Page 04

"Do you want to?" I repeated, stroking him a second time.

Gary nodded.

"Tell me," I demanded.


"You'll come?"

I stroked him twice and loosened my grip on his balls.



I tickled his balls and started a steady stroke, up and down, up and down, slowly, gripping his cock tightly, squeezing up to the head, rubbing its underside with my thumb and grazing over the helmet with the tip of my index finger.

"I promise."

"Promise on your love for your mother."

I bent my head, blew hot breath onto his cock and fixed him with my gaze.

"I promise on my love for you."

"Well, alright then."

I pulled my hand back to fit Gary's cock between my tits, and started jacking him with a nice, regular stroke. I wiggled my tits around his engorged cock and smiled. Gary was beyond doing anything but trying to breathe which was obviously a struggle for him. He lifted his hips, trying to fuck my breasts. He was close, very close. I laughed, throatily encouraging him.

"Come," I cooed.

"I will. I promised."

"No," I said. "Come."

Ahhh, the dawning realization in his eyes as he understood my invitation was so wickedly delicious.

"Come?" he asked.

"Yes, come; on my tits."

I bent my head so I could see his purple, bloated helmet pushing through, appearing and then disappearing within my breasts. It surfaced again and I quickly blew hot breath on it.

"Oh, my God. Mom!" Gary gasped, his legs straining, going rigid.

I choked back a laugh of exhilaration. It was such a thrill to make him feel this way, this young man, my son, with his strong, young cock. I blew again, and again, and again. His legs repeatedly tensed with superhuman effort to thrust his pole through my tits.

"Come," I urged.

He was beyond answering. He could barely breathe.

"Come," I pleaded, wanting to feel his spunk splatter all over my breasts, a debasement I had never experienced before and would have rejected with disgust if asked, but not now.

The first spurt surprised me. I was expecting it on my tits, but Gary's cock released its treasure when it poked through them, lobbing a thick string of white goo onto my chin and across my lips. The second sprayed my neck and the underside of my jaw. The third came when he poked through again, onto my face.

I couldn't believe it. I pulled away as Gary's hips lurched, spasmodically dispensing the rest of his spunk. I stood, and stumbled back, turned, and ran up the stairs, needing to get clean, suddenly not wanting my son to see me shamed like that.

In the bathroom, I turned on the water and bent over to immerse myself in its cleansing stream but, at the last second, raised my head and looked at myself in the mirror. Gary's thick, sticky goo was strewn across my face and neck and was dripping onto my breasts. I laughed at my reflection.

"You wanton little bitch," I scolded myself, a crooked smile twisting my face.

Gary knocked on the bedroom door while I was washing myself.

"Mom? Mom?"

I didn't answer, and he went away. I followed a few minutes later and heard him beating himself to climax again, crying out my name. This time, the door had been left wide open but Gary didn't see me. His back was to me as he lay on his bed, hand dangling in front of himself out of my sight, moving rapidly in concert with his flexing buttocks. I loved their strength and didn't leave until they went rigid, tightly clenched until he had dispensed his second load.

I didn't take Gary to the mall until it was almost closing time. I led him straight to the lingerie store. The young woman recognized me; I guess I had made a bit of an impression. I was amused because I could read the assumption behind the look on her face, the calculation that explained my inexplicable rush to buy a negligee on my last visit. Gary looked much more like his father than me and I could see her comprehension mixed with surprise that I would bring my young lover into the store. However, she was a quick study and moved to meet us at the negligee section before I actually turned that way.

She was more attractive than I remembered and I patted myself on the back for the choice of coming here. If this young beauty couldn't pull Gary away from me, nobody could. I set about getting her involved as directly and quickly as I could.

"I'm so glad you're still open," I gushed.

"We're about to close," she replied, indicating the partly closed sliding glass doors across the front of the store.

"Oh no," I cried. "I have an emergency. I simply must get a few things," I said, making a point of ignoring Gary but somehow managing to convey how central he was to my 'emergency'.

The girl smiled sympathetically.

"Couldn't you stay open for just a few more minutes?" I pleaded.

She was hesitant but succumbed to my desperation.

"Well," she said, looking at the expensive underwear I had picked up, "why don't you take those into the back so nobody can see you in the store while I close up. "

"Thank you. Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver. Come with me, Gary," I said, taking him into tow.

