Page 03
On Friday, Gary arrived downstairs to find me eating my lunch dressed only in a body stocking. It was much like the leotard but it was flesh-colored rather than black, and thus easier to see through. The legs were shorter, extending barely halfway down my thighs instead of to my ankles, and both the back and the front dipped low, the back rounded while the front dove into a deep V.
I had found the body stocking while searching the bottom of a drawer because, what with one thing and another, I was behind with the laundry and had run out of leotards. I held it up to the light but rejected it as too revealing. On second thought, I held it up again and whispered, "Wow." A delightfully wicked feeling shimmered through me so strongly I ignored my nattering conscience which quickly faded as I sat down on the bed and pulled the stocking on.
When he first saw me, Gary stopped dead in his tracks, mouth open. I didn't tease him, I just quietly handed him the doll.
"We're late. Why don't you warm me up... uh, massage the doll, while I make your lunch."
Gary sat down, his eyes soaking in the body stocking, or more accurately, the parts it didn't cover so well. I glanced at him and he started massaging the doll.
"I want you to have some fruit," I said. "You're going to get scurvy the way you eat."
Gary nodded in the compliant manner he had adopted of late. I put his typical two pieces of toast in and then brought him a banana. Since he was holding the doll in two hands, I peeled it for him, slowing pulling down each strip, and nibbled a small bit off the top before handing it to him.
Before Gary could release a hand from the doll to take it, I said, "Oh, right, you've got the doll. Here, I'll feed you while you work on the doll."
I put the banana to Gary's lips, "Go ahead."
His thumbs rubbed up and down the front of the doll as I pushed the banana into his mouth, leaning over in an exaggerated fashion to give him an eyeful.
"They're good, aren't they?"
I put the banana into my own mouth, lifting Gary's eyes from my breasts. They widened when I pushed the banana deep into my mouth and then slid it all the way out.
"Sorry, I forgot it was your banana."
I snagged another small bite and then pushed it into Gary's mouth. He took a large bite. The toast popped, so I finished the banana and swayed over to butter Gary's toast, making sure my butt wiggled with each swipe of the knife. Gary devoured the toast and we moved into the living room. I lay down on the comforter and immediately began squirming around, trying to avoid eye contact with Gary's bulging erection.
"Gary, I want you to keep me company while I go to the store."
"To the store?"
"Yes. There were some rough-looking fellows hanging around the last couple of times and they make me nervous. You'll come, won't you?" I asked, closing my eyes as I arched my back sharply to thrust my breasts upward, forcing my nipples into the body stocking.
"I don't know, Mom. It's been a long time since..."
"Please, son. I'm a little frightened."
I rolled onto my left shoulder, then my right, twisting toward him and stretching to emphasize my breasts.
"I'll try," he mumbled.
"Thanks. I knew I could rely on you."
I treated Gary to a command performance. I had become jaded over the past few weeks and where I was formerly hesitant to adopt more lurid poses, I now had so such inhibitions. I no longer worried that my posture was ridiculously provocative, I was only concerned about whether it was sufficiently sexy to make Gary want me as a woman so I could lure him out of the house. I thrived on my success, knowing Gary jacked off quietly while he watched me on the floor and that he couldn't wait until he reached his room to finish himself off. However, toward the end of my extended routine, Gary voiced doubt about his ability to leave the house.
"Mom, I'll really try to go with you but I might not be able to make it," he whined.
I stopped and sat up, my back to him, and legs tucked to one side.
"I really want you to come, Gary."
"I know. I'll try, Mom, but I don't think I'll be able to do it."
It was only then that I noticed that we had forgotten to turn on the TV. The screen was blank and I could see Gary's reflection, sitting behind and slightly to my left, pillow in one hand and his cock in the other.
"I want you to really try, son."
I lifted my right hand up to my left shoulder as I spoke. Gary watched intently, and didn't answer. I looked sideways and slipped my finger nails under the body stocking on top of my shoulder and urged it over the edge, then turned the other way and did the same on the other side. Gary sucked in his breath and stopped breathing.
"I really want you to come," I repeated.
I pulled the body stocking down to my elbow on my left side, then did the same with my right.
"You will come, won't you?"
Gary was silent except for his raspy breath.
