Part 06
With the previous night's activity on my mind and the sudden change with my eyes, I was definitely distracted. Be that as it may, I tried my best to put together a plan to deal with my dad. I still don't know why he came back when he did, but, from what Dani always told me, after a few years of marriage, he seemed to lose interest. He was always one for the big rush, which is why he tried his hand at being a professional poker player. I have no idea how he did and I don't care, I only care about protecting my family now. I just had this feeling I needed to do something before he did.
After about 30 minutes of trying to come up with some sort of a plan, I stopped. I couldn't concentrate on it. So I instead went down to the playroom and kill some time playing video games. Maybe that will help clear my mind. So for the next hour or so I killed off a few monsters, which did not help after all. Too much has happened in a short amount of time and my mind was beginning to spin. I have control over 5 beautiful ladies, but my life... not so much.
I went back up to make coffee and get more focused and I there was Dani in the kitchen. I snuck up behind and wrapped my arms around here, startling her slightly.
"Oh! I didn't hear you! How are you, Master?"
I answered by turning her around and kissing her deeply. My world melted for a short time and everything was all right.
Pulling away, I said, "I feel fine, but things are a bit odd."
Looking at her directly, she could then see my eyes.
"Jimmy! I mean... sorry, Master, but your eyes! What happened to them?"
"Don't know. Andrea is going to contact a friend of hers who may help figure things out. But I really feel ok."
I told her more about what happened later on and her concern grew even deeper.
"Master, dammit... I need to say something and it's not going to be just as your submissive, but me as your mother as well. This is NOT natural! I don't know what's going on with the changes in your body, but Andrea needs to figure it out quickly! What we have here, all of us, it's far too important to lose. I don't mean the sex, I mean everything! I have never felt more loved in my entire life, and it's all because of you! So please, do not fuck around with the severity of this. Do what needs to be done! And I say that with respect and love."
I looked at her with love and said, "I know, mom. I haven't forgotten who you are to me, even though our roles have completely changed. I promise you, I will get to the bottom of this, one way or the other. I admit I'm a little scared, but I really do feel fine. More than fine actually. You and the others mean the world to me. If you had told me last year at this time that I'd have a harem of submissive ladies, including you, I would have laughed. But here we are."
As I said that, Dani pulled me in and hugged me tight. A hug that showed me she was more scared than she was showing.
I continued, "Dani, I promised to protect you and the others and I meant. That also means making sure I'm in good health and in your lives forever. Besides, I think Andrea might try to kick my ass if I didn't do something to figure this out."
I could feel her smile, then she said, "Don't joke about this please. I know you like to deflect, but now is not the time. "
And with that she pulled back and kissed me again. A simple, lightly placed kiss on the lips.
Wiping some tears from her eyes, she said, "I really need to regain my focus here. I need to do my yoga and then get to school. I have a pop quiz to give today about the reproductive system, so I can't leave it for a substitute to do."
I said, "All right, I'm going to go back and try to figure out what dad is trying to do. Why he's here. What game he's trying to play with us."
"Well, you know Susie in an insurance investigator, and she's one of the best."
"Oh yeah... I forgot! And she'll be joining us in a month or so as well, I hope. I'll give her a call in a few hours, see if she can help or suggest someone who might be able to help. But one thing I will definitely do in the mean time, I'm increasing the security to this place ASAP. More cameras and sensors."
Kissing me on the cheek, she said, "Good idea. Now off I go to work out. I love you so much, Master."
"I love you too."
And I was alone once again.
30 minutes passed, Dani finished and headed up to grab a shower. Meanwhile, I had set up an appointment to get professionals out today to amp up security. This was not a job for Ring. I wanted complete protection. And then both Andrea and Keegan joined me in the kitchen.
As both of the kissed me, Keegan said, "Master, Andrea told me what happened. Your eyes really are gold. You don't feel anything else at all?"
I shook my head and said, "I feel fine. Honest."
While they both still had concerned looks on their faces, they accepted my answer.
Andrea said, "I'll contact Dot as soon as it's a reasonable hour. I still want you taking it easy... Master."
I reluctantly agreed, before I headed up take my own shower to hopefully clear my head. I didn't say anything, but I was beginning to get a faint buzzing in the back of my head, not quite a headache. The shower would help.
As I entered the bedroom, I walked into a nice site with Delia between Mia's legs and eating her out. Obviously Mia was enjoying herself immensely based on the moans. I then saw Dani walk out of the bathroom. When she noticed them, the grin she got on her face was filled with passion. I stood back to see what would happen and I wasn't disappointed. Dai walked over to the bed, got behind Delia, and started eating her out from behind. Delia jumped, but then I saw her lean back into it. You gotta love a lesbian oral sex train.
