Page 06

She loosened the skirt and knelt down as she pushed it over my hips and let it fall slowly down my legs, tracing a path down the outside of each one with her thumbs as she held the skirt. I stepped out of it and Maria stood, picked up a hanger with built-in pegs and hung the skirt neatly on the hook holding my blouse.

She turned back, looked me up and down, and asked, "Would you like to compare it to the one I'm wearing, like last time?"

Maria didn't wait for an answer. She reached behind herself and unzipped her dress. I was falling from her shoulders by the time my brain registered what she was doing.

"I'm not... uh, I'm not..."

Maria wasn't wearing a bra and her breasts, tanned and beautiful, sprang off her chest with youthful enthusiasm. Unlike my own which, though great for my age still sagged a little, they were firm and supple. Maria swayed toward me and grasped my hands in hers. If she thought I was going escape, she was wrong. My feet were as fixed to the floor as my eyes were fixated on her breasts.

"I like yours better," she said.

"I'm not, I'm not, uh..." I stammered.

"Neither am I," Maria whispered, her fingers loosening around my hands and sliding up my arms.

My eyes flickered to her face. Maria was staring at my breasts as her fingers tickled up my arms, her lips quivering in concert with my vibrating nipples. Her fingertips rounded my shoulders and traced a line along the ridge into the hollow of my neck, circled several times, then trailed down to the upper swelling of my breasts. She was so confident, so in control.

"Maria," I whispered, my mouth dry and voice hoarse. "Really, I'm not a lesbian."

"Neither am I," she whispered, "but you're so beautiful."

The tip of Maria's index fingers collided with my nipples and pushed, bending them over, and holding them like that.

"I love your nipples. They're so...there!"

"Yours will be too, in time."

"Yours weren't always so..."



"No, but my breasts weren't so soft, either. They used to be firm like yours. As you get older, they'll soften up and lose some of their mass which will make your nipples stand out more."

"Are they more sensitive?"

"I think so." I sucked in my breath as Maria pushed her fingertips past, allowing my nipples to snap erect. "I can't remember for sure."

"I wish mine were like yours."

I gasped as Maria pinched my nipples between thumbs and forefingers, holding them gently.

"And I yours," I whispered, reaching up to cup her firmer breasts.

We stood there, caressing each other's breasts, eyes alternating between tits and face, breaths shortening and coming more quickly.

"If we're not, you know, then why are we doing this?" I asked.

"I don't know," Maria asked. "Who cares? No one's watching."

A streak of fear suddenly ran through me.

"Your manager, he's not..."

"No." Maria corrected me, "She's at her other store."

I relaxed and my pelvis contacted Maria's. She pushed back, melding our panties.

"Mmmmm, this is nice," Maria said. "Why can't men be like this?"

"I don't know," I replied, gently twisting to the left and back, pressing my panties more firmly into Maria's.

We rocked together like that for a couple of minutes, neither letting go of the other's nipples, in limbo except that our pussies pressed together more firmly and actually rubbed against each other.

"Can I kiss you?" Maria asked, leaning toward me, already knowing the answer.


Her mouth was on mine. Her tongue didn't follow. It was longer than I expected and surprisingly nice. I liked it.

Maria pulled back but only half an inch. Her lips brushed over mine teasingly, then slipped around to my cheek and up to my ear lobe, nibbled it, then dropped onto my neck where the tip of her tongue appeared, trailing slickly out to the edge of my shoulder. She returned to nibble my face around the edge of my lips.

"Does your husband know about your young man?"

"He knows who he is," I responded truthfully.

"That's not what I asked."

"I know."

"That's quite a coup, bagging someone so young, but looking at you, feeling you, I can understand why he's attracted to you."

"Am I more interesting because I have a young man?"

I nibbled on Maria's face as she paused to consider my question.

"I don't know. Yes, I think it does."

Maria resumed her caresses. We were now trading kisses and nibbles, each still working the other's nipples.

"You're not much older than Gary," I whispered, rubbing my panties across hers.

"I'm not attracted to younger men," she laughed.

"But you are to older women?"

"Not until now."

"You don't know the half of it," I said, immediately regretting my loose tongue.

"You avoided my question. Does your husband know about Gary?"

"I'm not sure. I think maybe he does," I answered truthfully.

"Is that the half of it?"

Maria released my nipples and let her hands circle around my waist, down my back, and onto my ass. I followed suit.


