Chapter 29
We tied the saree and went back to the other students. It was still pouring down heavily and seems it is not going to end soon. Others were busy chit chatting and driver was calling the workshop for sending some one to get the bus started. Someone suggested playing cards to kill the time and everyone except Rahim was interested in playing. We started playing cards at the drivers deck as everyone can sit comfortably there. As Rahim was not interested , he was sitting behind us looking at his phone. We were engaged in the game, everyone was concentrating on the game and rain was still going. After one round of game I looked back and I couldn't find Rahim. I looked on other seats but still he was no where. So I said to other kids that im not interested in playing anymore and stepped outside drivers cabin to check where is Rahim.
I couldn't find Rahim anywhere in the seats, I looked outside through the window to see if he has gone outside. But he was not outside, but it was still raining heavily outside. I looked to back side of the bus , i could only see the saree which is tied across the windows covering the view back seats where devika madam was sitting. I walked towards the backside of the bus without making much noise. I reached near where the saree is tied and tried to listen if I could hear anything. But because of the noise from heavy rains I could not hear anything. I stood there wondering what to do as I believed Rahim would be there on the other side of the saree and I was wondering what he might be doing on the other side of the saree. I know something was going on between devika madam and Rahim, as I already saw him pressing devika madam's ass freely without her objection. I dont know why devika madam is tolerating his advances, as far as I know she is good lady with angel heart. I was standing there thinking how to have a look at the other side, when suddenly I got an idea.
Saree is tied from the window on the left side to the window on the right side and standing about little more than my height. So even when im standing i cannot see the other side. But the below part is lying loosely on the floor of the bus. I quietly sat on the left side seat infront of the saree where it is tied and slowly kneeled down to the gap inbetween the seats and bent down and lifted the saree little and looked throught the gap that was created underneath the seat. But unfortunately I couldn't see anyone and no one was sitting in the seat behind me.
I quickly got from there and moved to the right side of the bus and sat silently on the seat , just where the saree is tied and crawled down to floor to the gap between the 2 rows, kept my face on the floor and slowly picked up the saree from the floor and lifted it and looked through the gap
My eyes widened at the sight what I saw. I was seeing the naked legs of devika madam till her knees. She has completely removed her petticoat. I could see her wet rose coloured petticoat lying on the floor. I was unable to see above her knees so Im not sure, what is she wearing or if she is wearing anything.
As i doubted, i could also see the naked legs of Rahim who is sitting 1 seat away from devika. Devika madam had kept her legs completely closed. Im only able to see her legs nothing else. I was scared to lift the saree more as I dont want alert them. As it was raining heavily I couldn't hear what they were saying. I was getting restless, wanted to know what is happening. I waited for couple of minutes and saw Rahim slowly moving near to devika madam, closing the gap between them. Now Rahim's leg is devika madams leg. I saw devika madam tried to move to the side trying to create gap but there wasnt any space to move. After a moment I saw Rahim casually keeping his hand on her left knee. Devika madam immediately pushed his hand from her knee. Again after moment again Rahim kept his hand on her knee again, but this time more firmly. Devika tried to remove the hand but Rahim had kept more force tightened his grip on her knee and devika was struggling to move the hand. By then rain had slowed down a little and I could slightly hear what they are speaking. I tried to listen
Devika - Rahim , dont do this to me , what are you are doing is wrong. Please
Rahim - madam , im not asking for anything more. Just give what i wanted
Devika - Rahim , im your teacher,do you know what you are asking
Rahim - madam , you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I cant resist my feelings Im seeing. I never ever thought I will have the opportunity to sit here like this with you
Devika - stop it Rahim
Rahim - madam, your ass is so fucking hot. I enjoy alot holding big ass cheek. It is fucking soft, i will never get tired holding it.
Devika - shut up, i leaving from here. Move
Rahim - you wont get up from here. You won't dare. You know really well, what will happen if you dont comply. Do you want the whole college to enjoy your beauty or just me. Think about it?
