Chapter 28

Rahim was so disappointed, he is so worried thinking whether he had spoiled the golden opportunity by pushing her beyond the limits. He now does not know if devika would cooperate with this movie shooting anymore. Rahim did not say about these things to Vishnu and Anand. He kept it as secret within himself. Vishnu also kept the episode in village to himself.

Next couple of days, they did not see devika at the college as she has taken couple of days leave. Even after she had come back to the college, she kept a distance from the trio and did not talk with them much. Even when Rahim and vishnu tried to talk with her, she told that she is not interested in doing the webseries anymore and also they felt that she is avoiding them deliberately.

Rahim thought devika is angry about the other day in the flat and at the same time vishnu thought she is pissed off because of the bitter experience at the village.

Couple of weeks had passed and still there wasnt any change in the attitude of devika. They felt like devika is not at all interested in them anymore. At college nowadays they only have casual talks like saying hai and all. That's it. Every time they tried to talk with her, she avoided them by acting as if is busy with always something. Weeks passed by and they thought they will give some time to devika to come back to the jovial mood.

During these days in ths college, a rumor started spreading that devika is getting close with Rahim. It spreaded fast among all the students that devika is having an affair with Rahim. It also reached the ears of Vishnu and Anand and they couldn't believe what they are hearing. They didnt want to believe what they are hearing as devika was always an angel for them.

Anand - Vishnu i dont know what is happening with devika, its been like 1 month since she has properly spoken with us

Vishnu did not respond as he thought he was responsible for devika being angry

Anand - Now i heard a rumour among in the college that she is having kind of relationship with Rahim

Vishnu - what?...who is giving you all these non sense news

Anand - no bro, I heard it from couple of students

Vishnu - its impossible

Anand - dont know bro just saying what other people are saying in the college. Everyone is talking about it and these days Rahim is not talking properly with us. He is spending alot of time with that guy from the trip Ramu

Vishnu - what are they saying?

Anand - That Rahim is kind of very close with devika and some of them have seen devika madam and Rahim in suspicious situations

Rahim - who is it ?

Vishnu - its all nonsense ...devika madam will not do such thing

Anand - or is he doing something we dont know. Was he able to get ahead of us and win her

Vishnu - no I won't allow that.

Next day, when they went to college , they also heard about all these rumours and they worried and anxious not knowing what is happening. Both Anand and Vishnu felt Rahim cheated them if what they are hearing is true. They thought that they 3 of them was together in making plans to get devika. But Rahim did something without his 2 friends.So they where determined to find the truth.

At the end of the day, after the class is over , they waited at the college entrance for meeting Rahim. After waiting for 5 minutes, they spotted him coming. Vishnu stopped Rahim .

Rahim - What's up bro?

Vishnu - why are you not talking to us these days

Anand - what are you doing with Ramu?

Rahim - what bro there is nothing like that

Rahim tried to avoid them

Vishnu furiously asked

Vishnu - what is this all about this rumour what we are hearing

Rahim - what rumor?

Rahim - Fucker..what is happening with you and devika madam?

Rahim - hahah..why do you bother?

Anand - bloody fucker , tell?

Rahim also got angry.

Rahim - she is my teacher, just like yours

Vishnu - fuck you...dont play with us

Rahim - what do you want to know

Vishnu - we want to know what's happening with you and devika madam

Rahim - there would be lot of things happening between us. I dont have to tell you

Vishnu - dont act smart dumbass, stay away from or else we will beat the fuck out of you

Vishnu is now started having feeling towards Devika madam and do not want his friends to come near her. He is now not bothered about their plan. He just loves devika madsm

Rahim - haha...what happened guys, dont you guys remember that we are in a competition of who is going to fuck her first. Im just making my plans and im almost near winning this competition. You guys dont have any chance now. You all can withdraw now. Im going to be the winner

Anand - what do you mean?

Rahim - hahaha

Vishnu- dont laugh

Rahim - i know , everyone in this college would fancy a chance to enjoy. But you guys are not smart enough

Vishnu- what are you saying

Rahim - What im saying is , you guys stupid fuckers who could only look at her and dream your fantasies. But im smart enough to make those fantasies reality

Vishnu - tell clearly. Or else i will break your nose

Rahim pushed him back and said

Rahim - simple language. enjoying her fucking hot body

Vishnu held him by his shirt and raised his hand to punch him

Rahim - haha...Its just 5 minutes before only I grabbed those milk tanks and squeezed hard and she was moaning with pleasure. I grabbed those breast so hard and she was squealing.

