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"Jogruk appears to be even more tense after you shared your food with him," said John. "He can't seem to keep his eyes off of you, especially as the cave heats up from your small fire and y'all's body heat, you begin to shed your outer garments."
I wiggled in my chair as I wondered where my son was going to lead the story. "I strip off my armor and undo my bodice, revealing much of my breasts." What Jogruk do?"
John grinned and said, "The orc does the same, stripping off his cloak and chainmail, leaving him in a rough animal skin tunic that ends about halfway down to his knees. His skin is dark with patches of thick black hair here and there. He is heavily muscled. The more clothes you both remove, the more agitated he seems to get.
"Jogruk, is there something the matter?" I say in character.
"He just grunts and paces back and forth, his gaze never leaving your body." My son licked his lips and said, "Roll a spot check."
I rolled a twenty-sider and added my bonuses for a total of 28. "What am I seeing?"
"You notice that Jogruk's tunic is tenting and then he moves to um...adjust himself and you see something...a thick knob of flesh peeking out from under his tunic and getting longer and thicker!"
I giggled and replied, "Catalina tries not to show her interest, but she's trying to assess how big it is."
John rolled two ten-siders, but hid the result, just arching his brow before saying, "It's bigger than any human cock that Catalina has ever seen. Are you getting wet?"
I rolled a dice and came up with another natural twenty and answered, "I am soaking!" I stood up and slipped off my gym shorts, revealing my bare pussy and ran my hand through my thick bush, my fingers spreading my slick labia to reveal how wet I was. "I spread my legs and reveal my sex to Jogruk, fingering myself in way of invitation."
John was up and moving, shoving me roughly backwards until I ran into the kitchen counter. His hand was rubbing my pussy, fingers quickly slipping inside my cunt and fingering me aggressively while he said, "Jogruk pounces on you, working his fingers into your cunt." John went from one finger to three in a swift motion, twisting his wrist about and making me moan. "Before you know it, Jogruk is fisting you!"
I yelped with both surprise and a little pain as suddenly John pushed his entire hand inside me, fingers wriggling about before he made a fist and began fucking me with his hand. My hands skittered against the counter before moving to his shoulders for support as his sexy assault made my knees weak."
"YESSSSS!" I moaned, flexing my hips forward to meet my son's hand, loving how that thick mass felt as he pressed it against my sweet spots. I suddenly noticed that John was naked from the waist down, his cock long and hard.. "Take me, Jogruk! Fuck me....make me your human whore!"
John's free hand flashed out and roughly yanked my T-shirt up and over my head. "Jogruk strips your shift off your body and bites your swaying tits. I cried out as again pain and pleasure mixed as my son ducked his head and began nipping at my nipples, his teeth tugging sharply at my thick, rubbery nubs, almost drawing blood.
"I, Jogruk will show you how orcs fuck their human bitches!" John growled, raising his head. He began to step backwards, drawing me after him, led along by his fist still buried in my pussy. When we reached the kitchen table, he swept aside dice and miniatures and paper and then without warning, yanked his hand from my convulsing cunt, creating an intense burst of painful pleasure as he popped his pussy crème covered hand free.
I could barely stand, so turned on and shaken I was by my son's aggressive actions. I cried out in surprise when he stepped around me and pushed me against the table and bent me over, one hand again slipping into my pussy, fingering me in such a way as to make me lift up my ass, standing almost on tip-toe. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that my son was now stroking his cock with the hand he had fisted me with, lubricating the swollen head and long shaft with my juices. I shivered with the first foretaste of orgasm and I began to suspect his purpose.
"Fuck...John, no -- you're too big. It's been nearly twenty years since I've done..."
"Jogruk does what he pleases and what pleases me is to fuck the human bitch's ass!" John snarled in a hoarse, gravely voice. He leaned into me, using his weight to keep me pinned down as his hands spread my ass cheeks wide and then I felt his erect flesh slide up and over my puckered asshole and I was scared and excited, both fearing and suddenly needing my son's cock to be buried up my ass.
