Chapter 03

After getting dropped by Venki at college, she hastily walked to the college office room before getting late. On arriving at the office room, she took out the appointment letter from her bag, and checked the room. She found a couple of staffs inside the cabin getting ready to begin the day and a student paying his fees. Devika without any delay walked towards one of the clerk sitting behind the desk and said " Excuse me Sir, I'm Devika" with her sweet little voice

The clerk who was writing something, raised his head and looked at the orgin of the cute voice and asked politely " Yes madam, what can I do for you"
Devika- Yeah, I came to join, today is my joining date. Here is my appointment letter.
With that Devika found , everyone in that room, who were occupied with their work, stopped it and looking at her. She gave a charming smile to everyone.
Clerk- oh OK..Welcome to elite public college..which subject are you teaching madam?
Devika- Not subject, I would be the student counsellor here.

Clerk- OK.yeah yeah.. Principal sir was telling, there would be a new appointment for this post and smiled at her and proceeded to check the appointment letter.
Devika waited there to get done with the formalities. From the corner of her eyes she noted that the student who is there to pay the fees, severely checking her out. She is not new to these kind of staring, wherever she goes, there would be lot of guys staring at her appreciating her beauty. Even though, it is really annoying, she knew she can't make them stop doing it and started avoiding them by not looking at their direction.
But she thought , she never expected this from a 16 or 17 year old kid. He is a little kid, how can he stare at a lady like this. This guy was looking at her as if no one is there at this room.

Devika could here the office staff who is sitting in front of the student calling his name couple of times
Staff- Hey here is your receipt.
Staff- hello..kid..Anand ..Anand....
He threw a pen at the boy and called his name once again." Hey kid"
Anand got back to reality, gave a forced smile and said " I'm sorry, I was in some thoughts"
Staff- uhm..I know what you are thinking and I also know what you are being called lovingly by your guys are not here for studying..why are you coming to college if you don't wish to be here. Your father has made enough wealth, there is no need of education for you. You can just go on spoiling it.
He threw the receipt at him and asked him to leave the place not disturbing them.
Anand sweared him under his breath and proceeded to leave the place, checking her out for one final time, wondering who might be this beautiful lady. He didn't here her, that she is the new faculty in the college.

After checking her appointment letter and other documents, he informed her that she can sit here for sometime and meet the principal after the morning prayer ceremony is done. Devika waited there in the office room nervously. For the next 5 minutes, all the people who came inside checked her out in the pretext of doing their job. They all were happy to get such a beautiful colleague for them. There were only few lady staffs there, but they were all not good looking. They were really impressed with her beauty. Devika jolted a little, when the first bell rang, followed by a small prayer and pledge. She again had to wait 10 more minutes , before finally she was informed that principal is there in his office waiting for her by the office clerk.

Before entering the principal's room, she made sure that her saree is looking proper and knocked on his door.

Dr.Francis Abraham is principal of that college for the past 5 years, he is a middle aged man in his 50s and a well respected person in the institution. He works for a mission to bring back the college to its past glory. As for starting measure only he has appointed a new student counsellor that is Devika.

He asked to come inside, on hearing the knock on his door. Devika entered the fully air conditioned room, and greeted him. Dr. Francis raised his head to find Devika and immediately recognised the innocent cute face who he had interviewed sometime back. He raised from his cushioned chair extending his hand to welcome Devika to his office. After shaking hand, he asked her to sit to make herself comfortable and initiated conversation.

Dr. Francis- Hello, welcome Devika to our prestigious institution, we are extremely glad to have you work here.
Devika- its my pleasure to work you here Sir, And I don't think there are any better places to start with.

