Chapter 13

After some hours of journey they reached the college, everyone was so tired from the trip. They had a very active few days, and also they were very lucky to see her beautiful teacher in scantily clad clothes.

Everyone got down from the bus , took their luggage was preparing to leave. Devika's husband also has come to pick her up. Devika saw, venki was waiting inside the car. Before leaving to her home she wants to have a quick word with Vishnu, Rahim and Anand. So she called them

Devika - hi...OK before leaving ...I just need to have a word with you guys

Rahim - what is it ma'am ?

Devika - uh..its nothing.. Ok so guys are like my little brothers... So during our trip the tribal community visit was not as per our actual planned itinerary. So I want all of you , all the students to keep it to themselves. Otherwise I will be in trouble. Do you understand _ what I mean?

Rahim -'am we won't tell anyone

Vishnu - it will be a secret

Devika - thanks... And please let other students also know about it...OK?

Anand - yeah...we will tell them ?

Devika - OK then was a great you can go home and take some rest and see you guys on Monday.

Rahim - yes ma'am it was really great trip..we enjoyed your company really

Anand - yeah especially at the tribal village..he he..

Rahim nudged him on his arm , asking him to keep quiet. Devika looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Devika - what do you mean Anand ?

Rahim - no no..he just meant all the celebration there was great..isn't it ? Anand?..yeah

Anand - oh yeah yeah that's what I meant ?...

Devika - oh stop...I know you guys..don't act innocent.... I know whatever happened there was so unexpected... So

forget it guys.....alright then let me go ...see you guys later..

Saying that they all prepared to leave, but devika just called Vishnu alone to talk with him in private for a moment

Devika - Vishnu ...can talk to you for a second

Vishnu - oh ..yeah ...yes ma'am

And they both moved a little far to talk, making both Rahim and Anand wonder , what's happening

Vishnu - what is it ma'am?

Devika with a little shy smile spoke to him

Devika - OK Vishnu...I just wanted to remind you whatever happened in the trip.. Pls don't tell anyone.. Forget everything OK...

Vishnu understood, what exactly she is speaking about , but decided to play dumb, to make her say it.

Vishnu - what is it ma'am... Are you talking about the tribal I will not tell anyone....

Devika - no no Vishnu ...not that the other one

Vishnu - what is other than that?

Devika - oh Vishnu don't act innocent..u know what I mean

Vishnu - no ma'am ...I don't have any idea what you are talking about

Devika has a sweet smile on her lips out of shy.

Devika - OK ...then if you don't remember anything..better it be that way..I don't to make you remember anything

Vishnu - no ma'am ..tell na ..what are you talking about... Otherwise unknowingly I might tell someone else..the thing you are talking about.

Devika - if you tell, I will kill you...don't even think about it

Vishnu - OK .ma'am if you tell me only right ..I would know about it.

Devika - vishnu...I'm talking about the river

Vishnu - what ma'am.? What river?

Devika - now...Vishnu ..I know you are acting

Vishnu - seriously ...I don't know what you are talking about

Devika with immense shy looking down told him

Devika - OK...I'm talking about I took bath in the river

Vishnu continued playing ignorant

Vishnu - yeah..what happened there.. When you took bath

Devika - Vishnu this is too much

Vishnu - I know, you took bath in the river...but what is there, so I should not tell anyone else.

Devika - I know...u saw me bathing.....

Vishnu - yeah... I what's in it...

Devika - vishnuuu...stop it now....I know Vishnu saw something more....

Vishnu - what I did I see...I don't remember ma'am

Devika - Vishnu ....I know you ..that you watched me when..when my sari slipped during the bath....and you saw it...

Vishnu - what did I see....?

Devika - omg Vishnu.. This is tooo you want me to explain... What did you see?

Vishnu - OK let me think...what did I see?...hmm..I remember, you taking a beautiful lady taking bath in the waterfalls....hmm....then yeah..I suddenly saw the waterfalls made her sari to move away little...then I saw the most beautiful scene..

Devika - stop it Vishnu....

Vishnu - I saw the sari moving away, and someone who is usually shy to come out to open air, came to see the beautiful world for the first time. The cool air and cold

water made her wide awake and I saw her in its full

Devika - you know what are you talking

Vishnu - ma'am ...yes ma'am ..I saw your beautiful breast in its full glory....

Devika - Vishnuu..I'm gonna kill you...

Vishnu thought , he will tease her a little more

Vishnu - ma'am , what was the pink round colour I saw on the middle of your breast.... And also I noticed something pointy and erect in that pink colour... What was it ma'am?

Devika - Vishnu... You are so stop it...I know you saw it...

Vishnu - yeah ../ma'am I won't tell will be our little secret..don't worry...

Devika - ..thank you...I know you are good boy....though little naughty.../

Vishnu - tell me one thing ma'am?

Devika - what?

Vishnu - why ma'am ...your nipple was so erect and pointy...why it was really sticking out....

Devika - omg...what are you asking Vishnu?

Vishnu - no ..I'm just curious...pls tell na ma'am?

Devika - what?

Vishnu - why your nipple really hard and pointy

Devika - its because Vishnu I'm a young mother

Vishnu - what's special about young mother

Devika - arre ..dumbo... Its because I'm breastfeeding...

Vishnu - oh OK...

Devika - OK Vishnu then see you later....I will see you later

Vishnu - ma'am?

Devika - what is it Vishnu?

Vishnu with a wide grin asked Devika

Vishnu - ma'am ..would I be lucky again to see it again?

Devika - see what?

Vishnu looked around and made sure no one was looking at them, and took few steps close to Devika. And next what he did, took Devika by surprise and unexpectedly.

