Page 02
His words hit home. "Do you know me?" I blurted out, slowly lowering my firearm.
The old man grinned, showing me a mouthful of rotted and broken teeth. "Course I do -- had you in my algebra class...almost twice 'cause you about failed, mooning over Diane Foreman."
Sudden recognition was followed by sudden shock as I realized that this burned out husk of a man was my high school algebra teacher -- Mister Williams. I rushed him, almost panicking him as I wrapped him in a bear hug -- glad simply that there was someone alive from my own life.
I spent two days with him, hearing his story as he wandered in and out of lucidity. He was vague on whether anyone else was still in town. He survived on crops growing wild and the occasional cat he managed to kill with his improvised weapon. He offered me both hope and anguish in his rambling words.
"It was about a year after the bombs fell that they came. We'd managed to survive the winter...those who stuck with the town, your mother and father and sister amongst them. We pooled resources and fought off the occasional bandits before, but then came this bunch. They had guns and were organized and hit us without warning. Most folk holed up in their houses like your family did -- a bunch made a last stand at the high school. We killed a bunch, but there must have been at least a hundred of them and they were vicious. Your daddy was one of the last to fall. He took five of them with him before he got hit. He was wounded...bad, but they took their time beating him to death."
"Did they have a leader -- was there a name? Did their leader kill my dad?" I'd asked as I'd turned a skewered cat over, roasting over a low fire in my camp.
Mister Williams looked embarrassed and replied, "No -- never caught his name -- evil looking fella -- even more than the rest -- big, black beard like those Civil War re-enactors used to have. He was too busy with your mother and your sister. Stripped them naked and made Pammy watch while his men raped your mother over and over again." Huge tears ran down his face. "I was watching from the shadows...I'm sorry I couldn't do nothing -- your mother moaning and Pammy sobbing like a baby on that bearded bastard's knee, him laughing to beat the band. Come morning, they put them both on leashes like dogs and led them out along with all the goods they could carry." My old teacher leaned over and patted my leg. "I'm sorry, John. I always hoped they didn't suffer too long before they died."
We didn't say much more that night. I sat watching and feeding the fire until dawn broke. I packed up and asked Mister Williams, "Any idea where they might have gone -- especially the bearded one?"
Mister Williams paled. East, up the river -- there's a big bunch of raiders running things. Don't go messing with that black bearded son of a bitch, son. He's a mean one...the devil himself."
I rucked up my pack and slung my rifle on my shoulder and patted the old man on the shoulder. "That's alright. I've met the devil a few times already. He's the one that should worry." I sat out upriver and never saw Mr. Williams again.
I slowly worked my way east, running into others as I went -- hearing and seeing about the efforts of raider gangs as I went. I started to hear one name over and over -- the strong man who made a lot of survivors afraid...his name was Black Tom. I made no trouble, but kept an eye out for Mom and Pammy. Black Tom had a penchant for female slaves for prostitution and as I made my way through settlements, I kept a sharp eye out for the survivors of my family even though I kept hearing that his slaves tended not to last all that long. I wasn't worried though -- he was a dead man, living only on borrowed time if I found out he'd taken my mother and sister.
For a moment, I could only gawk, trying to keep the surprise from my face even as my mother's eyes widened as she somehowrecognized me through the dirt and grime and my scruffy beard. I think, given another moment or two, I'd have pulled my M-142 and opened up on Black Tom and the others, but Mom, moving swiftly, was in my lap, straddling me and mashing her mouth against mine while her arms went round my neck and firmly held me in place.
I opened my mouth in surprise and was even more surprised when Mom thrust her tongue between my lips and any noise of shock or dismay was squelched before they came out. I heard vague chucking from the bar and Black Tom roared, "Don't fuck him to death, Alice. I like this boy!"
Mom gave a great laugh as she broke the kiss and hunching against me, pressed my face against her immense breasts. As my mind tried to process all this, a part of me noted that I still had a hard-on, my body reacting to the luscious naked body atop me. Mom's lips pressed against my ear and in a whisper, she said, "Don't do anything, John -- not yet. You'll get us all killed."
Mom returned to kissing me, feeding me her tongue and I couldn't help but respond, my tongue dancing with hers, feeling thrills I'd never experienced with other women. It was wrong, but goddamnit, it felt so good! Mom broke the kiss and again hugged me to her lush body, her lips kissing their way from my neck to my ears.
