Page 02

Almost instantly, I became rock hard and peered over the top of my book at the backside of her legs. Mr. Robinson grunted. I glanced at him, guilt flooding through me. The set of his jaw was stern but he wasn't looking at me. I had the feeling he was aware of the state of his wife's dress. I looked back to enjoy it anyway. I simply could not avert my eyes for more than a few seconds.

Mrs. Robinson lifted one foot up and stretched her leg out until her toes pointed toward the upper corner of the room, tensing her calf prettily. Slowly, she let it settle back into its former place. A few minutes later, she repeated the exercise with her other foot. Over the next half hour, she did this several times and my cock got harder and harder.

Once, she let her knees fall apart, opening her legs wide. Sitting directly to her side as I was, I couldn't see between her legs but I imagined what it would look like anyway and almost came in my pants picturing her exposed pussy, or better, one hidden only by that narrow strip of pink panty I had seen in the car with tufts of chestnut hair peeking out the sides.

I was not particularly interested in sex and wasn't one to seek porn on the internet but I wanted to fuck this woman so badly I leaked in my underwear. Mrs. Robinson eventually pulled her dress up closer to her knees and braced it with the book she was reading. A few minutes later, she looked over at me and asked if the book I was reading was good, then asked I wanted some tea. I declined, saying I was tired and wanted to get an early night.

After I went downstairs, I heard Mr. and Mrs. Robinson talking. He didn't sound happy and whatever she was saying in response didn't ease his mood. Sometime after the altercation ended, I was in bed with the lamp turned on its lowest setting, watching TV with the sound down while my hand absently twiddled with my cock which I had long ago emptied into the toilet. Mrs. Robinson entered the room and moved quickly to the bedside.

"You're sure you don't want some tea, Allen?" she asked.

I shook my head, barely able to speak. Mrs. Robinson had changed into her bed attire, a long nightgown that flowed around her legs as she walked. The top was the same shape as the dresses she liked: wide shoulder straps bordering a low neckline. She bent down over me.

"You forgot to give me a kiss goodnight," she said, hovering over me with pouting lips and dangling breasts.

"I didn't know... but, we haven't..."

"I know, but we should start. I've been trying so hard to make you feel comfortable, to feel at home. You do like me, don't you, Allen?"

"Yes, of course," I stammered.

"Then, kiss me."

I stretched up and brought my lips to hers, giving her a quick kiss. Mrs. Robinson followed me down as I sank back into the pillow, her lips regaining contact with mine. She kissed me more firmly on the lips but it lasted only a little longer than mine. She pulled up an inch or so.

"Is that all?" she asked, her breasts brushing my chest.

"I... I, uh, I..."

Mrs. Robinson stood up.

"Goodnight, Allen."

"Goodnight, Mrs. Robinson."

"In real life, Allen, you have to reach for what you want and, if at first you don't succeed, you must try again."

Mrs. Robinson walked away. Her back was bare and the filmy nightgown couldn't hide the fact that nothing else covered her bottom. I guess I was supposed to think about what she meant but my thoughts were captured by her derriere.

The next morning, Mrs. Robinson wore a short skirt and t-shirt top that curled around her neck but left her breasts hardly covered. Mr. Robinson looked even less pleased than he had the night before. He seemed torn after breakfast, looking reluctant to leave but sufficiently angry to stomp out of the house, though he left without saying anything.

Mrs. Robinson went out into the backyard to sit in the sun but I stayed inside, afraid that Mr. Robinson would return, angry enough for action. After an hour or so he hadn't come back and my desire got the better of me. I went outside and sat on the lounge next to Mrs. Robinson. She was reading but as soon as I sat down she dropped her book and started rubbing oil on her legs. It was extremely erotic, the more so because I knew she was putting on a show for me. I wanted to touch her, to offer my services to apply the oil for her, but I couldn't summon the courage to do it.

After her legs were done, Mrs. Robinson did her arms. She applied the oil in long, slow strokes, much as she'd done her legs. My cock was burning but it got even harder when her hands slipped under the lapel of her shirt to bathe the inner swells of her breasts with oil. Mrs. Robinson lifted the material away and rubbed the oil over her breasts and paid no attention to her enraptured audience who was staring openly at her partly bared breasts. She surprised me when she suddenly swung her legs toward me and sat up, looking directly at me. Boldly, though I felt no courage, I didn't look away.

