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I consider this a more playful effort than the last few stories - a reworking of something written and posted to a now gone, but fondly remembered web site. As always your comments and emails help inspire me - I want your comments both pro and con. Enjoy!
The characters of this story are fictional and exist only within the confines of the story and my imagination!
I am not ashamed to say that I'd let my life spiral completely out of control after my wife left me for a goddamn graduate assistant she'd met and opened her legs for while studying to be a grade school teacher. Sherry had been my life since we first met as high school freshman at the big consolidated county high school in our home town in rural Kentucky. She was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen, like a well stacked Sandra Bullock and I was head over in heels in love with her from the day we first sat next to each other in Freshman English. We'd married two weeks after we graduated from high school and for six years, I'd thought we were the happiest couple on Earth.
We'd both been working at a local textile mill that made uniform shirts -- mostly for the military, but for service jobs too. There wasn't much money, but we were happy. Then as the economy began to slide, Sherry decided she wanted to be a teacher and while it was a stretch money-wise, I supported her one hundred percent.
She was in her second year when she met the pretty-boy, some long-haired guitar strumming son of a bitch who worked as a graduate assistant with one of her professors. Before long, she was staying extra hours and it wasn't until I came home from work one Friday night and found most of her shit missing from our trailer that I even had a clue she was fucking someone else. The break-up was ugly, concluding with me making pretty-boy not so pretty when I beat the shit out of him outside the local university's graduate student apartment complex.
I enjoyed whipping his ass, but it cost me eight months in county lockup and when I got out, I was divorced and discovered that my job that my supervisor promised would be waiting for me had moved out of the country along with the rest of the factory. Sherry and her new love had already busted up and she'd moved in with a geology professor. Go figure. And now I can't stand to see a Sandra Bullock movie either.
I've gotten by doing pick up jobs around town and by drinking a lot. Haven't had a whole lot of use for women, but when the need got too great, Greta, the waitress down at the 'Step Right Inn' has been more than willing to oblige. Ain't love -- she's pretty much been willing to oblige anything on two feet with a willing dick. The drinking and smoking and too much time on my hands led me to getting pretty out of shape damn quick.
Before my marriage crashed and burned, I thought I was an okay looking guy. Six feet tall, stocky like my daddy and grandpa before me, but factory work had kept the weight off and the muscles on. Now a year after getting out of jail I was developing quite the beer gut, the trailer looked like a trash dump and my closest relationships were the cans I pulled out of the twelve pack cases of cheap beer I made sure I kept plenty of around the place. Most of my friends and family wrote me off as a lost cause, some blaming Sherry and others saying all I needed was a good, swift kick in the ass. As it turns out, two of my relatives had a different opinion and that's where my story really begins...
It was one of those cool, dreary days we get here in Eastern Kentucky in late March -- with an on and off drizzle and the promise that real spring will never arrive. I was watching Regis & Kelli with a wicked hangover and only a couple of cans of cheap beer between me and likely death. I was wearing grungy sweats and debating whether I should shower or not before I made my way up the road to the convenience store to re-supply.
I heard a car pull up in front of my trailer and cut off. Next came the slamming of two car doors and I groaned as I realized I was about to have company. It couldn't be good news -- I hadn't had any of that in longer than I could remember.
My hangover kicked into overdrive as someone began pounding on my front door. Then a woman's strident yell added to my misery. "John! John Hill you wake up in there and open this door. Do it right now!"
Somehow I managed to get to my feet and stagger towards the door, wincing as I finally hollered back, "I'm coming, so stop your damn bellowing!" I opened the door, ready to chew someone's ass out for bothering me, but then felt my face go red as I said in a much meeker voice, "Oh...hey Aunt Wanda."
My late daddy's younger sister, Wanda stood there frowning at me. Over her shoulder grinning at me was her daughter, my cousin, Katie. My aunt gave me a disapproving once over and then poked me in the stomach and said, "You forgot your manners, John? Let us in!"
I retreated, allowing them access, a bit embarrassed and preparing to catch hell from my aunt over all the beer cans and bottles and empty pizza boxes lying around. I couldn't remember how long it had been since I'd ran the vacuum cleaner, but I figured I could probably grow corn in the dust and dirt piling up around me. I walked a little unevenly back to the safe haven of my busted spring couch and sprawled heavily down to wait out a bitching out from family.