Devika - Rahim, please i beg you, dont dont do this to me. Dont spoil my life. Please Rahim
Rahim - if you dont want to get humiliated infront of others do what I say
Devika - please Rahim please
I could hear devika madam sobbing little. There was silence for a moment
Rahim - ok i will do favor for the time being. I will move my hands and wont touch you if you give me what i had asked
There ws no response
Rahim - i dont have lot of time here, give me what I want right now or else I will demand more.
Again after some silence i heard devika madams cracked voice
Devika - ok i will give you. Are you going to leave me alone after that
Rahim - i will think about it, first give me what I wanted.
After a moment I saw devika madam standing up. Initially i got scared thinking if she will come outside. But she just stood there without moving. I also tried to get maximum view. I was able see little above her knees and i saw the edge of the lungi which was given to her. I understood that she was wearing the lungi.
Rahim - we don't have a hell lot of time here
Again after a moment of silence , I saw devika madam's hands coming down. She gripped the lungi ends on both her hands. My heart was beating faster anticipating what is about to come. I stretched by body maximum to get maximum view. But still I was only able to see 2 inches above her knee. I saw devika maam inserting her hand inside the lungi and in one quick motion she pulled her panty down from inside her lungi. She was careful not to expose infront of Rahim as she took of her light blue panty. I saw she stepping out of panty and stretched the end of lungi to make sure she is covering her body. Rahim immediately picked her panty from the floor as she stepped out of it.
Rahim - such a cute panty you are wearing madam. You should have removed it much before its all wet from the rain. You look so beautiful wearing only this lungi. Lungi is struggling to hide your treasures haha
Devika - shut up
Devika madam is now sitting again by keeping her hands on her knees holding the lungi to make sure it is not going up for prying eyes of Rahim. She also had sure to keep her legs closed. So I wasnt lucky as well.
By the time the rain had almost stopped. I could here the students at the front is stopping their game of cards and might be coming this way soon. So I thought of alerting Rahim as I dont want other students to find devika madam in awkward position and also i dont want Rahim to take advantage of devika madam. I have always felt that Rahim is kind of speaking to devika madam with a tone of authority. And felt he is blackmailing her with something. So I thought I will alarm her as I dont want Rahim to take advantage of her anymore.
So i got up from there and without making some voice took couple of steps back and called out.
"Rahim ..Rahim " where are you?
In a moment I saw Rahim coming from underneath where sari is tied. He smiled at me as he came out of the curtain.
Salmaan - what where you doing inside
Rahim gave a cheeky smile and came near to me and opened his closed palm and I saw the light blue panty devika madam was wearing
Rahim - I was having some fun
By the time the students came out of the drivers cabin. Rahim quickly put the panty inside the bag before the other kids came to us.
They informed us that the mechanic is coming soon, driver had gone to the nearest junction 2 km away to show the mechanic the way to come here.
For the next couple of minutes students were just chit chatting about tomorrow's game and different things. Rain had stopped completely but still there were lots of dark rain clouds and still it could rain at any moment. We were waiting for the mechanic to come when we heard devika madam calling us with worried voice. When everyone looked to the backside of the bus. We saw devika madam coming out by raising the saree which was tied to the windows. She is wearing lungi which was given by the driver. She has tied the lungi above her breasts and she has used her wet petticoat to cover her shoulders and boobs by keeping over her shoulders around the neck. Everyone noticed her thick meaty thighs as the lungi is reaching just 3 inches above her knees. Only Rahim and I know that she is completely naked below the lungi.
She came to us with worrying face and told us that her gold chain she was wearing with mangalsutra is missing. She looked really worried as it was the mangalsutra. Everyone tried to console her and started searching it in the bus. But unfortunately it wasn't there. I went near her and told.
Me - Madam , may be it might have got fallen in the ground while we were playing kabadi
Devika madam thought for a moment and told
Devika - yes may be. Lets go and check there. Salmaan please come with me, we will go and check there
Salmaan - sure, lets go and check fast before it rains again.
