Chapter 34

Anand - bro relax. I dont know how devika madam willfully did those. But I know vishnu had planned everything. The owner of the resort is his friend. And he planned to bring devika madam here. Rest what happened I dont know. As Harish was my freind , he asked me a favor by requesting to do this role. That's all I know

Rahim - that fucker Vishnu. I dont care. But I will fuck her first.

They talked, ordered more drinks, smoked some weed. Both Rahim and Ramu was comletely stoned. Rahim was not in his senses as drank more because of his frustration. Ramu was still better compared.

Anand excused rahim for going to loo and called ramu also along with him. They went outside the bar.

Anand - bro I wanted to tell you something

Ramu - what is it ?

Anand - while coming to meet you guys , I saw devika madam.

Ramu - okay

Anand - we talked for sometime and I told her that I came here with you and Rahim

Ramu - so now she knows we are here

Anand - yes

Ramu - okay

Anand - she told me that she wants to meet you

Ramu - she wants to meet me? Why

Anand - that i dont know. She told me that she wants to meet you alone without rahim

Ramu was drunk and he was all confused

Anand - bro she is in room number 206. Go there alone. She is waiting for you. Bro you are lucky.

Ramu - what do you mean?

Anand - we all had tried her. But no one was successful. And now she is asking for you to come alone. Enjoy the night bro. What did you do to get into her mind bro

Ramu now had grin

Ramu - i will go then. Can you take care of Rahim bro

Anand - i will mange him bro. You go

Ramu knocked on the door of room 206. After a moment the room was opened.

Devika was standing in beautiful blue flower designed frock, her hair is not tied and it was flowing over her shoulder. She looked like a goddess. Her frock is ending few inches below her knees. It was not revealing anything but she looked beautiful.

Devika smiled and invited ramu inside the room. Ramu was surprised to see the change in attitude from devika. Before she hated him, after showing the clip he had. He was trying to blackmail her and she did not cooperate at all to his advances. But now she is smiling and inviting him to her room.

Devika - come inside ramu

Ramu was kind of drunk and was high from smoking weed and all. He was not able to stand properly. He walked inside staggering. And sat on the chair.

Ramu - so why did you call me?

Devika - okay ramu, I want to tell you something

Ramu - what is it?

Devika - its about the clip what you are having

Ramu - we have spoken about it before

Devika - I know, and Ramu , I want that to be deleted

Ramu - yeah sure, I can delete it for you. But again what about the conditions?

Devika was quiet

Ramu - if you are ready to satisfy my wish. Then it will be deleted

Devika - ramu, that's why I called you. Im ready for it

Ramu couldn't believe what she said

Ramu - what? What did you just say?

Devika - yes ramu, Im ready for it. But you should delete the video infront of me.

Ramu - yes madam , i will

Ramu got excited with joy

Ramu - I knew, that you will agree. Haha

Devika - do you want anything to drink like juice or something. You look drunk

Ramu - no Im perfectly fine.

Devika - okay

Ramu - so I can do whatever I want tonight?

Devika - yes , you can

Ramu - tonight you are all mine

Devika - yes

Ramu - hahaha. i dont want to wait anymore longer

Saying that he started to stand from his chair

Devika - no ramu, not here

Ramu - then

Devika - here im not comfortable, as you know there are people outside. And anytime vishnu can come

Ramu - then where we will go?

Devika - there is a beach on the backside of the resort. There will not be anyone there at this time. Its a nice place.

Ramu - in the beach, wow. You want to do it in the open. Thats good. In the beach it will be fun.

Devika - lets go then

Ramu - you look beautiful in this frock. First time im seeing you other than saree.

Devika - do you like it

Ramu - yes, but I would like more , if you are without the frock..hahah

Devika - you have to be patient for that

Ramu - no I dont have any patience

Saying that ramu approched devika and tried to hug her.

Ramu - smell great...

Devika pushed him and walks quickly to the door ,opened it and stood outside

Devika - I told you, not here. Come lets go the beach

Ramu - hmm whatever. You are teasing me.

Ramu also walks outside.

Devika - lets go to the reception first and get our phones as it is secluded place and we might need our phones incase of any emergency.

