Part 01

Let me introduce myself. I'm James Simon, Jimmy to most people. I'm the geek you always knew in high school. You know who I mean.. The scrawny kid with the glasses and unkempt look. The one who always tried to blend into the wall so you'd never see me. The kid who was 5'5" and weighed a buck twenty-five soaking wet. The kid who was always, and I mean always, picked last in gym class. I was picked on, bullied, ignored, and laughed at in high school. But I had something over them all, I was the smartest kid in class, if not the school. So despite all their bullying, I had technically graduated before any of those idiots. By the time the fall break ended in my senior year, I had passed almost all of the high school classes I needed to pass in order to graduate and I was then taking college level courses to get a jump on things. Unfortunately, there was just one class I could not avoid: gym class. The guy who teaches gym, who I have nicknamed "coach asshole", would not allow me to pass without taking it the entire year. This way he could torture me the entire because of my mother kept turning him down for dates. If I wasn't forced to take gym, I'd be out of the building!

You see, my mother also teaches at my high school. Biology and sex ed. to be exact. Imagine having your mother teaching sex ed. Oy. However, and I do say this proudly, she's what guys like to call a "MILF". I should be pissed that they call my mom that, but she really is fucking hot. 43 years old, 5'7", a lithe dancer's type body, perfect 36C boobs, deep blue eyes, and long auburn hair. I definitely love her more than life itself. And, yeah, I admit I would love to fuck her if given the chance. I've fapped many nights thinking of being between her legs and just ravaging her.

Anyway, I'm also the product of a broken home. My dad, the idiot that he is, left me and my mother just over 10 years ago. He wanted to "go find himself". Whatever the fuck that means. Other than the very occasional birthday or Christmas card, I haven't heard from him or seen him in a decade. After he left, my mother doted on me. She's the one who encouraged my love of reading and all things educational.

Most of my time at school right now is spent in the library or in a classroom by myself with someone from the college faculty reviewing my work. The other 4 hours of my week is spent dealing with coach asshole and all the jocks who love beating on "weaker" people. So much fun. I endured the torture knowing that come June I'd be free.

So as my life goes swimmingly along towards June, I knew I'd eventually would need to upgrade my old laptop before college. I still have some money from my 18th birthday gift that I got from Aunt Susie last month, but it's nowhere near enough. One of the things my mother instilled in me was to earn my own money and don't expect it to just be handed to you. I knew she'd probably help a little, but it was a pride thing for me. So I knew I'd need a job. I've had a few jobs in the past, but nothing really stuck. (Hey, I'm a teenager, I'm not looking for a career!) I just didn't want to look for another fast food or movie theater job. It was then I saw the ad posted online in the local paper:


Well now, that's interesting. What did I have to lose at this point? I mean they say it's safe, right? Earn some cash for taking some pills? I know there's probably a risk, but there's no way they'd test on people without it being mostly safe! I'm all in! A few minutes later and the email was sent! And in less than a minute later I receive a response.

Dear applicant,

Please fill out the attached form and select a time & date to be interviewed.

Cordially yours,
Delia Johnson

Groeth Pharmaceuticals

Obviously a form letter, but what the hell. I spent a few minutes filling out the form and selected a 9:00 am appointment for Saturday. Late Friday night I received my verification email and I was good to go.

On Saturday morning I head over to my appointment with a little bit of trepidation, but still eager to do it. Once I got there I saw that I was the only one there.

"Odd," I thought, "I figured there'd be a lot more people here."

I walked up to the reception desk with a button on it and a sign that said, "Press button and please wait." One button push later I sat down and waited..... and waited.... and waited.... 20 minutes later a gorgeous blonde woman, who I guessed was in her late 20's, with extremely long legs wearing an impossibly short skirt came through the door holding a clipboard.

Looking down at her clipboard she asked, "Mr. James Simon?"

I stood up and croaked out a response, "Yep, that's me!"

"Oh wonderful! I'm Delia. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

I muttered a thank you and blushed as she shook my hand.

"Now then, I see you're 18?"