Rahim also offered to come with us, but devika madam refused it right away and asked him to stay in the bus only. She asked everyone to remain in the bus only while we quickly go and search for the chain and come back. We both got down from the bus and quickly walked to the playground. There is 5 minutes walk to the play ground and it is also slowly getting dark as sun has started to set.
Devika madam looked really worried and tears started to roll down her cheaks.
Me - madam dont worry, we will find it out, it will be there in the playground
Devika - I don't know salmaan, what if it is not there. I can't imagine, how careless Im. It is my mangalsutra.
We reached the play ground it and it was all muddy because of the heavy rain. We both started to search everywhere in that ground. I was looking at one side of the play ground, while she was looking at the other side. While searching I looked at her and stood there a moment mesmerized by the shape of her body. She was little bend while looking at the ground carefully. I noticed how her pantyless ass is moving sexily on her step. It swaying right and left as she takes each step. Her ass is round and I can also see the crevice betweem her butt cheaks clearly through the lungi she was wearing.
While looking at her sexy round ass, I felt something thing hard underneath my feet. When I moved my foot and looked down , I found something glittering through the mud and water. I picked it up and it was devika madam's golden chain..
I called out devika madam with excitement showing the golden chain in my hand. Her worried face suddenly changed to happiness and she came running towards me. She took the chain from and inspected it and she was so happy and thanked god..
Devika - thank you salmaan for finding it, i never expected i would get it back. Thank you very much
Suddenly there was a thunder and looked like it is going to rain soon.
Devika - come lets go back before it rains
We started to walk back and it was only few we had taken, from no where from the bushes a big stray dog came running to us barking. It came running to me and jumped at me trying to bite me. I was lucky he missed my hand. I tried to kick the dog. But dont know what happened with this dog it was so furious. It tried to bite my leg. This time i managed to give a kick and it fell but the dog came back more angrily.
This time devika madam tried to intervene by trying to save me. She took the petticoat she was wearing over her shoulder to hit the dog. But the dog got hold of the petticoat and pulled it with force. Devika madam lost balance and fell on the ground. And the dog ran to towards devika madam lying on the ground trying to bite her. But before it could get near devika madam I gave another kick and it fell couple of feets away and it quickly got up and charged at me barking. I didnt have any other option but to run away from there. I turned back and ran with all my strength and the dog was chasing me.
I ran for almost 300 meters when I stepped on loose soil and slipped to a big pit on the side made for the construction purpose. The pit might be 20 feet deep. I slipped into it but was able to get hold onto some grass and grip with foot which saved me falling to the pit. I was hanging there holding onto the grass midway through the pit. The dog was standing there above looking down at me and barking.
In a moment a stone hit hard on dog's head and atlast it ran away there crying because of the stone.
And I looked up and found devika madam coming to look if im injured
Devika - salmaan , oh my god. Are you ok
Salmaan - im ok madam , i didnt fall but I can fall anytime im loosing my grip.
Devika - oh god what will I do
There was some broken glass pieces in the pit and If I fall I will be badly injured.
Devika madam tried to extend her hand but she was not able to reach me as i was few feets down.
I cried " madam help me im loosing my grip"
She looked around to see if she can use something to pull me up. But unfortunately there was nothing.
And to our dismay, it started raining again heavily. And i started to lose my grip.
Salmaan - madam im falling
Devika madam got so worried about me falling down to that pit with broken glass. Her humanity and caring nature took charge and she did not think twice. She quickly removed the lungi she was wearing and got down on her knees and extended her hand with lungi. I also stretched and hand and got the end of the lungi gripped it tightly and tried to climb up. Devika madam held the other end strongily with all her strength. I was able to climb couple of steps and it was also raining heaviy. I gathered all my strength and climbed couple more steps. I was in a good position now and I was able to get good grip on the pit wall with my foot. I was not slipping and should be able to climb up with out any trouble though still im 8 feets down.