Vishnu and anand stood there in disbelief wondering if he is talking is truth or not

Vishnu - dont lie , you mother fucker

Rahim - im not lying.. Her boobs are so big and soft bro. You know right, you have touched and felt. Now its my turn, dont feel jealous. I could play with it the whole day. When i grab those her nipples herbecome so hard , i could even trace it over her blouse

Rahim grabbed his arm and twisted it hard

Rahim - fuck you guys and now dont come on my way. I will let you guys know, when i actually fuck her.

Rahim - you guys are not going to do anything. I will enjoy her , she is like my sex toy. I can even fuck her brains out infront of you guys

Vishnu- fuck youuuu

Rahim twisted his arm further.Rahim was much more stronger than Vishnu and Anand. And they physically did not stand a chance against him

Rahim pushed him and left Vishnu

Rahim - tomorrow im going to press her curvy meaty ass hard, so my hand prints would be seen on her white bum..hahaha

Saying that he left from there, leaving both Anand and Vishnu in astonishment not knowing how rahim has changef his character completely

anAnandand and VIshnu was completely astonished without knowing what is happening. They wanted to believe whatever they are hearing is a lie. But still they are confused , reason behind the rumors. As the whole college is talking about , they dont know what is right and wrong. The pain Vishnu was facing is unbearable as he was the closest to Devika, and infact he is actually in love with devika. He doesn't want anyone else in the college lay eyes on her. So he was determined to find out the truth behind all these rumors , so he decided to speak with devika and find out the truth. He doesn't care even if Devika avoids , still he wanted to speak with her.

Next day at the first break interval, Vishnu went to the staff room where devika was sitting inorder to speak with her. But to his disappointment she wasnt there. When he was coming back to the class, he saw Ganapati.

Vishnu - hey Ganapati bhaiya...where is devika madam. Did she not come today

Ganapati - oh did not know, she went with college kabadi team. There is district level competition happening.

Vishnu - why did she go, the physical education teacher should be going right?

Ganapati - yeah, Bala sir was supposed to go, but he is ill suddenly , so principal asked devika madam to go along with them as other teachers are busy preparing question paper for model exam.

Vishnu - when are they coming back?

Ganapati - oh they would be coming back only day after tomorrow

Vishnu returned back to class disappointed and told the news to Anand

Anand - what the fuck, she went with the kabadi team?

Vishnu - yeah what happened?

Anand - bro... Rahim is the captain of kabadi team

Vishnu - what ?..are you serious?

Anand - yeah bro

Vishnu - oh fuck shit..fuck bro

Two days went like 2 years for them, they couldn't sleep or eat for those two days, thinking what would be happening to devika madam. Would Rahim making any advances to devika madam. Will he do anything bad for devika madam. They were so anxious and tensed as they are not the ones who is not controlling things these days.

They went to the college, on the morning the kabadi team returned back from the tournement. Their team had won the cup, but devika madam had taken off on the day. The trio wanted to find out if anything had taken place during the trip. And this time they didnt want to ask directly to Rahim as that might end up in a fight and they believe he is making up story.

So they thought they as some other people who was there in the trip to find if anything had happened. There was one guy, who's name salman in the kabadi team and he is a friend of Anand. So anand asked salmaan if he wanted to join them for a drink after the class to celebrate their teams victory. Salman agreed, and after the class he met Anand and Vishnu in a bar. They ordered some drinks and started some casual talk. After they had 2 pegs, they want to talk about devika and get details from salman. So Anand casually started the topic

Anand - you guys should be more happy that devika madam came along with you guys

Salman did not say anything. So Anand continued

Anand- devika ma' is a beauty

Still no reply from salman

Anand - yeah bro ...we have been trying so hard to be close with her..but what to do ..there ia no luck

Vishnu- yeah ..what a figure she has got. Oh man..salman bro..wer you guys lucky to get a glimpse at her beauty

Salman had a little smile

Anand - see, he is smiling. Tell bro..what happened

Salman - no bro there is nothing like that

Saying that he sips his drink and alcohol is slowly getting into his head

Anand - tell bro. Atleast let us enjoy hearing about her, as we dont have any chance getting close to her

Salman again smiled

Anand pour him another drink and asked him drink salman finished the entire glass in one gulp. He is now little high

Vishnu- bro we wont tell can trust us../tell na...we are your friends

Salman - yeah guys are my best friends

Anand - so tell us , what happened

Salman paused for a little and smiled

Salman - bro./oh my god it was the best trip we had. Oh man devika ma'am she is a beauty. Im still getting hard on thinking about it. Everyone in our team was able to enjoy her hot body.