Francis then went on describing about the college , about her roles and responsibilities, and what they are expecting of her.
Dr.Francis- Alright, would be on probation for 6 months and will be working for 4 hours daily till 1:30 pm for this 6 months. Afterwards we will check your progress and decide about your future.
Devika: OK
Dr.Francis- You know, your job will be a tough one I guess. In this college 85 % are boys, and also we have a very small group of lady staffs. For some years now, we have a weakened reputation and poor results. So we are in a mission to bring back everything we have lost. We want to make sure that each student passing out from here, has gained something , we want them to develop in all areas. Whether it be academically, culturally, physically and mentally.

So your role is to make sure and guide them in correct direction, sort out their problems, give them advice so they become good individual.
Devika- sure sir
Dr.Francis- You are aware, how chaotic is teenage minds, they are confused, complicated and they are in the phase of finding their own proper individuality. You have to deal with them , which is very difficult. They are physically getting mature as well as psychologically. It is the time they can get misguided and goes out of focus. Sex would be new term for them and these young minds will definitely go behind to know more about sex and loose focus on important things for what they are here for.
So we decided we needed a well trained counsellor to bring back them to good behavior.... So Devika that's why you are here.

Devika- Sure, I'm well aware of a teenage mind and I hope I can do very well and bring them back on track with kindness and love. I strongly believe that any notorius person can be changed. Can be changed with love and kindness. I will be treating them not as mere students, but they all will be like my own children and with love and patience anything can be changed.

Francis was really impressed with her personality which matches her beauty and he continued with his briefing
Dr.Francis- So our primary concern is about 3 students, who is going to write board exam this year, we are somewhat sure that these kids will fail the final exam and if it happens, it will be a real shame for our institution. We haven't had a failure for the board exam in the history of this college.And we don't want that to happen. We all are trying really hard to bring back them on track..but its not happening. But I think you might be able to help us.

Devika- who are they sir? Showing real concern
Dr. Francis- They are Rahim, Vishnu and Anand

Devika immediately recollected the name Anand from what she heard in the office. She thought, one of them is the student who was paying the fees in the office. He was staring at her as if he hasn't seen any women for a long time.
She now understood, its going to be really difficult dealing with such pervert kids and she might be having hard time to make them from bad to good. But she was still confident of changing them with love.

Dr. Francis- These 3 kids are from very rich and influential backgrounds and gives us headache all time. They don't study, they fight , bring porn CDs to class and distributes and list goes like that... So we can arrange a special session weekly for each of these 3 with you., so you would able to know them and work to improve them
Devika- yeah , that will do.
Dr.Francis- Apart from that you will be allotted 3 hours daily for taking classes at different grades from 8 to 12 grades , and any student can consult you in the last 1 hour, if they need to discuss any problem with you.
Devika- OK sir, That's fine.

Dr.Francis- Thank you Devika for joining and you have great time here and bring success to us, and if there is any need you can walk into this cabin.

Now I will call the peon to take you to the staff room and introduce you to other staffs. And you will have a counselling room, you will be sitting there..Alright.
Devika- Thank you sir for giving me an opportunity

With that Francis took the phone and asked the peon to come to his cabin.

The bell rang, indicating 5 minutes break before the begin of next session. All three of our problematic kids jolted to reality, when they heard the sharp sound of the bell. They were in a dream, thinking about the unknown lady found by Anand in the office. Through out this 2 hours, Anand hasn't kept his mouth shut, he was continuously being poetic and kept on praising the beauty to make rahim and Vishnu envy him and carve for Devika.

When the teacher moved out of the class, Rahim instantaneously stood up from his chair, caught Anand by his collar and dragged him out of the class.
Rahim- Now come on, show her..where is she? If we don't find are done bro..we all will take chances and kick your balls off..come on..

Anand- hey dude..take it i told she might have gone...anyway I was telling the truth..she was there in the office room..but even if she has gone ..u should take it easy...I just told u guys, what i saw..

Vishnu- no bro, you were torturing us for last 2 hours, as if we haven't seen any girls..if we don't find her that's it...

All 3 kids along with some of their friends walked hastely towards the office room. To their dismay, no lady was found there and they walked past the principal's room couple of times peeping inside to find no one there also.

