Chapter 01
When I first married my wife a couple of years ago, I honestly had no idea that she had twin daughters from her first marriage. Hell, until a few weeks before the wedding I had no idea she'd even been married before - the subject just hadn't come up. I later learned that shortly after her divorce ten years earlier, her ex-husband got a job offer in Indonesia. Given the housing and private school perks that came with the job, both parents agreed that their daughters would be better off living abroad with their father. After that, the exorbitant cost and hassle of sending two girls half way around the world to see their mother made it practically impossible for them to visit each other. Over the last ten years, my wife Mary had barely seen the girls, who were now nineteen. Mary still unconsciously thought of her girls the way she had last known them: as little nine year olds, perky and innocent. It turned out they were the opposite: horny, busty little sexpots who loved to fuck their stepfather right under their mother's nose.
Now that they were college age, Jenna and Evie were coming to the US for college. The plan was that they would live with Mary for the first time in over a decade while they attended their freshman year together at the local state university. My weird experience with the incredibly sexy but obnoxious Jenna, who arrived first, is a story in itself, but I imagine I'll get to that some other time. For now, this story is all about Evie.
Like I said, Jenna had arrived first, and she was already well into her first semester at college. But right after Thanksgiving, her school had a week-long break, so Mary decided to use accumulated vacation time to take her to New York. The idea, Mary explained to me, was that Evie was scheduled to arrive a week later, so this would be a once-only opportunity for Mary and Jenna to spend several days together before the other daughter would join the household. Mary planned to blow a wad of money on her daughter, taking her on shopping trips, seeing the five millionth revival of "Cats" on Broadway, and so on.
What they didn't count on was Evie's changed travel plans. The girls' father had the sort of job that would only classify him as a mid-level manager in the States, but in a provincial town in Indonesia he looked like a bigwig. So he called a few people and pulled a few strings and presto! Evie found herself upgraded to first class, with free champagne on the flight. The only wrinkle was that her flight got forwarded by several days.
By the time all this happened, Jenna and her mother were literally in the air en route to New York. When they landed at LaGuardia and found out, we did a quick consultation by phone. Given that so many plans and reservations had been made, the most sensible thing was for Mary and Jenna to continue their trip as planned. I would greet Evie on my own and take care of her for the extra few days.
Despite myself, I was expecting a carbon copy of Jenna to get off the plane. After all, they were identical twins. Of course, I knew that Jenna had been dyeing her hair black for several years, while Evie had maintained her natural blonde coloring. But despite knowing better, I was slightly thrown off when a busty little blonde with pale grey eyes, rather than a busty little raven haired beauty, walked up to me at the baggage claim.
But that wasn't the only thing that threw me off kilter. The first thing that drew my eyes to Evie was the fact that the heads of nearly every male and a lot of the females in the terminal swivelled as if they were on pivots when she approached.
She was stunning and sexy as hell. And she was dressed in what seemed like a parody of a pornstar's schoolgirl outfit: a tiny green plaited plaid skirt that started at the lower end of her hips and barely made it to her thighs. White knee socks drew even more attention to her perfect legs, and nose-bleed high heels clicked with each step on the tile floor of the terminal. A white blouse that seemed two sizes too small for her prodigious 32F bust covered what were clearly braless tits. And all of that package was topped off with long blonde braids that came down below her shoulders, and several bangles on one wrist that jingled as she walked, drawing even more attention to her as she approached. To the limited extent that I was able to draw my eyes away from the sexy spectacle of watching her sashay across the terminal, I could see that practically every male within sight was watching her. Several men's mouths literally dropped open in awe.
She walked straight up to me and stood before me, smiling girlishly with her eyes glued to mine. More than a head shorter than me despite wearing four inch high heels, she looked up into my face and said in a high pitched, sweet voice, "Hi, I'm Evie. Are you my new Daddy?"
My cock immediately got as hard as a rock. The words she uttered were almost verbatim the same as what her sister had said when we first met several weeks earlier. But whereas Jenna's question had been loaded with sarcasm and innuendo, Evie seemed totally innocent, even child-like, as if she were seeking a father figure here in the airport and expected me to take her voluptuous little body into my arms as her new Daddy.
Fully aware that what I really wanted to do was grab this little pixie and fuck her standing up in front of the hundreds of airline passengers and their families, I instead controlled myself by reaching out with both hands so that she took both my hands, maintaining a proper distance between our two bodies. "Yes, I'm Danny. I'm sorry your mother and sister weren't able to greet you. It's wonderful to meet you. Do you have much luggage?"