I got relieved as I understood that i will not be falling down anymore. I looked and my eyes got widened by the view. I saw devika madam completely topless kneeling down and stretching as much as possible to the pit by holding one end of the lungi.
Her breasts was hanging down and swaying with her each movement. I stood there with my wide eyes caanot believe what im seeing. Her pink round aerola with hard nipple is looking at me. Because of the rain and coldness, her nipples were so hard. I haven't seen a naked woman directly in front of eyes in my life ever before.
Devika was least bothered about her naked state, she was only concentrating on saving me. She was trying to pull me up with all her strength. And I stood there acting as Im not able to climb enjoying the each movements of her hanging melons even though I could climb easily.
Devika - climb up salmaan dont lose your grip
Salmaan - Im trying madam ,but its tough im slipping
Devika - no no, try hard
After moment of staying in that position enjoying the view ripe breasts infront of me. i started to climb slowly upward as the rain is getting heavier.
And with each step I took , Im getting a more closer look of her round protruding breasts. I was only few feets away from getting outside the pit. Now I could easily climb out of the pit. But I thought once I come out , devika madam would be immediately wearing the lungi and covering herself. And i dont want that to happen as I want her to remain naked as long as possible, so I could enjoy.
So now Im determined to get the lungi she was holding from her hand before I get out of the pit. So I put more pressure on the cloth and in the pretext of climbing out I pulled the cloth down with more force. And the moment I put more force I could feel she is losing the grip on the other end
Devika - salmaan im loosing my grip on the cloth, climb fast before I could no longer hold.
I kept applying foe force and slowly climbed. She was loosing the grip fast, I could sense it and I almost reached the top. im only few steps away, so with all my strength pulled cloth with my left hand ,while stretching the right hand to hold the surface outside the pit. Devika madam couldn't hold anymore and the cloth slipped through her hand. I immediately released the cloth and it fell into the pit and I used my left hand as well to hold the outside surface and tried climb out of the pit by using my leg to push myself out.
Devika held my hand and gave me support by pulling me up. While she was pulling me up I noticed that her hanging breast is frequently brushing on my hand. For a moment her left breast completely pressed on my forearm. I instantly felt how soft her breast and I also felt something hard on my skin as well. It was her rock hard nipple. She is still kneeling down on her four legs and im having the moment of my life.
Atlast I climbed out of the pit and laid on the ground facing up catching my breath. Devika madam was also tired, she is sitting near me
Devika - salmaam , are you ok
I opened my eyes and saw devika madam sitting sideways near me looking to see me If im injured. Her breasts are right infront of eyes , then I only realised how round and firm is breast. I felt like squeezing her breast and play with her nipples.
Then only devika madam realised she is sitting stark naked infront of her student. She immediately got worried and she covered her naked boobs with her hands from my eyes and looked around to find the lungi. But it had fallen into the pit and there was nothing there that she could use to cover herself up.
The rain got even heavier and she looked at me worried as im laying there in the rain. She noticed a big tree near us.
Devika - salmaan , are you ok. You cannot lay here in the rain. We can go under that tree to get cover from the rain.
I also was not feeling that great lying there in that rain
So I slowly tried to get up while devika madam was still sitting there covering her breasts. As i tried to get up a sharp pain came to my knee. And I lost my balance was about to fall down. Seeing me loosing balance devika madam immediately got up and gave me support. But she couldn't hold as I was heavy for her and we both lost balance and we both fell on the ground.
I fell on the ground on my back , facing up and devika madam fell on me crushing her naked breast on naked chest. Her massive breasts got pressed onto me completely..
In reflex reaction to make sure she is falling safe , my right hand gripped her waist and when fell on me slipped on to her naked ass. I immediately realized where my hand is and in the pretext of holding and getting up I gripped her ass cheek hard. I was able to hold her entire left ass cheek. It was round and soft. Couple of my fingers went inside the cleft between her. I was able to give couple of squeezes within seconds of falling without alarming her and there by enjoying softest piece of meat in the earth.