Aunt Wanda and Cousin Katie marched in and stood in front of me, hands on hips as they scanned the room. Katie grinned down at me and said, "Hey, Cuz -- Ain't seen you around much lately. You okay?"
Aunt Wanda turned and scowled at her. "Hell no, he's not doing okay. Look at this shithole!" My aunt turned and frowned down at me. In a voice that seemed to be growing louder and more painful by the moment, she barked, "What the hell's wrong with you? Your momma would have a stroke if she saw how bad this place looks. Your dear daddy would drop over dead again if he saw how you've let yourself go!"
Katie covered her mouth with one hand, unable to muffle her amused giggle. I shook my head, immediately regretted it and reached out for the last beer in the house. Before I could crack it open, Wanda snapped, "Boy, you open that damn beer and I'll tear your damn head off!"
I paused and set the can down. Trying to sound as polite as possible, I said in a raw and shaky voice. "What are you here for, Aunt Wanda...besides busting my balls?" Asking the question actually made me think about it. What was my aunt doing here? We'd not talked since she passed on going my bail when I'd beaten the pretty boy up. I raised my bleary eyes to study my aunt and cousin in the rain dimmed light of my living room. What I saw surprised me and made me think maybe I was overdue to visit Greta.
My Aunt Wanda was about forty-six years old and like all my daddy's siblings, had a bit of a stocky build, but on her five foot -- three frame, it looked pretty good. She'd always been an exercise freak -- walking and doing aerobics -- even before Jane Fonda had made them popular. She wore her black hair cut short -- an elfin bob that framed her dark brown eyes and somehow fit her buxom hourglass figure. Wanda was dressed for exercise, wearing spandex shorts that didn't reach her knees -- wrapped tight around her thick, but muscular and toned thighs. She had on a tight sweatshirt that did nothing to conceal the traditional 'Hill Women's' knockers,' large, sloping breasts that sat up on her chest with nipples that pointed at you like a couple of pistols. The cool air had her nipples standing up and saying howdy. Even her white crew socks and running shoes added to her sexy look.
Her daughter, my cousin Katie was very much her equally sexy opposite. Katie was tall and slender -- pushing five foot -- nine inches tall with long, bottle-blonde hair cascading down her back. She had her mother's eyes, but not much else. Small cupcake sized breasts with long pointy nipples rested under a light, white sweatshirt. She had on running shorts that rode high on her thighs and drew attention to her long, coltish, very shapely legs. She'd been on the track team back in high school and now at twenty-three with a two year old girl at home, she still looked like she could run long distance.
Yeah, I was definitely overdue to see Greta if I was admiring my aunt and cousin in a sexual way. I snapped out of my reverie, realizing that Aunt Wanda was yammering at me again. I took a deep breath and interrupted her. "I'm sorry. What is it you want from me again?"
My aunt glared down at me and snarled back, "Mostly, I'm hoping we can get you to pull your head out of your ass!" She leaned over, shaking a finger at me, her heavy breasts visibly rolling under that sweatshirt. "John, look at you -- you've turned into a fat slob. How can you ever hope to find another decent job when you're so out of shape?"
I gave a heavy sigh, aggravated that I was getting my chops busted by my aunt and aggravated that I knew she was right. "Well, there aint no one hiring right now anyway, so who cares?" I responded, sounding a bit childish even to myself.
Aunt Wanda shook her head and said, "Well, you might be wrong there, boy! Your Uncle Carl thinks his mill might be hiring in a few weeks and he can get you on, but not if you can't handle the work!"
That perked my interest. Wanda's husband was a foreman at a local lumber mill and I knew they paid better than most places in the county. My aunt could see the interest in my face and continued, "Katie and I are here to get your fat ass up and exercising so you can get hired on and not die of a heart attack!"
"Exercise, how?" I asked, not liking the sound of that.
"To start with, you can go walking with us, Cuz," Katie chimed in.
"Ummmmm...I don't know," I replied. "Maybe tomorrow if it ain't raining." Aunt Wanda was all about exercise -- doing aerobics and walking miles every day. I had a dim memory of her bragging about walking a minimum of five miles a day at a family get-together back when I was still married. She had different routes that took her all over town and out into the rural areas. Katie had walked with her off and on since before graduating high school.