It turned out that she had no luggage at all. Every possession she had was in her purse. As she explained to me on the drive back from the airport, one of her father's office assistants had taken charge of packing her stuff for the move to the United States. Inexperienced at such a task, however, he had simply packed up all her belongings and clothes and shipped them ahead to America. He'd left a lot of stuff behind, sure, but when it came to clothing all that remained was a few bags of old school uniforms and other clothes that she'd long ago outgrown and had set aside to be given to charity. The schoolgirl outfit - clearly too small for her large bust and her sexy hips - that I saw her in and which had created such a sensation, was the best-fitting clothing that she could muster for the 23 hour plane journey from rural Indonesia to our town in the middle of North America. When she explained that she hadn't even had a bra that fit or panties to wear on the trip, I glanced across the car to her bare thighs on the seat beside me and my cock got even harder.
"So your clothes, your possessions. . .?" I asked.
"Maybe they'll arrive tomorrow. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe next year," she said. When she shrugged, expressing her uncertainty and frustration, her tits wobbled enticingly.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll take care of you," I said. "Maybe you and I can go shopping later and get you some things to wear."
"Thank you, Daddy." In gratitude, she reached over the stick shift and put her hand on my thigh, perilously close to my erect cock. "You have no idea how uncomfortable it was flying all this way wearing only this little outfit! It was so chilly! And everyone was staring at me!"
I'll bet they were, I thought to myself. Meanwhile, her hand had not left my thigh. She began caressing my leg.
"Did anyone bother you on the trip?" I asked.
"Welllll," she drawled. "There were a couple of times during layovers, when I thought there were guys following me in the airport. But they were really friendly! Men bought me drinks between flights, and lots of guys offered to sit beside me while I waited for planes. One guy treated me to a meal."
Jesus, I thought to myself. It was no wonder that random men were coming on to her at the various airports, dressed in that outfit, with her big tits practically bursting through that little white blouse and her skirt riding up on her thighs every time she shifted in her seat. I looked again at her hand resting on my thigh, then at her fantastic rack straining against the buttons of her blouse, and finally back at her smiling, eager face and blonde pigtails. What a package! Innocent and slutty looking at the same time, and so busty it was a miracle that the buttons on her blouse were still intact.
Then she changed the subject. "You don't mind my calling you 'Daddy', do you? My father back in Indonesia mentioned that Jenna said that's what you wanted to be called. I wasn't sure whether that was right, though: it seems fine to me, but my Dad didn't seem very happy about it. Anyway, is that what you want?"
"Actually, it was Jenna's idea to call me 'Daddy'," I said, glossing over a weird conflict Jenna and I'd had over the name. "And I think I'd like it very much if you did the same."
"Okay, Daddy," she said, then giggled. Her high pitched, girlish titter made me want to pull the car over to the curb and grab her incredible body. "Daddy! Daddio! Dadderoonie! Big Daddy! Hee hee hee! Daddy Daddy Daddy!" Her hand squeezed my thigh, then bent toward me and kissed me on the cheek. I responded by draping my arm over her shoulder to pull her toward me.
"Good girl," I said.
She draped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek again.
By this time, we were pulling into the driveway of our house.
Evie was quickly distracted by her first chance to see the home she would be living in, and equally excited to see the room that she and her sister would be sharing. "It'll be kinda strange," she admitted when she saw the two beds on either side of the room. "Jenna and I haven't shared a room or even gone to the same school for several years. Our different school schedules mean that we only see each other a couple of weeks every year. Maybe she's told you - we're sort of different girls."
"I'm sure everything will work out fine," I said. I held out my arms to her and she automatically gravitated into my embrace, pushing her lush, busty body against mine. The two girls' bodies were almost identical, yet their personalities couldn't be more dissimilar, I thought to myself. While Jenna often radiated hostility and pseudo world weariness, Evie seemed far more sweet and even somewhat sheltered. One thing was certainly the same, though: both girls had incredible bodies. Supple, slim legs leading up to an unbelievable round ass and wide hips. A flat tummy and small waist, making her incredible 32F rack even more prominent on her 5 foot 2 body. Plus of course there was her gorgeous long blonde hair tied up in braids, accenting slate grey eyes that would draw you to stare at her face forever - if you weren't already distracted by her fuckable body.
"Why don't we sit down together and get acquainted?" I suggested. "Would you like a glass of wine?"
"Gosh! Could I? My Dad lets me drink wine at home sometimes, but in the part of Indonesia where we've been living, it's mostly banned for religious reasons. Plus, I've been living in a Catholic girls' boarding school, so, well, you get what I'm saying?"
"White or red?" I asked.
"White, I guess."
