Update 05

shamsher: i mean you girls are so intelligent. i am sure none of you will do anything that
will need me to use my rod.

all the girls who got the intended hidden meaning felt there pussies got wet.
shamsher: are you girls are getting what i am trying to say. those who want to study
are most welcome and those who cant do without getting a rod can tell me.. i have a
rod too... i mean i know how to use a rod. hence i want to request you girls that you
should try and pay attention to your studies and nothing else.

peon spawned at the class door just then "sir! pyari ma'am is asking for Disha"
shamsher: miss disha, you can go.
disha went to the staffroom. vani was already standing there.
pyari ma'am was crimson red in anger
"may i come in ma'am"
pyari: come in princess. stand there against the wall
disha silently went and stood alongwith vani.
vani was sobbing.

pyari: i used to think very high of both of you. but ...
disha: w...wh...what happened ma'am
pyari: shutup bitch... dont you feel ashamed while trying to seduce your own teacher?
if you were feeling so restless why didnt you got alonged with any village boy... so
many are crazy behind you... could have slept with anybody... but no.. you had to
seduce your new teacher only... you'll fuck him in the car or what???

dishas eyes were all watery.. and tears were flowing across her cheeks. this was first
time ever that anybody dared insult her.. and that too such shamelessly
"ma'am why are you saying so, what have i done to deserve this?"
"what have you done? you;ll keep him there as your lover? what have the bastard
given you in return?"

disha couldnt control her any more. she burst out "madma please. stop all this crap.
i am unable to take all this."
pyari was out of her skin... burning the devil-red in rage... she got up, picked up a
nearby rod, and .."smaaassshhh" ... slammed it on her butt sheeks. she fell down in
pain. but pyari didnt stop here... she caught hold of disha's silky hairs and pulled them
up... to avoid pain disha got on her knees... pyari pulled her lower lips this time and
swinged the rod which hit her full-on on her boobs. disha could endure no further and
started crying.

pyari: listen bitch, you think am bullshitting you. catch hold of your ears.
disha caugth her ears and became "murgi"
pyari was a real bitch and a thoird-rate woman. she kept the rod in between her butt
cheeks and started moving them up-and-down "bitch, i'll tone your thirsty cunt. you
dont let anyone to lay there hands down there na..

vani was beyond shocked state. she couldnt see her sister in this state anymore. she
ran off from the room. and kept shouting "sir! sir!".. she was runing hey-ward in a state
of trance... all the girls came out of the class... on hearing the plight of vani anjali also
came out running and shamsher too... he was shocked...

vani came running to shansher and hugged him tightly.. sobbing uncontrollably...
"sir.. didi..."
shamsher was feeling all funny.. such a youth was embrassing her..
but the time was not right to deviate in this direction...

shamsher: what happened vani?
"s..ss...sir sir.. pyari madam..."
they all ran towards the office.

they all ran towards the office.
disha was lying on the earth like a deadbody.. all messed up.. her dress was torn,
through which her firm stomach was visible...

it didnt take a moment to realize the situation and shamsher acted even faster. he
took out his cell phone and dialed bhiwani SP's personal number

"yeah shamsher beta." the voice greeted from the other end.
"good morning uncle. i am calling from the sr sec girls college of loharu. please send
a lady security officer officer immediately. a crime has been commited here.
"what happened beta? are you all right?"
"i am fine uncle. please send the security officer"
"ok beta"

pyari has still not realized things and was still full of attitude. she had assumed that
being a village sarpanch his husband is a big shot and has good relations to all security officer
stations. no one will be able to touch her.

but when the security officer reached, the whole scene was reversed.
a lady inspector stepped down from the jeep.
she came in typical security officer style, swinging her stick in air "who had called SP sir?"
shamsher addressed her: please come this way miss
and he took her to disha. disha was now sitting in the office and was still sobbing

shamsher said:"yeah disha, show your wounds to ma'am and tell her everything in detail"

disha was about to take off her chunni and show her chest & stomach to the
lady inspector but suddenly stopped and looked at shamsher. shamsher realized
his mistake and immediately left the place.

some time later the lady inspector came out and took pyari in custody and left.
anjali reported the incident to D.O. and declared holiday.
shamsher asked anjali to come along: "lets drop her home"
shamsher started the car, vani came and sat at front. Anjali and disha sat in the rear.
they reached her home. as soon as disha entered the house she burst off crying
uncontrollablely. after some time only she could be pacified slowly. after that only
they could explain all that happened to the family.

