Chapter 20
Rahim - did you say that there is a camera in the room
Ganapati - Yes, i have a friend who is having cctv company, so he installed it for free as i have a new house
Anand - Thats great ganapati...
Ganapati - so im going to call my friend to see the visuals in camera, so i can see who broke into my house
3 of them looked at each other and smiled
Vishnu - why?..why do you want to call your friend. We can check the camera for you, it so easy
Anand - yeah we can have a look..we will check and tell who stole into your house
Ganapati - oh ok..thats very kind of you guys..if you can check and tell
Rahim- Then we can go now itself..dont have to waste any time
Ganapati - ok..lets go then
Ganapati along with 3 guys went to his house. From there they removed the hard disk for the camera. They told ganapati that they will take the hard disk with them and check the visuals and let him know about it
Rahim, anand and vishnu reached back at their hostel. They are very curious and anxious on what would have happened in the room
Rahim- so here we have the hard disk...r you guys ready?
Anand - wondering what would have happened to devika madam?
Vishnu - That fucker chaami would have again might have done something with her
Rahim - anyway lets what would have happened in there
Anand opened his laptop and connected the hard disk. He copied all the files into his laptop and opened the recordings from that date.
They fast forwarded the visuals to the point were devika entered the puja room. There wasnt any audio available and camera quality also was not that good. They saw devika entering the puja room. She entered and gave faint smile to chami, chami was sitting on the floor in a mat infront of the lightened lamp. Chami was wearing a red dhothi,an had long white hair and beard. It seems he hasn't taken a bath for months. Both greeted each other and looked like they were having a conversation.
From the camera angle, they are seeing devika's back and they were able to see chami as he was sitting infront of devika. Devika was wearing yellow sari and matching blouse, and they couldn't stop noticing devika's accentuated round curvy ass in the sari.
The conversation went for almost 10 minutes and it seemed like chami is trying to convince devika about some thing. Most of the talking is done by chami and after almost 10 minutes, they watched chami standing up. Devika is now folding her hands and praying. Chami started chanting something, looks like some mantra. After that he sprinkled some water on her and threw some flower petals on her from the flower bowl.
After that it looked like chami said something to devika, And devika slowly kept her hand purse on the floor and with tensed hand slowly unpinned the sari from the shoulder and removed the pallu from her shoulder and released it to the floor.
And from the back, it looked like she is unhooking the blouse from the front and chami is sitting there chanting some mantras and cleaning a bowl ready. After a moment devika finished unhooking the blouse and looked at chami.
Again chami said something and devika slowly with shivering hands started removing the blouse and in few seconds she completely removed the blouse and dropped it on the floor. And they watched in the computer screen, her hands coming to the back and in one swift motion unhooked the black bra from behind. She looked little hesitant in removing the bra, but again chaami said something and devika started removing the bra strap over her shoulder.
They saw their teacher peeling off the bra infront of the ugly chami anf dropping into the floor near her blouse. With embarrassment, she was looking down on to the floor with her hands folded covering her lactating breasts from chaami. This chaami looked her anf stood up with the small idol of the god. Chaami spoke for a minute and it looked like devika nodding her head to whatever chami is saying. At the end of the conversation, chami handed over the god statue to devika. She held the statue on her right hand and tried to cover her breasts using the left hand. Chami then brought a bowl with flowers in it and asked devika to hold it. Devika now extended her left hand by completely umcovering her protruding breasts and took the bowl from chami.
Again it seemed from the visuals, chaami giving some instructions to devika. And devika kept the statue in the flower bowl and slowly raised the bowl over her head , balancing the statue in the flower bowl.
Chami closed the eyes and started praying something and devika repeated the prayers. After that chami brought a bowl of water, anr used his hands to sprinkle the water onto devika's brfurther
Rahim, vishnu and anand watched their teacher fully standing topless infront of this false godman. They can see devika's naked back until waist and it was a sexy pose. Because she was standing with her arms raised, it further showed the shape of her ass in the sari.
Rahim, Vishnu, Anand anxiously looked in the screen waiting to see what chaami might be doing with devika next.They were so angry and jealous at chaami because of what he is doing with devika. Just 2 times chami have met devika and both these times he was able to make devika naked.
There her lovely beautiful teacher standing topless with her arms raised above her head, giving chami unrestricted access towards ripe breasts. Chami finished sprinkling water onto her breasts and now kept the water bowl in the floor. He then said something to devika and slowly raised his hand and used his bare hands to wipe off the sprinkled water from her milky breasts.
They could see from the screen that devika shivered and jerked a little, the moment chami touched her. She even took one or two step backwards, when chami touched her lovely breasts. As they where getting the view from the back, it is not actually clear what chami is doing from the front.
But they can see chaami's hand moving in the front on the breast area of devika. Chami took time wipe of the water droplets from devika's boobs using his palm and fingers. He used his fingers and made sure not single droplet of water is remaining on her breast. In the pretext of wiping off he actually touched, held, squeezed, rubbed her smooth, pointy breast.
