Chapter 47
Ganapati - do you know harilal ji. Everyone in college used to tease me saying Im stupid and dumb. And i will never get a girl to marry. Even the teachers. Only devika madam was nice and sympathetic to me. But see now im also going to get married..haha
By looking at ganapati and his way of talking, harilal easily understood that he is dumbo and stupid. Doesnt know what he is talking
Harilal - yes yes you are not stupid, those teachers are stupid
Ganapati - yes Harilal ji. I will invite everyone in the college and show Ganapati got a girl haha
Harilal - haha. Beta i like you
Ganapati - madam, i wanted to invite you first, because you are the only friend i have. You should come with sir
Ganapati gave the invitation cards to both
Harilal - sure, beta i will definitely come
Ganapati - he he, im so excited
Harilal - beti , are you not giving tea to our guest
Devika was still thinking about money and harilal and how to convince Harilal to leave them alone.
Devika - yes, sure. Just a minute
Devika was about to go to kitchen when harilal stopped
Harilal- actually its a special occasion for ganapati , isnt it beta? Tea wont be appropriate. Its time to celebrate. Beta do you drink. I have something special
Ganapati gave a cheeky smile to both Harilal and devika
Harilal - looking at you face , i understood haha
Harilal from his hand bag took out a bottle. It is locally distilled hard liquor
Harilal - this is special thing for your special occasion
Devika looked at them in disgust
Devika - you guys cannot drink here.
Harilal - beti , dont do that. Its for our ganapati’s happiness. You cant say no to me. Is that correct beti or else i will leave and you know what will happen then
Harilal looked at devika and devika understood what he meant. She kept quiet
Harilal - Beti, get something to eat and bring two glasses and water
Devika went to kitchen and brought water and glass, She was angry and sad. Both Harilal and Ganapati started drinking.While devika went to the kitchen and stood there without knowing what to do
After 10 to 15 minutes, harilal called devika
Harilal - beti, did you forget to bring the snacks
Devika came back from her thoughts, wiped her teary eyes and took out some snack in bowl and went to living room and placed infront of them
By that time both ganapati and harilal was finishing 2nd drink
Harilal - beti, this ganapati is so innocent and no wonder why everyone was saying he will never get married.
Ganapati - hehe
Harilal - i was asking about marriage, the girl and his plans. He doesnt have any idea about this. Beti do you know, he doesn’t even know how children are born. Hahaha. Ganapati, tell your madam, how kids are born
Ganapati - In movies i have seen. The night of the marriage. Both husband and wife drink a special milk and just hug each other. Thats how kids are born
Harilal - hahaha, see beti look at his knowledge haha…people are correct , you are so stupid hahaha.
Devika stood there and she also had a smile on her face thinking how ignorant is Ganapati. Harilal laughed for a moment then poured next drink into his glass
Harilal - you are totally incorrect. If you marry with these ideas, you wife will leave you on the first day itself
Ganapati suddenly got sad, seeing harilal making fun of him
Ganapati - dont tell like that, i love her so much
Harilal became serious
Hariral - beta, im not making fun of you. You have to learn about how to love your wife both mentally and physically as well. Your love her in your head, but you dont know anything about physical love
Ganapati - yes thats correct, Harilal ji, can you teach me. I want to love my wife physically as well
Harilal - sure, i can, i can share all my wisdom. And you have your madam as well. She is a married girl and has a baby. So she can help you as well
Ganapati - thank you ji and thank you madam
Devika again walked to kitchen, but harilal stopped her
Harilal - beti, dont go, lets teach this poor Ganapati about love. Im old guy, my wife passed away long time back. But beti you can help him and you are a teacher as well
Devika - no, i think both of you should leave now, I have other things to do
Harilal finished his third drink and stood and walked near devika and whispered to her
Harilal - beti, you are not going anywhere. You are going to listen to me. If you want me to go. Give the money now. I will leave
Devika - please harilal ji . I beg you please leave my family alone
Harilal - why are you crying beti. I did not tell anything bad. If you dont have money thats fine i understand. But you have to listen to me, may be then my mind would melt and we could negotiate an amount you guys could afford
Devika - harilal ji, im a mother , wife and a teacher. I cant do what you want. Please
Harilal - Beti , you mistaken. Im not a bad person like you think. Right now, i just wanted to help this poor guy. You also heard him, if he gets married like with this knowledge, he will spoil that girls life as well. I just wanted to give him some education. So beti, be good girl and wear you teacher’s hat and lets help this poor person
Devika was little relieved, hearing harilal do not have any bad intentions and willing to discuss the amount. She thought, may be he is afterall not a bad person and would listen to her request and leave them alone.