After watching this for a few moments, I couldn't help myself. My cock was rock hard, so I needed to get some as well. I'd just take it easy, nothing too strenuous!
I took off my robe, got behind Dani, and touched her pussy with my fingers. She jumped a bit, but she was drenched. I pushed in a couple of fingers and she moaned. She was more than ready. I moved up and slowly began to push my cock into her. I was going to make this last for awhile. I got about halfway in and she began to move back and forth, fucking herself on my cock. I then looked up and Mia was watching as best as she could in between her moans of pleasure. I continued to let Dani fuck herself. The more she did, the more she took. I knew she could take my full length, all the ladies could, but this was different this time. She wanted to build it up, not just rush it. I knew she'd probably end up late for work, but I didn't care at this point.
Eventually, what my cock was doing to her pussy was too much, she had stopped eating Delia and was now completely focused on me. I remained as still as I could as I watched her move back and forth on my cock. Her speed kept increasing and she was taking my full length now.
"That's it, slut, take my cock."
I felt her orgasm as I said that. As usual she squirted and a deluge of her cum covered her legs and the bed, but she didn't stop. As much as I wanted to cum in her, I knew I shouldn't this time, not if she was to get to work at a reasonable time. As I got close, I told her I was going to pull out. I told Delia and Mia to position themselves to get their faces covered. One last cum for Dani and she pulled off, rolling to the side of the bed. Mia grabbed my cock and started pumping it with her hand. It only took seconds and I painted their faces. With all of us spent, we collapsed on the bed. That wasn't too strenuous at all, I just stood there!
After a couple of minutes, Dani got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up again, as I laid with Delia and Mia. I could hear a lapping noise and I looked over to see the girls licking cum off their faces. Such a beautiful sight.
After a shower and breakfast, I called Susie and got her voicemail. I told her the situation with dad and that I needed her help. Right about then, Andrea told me that she had set up an MRI for me for later that day. The connections she had at the hospital allowed her to get some special privileges once in awhile. She didn't want me to have to wait for an order from my regular doctor. At least that buzzing went away.
Andrea drove me to the hospital, leaving the other 3 to do their household chores.
"Now, Master, I'll need to call you 'Jimmy' when we're there. It may not be easy for me to remember!"
Chuckling I said, "I know, it's fine. I love that you all call me Master, by the way. And you all do it naturally, too, I never asked or ordered it."
Sitting silently for a moment, she looked over and said, "You're right. I didn't think about it at all. Once the barriers were completely broken and I knew where my heart was with you, calling you Master just... well, it just felt right!"
Thinking about it for a moment, I realized all the ladies just naturally did it. I knew why Dani called me Master, she was trained like that, but the not others. I certainly wasn't going to complain about it, because I loved it.
We both fell into silence as well pulled into the hospital parking lot. I hated hospitals, but then again I think most people do.
I followed Andrea because she knew where she was going. As we walked the halls, people warmly greeted her, asking how she was, what she was doing now, etc. She was obviously well like among the staff. As we entered the waiting room for the MRI. Behind the desk sat a gorgeous African-American woman. She looked up, smiled, and rushed over to Andrea to hug her. As she hugged Andrea, I looked her up and down. About my height, shapely, average sized boobs, long longs, and long curly hair. Very sexy.
"Andrea!! It's so good to see you!! You've been missed!"
Breaking the hug, Andrea said, "I've missed you too, I've missed everyone here! But my you know my research was important to me."
"I know, I know... And who is this young man?"
"This is Jimmy. He's very dear to me."
Holding out her hand to shake mine, she said, "Nice to meet you, James, I'm Laura."
James? Ok, I like that! Maybe it's time I went with my formal name. Something to consider.
I said, "Hi, Laura. Andrea really hasn't mentioned much of her time that she spent here. We met when she was conducting her trial."
Andrea softly cleared her throat and said, "Yes, unfortunately he wasn't one of the successes, but I got to know him and his mother quite well. We're very good friends now."
Laura said, "Oh how nice! We all need to get together for dinner or something then!"
Heading back to her desk, Laura then said, "I see James is the one here for an MRI. You're a little early, but we'll be ready for you soon."
We thanked her and sat down to wait. Oddly enough I wasn't really all that nervous.