Her voice whispered harshly, "I'm your bought and paid for whore, so be touching me, son! Don't do anything to make them suspicious." When I didn't respond, Mom tightened her hips against my thighs and softly hissed, "Grab my tits, John! Play with my fucking breasts!"
Slowly, like a man drugged, I brought my hands up and grabbed hold of huge handfuls of soft breast flesh. Her nipples throbbed madly against my palms and she moaned in response, "God yes, baby, Suck my titties -- make Momma feel good!" My mind reeled as I heard my mother use such language -- I'd never even heard her say 'hell' or 'damn' when I was a kid.
I moaned as she pressed my head down to one of her huge, quivering breasts, the nipple looking so thick and meaty itself as I opened my mouth and took it inside, running my tongue over it. Mom hunched against me, her hands slipping into my shirt, ragged nails sliding over my dirty skin, shivering as I suckled at my mother's breast for the first time since I was a baby.
Finally, she pulled my head back up and tilted her neck back, rolling her head as my tongue fluttered across her skin, finding its way up to her ear. "Mom, I can take you away."
Mom moaned as if those words pleased her. "Yes, you can fuck Momma all night, baby," she said loudly as she dry humped my crotch. In my ear, she whispered, "You do know they're going to try and kill you?"
I nodded as I nuzzled her breasts again. As I mouthed her other nipple, I said softly, "What's the plan?" My face was once again pressed into her deep cleavage and I caught a whiff of something that took me back to my childhood -- maybe to a moment when in pain or upset, my mother had held me to her bosom in my youth.
"I'm to hold off fucking you for a bit, then start sucking your cock while they get into position. They figure between my mouth and Pammy, you'll be distracted and they'll cut your throat or blow your head off -- taking you while I make you cum. I've -- they've done it before." Mom kissed me again and then lifted her ass up and rotated so she was sitting in my lap facing the others.
I kneaded my mother's tits while she gave me an incestuous lap dance -- her full ass cheeks rubbing deliciously against the bulge in my pants while my lips nuzzled her ear and whispered, "Pammy...Pammy's alive and here?"
Mom leaned her head back, exposing her neck to my love bites and barely moving her lips, replying, "She's Black Tom's special toy...she's...oh God, it's hard to explain."
As I fondled and kissed my mother's body, allowing her to take my hand and lead it to between her legs, I studied the crowd nonchalantly -- some staring at us with envy and avarice, others busy with Alices of their own and some of Black Tom's ravager crew slowing moving into place around us. I could feel Black Tom's eyes studying us intently, but dared not look even as I slid two fingers into Mom's pussy -- finding her wet and steaming hot as I made her moan while I sucked on her neck. Mom suddenly tensed up and I imagined that she'd been given a signal from Black Tom because she slithered from my lap onto her knees and began undoing the fly of my pants.
I spared a glance towards Black Tom only to see him disappearing into the back and then Mom was fishing my cock out, her hands feeling incredible as she stroked it and breathed, "Oh big and lovely," before opening her mouth wide and sliding her lips over the head. I clamped my jaws together -- a moan of delight hissing between clenched teeth as I glanced down to see my mother slowly slide her lips down my shaft -- her tongue maddeningly swirling over my erect member -- almost too distracting as I tried to keep track of the five men now sitting at tables just a few feet away.
My attention was partially diverted as the entire bar broke into applause as Black Tom returned, leading a young woman inside by a leather leash. She too was naked -- like all the other women, wearing a glittering, silver pair of high heels, accentuating the curve and shapeliness of her long legs. Long and clean blonde hair the color of straw, cascaded down her back, parted in the middle and framing her lean face and electric blue eyes that seemed to energize as the crowd hooted and crowed. She was tall and lean with high, full breasts, capped with hard nipples pierced and joined by a thin gold chain. She preened and turned to let all see her shapely, firm buttocks and her obviously aroused pussy, bare as the day she was born. Her tongue peeked out as she turned and grinned and winked at everyone as Black Tom led her out from behind the bar and into the room proper.
She exuded sheer sexuality on a level I'd never seen in a woman and I could feel a moment's insane lust flare within me despite that in this carnal creature I recognized the innocent little sister I'd last seen maybe five years before. Men reached out and caressed her -- copping feels of tits and ass as she was paraded around the room by Black Tom. He approached us and yanked her forward to show her off to me.
