Chapter 15

Rahim - oh ....the story is like that...

Anand - Ganapati just scared us....

Devika - what did Ganapati say?

Vishnu - he told that you are going to give milk to him

Devika -'s not like that...its for the kids in the know how stupid is Ganapati..don't take him seriously....

Rahim - yeah...right away I knew that he is cooking up something...

Devika - he he....

Bell rang

Devika - OK kids../break is over..its time to go to class...

Rahim - OK c u later madam bye..

Anand - bye...

3 of them started to leave,

Vishnu - you guys walk ahead ...I will come now...

Rahim - now what you gonna do?

Vishnu whispered into their ear " I think , she needs a nice little squeeze on her boobs. I'm gonna give her that..haha...u guys carry on"

Anand - then u will slap also on your face

Rahim - bro we know you are ahead of us....but we also know you haven't reached that stage

Vishnu - I will soon reach...its just matter of you guys get your ass of from here...I wanna personally talk with my angel..

Anand and Rahim walked outside the with ire. Vishnu turned back and came near to devika.

Devika - what is it Vishnu?

Vishnu - so my big sister is going to do some charity today

Devika - haha isn't it good?

Vishnu - yeah of course... You are the most wonderful person I have seen

Devika - there is nothing like that

Vishnu - so how many kids are there in the orphanage

Devika - they have a lot of kids...more than 50 I guess

Vishnu - so are you going to feed everyone

Devika - no not everyone.... Only for little kids..may be 5 - 8 babies they have I think./

Vishnu - will you have that much milk in all can drink...

Devika - I don't think..I will have that much

Vishnu - so what you will do?

Devika - so whoever comes first will get it ...haha

Vishnu - he he...what if I come first....

Devika - you will get one slap.../

Vishnu - he he

Devika - Vishnu..these days you are getting naughty....

Vishnu - i know...that is after seeing your beautiful puppies in that waterfalls...

Devika - OMG...Vishnu what are you saying....

Vishnu - puppies...he he is the nickname I have given to your breasts..

Devika - Omg have become so unbearable..... You are talking to your teacher

Vishnu - no im talking to my best friend...I'm talking to my sister..with whom I can share everything...

Devika got little relaxed after hearing the caring words from Vishnu

Devika - but my little brother is definitely getting naughty..

Vishnu - he he

Devika - with a smile " btw how did you get the name puppies"

Vishnu - puppies are really cute na....likewise when I saw your breast I thought it is really cute and beautiful. I liked the nipple the was really hard....

Devika - enough Vishnu are thinking dirty

Vishnu - seriously I don't mean it with any wrong intentions.

Devika - yeah I are my little innocent brother.

Vishnu - he he...

Devika - so my dear...the class is gonna start soon....stop talking nonsense and leave

Vishnu - so today...your puppies are going to be really sore and red

Devika - how?

Vishnu - after all the biting, chewing and suckling from orphanage kids

Devika - oh..he he....that's ok its for a good cause isn't it?

Vishnu - but tomorrow, would u able to come?

Devika - why?

Vishnu - both puppies would be sore na?

Devika - aree Vishnu enough ..shut up and go....I told u its gonna be fine....

Vishnu - but definitely.. You will not be able to wear a bra....

Devika - oh god...

Vishnu - how..would u able to wear... It will be paining...

Devika - its OK ...I will manage

Vishnu - or else u can come braless..... Or u can wear the dress u wore in tribal village...that doesn't need a bra..he he..

Devika - oh..don't make me remember was so embarrassing....

Vishnu - but u were looking beautiful that day.....

Devika - I wanted to ask u something.....its only to you I can openly ask

Vishnu - what is it ma'am?

Devika - tell na one thing ?....on that day...was I exposing too much?

Vishnu - he ma'am ..u were fine

Devika - tell na ..Vishnu...honestly plss..

Vishnu - to tell the truth..u were damn sexy on that day......

Devika - means

Vishnu - means....everyone was aware that u were not wearing underneath that dress.....

Devika - how?

Vishnu - because...your nipples were really sticking out and was really hard....everyone could make out it....thanks to your pointy'am how come...your nipples are so pointy....

Devika - shameless... Don't talk to me...

Vishnu - tell naa..pls

Devika - Vishnuu....its because I'm a feeding mother....oh god

Vishnu - and was very evident were also not wearing any panty inside......