I found a fitting room in the back and started removing my dress, leaving the door open. Gary watched, obviously believing we were to be left alone and rightfully thinking I wouldn't mind. I think he was truly surprised several minutes later when I turned around and addressed the girl. He clearly didn't realize she had been there watching him watch me for a full minute before I spoke.

"What do you think?"

"I think it would look better in blue," she replied honestly.

I agreed with her assessment. This girl wasn't just interested in a sale, she was out to get a satisfied customer that would return time and again. She held up the same outfit I had taken but in midnight blue.

"Thank you," I smiled appreciatively, leaning past Gary to take the garments. "No, don't go. I need your opinion."

I glanced at Gary in disdain, acknowledging our mutual understanding of male limits regarding clothes. I started removing the first negligee, then paused.

"I should know your name if I'm going to undress in front of you."

"Maria, and you're?"


"And?" Maria looked at Gary.

Gary was tongue-tied. "Gary," I answered for him.

Maria smiled. "I'm here to help, Gary. There's no pressure on you."

I removed the negligee, leaving my own panties which I had kept on. I put on the blue ones, but removed my bra. I felt self-conscious about my breasts in front of this young woman but only for a moment. Gary's eyes showed me how attractive my older, not-as-firm-as-they-once-were breasts, still were. They might be less firm but they still retained their shape and my nipples were, if anything, more prominent than they were when set upon their younger selves, and easily showed through the material of the negligee.

It was my turn to be surprised when I caught a glimmer of interest in Maria's eyes. Perhaps there was more than a sales interest in this young woman. I seized upon the discovery, immediately realizing its potential to help me quickly attain my goal of getting Gary interested in a younger woman, and having her return his interest.

"That looks great on you," Maria commented.

"Do you think so?" I asked, twisting back and forth, examining myself in the mirror. "It's hard to tell with my own on underneath."

"You can take them off," Maria suggested.

"Really? Can you still sell them if I do?"

"Oh no, but we can use them as demos for the floor only."

"That's wonderful," I said, immediately taking her up on the suggestion before she changed her mind, slipping both sets of panties down my legs. I turned my bottom toward both of them as I bent over, taking my time to daintily step out of the panties, separating them, and pulling the new ones back on as I let the others drop. A weird feeling came over me. I had never undressed completely in front of a woman before.

"What do you think?" I asked, preening in front of Gary and Maria.

"Wonderful," Maria replied.

"Great, M..."

I cut Gary off before he could reveal our relationship. Not yet, anyway.

"Gary doesn't know what he's talking about," I explained to Maria, "unless he can make a comparison."

Maria smiled and nodded.

"Do you think you could help?"

"Please?" Maria sought further explanation.

"Can you help him compare?"

"I don't... "

"What are you wearing?"

"Oh, I see. Um, nothing fancy, just my regular stuff."

"I bet it's not just regular, working in a store like this. Would you mind? Just for a comparison?"

Maria shrugged, then reached behind herself to undo her dress. She fumbled with it, which surprised me, working with clothes like she did. She turned her back to me, seeking help, but I turned her toward Gary.

"Help her with her dress, honey."

Gary managed to undo the zipper and Maria actually blushed, her eyes fluttering closed. She was a real cutie. This was so much fun!

The dress hung loosely on Maria for a moment, then she shrugged and it fell to the floor. Gosh, she was built. Her breasts belied her slight frame and her slightly darker skin was beautifully textured, almost outshining the black bra and panties. They were a nice set, obviously from this store. Maria looked up, opening her eyes and standing demurely in front of me. We both acted as if Gary wasn't there.

"Come closer," I beckoned, "so he can see."

Maria stepped closer to me.

"Closer," I whispered.

Maria obeyed, until we were standing breast to breast, only an inch apart.

"What do you think, Gary?" I asked, looking over Maria's shoulder, my eyes shushing him.

After a few seconds of silence, I made a suggestion, "Perhaps if he could just concentrate on the panties? They're his favorite part."

Without waiting for an answer, I pulled the negligee off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. I was standing naked in front of this girl, this stranger, except for my panties. I felt suddenly exposed.