Salman poured another glass and recollected what had happened

We reached the venue in the evening by 4pm . we directly reached the place where we have been provided with accommodation in hostel. We were altogether 10 people including devika madam. Devika madam was given with a single room and we all boys were in a dormitory. Our first match was next day morning. So we unpacked and got fresh and had some snacks . They venue for the match is little far away about 6 kms far. So we wanted to check the ground and see how is everything. So we went to the venue and reached there by 5:30. There was no one in the ground as other college teams reached in the morning. There are couple of small vacant grounds there. Everything has been arranged for the tournament tomorrow, and everyone has left. Small gallery for the audience also was put in place. But there is no buildings nearby. The only construction in the area is old bus waiting shed. It is remote area away from the town and there are no houses in 1 km diameter. Evryone was wondering why this ground was chosen for the tournament.

We reached the venue and checked the ground and soil. Devika madam was also there with us and she was wearing beautiful rose saree with matching blouse.

Thats when Rahim our captain suggested that we should practice here to get the taste of the ground.

Devika - but its 5:30 already we have to reach back the hostel

Rahim - no we have a big tournament tomorrow with tough teams and if we dont practice we are not going to win

And everyone agreed to Rahim, so devika madam did not say anything as she also understood they need practice.

But no one thought that they will be practicing, so they were not prepared and had not brought any clothes or jersey with them. And they agreed to play in the dress what they are already wearing. But Rahim told

Rahim - guys, its soil ground our dress can get really dirty. Its a new t-shirts and jeans that i had bought i dont want to make it dirty.

So everyone asked what we will do

Rahim - i don't want to spoil the dress, so im going to remove my dress in play

Salman - what in under wear?

Rahim - yeah...otherwise how can we play. Its mud here and do you guys want to spoil it

Saying that he started to remove his dress. And everyone started to look at devika.

Devika - you guys do whatever you want im going back to the bus. Please come once the practice is over. And dont be late as well

Saying that she walked towards the bus. As she went everyone removed their dress and were in their innerwear. And they did some warm ups and divided themselves into 2 group and started a practice game. There 5 guys in 1 team and other team there was only 4. As there is a mismatch they couldnt play properly as 1 team has advantage over other team

Rahim - we cannot play like this. One team there is only 4 person. When we are practicing we have to make sure we are practicing properly. And we have to treat it as a real match

Salman - so what to do ? We are only 9 guys. There is no other option for us

Rahim - i have an idea

Salman - what?

Rahim- we can ask devika madam to join us

All the boys laughed at him thinking he is just kidding.

Salman - what bro are you serious

Rahim - yeah guys..why are you serious

Salman - how she will come

Rahim - i will ask her to come. You guys know how im close with her. She likes me alot If i request she cannot deny it.

But one of the guys pointed out, how she can play in saree.

Rahim - haha..then I will ask her to remove the saree

Everyone laughed at him

Rahim - you guys wait here i will bring her. Salman come with me

We wore our jeans and went to the meet devika madam in the bus. She was sitting there and checking her mobile. When she saw us , she became serious

Devika - what you guys want

Rahim - madam we are playing a practice game. And one team is short of a person

Devika - ok so

Rahim - so madam, we want to you join us in the game

Devika was surprised

Devika - me?

Rahim - yea madam

Devika - i have never played kabadi

Rahim - we will teach you..and its fun also

Devika - no Rahim , i cannot

Salman - madam please

Rahim - we cannot play and practice well without teams being equal

Salman - anyway you are sitting here alone

Rahim - without good practice we will loose the game

Devika - but guys I dont know to play

Rahim - do you want us to lose tomorrow becaue lack of practice

Devika thought about it

Salman - it will be fun madam, you will enjoy it

Devika - but guys...what will i wear..i havnt brought any spare clothes and im in my saree

We all thought about a minute and Rahim suggested

Rahim - you can remove your saree

Devika - what are you saying?

Rahim - i dont want to make your sari dirty, thats why?

Devika - no guys it wont work, i cannot play

Rahim looked at me and whispered to me to wait outside the bus.

