Page 02

I slipped my hands into William's, held his arms to my chest, snuggled my naked body into him.

Soon the monkeys, with the same circumspection with which they'd appeared, melted back into the forest.

I turned, my breasts dragging on my son's strong arms, kissed his cheek, said "Did you know about this?"

"The guy in the office told me about it, about the shelf, said sometimes the monkeys come down this time of the day, suggested leaving our food out; it attracts them. I thought about telling you but I wanted it to be a surprise plus what if they don't show. I'd hate to disappoint you."

I kissed his mouth, just lips, said, "This is the best honeymoon ever."

Holding hands we moved out from under the waterfall and lay on the blanket, my head on his thigh. We talked, he stroked my hair, and while in this humidity it took awhile for our bodies to dry I didn't mind, for the day was lovely and I had grown comfortable being naked with William.

We packed up, dressed, mounted our horses. I rode behind my son and, watching his powerful body rock with the motion of his horse, moved forward on the saddle and brought myself off, small gentle orgasms - quiet whimpers, no screams. Back at the resort I called first shower. We both knew why.

Facing the shower head, water coursing down my body, I cupped my breasts, squeezed, touched myself as would a man. With an endless supply of hot water there was no hurry and I turned my back to the showerhead, licked the tips of my fingers, moistening them with saliva, slicker than the water, rubbed my taut hard nipples, lazily trailed my other hand down my body, across my flat stomach, found my clit, stroked it, the lightest of touches.

My current football coach, my recent grad student, their firm bodies floated through my mind. I thought about the young men on the beach, the way they looked at me. Heart rate quickening I moved my free hand from breast to breast, stroked played rolled my nipples. The picture in my head morphed, it was me riding my horse, grinding my sex on my saddle, watching my beautiful son in front of me, his body lean and hard. A new image entered my mind, William and I naked under the waterfall, and then I imagined him opening the door of the shower, stepping inside, feeling my tits, his strong hands feeling my tits. I forced my thoughts back to my most recent graduate student but soon William filled my imagination. My breathing quickened, I worked my breasts, squeezed my nipples, slapped the curve of my underboob.

I brought my hand to my mouth, sucked on four fingers as if little cocks, spread my plump vaginal lips with two of them, sank the other two into my most intimate space, a little bit at a time, rocked my hips, eased them deeper, deeper, wished they were a cock.

William, in the next room, knew his dirty mother was masturbating in the shower. Was he doing the same, pulling on his thick hard dick? Picturing his hand flashing up and down I trapped my clitoris with my thumb, imagined myself standing in the doorway of the bedroom watching William's powerful pistoning arm, fingers wrapped on his hard tool. My son had met my amours over the years, knew I liked sex, but I bet he never imagined how dirty I could be. My taboo thoughts driving me forward I twisted the fingers inside me; my thumb on my blood engorged clit grew more assertive. In my mind William was coming, spraying his thick heavy seed on our bed, on the sheet on which I'd sleep tonight, and then my insides were convulsing and I was coming and I blurted, hearing the words as if spoken by someone else, "Fuck I'm coming William, fuck I'm coming."
* * * * *​

My phone flashed but throughly enjoying the luxury of William blow-drying my hair I ignored it. His shower had been quick - if he'd masturbated he done it in the bedroom while I showered - and when he returned to the bedroom, towel wrapped around his waist, his lovely chest exposed, he offered to finish what I'd just started.

I closed my eyes. I'd brought myself with the image of my son in my head. There'd been no harm, but still a no-no. Also a no-no: masquerading as newlyweds to get a room in a resort, being naked with your son, sharing a bed with him and, as I opened my eyes and saw his reflection in the vanity's mirror, thinking him a hunk, even if he was. It was time to rein it in.

When he finished I checked my phone. Mimi had texted, inviting William and I to join her and Sanchez at the resort's tent on the beach. William was game. I put on my least revealing bikini.

The tent, set up in the shade of several large trees, was on the far side of the beach and as we traversed it I, noting not everyone was nude, decided not to go naked myself. At the tent Mimi, thick black hair hanging loose past her shoulders, her relatively conservative bikini doing little to hide her extraordinary curves, greeted me with a hug and my son with a kiss. We followed her into the tent and my eyes dropped to her butt; if you could find a way to can that wiggle you'd be a millionaire.

Inside the tent - forty feet by forty feet, air conditioned, stocked with an array of food and a full bar - we were greeted by Sanchez. Dressed in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, he was nicely built, although not William's equal. William ordered a beer, I a pina colada. I took a sip; Sanchez made a kick-ass pina colada.