Maria hesitated, then slowly reached behind herself and released her bra. She shrugged it onto her forearms and bent to let it fall off and onto the floor on top of the negligee.

"What do you think, Gary?" she asked.

"Closer," I urged.

Maria complied. Our breasts touched, electrically, nipples grazing one another. Gary's breathing became noticeable and I smiled, my lips only millimeters from Maria's.

"He looking down there," I told Maria, barely loud enough for her to hear. Maria nodded. "Come closer," I whispered, tightening my buttocks and pushing my mound forward.

Maria didn't comply but she stood her ground. Our nipples grazed past each and our breasts mashed together, then our panties met, rustling, mound to mound. Gary groaned. The heat from Maria's steamy mound almost made me swoon as our private parts sought each other, pressing, seeking alignment, then finding it as our grooves fit together, perfectly. My lips nibbled hers as I initiated our first kiss.

A key rattled in the door.

"Oh, my God. It's the manager!" Maria cried, pulling back.

I grabbed my dress from the hook and Maria stooped to pick up hers.

"Quick," she urged. "Go out the back."

We stumbled to the back of the store, both struggling to get out dresses on, Maria's face frantic except for when she looked at Gary, at his groin, and the large lump there.

"Let me help you," I gasped, pulling up her zipper.

"No, no," Maria cried, coming to her senses. "Go, you must go!"

Gary and rushed through the door. It closed quickly, but quietly. That girl was on the ball. Gary and I were outside, behind the mall. I turned my back to him. "Zip me up," I spoke calmly.

We walked around the mall to the car and were almost there when I caught Vanessa from the corner of my eye about to get into her car. I didn't slow my pace but turned my head to look at her. She held my gaze, responding with the look of a woman who had a secret. It was a triumphant look.

John was home when we got back to the house. He offered to take us all out for dinner but settled for order-in. Gary went directly to his room.

"A setback?" John asked.

"No. Well, maybe. I'll have to see," I said.

"Well, we shouldn't be having any more problems from that Billy kid."

"Oh? You talked to Vanessa?" The image of Vanessa's superior smile flooded back into my consciousness.

"Yes," John replied.

"Then everything is settled?"

"Not quite. It's a work in progress, you might say."

I wasn't happy with his answer but it explained Vanessa's haughty expression, a look I hadn't experienced since John's mother passed away. That crooked smile meant only one thing to me: Vanessa was having, or at least initiating, an affair with my husband. Was she doing it to protect her son, to stop John from going to the authorities, or was she just doing it because she could? Had it actually been consummated, or would Vanessa be satisfied in the knowledge that she could have my man anytime she wanted?

I was surprised that I cared at this point but I did. I wanted my husband but I didn't have time to fight for him now. Not at this moment, anyway.

"Can we talk about it later? I've got to be with Gary. It was hard for him out there today."

"There's no need to talk," John said. "I'll order in."

Now I definitely knew there was a problem. I turned to go upstairs and almost stopped but managed to keep walking, though more slowly, up the stairs. The comforter was folded neatly and piled on the couch. I hadn't done that and certainly Gary wouldn't have folded it. We must have left it spread on the floor in front of the couch. I pressed on.

Gary was surprised by my entry. He sat up in bed, where he had been lying in his underwear, his hands covering his obvious erection. Leaving the door open, I went and stood close to him to help hide his indiscretion in case John followed me upstairs. From the size of his erection, I'm sure Gary was reliving the scene in the store.

"You didn't let me know if you liked the new negligee."

Gary looked up at me with a dumb expression on his face.

"I guess we were in a pretty big hurry to leave," I smiled.

Gary nodded.

"So maybe you can tell me now, before our dinner arrives."

My hands, which had been hanging by my sides, began sliding my dress up. Gary's eyes widened and he looked around me to his open door and the hallway beyond. His father was out there somewhere he knew, but upstairs or downstairs?

I didn't tell him. My hands rose further, raising the hem slowly, each inch further impairing Gary's breathing, until it was apparent that I was still wearing the blue negligee. Gary's eyes were riveted on my legs, or more accurately, on the shiny blue negligee now being gathered with my dress as it continued its journey up my legs. I kept pulling and knew the instant the blue panties appeared by the loud gasp Gary released.