"Yes, as of last month. That's Ok, isn't it?"

Giggling, Delia said, "Oh yes! Yes it's fine. I'm just making sure. I need to dot those I's and crossing those T's!"

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"And you're 5'5" and 125 pounds, correct?"

"Actually I'm 123 as of this morning."

She then writes something on her clipboard.

"Ok, that's very good to know, the weight is important with this trial! To make sure the dosage is correct."

She noticed my nervousness at the comment and said, "Oh! It's nothing to worry about, James! It's just that we need to be exact when it comes to approval!"

"Um, Jimmy. You can call me Jimmy."

"How sweet! Well, Jimmy, why don't you follow me and I'll get you ready."

We walk through the door she came through and went down a long, stark white hallway. Her heels clacking on the tiles as we walked. A few doors lined the walls that had nameplates attached. All of them a doctor somebody or someone. I didn't see all the names, obviously they had a lot of people involved!

After a short walk she opened a door and showed me into a rather plain office with an examination table in it.

"Jimmy, please undress to your underwear and hop up on the table. Dr. Jensen will be with you shortly."

And with that Delia walked out allowing me to undress.

So more waiting. I tried to kill some time while playing on my phone, but I was getting zero reception for some reason. I decided to just sit there and try not to doze. After about another 20 minutes the door opened and Dr. Jensen appeared. I was expecting some old guy, but instead I got an older woman who was a knockout. I couldn't help but stare. She was definitely in her 60's, but she had to work out! Her body looked incredible. Even better than my mother's! She towered over me by a few inches and her deep brown eyes completely drew me in. Even with the white lab coat, I could tell she was extremely well endowed.

I apparently wasn't too sly in my staring and I heard a small cough come from her.

Looking directly at her, she said, "Good day, Mr. Simon. I hope I didn't surprise you in some way."

Embarrassed, I softly said, "No, ma'am. I, uh, was.... Um, well, I wasn't expecting someone like you."

Chuckling she said, "Someone like me? You mean a doctor, right?"

"Uh, yeah, that's it." At that point I figured the less said the better.

"Ok then," she said with a smile, "Let's start the examination. I do need you to sign a waiver first before we can begin. Delia should have taken care of this. She incredibly capable in many ways, but she can be such a ditz sometimes!"

Handing me the form I took a cursory glance and signed it.

"And initial here please."

I did as she asked.

"And one more here," she said as she flipped to another page.

One more set of initials and I handed it back to her.

"Excellent! Now let me take a look at this fine specimen of a young man!"

Hearing that I noticeably blushed and I heard her laugh softly. Her probing and touching and examining of every square inch of my body certainly did not help with the embarrassment either! It got particularly embarrassing when she had me stand up to examine my penis and balls. My regular doctor is a man, so this was the first time ever that woman touched me there! I tried not to get hard, but I was fighting a losing battle.

"Oh how nice, you're cooperating with me! We needed a measurement eventually! One moment, let me check.... Hm, ok! 4.8 inches long and 2.1 inches in girth. Testicles are on the smaller side of average size."

Hearing her be so analytical about it didn't help the erection. Matter of fact, she put her hand back on my penis and started to slowly stroke.

Looking at her with a mix of fear and enjoyment I muttered, "Dr. Jensen, what are you doing?"

Smiling she said, "Don't worry, we need a sperm sample as well, I figured since I was already here I might as well get the tube fil.... Oh look! So soon! How nice!"

My body betrayed me and I came in seconds. I was thoroughly embarrassed at this point. I sat back on to the table with head hung down.

As she stored the sample, she looked at me and smiled softly.

"Mr. Simon, it's fine. It happens to many young men of your age. I am not judging you here. This was purely a medical procedure."

Hearing that made me feel a little better, but only a little.

"All right, I will be right back and we'll get started soon. You may dress now."

And with that she walked out with her notes and sample.

Another 20 minutes of waiting Delia came back into the room.

"Hi, Jimmy! I am so sorry about missing the waiver! But it seems everything is just fine! You've been accepted and we're going to begin to today. If you'd please following me, I'll take you to the lab."