The MRI was a pain in the ass though. If you've never had one, I suggest trying to avoid getting one. You can't move, it's loud, and it's something that takes a long period of time to do. It would have been only an hour, but Andrea was being very specific in what she wanted done, so it was closer to 90 minutes.
Andrea wanted a copy of the MRI to go over for herself, so she went to off to wait for it as I stayed in the waiting room. So I used the opportunity to talk with Laura.
Leaning over the desk, I asked, "So how long have you known Andrea?"
"Wow, a long time. I was still a student nurse when I met her. 20 years ago, maybe more? About that I guess."
"20? No way. You look way too young for it to be that long!"
As I flattered her, I was also giving her a full dose of pheromones. I definitely wanted her...
Laughing, she said, "Oh you're a smooth one and very cute too. If I was younger ad you were older, who knows what might happen?"
She then winked at me. I knew she was probably not acting like her normal self, which was very good for me!
I said, "Well, you're more than welcome to come visit us at our house any time! Matter of fact, if you're free this Saturday, why not come over? You and Andrea can catch up and you can meet my mother as well! You can meet everyone actually!"
She thought for a moment and then said, "I accept! I'd love to reconnect with Andrea. We used to be very good friends, but life and the job happened. But... everyone?"
"Yes, there are 6 of us in the house, including Andrea. It just seemed to work out nicely for us all, so we moved in together."
Laura seemed to accept the explanation. We exchanged cell numbers and she promised she'd call or text me soon to verify. The entire time I could tell her eyes were glazing just a bit and I smiled.
As Andrea and I headed home, I told her that I invited Laura over for dinner.
"Master, are you sure that's wise? What if she asks questions about our family and home life?"
"Andrea, it'll be fine. We can figure out what to say before she gets there. You having people from your old life is good for you."
Andrea thought for a second and then said, "All right. It's difficult to tell you 'no', but I ask that you be gentle with her. She lost her husband at a young age and never remarried. I don't think she ever got over him."
"Why, what do you mean by being gentle on her?"
"Master, I know you. And I completely understand that you'd be very attracted to her. I just ask that you give her the choice. While I love how you took me the first time and what you did to Susie was necessary, but both times you forced yourself on us."
"Andrea, you have my word, I won't do to her what I did to Susie. I'll still see if she's interested though."
"Thank you, Master. That's all I ask. And you have no idea how difficult it was to say that to you."
I laughed and said I understood. By then we were pulling into the garage.
As we walked into the kitchen, I saw Susie sitting there talking to Delia, Keegan, and Mia.
A bit shocked I said, "Susie, why are you here? I just called you a few hours ago! We weren't expecting you until about Christmas!"
Getting up, she walked over to me and kissed me deeply.
Pulling away she said, "I know, but when I got your call, I headed right over. I was already done with what I needed to do and it was a very short flight. I had already planned on surprising you, the call just came at the right time is all."
Collecting myself, I said, "So I take it you're here for good then?"
She took a deep breath and said, "Yes, but with a couple of stipulations."
"Ok... and they are..?"
"One, I need to keep my job. I love it and I'm damn good at it. Thankfully, my time is my own and I can basically pick and choose what I do now. But when I work, I could be gone for days at a time, maybe even a month. You need to allow me that freedom do that."
"That's fine. Dani still works and I'd never stop any of the ladies from pursuing a job they loved."
Relieved, she sighed deeply and said, "Second, I must have an office with a private phone. My own space, not shared. I know you expect me to move in with you, and believe me I definitely want to, but that's something that non-negotiable for me. I deal with some highly confidential cases when I work, so it's needed. And, though it's extremely rare, I may need to meet with clients as well, which is why I need my own space."
I said, "I don't see a problem with that. I have an office that I use for my work on the main floor, but I can give you that and I can take one of the spare bedrooms for now. We have more than enough space in the backyard that we could eventually build you your own space, away from the house. 100% private then. It would obviously take time to build."
She smiled at me and said, "Thank you!"
And she kissed me again, but this time we were surrounded by 4 bodies and group hugged.
As we all pulled away, Andrea said, "Welcome to the family, Susie."
We all sat around and talked then, waiting for Dani to get home. We explained to Susie the hierarchy, the schedule, etc. She understood completely and was more than willing. During our chat, I had Delia go up and grab Susie's collar. She kept it hidden from Susie as she handed it me. About an hour or so after Susie had arrived, Dani got home. They were thrilled to see one another, and Dani was even more thrilled to know that her biological sister was joining her and her sister subs in the family.
As we all settled in on the couch, I spoke up and said, "Susie, come here."
