Page 01 is the re-edited version of this story and if you're reading this, it passes muster. Categorize this in my "fun" incest stories...inspired by some real-life folk I met once upon a time. I look forward to reading your thoughts both pro and con!

As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters within are fictional, existing solely within the story and my imagination. Enjoy!

The crowd parted easily before us, everyone's eyes on me, appraising me appreciatively, or hungrily. Even those others who were wearing costumes akin to mine were pausing amidst their own posing and posturing to stare wide eyed at me. As scanty and revealing as some of their outfits were, I knew that few could compare to mine or showed as much flesh.

A faint, but pleasurable flush spread over my flesh as I watched lips being licked at the sight of my breasts spilling out over all sides of the raggedy and slight halter of a barbarian slave, offering the slightest teasing glimpse of the edge of my aureoles. I could feel eyes crawling over my bare belly, not fat, but not absolutely fat either and then pausing to appreciate the tiniest of loin cloths, again offering the briefest glimpses at the upper edges of my heavy but trimmed bush before finally sliding down my full and shapely legs to find me barefoot.

We walked down the long corridor, he tugging at the leash around my black, studded dog collar, past the thick crowd of convention goers, many of them young men whose expressions betrayed their appreciation of seeing a mature woman paraded by them barely clothed. Some fit the stereotype of the prototypical gamer nerd or geek -- overweight or skinny as a rail, toting backpacks stuffed with gamer stuff and dice bags hanging off their belts, some were older than me, many were younger and whether they were handsome, plain or homely, all of their staring eyes made me wet.

A more forceful tug at my collar made me move a little more quickly now, making the greatly exposed flesh of my large and heavy tits bounce more, emphasizing my near nakedness with each shake and shimmy of my tits -- causing eyes to go wider in anticipation of all that mammary flesh spilling out. My nipples already swollen and stiff ached sweetly at the notion.

Past the dealers' hall I strutted, receiving more than my fair share of good natured catcalls and wolf whistles while more people emerged from game rooms and the dealer's hall to stare appreciatively at my exposed butt cheeks in my furry g-string thong. We boarded a crowded elevator and as the doors closed, I was pulled by my leash into my master's arms and we kissed wetly and lewdly amid murmurs of surprise and approval. My stomach fluttered with excitement as the elevator car began to move swiftly upwards while strangers' hands caressed my nearly naked ass. I moaned happily as my tongue dueled with his, his arms holding me tightly, making my breasts mash against his chest.

I staggered down the hallway to our hotel room, past amused and interested gamers, breasts bouncing, only a nipple hooked on the edge of my halter keeping one cup covering any of my right breast. He deftly unlocked the door to our room, kissing me as his hands ripped my top off so fingers could cup, caress and knead my big knockers...making me squeal with delight as he brutally pinched my swollen, nickel sized nipples.

He walked us into the room, spun me around against the back of an oversized, leather chair and tugged my thong down. Using his right leg, he spread my legs until I was leaning over with my legs far apart. I heard a rustle and then his cock, long, thick and hard was pressing against my wet labia, parting my flesh and then thrusting into me even as he jerked my head back with a quick yank of my leash.

My cunt was a sopping wet mess and he slid deep inside me, making me sob, "YESSSSSSS!" my shrill cry quickly becoming a scream. One scream became many as he fucked me fast and hard, burying himself inside me as I clawed the leather of the chair, fingers digging deep to gain purchase to keep upright as I was fucked so wonderfully and well. His breath came hot on my back and then he was kissing my shoulder and then playfully nipped at my flesh, teeth leaving what I knew would be a tremendous hickey where my neck and shoulder met. The brief pain only added gasoline to the fire that was my building orgasm.

I felt so wet and so full and so loved as he plowed into me again and again. Then I was gasping to breath as spasms of intense ecstasy exploded in my cunt and spread through my body, trying to find escape as my heart seemed to swell along with my nipples. My screams grew louder and then diminished into a husky whimper before becoming shriller as he thrust upwards into me and with a triumphant howl of his own began to cum inside me, filling my quivering cunt with hot semen.

I'm not sure how long we stood there reveling in our mutual pleasure before he slowly removed his monster from inside me, making me groan with lusty bliss as I felt him slowly escape my grasp. He kissed me again on the shoulder and then I leaned my head back and he kissed me lovingly on the lips, his tongue dancing with mine as he continued to hold me close, his hands cupped around my large breasts.

When our kiss finally ended, he whispered into my ear, "I think the barbarian costume was a hit, Mom. What say we try out the Vampira costume tomorrow?"

By now, I'm sure everyone is wondering what the hell a mature woman was doing prancing around practically naked at a gaming convention and fucking her son? Well, it's a long, but interesting story and although it could be said that it began three winters ago during a blizzard, the truth is, it really began a long time before that.