I pulled my left arm out of the stocking's sleeve, then turned and did the same with my right.
"Will you come?"
Gary remained mute. I pulled the body stocking down my waist until it rested on my hip, turned to look down at my right side and slowly did the same there.
"Yes," Gary whispered his answer.
"For sure?"
"Yes," he hissed.
I turned halfway then, but not far enough to see him.
"Thank you, son."
My tits slung out from my chest, nipples stiff with excitement, and I leaned slightly to one side to emphasize the curve of my spine and the slender length of my neck. I completed the rest of my floor routine half-naked. Gary couldn't contain himself sufficiently to remain completely silent. The sound of his hand moving up and down on his cock disturbed the air but was ignored by us both, despite its electrifying effect on the air between us.
I didn't warn Gary when I stood up. I simply turned and caught him, hand in lazy mid-stroke, suddenly shocked into immobility. Ignoring his plight, I stooped to kiss him, the upper part of the body stocking hanging down from my hips. I kissed his forehead and then placed my lips on his, leisurely kissing him as if I was pecking him on his cheek, only longer. Nonetheless, the casual brush of my lips on his made his manhood lurch, and when I say manhood, I mean manhood because it was long enough to nuzzle between my dangling breasts.
"I'll be ready in half an hour," I whispered.
I didn't remember to put on my sexy walk as I climbed the stairs because my body was still tingling from my brazen act and the turmoil it had caused in my mind. I couldn't believe what I'd just done. I hadn't heeded John's warning and now I had gone much further than I ever intended but that wasn't what bothered me the most. I would do what it took to bring back my son and I sensed it would take more than watching me prance around in a leotard to get him back into the world. So what bothered me so much? That was easy: I hadn't expected to enjoy it so much.
How did John know to warn me? That question added to the caldron in my mind and made me wonder how well I knew my husband. What had really happened between him and his mother?
Gary rushed by a few minutes later, trying to get to his room before he lost his load. I followed him down the hallway a couple of minutes later. Though his door wasn't completely shut, I couldn't see inside, but I heard him feverishly beating his meat and hoarsely muttering my name.
Whack, whack, whack.
Realizing I was naked outside his door, I became self-conscious and turned away. I had to pull my hand from between my legs.
I'm in control, I assured myself. I'm in control, I repeated.
"Where are you going?" Gary asked nervously as I drove past the corner store.
"Just to the mall. It's only a little further."
"Mom, you said the store," Gary complained.
"No, I said I was worried about some tough guys hanging around the mall."
"Mom, you said the store."
"Did I? Well, you know I meant the mall. Why would tough guys be hanging around the corner store?"
"Mom, it's too far."
I put my hand on Gary's thigh, patted it to reassure him, then slid up a couple of inches, squeezed, and left my hand in place.
"It will be fine. You can stay in the car but watch me until I get inside in case there's any of those guys around."
We were already approaching the mall parking lot. I turned in and Gary pushed back into the seat, resigned and slouching, an action that pushed his hips forward, forcing his bulging jeans, warm and throbbing, onto the edge of my hand. I steered to an area of empty parking spaces far from the doors, knowing Gary would be alone and wanting to limit any possible interaction that would make him bolt. Reluctant to remove my hand from between his legs, I put the car in Park with my left and reached awkwardly through the steering wheel to turn off the ignition. I didn't want to leave the keys in the car.
"I'll be back in a jiffy, son," I said, looking around to see if anyone was nearby. We were alone. I leaned over and kissed Gary on the cheek which put pressure on my hand, the one pressing on his crotch. As I brushed my lips over his skin, I wiggled my little finger.
"Wait for me," I whispered.
I rushed off and didn't look back, afraid I might see Gary already getting out of the car.
In the mall, I rushed toward the pharmacy. I needed to buy something to make it look like there was a reason for going. I felt the urge to hurry, worried now that I hadn't gone far enough to offset Gary's fears. The lingerie store caught my eye. Why not? I hurried inside and made a bee-line directly to the young girl at the counter.
"Where are your negligee's?" I demanded abruptly.
The girl was startled but to her credit responded quickly, "Right over here," immediately leading the way.