"Today, John Hill!" Aunt Wanda said in a firm voice. "You get up off that couch and walk with us today and tomorrow and everyday until you get back into shape.
With my head banging a heavy metal number on my brain and the nausea of last night's drinking threatening to send me running to the bathroom, I slowly shook my head and said, "No, not today. Maybe tomorrow." I licked my lips and eyed that last can of beer wistfully.
"Not tomorrow, dammit!" Aunt Wanda shot right back. "We want to help you, but we need you to get your sorry ass off that couch today...NOW!"
I started to argue back, but before I could speak, Katie moved to kneel beside me, bringing one hand to rest on my upper right thigh, mid-way between my knee and crotch. "John...Cuz, we wouldn't be doing this if we didn't love you," she said softly, her eyes imploring me. She squeezed her hand as she said, "Hon' we all care about you. You're family and we're worried about you. Do this, please." Katie moved her hand a little so her fingers draped down my inner thigh. She squeezed again and said, "Please go with us, you won't be sorry you did."
My eyes traveled back and forth between my cousin's pretty blue eyes and her hand on my leg, pausing just long enough between to admire those pointy nipples of hers, poking through her light sweatshirt. I felt a twitch in my crotch and felt heat rising in my face -- a reaction I'd not had for Katie before.
Before I could make a reply, Aunt Wanda crouched down on the other side of me, resting her hand on the opposite leg at about the same place as her daughter. Surprisingly powerful fingers squeezed my fleshy thigh. "John, I know I growl like an old bitch sometimes, but you're my nephew and I love you. Please do this for me." There was a kindness in her eyes and in her voice I'd never sensed before and again, my eyes moved back and forth looking at her gripping my thigh and then at her dark eyes. Then as if drawn to it, my eyes traveled down farther to witness something unexpected.
Aunt Wanda was squatting there, her knees spread apart for balance and inadvertently flashing me an incredible shot of camel-toe, her cunt lips clearly outlined against the tight fitting spandex of her shorts. I felt my cock throb and begin to grow in my sweats. I shifted in my seat, trying to keep it from letting its presence becoming known. At a loss for any other answer, struggling to keep my mind from going places it shouldn't go, I finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it!"
Both my cousin and my aunt rewarded me with huge grins and together they reached down and hauled me off the couch. Moments later, my beat up old sneakers on my feet, I was staggering out the door. The rain had stopped at least for the moment, although the cool air was still thick and humid -- a mildly warm breeze blowing up from the south hinting at the merest possibility of Spring.
We walked down the gravel lane that led to my trailer from the main road, ignoring my old pick-up and my cousin's little blue Buick. Aunt Wanda and Katie walked on either side of me, moving easily along at a mild pace and I was keeping up with them fine, trying to ignore my still painful hangover -- although the fresh air did seem to ease the pounding in my head a little.
Once on the road, we headed north, towards Gil's Market -- the convenience store where I usually picked up beer, maybe a half-mile away. The state had built a bicycle lane on the road years before and we were able to continue to walk three abreast -- Aunt Wanda bringing me up to date on family gossip with occasional comments from Katie. As we approached the market, I was now breathing just a little heavy -- not winded, but clearly not used to the exercise. Already, I was hoping that maybe we'd turn back at the store and call it a day.
I was really disappointed as we turned off the main highway at the Market and began walking down a smaller, older paved road -- Tilman's Road -- that led away from town and into the Kentucky Hills. "So, how far are we going?" I asked, trying not to sound like I was already out of breath.
Katie grinned at me and said, "Not far. Momma and I usually park at Gil's and start from here on our shorter walks. We'll take it easy on you today."
A half mile or so past Gil's I began to grow concerned. There were the occasional house that we passed now, but the woods on either side were growing heavier and as a light rain began to fall, I realized we were beginning to go uphill on what was called Tilman's Grade -- a fairly steep hill that topped out perhaps a mile beyond us. I quickly felt the strain of walking up hill washing over me -- my headache announcing new levels of pain as I sweated the booze from my body.
There was little traffic on Tilman's Grade -- the occasional old truck or car swinging wide of us as we trudged up the asphalt road. The air was thick with moisture, making it harder to breath and despite the coolness of the weather, I was now sweating profusely. I began to slow, allowing my aunt and cousin to take a lead a few feet in front of me.
