Chapter 52

On Friday evening , Devika was all busy in arranging everything, so she can leave to Chaami’s place in early morning itself. Earlier today she had received a call from a disciple of chaami and informed her of the location of the puja.

It is a remote location in the forest area. Thats where chaami is and all the arrangement for the puja is done in a temple inside the forest. She was told to reach at a place she will be picked from there and will travel to this temple in the forest.

She has to reach the bus stand at 5 am in the morning, from where she will be picked and it is a 5 hour journey from there to chaami’s place. She was instructed to wear comfortable clothing, as they have to walk through the forest for 2 hours.

Devika called Vishnu and made sure he will come to pick her up early morning tomorrow. She packed extra pair of dress as they could only return back on Sunday. The puja is set to happen on Saturday night.

Devika took Adi to her parents house and dropped him there for one day. She lied to her parents by saying that she has a teachers training and would be coming back only on Sunday. After coming back home, she tried calling Venki one more time but without any success.

She was little surprised to see that Harilal has not contacted her after that incident with Ganapati. Whatever the reason she is okay with that. She wanted to complete this puja and she had full belief that after the puja is done, everything in her life would be okay and she could live happily with her family after that. Her belief in god is something no one could change.

After dinner, she went to puja room and prayed for half hour and asked god to be with her and family all the time. She went to bed early and even though she tried to sleep , she couldn't and all incidents happened on her life came to her mind one by one. And she could not believe how quickly her life changed, after joining this college. But she made her mind to believe, everything to become alright after tomorrow. She slowly drifted to sleep at some point in the night.

Vishnu and Devika reached the bus station at 5 am itself. Vishnu came to her house and left his bike there. And from there they took an Uber to reach the bus stand.

Devika was wearing a black churidar with red dupatta as she has to walk through the forest. She has taken a back pack with her to carry the extra clothes and other things.

Within 5 minutes after they reached the bus station. A jeep came and stopped infront of them. And the driver, while sitting inside itself spoke to them

Driver - are you devika?

Devika - yes

Driver - hi , my name is Rangan. I was sent by chaami

He was a dark middle aged guy with beard and mustache. There was big scar on his forehead.

Devika - okay, hello

He looked at Vishnu with doubtful eyes and Vishnu also stared back at him with no expression

Rangan - who is this boy?

Devika - This is Vishnu, he is coming with me

Rangan again looked at Vishnu from head to toe and signed both of them to get inside. Vishnu went and sat on the front seat. While Devika got to the backside of the jeep.

And soon they started their journey. Vishnu as he dont exactly know what is chaami’s plan, tried to engage in conversation with Rangan to understand what their plan. But Rangan did not speak much

Vishnu - So bhaiya, where exactly is the temple

Rangan - its far away

Vishnu - how long we have to travel

Rangan - 3 hours through road and 2 hours walking through forest

Vishnu - but what is the name of the place

Rangan - i dont know, i will leave you guys after the forest check post and there will be someone there to take you to the village in the forest

Vishnu again few other question but Rangan did not reply to those.

A little after 8 am , they crossed the forest check post and the forest area began from there. After traveling 5 kms, Rangan turned the jeep to a narrow mud road. Only one vehicle can go through that road. After going through that road for maybe 2 kms, they reached a dead end and it was thick forest in front of them.

The jeep came to full stop.

Rangan - you guys can get down here.

Vishnu and devika took their bag and got down from the jeep. Devika was little tensed seeing the dense forest and there were no houses nearby. She looked at Vishnu and he was equally worried

Vishnu - madam, are you still sure that you go there. We can still return back

Devika - no vishnu. I have to do this puja, that's my last hope. God will be there with me

Vishnu - okay

Soon they heard someone coming to them from inside the forest. They looked and saw it was a tribal man. He was wearing animal skin around his waist and was bare chested. He had a long bamboo stick on his right hand

Rangan - this is veerapa. He will take you to the village in the forest. He knows this forest by heart and will lead you. He is mute and he cannot speak. So follow him

Devika looked at veerapa, he smiled and folded his hand and greeted both vishnu and devika

Rangan - So i will meet you here at the same place tomorrow morning at this time. And will take you guys back to the city

Saying that Rangan , got into the jeep and drove off. Veerapa took devika’s bag on his shoulder and signed them to follow him and walked right into the dense forest.