anjali informed them that she wanted to forcefully keep shamsher at her home.
everyone knew what kind of woman she was.

once everything was clear, vani's father was anxious "now what will happen son?"
"what else, pyari madam will be convicted and she'll serve the judgement"
"no no beta. it isnt wise to get cross with them, we live in a village. you please get
all this stopped."
hearing this disha again started crying.
shamsher: "we'll see uncle"

once the sarpanch heard the news he angerily called the security officer station and demanded
that payri be left immediately. but when he heard all the story and inside information,
he panicked. shamsher was a son of a senior IPS officer. now if anything could be
done, only shamsher could do.

sarpanch came running to their house with folded hands. for the first time ever
the whole village saw him in such a humble state. he started pleading. after
long discussion and dayachand's intervention it was agreed upon that pyari
would plead guilty and beg for forgiveness from disha in front of the whole
village and she will be transferred to the other college in some other village.

and that was what followed. only then disha could calm down.

within few days everything went normal as if it was just a bad dream and nothing

such had ever happened. but yeah the villagers were really happy from within.
uncle's reputation too had increased overnight.

and in all this those questions and conditions that he wanted to put forth to
shamsher was forgotten inevitably.
he said "sorry master ji! we couldnt even look after the basics of hospitality"
"disha beti, please make some tea for your madam & sir"
"sure uncle"
disha hadnt really become normal. time-to-time she could remember what pyari had said.
never before had anyone dared to touch her treasured assets. never... never ever!
even now also she would feel the rod between her buttcheeks. how awefully and
dirty she talked about shamsher sir. just the thought made her face pink... :-o oops! pink.. wtf..
and then she would remember how shamsher spawned there as a hero and saved
her not just that he even ensured that she was served justice.
while making the tea disha was thinking "is he the one? her hero? her..."
just the thought made her blush. she shied and hidden her face in her knees.

she brought the tea and served everyone. while serving shamsher her hands were
trembling. she was still angry with him. as soon as they finished the tea, vani said
"come sir, let me show you the rooms"
uncle felt a bit weird and he stared at her, but she was too naive to understand
that. she took shamsher up..almost pulling. they had decorated the room as best
as they could think of. shamsher said just after the first look
"i'll have to set the whole room"

vani heart cried "sir! disha di & i have done a lot of effort for this"
shamsher started laughing.

he went down and brought his laptop, a folding table, his bag and a bed.
shamsher started resetting the room as per his requirements. meanwhile aunty
called for vani. vani came down running. shamsher saw her running down from
the window. vani had damn good figure. he thought when this bud will ripen up
she will be even sexier than disha. he resumed his adjustments again.

"what are you doing upstairs beta. let him have some rest"
"no mummy! sir is cleaning his room. i was helping him."
disha turned to her, surprised
"we had already cleaned the rooms yesterday. hadnt we vani?"
she was feeling a rahe building inside. yesterday how beautyfully she had
decorated the room with so much affcetion.
vani: "sir has changed the whole setting di."
disha felt such a sudden rush of adrenaline that if he wasnt her teacher then
she would have faught with him right away.

what does he think of himself? but she didnt say anything. gathered herself and
started preparing for washing the clothes. they had been lying dirty without attention.

after finalizing all the adjustments shamsher sat on the bed relaxing. he saw from the windows,
disha was washing closthes. she was clearly visible through the windows. she was an unparalleled
beauty. while washing closthes different shades of emotions wer passing by her face.

sometimes she would smile. damn her eyes had those mischievious smile and brightness that
can make even a frustrated and bored day into the one to remember for long... sometimes she
would get nervous.. sometimes her face would show the same emotions she had reflected when
shamsher had asked her name for the first time. probably she was thinking something... just
then she bent down and shamsher could see her cleavage. her apple size boobs were completely
round even without a bra.

shamsher thought will he ever be able to even touch them. wish this happenes one day.
disha was first ever girl for whome he was feeling restless, and yet she was not giving any
signals. it has happened so many times that so many pretty pussies had taken him fully in
on just one move or initiative that he has taken.

she stood up to squeeze out the water to leave it for drying. her face was now facing the
other side...her dress was "again" stuck between her butt-cheek. as the dress was drenched
in water the real size of her butts were correctly visible to shamsher. totally round. shamsher
got restless to teach her the first lessions of love-making. but he had a fear too she was full
of attitude. so if his tricks failed then he would have to lose all other girls too that are readily
available to him in the college.