They took their phones from the reception and started walking to the beach. They would have to walk to the back side of the resort to reach the beach. It's 500 meters walk from the resort. Ramu is already high and staggering and they started walking. There was some resort guests walking here and there. The nearer they reached the beach, fewer people they saw. The beach is closed at the night. So no guest was going there. Its already 9pm and everyone is at the restaurant or bar. They walked few more meters and it was totaly empty. No one was there. Both the sides there was coconut trees.

Ramu quickly grabbed devika and forced to kiss her. He pressed his lips to her. Devika didnt expect this sudden attack from ramu. She pushed him away. Devika felt like puking because of the smell of alcohol and weed.

Devika - what are you doing?

Devika asked angrily

Ramu - whaat? Why are you shouting? I dont think you are ready for this? Dont give that fucking attitude to me. Remember the clip is there with me. I will only delete it , if you behave good

Devika recomposed herself and again smiled at ramu

Devika - who said I will not cooperate. Sorry I shouted. I was not expecting it. Lets first go to the beach

Ramu - thats sounds like a good girl. If you behave good, i will also be good to you.

Devika - lets go then

Ramu - wait, first give me a kiss.

Devika - here? Lets go to the beach

Ramu - no, first give me kiss. There is no one here. Let me see how good you can kiss me. You have to kiss the way you kissed Vishnu today. Come on

Devika understood she doesn't have any other choice. She looked around to see if anyone is there

Ramu - come on make it fast.

Devika looked around again and then walked to ramu. She held her breath as ramu was stinking, and she closed her eyes and pressed her lips to ramu's. Ramu quickly pressed her towards his chest and tightly hugged her and started kissing her vigorously. He pressed his lips created gap and started to suck her lips aggressively. He chewed and sucked both lips. His right hand dropped down and held her ass over the frock and squeezed it hard while he sucked lips. He brought his other hand also down and used both his hands and squeezed her curvy meaty ass.

Soon devika was out of breath, and she pushed away from ramu releasing from his clutches. And she was breathing hard

Ramu - that was awesome..hmmm. You lips are so tasty. But do you know , what im attracted towards most. Its your ass. From the time I saw you, i dreamt of holding that ass. First time i held it , it was during the holi celebration in the film set. Do you know, how many times i shagged thinking of it

Devika was silent trying to catch her breath. Ramu went near her and gave tight slap on her ass. Devika cried with pain

Devika -- uhh...what are you doing?

Ramu - you got a sexy ass you bitch

Devika - dont talk that way

Ramu - what you gonna do? You wont do anything as long as I have your are my bitch tonight

Devika was silent

Ramu - let's go to the fucking beach then

They again started walking to the beach

Ramu - tell me this thing, has anyone else had held your sexy ass like I did.

Devika did not respond and continued walking to the beach

Ramu - I know Vishnu have done it. He had his rod on your ass today.

Devika got shocked at what ramu said. She thought during the first night scene they were covered in blanket, she never realised the blanket had drifted off.

Devika - what you are saying?

Ramu - bitch, are you trying to play innocent. We know what happened in the first night scene. He had his cock on your ass and he was humping you while he played with your pussy. I saw his fingers going inside your pussy and you enjoyed it right?

Devika felt ashamed and did not know what to say

Ramu - I bet you will enjoy, when I drill your pussy with my hot rod..hahaha...

Atlast they reached the beach, but to their surprise there was few people there

Ramu - you said there will not be anyone here

Devika - thats what i thought

Ramu - are you playing games with me.

Devika - no

While they were standing there, one of the employee walked near them. It was kallu, that short guy from the play.

Kallu - hi madam , why are you hear ? The beach is closed

Ramu - if it is closed , why there are people here

Kallu- thats owners friends

Ramu - listen kallu, is there any place, where we can spend some time alone

Kallu looked at devika and smiled, she was looking down.

Kallu - understood, there is a place. At this time there will not be anyone there. It's secluded

Ramu - that's what we want. Where is it?

Kallu - its a small island like place surrounded by water. We have to go in boat for 10 minutes to reach there.

Ramu - island, wow good ambience, thats what we want. Lets go there then

Kallu - sure

They followed kallu and he took them to a motor boat tied. The boat was in the water, so they had to wet their legs to get it into the boat. Kallu untied and started the engine and pushed the throttle. They started and it was dark everywhere and it was windy as well. Kallu was siting at the edge of the boat in the back, navigating it . Ramu and devika was sittimg across kallu in the bench. Kallu was able to see them in the moonlight. It was a 10 minute journey.