"From now on, I want you to take me anywhere I want to go, shopping, hiking, swimming, biking, anywhere."

Gary mumbled something.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, mother."

"You promise?"

"Yes, mother."


I placed my right foot a half-step to the side, parting my legs. Gary stared but didn't do anything. I swayed my hips, bringing the blue panties closer to him.

"Do they look nice?" I asked.

"Yes," he croaked.

"Do they smell nice?'

Gary looked up but quickly looked back down. I put my hand on top of his head but didn't direct him in any way. He leaned forward an inch, and breathed in, deep.

It was an outrageous request. Gary didn't need any further motivation to go outside. I knew he would follow me to the mall just to see Maria again, that I could slowly disentangle myself, leaving them alone, with each other. Maybe that's why I was doing this, because I was afraid of losing my son completely. I needed to give him a little more to make sure he never left me for good.

The phone rang. I heard John answer it but he didn't call out. It was for him, which was strange because he hardly ever received calls at home. His voice lowered and then I could barely hear him but not enough to hear what was being said. Was it Vanessa?

Gary breathed in again, a long, very deep breath, then exhaled slowly. He had closed his eyes.

I looked over my shoulder, down the hall. I still couldn't hear what John was saying. I looked at my hand, still resting on top of Gary's head. I pulled, urging it forward.

"Do they taste good?" I whispered, my voice trembling.

Gary's head tipped forward until his nose pressed into my blue puffiness, then straightened a little as he thrust his chin forward. I felt his hand sliding up between my thighs. My own breathing became as ragged as his. Something warm and wet graced my mound, his tongue.

My knees buckled and I lurched forward. Gary's free arm circled around my waist and the hand between my legs rose up to take some of my weight but his mouth, his mouth remained latched on the blue, silk panties. Gary's tongue dug into the furrow between my lips as his mouth surrounded me, chewing. I fell further forward, losing my balance, but Gary's hand no longer held me up, it was exploring, seeking, squiggling inside the panties. He was leaning back, across the bed, slowing my fall, his encircling arm keeping me from sliding off, holding me in place, on his mouth.

We collapsed with a silent bang, the bedsprings the only announcement of the illegal coupling of his mouth and my pussy. I hadn't even tried to break my fall. The panties were being dragged down by Gary's hand, its fingers hooked through the bottom. His mouth made contact with my bareness and his tongue immediately snaked into my cunt.

I was holding his ears though I couldn't remember grabbing them. I pulled, trying to get his tongue further inside me, directing it, churning my hips over his face.

"Eat it!" I raged.

"Unnghhh," I cried as his thick fingers shoved into me.

I humped his face, unconcerned for his comfort and no longer worried about my husband. I tried to tell Gary what to do but it came out garbled. I had lost it, lost all control. I ravaged his face, coming already, unbelievably, coming already. I turned my face into the bed and bit the covers, filling my face, muffling my orgasm, legs spastically jerking off the other side of the bed. I was done, relaxing, flooding with relief. I got up on my knees, worked my way back and then stood up, fitted the panties around my sex and smoothed the dress down over my legs.

"Dinner will be here soon," I said, as if that's what I'd come upstairs to say.

The doorbell rang.

"It's here. Don't be long." I looked down at Gary, still sitting in his swollen underwear. "I'll take care of that later."

I turned and left. The self-recriminations started before I even reached the stairs. I had lost control, but worse, there hadn't even been a struggle. I had no excuse and could no longer cover my actions with illusions of helping my son.

I wanted him. That was the cold, harsh reality. If his cock hadn't been trapped inside his underwear, I might have forced myself upon it. The very thought of his youthful pole squeezing inside me made my legs weaken with desire, sending me sideways into the wall.

Get hold of yourself!

I had to recover, to refocus on my goal. Get Gary out of the house. Check. Get him acquainted with a girl. Check. Get him involved with said girl. In progress. What had happened wasn't a disaster. In fact it was a stroke of good fortune for it afforded me the excuse to show Gary just how exquisite a woman's attention can be. I owed him for what he had done in the bedroom and I would show him, then explain how I couldn't go further because I was his mother. He would have to understand that. However, Maria could and I would offer to invite her over to get things started. I straightened up and moved forward with a new sense of purpose. I had a plan and the will to put it into effect.​
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