Devika and Vishnu took a deep breath and followed Veerapa. Devika immersed in thoughts of completing the puja. While Vishnu, knew that he is walking right into the unknown trap set by cunning Chaami for devika. He has to be vigilant and save his beloved teacher at any cost and spoil chaami’s plan.

Walking through the forest was tough and tiring. It has been 1 hour since they started walking. They are only half way through. Devika was tired, due to the hot sun and walking continuously.

Soon they reached near a small stream.

Devika - im tired, lets sit here for sometime before continuing

Vishnu stopped, and asked veerappa to stop here for sometime.

Devika and vishnu sat near a rock and drank the water from their bottles

Vishnu - are you tired madam

Devika had sweated lot and was tired

Devika - yeah, its so hot and humid and we have walked a lot

Vishnu - yeah, drink water madam and relax for sometime.

Veerapa was in the water and washing his face and hands. He turned and signed vishnu and Devika to freshen using the water.

Vishnu went and checked the water , it was very cold

Vishnu - madam this water is very cold, it will make you relaxed.

Devika stood and walked near the stream, she tied the dupatta around her back and bend down to get some water in her hands and sprinkled to her face. She washed her face and hands wiped the sweat using her dupatta

Vishnu saw, veerapa was eyeing devika while she was washing her face. A small cleavage was visible while she was washing herself and veerapa did not miss the chance to see her.

He saw vishnu caught him and he quickly changed his gaze.

After sitting there for 10 minutes, they again continued their journey and walked through the dense forest non stop for another 1 hour.

Atlast around 11 am, they reached the village in the midst of the forest. Atlast devika was relieved that the journey is over and was able to meet some people.

Upon arrival, they were surrounded by children and other village people. There are around 15 huts in village and everyone was wearing traditional tribal clothes. Men were wearing either animal skin or white cloth around their waste and bare chested. While women was wearing a cloth over their shoulder to cover breast along with a small waist cloth reaching till their knees

Veerapa led them to a near by hut and asked them to relax. Both Vishnu and devika were so tired, they kept their bags and relaxed for a bit.

Soon after some time veerapa came with water and some fruits. And signed them to have it. They hadn't eaten since morning and both of them were starving.

After having food , devika felt more energy. They came outside the hut and Veerapa took them to show the village around. Devika was quite amused by the way these people live , completely away from the modern world. They were all greeted by the village people and everyone was very friendly to them.

Devika enquired to one of the woman about chaami, and she was informed that chaami is away and will be coming in evening. He has gone to make some arrangements for the puja.

They again relaxed for sometime, devika was mainly sitting in the hut chit chatting with ladies. While Vishnu was outside, trying to find any details about their plan for the puja. He knew Chaami was a clever and cunning person, who had eyes on devika’s beauty. He twice made devika naked with ease in the name of ritual and devika madam still believes this person.

He doesnt understand, how an educated woman like devika madam fall for these stupid rituals in the name of god. But today Vishnu has a major task. At any cost, he should not allow Chaami to succeed in his plans.

Vishnu tried to speak to few village people , but they knew nothing about the puja that is going to happen in the night.

It was around 1 pm and Veerapa came with lunch into the hut. It was rice and some vegetable curry. They had the food, the village food was delicious.

After lunch again they chit chatted for the next couple of hours with village people

Around 4 pm, few ladies came to the hut and the oldest lady who was around 80 year old or something spoke up. It seems she is the eldest lady in the village. Her name was Ratnamma.

Ratnamma - So this is our guest. Beti you look like a princess. You are so beautiful

Devika just smiled

Ratnamma - okay, so we have to get you ready for the puja.

Vishnu asked

Vishnu - how exactly is the puja

Ratnamma - beta, today is a special occasion as well. The village is celebrating the baha festival

Vishnu - what is that?

Ratnamma - beta, this is celebrated for the prosperity of the family, there are rituals. Married women will pray to get pregnant and also for the health and safety of their husband and family.

Vishnu - okay

Ratnamma - i know this beti is also here for the safety of the family. Thats why chaami asked to come today itself.

Vishnu - okay

Ratnamma - so come, beti we will get you ready. The festival will start shortly. And special puja for you is at the end of the festival. Beta, you can go with Veerapa , he will show you around and you can get freshen up

Saying that the ladies took devika madam to a separate area. Vishnu went with veerapa. Veerapa took him to a nearby lake and they both took a shower. Vishnu felt very relaxed after the bath. The traveling was so tiring and the bath in the cold water made him fresh and rejuvenated.