Outside, in two unoccupied chairs, I spread lotion on my body, William did my back, and I thought of the women watching, wishing they had such a gorgeous attentive lover. When it was my turn to do his back I took my time, preening before the ladies with my young man.

As I finished, feeling playful, deciding to tease my son, I said, "Isn't Mimi beautiful."

After a slight pause, as if he hadn't noticed, he said, "She's attractive."

"I'd thought you'd go with sexy or exotic."

He pulled his sunglasses down and his eyes casually scanning the length of my body said, "I'm with the sexiest woman here," then lay back down, slipped his hand into mine, and added, "Also most exotic."

"You have a silver tongue."

"Maybe, but every guy out here is checking you out."

"Even all these twenty-somethings?"

"Especially the twenty-somethings, guys dig a hot older woman."

"How 'bout you?"

He rolled onto his side, dropped his head, and his grip tightening on my shoulder closed his lips on mine, did it again, then, rolled onto his back and said, "I'm on my honeymoon with one, aren't I. There's no one here in your league."

A bit taken aback - I'd expected a peck - a bit excited, I draped my leg over his and said, "Well I have the sweetest sexiest man on the beach."

I meant every word.

I drifted in and out of sleep. When awake, sunglasses on, I'd note the scrumptious bodies passing by, when sleeping my dreams were intense and erotic. I woke from one, ready to return to our room, the shower, my fingers, but now William, eyes closed, was sleeping. I ran my eyes ran down his supple muscular body, stopped. He was hard; my son was having an erotic dream.

He was substantial.

A bell rang interrupting my inspection and Mimi, standing before the tent, said, "Last call everybody. There's a storm coming tonight so we'll be breaking down the tent. Food and drinks will still available at the gazebo."

Woken by the commotion William stretched his magnificent arms and said, "I think I'll get another beer. Do you want anything darling?"

"I'd love a pina colada."

Playing the adoring bride my eyes followed him as he walked to the tent, drawn to his ass, tight and high, and back, a trapezoid formed by his broad shoulders and slender waist. When he disappeared inside I slid my sunglasses back on, lay down, but kept my eyes on the tent, watching him, two drinks in hand, move with elegant grace, gliding across the uneven sand; the muscles of his legs lean, his pecs well defined, his abs flat.

The forbidden thoughts of the shower had returned, but what did it matter? Surrounded by hundreds of people no harm could come of it.

He handed me my drink, sat, and we watched the crew under Mimi's direction break down and cart off the tent with a speed and dexterity I'd have thought impossible. When done she, accompanied by Sanchez, approached.

I said, "It's amazing how quickly they did that."

"They're good workers. Sanchez and I are going to take a walk along the tidal bay on the far side of the dunes. With the storm coming the sunset should be stunning. Would you lovebirds care to join us?"

It sounded to good to pass up. "We'd love to."

The land on the far side of the dunes was undeveloped; you could imagine the island deserted. Out of sight of the resort Mimi, accentuating her barely-tamed beauty, loosened up and when she said, "If it won't offend anyone I'd like to take off my bikini top, the sun feels so nice on my breasts," I said, "Go ahead. Why would you think we'd be offended?"

"Sometimes our guests from the United States are a little more conservative."

William said, "Not a problem. We sunbathed nude yesterday."

Sanchez said, "I told you Mama."

What could I do? When Mimi removed her top so did I.

Holding our sons' hands we walked along the shore. Mimi had been right, the bay - fish lept from its surface, birds flew overhead - was not to be missed and the sky was ablaze the four of us sat. Mimi was beside her son, leaning her body into him, and I, the bride, between my son's legs, my back on his chest, his arms draped across my chest, resting on my breasts. Maybe the pina coladas deserve some of the credit but a few days ago, when we'd arrived, we'd never have pulled this off. Now it felt near normal.

The sun reached the horizon, the sky a backwash to flock after flock of birds, glowed in an array of colors. William, playing my husband, stroked my hair, kissed the side of my head. I loved it.

When the sun was gone the boys stood, helped us up, and William and I knew there was one thing every newlywed on earth would do at this moment. William wrapped his arms around me, tilted his head; I pressed my body to his, flattening my breasts on his chest. He kissed me, we moved our lips on each other, did it again. His kiss was wonderful, strong, and masculine.

I told him I loved him, kissed him again.

Mimi, smiling, said, "I love bringing newlyweds here, they always love it."