Devika - sorry salmaan, I lost my balance
She quickly got up from me and stood up
Devika - are you ok, did I hurt you?
I looked up and skipped my heart beat for a moment seeing Devika madam. There she is , standing stark naked without a single piece of cloth infront of her student in the pouring rain. Eventhough , I was in lot of pain , I did not miss this visual treat standing infront of me.
Her breast are round and firm, without any sag and complemented with a round pinkish brown aerola . Her nipples were very pointy and erect. It stood there like bullets.. Moving down, her stomach was perfectly shaped with deep navel. No one would say that she has a child. My eyes moved down further to her most private part , to her treasure valley. She had kept her pussy well trimed and I was able to see a small valley, hiding in between her legs. Her pussy lips was brown in colour and also I found the small hint of her clit protruding in between her swollen lips when moved her legs a little bit.
Devika ,quickly understood where Im looking, so he swiftly covered her pussy with her left hand and used other hand to cover her breast.
Devika - Salmaan, don't lay there , try to get up and we will find shade under that tree.
I came back to reality and tried to get up and again a sharp paim came to my leg. Again Devika madam got concerned forgetting her naked state and offered a helping hand for me to get up.
I held her hand and with difficulty atlast stood on my feet.
Devika - good salmaan, now lets slowly walk near to that tree. You can put your hand around my shoulder for support. I kept my right hand on her right shoulder for support and she kept her left hand on my waist and we slowly walked to the tree nearby to get shade under the tree. When we walked her left breast got pressed to my right side. I cannot believe, what is happening. I have never imagined im my wildest dream, that I could be this close to my beautiful teacher and too she being completely naked. I started getting a hard on, even through this pain and rain. But it was not that obvious as I was wearing boxer type brief.
And we reached underneath the big tree. And she again helped me to sit under and again, that again gave me close up viewa of her hanging, swingimg breast because of bending down and movements. She made sure, I was able to sit properly and stood straight. I again looked at her body. She again covered her breasts and pussy with her hands.
Devika - are you feeling ok salmaan
Me - yeah, madam. Im ok feeling little bit better
She had a real concern on her face partially due to my injury and partially due to her naked state.
Me - Madam if the rain stops, we can go back to the bus. Hope it stops soon
When I talked about rain, without thinking much she turned around to see how the rain is going, but that innocent mistake from her part, gave me another visual treat. I was treated with her round naked ass. And she was standing infront of me few feets away. I had the close up view of her back. She had the perfect piece of ass , which was heavy, round and curvy. Her meaty ass was shining with all the rain water drops. I felt like pulling her back and press my face on her soft flesh.
I quickly changed my gaze when she turned back.
She also felt really uncomfortable standing there named in front of me.
Devika - hope the rain will go away soon.
Saying that she walked to the other side of the tree. So she could escape from my prying eyes.
There was silence for sometime. And then I heard devika madam speaking from the other side.
Devika - salmaan
Me - yes, madam
Devika - i have something to tell you
Me -:what is it madam
Devika - uh, I know we had a weird unusual situation today
Me - what situation madam.
Devika - salmaan , you have to understand that , i didnt have any other options to help you get outside. You should not misunderstand me
Me - Im not sure , What are you saying
Devika - salmaan, i was saying , i was total helpless at that time and did not have any other option other using the lungi what I was wearing at that time.
Me - Madam Im so thankfull to you. You have saved my life. I dont know what would have happened otherwise.