"Did I lie, John?" He said laughingly. "My offer's still good -- her for a night...hell, three nights in exchange for your rifle." He jerked the leash and added, "Give him a little taste, there, Pammy."
My head swirled as if I'd been on a weeklong drunk as I watched my sister lean forward, cupping her tits as if offering them to me while all along Mom continued to show me that she'd become an accomplished and talented cocksucker. Then Pammy was squatting down and touching Mom on the shoulder and I thought my cock would explode in the suddenly cool air as Mom let me slip from her mouth and she turned and gave her daughter a soul kiss, tongues swirling madly for a moment before Pammy ducked in and licked the tip of my cock, drawing off a stringer of precum that she immediately shared with Mom before Black Tom yanked my sister back onto her feet with a flick of his wrist.
"What'ya say, John? Hell, I'll give you Pammy and the Alice of your choice for those three days and you can fuck yourself blind."
It took me several seconds to have the wherewithal to shake my head, as Mom resumed giving me the most soulful head of my life and reply, "Mo-um, Alice is more than I can take as is...gotta, oh, God, pass!"
Black Tom grinned and shrugged and I watched as a look passed between him and his crew as he turned and led my sister back towards the bar. All were tensing up -- their attention divided between watching Mom fellate me and Black Tom leading Pammie back to the front of the room, where she climbed atop a table and spread her legs. The leader of his ravaging crew grinned and dropped his pants to the floor and with my little sister undulating her hips in anticipation, he climbed atop her and began to brutally fuck her.
As Pammy's wails of pleasure wafted through the air, Mom's efforts in sucking my cock increased in intensity, her eyes gazing up at me with a mixture of fear and lust and pure excitement, her tongue rolling madly over the head of my cock as her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked me harder, making me squirm and roll in my seat while those watching us were literally on the edge of their seats.
I spared a glance to Pammy, almost in shock as she gleefully and skillfully rolled her hips around, meeting the thrusts of the hairy, skinny man atop her, her moans spurring him on. Before returning my full attention to Mom, I shot a glance towards Black Tom whose attention was divided between enjoying his man fucking Pammy and watching Mom suck me. I was twitching and moaning in my chair as Mom bobbed up and down on my cock, slobbering saliva and precum down her chin, drawing amused chuckles from onlookers. I took a gamble and as I shook with pleasure, surreptitiously keyed the power switch on the M-142. Mom helped distract my actions by moaning loudly with a mouthful of cock while her hands clawed upwards on my chest.
I could fee the pressure building in my cock and balls, my moans growing louder -- my head swimming with so many emotions and needs -- trying to accept that this was my mother sucking my dick -- that my sister was moaning like a cock-filled slut some twenty five feet away and that five men were rising to attack me. I cried out as I felt myself begin to cum and the world became a series of simultaneous events being experienced in minute flashes.
*Mom's eyes widened as I shot my load into her mouth...
*Five men moved as one -- handguns and long, wicked knives rising in their hands...
*A flicker of my right arm brought my M-142 into play, my finger tightening on the trigger as I swung it in a wide arc around me...
*Bringing a forty-five revolver to bear -- a man's head exploded as a bullet of plasma intersected it, spraying blood everywhere...
*Mom's mouth slipped away from my cock as my second or third burst of hot semen splattered across her face as she fell back and down...
*A man fell back on a table, collapsing it as he wrapped his arms around his stomach, trying to hold his fried guts from spilling out from another plasma bullet...
*A line of fire streaked across my cheek as a bullet narrowly missed removing my head...
*Black Tom raised his Glock, fire leaping from the barrel as he squeezed the trigger...
*Another shot of semen shot from my cock to splatter on Mom's face and breasts as she fell towards the ground...
*I began a return sweep of fire, catching a third man in the face with a plasma bullet just as he began a downward stroke with a long knife...
*I heard a yell of triumph and looked to see a man begin to squeeze off a round from another forty-five automatic when he was thrown back as bullets exploded against his chest and realized Mom had somehow undone the holster for my Colt and had stolen my pistol...
I was standing now, Mom kneeling at my feet -- cock still jerking as I shot the last of my wad. No one was standing around me and I brought my rifle to bear on Black Tom only to feel like someone hit me in my right arm with a ball bat. My hand flexed as if I'd been shocked and I dropped my rifle as I was knocked back against the wall.