William said, "Thank you, it was wonderful."

We headed back, stopping atop the dunes so our sons could tie our bikini tops back on, and Mimi, not expecting that William and I to leave our room tonight, recommend several items on the room service menu, then invited us to eat lunch with her tomorrow at the lingerie show.
* * * * *​

Williams offered me the first shower, told me there was no hurry. I said thank you.

I lit two candles, adjusted the water to the light of their flickering flames.

I cleaned hair and body, caressed every inch of my skin, let my needs focus, build, intensify.

Knowing girls like to be clean when they do it, my son had offered me the shower. Boys, they just like doing it. Was he laying on our bed right now, pulling on his dick?

Maybe he was doing it somewhere else, jerking off on the couch, in a chair?

Leaning against the shower wall, the dual spray directed at my breasts and sex, I rotated my hips. One finger glided around and over my nipples, two fingers pressed my labial lips together, moved them against each other. There was no hurry, no rush, no one expected to see us tonight.

I brought a breast to my mouth, licked my nipple, ran my fingers through my inner labia, along the sides of my clit, to the entrance of my vagina. As blood poured in my pubes grew more sensitive. I trapped my clitoris between my labial lips, massaged it, slipped a finger, then two, inside myself, used my thumb on my clit, visited, re-visited favorite spots, found new ones, moved in circles, back-and-forth, up and down.

I circled my anus with the pad of a finger, worked the tip inside, wiggled it, went deeper.

I wished I'd brought my butt plug.

When he finger was all the way in I pushed my backside against the shower wall, ground the open palm of my hand on my vulva, drove the finger deeper in my anus. Varying positions, angle, force, I came, a small delicious detonation deep in my sex.

My mind drifted to the last few days with my hunky son. They were perfect days, romantic days, sexy days. I couldn't imagine another man showing me such a wonderful time.

I removed my hand from my sex, caressed my body, teased myself to a higher and higher pitch, opened the shower curtain, scanned the counter in the dim light, grabbed my toothbrush, slipped the handle in my rear - a makeshift butt plug is better than none - returned my fingers to my snatch and clit, drove myself back up the mountain, got to the crest, peered over the edge, slowed everything down, drawing it out, extending it. I squeezed my ass on the tooth brush, caressed breasts, stomach, thighs, sides.

No hurry, I had all night. The other guests would notice we'd skipped dinner and imagine us in bed, sheets and blankets askew, bodies entwined, William driving his fat dick into me, my arms and legs wrapped around him, pulling him to me, craving needing wanting his hot hard tool and cum, fucking me, fucking me.

The image throbbed in my mind.

I pushed two fingers inside myself, curled them, corkscrewed them, pressed my backside to the shower wall, rotating the toothbrush handle in my anus.

Right now were Mimi, Sanchez, the people we'd met, picturing us, the lovebirds, a trim attractive older woman and her young athletic husband, fucking, ramming their bodies into each other, his fat cock spearing into her hungry cunt. I was atop the mountain but didn't ease off. Trying not to think of my son I jibbered, "Richard," the name of my football coach, but the picture in my head was William, William fucking me with his beautiful hard cock. Moaning and groaning I realized I should have turned on the fan for my son must be able to hear me, but did it matter? He knew I was masturbating.

There were lights in my head: rainbows, sunsets, Christmas lights, mountains of Christmas lights, and they grew more intense and my clitoris was a roller coaster which had reached the apex and was now plunging down the rails and I was coming. An all-consuming euphoric uninhibited pleasure occupied my body and I yelped my joy.

I slid to the floor, let the warm water flow down my body, my mind hazy, a sweet smoldering burn in my sex.
* * * * *​

In my eagerness to get in the shower I'd forgotten my bathrobe, so after drying off I wrapped a towel around my waist, leaving my breasts exposed, blew out the candles, and headed for the bedroom - what was the purpose of false modesty at this point - finding myself disappointed that he wasn't there. I thought about my flannel pyjamas, but why not wear what I wore at home, what was comfortable. I put on panties and a white sleeveless tee-shirt, studied my image in the mirror as I combed my hair. The sun had darkened my skin and lightened my hair. I looked good.

William was in the living room, stretching. I watched him. As his mother, of course, I thought him handsome and adorable, but over the last several days I'd come to see him in a new way. Gorgeous, but unlike other gorgeous young men not full of himself. Instead, thoughtful, attentive, gentle, and kind, with hands that knew how to touch you, he was any woman's dream.

"The shower is all yours my darling."

He turned, said, "I didn't hear you come in."