Obviously competent, the young woman pointed me right at my size for their more expensive line. I grabbed a black, lacy set.
"I'll take this one."
Even given my whirlwind entry, the girl was taken aback by the speed of my decision but she handled it well. Sensing my urgency, she took the negligee to the counter. She didn't bother asking me if that was all I wanted.
"Will that be cash or credit card?"
She was already ringing it up and by the time the register spit out the receipt she had wrapped the negligee and put it in a stylish bag. She took my money, quickly returned the correct change, and thanked me for coming in. It was at that point that I noticed she was very pretty and quite healthy looking.
"I'm sorry," I said. "I'm in a real hurry."
She smiled pleasantly. "We're here to help any way we can."
"You've been awesome. Thanks."
On the way out of the mall, I ran into Sandra and her son. They were talking as they walked, both obviously interested in their conversation and each other, and looked almost like a couple rather than a mother and son. I felt a twinge of envy.
I want that with Gary.
I couldn't avoid them so I walked on, hoping they were too distracted to see me but Sandra did and smiled, clearly pleased by the encounter.
"Hello Joan. It's so nice to see you."
"Oh, hello Sandra, and Jeff," I nodded to her son.
"I'm so sorry to hear about Gary's problem with Billy."
Jeff looked uncomfortable and Sandra's face immediately took on the expression of one who realizes she's said something she shouldn't have.
"Anyway, I can see you're in a hurry. Call me if you feel like talking."
I nodded, not sure whether I was confirming that I was in a rush or that I would call. I walked away, speeding up as I neared the door. What was that all about? I pushed the incident out of my mind, worried that Gary might have fled. Had I pushed him too far? I burst through the doors and immediately locked my eyes on the car. Thank goodness! He was still there.
Relieved, Sandra's mention of Billy returned. Vanessa's son? Did he have something to do with Gary's problem? Anger flooded through me. That little bastard. I would give him a piece of my mind. More than that, I'd...
I looked up. Gary had stepped out of the car.
"Are you alright? Did something happen?"
I smiled to relieve his concern. "No, I'm fine."
"You looked upset."
"No, no. I'm fine. I guess I was a bit more nervous than I thought."
I opened the car and got in. Gary did too and closed the door.
"Maybe it's genetic," he mused.
"Yeah. Maybe I got this thing from you?"
I frowned, not comprehending. Gary waved at the parking lot. Ahhh, I must have looked panicked the way I had raced to the car.
"Maybe," I said. "But we can handle it, can't we, especially if we work through it together?"
"I guess."
"Let's go home."
John was home when we arrived. When I opened the door he was waiting, worried as hell, but when he saw Gary with me his face relaxed. He was absolutely tickled that Gary had gone out with me. After Gary went upstairs, he hugged me and gushed, "I can't believe it, Joan. Whatever you're doing, don't stop."
I laughed nervously, needing relief too. It had been a stressful day. "Ye of little faith."
"Not anymore." John hugged me again, squeezing hard.
"Hey, be careful with the goods," I complained.
John released me. "I wouldn't want to do that, not when they're working so well."
"John!" I gasped, flashing a look upstairs.
John looked properly chastised, and lowered his voice. "It's amazing what a woman can do with a little attention and a few poses," he laughed.
"We have our ways." Thank God he thought that's all it had taken.
"You've brought back our son, Joan, and I love you for it."
"Is that all you love me for?"
"No, of course not."
The thought made me think of how inattentive my husband had been for so long and, for some reason, it made me think of what Sandra had said.
"I saw Sandra today and she said something that implied Vanessa Hammond's son might have had something to do with Gary's problem."
John looked suddenly uncomfortable.
"John, did you know about this?"
"No. Well, I heard something to that affect and thought I should have a talk with his father."
"His father? He doesn't wear the pants in that family. I'll have a talk with Vanessa."
"Joan, maybe you should just let it lie. You're having amazing success with Gary. Let's not do anything that will change that. We can deal with the Hammonds later."
That made sense and some of my anger melted away but I wasn't entirely convinced.
Gary joined us for dinner that night and John was completely blown away by his easy interaction with us. Afterwards, in bed, I had to press upon him the need for him to stay in the background so Gary didn't feel pressured.