Laughing, Black Tom picked up the M-142 and aimed it at me. "Motherfucker, you did a lot more damage than I'd expected, but it's worth this. He lowered the barrel towards my crotch. "Wonder what one of them plasma things would do to a man's business."
The world slowed to a crawl -- people squalling and vacating the building in slow motion. I tried flexing my fingers, but they didn't work. I wasn't wounded -- the Kevlar fabric saw to that, but my arm was nearly numb from the impact -- painful tingles rippling up and down my arm. I glanced at Mom -- now covered in my semen and the blood of others. Pammy was screaming wordlessly as the man who'd been fucking her, climbed off and began walking my way with a large K-Bar knife in hand, face glowering as I supposed he was pissed at losing so many people.
Black Tom raised the barrel back to my chest and shook his head. "Naw -- I like you too much. You get it fair and square while you're looking." He glanced at Mom who looked up at us both horrified, her fingers pulling the trigger of an empty weapon. "Now, Alice -- I might just jam this thing up her twat and see how she likes it, but first you..." Black Tom pulled the trigger but nothing happened as I stepped up to him, drawing my own blade with my working hand, as I moved.
As I drove my K-Bar into his chest, I said, "Thought you got checked out on them, asshole -- palm-print trigger lock, remember?" I twisted the knife, tearing through heart muscle while catching my rifle with tingling fingers as Black Tom fell, bringing it up to aim at the approaching raider, a part of me amused as hell that we were both ready to kill each other with our cocks hanging out. "Fuck you, too," I muttered as I pulled the trigger and sent him to join the rest of his comrades.
I scanned the room for additional trouble but only dead or wounded or those trying to crawl out were visible. The big doorman peeked through, his scattergun at the ready, but I pointed my rifle at him and said, "Do you want to be dead or the new owner of this shithole?" and he faded quickly back down the hallway.
I rushed to Mom and pulled her to her feet, crushing her mouth for a brief and passionate kiss, not caring that I could taste my own seed in her mouth. "Go see to Pammy," I said and Mom stared up vacantly for a moment and then nodded wordlessly and turned to go hug her daughter.
Robotically, I moved around the room, making sure everyone was dead -- trying not to think as I slit the throats of three of Black Tom's henchmen including Howard, draped stunned over the bar. I tried not to allow myself to notice both the redheaded Alice and African American Alice lying dead -- caught in the crossfire.
Mom had Pammy sitting up -- my sister's face etched with horror as she stared around the room. I could hear voices outside -- cries of curiosity and alarm and knew we wouldn't have much time. "Get dressed -- get some clothes on Pammy -- we're got to move."
Mom turned to look at me -- the shock of the last few minutes finally sinking in. "Go...go where? Do what?" She began to shake and as she began to lose it, my sister seemed to be absorbing her fear and began a low keen.
I was on them in a second, my sister cowering in fear -- not recognizing me which made my heart ache. I reached out and stroked Mom's cheek and said, "Go get dressed -- dress for hiking a long ways -- boots and warm clothes -- strip the dead if you have to, but get going." I gave Mom a shove and when she and Pammy still hesitated, I reached out and slapped Mom hard on the ass -- making the sudden quietness of the room ring with the sound of flesh striking flesh. That got Mom moving and while she dragged Pammy through the door behind the bar, I checked the dead for anything of value. Black Tom's Glock and ammo went into my haversack and after a moment's contemplation, so did the bottles of Jack Daniels, Black Tom's crew had brought in. Another Glock and a bandalero of shotgun shells went into my bag as well.
I moved into the rooms behind the bar -- pausing to look through a broken window that faced some woods. I caught just a glimpse of the twin girls brought in by the raiders, a wad of clothes in their hands, disappearing into the woods. I wished them well and moved on. Black Tom had small, dank cells in back for his Alices, all reeking of semen and sweat.
Mom was struggling to put some boots on Pammy -- both now wearing ill fitting dresses -- too small and too thin to be of much use even though the weather for September had been warm and humid. A set of steps led me upstairs to what had to be Black Tom's residence -- lushly provided for with clean furniture and a host of clothes and food and drink. I found a large backpack and filled it with canned goods, another Colt automatic and ammo and grabbed two heavy coats from a closet. Another room held a lush, round bed adorned with rings for chains or cuffs and more sex toys than I'd ever seen outside a place in Tijuana on shore leave from several years back. I knew I was seeing my sister's home of the last few years.