My growing physical discomfort now found competition for my attention. Even as I was gasping for breath and my leg muscles began to burn with the effort, my eyes were drawn to the two very different but definitely feminine asses wiggling in front of me. I shifted my gaze back and forth as I watched appreciatively the full and rounded ass of my aunt in her tight spandex shorts and the tight, pert heart shaped butt of my cousin.
My cock began to waken again, despite my exhaustion and pain. I never realized how nice Aunt Wanda's ass was -- full and firm or just how Katie's heart shaped butt swung just the right way to make a man's cock want to grow and get hard. I had a sudden yearning to see what my aunt and cousin would look like naked -- to hold and cup their ass cheeks in my hands, wanting to feel each woman's unique flesh.
I had to stagger for a moment as I readjusted my sweats, allowing room for my cock to lengthen along my left thigh. Aunt Wanda looked back at me, a bit amused and called out, "Are you alright, John?"
I nodded and then huffed, "Sure -- how much longer we going on?" We were going around a sharp, banked curve in the road and I could see ahead a long uphill stretch of road leading to the top of Tilman's Grade. It was probably less than a mile, but it seemed to be a world away.
Aunt Wanda grinned and said, "Not too far -- just to the top of the Grade." She turned and resumed her steady march alongside her daughter while I felt the wind falling out of my sails. The top? The fucking top of Tilman's Grade? I felt my erection began to wilt as I began to lose any taste for walking. I tried to figure out how far we'd come -- a half mile from my house to Gil's Store -- maybe a little more than a half mile from there with damn near another mile to go.
I was beginning to gasp for air now, my leg muscles trembling with exhaustion -- burning from lack of oxygen and my hangover maybe in its last gasps, but going out hard. I was quickly losing ground -- now maybe eight or so feet from my cousin and aunt. Their asses looked as good as ever, but I was hurting now and losing heart. "I'd done," I called out. "I can't go another fucking step."
Katie turned and began walking backwards, holding out her arms to me. "C'mon, Cuz, you can do it. We'll be there in no time." Under her light sweatshirt, her small, pert breasts bounced like apples on the tree.
I shook my head as I slowed down. "I'm fucking done -- maybe tomorrow." I stopped, maybe embarrassed and ashamed, but definitely done in as I watched Aunt Wanda and Katie move away.
Aunt Wanda glanced over her shoulder and said something I couldn't make out to her daughter. Katie grinned in response and then without a word, reached down with her hands and pulled her sweatshirt up, exposing her breasts to me, never breaking her backwards stride.
I'm sure my jaw hit the ground and my eyes nearly popped out of my skull as I gazed at my cousin's naked tits. Small, firm and round, like young, ripe melons, capped with two very stiff and long nipples the size of pencil eraser tips. Katie grinned at my stunned reaction and stuck out her tongue at me. "C'mon, John, you can do it. I know you've got it in you. Holding up her sweatshirt with one hand, she reached down and cupped the crotch of her running shorts with the other. "I promise you, Cuz, you want to reach the top of the Grade!"
She continued to show off her young, fine titties, glistening as they became wet in the light rain, until I was again moving -- slowly, but gaining speed, completely unawares that I had again a burgeoning erection in my pants until she puckered her lips and blew me a kiss and then dropping her shirt, spun around and kept walking.
Minutes passed and I was a fucking mess. My body ached in ways I never knew possible, but other parts of me throbbed in anticipation of unexpected pleasure. My mind raced in circles, trying to figure out what was going on. Was this Katie's idea of a joke? Had her mother told her to expose her breasts to me? What would happen when we reached the top of Tilman's Grade?
Closer and closer we marched to the top of the hill until finally, I could see off the road in a stand of trees an old roadside picnic area where in the days before the interstate, travelers could pull over and have a bite to eat and enjoy the scenic view of the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern Kentucky. A couple of ancient picnic tables still stood amongst the trees bracketed by two small stone and concrete buildings -- one a public restroom and the opposite one a storage building for the state park service.