Rahim- Where is your fucking beauty in yellow sari dude
Anand- I told you..she must have left..what can i do?
Vishnu- if you weren't sure, that you would be seeing her shouldn't have talked about her to us.
Rahim- now you have made us all dream about her..and see now one is here...we gonna kill you.

Rahim pushed him back, and their friends laughed at Anand and caught his hands, asking Rahim to slap him. Rahim mocking anger, turned him around and gave a playful kick on his butt, making everyone burst into laughter.

Vishnu- we can look once more..sometimes if we are lucky, she might here somewhere around.
Rahim- you still believe this liar..he was fucking lying dude..there was no beauty..all was his creative imagination to get rid of the boring 2 hours of lecture.
Anand- no bro..she was here...
Rahim- aree shut up...u will get from me ..if you open your mouth again..come let's go back..

Saying that everyone returned back to class, as it is time for the next hour. While going back, they found ganapati starting his scooter to go to bank. Upon seeing Ganapati, Anand's face lit up and said " hey let's ask ganapati, he might have seen guys believe that it is all my imagination isn't it?..let's ask him" and ran towards him making all others follow him slowly.

Anand- aree Ganapati bhai stop..stop

Ganapati was about to set off, when he heard someone shouting his name. He turned back to find a group of boys running towards him.

Ganapati- what the fuck..these boys are upto now..they are crazy little brats
Thinking they are coming to hit him, he got out of the scooter pushed it to the ground and started running shouting " what do you guys want?"
Rahim- why the fuck, he is running now?
Vishnu- this stupid dumbo where is he running..stop him
Before ganapati could run away, the boys caught him from behind and stopped him.
Anand- ganapati bhai..where are you running?
Ganapati- What do you guys want, I thought you guys are coming to hit me?
Anand- For what..why would we be hitting you bhai?
Ganapati said stupidly scratching his head " thats true, why do you guys, want to hit me?
Rahim- hey stupid, leave that..we came to ask you something..

Ganapati- what? Do you guys want me to buy cigarettes for you? This time the service charge would be higher and also i will take 2 from it...principal doubts me for buying cigarettes for the risk is much do you want..1 packet or 2

Anand cut him shot " hey stop stop..what are you talking about..its not about cigarettes..we came for something else.
Vishnu interrupted him " BTW what is your new rate for buying cigarette and why did you increased you charge"
Anand- yeah and what is the extra risk now , that haven't had till now

Rahim getting irked shouted at them" Would you guys please fucking stop this nonsense and ask him that fucking question for what we have came here for....oh god these stupid idiots"

Ganapati- what question? you guys have test paper next hour? How would I be able to answer your know I have not studied past 5 grade..and..
Rahim- oh lord again...pls kill me people could be so stupid...

Anand laughing and said calmly- " Ganapati listen its not that, we came to ask you whether you found someone here"
Ganapati- who?
Anand - today morning I found a lady in the office room, these guys are not I want to make sure, whether you also saw her
Ganapati- which lady I didn't find anyone?
Anand - She was there in the office room, I found her there only.
Ganapati- I didn't find anyone in the office room
Anansd- She was wearing yellow sari and matching blouse..and she was...
This time Rahim interrupted them and said" Hey leave it, this stupid have not seen anyone here, let's go back to classroom "

And they all started walking back disappointed, leaving Ganapati there alone to think. And they heard ganapati asking loudly, after taking few steps away.
Ganapati- Are you talking about our new teacher joined today?
Everyone stopped and turned back and asked back synchronised " OUR NEW TEACHER!!!" in disbelief and surprise.