"There's more?"


I replied thickly. Maria had slipped her hand around and pushed it between us, cupping my pussy. I did the same and was pleased when she gasped in response. We each rubbed the front of the other's panties, found each other's grooves, and explored gently.

Maria sighed. "You're so wicked. Did you let him find out on purpose?"

"No. I really don't know if he knows for sure but I suspect he does."

"Tell me more you wicked bitch."

"Ungghhh," I moaned. Maria had raised her hand up above my panties, slipped her fingers inside, and pushed them down, skidding in perfect alignment through my slick groove.

"Tell me," she rasped, curling the tip of her finger inward, probing my entrance, and pushing inside.

It had to be her long finger because it reached deep. I was about to speak, to reveal my secret, when Maria's tongue filled my mouth. It was an exquisite kiss, my very first with a woman. By the time it ended, my back was to the wall but Maria's body had followed mine, and my finger was inside her. Hers had become thicker and I realized that sometime during the kiss, Maria had slipped another finger inside me.

"Show me how wicked you are," she urged.

Her fingers pushed and twisted as Maria lowered her mouth to my breast and sucked my nipple deep into her mouth.

"Oh God," I cried.

"Tell me," Maria hissed. "I know there's something more. Tell me." Her mouth latched onto my tit again and sucked hard while her fingers pushed in so deep my pelvis lifted and my hips bucked toward her.

"He's my son," I cried. "Gary is my son!"

Maria lifted her head, and stared at me, mouth open.

"He's my son," I whimpered, shame overwhelming me despite the conviction that what I was doing was right. An obscure part of my brain noted how deep must run the courage of the righteous.

Maria's head shook slowly from side to side, unbelieving.

"I had to," I wailed. "He needed me."

"You had sex with him?" Maria was incredulous.

"Not yet."

Her mouth was on me, her fingers slipped out and her hand curled around my waist, pulling me tight. The kiss was urgent, yearning, until Maria abruptly pulled away.

"But you're going to, right? You will let him, won't you?"

Her eyes were feverish, demanding. I nodded hesitantly. "Maybe."

"You must! And you'll tell me when you do, right?"

"Yes." I don't know why I committed to do that. At the moment, it was important for Maria to know that I would.


Maria tugged my panties over my hips and pushed them onto my thighs. I thought she would kneel then to pull them further like she had with my skirt but instead she pushed her own panties down. Quickly, she pressed into me, our bare pussies mashing together.

"Please do let him fuck you. That would be so cool, so fucking awesome."

Maria pulled on my waist, yanking me hard onto her pussy, as if she was fucking me.

"God, you're so hot. If I had a son, I'd fuck him too."

"Shut up," I cried, encircling her waist and pulling her pussy onto mine.

Maria moved her hands around and grabbed my nipples again. Her mouth found mine and we kissed, tongues moving back and forth, slipping around each other, entwining, while our hips bucked together. Our bodies writhed, moving frantically, two women, neither a lesbian, making love, or at least fucking each other.

When it was over and we were sitting on the floor where we had collapsed, limbs entwined, hugging and nuzzling one another, Maria spoke first.

"You're an amazing woman."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You have the courage to love your son, because he needs you. How many women could do that?"

Laughing, I said, "I don't think many would consider it courageous."

"But it is," Maria insisted.

"I came here today because I was jealous, because Gary wants you."

The moment I said it I realized that it wasn't true. Gary had only used the prospect of sex with Maria to make me jealous. He wanted me, just as I wanted him.

"I would love to be with him, if it was alright with you."

I didn't answer.

"But it doesn't matter. I'd like to be with you again. I have a small apartment."

I put my fingers on Maria's lips.

"We'll see," I said.

"I'll give you the address just in case. You don't have to phone. Just come, anytime, day or night."

I laughed. "Do my wicked ways turn you on?"

"You don't know the half of it." Maria laughed.

I avoided Gary until the next afternoon. I went for a long walk in the morning, making sure I wasn't there when he returned from his supposed visit with Maria but I didn't call him on it. I wasn't sure if I should go through with it despite my desire and Maria's urging. To take him inside me was a huge step, one neither of us could ever forget. Could I be sure that Gary really wanted to, that he wouldn't regret it years later?