"You're starting to come along, Allen."

I didn't know what to say or do. I thought I knew what she was talking about but was afraid to acknowledge it. Luckily, she relieved me of the obligation to respond.

"I'm hungry. Should we have some lunch?"

I nodded, relieved.

There was no further teasing that day until after supper when Mrs. Robinson repeated the leg show on the couch. Mr. Robinson seemed particularly unhappy but after I went to bed, surprisingly, there were no angry voices.

This time, when she leaned down to kiss me goodnight, I tried for a longer kiss and even reached up to lightly grasp her shoulders when she started to pull away in an effort to keep the weight of her breasts on my chest.

"Do you like kissing me, Allen?"


"Do you like looking at my legs while I'm reading?"

I thought about denying it but her expression demanded honesty.


"Gary's father doesn't like it."

"I know," I acknowledged.

"But you look anyway?"

"I can't help it," I admitted, blushing.

"That's alright, Allen. I don't mind."

"You don't?"

"No. It makes me feel pretty and warm inside."

"It does?"


Mrs. Robinson leaned down to kiss me briefly again, increasing the weight of her breasts on my chest so much I felt them flatten out.

"Do you feel warm inside when you watch me?"

I blushed again.


"Good," Mrs. Robinson whispered, "but you're not allowed to look at my legs again unless you do something for me."

"What?" I asked.

"Go to the store for me to get a few things."

"By myself?"

"Yes. By yourself, but it's only to the corner store. You can do that for me, can't you?"

Mrs. Robinson's breasts became heavier and her lips nuzzled mine.

"Yes," I gasped.

"Good," she sighed, and kissed me, lingering longer than before.

The next day, I went to the corner store and returned with a small carton of milk. I didn't tell Mrs. Robinson that I ran all the way back and she didn't ask why I was breathing so hard. I was disappointed that she had changed from the short skirt she had been wearing into a longer dress. She noticed me looking at her covered legs.

"Tonight, Allen, after Mr. Robinson gets home."

My disappointment showed.

"There, there. You can wait for a few hours, can't you?"

The sadness that had enveloped me did not diminish with her promise. I had gone all the way to the store, on my own. I was expecting an immediate reward.

Mrs. Robinson relented. "Would you like a quick peek?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

Mrs. Robinson bent over slightly and grasped the hem of her skirt. She lifted it up a bit, smiling when my eyes became more intense.

"You do like my legs, don't you, Allen?"


The dress lifted higher, half way up her thighs.

"Do you really like them?"

"Yes, I really like them."


"Really, really like them?"

"Yes, I really, really, really like them."

"That much?" Mrs. Robinson laughed. "Oh, my."

I forgot to nod because her hand had continued to pull the dress up, and up, and up, and finally bared the lower part of her panties, yellow ones this time. The dress kept rising until Mrs. Robinson's belly appeared and the arms of the panties arching over her hips.

"Do you like my panties, Allen?"

I nodded speechless as Mrs. Robinson twisted her torso very slowly, just far enough to show the jut of her ass before turning back.

"Would like me to wear them tonight, or do you prefer the pink ones?"

"Yes." I couldn't believe her admission that she knew I had seen the panties she had worn the day she picked me up.

"With Mr. Robinson sitting right behind me?"

My cock lurched at her acknowledgement that she had knowingly teased me in front of her husband.


"Okay, if you really want me to."

Mrs. Robinson dropped the dress, walked over, and leaned against me.

"It does make me feel warm inside when you look at me like that."

She stretched up on her toes and kissed me.

"I think it would be safer if you went to your room until supper."

I didn't want to but I did as she asked.

That night, Gary's mom put on a very good show. She managed to rub her legs and feet together which was very sexy. Her legs seemed to have been oiled which reminded me of the day she had oiled them in front of me, and her breasts. When she parted her legs, I vividly imagined the tiny yellow panties stretching over her pussy and, this time, I knew there wasn't enough hair to peek out the sides. From what I'd seen that morning, there might not be any hair there at all.