My son, John and I have been on our own for a long time. His father divorced me when our son was four and dropped out of sight. It was a struggle, but I raised John on my own, working as a secretary until I was able to turn some part time seamstress work into a full blown business as the owner of a local women's dress store. I didn't date much, preferring to dote on my son -- the absolute light of my life. Maybe I sheltered him too much -- maybe he inherited more than his fair share of my family's genes -- becoming a shy and gentle lover of books and games as had his grandfather.

My father had been an early gamer -- loving military and strategic games and then pursuing his love of fantasy and strategy when that whole D&D role playing craze began. I grew up in the early eighties watching with amusement and wonder as my mother and father played role playing games with their friends -- even dabbling in them myself when I reached my teenage years before I lost interest and moved on to more "adult" interests.

Before he passed away, my father had taught John the joys of role playing games and a love of literature. John became a younger version of my father, more interested in gaming and Tolkien and Star Trek and Star Wars than in baseball and football. I didn't mind that my son was as he himself described it, a gamer nerd. He was and is a loving soul and that he reminded me of my father -- one of the finest men I've ever known, was just an additional bonus.

By the time he reached his teens, John had formed a gaming group with a few classmates and many Friday and Saturday nights were spent in our kitchen role playing adventurers exploring Elvish woods, Dwarvish mines and dark, forbidding dungeons. I didn't mind. It made my son happy and I knew he was safe and not doing some damn fool thing like getting drunk and driving his car off a bridge.

Yes, my son was a nerd and his friends were nerds, but it didn't mean they weren't interested in girls -- in truth, they were madly obsessed with girls, but were -- John especially -- very shy around the opposite sex...his few dates being just short of disasters. Still, I knew he was interested in the female form because all through his teenage years, my son spied on me constantly.

I tried to never let on that I knew, but I would constantly catch him checking me out whether I was decently clothed or in some state of undress or in the shower. I think a mother develops a sixth sense for these things, although unlike most mothers who would grow angry and take steps to stop it cold, I instead found myself pleased by the attention and did nothing to prevent or end it. In fact, by the time my son was eighteen, I found myself growing excited and aroused by his attentions.

I didn't date much, but not because of my looks. I'm not a movie star, but since my own adolescence, I've been blessed with a very womanly figure. Standing five foot eight inches tall and with a weight that seems to hover between one hundred sixty and one hundred seventy pounds, I am blessed with large and prominent breasts, barely contained by a 42DD bra, an excellent ass kept toned and trim with miles on a treadmill and full and curvaceous legs. Add big brown eyes, a sweet smile and long black hair to the mix and you have an understandable attraction for a teenage boy.

I will confess that I probably primed the pump for what happened later by not only allowing him to peek at me, but in time, increasing my...visibility by rarely closing my bedroom and bathroom doors. In fact, just after John turned eighteen before the beginning of his senior year of high school, I replaced the opaque glass door of my shower with a clear glass door, not quite admitting to my self that it was for my son's benefit. My being in bras and panties were a common sight as was walking from my shower to my bedroom wrapped in a small towel. Many a sunbathing episode was done in skimpy bikinis knowing that somewhere inside our house, my John was peeking out at his mother. In short, I delighted in teasing my teenage son.

I also confess that many nights I masturbated myself to sleep, aroused by the knowledge that across the hall, my son was also likely masturbating. I would get incredibly wet between my legs just seeing his eyes gazing hungrily, lustily at me -- far more intense than from any man on the few occasions over the years that I took a man into my bed. Just to see the bulge in John's jeans or pajamas was such a thrill. Part of me knew it was least by the standards of society, but it felt so sinfully delicious and aroused me so much I could not bring myself to stop.

Nearly as scandalous was knowing that his friends admired me in much the same way -- eyes always feasting on my voluptuous figure as I fixed them snacks during their games or came in to kiss my son goodnight while wearing a semi-opaque nightgown, often with a plunging neckline that advertised how blessed I was. All behaved around me, but I knew they too had their fantasies and that made me so fucking horny.

Other than my less than innocent teasing, we continued to be a very normal mother and son. I'd ground him if he did something bad, loved him always and knew that he loved me and that he'd do anything to make me happy.

Early in his senior year of high school, his friend Lewis got a part-time job that prevented him from making many gaming sessions. I volunteered to run a character to take Lewis's place when he was absent. John, who was the group's dungeon master was a bit dubious, but when I pointed out that I had been playing role playing games before he was born, he relented and allowed me to sit at his table. Thus, Catalina was born, a female Ranger/Barbarian from the Northern Wastes who would wreak havoc with her +2 Greatsword and her mighty +1 Longbow.