I got outside the bus and waited. It is almost 5 minutes since I was waiting and still they have not come outside. And also i cannot hear them also. I became very curious to know what is happening inside. I tried to peep inside, but windows were covered with curtains, so i couldnt get any view inside. I checked all the window, everything is closed with curtain. I went to the back of the bus and climbed 3 steps of the ladder , so i could reach the height of the back window. And to my luck, there was a small gap. I kept my face near to the window and tried to look through the small gap. And there I saw, both Rahim and devika talking. Devika looked very serious and not happy. And Rahim was doing the talking. It seems like he is trying to convince devika. Devika said something and turned back facing the window. Slowly Rahim came forward and reaches behind devika. He kept his hand on her shoulder and slowly removed the pin from her shoulder. Devika was standing there without saying anything looking down.

She looked tensed and worried. He then took the saree from her shoulder and dropped it to the floor. And I was surprised to see her fully grown massive breasts over her rose blouse. Her boobs were filled and protruding through the blouse. Through the small gap I watched Rahim completely removing her saree from her body and made it into bunch and threw to the seat. All this while devika madam was standing there like a statue, her eyes closed and she stood there expression less. Rahim kept whispering something to her ears, but devika maam was standing there expression less eyes closed. I saw Rahim keeping both his hands on her naked midriff and squeezed there. He brought his right hand to the front part of her stomach and placed it there. I could see Rahim enjoying the smoothness of her belly by touching, rubbing and squeezing. Couple of times he even inserted his finger into her deep navel and was playing with it. All this time devika stood there like a statue motionless, obliging to Rahim's advances without restricting him. Whatever it is , it was evident that devika was not enjoying this. I was wondering why then devika madam is not fighting Rahim if she is not enjoying this.

Rahim continued playing with her navel for one more minute before devika forcefully removed his hand from her stomach. Devika madam was speaking now and looked like she was pleading to Rahim. At some point devika madam folded her hands and was begging to Rahim. But Rahim had a look of a villain and looked like he is enjoying the condition of devika.

Rahim again held her by her waist and this time forced to hug her. This time devika was trying to fight him and tried to push him away. It looked Rahim got angry at her and i saw him angrily speaking something to her, after which devika stopped resisting. Now devika was facing Rahim and what i could see was her back. Rahim again hugged her and kept his hand on her hips again and pressed there.Devika stood there unresponsive, while Rahim forced upon her. After a moment, I watched Rahim slowly dropping his hand from her hips to her bulging ass. He placed his right hand on her left ass cheek and slowly started pressing there. Her body stiffened, but she stood there without responding like a statue. Rahim held her curvy ass and started palming it, thoroughly enjoying the softness of her ass. Rahim dropped both his hands down and held both of her ass cheeks and squeezed hard. I could see Rahim exploring every inch of her ass. He kept his fingers in her ass crack and tried to hold her butt.

This continued for another couple of minutes while devika madam stood there without any reaction. I heard another couple of students coming near towards the bus to check upon us as they where waiting for more than 10 minutes. Hearing them coming I climbed down from the ladder and went near the door and called Rahim alerting him. Rahim came outside in a moment with a smile and I stood there as if I dont know what had happened inside. By the time , other guys also reached near bus and enquired what is happening and checked whether we are going to play or not.

Rahim - yes definitely we need to practice

Salmaan - is devika madam going to join us

Rahim - yeah she will. She wanted us to win and she doesn't want any lack of practice

Salmaan - then lets dont waste time and practice fast

Rahim called devika madam from standing there

Rahim - madam come fast, its getting late

Everyone waited for her to come outside and in a moment she came outside the bus. Everyone was suprised to see her costume. She was still wearing the same rose blouse and skirt, but she has taken her underskirt and tied it above her boobs to hide her protruding boobs and midriff from her students. She is not revealing anything as she has smartly tied the petticoat above her breast. But that made her legs exposed, the end of her skirt reaching only till her knees. Rahim was slightly disappointed as he thought , everyone would be able to watch her boobs in the blouse and also her deep navel.

Devika madam had a serious face

Devika - ok , we could only practice for an hour and after that we have to get back. And im doing this as i want you all guys to win this tournament

Salmaan - thank you madam. Have you played kabaddi before

Devika - no salmaan, I have not its the first time salmaan. I dont even know the rules.

Rahim - dont worry, we will teach you everything. Its going to be fun

Rahim had a mischievous smile while saying that. Devika did not respond to that as she clearly do not want to speak with him

They explained the rules to devika and prepared to start the game. They got divided into 2 teams, Rahim and salmaan was in same team. And devika madam was in the other team. Before the match started, our team rounded for quick meeting for strategy.