Near the end, she turned to look at me, casting her eyes behind her as if to ask if her husband was watching. I shook my head in minute denial. Her hand grasped the hem of her dress on my side and pulled it up and over her hip. There were no panty arms. She wasn't wearing any underwear!

Later, when she came down to kiss me goodnight, I couldn't hide the thrust of my erection under the blankets. When she looked at it, it became even harder.

"Do I make you feel that good, Allen?"


"Good, because tomorrow, I want you to do something else for me."

"Go to the store?"


Gary's mom leaned over me. The nightgown she wore tonight was cut lower and her breasts were almost falling out.

"But this time, I want you to get some new running shoes for yourself. I'll give you the money."

"Running shoes? From where?"

"The mall."

Fear rose up and grabbed my heart in its fist. I started to shake. Mrs. Robinson leaned close until her breasts grazed my chest and hung in front of my face.

"Allen. Focus."

"The mall is a long way. I don't know..."

Mrs. Robinson stretched her leg out and put her foot onto the bed.

"It's only a few blocks. Do you want to feel how warm you make me?" she husked.

I couldn't speak but my eyes provided an answer. Gary's mom climbed over me and lowered herself full length onto my body. I could feel her warmth even through the covers, especially the heat emanating from her groin.

"Can you feel it, Allen?"


I was so excited, I forgot about the mall. Her groin was positioned directly over mine, her pussy pressing against my erection. My cock twitched.

"Will you go to the mall for me, Allen?"

My cock twitched again.

"Will you let me feel how warm you are every time we kiss goodnight?"

She laughed. "Allen, that's very good. You should ask when you want something, even if you can't have it."

"You mean, I can't?"

"I didn't say that. Usually people don't get what they want so you have to pick the right time to ask, like now, when you have something to trade. You have to go to the mall first."

"Okay," I responded, bravely.

I put my hands on Mrs. Robinson's shoulders so she wouldn't pull away. I pushed up, holding tight but instead of pulling away, she pressed down.

"Kiss me," she whispered.

While I kissed her, our private parts pressed together through the blanket. My hands slipped from her shoulders and cupped the sides of her breasts which were flattened on my chest. I couldn't squeeze under them and didn't really try. Maybe one day I would ask if I could see them. A fleeting sense of unease passed through my mind. Why was Gary's mom doing this? She never had before, at least, not that I could remember. Then, Mrs. Robinson's mouth moved on mine and my discomfort dissipated.

The guy in the sports store thought I was weird. I had stumbled in and handed him the money Mrs. Robinson had given me, barking, "I need some running shoes," before slumping into a chair. He measured my foot while I struggled to control my dizziness and tried to look like I was simply disinterested.

I looked at the open entrance to the store. Run out, my mind screamed, but another part, the bit that had been activated by Mrs. Robinson's suggestive behavior, exerted more control. You've come this far, suffered this much, if you run it will all be for nothing. You can do it, and think of the reward, think of what's waiting for you at home.

I pictured Mrs. Robinson reclining on the couch, legs fully displayed, calling to me despite her husband's presence. My mind discorporated from my body and swung around until I was gazing between her widespread knees, observing her pink panties between the fingers of a hand placed more to attract than obscure. From what I could see of them, the panties were alive. Mrs. Robinson was speaking but I could barely hear her, Act normal, Allen. You can do it if you try. Do it for me. Her other hand stroked slowly up and down the inside of her thighs.

"Would you like to take these, sir?"

I looked at the salesman and my head suddenly cleared.

"Yes," I replied. "I'll wear them."

"Okay, I'll box these up for you," he said, lifting my old shoes.

"That won't be necessary. Just throw them away for me," I said.

"But they're almost new," the salesman protested.

"I was just kidding," I laughed.

It wasn't normal to leave your shoes behind when you bought new ones, or to tell the salesman to keep the change which is what I was about to do in my hurry to leave. Painful as it was, I waited patiently for the man to put my shoes in the box for the new runners, ring up the sale, and hand me the change. I didn't even run out of the store and, surprisingly, I didn't hurry out of the mall. In fact, I strolled home at a leisurely pace, my head full of thoughts about Mrs. Robinson. I can do this, I could do anything, for her.

I was crushed to see Mr. Robinson's car parked in the drive when I got home. I went around back, planning to enter through the kitchen in order to avoid him but as I approached the back door, I heard voices through the open window.