Over the next several months, I spent many enjoyable nights gaming with my son and his friends fighting orcs and dragons and the occasional undead thing. The boys became comfortable gaming with me and soon were just themselves with the usual fart jokes and testosterone fueled imaginary violence being dealt on the kitchen table. Of course, I usually wore loose fitting shirts and in warmer weather, shorts and knowing that several young men were constantly ogling my tits and legs, usually had my pussy dripping wet by the time the game ended. I brought myself to many a tremendous orgasm while imagining that in my son's room and in several other bedrooms across town, my sexy gamer geeks were one and all stroking their cocks to images of little ol' naughty me!

Maybe things would have worked out the way they did or maybe not, but there came a night in late February of my son's senior year, that with the coming of an arctic blizzard out of Canada, in twelve hours managed to drop seventeen inches of snow on all of Wisconsin. It began snowing on a Friday morning and by early afternoon, my son took phone call after phone call from his gaming buddies, all informing him that they couldn't make the usual Friday night game.

I was curled up on the couch, watching the weather report, dressed warmly in a pair of gray sweat pants and one of John's older flannel shirts. John sighed as he set the phone receiver back on the hook and shrugged. "Well, that was Mark...he's the last one. Guess there's no gaming tonight."

"Sorry sweetie...I know how much you were looking forward to gaming this weekend. You've been working on it so much!" I shrugged my shoulders in commiseration and wondering how such an inconsequential thing could make my heart ache when I saw his disappointed face.

"Hey, how about you run Catalina through some solo adventures tonight? I've got a pot of chili simmering and we could eat and game...just you and me!"

My son smiled weakly at me and said, "I don't know...I had this cool dungeon crawl through the drow caverns planned."

I stood up and crossed over to John, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and said, "Oh, c'mon, it'll be fun. I -- Catalina is still a couple of levels lower than everyone else anyway, it would be a chance for me to get caught up a little. I tightened my embrace on my son a little and leaned more forcefully into him and said playfully, "Please?" as my unfettered breasts under the soft flannel flattened against his chest.

I wasn't sure if it was my semi-lewd feminine charms that worked on him or his desire to game, but John slowly grinned and nodded and said, "Okay, you're on. Give me a hour or so to get things pulled together and we'll get rocking." He bashfully wriggled out of my embrace and headed to his room, spurred on by a playful swat on the butt by me, blushing as he glanced back at me. I'd swear on a stack of bibles that at that moment I wasn't planning what was to happen, but rather, I was just pleased to have made my son happy.

As the snow fell and the wind blew and the lights flickered once or twice, amidst bowls of chili and cans of soda, John ran my character Catalina through a solo adventure where she tracked down and slew a Yeti-like creature in the Northern Realms that had been terrorizing several mountain villages. Along the way, she fought a small band of Snow Claw orcs and a couple of human bandits. We had great fun, laughing and talking smack to each other amidst opposing dice rolls.

As I was gleefully adding the treasure I'd found in the Yeti's lair to my character sheet, John leaned back and said, "So, what are Catalina's plans now?"

I looked and grinned and said, "She's going back down into the valley country and find herself a good tavern."

I stood up and walked over to the refrigerator and was reaching for a beer when my son said, "Is Catalina planning to get drunk?"

I reached back in and got another beer, suddenly feeling naughty and strode slowly back to the table and set a beer in front of my son, leaning in as to let my shirt gape open to offer him a clear view of my unfettered breasts. I winked slyly at him and replied, "Hell no,, Catalina wants to get laid."

I'm not sure what surprised John more, my comment or that I was letting him have a beer which despite having turned eighteen back in July, was still illegal for him to have. In retrospect, I'm sure it was my teasing comment. My son's face quickly reddened and he sputtered, "Haw, haw...very funny, Mom."

I returned to my seat and grinned over the table at John and said, "I'm totally serious. Catalina hasn't been with a man or a woman for that matter, in like forever. She's been fighting monsters and bad guys and she needs to get fucked in the worse possible way!" I couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth. My skin was tingling from the top of my head to the tips of my toes with excitement, both suddenly scared to death and incredibly aroused.

"You want me to role play you getting um...screwed?" My son's voice was suddenly full of uncertainty.

I licked my lips slowly and still grinning, said a bit huskily, "What's wrong, sweetie -- is this too tough for the mighty dungeon master?"

John's face reddened. He picked up a handful of dice and his eyes went vacant for a moment as they often did when he was creating a response to something unexpected that his players threw at him. Then, still blushing, he said, "Five days after slaying the Mountain Yeti, Catalina will find herself walking into the small city of Hallz and will quickly make for the Drunken Eagle Tavern." He looked at me with an uncertain smile and added, "What do you do?"

I squelched a delicious shiver and said breathily, "I...Catalina strides purposely into the tavern and walk up to the bar and demand ale. Once I have it, I'll slurp it down greedily and check out the room. What do I see?"

John rolled some dice and said slowly, "You are in the main room. It's early evening and there are maybe twenty people in here. Mostly humans...locals, a few dwarves and Halflings, two elves sitting away from everyone else -- all minding their own business. The mood is subdued, but um...jovial. It's a quiet tavern with locals going about their business."