Devika - but you should also understand i never intended to become naked infront of you. I was just trying to help you
Me - I totally understand that madam
Devika - I know you have seen me naked salmaan. You should not be taking that any otherway. And also you should promise me that you will not tell this to anyone
Me - What madam, you think of me like that. You are my teacher, you saved my life. I would never think of you in any bad way nor I would anything to harm your reputation
Devika felt little relieved hearing that from salmaan
They sat there for fifteem minutes. And rain started to slow down. And it also it started getting really dark and it has been almost half an hour since we left the bus to get the chain. After few minutes the rain was completely stopped. I was also feeling better and my pain had gone down a lot. I called devika madam
Me - madam the rain is over, we can go back now
Devika - yeah, its getting dark. How are you feeling now
She is still sitting behind the tree
Me - Im kind of ok now
Devika - are you able to get up
Me -I think so
Devika - salmaan , can you do a favor plee
Me - yeah madam , what is ?
Devika - I cannot come to the bus , like this in this state. If you are able to walk, can you please go to the bus and get my saree please. It might have got dried by now
Me - yes madam, i will do that
Devika - thank you salmaan. Come back fast , it will be dark soon. I will wait here
Me - ok madam
With slight difficulty, I got up and slowly walked back to the bus. Midway through, I heard someone coming to me, it was slightly dark now. But when the person reached near me, I recognised it was nome other than Rahim
Rahim - hey bro, where did you guys go. It is late. The mechanic has repaired the bus, we are ready to go. We were waiting for you guys. And where ia devika madam
I didn't have any other choice other than telling him what had happened about our accident. At the end Rahim had huge smile
Rahim - Bro, so you are saying, she is standing there completely naked.
Me - yeah, and I was coming to get her clothes, so she could dress
Rahim - did you get a chance to see her naked bro
I kept silent, I dont like Rahim anymore after seeing how he was harassing devika madam
Seeing my silence
Rahim - You lucky bastard. Haha
Me - I will go and get the clothes.
Rahim - do one thing, you go and get her clothes and in the mean time, let me go give company to her haha. Saying that he started running towards the direction of devika.
I got worried
Me - wait bro, I Will come
While running he said
Rahim - no bro , take your time getting the clothes. We have enough time, dont come fast.
I stood there without knowing what to do, I have soft corner foe devika madam, I never wanted her to be in any trouble. I stood there thinking which way to go. Should I follow Rahim and make sure , he does not misbehave with devika madam or should I go and get the clothes before coming back
It was almost dark, by the time I reached the bus , I quickly went in and got her clothes. Everyone was wondering what ia going and I didn't waste my time explaining them , what had happened. I told that I will let them know, once I come back. I wore my dress as well and walked back to the tree. I was unable to run as leg is still not completely alright. But I tried to walk as fast as I could. While walking my mind was totaly worried and anxious thinking what might be going on there. It was like around 400 meters away from the bus as I had to run when the dog had chased me. I avoidesd the pain in my leg when I walked. I had all her clothes from the bus. I couldn't find her bra and panty, i know it was taken by Rahim. I took her saree and blouse. She had lost het petticoat , when the dog tried to jump on her. It might be there somewhere in the ground, I did not bother to search for it as I wanted to get back as soon as possible.
After almost 10 long minutes of walking because of slow movement , I could see the tree in my view. But I was not able to see them from here. I slowed down as I dont want to alarm them and also I wanted to see what will be happening there. I was very curious. So I tiptoed towards the tree without making any noise. And sharpened my ear to see if im able to hear them talking. But I couldn't hear anything. I reached the tree and again , I slowly without making noise I peeked to the other side of the tree. But to my surprise, they weren't there. I walked around the tree and they were not there. I got worried more and was wondering where did they go. I looked around everywhere with no success. I stood there without knowing what to do, suddenly I heard a feeble sound of someone sobbing. But I couldn't locate from where it is coming. But I saw a small light of torch coming from the bush on my right side.
I slowly without making any noise, started walking in that direction. It was only 50 meters away from me. The more nearer I reached, I was able to hear the sound more clearly.
It was a sound of women crying. As I reached near the bush, I can see the light and sound is coming from inside the bush. But I was not able to see inside because of the long tall grasses and other plants. But I heard the sound of devika madam, she was crying