fucking Kalpana. And when I wanted to finish, I laid them all on the edge of the couch and rubbed my dick on them in turn, and spewed my cum on each of them and drenched them completely with my semen. Fuck! What a release it was!

I was not ready to go to sleep. I now had that bitch Kalpana on my mind. I fantasized all sorts of scenarios where I'd fuck her brains out. I got bolder by the minute and I decided to investigate. She was certain to have some secrets. Something she hid from others. Something under the veneer of her pure, goody-goody nature and personality she exuded.

What would someone hide, I asked myself. I thought about me, myself. I had secrets. I watched a lot of porn and so maybe I Kalpana did too? I Needed to look at her computer/laptop, perhaps, but I was sure it was password protected. What else?

Perhaps she read erotic stories and magazines. I went to their bedroom and methodically searched it. There was nothing in Kalpana's clothes drawer. I poked and prodded around her clothes carefully. Nothing. Only washed and folded clothes, bras and panties. Boy, she was boring. Same brand and type of underwear.

I opened their closet and I got the feeling that there was definitely something there. She had a lot of boxes. One behind the other, and also stacked on top of each other, neat and orderly. But I was patient. I pulled out each one and examined the contents. I found documents, files, old clothes, clothes for other seasons. Then, I saw a small case, tucked away behind two bigger suitcases. It looked out of place in an otherwise neatly stacked closet. When I opened that one in turn and poked around with my hand, I felt something hard and long. Bingo! I pulled out an electric vibrator! It was made of hard rubber, textured just like a man's dick, all thick and veiny and bent, with a large mushroom head. Damn! It was bigger than my cock. I brought it to my nose and got a whiff of a distinctive smell. Obviously dried cunt juices, She used it, but did not bother to clean it, I told myself. She had to have bought it after she came here because these toys were banned in India. Yes! I turned it around in my hand and recognized the American branding on it. So it was only about six months since she came to the US and Ms. Kalpana already had this one. Wow! But she had the only one. What would she have been masturbating to? I poked some more but couldn't find anything.

Then I suddenly recalled something I had seen in her clothes drawer. It stuck in my mind because it did not belong there. What was it? I went back to the drawer and pulled open the bottom one, and there it was - a photo album. Why would she keep a photo album in her in the bottom drawer along with her clothes? I flipped through the pictures. Nothing there. Then I was about to close the album when I discovered there was a flap on the bottom cover that held CDs. I took them out. But for one CD that had the title and name of a photo studio, three others were plain. I had to see what was on them.

I inserted the CD into my laptop. And watched fascinated at the porn that was on it. That Kalpana surely masturbated to. My dick was thick and throbbing in my hand. I smelled the cum on it from my previous jerk off session. I stroked my cock to scenes of rough sex, gang bangs, double penetration, oral sex, cum in mouth, lesbian, ass to mouth, and all kinds of stuff. It looked like someone had made a compilation of various short videos, as there was no continuity or story. Clips came on after the other, different resolutions, colors, actors and soundtrack. Fuck!

It was well into the early morning, as I continued jerking off. Starting and restarting the videos. I remembered falling asleep and then waking up and stroking my semi erect cock to full erection and watching the videos all over again. It had been a long, long time since I had a full night masturbatory session!

Suddenly, the phone rang, and I picked it up. "Hello? Hello? Murali? This is Kalpane here," she said.

I jumped up. "Oh.. oh hi Kalpana. Hey, what's going on? Where are you?" I spoke fast.

"I am OK," her voice sounded tired and anxious. "How is daddy? We.. we.. are still in camp. We will start back later today, reaching home late at night only..."

"Oh, ok," I said. "Uncle is fine. Recovered completely but resting now, you know.."

"Yeah, I assumed he was, " She said, and then hesitated.

Come on, you bitch! Say it. Say thanks for saving your dad's life. Say you're sorry you mistook me. You were wrong to think bad of me. Fuck!

"Hey, Murali, " she said. "Thank you so much for..for...doing this.. I mean... if you .. were not there... I don't know what might have happened!"

I mumbled something in return and she also said something back. But I was not paying attention. I realized I had a hard-on, listening to Kalpana speak. I picked up a pair of her panties and wrapped in around my cock and started stroking it as she spoke. I wiped the pre-cum with her panties. She was going on and on, and I gave her answers, but my mind was on my dick, imagining parting her thick thighs and fucking her hairy cunt. I was not sure of what she was saying, but I wanted to ram my hard cock into her mouth and fuck her.

Yes, slut! Keep talking. Open your mouth and let me cum in it. I know you are one horny whore. Watching all sorts of porn and jerking off, all the while acting pure, Snow White like! I know you want to know what cum tastes like, you have seen women taking it and swallowing. You want it too, I know. Oh I know! Here, take my thick cock into your ass! Yes? You want that too, right? One in your cunt and one in your ass, maybe? I rubbed the head of my cock on the wide expanse of the backside of her panty. Now, take it in your cunt, I said and rubbed my dick on her gusset! How about my asshole? Let's rim each other like those motherfuckers in your videos. Yes? Fuck! Yes!.

I took another pair and sniffed it, taking in the whiff of cunt as her voice came over the phone. I kept stroking my dick as her voice droned in my ear. I reached my climax, and cum erupted from the hole on my cock in long ropes and I jumped. I tried hard to keep everything on an even keel. I juggled the phone, her underwear and my throbbing, hot cock as cum splashed on her panties, the carpet and the couch.

"Hey, Murali.. there?" I heard her ask.

"Yes. Yes.. Yes!... I mean, yes I am here," I said, trying to keep my breath normal and my voice cool. Later, I wiped off the couch and carpet the best I could and stashed her panties that were now soaked with my cum, back in the hamper, down, down under the rest of her clothes.​
Next page: Part 02.1