Ganapati- there was a woman in principal's room, she was wearing yellow sari and blouse..she came to join today..
All their face lit up and they said to themselves surprised " seriously, new teacher " and walked again towards Ganapati.
Anand shouted and pushed back rahim and Vishnu " now see . bloody fuckers...I don't lie..understand "
Rahim laughed and said " relax bro..i knew you were telling truth" grinning widely " I was just kidding you know"
Anand shot back " fuck were kidding huh!"
Vishnu- Stop fighting man, let's just see what is he know Ganapati.. He might be saying something else..
Rahim- Ganapati bhai tell..what did you see? is she a teacher?

Ganapati- yeah ...i only took her to staff room and introduced her to others and showed her around...she is a psychatrist
Anand - A psychiatrist... What non sense Ganapati.. Do you know psychiatrist are doctors who treats mental people like you...
Ganapati- you are calling me mental..enough I am leaving" and pulled up his scooter lying on the ground
Vishnu- he was kidding.. Don't get angry dude..tell us about her..
Ganapati- what else do you guys want to know?
Rahim- is she beautiful? He asked with a slight smile
Ganapati- I know that's why you are here...go kids ..go and study something
Vishnu- Ganapati bhai..pls pls know we all would be delighted to have a beautiful fact you also would be feeling good to have beautiful lady walking around, talking to you...tell she beautiful..

Ganapati with little shyness said- yes, she is so beautiful so so pretty.. In fact I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life ever

Anand getting excited told - see I told you guys.. Got anything to say....
Rahim- what is her name?
Ganapati- Devika..beautiful name isn't it?

Rahim- Devikaa..aha..cute name...Devika Rahim.. Wow what a match..
Vishnu- oh poor...its gonna b Devika Vishnu.. Looks more perfect
Anand- its me who saw her first..So it should be Devika guys don't have any chance at all..
Ganapati- haha but more perfect name is already attached to her name Devika Venkitesh..she is married..
Rahim- What? Venkitesh who is that loser...
Ganapati- her husband ..he is working in bank...
Vishnu- he must be a nerd..dumbass..see his name "venkitesh"...
Rahim- i have a special thing for married woman..
Anand - me too..Their body will be so mature..haa..
Ganapati- what are you guys talking about? She is your teacher and 25 years old and also a mother...
Anand- it doesn't matter at all..- Anand said by dreaming
Rahim- 25 years..its correct and perfect age...

Ganapati- stop it kids are hopeless
Vishnu- Look who is telling, yesterday only he asked for porn from my phone
Anand- haha
Ganapati gave a sheepish smile and scratched his head
Rahim- you also might have felt something same about her, tell us the truth sirjii...haha
Ganapati- No no no...we are just friends..
Anand- what the fuck just saw her and you became friends..tell something sensible.. Ganapati ji
Ganapati- I told you right, I only took her to staff room and we talked to each other and I asked her, can we be friends..and she agreed...
Rahim- look who is here....I think he is better than us in dealing with women..we should learn from him...

And they started pulling his leg

Anand- See made a new girlfriend.. What else you need..that too most beautiful lady in the world......
Rahim- And what else did you guys speak?

Ganapati- she has got 2 months old baby....
Anand- Oh. 2 months.!!..then she must be breastfeeding that's why she was having such a beautiful pointy breasts... Oh my god...
Rahim- oooh..fuck..lactating teacher.. I will not be taking my eyes off her milky breasts, when she is teaching us...aah...

Ganapati- yeah she is breastfeeding.. And she got angry when i asked about that..
Vishnu- what the asked her about breastfeeding... Oh lord this guy is unbelievable.. What did you ask?
Ganapati-- what's wrong in it ..I was concerned.. I asked her, how can she breastfeed her son, when she is teaching here...for that she got there anything wrong in it? He asked innocently...

Everyone burst into laughter...and Rahim gave Anand a high five and laughed
Rahim- hahaha..that was hilarious... No ganapati there is nothing wrong in it..she is your friend right? got the right to ask..hahah..