Downstairs, I found Mom stuffing a canvas bag with more canned goods and I told her it was time to go. Leading the way, I emerged cautiously into the early evening of late September. A crowd of locals were standing off a ways -- the doorman with the shotgun nowhere in sight. A scrawny old man with a huge beard stepped forward and said, "Did you really kill Black Tom?" When I briefly nodded, he said, "Well, Little Timmy done hauled ass down the road to some of Black Tom's people over in Tylerville. You might want to be elsewhere before he gets back."
I smiled then and looking at the poor, dirty and hungry faces around me said, "There's food and weapons inside -- help yourself." I barely managed to step out of the way before they rushed the place. I looked to my mother, holding hands with my sister -- a blank expression on her face and smiled. "We need to go, Mom."
Lightning flashed illuminating my mother as thunder followed. For a woman who had been forced to march miles with little rest for three days, Mom looked beautiful -- still wearing that tight dress from Black Tom's. A warm front had moved through, bringing rain and we were holed up somewhere in Northern Kentucky in an old campground, using an ancient, but dry cabin for shelter -- grateful to have found a still working fireplace so we could get warm and dry. Pammy was curled up before the fire, sound asleep and I tried real hard not to notice how her shapely body threatened to explode from her dress.
Fortunately, that was easy because I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mom and the way her large breasts seemed to stretch the seams holding her dress together. She was sitting not far from Pammy, an expression of concern on her face. My sister hadn't said a word since the firefight. She ate when given food, drank when given water and walked when told to -- all with a vacant look in her eyes.
We'd had little time for conversation -- fleeing pursuit of Black Tom's cronies, most of which I thought were dead. After the fight, we'd made our way to a river landing where Black Tom kept a little flotilla of boats -- a motley collection of small boats with outboard motors, a speedboat and an ancient looking pontoon boat. We took the speedboat after using my rifle to wreck the rest of the little fleet and moved upriver towards what Mom said was the only passable bridge within sixty miles. There I'd booby trapped the bridge using some of Gantry's toys..
The bridge was an old railroad bridge looking surprisingly solid, but littered with the wreckage of box cars abandoned on the tracks. I set up several mines -- both pressure mines and trip wired and made my way back to the boat and on across the river where I holed the hull of the speedboat and we made our way up the southern bluffs overlooking the river.
A few hours later, as Mom and Pammy rested, a large group appeared at the bridge on the Indiana side, arriving in a smoking hulk of an old school bus. Through binoculars I watched as a nasty looking and heavily armed group of maybe fifty men began to wind their way across the bridge. One stepped on a pressure mine and blew three off the bridge. The others panicked and one must have tripped the ambush wire -- hooked into a pound of C-19 and a sixty foot section of the bridge pretty much vaporized along with the entire band of raiders, the explosion rocking me back on my heels nearly a mile away and echoing up and down the river as debris and body parts fell into the water.
Just to be sure we'd gotten safely away, I'd hard marched Mom and Pammy on for another day -- saying little as I scanned Commander Vance's old map and an old Road Atlas I'd found in the wreckage of a supermarket somewhere in Minnesota -- going South and East. Late this last afternoon, I could see the storm clouds building up to the west and followed the barely legible signs that once had directed tourists to a cheesy old campground and this old cabin.
"Is you think she'll be alright, Mom?" I asked Mom as I got up to feed the fire with some old seasoned logs I'd found in a wood box outside.
Mom didn't answer for a long time -- her eyes studying Pammy's sleeping form. "I don't know...I doubt she's been right since your father was killed and Black Tom took us." Mom shivered and hugged herself tight, inadvertently offering me a brilliant display of her cleavage. "I didn't see her for nearly six months after...after. I know Black Tom did things -- fucked with her head and her body I guess and when he finally brought her down from his place, she was like...his complete and utter slut." Mom sighed. "No, she's not right -- I reckon neither of us is right." Mom looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I guess nothing is right anymore."
I knelt at Mom's feet and reached up and took her hands in mine. "We're back together, Mom -- we're family again. Things will get better."