Those moments were unbearable for the trio as they watched helplessly their teacher being groped by the ugly hands of chaami. Now they saw from the back that chaami using his left hand, holding devika's right breast from below and using his right hand wiping off the water droplets. He used his index finger and thumb to hold her pointy red nipples and took extra time to clean her nipple. Once done with her right breast, he repeated the process with her left breast as well.
After 5 minutes of thorough groping of her breast, he released and stepped backwards to have a view and made sure there is no more water on her breasts.
After that he took another bowl from the floor and came back to devika. He kept the bowl under her right breast and using his right hand held her protruding nipple and started squeezing milk into the bowl. All this time poor innocent devika was maintaining the same posture and praying to god. He milked devika and made sure no milk is left on that breast.
When chami stepped back, they could see from the computer screen that the bowl was full with the milk. He then took another bowl and expertly milked her left breast and with in minutes that bowl was also full.
He kept that bowl also in the floor and came back to devika and seemed like he was chanting some mantras and prayer. At the end devika brought down her hand holding the statue from above and gave back the statue and bowl back to chaami.
She immediately used her hand to cover up the breasts and again they were involved in some conversation. Chami went back and from his bag took out a black thread. He held the thread and closed his eyes prayed something and came back to devika.
Rahim - Again, the fucker is bringing that thread
Anand- Fucker wants to tie that again on her waist
Vishnu - shit, he will make her naked completely
Anand - poor devika madam
They concentrated on the screen and it seemed chaami again trying to convince devika. At the end of the conversation, devika slowly brought her hand towards her waist and removing the sari from her waist. In a moment took out the sari complettely and dropped it near her blouse and bra.
She is now standing topless, just in her yellow petticoat. She again slowly brought her hands towards the waist and untied the knot on her petticoat. After completely untieing the petticoat knot, she hesitantly started lowering it. All this time chaami was watching her breasts shaking and swinging with her each movement.
Devika started lowering the petticoat and from the computer screen they started seeing top portion of her black panty. As the are watching her from behind, they can only see her behind and they could not see her front side or breasts
As they anticipatingly waited for devika to lower the petticoat completely, she suddenly stopped lowering it. They could only see some portion of her black panty, nothing else. Devika immediately pulled up the petticoat and tied the rope in haste. After securing the petticoat on her waist she bend down quickly and opened her purse which was kept on the floor and removed phone from it.
The moment she bend down to pick up the phone from the purse, the camera caught her hanging breasts from behind
They watched devika's recently milked breasts hanging and swinging with her each movement. That was the first time rahim and vishnu seeing her breast. Even though they cannot see the entire breast, still 2 hanging pair of milky breasts was a treat for them. They noticed that her breasts was still leaking from the milking of chami, they say saw some milk dropping to the floor when she bend down.
They watched devika speaking to someone in the phone and after hanging up said something to chami quickly and picked up her clothes and wore it quickly. All this time chami was watching dissappointingly her.
Devika quickly got dressed picked up her stuff and left the house in haste. After devika left the house, from the screen they watched chaami smiling wickedly and kissing his hand. He went back and picked the bowl of milk from devika and started tasting. He drank the whole milk, wiped his lips and again started laughing. Later he picked his stuff and left the house.
The three friends looked at the computer screen and each other in complete disbelief of what happened
They closed the laptop after saving the video and deleted it from ganapati's hard disk. Three of them looked at each other in complete disbelief and there was a moment of silence. No one knew what to tell.
Rahim- this is unbelievable
Vishnu- yeah.. That fucker chaami did all the the things that we could not do. And he had met her only 2 times.
Anand - he is using the innocence of devika teacher
Vishnu - cant we just tell her that chaami is a fraud
Rahim - no.. Then chami would tell her that all the things planned at tribal village is because of us.
Anand - i can't believe chami touched, squeezed and milked devika's boobs
Vishnu - we need to do something man.. We cant just wait here and watch chami enjoyimg devika maam by himself. I also want to squeeze her boobs. I also want to hold her round ass bro
Rahim - yeah true
Vishnu - what we can do here...
Anand - i think instead of we competing each other to win her, if we stick together then i think its easily possible.
Rahim - yeah thats what i also think
Vishnu - but do you have a plan for that
Anand - yeah i have been thinking about lot of plans. I think this can work out if stick together
Rahim - what is the plan bro...
Anand - yeah i will tell in detail
They closed the the door of their room and discussed a detailed plan to decieve devika
After couple of days they met devika ma'am at the college. As usual devika was looking beautiful in green sari and matching blouse. At the time of interval, three of them went to devika's room.
Devika - hello my dear.. What happened to you guys for 2 days. I did not see you guys at the college. Where did you guys go.
Rahim - nothing..we took leave for 2 days was not feeling well
Devika - all three of you was sick at the same time
Anand - we had food from outside and caught food poison
Devika - oh... Thats bad.. How is everyone now..
Vishnu - we are good now
Devika - thats good.. Then what's up
Anand - maam we came to ask about something
Devika - what is it anand?