Devika -

Vishnu - because...because...I'm shy to tell

Devika - tell na Vishnu... Don't feel shy...I'm your best friend

Vishnu - because...your your...butt was so round and big...and when you walk the shape of your ass crack was visible through the thin cloth..

Devika - ohh...gosh...its so humiliating..all of students so this..

Vishnu - its'am... We all are good don't have to worry

Devika - I know that..but still....oh god

Vishnu - ma'am what happened inside the temple.... Why we were not allowed in there...

Devika's face went red hearing that question. She fumbled with words trying to answer it. But the bell rang on the correct time to save devika from the situation.


Devika - oh..Vishnu ..u should leave..the bell rang..

Vishnu - OK...then c u later

Devika reached the orphanage in the evening and she was met by Ganapathi at the entrance.

Ganapati - Thank you ma'am for coming

Devika - its for a good cause right...its OK

Ganapati - OK everyone is waiting for you..I will take you there

Ganapati took devika to the office, where she was met by the manager of the orphanage. They had a brief conversation, were in the manager thanked devika immensely for her generous activity.

Devika - so sir how many kids are here in this place?

Manager - there are more than 50 that 6 are really small who were left by the parents in the orphanage gate, just days after the birth.

Devika - oh ..that's so bad..

Manager - yeah...we need your kind service for these little ones , they are the ones who missing mothers milk

Devika - I'm happy to be part of this good cause

Manager - now Ganapati will take you to the kids

Devika - OK

Ganapati took devika to nearby room, where some kids were playing. There were like 15 kids in the room of ages up to 10.

Devika- oh all these are big kids...

Ganapati - no you will not be feeding them....I vl bring babies to...these are big kids...if you feed them..they will bite off your breast..haha

Devika- more jokes...let's finish this...I don't have much time....

Ganapati - do you want me to take this kids out...

Devika - yeah...that would be great..

Ganapati - hey kids....pls go and play outside now...enough playing here

Kids - noooo...Ganapati mama....we just started playing...we wanted play here..

Ganapati - no no....not possible

Kids- pleaseee Ganapati mama..pls..

Devika - alright.. Its OK Ganapati... Its fine ..let the kids play...I'm fine them being here...anyways they are small children....

Ganapati - OK

Kids - thank you....didi

Devika - welcome sweet hearts...

Devika love kids, and she started asking their names and talking with them.

Ganapati - OK ma'am.. I will bring the can sit in that chair and feed them..

Devika - OK

Ganapati - so how are you going to feed them...

Devika - means?

Ganapati - ma'am you are in sari and are you going to take your blouse off completely....

Devika - dumbo..why should I take the blouse off...

Ganapati - then how is it possible..

Devika - that I will take bring the babies...

Ganapati - OK I was just wondering...

Saying that Ganapati went outside to get the babies. Devika kept her bag in the table and took out a towel from inside and sat in the chair, looking at kids who were playing.

Devika decided to be ready, before Ganapati comes with the baby. She took her left hand inside her sari with out removing the pallu and started opening the blouse hooks. She unhooked all the hooks and opened the left flap of the blouse. She was wearing a white bra, her nipple impression was visible through the bra's thin material. She just raised the cup of the bra from her left breast, just enough to bring out her nipple.

Her nipple became more hard, when the cold air started brushing on it. She then covered her breast with the sari pallu, making sure nothing is visible outside.

Ganapati came inside after a moment with the baby and gave it to devika. She carefully took the baby from him, without exposing her breast

Ganapati - are you not ready yet..I thought you would get ready by the time I got the baby

Devika - Ganapati.... How do u expect me to get ready?

Ganapati - how are you going to feed the baby, without removing your sari and blouse

Devika - what do you expect....I will sit topless in front of you...Ganapati?

Ganapati - no...I was just asking

Devika - your stupid questions.... OK now you please and come after 10 minutes with the next baby...

Ganapati - OK

Saying that he left, and devika slided her sari and brought her protruding nipple to the baby's mouth. It immediately latched on to her nipple and suckling. Milk started flowing from her breast. She covered her breast and baby's head with the towel she brought. So even if anyone comes in, nothing is exposed.

