Chapter 02

That night, my new stepdaughter Evie was introduced to her mother's unusual medical problem and the even more unusual medical treatment she was receiving.

"Now it's nothing to get worked up about, honey," Mary explained. "The doctor says this premature menopause problem is probably reversible given the right treatment, and anyway even if it weren't, it's not seriously harmful. I'm in no danger."

"But you're only 37 years old!" exclaimed Evie. "How can you be going through menopause?"

Mary smiled. "If you're looking for a medical explanation, you're asking the wrong person. Even when the doctor explained it to me, I didn't really follow him. The important thing is that I'm treating it, and it shows every sign of reversing itself. But at least for now, I'm having to take a large number of pills: hormones, vitamins, nutritional supplements, you name it. When you see the pile of pills I take every day after work, your eyes will pop out!"

"Mommy, please! Don't joke about it!"

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm just trying to ease the tension. I appreciate your concern, and I think the better of you for it. And I know you'll work with me dealing with the side effects."

"Side . . .?"

"The medication has temporary side effects," I explained, cutting in. Mary looked at me with relief in her eyes, glad that I was stepping in to take some of the burden of the explanation off her shoulders. "Basically, for a couple of hours after your mother takes her medications, her eyes dilate and she has trouble focusing. She becomes so sensitive to light that we have to turn off all the lights and close all the drapes in the house."

"Oh, Mommy!" said Evie. "That sounds terrible! And you're like that all day after taking the meds?"

"No, no. The light sensitivity comes on about twenty minutes after I take my medication, and it only lasts a couple of hours. After that I'm back to normal."

Mary then took her medications - I counted almost twenty pills this time, of all shapes and colors, including spoonfuls of powdered seaweed extracts and liquid fish oils. I spent the next several minutes closing all the curtains and shutting off all the lights. Mary said the light from the TV didn't bother her much, so we put on a football game. That way she could follow the sports announcer's descriptions of the game, even if the picture itself was only a fuzzy blur.

"This is American football?" asked Evie as I chose the station.

"Is there any other kind?" I asked.

"In Indonesia, people use the term football to describe - what is it Americans call it? Soccer? Yeah, that's right. I don't think I've seen an American football game since I left the States at the age of nine."

"Well, come sit next to me on the couch," said Mary. "We'll explain the rules as we watch."

"I'd rather sit with my new Daddy," said Evie, moving toward my seat in an overstuffed armchair. "Do you mind, Mommy? Daddy looks like he has a nice big lap."

"Go right ahead, sweetie," said Mary, smiling. "I'm glad you're becoming attached to your new stepfather."

"I sure am," said Evie, smiling.

Evie came and stood before me. Since it was the only clothing she owned for the time being, she was still wearing her under-sized Catholic schoolgirl outfit with the minuscule green plaited plaid skirt and white knee socks. To preserve the over-strained buttons of her blouse, she had unbuttoned it entirely, then tied the shirt tails together under her huge 32F breasts, leaving her tummy bare. Now, standing before me, she held her elbows straight and clasped her hands demurely at her crotch, which had the effect of pushing her big tits together, accentuating her amazing cleavage. Her long blonde braids went several inches past her shoulders. She lowered her head and, looking submissively into my eyes, she asked, "Do you mind my sitting on your lap, Daddy? I don't weigh much - I'm only a hundred and ten pounds. Pleeease?"

I was grinning from ear to ear as I replied, "I don't mind at all, honey. Come sit on your Daddy." I held out both my arms to her.

Within seconds, Evie had seated herself on my hardening cock. She draped one arm over my shoulder and sat with her legs hanging over one arm of the chair, facing towards her mother. "This is great, Mommy! I really love having a new Daddy!" She wiggled her ass on my lap as if she were settling herself in to her seat, then kissed me on the cheek. We both looked at my wife and smiled at her.

"Is he your Horsecock?" asked Mary, smiling innocently.

"My Ho - Hor . . .?" Evie was wide-eyed with surprise. I could feel her stiffen in my arms.