As Veerapa is mute, Vishnu’s plan to find out the intentions of chaami yielded no result.

After the shower, when vishnu was about to change to new tshirt and jeans he brought along with him, Veerapa stopped him. And gave Vishnu their traditional dress. And signed him to wear it.

It was a dress made out of tiger skin which had to be worn around the waist. Vishnu did not have any option as Veerapa insisted him to wear it. He was not allowed to wear underwear as well. As Vishnu did not have much say on it, he wore it and they went back to the village.

By the time they reached there, the village had slowly started to transform into a festival mood. People have erected lamp poles and there were village made decorations everywhere.

It was around 5:30 pm, when Vishnu noticed a group of people walking into the village from the forest. And in the midst of that group, vishnu easily recognised the ugly figure of Chaami.

When they reached the village, it did not take much time for Chaami to recognise Vishnu. Though chaami was not expecting Vishnu to be there and for a moment he was surprised. But quickly a vicious smile came to his face. He walked near to vishnu

Chaami - what a surprise, I was not expecting you here beta

Vishnu was quiet and had a very serious look on his face

Chaami - I did not know that you are going to accompany devika madam. So it's been so long since we have seen each other. How have you been beta. Where are your friends Rahim and Anand? Did they also come?

Vishnu - no

Chaami - so you are the only to accompany her

All the while he was speaking, chaami had an evil grin on his face. Chaami came close to vishnu and whispered in his ear

Chaami - so tell me kid, did you guys were able to enjoy her

Vishnu had a disgusted look on his face

Chaami - you look angry kid. What happened, still you have not touched her…hahaha. Poor boy

Vishnu - stop it

Chaami - dont worry, It's good that you are here kid. Today you will see your teacher standing nangi infront of chaami, hahaha

Vishnu - i say stop it, i will not let anything happen to devika madam.

Chaami - ohh, accha. So you came here as her savior. Wow. Beta, you cant do anything. Today is chaami’s day. I will enjoy her sexy body today. It has been a dream of mine since I met her. Today i will fulfill it. If you stay with me, i will let you also enjoy her. What do you say?

Vishnu - Fuck off. You will not touch her

Chaami - okay, let's see. If you try anything stupid. You will not go back from this village alive. This is chaami saying.

His eyes looked like wolf’s ready to hunt.

Chaami - anyways , welcome to our village and enjoy our hospitality

Then they heard laughing, cheering and hooting from a nearby hut. And soon a group of women exited the hut and in the midst was devika walking. And she looked like a tribal princess.

Chaami’s eyes brightened and widened seeing the heavenly beauty in front of him. Devika was wearing tribal attire. She was wearing a bright red color waist cloth tied around her waist and the thread chaami tied on her waist is visible. And another red cloth placed on her chest and worn like a pallu over her shoulder. Her breasts are free below that cloth.

The ladies did not allow her to wear underwear below the dress and she is naked below the tribal dress she was wearing. The waist cloth she was wearing barely reaches her knees.

She was also wearing a chain made out of shells around her neck and flower on her ears which enhanced beauty.

Devika was looking down in shyness as everyone's gaze was upon her.

Chaami leaving vishnu, walked near devika to greet her

Chaami - beti, nice to meet you again

Devika looked up and saw chaami. And soon the purpose of her visit again engulfed her mind and her eyes were tearful.

She folded her hands in front of chaami

Devika - pranam chaami, hope you can save my family

Chaami touched her forehead and said

Chaami - dont worry beti, after today’s puja, no evil can come near you or your family. Happiness, prosperity and peace will always be there with your family. I assure you. don't worry. Pray to god. And we can complete this puja with his grace.

Devika bent down and touched chaami’s feet for blessings. And during that time, those who were standing towards her left side was graced with the view of her hanging breasts through side of the cloth she was wearing.

Vishnu noticed few young adults standing there enjoying the view and saying something to each other.

Chaami then announced to everybody let the festival begin and said to devika

Chaami - first beti, the village will have a festival and after it is over. We will have the puja at midnight

Saying that chaami left. And whole village was in a festival mood

The celebration in the village has started. It is their annual festival for the prosperity of their family.

Everyone was sitting in a circle in the ground and in the center different tribal performances are happening. There were songs being sung, different dances being performed.

Devika was in no mood to enjoy those as her mind oftenly drifted to her problems, safety of her family and also thoughts regarding the puja, If her never ending problems will be solved after the puja. Devika was sitting along with ladies and men were sitting on the other side.