Hoping off the table I followed Delia down another hallway towards double glass door that was frosted. Using a key card, she opened the door and there stood Dr. Jensen and two other people, both female. One a very petite Asian woman, the other a voluptuous red head.

Thinking to myself, I said, "Wow, I'm really liking this place! It's full of hot medical types!"

As I walked to the doctor, she said, "Mr. Simon, please take a seat. I am going to administer the shot. You will receive this shot weekly and at or very near this specified time. Currently the time is 10:30 am. So every Saturday you will need to be here to get it. There will be a total of 24 shots. It is very important that you never miss an appointment because it could cause some adverse affects. Will that be an issue?"

I shook my head no.


And with that she filled a syringe with a dark red liquid and proceeded to inject it into my arm.

Once done Dr, Jensen said, "Now the injection site might feel warm, but that's fine as it's typical for the first shot. You may also feel a little light headed for a few minutes, but it will pass. As the weeks go on, the dosage will increase slightly, but you will be fine as long as you maintain the weekly schedule. You will also be given a bottle of 14 pills. Take 2 pills a day, one at a time. Do your best to take them 12 hours apart if you can. I also suggest you take them with food or by drinking milk. Do you understand so far?"

As she handed me the bottle, I looked up and said, "Yeah not a problem. Take 2 pills a day, one at a time, 12 hours a part, drink milk."

Smiling she said, "Oh I like you. I think you're going to be perfect for this study! Delia, please give Mr. Simon the necessary paperwork and contact numbers."

And with that she got up and walked out of the lab, with the other 2 assistants(?).

Delia tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Here you go, Jimmy. If you have any issues or problems, please call this number and not 911! Do not go to another doctor, come here. This trial is extremely important and it's vital that we maintain as much control of the results as we can, so we cannot take the chance of any outside interference potentially ruining the trial. If you follow the rules and do as the doctor says, every week you will receive a check for $250. All right?"

My eyes went wide when she mentioned the amount of money! I was able to stutter out that I understood and she handed me my first check and walked me out of the building. And for the next few weeks I did what Dr. Jensen asked. I took the pills, showed up for the shot, got my check, and stuck to the regimen. For the first 3 months, I didn't notice much of anything happening to me physically, but I felt really good. I had more energy, I felt sharper, I slept less but felt more rested. It was great! However, it was after gym class one day that things changed for me.

Right after Friday's class, I made a beeline to take a short shower so I could get dressed quickly. That day's class was an oh so stimulating class of running track (ugh) and I needed the shower! I almost made it out of the locker room, but Derrick stopped me. Class-A jerk #1 who was the star defensive end on the football team and dumber than a box of rocks. The guy was 6'5" of solid stupidity. I'd call him dumber than a box of rocks, but that would be an insult to rocks!

"Hey, Simple Simon! Ya owes me money," he bellowed.

I sighed deeply because the old "Simple Simon" nickname I got years ago never got old. Looking up at him I replied, "What money??"

"Da money ya owes me for not beatin' yer ass for you being you."

That elicited a few strained laughs from the surrounding crowd and he guffawed at his lame attempt at a joke.

"Look, Derrick, I don't have any money," I lied. "So I'm going to have to decline your gracious offer."

He looked at me like I had just grown a third eye and then his expression turned to anger.

"Yuh gonna pay, Simon! Ya owes me!"

And with that he swung his fist at me. I ducked and he slammed his fist into the locker overhead. All I heard then was a loud crunch and Derrick screaming.

"YA BROKE MUH HAND!!! You're dead, motherfucker!"

At this point my heart is racing and instinct took over. Normally at this point I'd be running for my life, instead I fought back. As I stood up and clenched my hands together into a double fist and swung upwards and landed a direct shot into his crotch. He screeched like a little girl as he toppled over like a fallen redwood, his hands covering his smashed balls. He was down for the count.