She got up and walked over to me.
"No, you see how all the ladies her address me as Master. I have never demanded this of them, they do it of their own free will. With that said, you will be collared and you'll be mine. On your knees."
Without a word, she did as she was told.
I placed the collar on her neck. When she looked up at me she was crying happy tears.
"Thank you... Master."
I indicated that should could stand up. And once up, she was surrounded by 5 women hugging her. They, too, were crying happy tears.
I said, "Tomorrow I'll order you a dress collar that you can wear all the time. If you look at everyone, you'll see they have matching necklaces. You'll have the same."
"Thank you, Master. I look forward to wearing it proudly, to making you happy, to living here with everyone."
I pulled her in and kissed her deeply. As I did, I could feel that buzzing again briefly, but I ignored it.
After dinner, I sat with Susie to discuss my dad and what could be done.
She said, "Ok, once I got your voicemail, I put some things in motion. Background check, finances, possible arrests, etc. I received the email while you were collaring me, so I haven't looked at it yet. May I use your computer to log on to my email? It'll be far easier to read on a bigger screen."
I said of course and we headed to the office. After booting it up and her logging in, we went over the report.
"Well, this is interesting, Master. I love saying that, by the way. Anyway, it seems your father was arrested 2 years after he abandoned you and Dani. Passing bad checks. Only spent 6 months in jail, hasn't kept a regular job since. Looks like he's trying to be a professional poker player again, but without any success.. Unfortunately, this doesn't explain why he's back in your life."
Thinking for a moment, I said, "I think it has something to do with the sale of the old house. He kept talking about the new house, about how big it was, like he was fishing for information."
"Hm, that could be. When Dani divorced his sorry ass - God I was so glad when she did - she got the house. It was supposed to be free and clear from him having any claim though."
"We need to have Dani pull out her divorce papers so we can check. He's up to no good, I know it."
"He always is..."
He speech trailed off a bit and I could see Susie was looking at me intensely. I hadn't realized I was peppering her mildly with pheromones until I looked into her eyes.
"Um, Master, am I allowed to be... bold with you?"
I said, "How bold?"
"Bold enough to ask to suck your cock. Please?"
I said only two words, "Do it."
And with that, I slid my chair back, she was on her knees, unzipping my pants and pulling out my semi-hard cock.
"Oh God, it's magnificent. I could be here forever if you'd let me. I didn't get to tell you last time, but I absolutely LOVE sucking cock."
And with that, she started working my shaft with her hand and tongue. As she stroked me, she ran her tongue up and down, from the tip of my cock to my balls, tasting me fully. I didn't want t take control, I wanted to see what she could do. After a few minutes of licking, she repositioned herself and began to take me into her mouth.
Dani and Delia are definitely the two best cocksuckers in the house, but I think Susie might give them a run for their money. Like her sister, she could deep throat, while Dani can easily take my full length, Susie struggled slightly, but she tried! As her pace increased, I couldn't help myself then, I grabbed her by the hair and held on. When I did, I felt her moan and shudder. I could swear she came when I did that.
My hand grasping her hair, I urged her on. By now it was like she was possessed. All she wanted right then was her mouth full of cock and cum, and I was close to cumming...
"I'm close, Susie, be ready."
She gurgled something, maybe a yes, but didn't slow down a bit. At one point I felt her go down as far as she could and I felt my balls boiling. I didn't warn her at all and just let lose. I filled her mouth up and she swallowed it all, only a little dribble escaped. But she wasn't done, she was going to milk my cock until she got every drop. Another minute, she reluctantly let loose my cock from my mouth. I looked down and saw a very big smile.
Licking her lips, she said, "Mmmmm, best dessert ever."
I laughed and said, "It was pretty damn good on this end, too!"
Standing up, Susie leaned in and kissed my cheek and said, "I'm incredibly happy. Thank you for forcing yourself on me 5 months ago."
Sitting back down, straightening her clothes a bit, she continued, "Well then, back to this problem! I'll contact an attorney friend of mine after we look at Dani's divorce papers. Just to make sure."
"Thank you, Susie. That makes me feel a lot better, as does the blowjob!"
She giggled and said, "Entirely my pleasure to pleasure you, Master."
She turned off the computer and we stood up to leave. All of a sudden that buzzing came back, but this time I stumbled a bit. Susie didn't see it, but I felt it. I took a few steps out of the office and things went black.
I have no idea how long I was out. All I know is that when I did come to, I had 6 pairs of eyes looking down at me, all with concerned looks on their faces. Finally Andrea spoke up.