Vishnu came closer and took out his right hand , and through the left open side of devika's sari, using his index finger and poked on her left breast over the blouse. He used his index finger, touched on the side of her breast and pressed it little.

First time Vishnu taking such a risk, and he was able to feel the softness of her breast by poking on it.

Vishnu - would I be ever lucky to see this again

Devika quickly recovered and snapped his hand away. And Vishnu laughed at her

Devika - what are you doing Vishnu?

Vishnu - I was just kidding, with who else I could irritate other than my sister

When vishnu called her sister , she was able to calm down and thought Vishnu was just kidding and was his playful prank, took it easily

Devika caught his ear and pinched it hard and said

Devika - my brother is acting so bad these days and need this punishment to remember , no more pranks like this with sister...understand?

Vishnu -..aah I'm sorry ..I'm sorry ma'am leave me ma'am ..its paining..I'm sorry ..I won't do it again...leave

Devika - whenever u think of being naughty, think of this pain

Even though it hurted a lot, he was able to touch her breast and it is a big advancement in their relation , he thought and he was so happy

They had two days to take rest, before the classes start again after the trip. They returned to their hostel, still not fully recovered from the details given in the chaami's letter.

Saturday morning, they woke up after a good nice sleep; they were so tired yesterday and slept the moment they hit the bed. Morning after the breakfast, the kids joined in Rahim's room as usual. Nowadays, after devika joined in their college , the three of them have only one topic to discuss. In Rahim's room they casually started talking about her. They had a small retrospection of the events so far and assessed, were each one of them standing in getting close to Devika.

They all agreed, that they are very special to Devika unlike other students. They also unanimously agreed , Vishnu is far ahead and Devika is more comfortable with him. They also understood that, Devika is the most beautiful

personality they have ever seen and she will never ever going to cooperate with any of their wildest fantasies. The only way to do something and get some pleasure out of it , is through making her believe that their intentions are innocent and pure.

They are also sure, that if she feels, they had other intentions and is trying to take advantage of her; then she could easily jeopardize their future and would not hesitate to do it. She is very strong and bold woman. Each step they take should be with utmost care and planned.

Anand - she is the best lady would we move forward

Rahim - if you compare from the time she came here , we are fairly successful

Anand - yeah... We are very close with her now....she treats us special

Rahim - we have even tasted her milk

Anand - wow, the taste is still there on my tongue

Rahim - and it was because of my plan, that we were able

to see her in the tribal dress.

Vishnu till then who was quiet intrupted their friends with sarcasm

Vishnu - yeah , amazing plan and Chaami had enough to shag for rest of his life.

Rahim - stop it...yeah he exploited, but at least I made an opportunity for whole class to feast upon her scantily clad beautiful can't deny that...

Vishnu - I'm not denying anything bro...just told the truth..

Anand - and this fucker is way ahead of us...he even has seen naked breast

Vishnu - yep..haha..not only that I have even bought her a bra....

Rahim - fucker....

Vishnu - oh.oh..forget to tell one thing...yesterday.. I even touched her breast...haha...

Rahim - what..? When?

Vishnu - I forgot to tell you guys..he he...its not that big...I just gently poked my finger on her breast... But believe I could sense the softness....

Rahim - how did that did she allow you?

Vishnu - she didn't allow me... I just casually touched it with know we are that close now.. She won't think that I have other intention..she trusts me..

Anand - and she didn't say anything?

Vishnu - she asked me to not to do it again and pinched me hard on my ear...but she took it casually.... She is a

great lady....

Rahim - so she would allow you to do it again?

Vishnu - no...that's why I said..she is a great lady...if I try to do next..may be I will get slapped....I just pushed my luck once....

Rahim - what is your future plans for her....

Vishnu - yeah.. I have several plans for her....but whatever it is said ..she should not lose trust in our innocence...I think in that way only we could be lucky with her

Anand - yeah...deceive her by trust...

Vishnu - we should make an illusion with within that illusion , she should consider whatever we do , doesn't have any wrong intentions.

Rahim - yeah true...even I have some plans ..let's see

Vishnu - what about you...Anand?

Anand - I always consider myself as a winner...even I have solid plans for her....

Monday morning the three conspirators when to college with an anticipation to meet their favorite teacher. They just reached the college , when the classes are poised to start. As usual they had 2 boring lectures, and the students are yet to recover from the hangover of their trip. Even when the classes are going , they all were discussing about their trip.

There was this guy vivek, who couldn't come for the trip asking his friend sameer about the trip. And Rahim, Vishnu , Anand who were sitting in front of could clearly here what these two are chatting about.

Vivek - hey buddy, so how did the trip go? Was it fun?

Sameer - oh man...this was most fun filled trip I had ever gone.

Vivek - great, was the place that good?

Sameer - not because of the place dude....just because of Devika ma'am..

Vivek got curious

Vivek - what happened with her?

Sameer - don't tell anyone else..

Vivek - no man I won't tell anyone.....

Sameer - bro...we visited a tribal village...and they made us all wear their traditional tribal dress....

Vivek - ohh

Sameer - imagine what, they also made Devika ma'am to wear those....

Vivek - so what's in it?

Sameer - hey stupid..haven't you seen in movies, what a tribal dress looks like.....

Vivek - so what was she wearing?

Sameer - fuck man....she was just wearing a waist cloth and towel to cover her breasts...

Vivek - seriously?

Sameer - yeah bro...she wasn't wearing anything underneath

Vivek - how do you know..she wasn't wearing underneath..

Sameer - we were able to see her side boobs...and her nipples were rock hard and sticking out through the towel she was wearing

Vivek - she might have at least worn a panty...
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 12