Rahim - guys I know this is practice match but treat it as a real match itself. And also I want to tell you guys that as we all have crush towards devika madam, it is our golden opportunity to enjoy her. But make sure whatevee you guys do with her. Dont cross the limits and make it look like it was accidental and part of the game.

Everyone was so excited. They were not this excited ever before for playing the game.

And the game started.

First one of the student from Rahim's team raided devika's team. He came and tried to tag the opposition team, but did not have any success. Same from Devika's team one of the guy went and came back without success.

Next I went to the other side trying to tag someone. I was particularly trying to concentrate devika madam as she is an easy target. I moved closer to her and pretended to touch someone else , but I quickly changed position and touched devika madam and tried to return to my half. But I underestimated her was too slow in returning back.

She came after me and grabbed my hand and pulled me and other guys also came and pushed me to the ground. I fell on my back and as devika madam was holding my arm she also slipped and fell on me. Her heavy boobs crashed directly on my chest. I could feel the softness on my chest. Other guys also came and one of them held my leg and other one my arm and did not allow me to move. Devika madam tried to get up from my body. When of her teammate told her " madam dont leave him, he will reach out the line" . saying that he quickly pushed devika back to me and he laid on top of her. Making me squeezed and nowhere to move. That guy made sure he pressed his whole body towards her. He had kept his crotch directly on her round ass and hugged her from behind enjoying the feel of her ass. I was declared out.

After that devika madam did not try to chase anyone from our team as she was playing cautiously.

Later it was her turn to come to our side, and she was determined to touch and get back to the line. And our team was also determined to enjoy her, everyone wantes to get a piece of her.

Devika madam held her breath and said "kabadi kabadi" and came to our side. She first tried to tag one of the guy in the end but failed, and next she came to me trying to touch and I saw Rahim winking at me. I stood there allowing her to touch me. She touches me and quickly turned and began to ran. But Rahim was already ready to tackle her. Rahim came from the side and dived to catch her foot. Devika lost her balance and fell towards the front. But landed short of the line. She stretched to touch the line. But before then I came down to hold her other leg. Now Rahim ia holding her right leg while im holding the left one. Other 2 guys also joined , one of them held her waist and other one her hand which she is trying to stretch towards the line. All five of us are lying on the ground and we could hear devika whispering kabaddi kabaddi.

Rahim raised his hands and tightened the grip on her knees just below her skirt. He looked at me with a smile and whispered

Rahim - bro go enjoy her

I didnt understand and looked at him blankly

Rahim - bro. Put your hand inside her skirt

I was little hesitant. So Rahim himself took left hand and inserted inside her skirt and gripped on her right thigh. And using his other hand he placed it on her ass above the petticoat. I was scared but also at the same time wanted to touch her. So I followed Rahim, took out my left hand and placed it on her ass. First time i was touching the ass of a woman. It felt so soft and squishy. I stretched my fingers on her ass and grabbed it entirely and squeezed. As she was concentrating to reach the line as everyone was on top of her , she didnt notice we grabbed her ass

Next following what Rahim is doing I also took my right hand and held her left thigh inside the skirt. Her thighs felt felt very thick and meaty. For next couple of seconds Rahim and I thoroughly enjoyed her cuvy ass and thighs. But as we all are trying to touch her body and not actually trying to restrict her from touching the line, she was able to touch the line and get a point for her team.

We all got up and devika madam was happy to reach the line. In the rush of the moment, no one really noticed what Rahim and I were doing from behind. Now the first half is finished and we changed our position and began the second half quickly. This time also devika madam did not active ly participate when someone from our team went to other side for tagging. Towards the end it started raining as well. We thought to continue as only devika madam was remaining to tag.

As she was successful last time, she was more confident this time and she came to our side. And this time she came directly to me as she was able to touch me last time. By this time it really started downpouring and everyone was fully wet.

Devika madam came near me saying kabadi kabadi and tried to touch me but I was able to evade it. Again she was trying to concentrate on me and took a big step and swiftly extended her arm and touched me. And in the same speed she turned back and tried to run back. But she hadnt noticed that Rahim in the mean time had come to the other side as she was concentrating only on me.

Devika madam directly ran into the hands of Rahim, who stopped her. She tried to push him and run past him . But he quickly grabbed her waist and didnt allow her to escape. By that time If came and stopped her by holding her hand. And other guys also came and joined us. She fell into the ground on her back. Devika maam was not ready to give up, so she turned around quickly and tried to crawl back to the line. But Rahim quickly wrapped his around his waist and laid on top of devika and he forcefully made her turn around and now Rahim laying in the bottom and devika maam was on top of Rahim facing us. Devika maam was struggling to come out of the clutches of Rahim.