"You're going too far, Joan. It's going to get out of control."

"I know what I'm doing."

"Do you? You're constantly flirting with him, and showing off your legs like that on the couch, for God's sake."

"I was not showing off my legs. I was just reading."


"Okay, so I was flashing my legs. So what? Do you know he went to the store to get milk yesterday, and do you know where he is right now?"


"I'll tell you where. He's gone to the mall to get a pair of running shoes." The triumph in Mrs. Robinson's voice was palpable.

"Joan, for Christ's sake, you didn't send him to the mall by himself. Jesus H. Christ!"

"He'll be fine."

"That's too much. It's too soon." Heavy footsteps receded.

"Don't you dare go down there. You'll ruin everything I've done."

"He can't do that. It's too much," Mr. Robinson cried, surprising me with his obvious concern for my welfare.

"He can, and he will. He'll do it for me."

"Why? Do you think flashing your silly legs can overcome..."

"Shut up! You promised me you wouldn't talk about that."

Panicked by the threat of an imminent physical confrontation, I beat a hasty retreat, running around to the front of the house, the first time I had used my new runners for what they were meant to do. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The muffled words became louder but immediately stopped.

"Hi, I'm home."

Mrs. Robinson beamed while I showed off my new runners but she couldn't have looked at me with more interest that Mr. Robinson. He seemed to be truly amazed. Why? It wasn't that big a deal to go to the mall. In fact, I was going to ask his wife tonight if she wanted me to get anything else for her tomorrow. Boy, if he was mad about her showing off her legs, he'd go ballistic if he saw her lying on top of me. But right now, he didn't seem the least bit mad. In fact, he seemed tremendously pleased and I felt a little guilty.

We had been kissing and nuzzling for several minutes. My hands had slid down Mrs. Robinson's shoulders onto her back and I was lightly brushing my fingers over the bare skin there. Every time I urged my hardon upward, I kissed her for a distraction. Still, I knew she was aware of the effort to satisfy my carnal urges and perhaps excite her into doing more than she intended.

Clearly, Mrs. Robinson had set her mind to relieving her son's friend of his minor affliction, my fear of being alone, especially outside or in crowded places, by using her charms as the candy of persuasion. Well, it had worked and I intended for it to keep on working as long as more treats were offered. I thought about offering to fetch additional things from the mall but then worried that my interests might be better served if there was still doubt about the continued success of my cure.

Mrs. Robinson pressed her knees into the mattress beside me to lift her pelvis up, away from my searching hardness.

"I was really scared there for a while," I said, sliding my hands down to the middle of her back and applying gentle downward pressure, urging her center to return.

"But you overcame it," she responded, pride in our mutual accomplishment evident in her voice.

"I almost didn't," I said. "I almost ran back."


"Yes," I said, without offering further explanation.

Mrs. Robinson looked concerned. I chose that instant to bulge my cock upwards while pressing my hands firmly into her back.

"But you managed to compose yourself?" She succumbed to the pressure of my hands.

"Yes. I thought of you, and being here with you like this." I pushed my erection up and she didn't pull away. "That's the only thing that saved me."

"See, you can do it."

"Only because of you," I whispered, tugging on her waist and moving my hardon around. "I couldn't do it if it wasn't for you."

"No, you did it on your own. You don't need me."

"Yes, I do."

"Allen, Mr. Robinson is getting very suspicious. I really shouldn't have let our little flirting game go so far."

"I can't do it without your help. I'll go again tomorrow but I can't unless you promise you'll keep helping me."

"I can't help you forever, just until you're comfortable on your own."

"Thanks, Mrs. Robinson."

I pushed up for another muted grind and covered myself with more talk.

"Mr. Robinson wants me to do it to. I think he likes me better now."

"Of course he does," Mrs. Robinson said, holding my face in her soft hands.

"I didn't think he did before," I said, and engaged her in a kiss.

For the first time, I slipped the tip of my tongue between Mrs. Robinson's lips, fully expecting to be rejected. I wasn't. It felt so great, I almost forgot to press my erection into her belly. Almost.

"You got everything?" Mrs. Robinson exclaimed, looking at the pile of cosmetics I had emptied onto the counter after coming in through the back door. "From all those different stores?"​
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