"J-John...oh, fucking God...I'm not sure about thi...OH, FUCK!" My son pressed the head of his cock against my butthole and began pushing and aided by the lubrication of my cunt crème. It felt immense, but somehow seemed to worm its way through my tight bunghole and then suddenly, there was a relaxation in my sphincter, accompanied by an incredible burst of carnal pleasure still flavored with a light sprinkling of pain.
"Oh, fuck yeah, Mom!" growled John in his Jogruk voice. "Your asshole is so fucking tight!"
I could only babble in reply as I was already cumming, my moans and sobs growing each time my son worked his cock in and out of my ass, somehow going deeper with each thrust, filling me, making me impossibly full with his cock. So caught up in orgasm was I that I almost didn't register it when he sank fully inside me, his wiry pubic hair tickling the inner halves of my ass cheeks.
I lost track of how long my son fucked me up the ass. I seemed to cum and cum for hours as he wrapped one arm around my chest, hand clamped over one meaty breast while the other reached around and rubbed my wet, gushing pussy, teasing my swollen clitoris to take my orgasms to another plane of existence.
When John grunted loudly and buried himself deep and began cumming, I flung my head back and screamed shrilly, overwhelmed by the anal orgasm -- my cries only becoming squelched when he placed his pussy creamed fingers against my lips and I began sucking on them like a babe at her mother's breast, sucking for comfort. My final memories of the moment before collapsing in my son's arms were of one last cry of ecstasy as John withdrew from me, bringing one last explosion of pleasure and pain from my cum filled asshole.
The next few years passed quickly -- our memories a wonderful blur of sex and love and gaming. John's game fell apart as his long time school buddies moved on to college or jobs in other cities or in Brian's case...joining the Marines. John attended a local college, working his way towards a degree in Literature along with teacher certification. He and I still gamed, my son running Catalina though one erotic adventure after another.
At college, John joined another gaming group, rotating in and out of the dungeon master's chair. To my surprise and sometimes envy, a couple of the players were females, one who John began dating off and on, eventually developing a relationship somewhere between bf/gf and fuck buddies. Her name was Stephanie and although there was a part of me that was terribly jealous of her, especially when John told me they were sleeping together, my fears were quickly abated as I discovered that whenever John had sex with his kinda-sorta girlfriend, he would come home and fuck me silly.
I loved knowing that as he sank his cock into my pussy that his need to be cum had been tempered by screwing Stephanie and that I would be in for an extreme fuck with all the orgasms that always accompanied it. Further, I began to anticipate sucking her juices and his cum off his cock before he would climb between my legs and fuck his mother -- often teasing me with bringing her home and taking us at the same time. Lusty feelings I never knew I had would burn through my envy and I was often wet at the prospect of fucking my son and his gal pal at the same time -- imagining her naked body, essentially a shorter and more buxom version of myself as he described it, against mine, both of us full of John's cum.
One other development grew out of our incestuous love and gaming. John and I began going to gaming conventions, traveling all over the Midwest. At my first con, I was amazed at all the creative costumes worn by men and women alike, especially becoming intrigued by some of the scanty costumes worn by the more "developed" women.
On our drive back home from a convention in Illinois, I broached the subject by asking, "Son, would you be embarrassed if I worked up a fantasy costume...maybe dressing like Catalina, the next time we go to a convention."
John just gaped at me, swerving a bit over the center line before regaining composure. "Omifuckinggod, Mom! That would be so hot. You have the sexiest body -- dudes would be jacking off in the hallways if they saw you!"
I giggled, suddenly feeling a heavy gush of hot juices between my legs as I imagined all those young and old men gamers from the convention paying homage to me by openly masturbating. Glancing down at my son's crotch, I saw his own reaction betrayed by the suddenly large lump in his jeans. We actually got home late as we had to find rest stops twice so I could suck his cock and then later, climb into the back of my motherly minivan so he could screw me senseless.