"What did I say about not doing anything strenuous??"
I cleared my throat and tried to speak. The lips were moving, but only squeaks seem to want to come out.
Andrea said, "Hush, let me check you out."
Once again I was her patient and I laid there. I tried to smile in an attempt to let everyone know I was fine, but I don't know if I succeeded. Andrea did her thing and I heard her sigh deeply.
"Master, I don't know what's going on yet. I need to review your MRI and see if I can find anything out of the ordinary. What's odd though, your eyes seem to have changed again. They're almost sparkling like real gold."
Finally finding my voice, I said, "Help me sit up."
Andrea tried to stop me, but I wanted up.
Finally in an upright position, my head cleared. I looked around and I could really see things now. All the ladies had a slight glow to them, but each one was different. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, and it was still there.
Andrea said, "What's wrong?"
I was going to lie, but I knew I couldn't at this point.
I said, "I'm seeing something odd. All of you have a glow around you. It's really light, but it's there."
Andrea said, "What?!?"
"Whoa... When you said that, your glow changed. Not sure how to explain it. It was soft, but then it looked, I guess, sharp."
"Master, it doesn't appear that you struck your head when you fell, so that's not it. I can only assume your body is still changing in some way. Is anything else happening? I don't care how insignificant it is!"
I nodded my head and said, "Yeah... I keep feeling this buzzing in my head. But not all the time. It's weird. Not annoying, but it's there."
"Is it there now?"
I closed my eyes to see if I felt it, but it wasn't there.
"No. Not right now. Hold on a sec, I don't see your glows any more. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, nothing there now."
"It could have been something temporary, but I'm not going to assume that. I think I need to look at that MRI to see if I can see anything. One of you always stay with him. If anything happens, come get me immediately."
Andrea got up and rushed off to the office to review the disc she had. I now had 5 nurses hovering over me.
I finally said, "Look, we can all sit here while the 5 of you worry about me, or 4 of you could go do other things with one of you staying behind."
Dani said, "Respectfully, Master, NO. Your health could be at risk, and we all stay. Punish me later for saying no if you wish, but I'm pulling the mom card out again."
I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Ok fine. But it's too fucking quiet. Alexa, play some soft jazz."
I sat there and moped, not exactly my finest moment, but I didn't like being coddled at that point. I was feeling fine!
After about 10 minutes, Andrea returned, but only to take Keegan back with her into the office. So we kept waiting quietly.
Finally I spoke up and said, "Soooo who like the Bears' chances this year?"
Dani said, "Jimmy?"
"Shut it. Stop trying to joke around. We're worried. This is me being your mom, not your submissive slut. So stop."
Another 15 minutes passed before both Andrea and Keegan returned.
As she sat down, Andrea said, "Ok, good news. No masses found, no tumors, no shadows."
Everyone exhaled at the same time.
"BUT there's something odd. I doubt it's anything dangerous, it's just odd."
I sat up straight and asked, "What is it??"
"Well, it's your amygdala. Generally it's about the size of a pea, but right now it looks like it's a bit larger than that. Not quite double its normal size. It's the part of the brain that constantly scans our environment for danger and alerts other parts of the brain or body as needed. I don't know if this is the cause, I just found it to be odd. I am not an expert on the brain. I called in Keegan because she initially want to go into neurology before switching to work with me. She agreed with me that we need to set up a PET scan to figure things out."
All the ladies started talking at once, but I quieted them down.
"Let Andrea finish!"
"Thank you, Master. Anyway, we know your IQ has increased as well, so the supposition is that your cerebral cortex has an increased activity in some way. Again, I am no expect, I'm merely guessing. I'm going to call Dot right now. I meant to do it earlier, but your MRI was more important. Excuse me."
As Andrea walked away, I turned to the ladies and said, "Will everyone please relax. We'll get this figured out. Right now I feel really good. Better than good. Keegan, you saw the MRI, what are your thoughts?"
Keegan thought for a moment and said, "Well, like Andrea I'm no expert, but your brain definitely looked different than a normal brain. It's hard to explain without me showing you and comparing it to another brain, but parts of your brain look a bit bigger than an average brain. Like the right hemisphere and, as Andrea mentioned, the amygdala. However, none of that should cause you or anyone any issues! It's just unique."
Right about then Andrea returned and said, "Dot will see you tomorrow. She going to do the PET scan and some other tests. She's not worried, but she is intrigued. Thankfully we can be 100% honest with her about the drug trial and its effects on you."
Dani said, "I'm coming with tomorrow. No arguments."