I went to the kitchen, and when I came back to the living room with a bottle and two glasses, Evie was staring at the pictures on the mantle, showing her and her sister, both aged nine, with their mother Mary. "I love this picture," she said as I sat on the couch and laid out the glasses.
To my surprise - and pleasure - Evie sat beside me on the couch and nestled up next to me.
"Hee hee hee!" she tittered as she brought the wine to her lips. "Drinking wine make me feel so grown up!"
"I thought you said your Dad lets you drink at home," I said.
"Wellll," she drawled again. It was evidently an unconscious gesture on her part whenever she admitted something that she was only partly interested in revealing. "Actually, he's only let me drink a couple of times." She took my arm and raised it over her head and onto the back of the couch so that she could snuggle up against me. "You don't mind letting me have some, though, do you, Daddy?" She looked up at me, and when I looked down at her I could see the cavernous cleavage of her large tits straining against the buttons of the tiny white blouse that she wore. "When I was on the plane coming over, the male flight attendant let me drink as much champagne as I wanted. I got so tipsy!"
"And what happened?" I asked. She was laying against me with her back against my side and the back of her head leaning against my shoulder. I used the arm that I had draped over her shoulder to pull her toward me, while my other hand began rubbing the bare skin of her tummy under her blouse.
"Well, luckily, there was a nice man in the seat next to me, and he let me cuddle against him the same way I'm cuddling against you right now. I drank champagne, then I slept in his arms, then I woke and drank some more. I was so cold on the plane in this tiny skirt and blouse! The flight attendant kept smiling and winking and bringing more champagne to me and the man sitting with me! I got so drunk! And the nice man held me so tight and put a blanket over us! He held me and rubbed me all over to keep me warm!"
"He rubbed you ALL over?" I asked.
"Uh huh!" she chirped. "He rubbed my whole body for hours while the plane was dark and the other passengers were sleeping! He really took care of me and made me feel great!"
Holy shit! I thought to myself. I pictured busty little Evie in her tiny schoolgirl outfit, bursting out of her blouse and with her minuscule skirt barely fitting over her bare ass, "cuddling" with a total stranger in a darkened plane. The guy sitting next to her had clearly hit the jackpot.
My cock was as hard as an iron rod.
I brought my hand up from Evie's tummy and began caressing the underside of her big breasts. "He rubbed you like this?" I asked.
"Yes!" she cried. She took another sip of wine and, already inebriated in her youthful inexperience with alcohol, drunkenly allowed a bit to dribble down from the corner of her lip down onto her poor over-stretched white blouse. "And like THIS!" She put her hand over mine and pulled it up so that I was palming her entire boob under the fabric. "Hee hee hee!" she giggled drunkenly. "Oh Daddy! I'm gonna LOVE living here! Cuddle me some more!"
I could hardly believe how fast things were going with this busty little blonde nymph. Evie turned and lay with her back against my side, pressing my hand to her breast. She squirmed and sighed as she nestled against my body. Then she brought the wine glass to her lips and took a big gulp.
I refilled her glass. After putting the bottle back on the coffee table, I sat back on the couch and pulled little Evie back into her position, lying back against me. My hand reached from behind and cupped one of her big tits.
"I'm worried about your blouse," I said. "Those buttons look like they're really strained because of the poor fit. Should we loosen them?"
"Okay, Daddy." She drunkenly fumbled with the buttons, and I helped her undo her blouse. Her delicious tits were now bare for me to fondle.
"I'm so glad you're here," I said. "I can tell I'm gonna love being your Daddy." With my free hand, I unzipped my zipper and started pulling out my cock.
Suddenly Evie stiffened with surprise. "Daddy, what are you doing? Are you pulling out your thingie?"
Huh? In my head I heard that Zzzt! sound effect that you used to hear when the needle skipped on an old LP player - back when people played records, that is - and that you now hear in rom-coms when something jarring and ridiculous happens.
"My 'thingie'?" I asked. I was truly perplexed. How could this little sexpot, who had just spent an entire night on a trans-Pacific plane ride getting familiar with a total stranger, suddenly claim to be an innocent waif who called my cock a "thingie"?
"I've never touched a man's . . . puh-penis . . . before. In the Catholic girls' boarding school we used to talk about men and their - their - you know. We even used to play-act sometimes. But I never. . . ."
"What about last night on the plane?"
"The man tried to pull his thingie out but I told him not to. And he was really nice about it for the rest of the night, though he did have to go to the men's room for a long time after we'd been playing for a few hours." Probably to jack off and get rid of his blue balls, I thought to myself.
"You're not scared by me, are you Evie?" I asked.