So it was that my convention reputation was born. We didn't make every gamer con, but I have been told that many gamers, both young and old and of both genders always keep an eye out for our appearance...the woman known variously as Catalina or Cassie and her young boy toy, dressing up with an emphasis on showing off my immense tits and my voluptuous ass and long legs. I made a silly but sexy chain mail bikini, my famous barbarian slave bikini and thong inspired by 'Nova' from the original "Planet of the Apes (only skimpier), and my very risqué Vampira outfit consisting mostly of two narrow strips of silk that tied behind my neck and ran downwards, barely concealing my nipples before converging at my crotch to mold around my mound while failing to hide the fullness of my bush before sliding up between my ass cheeks to rejoin the front..
A simple search on the computer would probably reveal many pictures of me, posing and showing off at various conventions and I've lost count of the number of times my tits and ass have been groped and the number of pants covered erections that have rubbed up against me. John became a bit of a celebrity himself by association and while we took care never to reveal our relationship as mother and son, he was looked upon with envy and speculation as only he would enter our hotel room and be the one to cause the screams of passion that would no doubt disturb the sleep of those in the surrounding rooms.
And that brings us full circle and my story is almost complete, but for the last night of this last big convention...
As it always was on the last day of the great con, the main halls were packed, many eager to peruse and go insane in the dealer rooms while others were there for the big costume parade with oh so many creative costumes, some silly and some sexy. Of course, some like mine were slutty as hell.
I had on my Vampira outfit, what little there was of it, along with four inch black stilettos. I had my dark hair teased and coiffed perfectly and with makeup and some expensive fangs expertly applied, I was one obscene looking vampire strutting myself up and down the halls of the con. John always hovered nearby, but often drifted a little ways away to watch his fellow gamers drool over me, barely able to keep their hands off me.
For my part, my barely there outfit had little, um...costume malfunctions as I made my way through the crowds, exposing a breast here and there, my thick nipples standing out hard and proud. I made the day of a young man working in one of the larger booths when he suddenly realized that between my legs, my costume had rolled inward, captured by my thick labia, leaving them exposed and glistening wet. I followed his stare and giggled, slowly and teasingly tugged them back into place while accidentally fingering myself in the process.
I raised my index finger to my mouth and winking at him as I showed off the shiny fluid coating my finger, said, "You know, sometimes these costumes are more bother than they're worth. Some days, I wish I could just go naked." Then, I slowly sucked my own pussy juices off my finger, I watched him grunt and sort of hunch over, his hands feathering over his crotch where I thought I saw a dark spot begin to appear. I leaned in to him, letting my breasts quiver and roll and nearly escape their slender hold and said, "Thank you -- that's quite a compliment!" I then strolled away feeling sinfully victorious, hoping he was making the most out of my jiggling and naked buttocks.
I know I violated the morality clauses for costumes, but for some reason, I was never challenged on what I was wearing. I prided myself that if one gives the people what they really want, no one is going to complain.
As I strolled back out of the dealer room and into the central hall, I heard John call my name and then felt his hand on my shoulder as he said, "Mom, I have a surprise for you!"
I turned around and gasped as I saw several familiar faces -- their eyes bulging with amazement and delight as in older times. Standing before me were three of John's old gaming group -- Lewis, the slender and industrious worker who's nearly terminal acne was gone, now replaced by a trim goatee of reddish gold hair; Mark who was still fighting his weight, portly with a perpetual five o'clock shadow and big black eyes behind thick frames that moved hungrily over my nearly naked body; and finally, Brian -- who three years into his enlistment as a Marine had the body of a Greek God, his T-shirt and jeans molded tightly against his form.
"Oh, my lord!" I gasped, suddenly pleased and shocked and a little unnerved. I glanced at my son who was standing there with an evil leer on his face. I wasn't sure what to say or do, feeling suddenly almost naked in front of these, men, who I used to tease so shamelessly.
It was Mark who broke the silence as he spoke in an almost croaking voice. "Mrs. H. You're looking fabulous...still the hottest, sexiest mother I know!"
Brian and Lewis mumbled agreement as John joined in with, "It's taken a lot of planning behind your back and they all could only make it for the last big day of the con, but we all thought it would be cool to surprise you, Mom!"