Devika felt so happy being with this children and thought how fortunate their life is , for having the family and relatives. These children do not have anyone in their life. Devika thanked god for all the good things happened to her and prayed for making these children life good. While feeding the baby, devika engaged in talking with other kids asking about their life. They all started chatting with devika, while they were playing. One of the kid came close to devika and started talking with her

Kid - what is your name aunty?

Devika - hello cutie my name is devika ...what is yours?

Kid - my name is raju..everyone call me chotu

Devika - then I will also call you are so sweet...

Kid - thanks aunty.

Devika - in which class are you studying..chotu

Raju - I'm studying in 3rd grade aunty..

Devika - smart boy...are you not playing with them..

Raju - I'm out of the game

Devika - oh..that's so bad....

Raju - aunty...what are you doing with the baby..?

Devika - oh chotu..I'm feeding the baby

Raju - feeding what?

Devika - feeding milk....

Raju - but I don't see any milk bottle in your hand ....

Devika - haha..oh chotu..there is no need of milk bottle...I'm feeding him my milk...

Raju - you have milk aunty...

Devika - is drinking now

Raju- but I have only seen bottle and packet milk...

Devika - oh...this is mother's milk...

Raju - aunty... Can I see the milk...

Devika - chotu....

Raju- pls aunty...I haven't seen mother's milk..pls...

Devika smiled at the innocent kid. Raju was a cute little boy, devika loved him

Devika - OK..chotu.. I will show you

Raju - thank you aunty

Devika removed the towel which was covering the baby and slide her sari pallu towards the centre of her breast, exposing her left breast to raju. Raju inquisitivily looked at the baby, drinking the milk.

Raju - Aunty, but where is the milk..I cannot see it

Devika -Chotu... Baby is drinking it, that's why your not able to see..

Raju - when baby stops drinking...would I be able to see

Devika - yes chotu...

Raju patiently waited for baby to finish drinking. At last baby stopped sucking and released the mouth from her nipple. But raju didn't find any milk still

Raju - the baby has stopped drinking..but still I cannot see the milk

Devika - oh raju...I will show you the milk... Give me your hand

Devika took raju's hand and kept it below her pointy nipple. She then held her breast and squeezed some milk into his hand. The milk squirted out from her nipple to his hand.

Raju - oh is the milk

Devika - yeah.//that's how the milk comes

Raju - can I drink this..aunty

Devika - oh sure..drink it chotu

Raju drank the milk in his hand

Devika - how is it ...?

Devika asked with a smile

Raju - its the best milk I have ever drunk...its so tasty..

Devika - haha..

Raju - can I have more aunty pls..

Devika - no raju...this nor for you..this for the babies

Raju - pls aunty...I have never drank mother's milk..they give packet milk...pls aunty ..plsss..

Devika felt really bad for this kid..

Devika - chotu..I have to feed other babies as well... That's why I said

Raju face turned sad and tears started flowing from his

eyes. Devika felt really bad about this situation.

Devika - OK raju..we will do one thing...I have 5 more babies to feed..after that if I have any milk..I will give it OK..

Raju - What if there is no milk after that../

Devika - no raju..I will make sure there would be something left for you....OK

Raju - promise?

Devika - you go and play...

Raju - OK...thanks aunty.

After a moment Ganapati with the next baby and gave to Devika.

Ganapati - were you able to feed the baby properly

Devika - yeah it was fine

Ganapati - ma'am I think you would be more comfortable if you remove your blouse completely. No one would be coming here other than me.

Devika - yeah you would be coming right, that's why..

Ganapati - I'm your friend isnt it? I can see you

Devika - see what?

Ganapati - see your breasts...because I'm your friend

Devika - oh that's what in your mind...Ganapati I thought you are a good friend...but you have dirty mind

Ganapati - no ma'am ...I didn't mean any other way...

Devika - more nonsense talk...its getting late ...let me finish take this baby and bring the next one after 10 minutes

Ganapati - OK ma'am

Ganapati took the baby and went outside, closing the door. Devika continued feeding the baby, watching the kids


After having finished feeding her 3rd baby, she switched the 4th baby onto her right breast as milk stopped coming from her right breast. Devika continued feeding the babies one by one, and when she finished feeding all the babies, her nipples were sore and red after constant sucking from the babies. She gave the last baby to Ganapati.

Ganapati - OK ma'am that was the last baby.

Devika - OK..

Ganapati - are you tired ma'am?

Devika - no I'm fine

Ganapati - but your breast might be paining...