Harilal - consider me like your father itself, i want money because i have some need. But that doesnt mean i have any intentions to harm you. We will work out something beti. Dont worry
Devika felt much more relieved, hearing Harilal and believed him.
Harilal - okay, so lets help your poor friend
Harilal went back to ganapati and again sat on the sofa.
Harilal - okay, now madam will help you and she will teach you how to love a women. Being a lady she will know better than me. Ask her whatever doubts you have
Harilal poured next drink. Ganapati was so happy that they are going to teach him, something he didn't know at all
Ganapati - thank you madam for helping me
Devika - its okay, you can ask me if you have any doubts
Devika gathered some courage and shifted to teaching mode. Even through all of her adversities, her angelic mind always wanted to help others. She doesnt want any girls life to be hell after marriage. So she thought if she could help ganapati little to know more about marriage, may be he can be a good loving husband
Ganapati - okay, because Harilal ji said, that my perception about having children is incorrect. So actually how kids are born?
Devika took a deep breath and talked
Devika - okay. Ganapati. Yes if you drink milk in the wedding night. Children will not be made. So first you should know about reproductive organs. I hope you know about it
Ganapati - what are those, i have never heard about it
Harilal - hahaha
Devika also thought , how person can be so ignorant and stupid in this modern digital world
Devika - you don’t know about it?
Ganapati - no
Harilal - arey budhu. Your reproductive is the one you use for su su..
Ganapathi - is that the reproductive organ. Its for only peeing na, how that can be reproductive organ
Harilal - dont you have friends or have you not gone to college. Are you so stupid not to know
Ganapati looked sad
Ganapati - i never had any friends in my life. My mother left as soon as i was born and i grew up in a orphanage and never went to college ever
Tear came to his eyes, Devika felt bad seeing Ganapati. She doesn’t like any one getting hurt
Devika - its okay Harilal ji. I will teach him
Harilal - its not that beti. I have never seen someone this stupid and dumb
Devika - Ganapati dont worry. You are not alone, its so common in our place, where people doesnt have any kind of education about marriage and physical relationship. I will let you know certain things which would help after marriage
Ganapati wiped his tears and smiled at devika
Ganapati - thank you madam. You are an angel to me
Devika - so thats your reproductive organ.
Harilal - Bhudhu…thats the tool you use to create babies
Ganapati - how can I create babies using that
Devika - just like you have reproductive, woman also has reproductive organ
Ganapati - is that also susu organ for them?
Harilal - hahaha
Devika couldn't help but to smile
Devika - yeah, somewhat in that area
Ganapati - okay, again how babies
Devika - To tell it simply, its through sex, a woman gets pregnant
Ganapati - i have heard about sex, but dont know what exactly it is
Harilal - this person is unbelievable. Can people be so stupid
Ganapati - im sorry, i dont know all this
Devika again felt bad for ganapati, as harilal kept on teasing him
Harilal - sex is when you put your lund into a girl’s choot
Devika got shocked by the words used by Harilal
Devika - Harilalji, please dont use that kind of language while im here.
Harilal - how else to explain this to this dumb ass
Ganapati - madam i dont understand any word you guys are saying. Im leaving
Harilal - no no, dont i wont say anything. I will let madam explain you things
Devika - may be i will explain him things later, he might be busy
Harilal - no, no…he has to learn today and you have to teach him today. Dont you remember what i said earlier. If you dont want to teach him. Thats fine. I will also leave and you wont see me again. But you know what will happen then. You dont want that right beti.
Devika understood, she doesnt have any option. But to teach Ganapati. She thought it will not be a problem, as she can use her phone and show Ganapati some videos about sex education. She doesnt want Harilal to go to security officer and jeopardize her life
Devika - okay I will teach him. May be I will show him a video from internet which explains everything in detail
Harilal - no beti, videos will not give him proper knowledge. What he needs like answer his doubts and explain how everything works from your knowledge
Devika - but with videos its easier
Harilal - i said no beti, technology is for new generation. Ganapathi is already more 40 years. At this age, as he knew nothing. We would have to start from basics
Devika - but still
Harilal - no, I insist
Harilal - Okay Ganapati, I will start again. As you dont know anything, I will start again. So now you know, both Male and Females have reproductive organ and thats what you use for sex and make babies
Ganapati - ji, but what is sex
Harilal - so sex is the physical thing man and women do. Again as I said earlier, which beti didnt like my language. Your susu thing is called penis and thats what you use for sex and girls sexual organ is vagina. Its a hole they have near their susu area. And women use vagina for sex. So sex is when you insert your penis in vagina
Ganapati - oh okay, now its clear for me, im understanding
Harilal - see beti, how personal explanation is helping him. Your videos will not do this
Devika remained quiet
Ganapati - so, harilalji, when insert my su su thing in their hole, baby will be created
Harilal - haha, not that easily beta. Before you insert it in there, you have to make sure both penis and vagina is excited and ready
Ganapati - how to do that.