"Okay, among the humans, are there any good looking males...somebody that looks like they'd like to have a merry romp with a sexy barbarian lass?" I sat up and worked my shoulders, making my breasts roll about under my flannel shirt.

My son rolled more dice and said, "Several human men are scattered here and there -- most are elderly and seem to be having an intense discussion about...goats." John took a deep breath and continued. " the other end of the bar from you is a younger man...younger than Catalina. He's wearing the tunic of the City Watch and he's nursing a mug of ale. He's handsome in a rugged way -- stocky and rather muscular with a shock of black hair."

Another thrill of pleasure coursed through me. My son had just described himself. Standing six foot, he had my father's stocky build and he had built up his physique using Dad's old weights that had been passed down to him after his grandfather had died. I could feel my heart racing as I said, "Does he notice, I mean Catalina?"

John rolled a twenty-sider and nodded. "He glances at you now and again."

I giggled and said, "I try advertising my um...assets by subtly undoing the top laces of my bodice." As I fingered open a button on my shirt and spread the flannel cloth a bit to offer up a better glimpse of my cleavage, I said, "We've never discussed it, but how large are Catalina's breasts?"

John's face turned a deeper shade of red, but he recovered quickly and said, "Roll a four-sider and an eight-sider."

I followed his instructions and came up with a '3' on the four-sided dice and an '8' on the eight-sided one. Looking up at him, John grinned and said, "You...ah, Catalina have size 38 breasts." He tossed another die and laughed and said, "Double-D."

I laughed and playfully cupped my own breasts through my shirt and lifted them up, momentarily exposing more of my tits to my son as I replied, "Humph...Catalina doesn't have anything on me in the tit department." My son's mouth fell open in amazement as I pressed on. "I get two more mugs of Ale from the barkeep and walk down to that city guard and say, 'I'm Catalina and I'm looking for a man.'"

John rolled a reaction roll and said, "He nods at you and replies, 'Well, you found one.'"

"I'm not just looking for a man, I'm looking for a MAN!" I put a loud emphasis on the last word and then as I reached up and undid another button on my flannel shirt said, "I undo a bit more of my bodice to make my point."

My son goggled openly at my exposed breasts -- my shirt now spread almost to the point where my auroles were exposed and then after rolling some more dice said in a voice that was close to wheezing, "He takes in the offered view and smiling, replies, "I think you've found him. What exactly do you have in mind?"

I could feel my panties becoming soaked as my son was managing to keep up with my teasing, loving every moment of this and wondering how far I could or should take it. "I've been up in the mountains alone for weeks. I need a real man to remind me that I'm a woman. I want to be taken. I want a man with something that will make me howl at the moon!"

John stared at me for a moment, his eyes wide at the intensity of my voice. He looked away for a moment and then said in a voice that looked more confident than it sounded, "The city guard motions for the bartender and whispers something in his ear. The bartender whispers back and nods. The guard slides a silver coin across the bar to him and turns to you and holding out his hand says, 'I'm Sergeant Husterson...Johann Husterson. Come with me.'"

I was surprised to hear myself answer a bit shakily, "I take his hand and follow him." Johann and Calista...John and Cassie. Coincidence or was my son now flirting back?

John said, "He leads you upstairs and down a long corridor to a door." My son paused as if steeling his nerve and then plunged on hurriedly as if trying to get it out before I put a stop to our not so innocent game. "Johann turns to you and rips your bodice wide open, freeing breasts while kissing you hard and firmly."

"Oh my!" I whispered, placing my hand above my nearly exposed breasts. "Is Johann a good kisser?"

John rolled a twenty-sider out in the open and it came up on a seventeen. He giggled and said, "Very think he might have a talented tongue!"

If I wasn't blushing before, I was now, feeling my heart beating faster as my son threw out his own naughty innuendo. Determined to keep the advantage, I ran my hands along the edges of my shirt and unbuttoned the last two buttons and thrust my breasts out, my right tit emerging completely while the shirt hung on my left nipple which was hard to the point of bursting. ", Catalina will break the kiss and press his face against my breasts, urging him to kiss them. At the same time, I run a hand between his breeches. What do I find?"

My son stared at my bare breast for a long moment, seeming to be stunned by my brazenness. His lips move wordlessly for several seconds as he seems to focus on my swollen nipple. Finally, "Something seems to be throbbing between his legs....hard and very big."

I wriggled in delight in my seat. "Oh boy, how big is Johann?" In writhing in my seat, my left breast broke free of my shirt and I was bare-chested in front of my son, my big tits bouncing in my excitement.