Vishnu- " also should have asked her..what does her breast milk taste like?.. "Haha..and they gave another high five , enjoying their talk..
Ganapati - hey you perverts..what are you saying..she is a good lady and she is your teacher also, how can you talk like this about her?
Rahim- what felt bad talking about her like her...
Ganapati- I told you..she is my friend ,like you guys...I don't like talking about her in that way...

Anand- tell this thing, Ganapati bhai..did you check her out? Tell the truth../
Ganapati- What?
Vishnu- Did you try to look at her breast?
Anand- I could make out that she was wearing a white bra underneath her yellow blouse, when I saw her in the office room...
Rahim- underneath that yellow blouse and white bra, she must be having a pair of lovely beautiful soft milk filled breasts...
Vishnu- we are asking, whether did you by any chance looked at those milk leaking soft breasts...
Anand- I'm sure, he must have...look at his face..
Rahim- just tell na Ganapati bhai pls..we are your friends..

Ganapati was very shy to speak and was grinning wildly and spoke " when she said she is having a kid of 2 months, i was obviously concerned about her son .that's why I asked her how she is breastfeeding and at that time when we were speaking about it..I ...I quickly glanced at her chest....

Anand- see I told you..he must have looked..haha
Ganapati- but that was involuntary, any one would have looked and I did not have anything else in my mind at that time....and she got angry..I stopped talking about it..
Rahim- " did you enjoy the view?" With a evil smile
Ganapati- what view...I told you it was a quick look..and when we talk about breastfeeding.. Naturally we tend to look on the breasts..its like reflex action..

Vishnu- whatever it is..just tell na bhai..what did you see in that quick innocent look...
Ganapati- aare you guys....the bell will ring now go to your classes...
Vishnu- we will buy you 3 cigarettes.. If you tell us..what did you see?
Ganapati- OK promise?
Vishnu- is the money...keep it with you and now tell us..

Ganapati keeping the notes in his pocket he said" well, i didn't see much. It was just a quick look..she was wearing this beautiful yellow saree which was very elegantly dbangd.
Rahim- tell about those breasts..
Vishnu- don't interrupt him..let him continue..
Ganapati- yeah...she has got a slender neck and moving down it develops gradually and smoothly like the slopes of a beautiful mountain to a perfectly carved curve...that's her lovely breast..visually I felt it was so smooth and soft like a cushion...

Anand-" oohh..I'm having a hard on mann.." Everyone laughed

Ganapati- even I felt she was wearing a white bra underneath that blouse..and she was wearing her mangalsutra, which was hanging down hidden inside her sari..

Rahim- is this your quick seems you had one hell of a look bhai..that mangalsutra must be flowing down, resting deep in her valley between those soft miking breasts..enjoying the warmth...woow...imagine me instead of that lucky chain

Ganapati- but she is a very nice and lovely lady..and you should be nice to her..she is innocent.. You guys should not be talking of her like this..she will be a good teacher for you guys../
Anand- "yeah true ..we will be very nice and soft while dealing with her.." Said with a evil smile looking at his friends.. They also gave the same smile back...

Rahim- what about her ass bhai..did you get a chance to look at those globes as well..
Ganapati- hey stop it..what do you think of me..i told she is my friend....
Anand- haha..yeah yeah we know...she would be very lucky to have a pervert like you as her friend.. Haha./
Ganapati- what..I told..i don't have any evil feelings about her like you are the real perverts...
Vishnu- hahaha
Rahim-.. Now where is she there in the staffroom?
Ganapati- I don't know ..she might be go and find it by yourselves..I'm leaving ..I got loads of work to do...

Ganapati started his scooter and proceeded to leave, when Rahim playfully said" next time when you see your friend, tell something nice about us" but without listening he rode away.

Anand- shall we go and check in the staffroom
Rahim- question about it...come fast..
They swiftly walked aiming the staffroom, but the bell rang in between for beginning the next hour..

Vishnu- oh shit..fuck dude...
Rahim- no probs man ..anyway we will go to the staffroom.. We might be little late for the class..leave it..