And right then I got a stabbing pain in my muscles. All of them at once. Like tiny needles were being pushed in! I yelped and fell to my knees hugging myself and trying to not cry as well. As I fell, it felt like my crotch was on fire and ground glass was being shoved into balls! Guys rushed over to see what was wrong, but as quickly as the pain happened it disappeared. Breathing heavy I looked up to see a bunch of eyes looking back at me. I slowly got up, a little unsteady on my feet, and slowly walked out of the locker room. At that point I left school and I went home. I called the emergency number Delia had given me and then collapsed on the couch to sleep.

The next thing I remember is my mother shaking me awake.

"Sweetie, are you all right? I heard what happened in the locker room."

I slowly opened my eyes to see a vision of beauty in front of me. Her worried smile greeting me. And, God, those eyes.

"Ugh, what...? What time is it, mom?"

"It's almost 4:30. How long were you sleeping for?"

As I sat up I shook my head free of the cobwebs and said, "Dunno. I guess 2 or 3 hours?"

"Oh my poor sweet darling. Maybe I should take you in to see Doctor Cruse."

That woke me up and I quickly responded, "No! I mean, no, I'm ok. I was just tired from gym class is all."

Frowning slightly, she said, "Are you sure? I worry so much about you. I know this year hasn't been easy on you."

"I'm fine, mom, honest. Just tired."

Reluctantly giving in, she said, "All right. Just don't work too hard, ok, sweetie? I can tell you're doing something because you're looking more toned. I'm proud of you for taking better care of yourself. Anyway, let me get dinner started."

And with that she leaned over and gave me a soft peck on the cheek as she normally does, but this time she lingered just a bit for some reason. Like she was almost smelling me? Weird.

The rest of the evening was like any other Friday night for us. Mom graded papers as we watched Netflix. At about 11:00 I decided to go to bed. I gave her a small kiss and hug, which lasted longer than normal, before heading to my bedroom. When my head hit the pillow, I was asleep in seconds.

The next day I woke up feeling great, as if nothing happened the previous day. If anything, this was the best I've ever felt in my life. I went to put on my glasses and I suddenly realized I didn't need them! Everything looked so clear!

Downstairs in the kitchen I saw mom at the table dressed in her yoga outfit and with her usual cup of coffee. And knowing her, it was probably her second cup.

"Mornin', mom. Up early to work out again?"

Laughing softly she said, "Yes, you know me. No matter what, I will wake up at 5:30 am sharp. How did you sleep, sweetie? Feeling better?"

Filling a glass with some milk, I responded, "Yeah, I really feel great today. I got some really good sleep last night."

"Oh good! I was worried last night, but it looks like I worried for nothing."

Nodding at her, I grabbed my milk and took a pill.

Seeing me doing that she said, "I've been meaning to ask you, what are those pills I see you taking all the time? I don't recall you needing a prescription for anything."

"These? On, they're just vitamins is all. Just trying to be healthy like you." Yes, the bullshit is strong in me.

She smiled at me before saying, "I'm glad you're taking your health seriously. I was so worried that you were spending far too much time in books. Your health is just as important as your education."

I tried hard not to roll my eyes, but I smiled back and just said, "I know, mom. Maybe one day I can join you in taking yoga."

Why did I say that?

"I would love that, Jimmy! We'll talk about it later, right now I desperately need a shower and I know you have your work appointment to keep!"

Walking past me, she leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek and it really lingered this time. It was definitely not a peck! And was that a soft moan I heard? Definitely weird....

After mom left, I got up to get dressed to make my 10:30 appointment. I also made it a point to tell the doctor what happened at school!

Once I arrived at the office, Delia greeted me as usual. Always smiling and looking hot, she took me back to the lab. This time, however, I could tell she was staring at me more. Her eyes just slowly looking me up and down. Before I could say anything, we had entered the lab and there I saw Dr. Jensen waiting for me with the syringe already filled.

"So, Mr. Simon, how are you feeling? Sleeping well?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm really feeling great. Whatever these vitamins are, they're awesome. But... um...."

"Yes, is something wrong?"