John took his time looking at my breasts before picking up two ten-siders and rolled, bringing up a '6' and a '5.' He chuckled and said, "Eleven inches, Mom." I groaned at the thought of eleven inches of hard cock swinging between my fantasy son's legs but before I can make a comment, John continues saying, "Johann rises up, pressing his mouth on yours somewhere between a kiss and a lick and takes, Catalina by the shoulders and somehow gets the door open and moves you inside, kicking the door shut behind you."

"Oh, Johann, I like a man who takes charge," I groaned in response. "I kiss him back, almost biting him in my hunger."

John let out a small moan at that image and said, "As you two kiss, his hands roam over your breasts, pinching those hard nipples and um..." He broke off for a moment as I couldn't help but lift up my hands and cup my breasts, fingers flicking and pinching my throbbing nipples. John rolled his tongue over his lips like a starving man staring at something sweet just out of reach. He shook his head and continued. "Johann's right hand travels further down, working between the ties of your leggings, fingers wriggling until they find your pussy,, Catalina. What does he find?"

With one hand I scrabbled to find a twenty-sider while my other hand is squirming under the waistband of my sweats. Even as my fingers swirl around in the sopping wet morass that is my cunt, I tossed the d-20 and let out a cry as it came up a natural '20' -- a critical success and I said, "I am so fucking wet!" as I pulled my hand free of my crotch to show my son my fingers dripping wet with my pussy juices. "Oh sweet, fucking Jesus, fuck me right the fuck now!"

For a moment, my words echoed between my son and me, both of us unsure if I was speaking as Catalina or as Cassie -- imploring Johann or my son to fuck me. There was a second of perfect silence amidst the sexual tension that hung thickly between us and then with a cry, my son and I moved as one, up from the table and into each other's arms.

Part of me was conscious that I'd passed some lewd point of no return as I pressed my lips against John's and for the first time, slipped my tongue into his mouth. My hands clawed at his flannel shirt, freeing his young and well defined chest before caressing his firm but soft skin. I felt my son's hands slip underneath the waistband of my sweats to cup my asscheeks and then his arms were moving, pushing my sweats down, slowly slipping to pool around my ankles.

I groaned as I slipped my hand inside his sweats to discover he was going commando as my fingers wrapped themselves around a huge erection. Maybe it wasn't Johann's mammoth eleven inches, but it felt like more than I had ever experienced. My other hand flashed down and yanked his sweats down to fall at his feet and then I felt a tremendous need to have him in my mouth and I broke the kiss and shoved him down into a vacant kitchen chair, squatting as I stroked my son's erect penis and then I was sloppily licking and kissing my child's huge cock before finally wrapping my lips around the dark, purplish head and sucking him furiously, tasting his pooling precum and quivering as that forbidden sensation triggered a mild orgasm between my legs.

I bobbed my head up and down several times on my son's cock before he growled, "No!" and pushed me off his cock and onto my ass. I looked up at him in surprise, a little disappointed as I had a sudden and intense need to know what his spunk tasted like, but before I could say anything, he reached out and yanked off my sweats and was suddenly kneeling between my legs. "I...I want this, Mom!" he stammered as he reached out and palmed my panty covered crotch.

An incredible bolt of sheer pleasure coursed through me as I thrust up my pelvis to press my mound against his hand, feeling him rub my sopping wet pussy through my juice stained panties. "I'm all your's darling." I whimpered. "I always have been! Mommy loves you, John!"

My son's lower lip trembled as he reached down and tugged off my panties, flinging them over his shoulder to land atop a figurine of the Yeti, no doubt drowning the beast in the wetness of my sodden cotton panties. John's hand returned to my crotch, first palming my hairy pussy before slowly rotating it about, rubbing my flesh as it flowered and spread, labia swollen and slick, to reveal my glistening wet cunt.

John lunged forward, placing himself atop me and I spread my legs wider as he hunched against me, his hard cock dragging along my left inner thigh before suddenly finding home and with a triumphant howl, thrusting his long, thick cock into his mother's wet pussy! A tremendous shock of pure carnal ecstasy galvanized my body, making my limbs spasm even as I screamed, "FUCK ME, JOHN! FUCK MOMMY HARD!"

With the awkward enthusiasm of the never been fucked, my son began hunching into me, driving his cock deeper inside me before withdrawing completely and then fumbling for a few frustrating moments before I reached down and guided him back in. "YESSSSSSS!" John cried triumphantly as he again began to fuck me furiously and anxiously. I raised my trembling legs and hooked them around his back and amidst my own expanding lust, worked to moderate his thrusts and keep him inside me.

With my assistance, my son began fucking me more steadily, his eyes boring into mine with a loving intensity and I began fucking him back, flinging my hips upwards to meet his downward thrusts, a low keening sound building in the back of my throat to become a shrill cry of perfect pleasure as we began to move like lovers, perfectly in synch with each other. Ecstasy coursed through every cell in my body, building with each sweet moment my child's immense cock filled my cunt, the swollen head pushing against my cervix to fill me as no man ever had.