The other students who were along with them, ran back to the classroom, but Rahim, Vishnu and Anand was determined see Devika and continued walking to staffroom.
They were about to reach the staffroom and they could hear Devika talking to other teachers, introducing her.

Anand- that's her voice..see how cute it is...her body is cuter than this and you would be surprised to her enchanting heavenly beauty.

The moment they were about to look inside the staffroom, to their utter dismay, the principal appeared out of the blue from nowhere in front of them

Dr.Francis- what are you doing here..didn't you hear the bell ring?
Rahim- Sir.uh.sir.uhm...we were going to the washroom
Dr.Francis- you got a break and still you couldnt go to washroom...
Vishnu- Sir uh ..we came to call maths sir..this hour is maths for us.

He thought by saying that principal will allow them inside the staffroom

Dr.Francis- he has already gone to the classroom... You guys..what are you upto..who you are trying to go back to classroom
Rahim- sir we..we...want..uh..
Dr.Francis shouted back " I said back to your class..did you understand that"

They jolted with fear, from his shout and immediately walked back to the classroom fully, Without able to have a look at the beautiful Devika. Now they have to bear 2 more hours of lecture, to come out for the break.

It was an uneventful first day for Devika, as there were only some joining formalities and later got welcomed by other faculty members. Her official day will be commencing from tomorrow as she will be handling sessions related to her subjects.

Devika was really happy and was surprised by the warm welcome she had received from her colleagues and principal. She thought everyone is super friendy, helpfull and it would be a perfect place for her to build a rewarding career. And also Devika was impressed by the counselling room given to her for helping the students.

Soon it was 1:30, and the bell for long break rang. And she was done with her first day. The face of her loving son came to her mind as she gathered all her belongings and zipped her bag to leave for the day. She whispered under her breath" oh my poor little Adi, mama is more waiting for you"

Devika stepped outside her room and walked to meet principal for bidding goodbye. She realised that she is the centre of attraction as she walked past the students to meet principal. All students are looking at her surprised, some are smiling, some greeted with dirty looks enjoying her womanly curves and trying to create her naked image in their wild imagination.
Dr.Francis- Come in..
Devika- Good afternoon sir...
Francis looked up from his work to find beautiful Devika greeting him with the prettiest smile.
Dr.Francis- Hello Devika, you are done with your first day..How did it go?
Devika- It was really good, I met other staffs and walked around to see the campus
Dr.Francis- So tomorrow onwards, you will start handling classes..And I hope, you recieved your schedule..
Devika- Yes sir, I'm prepared for it..
Dr.Francis- And as I told earlier, along with the class you will be giving special care to 3 students we are concerned about.
Devika- yes, Rahim, Vishnu,Anand... I will take care of them..
Dr.Francis- Good, they are our primary concern..So will be having seperate weekly sessions with each of them to improve their studies and moral values

They heard a knock on the door from outside and principal welcomed him in. Devika recognised him, she had met him in the staff room earlier today, while introducing herself. He came inside, as Devika tried to recollect his name.
Person- sir, heard you called me...
Dr.Francis- Yes Rajesh, meet mrs.Devika our new faculty and charge of student counselling and psychology..
Devika recollected and thought" Yes Rajesh.. English teacher"
Rajesh- yeah, we met in the staffroom..
Devika- yes sir
Dr.Francis- He is one of our senior most professor and is in charge of class 12
Devika- ok
Rajesh- why did you call me sir?

Dr.Francis- yeah, as you know the board exams are only some months away and we have to do something about Rahim, Anand,and Vishnu...So from tomorrow onwards they will be having sessions with mrs.devika to ensure their progress and they pass the exams...
Rajesh- That will be great sir...
Dr.Francis- So you need to inform them about this new schedule. And Devika would be here from 9.30 till 1:30...And everyday last hour, she would be free....So you need to work out a schedule and ensure these children are meeting her atleast twice weekly without much problem to their lecture.
Rajesh- yes sir, I will talk to them now itself and let them know and will plan a schedule for them.
Dr.Francis- that's it, you can leave now...
Rajesh- Thank you sir, and see you madam...
Devika-- yes sir..Thank you...