Mom stared down at me for a long time, tears making tracks down her begrimed face. She finally looked up towards the ragged ceiling and blew out air -- her face reddening. "Not exactly the same is it?" She looked down again, staring at our joined hands in her lap. "Guess you never thought you'd see your old mom acting like I did, did you, son? Never imagined our reunion would start with Mom sucking your big peter?"
I felt myself blushing as I shrugged my shoulders and said, "It couldn't be helped...things can be better now -- you're done with that place and all that happened."
Mom blinked her eyes and looked away again, unable to look me in the eye as she replied, "Maybe, but what happened isn't done with me, John."
What do you mean, Mom?"
Still avoiding my gaze, Mom said, "These last years have been bad in many ways, son, but in some ways, I've been more alive than ever before." She paused and licked her lips and then she turned her eyes to look me in the face and I was almost bowed over by the sheer intensity of her gaze.
"When Black Tom and his men shot your father, I about died...I would have been happy if they'd have shot me dead on the spot too. But, Black Tom gave me to his men and they put me on our old oak dining room table and fucked me and fucked me -- raping least at first, taking turns sticking their dicks in me while the others held my arms and kept my legs spread wide."
Mom's face was now beet red as she swallowed and continued, "I loved your father and I never cheated on him, but his idea of lovemaking was two or three times a month and even then it was 'Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am,' and I doubt I ever had more than a dozen orgasms with Joe in all the years we were married, but I did fantasize about sex -- I used to imagine big cocks making me scream for hours and hours..."
Mom took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Her nipples, already hard from the night air grew visibly larger as she spoke. "I mean no disrespect to your father, but by the time Black Tom's men finished with me, I'd lost count how many times I'd cum and as sore and crazy as I was, I wanted more. All those nasty men on top of me, their cocks filling me up with hot cum and making me moan like a common whore -- God help me, but I loved it!. When they were done, I cried for more and son, they laughed at me and then they did oblige me and Black Tom said 'I'd get along fine -- that he wished he could find more cock hungry sluts like me."
She glanced over at Pammy lying asleep in front of the fire. "I used to tell myself I did it because it gave me a chance to stay near Pammy, but the truth is, I loved being a slut whore for Black Tom. I doubt a day's gone by these last years that I didn't have several cocks in me or fall asleep with men's seed dripping out of me. I reveled in being the best whore on Black Tom's string -- one man at a time or two, or even three. I was never happier than when I was being fucked."
Mom's hands tightened around mine. "Even right now I'm missing all that cock I got everyday. Right now, I'm getting wet remembering sucking your cock, son and thinking how good that lump in your pants felt against my pussy."
"Mom...I..." My mouth was dry and I was at a total loss for words. I tried to reconcile the mother I remembered...the mother who dressed conservatively and taught little ones in Sunday School, who'd been so prim and proper with the mother sitting before me...the mother I'd seen fucking and sucking men like a wanton whore and who'd so eagerly it seemed, had sucked my cock only a few minutes after we'd been reunited.
"Son, I need to be fucked. I need to be fucked by you. I don't care that you're my son...I think it makes me want it more. I know you must think I'm awful...just a cumslut whore, but I want you, John. Please..." Mom whispered, her hands pressing my hands against her lap, spreading her legs slightly and hunching her hips upward.
As she opened her legs, her already short dress was dragged upwards towards her waist and her thick, hairy pussy was revealed -- sure enough, her labia had flowered and I could see a wide expanse of glistening, pink flesh. I suddenly smelled her pussy -- wet and aroused and with a sudden growl, I thrust my face into Mom's hot cunt, marveling at the heat of her flesh as I mashed my head between her thighs, my mouth open and tongue spearing her sopping wet pussy flesh.
Mom let out a plaintive cry as she threw her legs over my shoulders and flexed her hips up, tightening her thighs to hold my face captive against her sodden, hairy pussy. My head swam like I was drunk as I inhaled her strong scent -- spurring my incestuous lust on as I began licking her pussy like a dog dying of thirst, rolling my tongue up and down her quivering, glistening flesh, lapping her juices and smearing them over my sparsely bearded face.
Mom moaned, hunching her groin against my face as I looked up at her while my tongue swirled around her wet box. I gazed in wonder at the woman that was both my mother and a crazed slut, her hands squeezing her breasts and then jerking her summer dress over her head so she could get better access to her swollen nipples, lifting one heavy breast up so she could tongue her own engorged nub.