Too soon, I heard John moan, "Mom! LOVE YOU! CUMMING, MOM!" and for a split second feeling terrible disappointment before my body exploded with incestuous pleasure as I first experienced the sinfully sweet sensation of my son's hot semen flooding my womb. My previous understanding of pleasure was obliterated in a heartbeat as the greatest orgasm I had ever had claimed me. As I writhed and bucked with pleasure, impaled by my son's ejaculating cock, I was also consumed with the sweet realization that my entire life had pointed me to this moment, this perfect moment of love and lust when I finally understood that my sole purpose of existence on this planet was to have my son's lovely, hard cock inside me.

John howled as he drove himself deep, pumping an immense flood of his scalding sperm into my motherly cunt, returning his seed to the womb he had emerged from. My cunt walls tightened around his long shaft, kissing and milking his hard pole for its life giving seed. Our orgasms melded together, wrapping us in heated lust as I reached out and pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him, my tongue curling possessively around his as he just kept on cumming inside me.

Like a lewd magic spell, we were caught up in something beyond human understanding and time seemed to stand still as we rode out our mutual orgasm, being consumed and reborn with every linked heartbeat. When at last my orgasm began to recede and I felt John instinctively began to withdraw, my mind turned to carnal flame as I moaned, "No! I want more, son. Fuck Mommy more!"

I tightened my legs around my son's hips and then somehow rolled us over, crashing into a leg of the kitchen table, precipitating a shower of dice and pencils falling down around us. From farther away, I heard a can clatter on the kitchen floor, beer fizzing on the tiles as I found myself sitting atop my son, staring down into his lust filled face. "Stay hard for me, John! Keep that cock hard inside your mother's pussy and I'll fuck you forever!"

"I'm yours, Mom!" my son gasped as I ground my cunt into his groin, his still erect cock poking me in places never before touched by a man. I leaned down, my meaty breasts pillowing out on his chest as my dark hair fell over both our faces.

With our lips touching, I moaned, "Stay inside me, son! I love you so much and I want to fuck you for the rest of our lives!" We kissed then, wetly and sloppily, tongues dueling for mastery, neither of us submitting an inch. I worked my cunt muscles around his cock, massaging and squeezing his thick flesh, feeling his slowly softening penis firm up again as I whispered filthy promises to my son between loving kisses. Finally, I sat up triumphantly, my large breasts rolling heavily as I proclaimed, "Son, Mommy's going to fuck you so good. I love your cock, John! I love fucking my son!"

I began to ride my son, reaching out with my left hand to the table to steady myself as I bounced up and down on his cock. I had never felt so free and so wild -- John's cock seemed to be perfect for me...filling me completely with just the feel of his shaft sliding along my sugar walls keeping me on the edge of orgasm and the places his swollen cock head were touching exploded with ecstatic delight and triggered cum after cum inside me.

I worked myself up and down my son's thick dick, wailing and then sobbing and then laughing hysterically as orgasms came and went, making me nearly crazy with desire and lust. My breasts bounced wildly about, restrained only when John would reach up and cup his mother's tits, fingers pinching my blood engorged nipples, creating pain that quickly exploded into additional lusty pleasure.

I lost count of the orgasms that swept over me, but after an eternity of incestuous bliss, finally sank slowly down atop my son, impaling myself on his long, thick penis. I stretched out atop his body, grinding my crotch against his, moaning as I kissed my way up his chest and neck before finally slipping my tongue into his mouth to dance with his.

As we kissed, our bodies rocked slowly together, hunching back and forth triggering little bursts of orgasm as his cock pulsed angrily inside my tight, slick cunt until finally I broke the kiss and whimpered, "You feel so good inside me, son -- no one has ever fucked Mommy better." His eyes glowed with prideful pleasure as I added, "I never dreamed my little boy's dick was so fucking big!"

John grinned up at me like the little boy I remembered from so many Christmases and replied, "I can't believe I'm fucking you, Mom. I keep thinking it's a dream and I'm going to wake up at any moment."

I kissed him again, playfully licked his lips, tasting him and sweat and my own saliva. "If it's a dream, then we will never wake up, sweetheart. We'll make love to each other forever! I love you, son!"

John moaned, "I love you too, and forever!" His face grew dark with lust and he continued, "I need to fuck you, Mom. I can't get enough!" He wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over again, yelping as he must have rolled onto a four-sider. He swept the kitchen floor beneath me clear of debris before he put me on my back, his cock still throbbing inside me. "I'm going to fuck you, Mom! I'm going to fuck my mommy hard and make her scream!"

Just the demanding intensity of my son's voice nearly sent me back into orgasm. As it was, with his cock inside of me already, probing deep, I barely managed to stammer in reply, "Y-y-yessss! Fuck me, John, fuck Mommy and make me cum!" My orgasm exploded inside me almost immediately as my son, grunting with effort, suddenly raised my legs up and draped them over his shoulders and then he began thrusting into me hard and fast with the vigor that only a teenager could muster.