Rajesh opened the door and moved outside, before the door got closed, they heard Rajesh talking outside " Hey, Rahim..Come with me...I was looking for you guys...Need to talk with you guys..Come to staffroom" and the door closed , shutting all noises from outside.

Dr.Francis- Alright Devika, you can also leave and have a good evening
Devika- thank you and wish you same...Bye...

Those two hours after first break till the lunch break was the most boring and laziest lectures in their life. They were itching to get this done and go outside to have a look at Devika and appreciate her beauty. But the time is ticking as if someone is pulling him from behind.

Three of the friends were surprisingly quiet, they didn't talk or made any disturbance to the class as they used to do. They are quiet and were dreaming about Devika, from the information they got from Ganapati. They were happy to get a beautiful teacher at last at their final year in this college. Each of them thought, how to approach and impress her and doubted about their chances of getting close to her. They had all the naughty thoughts, imagined themselves being with her and satisfying their fantasies.

They made her naked in their sinful minds, and tried hard to create detailed visuals of her every body part they have never seen.Rahim wondered, how would her breast look like. Would he be lucky to have glimpse of it? Would he able to measure the softness of those lactating breasts?

Anand tried to recollect her curvaceous ass in that yellow saree. He thought it was so beautiful and determined to grab those soft globes.

And when the break bell rang finally, all three of them were horny and had hardons. They came back to reality, and looked at each other and smiled. Each one knew, what exactly the others were thinking during the past 2 hours. They waited for a moment, to get their erections calm down and stood up to go outside the class to have a look at Devika.

Rahim- Guys, come on let's look her...
Anand- This time we won't miss her, we got plenty of time
Vishnu- What about lunch?
Anand- fucker, let's have it afterwards..First I will show you guys.. That what I said was truth..
Vishnu- Ok...Where would she be?
Rahim- She might be there in staffroom to have lunch..

Anand- let's make some excuse and enter the staffroom, pretending to meet some bloody teacher
Vishnu- Ok...
On the way to staffroom, they saw Ganapati coming. They stopped him and asked " hey.bhai..Your beautiful friend is there in staffroom isn't it..Let's go and check, how beautiful is she...Haha"
Ganapati- Are you guys talking about Devika madam...She is not there in staffroom...I saw her in principals room...
Anand- oh now, how are we going to see her
Rahim- Now problem dude... We will wait outside...Once she comes out ..we can see her....
Vishnu- hm let's go....

They 3 reached there near the principal's room.Rahim and Vishnu were very excited to meet her after hearing the hipnotic description from both Ganapati and Anand about Devika. They were also little scared to peep inside the glass door of principal's room.
Anand- What shall we do?
Vishnu- You just peep inside to check whether she is there inside or not

Anand- Fuck you dude...Why can't you do it by yourself? I'm already there in the black list of him...I don't want to ruin it further
Vishnu- as if I'm not there in the list
Rahim- can you people stop yelling please....No one has to peep.. We will wait here until she comes out..Ok
Anand- but how do you know..She is inside or not?
Rahim- ok..I will do one thing..i will walk past the door casually and a look inside.. Alright?
Vishnu- That's what I also said dude...
Rahim- shut up dumbo...Let me check

Saying that Rahim took few steps and poised to walk past the room and have a quick look inside. When he was about to cross the room, suddenly the door flew open and their ever irritating class teacher stood in front shouting

" Hey, Rahim..Come with me...I was looking for you guys...Need to talk with you guys..Come to staffroom"

Saying that Rajesh forced the trio to walk along with him to the staffroom making them disappointed once again.