I stammered a bit and said, "Maybe, I guess. A weird thing happened yesterday after gym."

I then told her what happened and how I felt afterwards. When I finished, she sat there deep in thought, looking at her notes, before responding.

"I see. Well that is excellent news!"

"Huh? Excellent news? What.. how?!"

Laughing, Dr Jensen replied, "Yes, it's very good news. I was wondering when that would happen. I was trying to not interfere and allow things to happen naturally. The adrenaline rush mixed with fear you had during your fight was the key for everything to get, shall we say, jump started."

Obviously my confused looked caused her to laugh.

"Mr. Simon, let me explain. What you are receiving is combination of a unique blend of vitamins with genetic enhancers that are designed to mainly increase your stamina and strength. However, in very, very few cases, there have been some interesting, unexpected side effects. In your case, it seems your body is changing, becoming, well, a better version of you!"

I sat there almost too stunned for words.

I finally spoke up and said, "So you gave me super steroids?"

Laughing, Dr. Jensen continued, "No, nothing like that. What has been given to you has been genetically modified, which is the intellectual property of Groeth, but it is completely safe. Unfortunately, that's all I'm allowed to reveal to you. Remember, you signed a NDA with your waiver, so any discussion about this beyond these walls will cause you to leave the study and a lawsuit filed against you or even possible jail time. And at this point, taking you off the injections before the full 6 months are complete would not be advised!"

"So you're telling me I'm stuck here for, like, forever?!?!? What the fuck did you do to me?!?"

"Please calm down and let me continue."

I reluctantly sat down and tried to do as she asked, but my skin was itching and once again my crotch was feeling odd.

Once I appeared a little more calm, Dr. Jensen explained, "I'll try to keep it simple and I won't get into the medical jargon for the sake of brevity. What's happening to you is that your muscles are growing and creating mass. No, you won't grow in height, it unfortunately will not affect bone structure, just muscles, ligaments, etc. Along with that, you'll begin to notice some physical changes as well. More stamina, less sleep needed, better mental acuity, better agility, and the like. But the most prominent change you're notice will be your penis and testicle size. To date we do not know what causes it, but in some cases the increase in size is approximately 150-175% of the original size. So you should expect to increase to about 7-8 inches. One final side effect is an increase in pheromones. This causes people to be more attracted to you, possibly extremely aroused, and, in very few cases, very susceptible to you."

At this point my mind was spinning out of control.

"Wait, wait, wait!!! My body is changing?? For how long? If I keep on with the full complement of injections, then what?? Just what is going on??"

"Mr. Simon, please remain calm, everything is fine. You're 100% healthy, better than you were before the trial actually. Everything that has happened to you is expected. We were more concerned that it taken so long to get to this point, but the adrenaline rush got things on track your body is reacting as we hoped it would. As for the injections, yes you need to finish them all. If you do not, your body could reverse its course and you might be worse off than before the injections. By finishing then, the changes will be permanent."

As things became more clear, I begin to see the benefits of what was happening here and I started to smile.

"So you're saying that if I finish, my dick will be 8 inches then?"

The doctor sighed and said, "Yes, if that's all you get from my explanation. You young men only think about the size of your penis, don't you?"

Chuckling I said, "Well, yeah!"

At this point I notice Delia walking up to the doctor, handing her a clipboard. As Dr. Jensen flips through the pages I see her whispering to Delia and Delia nodding her head furiously. She then looks at me and smiles as the doctor continues to review the pages.

Thinking to myself, "What the hell is this all about....?"

Finally Dr. Jensen turns to me and says, "Well, Mr. Simon you are apparently truly unique. If what I read is accurate, you're just starting your changes. I'm going to have Delia run some tests on you so we can gauge what's happening. But first I need to give you your shot."

Once the shot was given, she nodded to Delia and left the lab.

Looking at me and smiling, Delia said "Hi Jimmy, now don't worry, these tests will not hurt in any way, but I do need to administer them, ok?"

"Um, sure. Do what you need to do. I want to make sure everything is ok, too!"