"You heard me." Mary's innocent, benign expression was so totally at odds with the words coming out of her mouth that I struggled to keep from snickering. "Jenna told me about the slang word that Indonesian girls and wives use to describe their big, strong Daddies - they call them 'Daddy Horsecock'. I guess you didn't think I'd have heard the term, mmh?"

"No, I guess not."

"So is Danny your new Daddy Horsecock?"

"Oh, yeah, Mom," said Evie. She looked into my eyes with a huge smile. It was the first time I had ever seen a glimmer of the sort of evil grin that her sister Jenna habitually displayed. "He's a Horsecock, all right!" She tightened her arm around my shoulder and wiggled her bottom on my lap, then kissed me again on the cheek. Then she kissed me again, all in a display of Daddy-directed affection for her mother's benefit. "Kiss my cheek, Daddy!" she said, raising her hand from my shoulder to the back of my head and pulling my head to her cheek. She beamed at her mother as she stroked the hair on the back of my head while I nuzzled her cheek. "I guess he's your Horsecock, too?" she said sweetly to her mother.

I was in heaven. While Evie talked to her mother, I put one arm around her rib cage and held her tightly. I moved my face slightly so that I could slip my tongue in her ear. In response, Evie squirmed again on my cock, all the while maintaining a happy smile directed at my wife.

"He certainly is!" replied her mother. "It's so wonderful having a Horsecock in the house."

Evie turned to me. "Oh, man, Daddy! This is so great!" She wiggled her ass again, grinding her body into my cock. "HORSECOCK!" she cried. Meanwhile, she continued to twirl her fingers in the hair on the back of my head while gave little feather kisses on her cheek, her ear and her neck.

Her mother, my wife, smiled benignly at us.

At that point the football game started, and Mary and I spent the next several minutes explaining the rules of the game to little Evie.

Even though it was her first experience of football in years, Evie was really interested in the game. When one team made a big play, or the ball was intercepted, Evie bounced up and down on my lap as if it was the most exciting thing in the world. For several minutes, I held her in my arms, with one arm supporting her behind her back and my hand on her bare tummy, while my other arm supported her legs from below. When she began bouncing up and down, I accentuated her moves by lifting her up and down on my crotch as if we were fucking in front of my wife.

Mary smiled at Evie. "I'm so glad you're getting into the spirit of the game," she said.

"I LOVE this game," said Evie.

During the next big play, I shifted Evie's position, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was watching the screen to maximize my access to her body. Keeping my arm below Evie's leg, I pushed the bottom of her skirt out of the way and adjusted her slightly so that my hand could reach up and play with her pussy from below.

From that point on, Evie became even more excited by the game. Even after relatively unimportant plays, she began excitedly bouncing up and down on my dick and on the fingers in her twat.

"Goal! Goal! When are they going to go for a goal?"

"We call it a touchdown, honey," I explained. "And you usually have to build up to it. They have to work the ball all the way down the field play by play."

"Oh, I'm building up to it, Daddy. I'm ready for that touchdown!"

While we spoke, I noticed that Mary's medication side effects seemed to be kicking in. Even though we were sitting in a shuttered room whose only illumination was a television screen, Mary began squinting as if she were trying to shut out a bright light. By the time we entered the game's second quarter, Mary had already put on her extra-dark sunglasses. The juxtaposition of the dark glasses in an already-darkened room made her look almost like a blind woman.

Evie saw the shift in her mother's deteriorating vision. Without saying a word, she used her arms to lift herself slightly off of my lap, allowing me enough space to quietly unzip my pants and push them down from my crotch. Evie lowered herself back on my bare crotch, then reached down and pushed my pants all the way down to my ankles.

Both of us looked over at my wife, who sat in her dark glasses staring blankly at what to her were the indistinct moving shapes on the television. When we both saw that Mary was oblivious to our actions, Evie lifted herself up again. Grasping the base of my cock, Evie carefully lowered herself onto my rod.

We were doing it. We were fucking right in front of my wife.

Evie began slowly. She nuzzled her face into my neck and started kissing and licking my neck and ear, thrusting her tongue inside my ear and whispering softly but urgently, "Fuck me, Daddy! I've never had any cock but yours in my pussy. Fuck your horny little stepdaughter!"