"No, Daddy, I could never be scared by YOU. But I am a little, I don't know. . . intimidated, I guess. It's so big! Bigger than I expected!"
"Well," I said, "I certainly don't mean to intimidate you. Please let's pretend it didn't happen." I pulled her back onto the couch with her back against me and went back to fondling her big boobs. But I left my hard cock exposed, as if it wasn't important.
Evie took another big gulp of white wine, another sign of her inexperience with alcohol. I refilled her glass.
"You said you 'play acted' sometimes when you were in boarding school?" I asked.
I felt Evie stiffen slightly in my arms. "It's not something I've ever told a grown-up. Even my father or my step-mother. To tell you the truth, I didn't like it very much."
I didn't pause in my caressing her exposed tight little tummy and her luscious tits. "What happened?" I asked.
"Welll . . . There was this girl, Roxanne. She was a year older than the rest of us, and so the nuns put her in charge of our dorm group in my senior year - six of us girls sharing a dorm room."
"All seniors? All eighteen years old?" I asked.
Evie took a heavy gulp of wine. "Uh huh. Anyway, this Roxanne - she liked to be called Rocky - she liked to 'Do Things' with the rest of us girls." The way Evie emphasized her words when she spoke, I could almost hear the air quotes around the words, "Do Things".
"What kind of things?" With Evie lying back against my side, I cupped both of her tits and massaged her incredible soft jugs. In response she moaned softly and leaned back even further, squirming against me like a kitten. Her eyes looked down, mesmerized, at the hard cock sticking out of my pants.
"She, uh, she had a special leather belt that she made in sewing class that hung low on her hips. The belt had a socket in the middle where the buckle would usually go. And into the socket she put a . . . uh . . . she put a carrot. Sticking out from her crotch. And she fucked us with it."
"Wow," I said simply, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. My cock, which was already hard and poking upright out of my unzipped pants, began to twitch and bob in the air.
Evie looked down at my cock, fascinated. "You're bigger than Rocky's carrot. A LOT bigger." She tentatively reached out and touched the head of my hard cock with the tip of her index finger. "Is it okay if I do this?" she asked.
"It's fine," I said. "I'm your new Daddy. You can touch me all you want. It's safe to explore my cock as much as you need to."
"Thank you, Daddy," she said in a high pitched, girlish voice laced with insecurity and a tentative reaching for reassurance. She took another sip of wine and with her other hand began lightly stroking my shaft with her fingertips.
I kissed the top of her head and lightly pinched both her nipples, inducing a light shudder in my new stepdaughter's delicious body. "So did you like it when Rocky fucked you like that?" I asked.
"I hated it! I hated it, Daddy!" Evie's hand was now stroking the entire length of my shaft up and down. "She forced me and the other girls into it. And I think she picked on me the most because I . . . welll . . . because I had the biggest titties. The other girls in my dorm room watched while she fucked me with that carrot nearly every night!"
"You poor dear." I cupped both of her tits from below and reveled in the fact that they overflowed my hands. "Have some more wine," I said as I refilled her glass yet again.
What with all the drinks on the plane, and now her gulping down glass after glass of white wine, little Evie was getting blasted. I caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror across the room, and saw her drunkenly staring at my cock as she stroked me up and down. Her mouth shifted from a wide "O" of wonder at the size of my cock to a silly drunken smile as she held my cock in one hand and her wine glass in the other.
Then she caught a look at herself in the mirror and grinned dizzily at the spectacle of herself: her tiny plaid skirt hiked up almost to her crotch, her little white blouse unbuttoned and with her bare tits jiggling in my hands as she stroked my cock with one hand and held her wine glass in the other. When she saw that I was looking at her in the mirror, her giddy grin became even wider. "Hee hee hee!" she giggled. Her eyes crinkled with merriment and she jacked my cock faster for emphasis. Staring into our reflection, she raised her glass in the gesture of a toast, smiling drunkenly and stupidly and stroking all the while. "Here's to you, Daddy! Hee hee hee!" Then she took another drink. She poured a tiny bit of wine onto the tip of my cock and licked up the alcohol off of my cockhead.
"You look beautiful," I said, looking her in the eyes through the mirror. Her eyes were half lidded in her inebriation and growing lust. "You look absolutely perfect in my arms like this."
Her sloppy drunken grin radiated back at me. "My new Daddy," she said. "My first time touching a grown man's cock! It's my new toy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" She pumped my shaft up and down.
"Why didn't you complain to the nuns?" I asked her.