Gary was home, waiting for me when I got back from my walk. He was sitting in the kitchen, on a stool, the bulge in his shorts showing how much he missed me. I turned up the stairs instead of going into the kitchen. The stool scraped on the kitchen floor as Gary got up to follow me. I loosened my skirt and let it drop on the stairs, then started unbuttoning my blouse. Gary caught up in time to stand in the doorway as I tossed my blouse on the floor, quickly shrugged out of my bra, and slipped my panties over my ass. I crawled onto the bed and slipped my left hand through the loop of the left rope that Gary had already hung on the posts while awaiting my arrival. Turning my back to the headboard, I reached out and sipped my right hand through its loop, then settled in against the stacked pillows and waited for Gary's cock.

"Hurry," I said, spreading my legs, something I had never done before.

Gary pushed his shoulder off the door jamb and nonchalantly walked toward me as if he didn't have a care in the world. What a change I had wrought in him. I wondered if it was all good.

Gary shucked his shirt and pushed his shorts to the ground. Naked, he stood, tall and straight, his cock hanging in front of him, already hard and ready. I flexed my toes.

"Hurry, I need you."

"You need me?" he drawled, strutting around to the side of the bed.

I smiled. "Ah, payback time for all the teasing you endured?" I asked.

"I owe you," Gary replied.

"Didn't you enjoy it?"

"Absolutely. That doesn't mean I don't owe you."

"That's true," I admitted. "So make me pay."

"I will," he husked, his voice inadvertently revealing how much he wanted me.

I pulled my knees up and pressed my legs together, tilting them away from his so the underside of my thighs and ass would show.

"Make me," I husked.

Gary got up on the bed and stood with his feet on either side of my thighs

"Make you what?" he demanded.

"Do things," I replied. "Before my husband gets home."

"I heard you last night. You were doing filthy things, weren't you?"

I didn't answer.

"Weren't you," Gary demanded, slapping my knees aside. I let them drop, slightly open so he could see how swollen and ready my bare pussy was.

Gary grabbed my head and roughly turned my face up toward him. This was unlike him. He had never been rough with me before.

"I don't want you doing things for him."

"I have to. He's my husband."

"Just go through the motions like you're always done."

The truth hurt. The sex life in my marriage had always been about going through the motions.

"Make me," I taunted my son.

I wanted him to fuck me, to take me, like Maria suggested, but he had to do it; I couldn't bring myself to offer it. He had to take me. I opened my legs wide and flexed my legs, shamelessly presenting my throbbing pussy.

"Make me," I repeated.

I wanted him to know things were different now, that I was available, that he could have me, but I couldn't just tell him. Gary bent his knees and rubbed his cock over my face but instead of trying to capture it as usual, I turned my head away. I didn't want the same old, same old from him. Couldn't he see I had changed my mind, that I wanted him to fuck me?

"Make me," I hissed, thrashing my open legs.

Misinterpreting me, Gary grabbed my head and forced my mouth open before shoving his cock into my mouth. I suffered half a dozen gurgling thrusts before he pulled out and released my head but I stayed on course.

"Make me," I said.

I pulled my knees up, tucked my feet between his legs and under his chest to hold them against the headboard above my head. My pussy was lewdly displayed, wet and swollen, as ready for it as it ever had been.

"Make me," I said.

Gary knelt above my pelvis, moved closer until his cock brushed over the back of my thighs. One part of my mind screamed for me to stop him while the other readied myself for his first, forbidden penetration. But he didn't enter me. Instead, he grazed his cock over my pussy, from one thigh to the other, then slipped up and pushed it deep between my legs until its tip touched my tits. He dragged it upward then, onto my face, across my chin and lips, over my nose, slid down to press against each closed eyelid.

"You want it, you know you do."

I shook my head. "Make me."

At least he had the right idea. Gary lowered himself until his cock landed on my pussy. He tapped my swollen lips and rubbed his cock sideways across them, then slid it lengthways along the full span of his long shaft.

"Take it," he whispered.

"I can't," I cried, lowering my legs.

Gary grabbed my feet and pressed them back against the headboard. Straddling my thighs, he dipped his cock and rubbed it along my groove.

"You can do it."

"Make me."

"No. You have to take it."

"I can't."

Gary dropped onto the bed, his hands sliding from my ankles to the back of my knees. He dipped his head and his mouth covered my pussy. I moaned, then wailed when his tongue slipped into my crevice and gouged through the sloppy trough. I was so wet, so fucking wet.

"Gary, I can't, I just can't."

"Yes, you can."