"I've been here a couple of minutes. You're a beautiful young man."

He looked up and down my body, smiled, said, "I got good genes. Where are the pyjamas?"

"I ditched them, decided to wear what I normally wear to bed. As much time as we've spent with each other in the nude the flannel pyjamas seemed an affectation."

"You fill out your clothes nicely, make them look good. A very sexy look. I warn you, I sleep in the nude."

A smile crept onto my face as I, laying a hand on his chest, said, "That's going a bit too far. How about boxers?"

He put a finger under my chin, tilted my head up, kissed my cheek, whispered in my ear, "Anything for my sexy lady."

William fished a pair of clean boxers from his bag, headed for the bathroom. I watched him, his back, butt, and legs, then turned to the mirror. William was right, it was a sexy look. The shirt emphasized my full round breasts, a hint of my dark nipples was visible. I stroked them, felt it in my sex, turned to look at my ass, loved the way my panties clung to it. I liked looking sexy.

I went to William's side of the bed, pulled back the blanket, ran a hand down the sheet, felt the lingering heat of his body. While I'd been in masturbating in the shower he'd lain here and done the same. I found a drop beside his pillow. I touched it, brought it to my nose, smelled it, thinking I shouldn't, tasted it. It was cum, my son's cum. He'd missed this drop when he cleaned up, but that was understandable. It was at the head of the bed; it must have been quite a spray.

I folded his blanket back, returned to my side of the bed, crawled under the sheet with my computer. William's shower went on and on. That was not his style; he favored short showers; he must be masturbating. He'd just done it in bed, now again in the shower. He would be fun on a honeymoon. Eventually the shower turned off and my son, wearing boxers, hair damp, crawled in bed besides me.

"Hey Mom, did you use my toothbrush?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"I found it in the shower."

Even if I had a lie ready it'd have made no difference, my face was red with embarrassment.

William said, "What is it?"

"I grabbed it by mistake, I thought it was mine."

"What was it doing in the shower?"

What was the point of lying? There was no way to sugarcoat this one: I'd masturbated with his toothbrush in my ass; I had to tell him.

"Okay. When I was playing with myself in the shower I used it."

"Used it? How? You got a toothbrush fetish?"

"No, I don't. I stuck it in my butt."

"Which end?"

Here I laughed, "The handle."

"Thank god I brushed with the other end. So Mom, you like anal play?"


"Grandma says you're a wild one. No reason to be embarrassed, after all I just masturbated in the shower and I like anal play. I, however, may want a new toothbrush, although I'm keeping this as a souvenir."

I said, "Very funny," handed him the remote control, said, "Find a good movie," and lay my head on his shoulder, running my fingers through the light dusting of hair on his chest.
* * * * *​

An hour later, dozing off, I said, "Honey, you'll have to tell me how the movie turns out and thank you, I'm having the time of my life."

He kissed my forehead, said, "Sexy lady, the pleasures all mine."

I rolled onto my side, fell asleep. Later the sound of the storm woke me. The light was off; except for the flashes of lighting the room was dark. William had laid his arm over my body. I slipped my hand into his, whispered, "I love you son," and went back to sleep.
* * * * *​

The next morning we headed for gym, did weights, ran several miles down the beach, bought mangos from a local vendor, jogged back to the resort to get ready for the lingerie show.

Back in our room William said, "So what should I buy you my darling?"

Hands on my hips I said, "What would a man buy his wife on their honeymoon?"

"Something conservative and practical?"

"Try again."

"Slinky and naughty?"

* * * * *​

Mimi and Sanchez, hosting a table for eight, had reserved two spots for the newlyweds. I wasn't sure what to expect - I'd never attended a lingerie show - but was pleased by how classy it felt. The lingerie was top-of-the-line, the models graceful, and the space, on the second floor, well-lighted and overlooking the ocean, beautiful. William and I discussed what to buy, called several models over for a second look, decided on classic, chic, and sexy: black stockings, garter, panties, and bra. It would go perfectly with the little black dress I'd packed and the black stilettos on-sale in one of the resort's stores.

For good measure - we were newlyweds - we bought a couple teddys.

During lunch Mimi mentioned she'd booked a rumba band for the evening - her favorite had unexpectedly become available - and insisted William and I, in my new lingerie, join her for the show. When I said I knew nothing about the rumba she invited William and I to an impromptu class she and Sanchez, in light of the sudden booking, would lead that afternoon. We signed up. I love to dance.
Next page: Page 03
Previous page: Page 01