Evie's face took a more serious tone, as serious as she could be, that is, given how drunk she was getting. "I think they already knew. Sometimes I looked over at the window, and I think I saw one of the nuns, Sister Angela, looking in from the darkness outside. She was the one who had put Rocky in charge of our dorm group in the first place. I think Sister Angela liked watching Rocky humiliate us and put her imitation thingie inside me over and over. Certainly Rocky didn't try very hard to hide what she was doing. Sometimes when she was fucking me from behind while I was on my hands and knees, her laughter and screeching echoed up and down the hallways!"
"Fuck!" I said. I put one of my hands on Evie's little wrist and guided her to pump my cock faster.
"That's right," Evie replied. "She fucked me and fucked me and fucked me. Over and over and over, pumping her dildo in and out of my little cunny while I was powerless to stop her. Sometimes she screamed 'Fuck Fuck FUCK!" at the top of her lungs. I'm sure all the nuns heard it."
"And what did the other girls do?" I asked. I bent down and started nibbling on Evie's ear.
"Rocky fucked them too, though not as often as she did me. I think the other girls felt sorry for me sometimes. When Rocky was fucking some other girl, some of my dorm mates would lick my little cunny so that I wouldn't be so sore down there. We all took turns making each other feel better. They all licked me and massaged my boobs while I rested between fucks. That way I would be ready the next time Rocky wanted me on my hands and knees taking her home made strap-on dildo into my little teenage twat."
Still stroking my cock up and down, Evie took a moment to bend forward and kiss my cockhead, barely licking the top with the tip of her tongue. She continued talking, saying, "There was one girl in particular who liked to take care of me. Samantha. Sammie used to lick my clit for a half hour or so, just so that I could relax between fuckings. In exchange, I let her suck on my big tits. While I lay back spread eagled, Sammie and the others sucked my clit and nibbled on my tits. It seemed like it lasted all night."
"So you licked each other . . ."
"Well, mostly THEY licked ME."
". . . They licked you and sucked your tits as preparation before Rocky fucked you with her dildo. Every night Rocky used all of you like a harem, with you as her chief fuck target. In fact, it sounds like you were the focus of all of them, weren't you?"
"I guess so," she said innocently. "I never thought about it that way. It seemed perfectly natural that every night I would lay with my arms and legs outstretched with two girls lying on either side of me. My hands would cradle their heads while they sucked on my big tits and a third girl knelt between my legs and licked my clit."
"Every night?" I asked, incredulous as I pictured the scene in the Catholic dorm room, with six teenage girls in an orgy every evening and busty little Evie at the center of their action for hours at a time, night after night. I pictured Evie naked and floating on a sea of sex, surrounded by other girls licking her and nestled in her arms, sucking her gigantic tits. And of course the ringleader of the sex club fucking her with a home-made strap-on.
"Uh huh."
It was fucking mind boggling. "And the nun stood outside watching through the window?"
"Uh huh," she said sadly. "But I didn't want a girl's pussy. Or Rocky's dildo. They licked me and sucked me and fucked me but they never gave me what I wanted and needed. The whole time they were licking me and sucking me and fucking me I had to fantasize that it was a man doing all those things! I was so sad being alone in a girl's school and being forced to pretend there was a man in the room! I needed a grown up man, Daddy!" She pumped her hand up and down frantically on my aching shaft.
As fantastic as it was receiving a hand job from busty little Evie, she had me so horny that I needed more. Losing all control, I grabbed her by the back of her neck and forced her head down to my crotch. "Show me how you licked each other," I ordered her. "Lick my cock the way they licked your pussy!"
Drunk little Evie instinctively opened her mouth for her stepfather's cock. "Yes, Da . . . Mmmph!"
I forcibly pumped her head up and down on my cock. "Is this what you needed?" I asked.
"Mmmph! Mmmph!"
"You needed the real thing?"
"Mmmph! Mmmph! Mmmph!"
Evie began to choke and gag, and I released my hold on the back of her neck, allowing her to come up for air. "YES!!" she cried. "I was forced to have sex over and over with girls, when what I wanted was a cock!" She desperately pumped her hand up and down my rod, faster and faster. "I was scared of men but I WANTED COCK SO MUCH!"
"YES, DADDY, YES!" Evie turned and repositioned herself on the couch so that she was on all fours grasping my cock in her delicate little hands, eagerly stuffing the head into her mouth.
"I'm gonna cum," I warned her. "I'm gonna cum in your mouth and you're going to swallow it all."
"Yes Daddy. I'll be a good girl, Daddy."
With one hand I reached upward and grasped one of her large, pendulous breasts, while with my other hand I pushed her head downward, impaling her mouth deeper on my cock.