While they were sitting , everyone was having food and were drinking local alcohol as well. Even though Vishnu did not want to drink, they made him drink at least 2 glasses of locally distilled alcohol.

He felt a little high after that, but he was determined not to drink anymore as he still could not figure out what chaami had in plan for devika and he didn't even know how to stop him.

The celebration progressed and at one point when some ladies were dancing all of a sudden they came and pulled devika to get up and dance with them. Even though she refused, the ladies pulled her to the centre and she did not have any choice other than joining them.

Devika stood with the group and did not know the steps, so she simply clapped and tried to follow the ladies. Everyone in the crowd cheered for them.

Few males who was sitting behind vishnu and drinking, started discussing about devika which vishnu could clearly hear

They said, how her breasts were bouncing, the impression of her nipple, the bulge of her ass, her meaty thighs and her deep navel. They made nasty comments about devika.

At one point when it became intolerable, vishnu turned back and looked at them. They immediately stopped.

Soon the dance got over and devika sat among the group. She was extra careful not to get exposed.

Soon the celebration got over and now everyone moved towards a hut. There in front of the hut an arrangement has been made with a fireplace, a few bowls of water and other items for puja.

Now everyone sat in front of the hut patiently and soon chaami came out. He was wearing saffron dhothi like a swamiji.

He sat on a chair in front of the fireplace and started chanting mantras for the next 10 minutes and everyone repeated. It was only devika and Vishnu who did not have any clue on what was happening.

At the end of each mantra , he poured oil to the fire using a wooden spoon. Atlast chaami started speaking

Chaami - Pranam. We have come to the end of this year's baha festival. And now the only thing remaining is the most important part of the festival. That is giving blessing.

This is the ritual we have been following for years. And it is through this ritual, our village is having prosperity and God saves us from all illness, So our men our strong , they can work to feed the family, our children are healthy. And village becomes sustainable.

So as we know, the most important part of this ritual is our nursing mothers. They are the one who makes this village blessed. Its through them god is going to shower us with all the blessings.

So all the nursing mothers here, please come forward. Soon 4 ladies came and stood there in front of chaami.

Chaami waited for few seconds and called devika

Chaami - Devika beti

Devika who was sitting in the front responded

Devika - yes chaami

Chaami - beti, are you not a nursing mother?

Devika - yes…yes chaami

Chaami - then please come forward

Devika without knowing, what is about to happen stood up and came forward to join other mothers

Chaami also stood up

Chaami - Ladies, you are blessed to do this ritual. You are the chosen one to protect our village. Mothers are the direct reflection of god. You are going to share the blessing you have got, with our village people so all our brothers and sisters will be healthy and away from all illness.

As devika still was not clear what to do, asked chaami

Devika - chaami, what do i have to do

Chaami - beti, there is no better medicine than a mothers milk. So as per the ritual in this village, it is the duty of all nursing mothers to share their motherly medicine with other village people once an year, so our people will be immune to all evil things, demons and will stay healthy

Devika now understood ,that she would need to give her milk

Devika got worried

Devika - but how?

Chaami - beti , don't worry, you just have to pray. We have done this before right, it is the same process

Devika did not know what to do, she stood there looking at other women

Chaami looked at vishnu who was sitting at the crowd helplessly as he cannot do anything to stop their yearly ritual. Chaami smiled at vishnu. Vishnu turned his face other side.

Chaami then gave flowers to each woman standing in front of him and asked them to hold it over their head. They did it including devika.

All five women are standing in line next to each other. Chaami came with a bowl and stood in front of the first lady, farthest to devika.

He chanted mantras and asked her to tell a prayer through out the process. She started chanting prayer and in a moment chaami took the cloth she was wearing over her breast and dropped it down exposing her dark breast. He first sprinkled some water on her breast and then poured some oil to his hand. He then applied the oil all on her breast using his bare hands. And once it is done, he started milking her into the bowl. The lady was obediently standing there chanting the prayers while chaami’s rough hands milked her. The whole process took 10 minutes.

Chaami then moved to the next lady, the woman who was done, covered her breast and returned back to the crowd. It was all a normal process for village people. They were also praying while chaami openly molested each women in front of the crowd in the name of god.

Devika looked at all these with increasing heartbeat and anxiety.

And atlast, it was the turn of devika. Chaami came and stood infront of devika. Devika was slightly shivering.
Next page: Chapter 53
Previous page: Chapter 51