Her big tits felt fantastic pressed against my upper chest and shoulder. With one hand, I reached up to her blouse and untied the shirt tail knot at the base of her rib cage, freeing her lovely tits for my pleasure. I cupped her tits from below and bounced them up and down in my hands. They were so huge on her petite frame!

"Oh, Mommy!" Evie sighed, looking directly into her mother's face as she bounced up and down freely a few feet in front of her nearly-blind mother. "I love my new home!" Her tits - her incredible tits - seemed to have a life of their own, bouncing in and out of synch with Evie's increasingly frantic movements.

"We're so happy to have you, dear," said Mary from behind her dark glasses.

Evie thrust one of her tits into my waiting mouth. She glanced over at the screen, seeing that one team was on the two yard line, just about ready to try a play straight through the middle toward the goal posts. "I'm ready for my touchdown!" She cried. "Gimme a touchdown!"

I bit down on Evie's nipple and she spasmed. Her head flew backward and her back arched. "Give it to me! Gimme that touchdown! Gimme gimme!" she cried. Using my arms I lifted and dropped her over and over onto my aching cock. Her body began flopping uncontrollably.

The sound on the TV increased as the roar of the crowd hit a crescendo.

"Touchdown!" yelled the announcer.

"Touchdown! Touchdown!" cried Evie. Her body shook all over. The muscles in her upper thighs quivered and she threw her head backward, crying out to the ceiling, "YEAH! FUCKING TOUCHDOWN! FUCKING HORSECOCK TOUCHDOWN!"

Evie's spasms sent me over the edge. Gritting my teeth to keep from crying out and alerting my wife, I came inside Evie, coating the walls of her vagina with cum.

Evie felt my orgasm. Her eyes met mine. She smiled and kissed me.

Mary smiled indulgently. "Evie, I'm glad you're excited by the game. But you need to watch your language! And anyway, Daddy Horsecock isn't responsible for that touchdown, is he?"

"Sure he is, Mommy," Evie gasped. "Daddy and I are on the same team!"

I thrust upward and she spasmed again. Her thighs and her pelvis shivered uncontrollably for several seconds. I held her tightly in my arms and lifted her twitching, shaking body up and down on my aching cock. Finally, the sensations of her twisting and bouncing on my rod became too much, and I spurted my sperm deep inside her. I had to grit my teeth to keep from crying out in orgasmic triumph.

Evie was gasping as she came down from her orgasmic high. She kissed me hard on the mouth, accepting my tongue as I thrust into her warm wetness. When, several seconds later, she came up for air, gasping, she continued to her mother, "I'm sorry about the bad language, Mommy, I guess I lost track of myself for a minute." She smiled and then went back to kissing me while I fondled her tits.

We spent the next few minutes necking while the game continued and the announcer droned on about each play. Mary sat rapt, listening to the game. Evie kissed me tenderly over and over, moving from my lips to my cheeks, then back to my mouth. She tasted delicious. Meanwhile, I brazenly fondled her soft breasts a few feet in front of her mother, my wife. Occasionally, Evie shut her eyes and shivered in aftershocks of pleasure.

Under normal circumstances, I'd have been spent after an experience like that. But Evie insisted on remaining on my lap with my cock still inside her. The result was that my cock never completely deflated.

Ten minutes later I was hard again. When the half time show started, Evie began gyrating on my cock in time with the beat of the college marching band on the screen. She propped her arms behind her on the arm of the chair and her feet on the other arm of the chair. Now she could properly move her body in all directions: up, down and twisting around my pole. Her long blonde braids were whipsawing in all directions. Her inadequate little plaited skirt, which concealed almost none of her body and instead simply drew attention to her hips, was flying up and down with every crazy twist of her torso.

The sensations on my shaft were intense. With her bare tits bouncing and her hips corkscrewing up and down, she was doing a half time show on my dick! And all the while, my wife was only a few steps away, literally blind to what was going on.

Evie was both insatiable and also childishly grateful for every thrust that I gave her. "Oh, Daddy! This game is FANTASTIC!" she moaned. "I'm so happy!" Then she went back to humping frantically up and down. "Oh God! It's another touchdown!" She grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth onto her big breast. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried, sobbing.