Jism exploded from my dick and went straight down her gullet. "Drink it!" I ordered her. "Drink your Daddy's cum tonight and every night from now on! Your mouth belongs to your Daddy!"
I fell back gasping. Evie was overcome, too, and after she gulped down my seed and licked me clean, she settled into my arms and went back to "cuddling".
We lay there like that for another five or ten minutes, with Evie cooing and purring in response to my fondling. But gradually, she said less and less until after a few minutes I noticed her hand holding the wine glass was starting to droop. The long plane ride, the jet lag and the wine were all hitting her. I took the wine glass out of her hand before it fell onto the couch and placed it on the coffee table.
I carried her delectable little body to my bed. When I stepped back from the bed I took a good look at my new stepdaughter. She looked almost identical to her sister, and yet totally different, even asleep. Her blonde hair, still arranged in braids framing both sides of her beautiful face, created an air of sunny, innocent beauty that contrasted totally with the sultry black hair, grey eyes and pale skin of her sister. The unbuttoned white blouse coupled with the tiny plaid schoolgirl uniform and knee-high socks completed the effect of a sexy, girlish prick tease.
I was tempted to fuck her right then and there, but the fact is that she was so deeply asleep that she was almost unconscious. So instead, I simply removed her shoes and socks and draped the covers over her.
Then I joined her in bed and went to sleep.
I didn't mean to seduce Evie in her sleep. Really, I didn't. But her delectable curves were impossible to resist. While I slept, I instinctively gravitated toward her delicious little teenage body and nestled against her, spoon-style, with my hands cupping her big tits and my hard cock wedged in her tight ass. Even in my sleep, her curves were too much to resist, and my sleeping body had instinctively gotten a hard on. My hard cock sought out her ass and cunt. Still half asleep, I was soon dry humping her perfect round ass.
I woke up all the way when I heard her say, "Daddy, are you going to fuck me now?"
My cock got even harder. "Is that what you want, sweetie?"
"I'm scared, Daddy. I've had so many vegetables thrust into my cunt. But your dick is so much bigger than anything the girls used on me in Catholic school. Will it hurt?"
"I'll be gentle. But I'll only put it in if you really want me to. Do you want your Daddy's cock, Evie?"
"Say it, then. Tell me what you want."
"I want my Step Daddy's big grown up dick to come inside me. I want to lose my virginity to my new Daddy. I want you to fill my teenage virgin pussy with your grown up cock. Please, Daddy, will you fuck me and fill me up with cum?"
I responded by immediately thrusting deep into my stepdaughter's pussy.
Evie gasped and arched her back. "Yes!" she cried. "Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck your new daughter! Teach me to fuck!"
I continued to spoon her and hold her tits from behind while I gently pushed into her over and over, gradually accustoming her virgin pussy to the size of my cock.
"Daddy it's so big!"
I pushed harder.
"Oh Daddy, you're filling me up so much!"
I pushed again.
Oh! Oh! So deep! Deeper than I thought anything could go!"
I grinned and pushed in even deeper.
"Oh god! Oh Daddy! I can't take anymore! Oh fuck, Daddy! You're fucking me so much deeper and harder!"
I began jackhammering into her over and over.
"Uhh! Uhh! Daddy I can't take any more! I can't - oh God, Daddy, I'm cumming! I'm cumming on your big Daddy dick!"
Evie's arms began clutching at empty air as she tried to hold onto something firm. Her orgasmic shivers became uncontrollable and I felt her pussy walls clench on my hard cock.
As each thrust went slightly deeper than the last, I whispered in her ear, "This is your Daddy's cock. The only cock you want. The only cock you're allowed to have. No other boys in this house, understand?"
"Yes, Daddy," she whimpered, grimacing as my cock stretched the walls of her tiny vagina. "No other men. No other cock. Only Daddy."
But then she continued, "But Daddy, I have needs. The girls in my old school - I hated what they did to me, but they gave me sex and orgasms every night. I can't do without it, Daddy. I need so much sex. I need to cum every night or I can't sleep!"
Jesus, what a sexpot, I thought to myself. It was bizarre that someone who spoke as if she were so innocent could also be addicted to sex and frequent orgasms. "I'll take care of you," I reassured her. "Daddy will fuck you and fuck you and fuck you."
"And you'll give me orgasms?" she asked, all the while humping back against my thrusts.
"Every night," I promised. "I'll fuck you and make you cum every night. It's a Daddy's job to take care of his girls."
"Oh, Daddy!" she moaned, and shivered all over. I could feel her cunt muscles tightening on my cock.