Aunt Wanda and Katie veered off the highway and into the picnic area. I followed and collapsed on a picnic bench, the ancient wood creaking dangerously under me. Katie stood near me, stretching, but Aunt Wanda walked over to the old storage building and producing a key from her fanny pack, unlocked it. She glanced back at us with a strange smile and said, "Well, come on -- ain't you got sense to get out of the rain?"
With a groan I stood up and followed Katie to the storage building. I stopped in the doorway, surprised to find that instead of a grungy supply/storage room, it was a clean 15X15 foot room -- an old couch resting against one wall. A straight-back wood chair sitting against another with two large plastic coolers sitting on either side sat next to another wall. Aunt Wanda was squatting next to the chair, pulling water bottles out of one cooler. Katie was bent over the other, coming out with dry towels, one of which she threw me. Handing one to her mother, she began toweling her hair with the other.
Katie looked at me and said, "Come on in, take a load off," as she dried her hair. To my look of further confusion, she said. "You know Paul's daddy, Cyrus?" She was referring to her father in law. "His brother, Darren works for the Park Service, cleaning up and doing yard work and all. He fixed this place up to take breaks in now and again and he gave Momma a set of keys a couple of years back. We keep water and towels and stuff for when we might need it."
Aunt Wanda came up, a smirk on her face as she handed me a bottle of water. She pushed me towards the couch and said, "Take a break, honey. You deserve it."
I nodded dumbly and took a seat, looking at both of them and not knowing what to say. I felt confused and no doubt looked it too. My aunt gestured to the water. "Drink up, John. You've been working hard -- you need to keep hydrated."
With her hair a damp and wild tangle, Katie came up from behind her mother and began toweling Wanda's short, wet hair. "You went and walked two miles, Cuz! I'm damn proud of you!"
Wanda let out with a snorting laugh. "Well, I always said if you want a man to do something for you, show him a bit of titty and he'll follow you anywhere!"
Katie's face reddened a little while they both had a good laugh at my expense. I was still freaked out by the whole thing, but felt a little irritation too at both of them. They seemed to be enjoying this a little too much. I tried to reclaim a little self-respect by joshing back. "So what would you have done if it hadn't worked?"
Katie paused in drying her mother's hair and grinned evilly at me. "Why, Cuz, I'd have pulled down my shorts and flashed my little pussy at you. I bet you didn't know I keep it clean shaven -- smooth as a baby's butt!"
Her answer rocked my world. I couldn't believe my own married cousin was saying something like that to me. I couldn't believe it turned me on as much as it did -- my cock which had not really gone down since she'd shown me her tits, now throbbed angrily in my pants. Still, surprised as I was, I tried to act cool about it, replying, "And if that didn't work?"
Katie didn't bat an eye, instead dropping the towel and yanking her mother's sweatshirt up, exposing Aunt Wanda's large, gourd-like breasts -- thick, round nipples standing out erect nearly a half inch long! "I imagine you'd do whatever we asked to get a good look at these big hooters!" she said, the glee in her voice evident.
As I stared at awe at my aunt's meaty breasts, part of me realized that Wanda wasn't a bit perturbed by her daughter's actions. She laughed as her daughter pulled her sweatshirt over her head and turned to drape it over the straight back chair. "Actually, I was betting it would take my big titties to get you all the way up the Grade. I reckon I didn't bet how horny you might be," my Aunt said in a teasing voice.
Katie returned and stood behind her mother. As I watched in utter disbelief, my cousin wrapped her arms around her mother and cupped Aunt Wanda's heavy breasts. "You do have to admit, Cuz, these are mighty fine tits!" she giggled, looking at me from over her mother's shoulders. Her hands squeezed and mauled my aunt's heavy tits, fingers twisting and pinching those thick, meaty nipples while Aunt Wanda's face took on a dreamy expression. I felt my cock throb in my sweatpants, precum bubbling from my piss-slit as Wanda wiggled her firm butt against her daughter's groin.
No longer even attempting to sound cocky, I managed to gasp, "What the hell is going on?"
Katie began to nuzzle her mother's neck and ear as Aunt Wanda smiled down at me and said, "This is that we love you and we've been worried about you and your cousin and I decided to do something about it. A lot's been going while you got divorced and been feeling sorry for yourself -- a lot's changed for Katie and me as you can see and these are changes that we want you to be a part of. She paused as Katie kissed her cheek, spurring her to turn her head and exchange a brief and exciting kiss with her daughter -- tongues dueling merrily as I watched, shivering with arousal.