The other ladies were saying the same thing, but before I said anything I noticed Susie was crying.
I said, "Why are you crying, Susie??"
"Oh Master, it's my fault. If I hadn't given you a blowjob, you wouldn't have passed out."
Before I could say anything, Andrea said, "It's NOT your fault. We don't know what caused it. Though I did tell him to not do anything strenuous."
"Hey, look, I'm 18 and I have raging hormones! No guy my age would say no to a blowjob!"
Despite the seriousness of the situation, they all smiled or laughed.
Standing up, I said, "Let's all go to bed. What time is the appointment, Andrea?"
"10:00 am."
"Ok. So an early-ish day. And only mom and Andrea come with tomorrow. Let's keep it small for now. If, and I repeat, IF it's something serious, then we'll figure things out. I just don't think it's serious, not dangerously so at least. Besides, Susie is helping me... US with the situation with my dad. Which reminds me, mom, when you get the chance and before we leave tomorrow, please give Susie your divorce papers. She wants to review them."
Dani said she would.
"Now it's bedtime. It's been a long, emotional evening, and well all need our sleep."
As we headed upstairs, Andrea said, "Master, tonight I think you should only sleep with one of us in the other bedroom."
I started to protest, but then Dani said, "I agree. And I'll be the one. Master, you yourself said you're 18 and you have raging hormones. You tend to wake up horny and having 6 ladies in bed with you is a lot of temptation. I, at least, can say no to you when I force myself to do it. I can be MOM when I have to be. I hate doing it, but I can when I know it's for your own good. I love you... we all love you, so we need to make sure you are healthy."
I looked at them all and they were saying yes and nodding.
I knew Dani was right and said, "Ok, I give. But just because I'm not in bed with the rest of you, that doesn't mean you can't still have fun. Matter of fact, I want all of you to welcome Susie into the family tonight in bed. Do what you will and have fun. Tell me later what you did."
And with that I kissed each of them good night. Each kiss being highly passionate and filled with love. I took Dani's hand and went off to the guest room.
The next morning I got up with Dani at 5:30. Like the night before, I woke up early, but this time I just stayed in bed. I decided to join her in her yoga for a change. With all the physical changes, I felt it was time to make sure I stayed in shape. Suffice it to say, she "whooped my ass" during the workout. Yoga is definitely not easy. Thankfully, she made sure I didn't push it too much.
Afterwards, I automatically went to the master bathroom and I walked into an orgy. In front of me was a tangle of female flesh on the bed, some of them getting eaten, some of them eating pussy. I sat down for a moment to indulge myself in the view and I got rock hard. I knew if I jumped into this Andrea would be upset, so I settled for just masturbating to the sight. As I looked closely, I could see who was doing whom. Susie between Mia's legs, Delia was between Andrea's legs, and Keegan was behind Susie eating her out. It was extremely difficult for me to not walk up behind Keegan and fuck her.
As I sat there and stroked, mom came in and saw what was going on. I looked over at her and she was smiling.
I whispered to her, "Go join in."
She didn't need to be told a second time. She stood there for a second, trying to decide where to go, and then she walked around the bed. I then saw he leaning down to kiss Mia. Dani must have said something, because Mia nodded yes. I then figured it out when I saw mom straddle Mia's face. God what a sight. All this sex in front of me and I'm having to stay on the "sidelines".
But after about 10 minutes of masturbating, I could feel I was close. I stood up and walked over, while still stroking, and positioned myself by the ladies. I was going to make sure that they were all going to be covered in cum. I began to pump a little faster and I got that familiar feeling before I let loose with a massive stream of cum. I kept cumming all over them and they didn't even stop. Once I stopped cumming, I looked down and saw a sea of white all over them. My job here is done.
I decided to let them finish while I took my shower. I grabbed my clothes and hit the bathroom.
The shower felt glorious. I hadn't been in there for very long before I felt a pair of hands on me, then another pair, and another... I turned around and all the ladies where there. While the shower is massive, 7 people in it definitely made it crowded, but we were able to make it work. We all cleaned each other in a sensual, though non-sexual, way. Once we were all done, Mia exited to grab enough towels for us all.
I said, "Thank you for the show ladies."
Keegan said, "Thank you for the cum shower, Master."
Everyone laughed at that and it was sorely needed with everything that was going on.
After a big breakfast, Dani, Andrea, and I got in the car to head over to see Andrea's friend, Dot. Unlike yesterday, this time I was definitely nervous. I just wanted to figure out what was going on.