Harilal - Arrey stupid, have you ever had your lund erected
Ganapati - yes, in morning when I wake up, its erected and feel like going for peeing
Harilal - haha
Devika also smiled at the innocence of ganapati. She was also surprised, how a grown up guy cannot know about all these things
Harilal - thats different. But when you are ready to put your lund in vagina, it should be erect
Ganapati - how can i make it erected
Harilal - arrey dumbo, so it will get erected automatically after you touch your wife, kiss and hug. And similar how you get excited, girls also gets excited
Ganapati - how?
Harilal - now let madam explain, as she is a lady and can speak better than me. So beti, so do you get excited and what your husband does ? Haha
Devika was put on spot and she didnt like harilal asking how her husband makes her excited. But she did not said anything to Harilal
Devika - So Ganapati, generally women also gets excited when her husband kiss her and hugs. But for women it takes more time to get excited. So before having sex, foreplay is important.
Ganapati - what is that?
Devika - for guys, they will get easily excited by visual stimulation or physical stimulation
Ganapati - oh god, so much to learn , what is this stimulation now
Devika - okay, visual stimulation is when you get excited by seeing. Like if you see a beautiful girl or may be imagine your wife and you seeing wife naked will visually stimulate and you can get excited. Physical stimulation is when you get excited by touching your wife.
Ganapati - okay
Devika - so what i was saying is women also gets excited, but it takes more time than man. You have to make sure wife is happy, talk to her lovingly. Hold her lovingly, kiss her, hug her. Thats how she will get excited
Ganapati - so i know, when guys gets excited. The penis will get erected. But how will woman get
Devika - when women gets excited, her vagina will be wet
Harilal - madam is shy, thats why she is not telling it in detail. To make a girl or women excited, there are other things also you can do
Ganapati - what is it?
Harilal - there are sensitive area in their body. Which you should be aware of. These also helps make them excited and you as well. So women breasts are very important. Women likes when their man plays with it. By playing i mean , you can touch them, hold them , squeeze it, kiss it and lick it. They would love it and makes them excited.
Ganapati - oh i thought breasts are only used for babies to drink milk
Harilal - yeah, thats because you are stupid. Haha
Ganapati - is it correct madam?
Devika felt very weird and uncomfortable in all these conversation, but she did not have option. She quietly said
Devika - yes, its correct
And thats part of foreplay
Ganapati - what else is in foreplay.
Devika - as long as both of you are okay and likes it. You can do whatever you want
Harilal - you can hold her choochi, gaand and choot. Play with her choot with your fingers and tongue, you will see your wife going crazy
Devika had no option other than staying standing there, listening to harilal’s vulgar language
Harilal - thats what madam tried to say by saying foreplay
Ganapati - okay
Harilal - let me ask you this question, so have you ever got excited and have you felt erection before?
Ganapati - as i said, only in the morning when I get up
Harilal - that has nothing to do with sexual. Other than that, by watching a beautiful girl or seeing any videos
Ganapati - no i have never felt
Harilal - have you not seen any porn videos before?
Ganapati - no never
Harilal - what kind of person are you dumbo? I think you might have erectile dysfunctional disorder
Ganapati - what is that
Harilal - its a disorder, if you have that then there is no point in getting married. Your life is waste
Ganapati - oh no, i think then i might be having. I cant marry then. Oh no
Saying that Ganapati started crying
Devika - dont cry ganapati. You wont have that, harilalji is kidding
Ganapati - no madam, i might have. I have never felt excited seeing a girl
Harilal - i wasnt kidding, im serious
Devika - no it might be because, he has never thought about it or never seen any girl with sexual feeling
Harilal - no i dont think so
Ganapati was crying like a baby, thinking he couldnt marry anyone
Harilal - hey beta, i was just saying my doubt. May be its not like that. May be we can check if you really have the disorder
Ganapati - how harilalji, my life is gone
Harilal - hey beta, relax. I have an idea
Ganapati - what is it?