With her daughter's saliva wet on her lips, Aunt Wanda continued. "We both want you to be a part of these changes. It will be good for you and," her eyes dropped down to my crotch," Judging from the size of the tent in your sweats, it'll be good for us too!"
I was having trouble processing my aunt's words although my body seemed to have to trouble responding to the unbelievable things I was seeing. " mean, me and you and Katie are going" I couldn't even say it. My god, this was my daddy's sister! She was a respected member of the community. She taught the junior high kids in Sunday School down at the Blue Creek Baptist Church and unless I had suddenly been struck stupid...
"We're going to fuck your brains out, Cuz!" giggled Katie, finishing my thoughts aloud.
"Really?" I said in a squeaky voice, feeling stupid even before the words slipped out of my mouth.
Aunt Wanda slipped out of her daughter's embrace and climbed onto the couch next to me -- kneeling so that her breasts were level with my face, almost brushing my lips while she ran her fingers through my damp hair. "Really, John," she answered. While Katie moved forward and squatted down in front of me, my aunt continued. "If you make an honest effort to clean up your act, quit the drinking and start exercising with us, your cousin Katie and your Aunt Wanda are going to rock your world like you never dreamed possible."
Katie leaned forward and slipped fingers into the waistband of my sweats. Firmly, she began tugging them off. "Now this will be a little sample of the good family loving we're willing to give you, Cuz," she said, her voice a little husky. She gave a good yank and suddenly my sweats and briefs were around my ankles. "Oh, Momma -- will you look at that fine thing." Her brown eyes were fixed on my cock, waving hard and long in the air.
Wanda gave a low moan and in a voice I could barely hear, sighed, "Why in the world would Sherry give up something like that? That's beautiful, nephew!" She leaned down and with a cool hand slowly stroked me up and down, making me jerk and gasp -- aroused as I had never been before -- my mind thrilling at the knowledge that my own aunt was masturbating me. "Katie darling, show your cousin what a sweet mouth you have!" Aunt Wanda said, giving me a little squeeze before letting me go.
Smacking her lips, Katie was on me in a second, her lips slipping around the head of my cock. "Oh God!" I cried out as she began to suck furiously on the upper three inches or so of my erect penis, her tongue lavishly rolling around the head of my cock like wet velvet.
Aunt Wanda took my face in her hands and turned my head to kiss me -- her lips pressing to mine and then slipping her tongue into my mouth, meeting no resistance as my tongue leapt forward to greet hers. I was French kissing my aunt while my cousin sucked my cock. I was sure I'd died and gone to heaven. As Wanda and I kissed, she took my hand in hers and guided it to her left breast, pressing my fingers into the pillow like meatiness of her large tit. My palm scraped over her swollen nipple and I could feel the blood pulsing within, betraying her aroused state.
Wanda kissed me with more passion that I ever recalled experiencing, even with my ex-wife -- our tongues intertwining and dancing, lascivious desire growing with every touch and taste I had with my aunt while my cousin took more and more of me into her mouth with each downward movement of her head. While her fingers cupped and gently massaged my balls, Katie's mouth swallowed me inch by inch, taking me deep into her throat, humming a nonsensical, happy tune as she did so, her tongue busy licking my cock head and rolling up and down my shaft.
All too soon, I could feel the familiar urge as my balls tightened and began demanding release. I fought it as my cousin sucked me, one moment her cheeks hollowing as she sucked furiously the head of my penis and then the next moment, taking me into her throat effortlessly as if she were born to deep-throat. I fought to not cum as Aunt Wanda sucked on my tongue and then offered me hers, leaning her body against mine, my fingers busy pinching and twisting and pulling on her meaty nipples. I fought the urge to cum as best I could, but in the glory of this unexpected incestuous moment, I could not resist.
Breaking the passionate kiss with my aunt, I sobbed, "I'm cumming," as I felt my seed racing up my shaft, my cock head swelling as the pleasure built up beyond the point of no return. I cried out again, "Oh, God -- Katie!" as I realized my cousin meant to take my sperm in her mouth -- something Sherry had always steadfastly refused to do. I exploded in Katie's mouth, ejaculating jet after jet of thick, creamy semen, my hips bucking wildly, rising off the couch in the power of my orgasm.