I nodded dumbly for a moment and then I tried to recover and conceal my embarrassment by throwing my arms wide and saying, "Well, come here, boys. I want a hug!"
I moved forward and Brian caught me in a sweeping embrace, hugging me to his rock hard body and lifting me off the ground. As he squeezed me against him, I had a moment's flash of fantasy as I envisioned him naked and on top of me, his muscular arms swelling as he did his pushups while fucking me hard. "You are a sight for these poor old eyes, Mrs. H." he breathed into my ear. "You look fantastic!"
I was passed off to Lewis who also hugged me tight, although I could feel him tensing up as my breasts spread against his chest. He kissed me quickly on the corner of my mouth, his beard and mustache tickling. I shifted as we hugged and my right thigh moved between his legs. Under his khakis, I could feel something snaking down his thigh. "Wow...seeing you brings back a lot of great memories, Mrs. H.!"
Then Mark stepped in and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. I could feel his heart pounding wildly against my chest and he gave me a quick peck on the lips, his face blushing as he ended it and pulled his head back. I wanted to laugh as the Mark of old asserted himself and I saw his eyes continually being drawn down to my nearly naked tits squashed against his chest. Then I felt his hands slide down my back and he cupped my butt cheeks for a quick moment before he stepped back and sighed, "I've really missed you, Mrs. H.!"
I laughed and looked at them all in turn again as my son slipped up beside me, his arms going around my waist. Each young man was staring at me with unadulterated lust, the bulges in their pants betraying their arousal. "I can't believe you're all almost seems like old times -- doesn't it, John?"
My son nodded and said, "Yeah, we've been emailing and texting each other for months and we weren't sure if we could pull it off. Lewis is in town for a sales conference on Monday and Mark hitched a ride with him from the University of Wisconsin. He's going to ride back with Brian." He reached out and playfully punched Brian in the shoulder, "And speaking of Sergeant Rock here...well, he just got back two weeks ago from a tour in Afghanistan."
I was almost bouncing up and down with excitement for my son and his friends -- knowing how important all those weekend games had been years ago. "This is wonderful -- all of you together and at the biggest, best con of them all!" I looked up at my son who had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Do you think you can get tickets for a game you all can play?"
John shook his head and said, "No, but I had a better idea. Everyone is coming up to our hotel room later this afternoon and I'll run a game for everyone!"
All three of his friends nodded happily and Lewis said, "Yeah, it will be just like the good old days!"
My son laughed and said, "No, it will be even better...the best game I've ever run!" He pulled me a little closer and said, "And everyone wants Catalina to be there too!"
John gave me a sly wink that made me tingle between my legs and in my nipples and I wondered what my naughty son might have in mind even as I managed to keep my wits about me and reply, "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
We continued to chat in the Great Hall for a while, catching up the lives of John's old friends. Brian, who'd come from a bad home, had seemingly found his place in the Marines and talked of making it a career. Lewis had worked his way up from a salesclerk at a local branch of a major retail outlet to becoming a regional sales manager and married to boot with a baby coming in December. Mark had already obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Literature and was pursuing a Masters, preparing his thesis on the lesser known but very influential fantasists of the twentieth century.
My reputation for my sexy costumes came up with all three young men confessing to have seen my pictures on various convention sites, but as Mark summed it up for everyone, "We all knew you were a sexy woman, but I never really believed it was you, Mrs. H!"
I shivered, inadvertently making my tits nearly escape from their thin coverings and said, "I know, I'm...shameless, but John doesn't mind and I really get a big kick out of it!" I ran my hands down along my hips, knowing their gazes followed to linger between my barely covered cunt. "I hope I'm not shocking anyone!"
All three guys slowly shook their heads as they studied me from head to toe, no doubt storing the memory of my whorish outfit for masturbating later. Finally, Lewis said very softly, "Mrs. H., I think I speak for all of us when I say you'll never hear a complaint pass our lips!"