Harilal - i think we can test, how functional is your penis. Lets try and see if we could get you erected
Ganapati - how
Harilal - as devika beti is here, she can try and help you
Devika got shocked, hearing what harilal is suggesting
Devika - what you are saying?
Harilal - beti , help this poor fellow, dont you see he is crying and shattered. His dream of getting married is on the verge of collapse. Please help. He is your friend
Devika - what do you mean by helping him?
Harilal - you dont worry, you stand there let me try and talk to him and see with talking if it works
Devika have no idea, what is he saying
Harilal went and sat near ganapati.
Harilal - beta, listen stop crying now. I will try to help you and see if can get you erection
Ganapati - how?
Harilal - listen to me, do you see devika madam
Ganapati looked at devika madam and she looked away
Ganapati - yes
Harilal - do you think she is beautiful
Ganapati - yes
Harilal - Why do you think she is beautiful
Ganapati - she is my friend
Harilal - besides that do you see her face , eyes, her lips and nose. And see how beautiful is it?
Ganapati looked at her facial features
Harilal - And do you see how red and soft her lips. And look at her beautiful neck
Ganapati - okay
Harilal - do you see through the saree the bulge of her breasts. Dont you think its big and round.
Ganapati - she is beautiful
Devika couldnt hear, what harilal was saying to ganapati
Harilal - beti, can you turn around
Devika looked at harilal with pleading eyes. But harilal didnt have any expression and signed with his eyes to turn around again
Devika turned around
Harilal - now look at that gaand and how curvy it is. Imagine you could hold and feel it and squeeze that meat
Ganapati - okay
Harilal - are you feeling anything on your pants, is there any erection
Ganapati - no Harilal ji
Harilal - hmm, okay.
Harilal then spoke to devika
Harilal - beti, it looks like its not working. So my conclusion is either he has the disorder, or he needs more stimulation
Devika turned and looked at them without knowing what to tell
Ganapati again started crying.
Harilal - poor fellow
Devika feeling very pity for ganapati
Ganapati - im going sir , i will go and tell the girl, im a waste and there is no use in marrying me.
Saying that he got up
Devika - wait, ganapathi. Dont do that. I dont think you have that problem
Harilal - what you are saying beti, he never had any erection
Devika - yes, but he is stressed and when we are stressed it will not happen easily. You have to be relaxed. May be show him some video and he can see it
Harilal - no beti , he is marrying a girl and he has to get excited by seeing a real girl not by seeing a video
Ganapati got up and started walking to the door crying and he was going to tell the girl and calling off the marriage
Devika - wait, ganapati. And listen to me
Ganapati waited at the door and turned
Devika - first thing about physical intimacy is , you can never get excited when you tensed or stressed. So you have to calm down
The angelic part of devika felt really bad for ganapati, and she forgot all her problems and wanted to help poor ganapati.
Harilal - may be beti, you try with more visual stimulation. But still im saying it will not work and this dumbo cannot get erectio
Harilal then went near Devika
Harilal - okay, lets make deal. As you dont have any money to pay me. I will give a challenge. If you can make this dumbo erect, then you have to pay only half i asked. That means you have to pay me only 25 lakhs rupees and i will give one month time
Devika looked at harilal
Harilal - im just giving you a favor, and also wanted to help this poor guy. Are you okay? Otherwise i would need whole 50 laks and today itself
Devika understood, she doesnt have any option. And the only way to be out of this is agreeing. Within 1 month she could find some way to arrange remaining money and venki will be back and discuss with him
Devika - okay , i will try
Harilal - perfect thats great. So ganapati,madam will help you and try to find if you actually have any disorder
Ganapati again wiped his tears away
Ganapati - thank you madam
Devika - but, as i said he needs to calm down for this. Otherwise it will be difficult
Harilal - what we can do to relax him
Devika - i dont think here, he will be relaxed with you around here. Im also very tensed. I will take him to the bedroom and try. Im also comfortable only with that
Harilal thought about it and looked at ganapati and agreed
Harilal - but keep your phones here. No point in getting erection while watching video. Thats not real. And also you have to prove that he got erected
Devika - that you can ask him, once he gets
Devika - okay, Ganapathi bhaiya, come with me
Devika took devika to the bedroom upstairs. Harilal sat there on the sofa and poured another drink.