As soon as the travel started, ramu started what he is only interested in this night. He placed his hand over devika's shoulder.

Ramu - so lets do the warm up from here itself

Saying he pulled her towards him

Devika - he is watching us

Ramu - who cares, as if he doesn't know what we are going to do

Ramu pulled her into him and started kissing her cheeks. He kissed her cheeks and neck and then turned her face to lock his lips into hers. Devika sat there, allowing ramu to do whatever he wants. Ramu kissed her, this time it was not aggressive, he did it slow as he knew he had the whole night. Ramu sucked her upper lips slowly.

Kallu was able to see clearly, what they were doing as he rode the boat to the island in the darkness.

Ramu brought his right hand up and placed it on her left breast over the frock and bra. He slowly started feeling her breast while exploring her lips. Devika did not object as there is not point in objecting in the middle of the sea and ramu is having her clip. Ramu started squeezing her breast feeling it up. Due to the cold air and touch, her nipple started getting erect and ramu could sense it

Ramu - it looks like someone is enjoying it

He pressed her erect nipple with his finger over the dress.

Ramu - i want you to remove your bra and panty

Devika was taken back by the request.

Devika - here? Lets wait till we reach the island

Ramu - no, right now you would have to remove it. Or should i send your clip to this boatman. Im sure he will shag thousand time seeing you like that.

Devika - no

Ramu - then remove it now

Devika - okay.

Devika put her hand behind and unhooked her bra , loosened it and then inserted hand inside the frock from the neck and in a moment pulled out her bra from inside without revealing anything

Ramu - wow, how did you do that.

Ramu took the bra from her hand and looked at the cups and smelled it

Ramu - now the panty

Devika - can we wait till we reach the place

Ramu - no. I want it now

Devika slowly stood up and was about to insert her hands inside the frock, but ramu stopped her

Ramu - wait, i have better idea

Devika was confused

Ramu - the poor boatman, is taking all the trouble to take us to the island in this night. Lets give him a tip

Ramu - hey bro, stop the boat

Devika stood there not understanding what ramu had in his mind. Kallu stopped the engine and the boat stopped in middle of the sea. There is still few minutes away from the island

Kallu - what happened sir?

Ramu - we want to thank you for thr trouble you are taking in this night to get us to the island

Kallu - its okay sir, its not at all a trouble for me

Ramu - no , want to tip you. Can you come here please

Kallu walked to the other side of thr boat where , ramu and devika sitting.

Ramu - kallu, we actually dont have any money with us now to show our gratitude

Kallu - then

Ramu - instead madam will offer you something

Now devika understood what he is planning.

Ramu - Tonight , in the island, madam will not need her panty. So she will give it to you as a token of apreciation

Devika - ramuu?

Ramu - yes, madam. Will you not give it, to thank our poor boatman? Or else I can thank him in different way. Saying he pulled his cell phone from the pocket. Devika understood, ramu will share the clip and she doesn't have any option.

Devika - okay. Its okay. I can give

Ramu - great. Kallu, you are getting precious gift from madam.

Kallu had a smile on his face. Devika without any expression, looking down stood up and lowered her hand to the hem of the frock.

Ramu - wait. Not like that.

Devika stopped and stood straight. Ramu also stood up from the bench and stood right behind devika. Both of them are facing kallu who was standing infront of devika. His height is only till the waist of devika.

Ramu hugged devika from behind , using his left hand he turned her face to him and immediately started kissing her lips. His right hand came to her front side and held her braless breast over the frock. He was able to feel more of her breast, as she is not wearing bra now. He traced her nipple and pinched it over the dress. Devika moaned in pain, but only her muffled sound came , as her mouth was locked by ramu. Kallu watched them, without knowing what to do.

Ramu released the breast and dropped his right hand down and held the frock. He started pulling it up. Immediately devika held his hand and stopped him. Ramu stopped kissing her and whispered in her ear

Ramu - do you want me to remind again about the cell phone

Devika slowly loosened the grip on his hand and ramu proceeded to pull the frock up. In few seconds, devika's cute pink cotton panty came visible infront of kallu's eyes. His eyes brightened up and he was able to see in the moonlight, devika standing there frock bunched up in her waist showcasing her panty and sexy legs. Devika had her eyes closed as she withstood the humiliation.

Ramu - kallu , now you can take the gift from madam yourself.​
Next page: Chapter 35
Previous page: Chapter 33