Again, I felt myself getting red even as I could feel the already wet silk between my legs grown even wetter. I was afraid to look down, positive I would see my pussy juices trickling down my thighs. I was searching for a reply that didn't start with an impassioned sob for the ogling young men to fuck me where I stood when Mark changed the topic, trying to get John to offer up any helpful hints for the game.
Finally, we parted with a promise to rendezvous in our hotel room in one hour. John and I retreated to our room where I slithered out of my outfit, grinning evilly at my son. "That's quite a surprise you dropped on me, sweetie. I wished I'd known about this. I'd have packed a proper outfit to tease them with like I used to." I licked my lips and said, "Remember how wet I'd be by the time the game was over and they badly I needed to be fucked by you?"
My son laughed at me and said, "So, what are you looking forward to the most -- gaming with the guys or getting fucked afterwards?"
I strolled up to my son, naked save for my stilettos and rubbed up against him. "What do you think, John? Matter of fact, I wouldn't mind getting in a quickie right now!" I rubbed my hand over the already growing bulge in his crotch.
John reached down and caressed my pussy, sliding his hands back and forth through my thick, but very damp bush and then expertly sliding his middle finger inside me and doing a slow, torturous stir. Just as I was getting into it, my hips beginning to roll in rhythm with his finger, my son withdrew and held his finger up, dripping with my cunt cream. As I quivered with need and anticipation, he slowly rubbed my juices over my lips while teasingly replying, "Sometimes, Mom, anticipation makes a thing even more wonderful."
I made a pouting expression and said somewhat unhappily, "My son...the cunt-teaser. Maybe, I'll just have to Ra*e one of your friends."
John leaned in and kissed me, still grinning that evil, naughty grin and said, "You can dream, can certainly dream!"
The game started off as so many had before. Silly, gross jokes abounded amidst not so subtle glances at me as I made sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. I settled for wearing a cut-off T-shirt that only barely concealed my braless breasts -- the lower half of my meaty tits becoming visible whenever I stretched or sat up a little too straight. With the T-shirt, I had one a pair of silk shorts that molded themselves to my body, outlining my mound.
A flood of memories of so many gaming nights came back as each fellow re-introduced his character. Brian, ever the precise tactician played a hard drinking, hard battling dwarf fighter named Ezahk. Lewis ran an elf cleric called Lurwein and Mark played a human wizard/thief named Blue Nate. I, of course played Catalina, my naughty ranger/barbarian.
John indeed ran a memorable game in which our upper mid-level characters assaulted the cavernous stronghold of a lich in order to retrieve a long lost artifact that was needed for saving the world yet one more time. Our characters fought armies of undead, drow guardians, a beholder (which I freaking hate), and in the battle royal, the lich and his closest followers. It was a battered and bloody party that emerged victorious from the lair of the now destroyed lich, finding ourselves in the high mountains of the Northern Realms.
"Ezahk washes the beholder goo off his battleaxe, spits and declares, 'I need a drink!'" declared Brian in
His companions grunted their approval of his suggestions and John shot me a sly grin and said, "Well, you're in luck. You are maybe two days march from the small town of Hallz down in the valley."
A shiver ran down my spine as he named the town where my character had first experienced sex in the game and I raised an eyebrow in surprise, wondering what my son was up to. A few minutes of dice rolling later and John announced, "You find yourselves inside the Drunken Eagle tavern. You can smell the hops from their local brew as well as the aroma of deer and tater stew simmering from the kitchen."
"Innkeeper -- four tankards of your finest ale and keep them coming," bellowed Mark.
"You make your way to an empty table and a skinny waitress hurries over with four foamy mugs of ale," John said. "She winks at the elf and then after she serves you, smiles at Catalina and says, 'So good to see you again, M'lady.' She then gives Catalina a really weird smile and saunters off giggling."
"I slap the serving wench on the ass and tell her to bring us four bowls of that stew...heavy on the deer and then turn to Catalina and ask her, 'She seemed to know you -- you've been here before?'" Brian asked.
I felt my face reddening a little as I replied, "Oh, I pass through from time to time." All three guys looked at me oddly. I guess in all my years as the sexy gamer mother, they never saw me act embarrassed or off balance.