"Oh good! You're such a ray of sunshine. Now please completely undress for me. I need to take measurements of your musculature and other parts."

When Delia said "other parts" I thought I detected a small bit of... excitement?

As I undressed, I asked Delia, "So, um, what was on the clipboard you handed Dr. Jensen?"

"That? Oh, well, as you sat here in the lab, we were running tests on you."

"What? How? I didn't feel anything!"

Softly laughing, she said, "Don't be silly, we were measuring your pheromone levels. We have sensors all over the place. I must say they are quite impressive! The levels you're exhibiting are already are higher than we've ever recorded and, as the doctor said, you're just beginning to change for the better!"

I stopped undressing for a second and looked at her, "So that's good then?"

Smiling at me, Delia said, "Oh yes, very good. Now please let me do my job and stand still while I take the measurements."

So for the next few minutes I let Delia have her way with me. Measuring my arms, chest, legs, and more. As she worked around me, I could tell her breathing was becoming a bit heavier and her hands lingered just a bit longer the more she measured.

Putting away the measuring equipment, she said, "Ahem, well, now I need to take 2 more measurements, so please relax."

And then she placed her hand between my legs and begin to fondle my balls. The reaction was almost immediate and I began to stiffen. I definitely moaned as she was down there. I tried to focus, but my body wouldn't let me. I looked down and I saw Delia on her knees, just inches from my growing dick. I also noticed that it was a lot bigger than it used to be! And I mean a LOT.

I finally had to say something to Delia.

"Uh, Delia, is everything ok there?"

Shaking her head as if she were in a trance, she looked up and said, "Oh my, yes! I'm sorry. I just get so, um, involved in my job! Let me measure here to see where you're at."

I could see she that she was unsteady on her feet as she stood up to grab the measuring device. Once she returned to the task at hand, she took a deep breath and leaned in to measure.

"That can't be accurate.... How can...?"

She stood up again and grabbed her notes, looking them over, reviewing the measurement she just took. A small look of confusion appeared on her face and then a big smile.

Finally she spoke up and said, "Well this is a very nice surprise! You're definitely very unique! In every other male participant in the trial, those who experienced these side effects, the changes were usually capped at about 150% or so of their previous size, but it seems you've surpassed that!"

Stunned, I replied, "So that's good, right?"

"Oh my, yes!! It's more than just good! Based on what my measurement says, you're already at 8.9 inches and you've just started! Who knows how large you'll get! But I do need to verify, otherwise the doctor would not be happy."

Once again she was in front of me and her hand on my very hard dick to measure and this time I noticeably moaned when she touched me.

As she knelt, she looked up at me and smiled.

"I think you might be enjoying this a little too much for just a medical procedure."

All I could do was mutter a soft yes as I nodded.

"You are becoming very blessed here, Jimmy. Your scent is... tantalizing. So strong and musky. It makes me almost... NO! I shouldn't! It's not proper...."

The trance broken, I looked down to see Delia pulling her hand away and trying to stand, but unable to gain her balance. I reached down to steady her, but I placed my hand on top of her head.

I don't know what possessed me to say it, but I said, "Delia, you know you want to, so do it."

And with that I pulled her head towards my dick.. No, not dick, my COCK. She offered little resistance as I did it. As her face was in my crotch, I saw her eyes glaze and her mouth open. She was where she wanted to be at that moment and she literally lunged on to my cock. Her mouth working the shaft as if she couldn't get enough. I felt her hand playing with my now massive balls. At some point I realized she wasn't sucking me so much as I was fucking her mouth. She hungrily took it all and I saw her hand under her skirt between her legs. I knew she what she was doing and I pulled my cock from her mouth with a loud popping sound.

"Stand up, Delia, and bend over. I'm going to fuck you!"

Who was this guy? It's like someone else saying this, but it was all me. Delia did as I ordered without comment however. Once bent over, I lifted her skirt and saw that she wasn't just wet, she was completely drenched. She had probably cum from sucking me. I didn't care right then, I just wanted to fuck her. I wasn't gentle either as I just plowed in balls deep and heard her yelp and then relax.