My fingernails clawed at the kitchen floor tiles and scattered spilled dice as I flailed under my son's carnal assault, my body aflame with incestuous ecstasy. I had a few good lovers in my lifetime, but nothing...absolutely nothing in my experience compared to the sheer deliciousness, the pure rightness of feeling my son's cock filling my pussy -- fucking me. Just the touch of his flesh against mine took me to a level of ecstasy unlike anything I had ever encountered. I never felt more completed -- as if with each thrust of my son's cock, our bodies become one, beautiful and glorious in our lusty love.

John continued a steady thrusting while leaning in to kiss me and then nuzzling my heaving breasts pillowed against his chest. Each kiss, each touch of his tongue...even the feel of his burning gaze aroused me, adding fuel to the fire that was my love and lust for my son. Our bodies moved slickly together, sweat covered and quivering flesh contributing to a sinful sensation that I wanted to drown in.

Orgasms washed over me, taking me to screaming heights and swoons of joyful delirium, each building on the previous one, each becoming more incredible than the one before. Sweat from my son splattered on my face as he increased the tempo of his wonderful thrusts and I could see his impending climax in his expression which aroused me even further with the realization that my own son was about to cum in his mother again!

A low growl built up in John's throat to become a fierce roar as he drove his cock deep into my clasping pussy and again began to cum -- shooting white hot semen in thick streamers inside me and then I was swept away -- an orgasm so intense I thought my heart might explode, filling me with so much incredible pleasure that my body seemed to burn away, leaving only my soul writhing in carnal ecstasy.

I felt the tears running down my face and could hear myself sobbing, "I love you, John! I love you so much son!" over and over again. The pleasure grew even as the world seemed to grow dark, the intense ecstasy overwhelming me until I had one last glimpse of my son's beautiful face and then I was drowning in delicious carnality emanating from the huge cock buried inside me until everything except an unconscious sensation that I had been magnificently fucked remained...surrounding me in a loving blanket of pure ecstatic warmth....

...I awoke in my own bed, recognizing the almost abstract patterns in the ceiling drywall. I felt wonderful...still on the verge of orgasm and quickly realizing that the origin of my pleasure were fingers, gently and loving exploring my incredibly sensitive pussy. I turned to see John lying beside me, his eyes devouring my hairy muff which was wide open as he slowly stirred three fingers inside me.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I purred.

My son stiffened up and looked at me a little guiltily as if I'd caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. "Um, morning, Mom." He glanced back down at his hand and said, "I'm sorry...I should have asked first."

John began to withdraw his hand, but I clamped my legs together and dropped my hand atop his. "Son, when it comes to making me feel like you did last night or how I feel right now..." I wriggled to show how good it felt and continued, "You can whatever you want whenever you want!"

My son's face glowed, very pleased and excited by my answer. "I can't believe fucked you, Mom...that you let me fuck you.

I reached out and stroked his face, offering him a motherly, loving smile as I said, "I can't believe it either, but I think it's something that we've both wanted for a long, long time."

John licked his lips and said, "You really knew I've fantasized about you for all these years, Mom?

I giggled and replied, "Surely, you didn't think you just got lucky all those times you peeked in on Mommy, did you? Knowing I made my son hard has kept me wet and horny for years. I'm just glad we finally did something about it."

"I never want to stop, Mom!" my son blurted out, almost shouting it. "Tell me we will lovers forever, Mom!"

I sat up, moaning as my movement allowed John's fingers to slip a little deeper inside my sopping wet cunt, and kissed my son, cupping his face in my hands as I kissed him passionately, my tongue seeking to dominate his, and then kissing him more tenderly, straddling that line between a mother's and a lover's kiss. "John, know that your mother's legs will forever be open for you. I don't care how many girlfriends you have or whether you get married...know that I will always want to fuck you."

I kissed my son again, our tongues curling around each other while I reached under the covers to discover his cock was hard and throbbing. I felt my cunt pulse around his fingers as I realized he was every bit as long and thick as I remembered from the night before. I ended the kiss with a playful lick and in a wicked tone, said, "Son, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you." I paused and repeated in a hissing whisper, "Anything!"

I reached down and slowly pulled John's hand from my pussy, his fingers glistening with my juices. I brought his hand to my mouth and again whispered, "Anything, son!" and then proceeded to suck my own juices off his fingers -- not the first time I'd tasted my own creamy cum, but now there was remnants of my son's semen mixed in, creating a wonderful nectar. I finished with a loud and lewd sucking noise and then climbed out of bed and slowly strolled around to John's side of the bed, brushing his left leg to have him turn and sit up, his legs hanging over the side.