"I still need lots of space to work with him. He's a work in progress."
"Okay, babe. I'll stay out of the way."
"I'm still pissed at Vanessa."
"It's not her fault, Joan. It's her bratty little kid."
"I know, but it makes me so mad."
"If it will make you feel better, I'll talk to her."
"Will you?"
"Of course."
"I just don't want her kid interfering now that I've got Gary on the right track."
"I'll talk to her," John consoled me.
That night I didn't sleep well. I dreamed about John and his mother engaging in forbidden acts, things way beyond what I'd done with Gary. Did I need to justify myself by imaging that John had committed worse with his mother? I was particularly unsettled when John's face was replaced with Gary's and then his mother's with mine but the worst part of the dream was when Gary became John again and his mother 's face was replaced with Vanessa's.
I looked a lot like John's mother. Some people used to joke that he had married his mother which really pissed me off because I wasn't like her at all but, now that I thought about it, Vanessa was, a lot. They had the same domineering personality whereas I was normally quite shy and even submissive. Perhaps that's why Sandra and I got along so well. Anyway, when I awoke I was uncomfortable about sending John to talk to Vanessa but reminded myself of the importance of focusing on my own mission—saving my son—especially now that success was so near.
The next day I didn't wait for Gary to start massaging the doll. I sat on the comforter in front of him and immediately peeled the body stocking from my shoulders, then launched into a long series of stretches designed to display my body rather than relax my muscles. I was grateful for all the exercising I had done and realized, ironically, that if it hadn't been for Gary's problem I wouldn't be in such good shape and ready to offer the solution which seemed poised to deliver him from a lonely fate.
Every nerve tingled as I undulated before my son, flexing my unblemished skin and supple muscles. Was this tasty feeling the one John had warned me about? Had his mother confided to him her inner feelings or had he observed it and capitalized on its intoxicating effect?
I didn't know. All I knew was I felt wonderful knowing how much my son desired me and that, by simply displaying my wares, I could make him feel so good. I could hear him now, playing with himself and openly enjoying my body, unafraid.
I swung down onto my back and started working my legs. Curling up my behind, I took us to another level, grasping the waistband of the body stocking and tugging it over my buttocks, stopping as a tease, then continuing slowly, sliding the meshed material along my thighs to my knees. I slipped the stocking over my knees and pushed it up to my feet where I hooked it on my toes and let it dangle above my face.
My bottom, now completely exposed, was thankfully pointed away from Gary. Why thankfully? Such lewd exposure seemed gross to me, as it would any woman, but I knew men loved it, except John, at least, as far as I knew. I had never done anything like this in front of my husband but in stripper bars they always pointed their ass at the customers, spreading their legs for the disgusting beaver shot. Ugghhhh.
However, I wasn't quite ready to see if it would appeal to my son. But why not? He was a typical teenager and that's why my solution was working. Should I not to the distance and let him see?
Well, if you didn't want him to see, why did you uncover yourself?
Why indeed? I lifted my legs and let the stocking drop onto my face. I couldn't bring myself to engage in such lewd behaviour without some protection, even if only this fragile anonymity. I swiveled on the floor, turning just enough for my son to get a glimpse of what I had exposed.
He gasped. I swiveled more toward him. Whack, whack, whack. I couldn't see it but I could hear his hand moving faster and faster. I turned my ass right at him, keeping my legs high and bending my knees until they were above my face. I'm a wanton little hussy!
Gary was breathing harshly, gasping for air. I could tell he was about to come. I threw my legs out and snapped up onto my knees, ripping the stocking from my face and tossing it aside. Gary's face was almost purple, so much blood and oxygen had rushed to his penis. His eyes were wide. I grabbed his cock, displacing his hand. My other hand circled his nuts and squeezed hard. Gary's eyes almost bugged out of his head but his cock softened, just a tad, but enough to halt the imminent gusher in his balls.
"I want you to go to the mall with me this afternoon," I cried.
"Okay, Mom. Okay."
"Inside," I hissed.
"Yes. I want you to come inside with me."
"Mom, I can't."
"You can, if you want to enough."
"No, Mom. I can't."
"You can," I repeated. "Do you want to?"
I moved my hand up and down once. Gary's eyes widened in shock.