Suddenly we were atop my old and worn sleeping bag, kissing feverishly -- Mom's tongue slathering over my pussy juice drenched face while she was tearing at my clothes. Her hands found my cock, then her lips were on me, reminding me of how well my mother could suck cock, her tongue an insane dervish of warm, moist flesh and then Mom was straddling me, her need intent on her face. "Fuck me, John," Mom sobbed. "I need your big cock!"
I could feel the intense heat of her sodden pussy long before her pussy lips kissed the head of my erect and throbbing penis and I groaned, "I love you, Mom!" as she slowly lowered herself onto me -- her lips sneering with carnal bliss as she impaled herself on her son's long, hard cock. Mom let out a strange, happy crooning noise I'd never heard from a woman before -- a sound that was both the epitome of carnality and of happiness.
Squatting over me, hands on my chest and leaning slightly forward so her large, meaty breasts dragged over my sweaty skin, Mom began to bounce on my dick, torturously fucking me as she contracted her cunt muscles, her cunt flesh clinging stubbornly to my shaft as she fucked me. "I love cock!" Mom cried out as she took all of me into her, squirming with delight as my cock was buried in her womb.
Mom suddenly stiffened and I felt a hot flood of her creams bathe my cock as she rose up on me, her body stiffening as she bit her lower lip -- orgasmic pleasure sweeping her away, her leg muscles bulging dangerously as a spasm of pleasure tore through her and taking my breath away as I witnessed for the first time an expression of sheer carnal delight on my mother's face...her breasts quaking as she shuddered from the joy of having her son's cock filling her womb.
Mom collapsed on top of me and I rolled us over and while Mom moaned in approval, I draped her legs over my shoulders and began to fuck her like a man gone mad. I gave her no respite from her orgasm, sending her crashing headlong into another as I brutally rammed my cock into her sweet furnace of a pussy again and again.
Mom whipped her head back and forth -- her wild and tangled mane of hair concealing her face until I reached out and smoothed her hair back, not willing to lose sight of my mother's expressions of incestuous bliss while she grunted and moaned with each hard thrust of my cock into her motherly cunt. Mom's breasts bounced wildly over her chest, nipples so swollen, they resembled overripe cherries that would burst if bitten.
I thrust hard, stretching to kiss Mom and curling her up into a ball of aroused woman as I thrust my tongue into her mouth, delighted when she feverishly sucked it as she had sucked my cock before. Mom's brilliant blue eyes were wide with excitement and love as I buried my stiff penis into her silky and steaming flesh again and again.
Her ragged nails clawed against my shoulders and arms as her pleasure grew and grew and then she bucked hard up into me, meeting my downward thrust and a gave a muffled squeal against my lips as she came again, cunt clamping hard around my cock and doing things I never imagined a woman could control with her pussy -- milking me -- conveying her need for my hot sperm to take her all the way to heaven.
I went deep into her tightening womb and sobbed, "I love you!" as my cock jerked in her satiny grasp and began flooding her pussy with hot semen. I came and came and came as if I had been saving it for years -- filling Mom up with my seed -- cumming so hard, it almost hurt as it shot from my cock. I felt pleasure as I had never felt it before -- knowing it was my mother's pussy I was deep inside simply making it all the more sweet.
Mom's legs fell off my shoulders as I collapsed on top of her, still buried inside her to the root, her heaving breasts like soft pillows that I could rest my weary head on while she sighed and moaned in the lovely aftermath of our lovemaking. It was a few minutes before I realized that Mom was holding me with just one arm, fingers slowly tracing little circles on my back.
I turned to look at her and saw her other arm extended off to my right -- her hand locked around Pammy's hand. My sister was looking at us both, a huge, happy smile on her face -- her eyes shiny with excitement. Her other arm was was between her thighs, slightly moving and I realized that Pammy was rubbing her own pussy. I felt Mom move slightly and knew we were both looking at my little sister. Both embarrassment and amazement washed over me as I realized that Pammy had watched her brother and mother fuck like wild animals and from her expression, had enjoyed it greatly.
I'm not sure how long we all three simply stared at each other before my sister's face scrunched up in an expression of orgasmic release, her body stiffening under the coat. Pammy finally let Mom's hand go and with a contended sigh, rolled over and went back to sleep.
I looked upwards at Mom, using my arms to raise up a bit so that we were face to face. Mom smiled at me. "I think that's a good sign, don't you think?"