Aunt Wanda rose up on her knees and pulled my face to her breasts, burying me in a mountain of soft titty flesh as I continued to ejaculate in her daughter's mouth. My lips kissed and bit at her breasts as I turned my head left and right until finally I found a huge, swollen nipple and closed my mouth around it, sucking furiously, finding the sensation of sucking my aunt's nipple strangely familiar and comforting. For a moment, I wondering if I would ever stop shooting jism, but finally I began to lose intensity, the streamers becoming less and lass until all that was left was the intense pleasure of Katie running her tongue over and around my still throbbing cock, so intense it bordered on pain.
Finally, Katie let me slip from her lips -- the cool air almost a shock in itself on the sperm and saliva slicked shaft of my cock. I felt Aunt Wanda move, almost pushing me away as she broke my grasp and while I gasped for breath, my head spinning from the sweet cock-sucking mouth of my cousin, I watched with renewed awe as Wanda knelt next to her squatting daughter and kissed her, Katie meeting her mother's lips with her own open mouth, my hot semen pooled on her tongue before she slipped it into Aunt Wanda's mouth.
I watched my aunt and cousin as for the next couple of minutes, they swapped my fresh jism back and forth as they passionately kissed, little streamers of spit and spunk dribbling down their chins from time to time. At one point their lips broke contact, Katie pulling back slightly, a string of semen running from her lips to her mother's. She grinned evilly and seemed to snap up the streamer of semen up as she pressed her lips to Aunt Wanda's. Finally, they separated, my semen now shared and swallowed. With big 'cat that ate the canary' grins, both turned and looked up at me, both obviously pleased with themselves.
"I can't believe that just happened," I said in an awed whisper. "Thank you."
Aunt Wanda just reached out and patted my knee. "Thank you, John. And that's just the beginning. You make the effort to clean up your act and you won't believe how nasty your ol' Aunt Wanda can be."
My aunt stood up, Katie following her, several minutes in a squat not causing her a bit of discomfort. Katie put her arm around her mother, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek with semen smeared lips. My cock, if it had begun to deflate following my climax had resumed being fully erect upon witnessing the naughty, incestuous and cum filled kiss between mother and daughter, now throbbed at the sight of my aunt and cousin being familiar. A thousand questions swarmed in my head, but somehow all I managed to say was, "What happens now?"
Katie held out her hand and helped me climb to my feet -- my legs shaky although whether it was from the two mile hike or from her awesome blowjob, I could not honestly tell you. "Now, Cuz, you pull your pants up and we walk back down to your place and show you what family love is all about."
Both women moved in against me, wrapping me in their arms and kissing me, not shy about sharing the taste of my own spunk with me. Aunt Wanda stroked my face with her hand and said huskily, "My turn comes next -- it's time to go. I need that big dick in my pussy, nephew and soon!" She reached down and gave my hard penis a quick couple of strokes and then moved off to reclaim her damp top.
A couple of minutes later, we were back on the road, the storage building locked and the three of us heading down Tilman's Grade. It was a little easier going downhill, although it made its own unique demands on our muscles. I paid little attention to my physical discomforts with my attention focused on the two women bracketing me. Despite a heavy sweatshirt covering Aunt Wanda's tits, I could see them clearly with my mind's eye -- the very thought of the two large, gourd-like breasts making my stiff dick throb.
As we walked through the light drizzle, Aunt Wanda and Katie tried to explain how this had all come about. Katie stated it bluntly. "John, you are looking at two sex-starved women...hungry for cock, hungry for pleasure."
I glanced from one to the other. "What about Uncle Carl? What about Paul?" I asked.
Aunt Wanda and Katie gave each other a glance and Aunt Wanda said, "Well, you know Carl and his fishing. The only thing that gives him a boner these days is the fish he pulls out of the lake...well, that and those bright shiny new fishing boats he's always dreaming of buying. It's been seven or eight years since he's had the urge to fuck me more than once a month and I usually have to talk at him until I'm blue in the face before he'll do it then."
My aunt let out a long suffering sigh and added, "And even then, it's two minutes and done." Wanda reached out with one hand and quickly copped a feel of the hard pole trying to poke a hole in my sweats. "Boy, I expect more than two minutes from this big old peter!"