I knelt between my son's legs and took hold of his swollen penis, precum dripping from the tip. I brought my lips just shy of the dark, purplish head, breathing softly on his throbbing flesh. Never taking my eyes off my son's face, I whispered once more, "Anything my son wants!" and took him into my mouth, my tongue lashing his soft, yet turgid flesh as I began to suck my child.

John groaned as his hand cupped the back of my head, fingers just cleaned by me entangling in my dark hair as he urged me to take more of his cock. "I can't believe this is happening, Mom. It's like this is a dream and I never want to wake up!"

I took him deep, old reflexes coming into play as I slid my lips down his shaft, feeling his swollen knob journey deep into my throat as my tongue danced and tasted him, tasting sperm and pussy on his manhood. Slowly, I let him slip from my mouth, precum hanging from the tip of his dick to my lower lip which I flicked up with a quick lap of my tongue and I smiled lovingly up at John and said, "It is a dream, son...a dream come true for both of us!"

I took John back into my mouth and summoning everything I had learned in my forty years about sucking cock, proceeded to give my son the blowjob of a lifetime. Using my tongue and lips, I brought John to the precipice over and over again. Each time I swirled my tongue over his throbbing knob, my son gave a pleased and delighted groan which sent nasty thrills of joy through me which competed for attention with the evil, carnal thoughts racing through my mind.

Even though I had enjoyed teasing John for years, reveling in the naughtiness of the reality of the situation, a part of me was stunned by how easily I had took that final taboo step and had now sworn to be my son's lover, surrendering myself to his every whim. I knew in my heart that I meant every word I had spoken. I was more than happy to submit to my son's will and desires and I would never go back on my word. In less than a day, I knew I was addicted to John's cock and I knew that I wanted my only child inside me, fucking me with that lovely meat, whenever possible. This knowledge was reinforced as John began to mutter, "Oh fuck, Mom...Mom...I'm gonna cum, Mom!"

I could feel his body tensing as I took him deep in my mouth one last time and then slipped my lips back to be wrapped around the swollen cock head, feeling his erect penis swelling and then as my tongue slithered over his sensitive flesh, my son began to cum -- ejaculating huge spurts of hot semen into my mouth. I'd had hints of his semen earlier, but now, for the first time, I was tasting John's spunk in a pure and unadulterated form and it was salty and sweet -- thick and creamy and I moaned around his cock as I had an unexpected orgasm, my own juices splattered against my thighs and the bedroom carpet. I almost swooned as I fell in love with the taste of my son's seed, redoubling my resolve to spend as much time as possible as my son's lover!

Scarcely had John finished cumming and I was still swallowing his magnificent load of semen when he pulled me to my feet and was kissing my sperm smeared lips and vowing his undying devotion to me. As our tongues danced and I shared the last remnants of his own seed with him, we both kissed with our eyes open and something in me fell totally and completely in love with my son as I saw my love for him reflected in his eyes. I was his woman now and he was my man.

Of course things changed after that...mostly for the good. It was with awe at his energy that I welcomed him into my bed on a permanent basis -- reaping the benefits of having a big dicked, young son fucking my brains out night after night. Everyone at work noticed that I was walking around with a happy, well fucked glow on my face and a renewed bounce in my step -- and sometimes a little bow-legged on those nights when John seemed to never be sated. Of course, no one knew who my lover was, but most of my employees and friends approved of me finally getting back into the game.

John's gaming changed as well. Oh, he still loved to play his role playing games with his friends, but instead of games going long into the wee hours of Saturday and Sunday mornings, he would wrap up his adventures by midnight and by twelve-thirty be cock deep in my wet pussy.

At my son's insistence, I kept up my teasing with his friends with occasional forays into more scandalous attire. It wasn't long before all three of his closest pals -- fellow gamers since junior high had seen more than a glimpse of my body. By John's decree, bras and panties were abandoned on gaming nights and I was required to flash tits or pussy or both at his friends at my son's whims.

I was amazed at the intensity of my orgasms as my son fucked me afterwards, playfully describing how hard I had made his friends and how amongst themselves they voiced a strong desire to fuck my brains out. In the end, as I sobbed and screamed in incestuous pleasure, John would have me gleefully confessing how much I would love to be fucked by each and every one of his friends, my orgasm fueled to new heights as he told me that someday he might just command me to do it!

Another change in our gaming was that Catalina's solo adventuring continued as well -- each session ending with my character finding herself in a sexual situation, be it a repeat fuckfest with Johann (who was now a semi-regular in my adventures), or something original that John had thought up reflecting his horny desires.

One of the most memorable was the conclusion of an adventure that had consisted of Catalina being chased through a mountain chain by a warband of orcs as a snowstorm approached. After several clashes, a blizzard struck and my Barbarian/Ranger had taken shelter in a cave only to be joined by one of the surviving orcs. A temporary truce was struck and then the tension turned sexual...​
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