He stood and rubbed his cock through my slushy slit, then held the head above my opening, pressing down but not enough to dip inside.

"Take it," he croaked.

"No! Make me," I cried, jerking my pussy away.

Gary let my legs fall, hooked his arms under my knees, and stepped back, pulling me to the center of the bed. My arms stretched out and almost fell through the loops but my fingers closed over the rope to keep me captive. Gary tugged and I gripped the rope tighter. He pulled harder but couldn't break my grip so he leaned over me and grabbed my left hand, then deliberately pried my fingers open and tossed the rope off to the side, out of my reach. He did the same with my right hand. I was free, physically.

Still holding me with his elbows crooked behind my knees, Gary lifted me up from the bed by my legs but my head and shoulders dangled onto the mattress. His cock slid between my thighs, rubbing over my pussy.

"Free yourself, Mom. Take it."

"I can't," I cried. "You have to make me."

"No. You know what you want, Admit it to yourself and take it."

"I can't."

Gary didn't speak again but he didn't release me. He kept rubbing his cock back and forth over my pussy. It was a contest between my ability to abstain and his endurance. I knew he couldn't hold me up forever, that he would tire, but his desire would build. I knew I wasn't the only one tortured by the rubbing of his cock over my pussy. He would tire, succumb, and then take me. I met his teasing strokes with slick, nibbling rubs of my own.

Despite the struggle, neither of us allowed cock and pussy to part. We rubbed and teased each other mercilessly. Eventually, I realized that neither of us was capable of pulling apart but slowly, I sensed that Gary was gaining the upper hand. I was shocked. How could a young man in his prime outlast me, an older, mature, experienced woman?

Time. That was the answer. Once he got over the initial hump, all Gary had to do was stoke the embers, patiently awaiting the slow-growing desire built into every woman. The longer this continued, the weaker I became. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me, rubbing his cock incessantly over my now super-sensitive pussy lips.

"Please Gary, don't" I cried.

He didn't reply but renewed his rubbing with greater vigor. I pulled away but he lifted me until my shoulders no longer touched the bed. My legs locked around his hips and Gary sawed his cock over my pussy, for all intent and purposes, fucking me, except he wasn't inside. Gary's elbows clutched my hips and waist and his hands reached under my shoulders, urging me closer. My legs tightened around his waist.

I was losing. The tip of his cock was nudging my entrance. I clutched his waist, trying to lift myself closer, to force his tip higher, onto my mound so I wouldn't accidentally pull it in me , but he pulled away, keeping it on my slit which was so wide now, so wet, more a gully than a groove. I moaned.

"Gary don't."

He sawed through my slickness, then stopped, his head notched in my slit. Oh God, it felt so good, so fucking, fucking good. I let it sink in, just a little. So fucking good, so filling, even just this innocent dip.

He pulled back! No, don't. I tightened my legs, lifting myself, following it, following his cock. There, yes, just that little dip, so slick and warm, pressing my lips open. I could do this, just this.

Gary pulled away again. I hooked my ankles firmly together and lunged upward, capturing him, felt his tip nudge into my slit, then start to slip away... no, no, I yanked myself upward, felt it shove in, thicken, so wide, stretching, then suddenly become narrower. He had popped inside me.

No, that wasn't true. I had pulled him inside.

"Yeah, Mom. Take it all the way."

"Oh God, Gary. I'm sorry, so sorry."

"Take it," he hissed.

I constricted my calf muscles again and felt his blunt cock force my walls open a few more inches as he filled me.

"Ohhhhh Gawwwddd," I cried, straining my hips upward, pulling his thing into me, deep, really deep. I lunged and captured him fully, mashing my soaking lips onto his pubic hair.

"Fuck me," I cried, cashing in, admitting defeat, glorious defeat.

Gary dropped my hands and I flopped back, slipping down his cock until his hands grasped my hips. Then he was pulling me up, back onto his cock, plugging me, filling me up to my tonsils.

"Yeah, oh yeah!" he cried.

"Yeah," I yelled back.

Gary fell to his knees and pushed my legs way back, holding me by the ankles, lifting my ass completely off the bed to fully expose me. Then my son crouched over the back of my thighs and started hammering his cock inside me, noisily slapping the back of my thighs. My God, he was so hard.

"Fuck me!" I moaned, before losing all capability of speech. After that, all I could do was grunt my joy and appreciation.​
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