I gulped nervously as Katie began to speak. "And with Paul -- we used to fuck up a storm, at least until I had the baby. Since I got pregnant, he can barely make himself make love to me. I think he has some kind of goddamned mother issue. I begged him to get counseling -- him or both of us and he won't do it. Calls me a fucking nympho!" She too stole a quick grope of my hard-on. "I'll show him what a fucking nympho is!"
I was silent for a moment, processing all this before I finally said, "And, um, you've never done this with anyone else?"
Again, the two women glanced at each other before Katie responded. "Well, no, if you don't count what we've been doing together. Momma and I have always been faithful to our husbands."
"We've been considering finding lovers and then I got to thinking of you one night after visiting your momma. She's been so worried about you and saying that all you needed was a good woman to get you straightened out," said Wanda. She slipped one hand into mine and squeezed it. "You've always been a good looking man and I got to thinking that if Katie and I were to find a lover, that it might as well be someone we both loved!"
I felt my heart do a little flip at her words and I started to reply, but the words got choked up in my throat. I felt my face burning with embarrassment before I said a bit awkwardly, "Well...I love you ladies too." I paused and then with a grin added, "I just never realized I might love you THAT way." I looked back and forth at them and said, "Funny, I reckon I always knew you both were beautiful and sexy, but's like it's a whole 'nother level."
Katie took my other hand in hers and replied, "It's the incest thing you know. Fucking family is so goddamn hot and sexy. Since Momma suggested we seduce you, I can't tell you how many times I've cummed just thinking about it!"
We walked on and I was surprised as I realized we were approaching Gil's Store. We fell silent as we passed, waving at the few folks coming and going from the little business. Once past the store, going the last stretch to my driveway, I worked up the nerve to ask, "And what about you two? I mean, Aunt Wanda -- you and Katie are a lot closer than I ever imagined any mother and daughter to be."
There was a long silence afterwards and for the first time, my aunt and cousin seemed to be the ones a little embarrassed. Aunt Wanda seemed to be studying seriously on her answer while Katie just beamed with a shit-eating grin. Finally, Aunt Wanda said, "Well, I blame my spandex shorts."
Katie snorted with laughter and answered, "And I blame our periods."
My aunt sighed and said, "Well...that too, I suppose."
I looked totally confused and Katie patted my shoulder and began to explain. "Some women just before their menstrual cycle have a day or two of sheer horniness." I nodded, remembering that Sherry had been like that sometimes. "Well, when it hits me, I'm like a cat in heat."
Aunt Wanda added, "Me too -- I want to fuck anything then -- I'd fuck a trailer hitch."
Katie giggled and continued. Well, see Momma and I are literally on the same schedule and one day I went over to Momma's to exercise...just about a year ago and we're both like two days from our periods and I'm horny as hell and Paul won't as much as finger me, let alone, fuck me."
"I was needing to be fucked too," said Wanda. "I'd been using my favorite dildo all that morning before Katie got there and I just couldn't get enough. I stopped 'cause I know Katie's on her way and get dressed, pulling on a t-shirt and some white spandex shorts like these -- no panties. They were tight like I wear them and every movement I make gets me on the edge of cumming and my pussy is leaking like a damn river."
Katie took over the story, "I got there and Momma and I are exercising to some work-out DVD she's got and she just looks all hot and bothered. Momma's face and neck were flushed and she was breathing funny and her nipples are hard enough to poke someone's eye out and I get to smelling her...I get to smelling her sex!"
Licking her lips, Katie went on. "I aint never been with a woman before, but I knew wet pussy when I smelled it, I just never knew another woman's rutting scent could smell so good. As we work out, Momma keeps letting out little moans and sighs and I reckon she's having little orgasms and I don't know what to think, but I know I'm already horny and this turns me on even more.
"Then we start doing some sit-ups, you know with me sitting between Momma's legs, holding them down so she can work those stomach muscles more. Momma is literally quivering -- needing a big orgasm and I suddenly realize that between her legs is the biggest, god awful pussy juice stain around her clear camel-toe that anyone's ever seen. As Momma's doing her sit-ups, I can see that stain getting bigger and before I knew what I was doing, I let go of her leg and palmed her mound." My cousin let out a shivery sigh letting me know the memory still excited her.