Anand - Maam... Near to my house there is a family who is very poor and their son is diagnosed with a rare disease and they need a lot of money to do the treatment and have to a surgery
Devika - oh thats so bad.. How old is the child
Anand - only 4 years old.. So even after doing the surgery it is 50-50 chance. But they dont have enough money to do the treatment
Devika - oh my god poor family..
Anand - so this family is very close to my father. And my father is trying every possible to help them. We had recieved some donations from the community, but asking everyone for contributing
Devika - definitely anand, i can also contribute to the donation and will ask my friends also
Anand - that's ok maam.. But we came to ask something else
Devika - yeah ok.. What is it
Anand - On top of donations, we have been thinking to do something else to get enough money for the treatment.
Devika - oh thats good.. Im happy that you guys are so helpful. So what is the plan
Anand - Maam, Rahim is good in photography and i have experience in directing stage plays And my ambition is to become a movie director. So i have been planning to make short films for long time.
Devika - ok.. So how that will help the family..
Anand - Maam... Now planning to make webseries and will upload in youtube. And im sure that people is going to watch it. And when people watch the webseries we will get money. And we can earn lots of money from it. So my plan is to use the money i get from webseries to contribute towards the child's treatment
Devika - oh thats a great thoughtfull idea... But are you sure people will watch.
Anand - yeah.. Im confident in my abilities and im sure its going to be success
Devika - thats great...
Anand - but maam for that we need help from you as well
Devika - from me how?
Anand - We have completed the story and for the webseries the lead character is a lady. And we would like maam you act in that role
Rahim - yes maam please dont say no
Devika - me... How?.. I have never acted in my life
Rahim - thats not a problem maam, we could train you.. You will be a perfect fit for our character
Devika - but how can i... I cant anand?
Anand - Maam please.. I dont have anyone else to ask maam.. I thought you will help me.. I really wanted to help that little kid maam.. This is the only way i can help them. And maam if the treatment doesnt happen we wilp lose that little kid maam... Please have help us maam
Saying that anand started crying folding the hands. Devika looked at them and moved by the sad story of the family. She really wanted to help them
Devika - but how is it possible. We have college and after that i have my baby to take care.
Anand - we will film your part only on the weekends as per your availability.
Devika - But we i dont think my husband and family will be pleased with this
Anand - maam please its for a good cause. And your family will understand it
Devika thought about it for a while
Devika - ok.. I will help you anand... I really wanted to help that kid in every possible way
Anand wiped his tears and smiled
Anand - Thanks maam.. We will be really grateful for your help. You are our angel maama
Devika smiled at them.
Anand - ok maam then we will go now and get everything ready and will give you the update regarding the shoot and story
Devika - ok
Three of them bid goodbye to devika and came outside the room and laughed at each other as their plan worked
After the class on friday, three of them went to devika's room in the college to discuss about the webseries they are planning. They knocked on the door and went inside.
Devika - Hello 3 musketeers , how is everything going?
Anand - everything is going good , that kid is really in dangerous condition. So we have to immediately start filming and release the first episode. Then only we can generate money quickly
Devika - thats correct, is everything ready? I spoke to my husband and convinced him as it is for a good cause he is fine with it. And also he used to act in stage plays back in his college days.So he didnt have any problem
Anand - ok thats we have to immediately start it maam
Devika - so what is the story ? And how are we doing it
Anand - everything is ready maam , i will tell the story
Devika - ok im excited
Anand - maam , so this is a women centric role and you will be playing the centre charachter
Devika - ok
Rahim - I will tell the short synopsis of the story. Maam in the story you will be playing
the role of an undercover security officer office, who is planning to pin down the drug mafia in the city. Your character's husband is also a security officer officer but illegaly held in the jail trying to arrest a drug mafia done.
Anand - so in order to get him release out of the jail and prove his innocence, she needs to get evidences and bring the real culprits infront of justice. So for that she goes undercover and gets evidences and information .
Devika - so its a crime suspense thriller
Vishnu - Thats correct. Its going to be a good one.
Devika - ok , so when are we starting
Rahim - so we need to start as soon as possible. We have fond the locations and even started filming those parts which do not require you. Most of the filming will be done in my friends flat which is near to the college
Vishnu - so now what we have to do is get your costume ready. Mostly you will be wearing saree and blouse. But there are certain scenes you have to wear a security officer uniform and other dress as well
Anand - so we need to get it stitched as soon as possible. So ma'am can we go to a tailoring shop tomorrow to get the measurements
Devika - oh...thats so fast...and you want me wear security officer uniform?..i have never worn anything like that before..i always wear saree.
Anand - thats ok will look good in unoform and its only for few scenes , otherwise you will wear saree
Devika thought for a while and said ok
Rahim - Thats good maam, so can you come to the Lakshmi tailors tomorrow , its near the market maam
Devika- ok, do they have ladiea to take measurement
Vishnu - Dont worry maam , its ladies tailoring shop only
Devika - ok.. Then yeah ..i will come therw tomorrow
Anand - thanks they will get the costume ready in 3 days..after that we will begin the shoot
Devika - ok
Rahim - then see you tomorrow ma'am
Devika - see you
After getting out of the room