Evie was so light that it was easy to manipulate her body whatever way I wanted. I lifted her up and positioned her on her hands and knees so that I could deliver it to her doggy style. Evie's green plaid miniskirt, which she still wore, flew upward revealing her bare rump. "Is this what that bitch in Catholic school did to you?" I growled.
"Yes! But she couldn't go as deep as you, Daddy! Oh God, you're so big! You're splitting my little cunt in two!"
I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her in and out on my cock. "Take it! Take it! Take it!" I bellowed.
"Yes! Oh God Yes! My whole body! My pussy! My tits! My mouth! They belong to Daddy!"
I grabbed her blonde pigtails from behind and pulled, making her arch her back and rear her head upwards. "I own you!" I cried.
"Yes! Yes! YES!!"
With my sexy teen stepdaughter's utter submission to my cock I totally lost control. I reached around from behind, pushing her unbuttoned blouse out of the way, and grabbed both her huge tits, pulling her up into a kneeling position with her back arched and her arms dangling at her sides. I pulled her in and out on my cock, violently thrusting back and forth as I bellowed out my orgasm. "Aaagh!" Sperm pumped from my cock. Evie, too, lost control of herself and began flopping in ecstasy, her body totally under my control.
Moments later, we both collapsed in exhaustion back onto the bed. My cock was still embedded in her pussy, but when I tried to pull out she whispered, "No, Daddy. Please. Leave it there. I want to feel you inside me as I go back to sleep."
We slept that way for the next several hours, spooning tenderly. My softened cock remained in her vagina, and in my sleep I nuzzled against the back of her neck, kissing her gently while my hands roamed all over her curvy little body: her lush breasts, her tiny waist and her gently flaring hips, as well as the soft, downy hairs of her pussy.
That was the sight that Mary found when she walked into our bedroom the next morning.
"Surprise!" She said brightly as she entered our bedroom. "I changed flights and came back two days early!" One hand held the handle of a rolling suitcase, while the other hand held her purse and a couple of shopping bags with New York department store logos on the sides of the bags. The sound of her dropping the shopping bags on the hardwood floors hit my ears like the shot of a cannon.
My eyes flew open. My first impulse was to jump up and start babbling about how "This isn't what it seems, honey." My second impulse was to do exactly the opposite - to somehow shrink like that guy in the superhero movie and completely disappear behind the supine form of my stepdaughter, who was still dressed in her crazy schoolgirl outfit but with the buttons of her blouse completely open. Caught between these two diametrically opposite courses of action, I accidentally fell back on what turned out to be the only sensible course of action: I did nothing.
Despite the fact that I barely moved a muscle, my cock betrayed me. Still imbedded in Evie, I could feel it start to engorge and grow. It seemed like the very insanity and danger of the situation was a sort of aphrodisiac. In my mind I cursed my cock and ordered it to go down, but it wasn't listening to me.
Evie, incredibly, acted as if nothing was going on. "Hi, Mom!" she chirped. "Look at me! I'm sleeping with my new Daddy!"
"So I see," said Mary, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I loved Mary to pieces, but it was absolutely bizarre that she treated both her daughters, whose teen years she had missed while they grew up abroad, as if they were still nine years old. She seemed incapable of wrapping her head around the fact that they were no longer nine, but nineteen, and that what seemed innocent at one age was the opposite of innocent at the other. With her strange naivete and cluelessness, sometimes, I swear, I wondered if she came from another planet. "Are you all rested after your long trip?"
"Uh huh. Daddy's been so nice to me. He let me drink a glass of wine to welcome me to the new household. Then when I fell asleep from the wine and jet lag, he tucked me into bed and slept next to me! We've been cuddling all night long!"
Against my volition, my cock got even harder, and I could barely refrain from pumping in and out of Evie's tight little cunt. Instead, I almost involuntarily sawed my cock inward and outward as imperceptibly as possible. The sheets didn't even rustle with my small movements. I felt myself trembling with suppressed fear coupled with suppressed lust.
Mary looked at me. "Aren't you sweet!" she said, smiling at me. Then her gaze turned to Evie. Putting down her purse, she lowered herself so that her face was level with Evie's. "Give me a kiss, honey. I'm so glad you're here at last!"
Evie pouted theatrically and said, "Oh Mommy, don't make me get out of bed! It's so chilly, and I'm so sleepy!" She pursed her lips in a parody of childish intransigence and said, "Bend forward and kiss me while I stay here under the covers!"
Mary did so, and I took advantage of both women's movement to push my cock in farther and make a small pump in and out of Evie's tight pussy.
After getting a light peck from her daughter, Mary then said, "Oh, come on! We haven't seen each other in so long and that's the only kiss you want to give me? Why don't I join the two of you under the covers?"