Mary smiled indulgently. "It's not a touchdown when the band is playing, honey," she corrected. "Touchdowns only happen during the game itself. But I'm glad you're excited. I like the music, too." Seated only a few feet away, Mary tapped out the beat on the arm of the couch, using her index finger.

Having gotten my wind after cumming once, I was able to hold on for the rest of the game without cumming again. The fact that Evie alternated between frantic fucking and romantic cooing helped me maintain my control: whenever I felt in danger of cumming again, I signaled Evie to relax her pace by grasping her hips and showing her how to slow down for a few minutes. That way, I was able to prolong the sex for more than an hour. Evie humped maniacally sometimes, pounding her body up and down on my hard cock and screaming for more touchdowns. But then other times, she nuzzled into my arms, whimpering submissively as I rocked my busty baby girl on my hard cock. "Daddy Daddy!" she sobbed, whispering in my ear so softly that only I could hear her. "Daddy I feel so good in your arms. Fuck me! Oh please fuck me! I need so much sex! I need to cum every night! Fuck me! Fuck me every night. Fuck me forever."

I kissed her gently while I rocked her in and out on my long hard dick. "I'll make you cum, sweetheart! I promise! Daddy will fuck you over and over," I reassured her in a whisper meant only for her.

"Yes! Yes!" she whispered back, and came again. The mere thought that she could experience sex with me every night made her cum again as she rocked herself on my shaft.

By the time the football game's fourth quarter started, Evie was exhausted. She had spent most of the halftime and third quarter propping herself up with her hands and feet on the arms of the chair so that she could pound up and down as hard and as fast as she could. Now, though, she'd had so many "touchdowns" that she was all played out. She brought her knees up to her breasts, curling up almost into a ball. I responded by wrapping one arm around her shoulders and the other under her knees, embracing and swaddling her tight little body. In that position, she nuzzled her head up against my neck, cooing, mewling and whimpering, occasionally even sobbing with sexual release. All the while, my cock remained impaled in her tight little teen pussy, so that the action I took rocking her in my arms also meant that I was rocking her in and out on my cock. Evie shivered and sobbed through another "touchdown". Then another. Her body was incredibly responsive to my every touch, I thought to myself as she gasped and arched her back, her eyes rolling back in their sockets as she experienced yet another orgasm in my arms.

When I was ready to cum again, I rocked her especially hard and pushed my pelvis up, going even deeper into her. She felt my ejaculation and whimpered her gratitude. She licked my neck like a kitten thanking its master for a saucer of cream.

Just yesterday, I thought to myself, she had never even seen, much less touched, a man's cock. She'd had tons of lesbian sex but had yearned for cock the whole time. Now her horny little body was imprinted on her new Daddy's fuck stick. She would worship my dick from now on. She belonged to me.

As if she was reading my mind, Evie whimpered in my ear, "Daddy dick. I love Daddy dick."

The game ended right about the time that we could expect Mary's sight to begin to return to normal. When the final buzzer sounded, Evie lifted herself off her Daddy's cock. In a gesture that I found both endearing and incredibly sexy, she then knelt down and, bringing her two hands together on either side on my shaft as if she were praying, kissed the tip of my cock in a gesture of worship and submission, giving thanks to my dick for the pleasure it had given her. "Thank you, Daddy," she said as she kissed the head, so softly that she seemed to be speaking directly to my dick.

I gently stroked her blonde hair in a gesture of approval. Evie looked upward into my eyes adoringly. Her lips were poised on the tip of my cock head, pursed together in a kiss for Daddy. She smiled at me, my cock next to her happy mouth.

The scene of her lovingly kissing the tip of my cock was so beautiful and sexy that couldn't resist pushing things one step father. Bringing both my hands to her temples, I pushed her head onto my cock. She automatically responded by opening her mouth wide and accepting my cock one more time. She briefly sucked me, bobbing her head up and down. Then she stood and began re-tying the shirt tails of her blouse to contain her tits.

As she walked out of the room, Mary turned to me, smiling through her dark glasses. "Isn't she a good girl?" she asked me.​
Previous page: Chapter 01