I wasted no time, went and held her left leg and another guy came and grabbed her right leg. So now both of us were standing and holding her legs and devika madam was laying down on top of Rahim. Rahim was strong and did not allow her to move at all. As we are holding her legs up, her skirt fell into her mid thighs from her knees, showcasing her white meaty thighs. And as she was trying to move away from our clutches and tried to release her legs from our hold. That accidentally created gap between her legs and her light blue panty came to view. That excited us and in pretext of holding her, we spreaded her leg more, creatimg more gap between. All of the boys in our team had an unrestricted view her thunder thighs and her panty. After a moment , she got timed out and their team lost. We all memerised by her upskirt view.

As it started raining really heavily after the game we ran back to the bus as there was no other shade nearby. Everyone was really wet by the time we reached the bus. Unfortunately to our dismay the bus had some issue and was not starting despite of trying numerous times.

Devika madam asked everyone to stay inside the bus as it was raining heavily outside. She doesnt want anyone to stay wet and be sick. All the boys are still in their wet inner wears and their clothes which was kept near the playing ground was all wet. Devika madam was also wet and she is just in her blouse and petticoat. Petticoat is still tied above her boobs covering it. And as she is wet, her black bra strap is visible through the blouse.

Devika madam asked everyone to dry themselves and not to go outside in the rain. But students complained that they don't have any clothes or towel to wipe themselves drive as all of their clothes are wet. Everyone started to worry what happens if anyone gets sick and it can ruin their match tomorrow. Some of the students started shivering and sneezing due to the coldness. Devika really got worried as she does not want any of them get sick and miss the tournament. Devika asked everyone to keep their clothes for drying on the back of their seats. And the only piece of cloth in the bus was her saree, which she had kept before going out of the bus for the match. She took out her saree and handed it over to the students to wipe their body and dry themselves. Everyone used her saree to get dry, each one after wiping their body handed the saree to the next student to get their body dry. And after when everyone finished wiping their body, the saree was whole wet and cannot be worn. But devika was relieved, at least the kids are dry and wont catch fever. She was not bothered about her state as she was only considering and caring about her students. Soon because of the heavy rain outside and wet clothes she was wearing, devika started feeling cold and she started to shiver because of the coldness.

Salmaan - madam , are you ok

Devika - im ok salmaan

But she was still shivering

Salmaan - madam you are shivering, you should get yourself dry

Devika - thats ok salmaan, the saree is all wet, and unfortunately we dont have any other clothes to get dry. I should be okok

Salmaan - madam if you stay like this you will be sick. Let me see if I could get any clothes

I went back to other kids and checked if have any kind of clothes. In the meantime she used some dry portion on her saree to wipe her head and arms. Rahim and I went to the driver to see if he has any towel . But unfortunately he didnt have anything, but he thought for a moment and removed hia lungi and gave it to us. He was wearing trousers inside, so he was ok without the lungi.

Rahim and I went to madam and gave the lungi to madam

Rahim - this is the only piece of cloth what we have that is dry in this bus

Salmaan - madam , you are not looking ok, if you keep wearing these wet clothes you will be really sick

Rahim - madam you should change your dress and keep the saree for drying

Salmaan - yes madam , we dont want you to be sick

Devika realised that what her students are saying is correct as she has already started shivering because of the coldness. Devika took the lungi from them and moved to the back seat. She asked us to tie the saree across from one window to the other window as a screen so she could change behind it.

Rahim playfully said

Rahim - madam is it necessary, we all are decent students, you should not be worrying

Devika gave a stern look to Rahim and we understood she is serious. We tied the saree across both the windows. And devika madam said thanks only to me as she felt I really care about her. I always felt she was really not comfortable with Rahim and there is something going on bwtween them.

We tied the saree and went back to the other students. It was still pouring down heavily and seems it is not going to end soon. Others were busy chit chatting and driver was calling the workshop for sending some one to get the bus started. Someone suggested playing cards to kill the time and everyone except Rahim was interested in playing. We started playing cards at the drivers deck as everyone can sit comfortably there. As Rahim was not interested , he was sitting behind us looking at his phone. We were engaged in the game, everyone was concentrating on the game and rain was still going. After one round of game I looked back and I couldn't find Rahim. I looked on other seats but still he was no where. So I said to other kids that im not interested in playing anymore and stepped outside drivers cabin to check where is Rahim.​
Next page: Chapter 29
Previous page: Chapter 27