Before I could come up with a reason to object, Evie said, "Sure!" Smiling happily as if there was nothing odd about the situation at all, Evie scooted backward to make room for her mother on the bed, with the effect that she further impaled herself on my cock. My body, barely in control of itself, lurched forward to meet the thrust of her ass against me.
"Hey! No fair!" cried Mary, laughing. "Danny, you need to make room for me, not squeeze tighter against us!"
"Sorry," I said.
Within seconds, Mary had planted herself under the covers on the edge of our bed, with Evie sandwiched in between us.
I was panicking, but Evie was loving it. "Kiss me, Mom!" she said. "Show me how much you missed me!"
Mary kissed her, giving her daughter a gentle peck on the lips.
"Kiss me again!"
"Okay." Another peck on the lips.
"Again! Kiss me again, Mommy!"
"Oh, you scamp!" said Evie. "I remember exactly how you used to demand kiss after kiss when you were nine years old. You're no different today. The only way I could make you stop was to tickle you. You don't want to me to tickle you now, do you?"
Evie giggled. "Kiss me again!"
"Okay, you asked for it!" said Mary. With her hands and arms still over the outside of the covers, she reached down to Evie's waist and began tickling her daughter through the sheet and light blanket that covered all three of us.
"Hee hee hee!" Evie began squirming and bucking under the covers.
As for me, I was going crazy with fear and sexual desire. What made things worse was that my fear actually increased my horniness, so that the more scared I got, the more the blood rushed to my cock, leaving my poor brain cells hungry and confused and even easier prey for my lust.
I used the chaotic movement of the tickle fight to disguise my own actions, thrusting in and out of little Evie's amazing little body. My hands were already cupping her huge tits under the covers, and now I began mashing them, pretending to tickle her while in fact I was fucking her more and more blatantly with every second. With Mary's arms and hands above the covers, she couldn't tell where exactly my hands were.
Evie grabbed her mother by the waist and began tickling her back. "Kiss me, Mommy! Kiss me!" she demanded between giggles. Both women started spasming with the tickling that each was inflicting on the other, while I fucked Evie harder and harder. With my cock impaling her from behind, Evie grabbed her mother and kissed her hard, thrusting her tongue for only a second into her mother's mouth. "Oh Mommy!" she said after the kiss was over, "I love cuddling with you and my new Daddy!"
"Keep tickling! Keep tickling!" I commanded them both. I was coming close to an orgasm and didn't want the action to stop. With one hand still cupping one of Evie's big breasts, I lowered my other hand to her hip so that I could push and pull her in and out on my boner.
"Oh god, Mom! This is so good! Now it's time for you to kiss Daddy, too!" Evie cupped both hands on her mother's cheeks and drew Mary inward so that she could reach over her daughter and kiss me.
I responded with even more fear of getting caught coupled with even more crazy horniness. I thrust my tongue into my wife's mouth, while one hand moved from Evie's hip to her mother's tight body. I tickled Mary on her tummy for several seconds, then, despite my fear - or, hell, maybe because of it? - moved my hand upward and began cupping one of my wife's tits. "Yes!" I cried. I now held the two of them in a perfect incestuous bond, with my cock inside my stepdaughter, and one hand on my wife's breast and another on my stepdaughter's.
Evie, meanwhile, grabbed her mother's ass under the covers and pulled Mary in toward her. All three of us were suddenly in synch, if only for a moment, and I lost control. With my hands on both their tits and my tongue still inside my wife's mouth, tasting her deliciousness, I began shooting jism into my tight little blonde stepdaughter.
Evie felt my orgasm and threw her head back in triumph and ecstasy. "I love my new Daddy!" she crowed.
Mary smiled at both of us. "Enough tickling," she said brightly. "Who'd like pancakes for breakfast?"
Within seconds, she was gone into the kitchen, leaving Evie and me alone in the bed. Evie turned around and faced me for the first time since her mother had arrived. "Thank you, Daddy," she said gratefully. "Do you mind if I kiss your cock before I get out of bed? Just a little kiss? Pleeeease, Daddy?"
I glanced toward the door to make sure that Mary was nowhere nearby. Then I threw aside the covers, proudly displaying my half-hard cock for my stepdaughter's adoration.
Her eyes lit up as she stared at my rod.
"Just a little kiss, sweetie. Give Daddy's cock a good morning smooch!" I said as I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her face down to my crotch to pay homage to my cock one more time before we both went to the kitchen for the breakfast her mother was fixing us. "Kiss your new Daddy!" I commanded her.