the college was full of delicious delicacies, but yeah they were all tatelesss in comparision to disha.

just then the cell-phone rang. it was anjali
"yes honey"
"you have adjusted well na?"
"yes honey, only you are missing..."
"then come over tonight" anjali's thirst have now increased
"sorry sweetheart, but they might feel weired"
"come for some time only, excusing yourself for a walk"
"hmm.. ok lemme see"
"i love you"
"love you too sweety"

shamsher's attention now wouldnt deviate from disha's buttcheeks. lost in her physique he
fell asleep.

round about 5pm disha made tea. aunty asked her to serve one cup to shamsher too. as soon
as disha started uncle stopped her.
"disha beti, stop. vani go and serve the tea to shamsher"
"papa, i have not completed my work yet, i'll go later. di please you go na"
well, disha too wanted to go but she wasnt sure if she was ready to face him.

dunno why but she would feel afraid of facing him... ... while going up the steps she was
feeling as if her feets are getting heavier and havier...

when reached she saw shamsher was sleeping. she kept looking at him unfazed. such a smart
face. so wide chest, and such a small waste, perfect "V"... oops! whats this.. shamsher's
trousers were swollen from front. just by thinking what's inside she turned red with embarassment...
"oh god!"

disha instantly turned her face away. alas! he wasnt her "sir". she would have presented her
heart to him.

funny little cutie, what would she know about the matters of heart, heart is not given
delibetately baby, it just happenes. what she wasnt realizing that she had already given
her heart to "sir"... what say friends?

she silently went to the table and kept the tea there and came down.
she addressed vani "vani! can you please wake-up sir, he is sleeping. i have left the tea there."
nirmala: "gosh! .. couldnt you had woken him up, such an idiot"
disha: "i couldnt wake him up aunty"

vani kept her copies in the bag and ran up.

she went and tried waking him up. she caught him by hands and pulled but shamsher didnt
buzz. vani was very naughty and she had grown very comfortable with shamsher. she pushed
him by her hands on his chest. her boobs were directly inn front of shamsher. still he didnt
wake up. vani shouted in his ears loudly "Sir ji"

and shamsher got up and sat straight. he acted surprised..."what happened vani?"
"sir your tea.." she pointed towards the table.
"oh! thanks vani"
"dont thanks me, thanks di"
"where is she?"

"she was here... but as you were sleeping she kept the tea and left. i pushed you so many
times but you didnt wake up. i had to shout in your ears. sorry" vani said laughing.
"do you know vani, untill somebody calls me by my name, i wont wake up no matter what
he did. not sure if this is some kind of illness" shamsher was playing his tricks nicely

"sir, wasnt it the same case with Kumbhkaran (the devil from ramayana)"
"so you calling me kumbhkaran..." shamsher pinched her on her cheeks
"uii maa".. shamsher left her and she started laughing.
shamshe felt as if he had touched her genitals and she had reacted "uii maa"
vani left after that.

as soon as vani went downstaires she addressed her mother
"mummy, sir is like kumbhakaran"
aunty didn't pay much attention to her. but disha... just the word "sir" was
enough to get all her attention.

she was studying inside. she called vani. vani came and sat beside her.
after some time disha asked "had sir taken his tea?"
"yeah, i guess so. i had woken him up."
"what were you saying about sir?"
"what...? nothing... what was i saying?"
"something about kumbhkaran.."
"i wont tell you di. if you shared this in college, all the students would start
calling him the same"
"do i look like crazy to you?... common tell me.."

as if she was sharing a secret, vani said "do you know di, once sir is asleep, then
there is only one way to wake him up. no matter whatever else you do he wont
wake up. if you have to wake him up, then you have to call him by his name and
that too in his ears"
"that's not funny.." disha couldn't believe her
"really di. believe me. i had literally climbed on his chest, even then he didnt wake
up. then i called him in his ears..loudly "sir"... only then he woke up"

"what, you climbed on him... such a shameless girl... didnt you feel embarrased
getting all over him.." disha was now planning something
vani teased her even further.."sir is very nice, isnt it di?"
"go run away.. let me study" disha shoed her away

shamsher too was restless to get his hands over disha.

shamsher too was restless to get his hands over disha. he kept staring across the
window, what if he got lucky again... poor shamsher...​
Next page: Update 06
Previous page: Update 04