I grinned and said, "I just fucked my mother -- pretty hard to think beyond that, Mom."
Mom nodded, her legs shakily coming to drape over the back of my legs as if preparing to trap me between her thighs if I was having second thoughts. "Are you sorry, John?"
Shaking my head, I replied, "No...just can't believe I've just made a teenage fantasy a reality. You wouldn't believe how many times I masturbated thinking about this before I left home."
Mom raised her head and gave me a gentle kiss before she said, "I suppose I sort of knew how you felt -- we were almost a couple even when you were a kid and I used to daydream about you when I would find all your cum stained shorts and towels." Mom stretched herself under me like a big, lazy cat sunning herself -- her hard nipples dragging across my chest as her meaty breasts rolled. "Maybe this was all meant to be -- everything I've done -- that happened was to prepare me to be able to love be able and willing to spread my legs and fuck my son."
Mom got a funny look in her eyes and somehow I knew the words that were coming -- words I'd heard many times as a child when she would shake her head while watching the news and the awful things going on all over. In a quiet voice, Mom said, "God's will."
We both went silent for a moment and then I nodded, "Maybe, Mom, maybe. God's will or not, I have you now. I crossed through hell for you and I'm not about to let you go now."
Mom nodded and said, "Black Tom took me away from your father and you took me from Black Tom. You're my man now." Mom flexed her cunt muscles around my semi-hard cock and whispered, "I belong to you now, son."
I'm not sure why, but Mom's words aroused me and I felt my cock begin to harden again -- Mom groaning happily as I swelled inside her. We began to fuck again -- this time more slowly and gently -- making love as the storm raged outside -- oblivious to the savage world's many dangers, feeling, at least for the moment, safe in each other's arms.
In the morning, Pammy had reverted to her almost catatonic state, although I felt she seemed to be a little more aware -- sometimes catching her watching me after we broke camp and moved out. We moved steadily east now, sticking to secondary roads, making relatively good time across the mostly flat lands of the bluegrass of Northern Kentucky. Each night we would find an abandoned house to shelter in and Mom and I would make love after Pammy would at least pretend to go to sleep.
Most nights however as I fucked Mom, relishing her lush body underneath me, savoring the feel of my cock deep inside her making her heart pound, Pammy would roll over and watch Mom and I together, a lewd smile coming over her face as she stared at her brother fucking her mother, eventually extending an arm out to take Mom's hand and holding tightly onto it as Mom and I would work our way to orgasm.
Usually, Pammy would begin to masturbate as well, sometimes blatantly, her covers kicked off and her hand squirming madly around her pussy which slowly was becoming covered with a soft downy blonde muff. It many ways it was as if she was participating in our incestuous lovemaking and I guess in her own way, she was.
As we approached the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, in the middle of nowhere, we found an ancient hunting supply and general store that looked like it had been around since the early twentieth century. I was shocked to find it was completely intact -- its goods never plundered. Inside, we were able to outfit Mom and Pammy in some jeans and flannel shirts and some decent hiking boots. Even better were cold weather coats that fit them both. We found some lightweight but insulated sleeping bags and a nylon tent that when rolled up only seemed to weigh a little over a pound.
Mom and Pammy both found their new clothes a little difficult to get used to and Pammy emerged slightly from her catatonic state to whine unhappily at having such heavy clothing on her body, but as October overtook us, the weather was beginning to cool rapidly and the nights were getting chillier. Still, as Mom observed, "Honest to God, I don't think I've had clothes on more than five or six times -- this will take some getting used to." Black Tom had treated them as little better than animals -- when they did accompany him in public, they had been naked except for perhaps shoes and the leash and collar they had been led around with.
The going was slower now, all roads seemed to be mostly uphill, but Mom and my sister were getting used to walking -- Mom even seemed to have shed a bit of weight -- doing nothing but enhancing her mature beauty. I can still recall Mom taking a shower under a small waterfall, shivering from the cold water, but looking magnificent in all her naked glory, black and gray hair wet and slicked back from her face -- water running off her huge, sloping breasts -- nipples swollen in the chill water and her stomach -- still with a small pooch of a woman in her early middle years, but sexy in a way that only a mature woman can be and her wild and unruly thatch of black pubic hair nestled between thighs that had toned up with the many miles of hiking from the last few weeks.