They were so disappointed and can't believe their bad luck. Once in the staffroom, Rajesh made himself comfortable and briefed them about the new development.
Rajesh- Alright students, I called you guys to inform about something
Rahim- " What is it sir" still with a disappointed face
Rajesh- As you are aware that this is your final year here and it is most important one for yourself for this institution. We waited till now and found that you guys are not taking any extra effort to improve yourselves
Anand- no sir we are trying our best
Hearing that everyone burst into laughter, including Rahim and Vishnu
Rajesh- haha...We all are well aware of what's the situation here...So don't talk about your best efforts Anand...

Rahim- So what we have to do now sir?
Rajesh- yeah...So if things goes like this..You yourself will face the music and will be in trouble and also our college do not have the history of failures......We don't want that to happen this year Alright?

Vishnu- we will try hard sir?
Rajesh-..Yeah that's good... But we have decided something else also....The management has appointed new teacher who have expertise in student counselling and psychology....So you will each individually meet her weekly twice for small session..You can talk about the difficulties you guys facing and she will ensure you are on track... Alright..Her name is Devika..

It came as a surprise for them and their face lit up brightly hearing this development
Rajesh- This is compulsory session and you cannot miss this..For attending this session, which might be around half hour, if you are missing any regular classes...You have to take extra effort to catch up the missed portions alright? ....So we are providing you all the facilities and effort from our side.... Now it's your chance to grab those opportunities and excel yourselves...Whatever help you guys need, we all are there for you...Ok?

Rahim- Ok Sir....That's really cool...We are really happy to have this facility...We promise that we will make maximum out of it....
Vishnu- Yes sir...We are looking forward to meet Devika madam....We are sure that it will be really helpful for us...
Anand- Yes sir...I request to extend the session minimum to 2 hours...Half hour would be too less a duration for us to improve.....

Hearing this Rahim stamped on Anand's foot, indicating him to stop talking rubbish. Anand flinched with pain and yelled" ouch"
Rajesh- What happened
Anand - nothing sir ..I hit my leg on the table edge.

But Rajesh was rather surprised by the excitement of these students. He thought, they will show their displeasure for this extra session, but they are totally fine with it.

Rajesh- Alright children, I will draw a schedule and will let you know and guys follow that without fail. And please put your maximum effort and improve. I want all 3 of you to make me proud and pass from here with flying colours...

Rahim- we assure you sir...
Rajesh- ok then ..Thank you can leave...

They came out of the staffroom, extremely delighted and gave high five to each other.
Rahim- What the fuck ..Did you hear that..
Anand- oyee...Man this is going to be fun
Vishnu- yeah dude...I thought this year will be fucking boring with all those model exams and studies.
Rahim- Now they only giving licence to enjoy...
Anand- oh my devuu...I'm coming for you...
Rahim- haaha...Let's see ..What is awaiting...
Vishnu- oh lord..You know what I want and pray for..Please be kind enough to give all the things I wish for..
Anand- haha
Rahim- let's go and check.. Whether she is still there in principals room... Otherwise she would be there in staffroom...

And again walked towards principal's room to check about Devika. Rahim walked past the room to check inside, but to their dismay she wasn't there.
Rahim- she is not here..Let's check in the staffroom...
While going to the staffroom, they again met Ganapati and Ganapati asked them " hello friends, did you guys get to meet her"
Anand- No bhai...She is not there in principals room..
Rahim- is she there in the staffroom...?
Ganapati- Oh poor boys..You didn't meet her...She just left for the day..She works partime only..Just till noon...
Rahim- Shit...This is bad..How long we have to run ..Just to see her.
Anand- Again we have to wait ..This is really bad man...
Vishnu- Chill buddy..its just matter of time.. From tomorrow onwards, we talk to her right? And see her as much we want..So just be patient dude...
Rahim sighed - hmm...Chal let's go and have lunch...​
Next page: Chapter 04
Previous page: Chapter 02