Devika - a little... Its OK

Ganapati - do you need balm or something to apply on your breast

Devika - no Ganapati... I'm fine

Ganapati - I can apply it for you ma'am

Devika - shut up Ganapati.... Now go outside..I will get ready and come out...

Ganapati - OK ma'am ...I will be there in the office

Devika - OK

Ganapati went outside again closing the door. Devika removed her sari pallu completely from her chest, exposing both the breasts out to open air. She was wearing the blouse, but it was open and she had pulled bra cups up for the feeding. She looked at her breasts, her nipples were so hard and pointy, and it was glistening with all the saliva and milk mixed together. She took out a tissue paper from her bag to clean her nipple before dressing up.

Raju came running towards her joyfully, devika had forgotten about raju and was on the process of dressing up and leaving home

Raju - Aunty, have you done giving milk to the babies

Devika - oh raju....

Raju - now can I drink milk

Devika - oh raju..its getting late and aunty has to go...and also there is no more milk now...everything is finished

Raju - but aunty... You promised me

Devika - but raju , what to more milk...its finished

Raju - aunty... You had promised me....

Raju started crying saying that, and now devika started feeling so bad since she had promised him. She tried to console him

Devika - don't cry are a big boy...don't cry like this

Raju - I have never seen my mother...I never had mother's milk....

Devika - don't cry raju....OK we will do one thing

Raju - what?

Devika - OK you can try drinking from me...but I'm not sure you would get the milk or not...

Raju - OK

Devika - OK ..come close to me

Raju - what should I do aunty?

Devika pointed towards her left breast protruding nipple and told raju

Devika - you have to come closer and take the nipple in your mouth

Raju did as per the instruction, he came closer and took devika's left breast in his mouth

Devika - now raju suck slowly...

Raju started sucking slowly, but he was not getting any milk from her

Raju - Aunty, I'm not getting any milk

Devika - that's what I told raju....try sucking little harder

Raju started, sucking little harder but the no success. Devika's nipple was already sore, now it started paining because of raju's sucking.

Devika - ouch ...raju its stop doing won't get any milk

Raju - no..aunty I want milk...I want milk

Saying that he sucked her breast harder and harder and even bite her nipple, as he got angry and no milk was coming..

Devika - no raju..stop it../its hurting..don't bite ...leave raju..//

Raju with all his strength started sucking the nipple and at last he got some milk, this encouraged him and started sucking more and more hardly

Raju -now I'm getting milk aunty

Saying that he returned to his duty, devika thought she will bear some pain for him to get some milk from her. Devika closed her eyes, clenched her teeth because of the pain. Raju chewed ,bites and sucked her already sore nipple for drinking the milk.

Devika - ouch...rajuuu...don't can suck..but just don't bite

Devika had kept her eyes closed, until she felt another mouth on her right open breast. She opened her eyes and looked down to find another kid trying to drink milk from her. She didn't have any other choice but to offer breast to that kid. Devika held his head from back and supported him.

Raju - hey friend, if you want to get milk then you have suck really hard like this

Saying that raju demonstrated his friend how to suck for getting milk from the breast. He took the whole nipple in mouth and gave it a hard suck, along with sucking he squeezed the breast into his mouth for getting the milk. His friend followed raju's steps and started sucking hard and squeezed the remaing milk into his mouth.

Devika allowed them to suck her for five minutes, thinking let them have the taste of mother's milk , but had to stop them when it started to hurt a lot.

Devika - aaah...oh stop..that's enough...there is no more milk...

Devika had to push their head from her breasts in order for them to leave. Raju gave one last suck before leaving.

Devika - enough raju..

Raju - there is still more...

Devika - there is nothing had the last drop of milk from leave

Devika's nipples had become swollen and sore, it was so pointy and hard. Raju took the nipple in his fingers and started pulling it, hurting devika more

Raju - aunty I want more milk...I want more milk

Devika- aah..ouch...raju stop doing it...its paining....

Devika removed his hand from the breast and pinched his ear scolding him.

Devika - now get up and leave you both....leave leave...

Both of them got up half mindedly and joined back with their friends for playing. Devika looked at the condition of her breasts and with tissue tried to wipe of her wet nipples. It was hurting a lot when she tried to wipe her nipple. She cleant it carefully, and got dressed and left the place.​
Next page: Chapter 16
Previous page: Chapter 14