As I fucked her, I could hear her groaning for more. Her pussy eagerly taking in my cock. With every plunge I could swear I was getting even bigger. I lost count how many I got her to cum, but it was taking its toll on her and her legs were getting shaky. She began to beg for me to stop and to change positions. I finally heard her and pulled out. I laid on the examination table and pulled her over to me. She climbed on top and she slid right down on to my cock. And now her gorgeous tits were right in front of me and ripped open her dress to get to them. I leaned up and sucked on her huge nipples, biting them softly, which got her to cum once again. The entire time her ass was bouncing up and down, my cock plunging deeper and deeper into her hot little cunt. After what felt like hours, I could feel my balls begin to boil, I knew I was close to cumming. I had her lift up off of me and told her to finish me off by sucking.

She didn't hesitate at all. Just like before, she couldn't get enough of my cock. This time, however, she seemed to struggle a bit more. But, whatever, I needed to cum. I grabbed her hair and began to pump her mouth. I didn't last long then....

"Here it comes, Delia! Don't move!!"

I exploded into her mouth as I kept strong hold of her hair. It felt like I came a gallon into her hungry mouth. Once I was done I let go and finally looked at her. She was a complete mess.

I could see streams of thick cum dribbling out of her mouth. Her mascara was streaming down her face. Her hair looked like a rat's nest. And her clothes, what was left intact, were in shambles.

I laid there looking at her and smiling. She looked at me and tried to smile as well, but she was totally exhausted and well used.

I finally spoke up and said, "Wow."

I heard her giggle, which sounded more like a gurgle with the cum still coating her mouth.

"Delia, that was... wow. You're awesome."

Trying to compose herself, she whispered, "Jim... (cough) Jimmy, that... that was unexpected. I don't normally do things like this!"

She took a deep breath, wiped her mouth as best as she could. And I couldn't help but notice that she was mindlessly licking the cum off her fingers. When she realized when she was doing, she stopped and was embarrassed at her actions. Though it was short lived and she kept licking.

"Um, Delia, I think you kinda like it," I said as I laughed.

Smiling at me, she shook her head and said, "I don't know what it is, your cum is addictive. I never do this. Not even for my husband!"

Stunned, I said, "Husband??"

"Oh yes, I'm married. I guess I should have said something earlier, right? Too late now! Your pheromones are really powerful!" And then she laughed.

"So, um, now what?"

"Well, Jimmy, I need to get cleaned up. But I also need to do my job. I noticed that the more we, well, fucked, you got more and more aggressive, which I loved. God how I loved it.... I mean, erm, that is, as we did it more, I could feel you growing. Not just growing right before you came, but actually getting bigger and bigger. So I need to clear my head of the effect of your pheromone and I am going to try to be professional here as I check. I will need your help to not do anything."

I nodded and said, "Ok, I understand. Do what you need to do."

She stood up and tried to straighten her clothes as best as she could, which was a losing battle, and grabbed her measuring device. Once she returned, I was already getting hard again. I looked down and could see I was definitely big now. Bigger than I have ever seen, even in pornos! As she got close I heard her gasp slightly.

"Jimmy, you certainly have grown! This is unprecedented! Please remain still as I measure."

I could tell her hands were shaking slightly as she measured me, not once, but twice. This time I didn't do anything, I let her work, despite my urge to go for round 2. Once she was done she stood up and her mouth was agape in shock.

"Oh my, this can't be right! I measured twice to verify! I need to show this to Dr. Jensen right away!"

And before I could say anything, she rushed out of the lab without her notes and leaving me with a ton of questions. I got off the table to read what she had written down. All I was seeing was a lot of medical gibberish, but there was one thing I could definitely make sense of: my updated measurement...

Subject JS: Current penis size -- 9.3; girth 4.7. Potential size: 11?

Say what now? What the fuck!? I couldn't believe it! I'm fucking HUGE! How did I almost a half an inch in less than an hour??? And how do I keep it going to 11?​
Next page: Part 02