Chapter 53
Chaami - beti , relax. This is a divine process. You are doing a divine thing. And the oil im going to apply will help you with healthy milk and your baby will grow up strong. So please relax.
Devika - ok
Chaami - now chant this prayer through out the process
Devika noded and chaami taught her the prayer. Devika had her hands over her head holding the flowers and she started chanting the prayer.
Vishnu and all other villagers could only see her from behind. Vishnu watched in disbelief how chaami again cleverly succeeded in playing with devika’s innocent mind. And this time as well there is nothing he could do other than being a spectator.
Devika had her eyes closed while chanting the prayer and she felt chaami’s fingers on her shoulder slowly removing the cloth she was wearing. Soon she felt cold air on her naked breast.
Chaami seeing that devika had her eyes closed, looked at the beautiful sight of her naked breast from the light coming from the fireplace.
For the first time in the night he felt some movement inside his dhoti. Chaami thought her breasts and nipple have grown a little bigger from the last time he had seen it.
Chaami took some water and sprinkled it on her breast. Devika shivered when cold water hit her breasts. He then poured some herbal oil into his palm and then chanted some mantras and touched her round inviting tissue.
He first started from the top and worked his way down, enjoying the softness and warmth of her breast. Soon in the pretext of applying oil, he started softly squeezing her breast using his rough fingers.
He grabbed her pointy nipples and rolled in his fingers and applied oil in it. Devika had her eyes closed tightly chanting prayer while hoping the process will be over soon.
Chaami took extra time and made sure he touched every inch of her two breasts. Once he is fully satisfied , he released her breasts then took the empty bowl in his hand and kept it below her right nipple. Like an expert he again grabbed her erect nipple and started milking her. Warm milk started flowing out her breast into the bowl.
Devika felt little pain as chaami strongly held her nipples and milked her by pulling and twisting it. Chaami made sure to milk her to the last drop left. For devika the whole process took around 20 minutes.
Atlast chaami declared that he is done with this ritual. Devika felt her breasts are sore, she picked the cloth and covered her breasts and silently returned back to the crowd.
Chaami then took all the bowl and took a sip from each bowl tasting the milk he milked from everyone.
Chaami - this is the godly medicine which will bring our community to prosperity and unity. Everyone have it and share among yourself.
Saying that he passed all the bowls to the crowd sitting in front of them. And everyone had milk like a precious medicine. Vishnu also drank from one of the bowls.
Devika still felt pain in her breast from rough treatment from Chaami. She was anxiously waiting for the puja to begin. She wants to get it done with the puja as quickly as possible.
After everyone had the milk, everyone settled and sat back waiting for chaami.
Chaami - okay, now the last ritual and another important ritual before we conclude this year’s festival.
Everyone cheered
Chaami - so again this festival is also about our next generation. We have to make sure our community sustains forever. So we have to pray to god and ask them to bless our married people with babies, so our generation continues.
Chaami took another bowl and filled it with some water. He then raised the bowl to heaven and chanted prayers for a few minutes. After that he poured some medicinal leaves in the bowl and again chanted some prayers.
Chaami - this water is now blessed by god and will help our mothers to bear healthy children. All married ladies please come forward and stand in front of me
Devika was again confused, if she is included and needs to complete the ritual. As if chaami understood her dilemma, he announced
Chaami - devika beti, as you are here. You are also part of our community. Please come to the front.
Devika again without knowing what to expect, stood up, came forward and joined the line of 10 women this time.
Chaami came forward with the bowl and what happened next made Devika completely shocked. So as Vishnu
Chaami also had another object made out of stone and it resembled the structure of an erect penis. He dipped the stone in the holy water and then he asked the woman in front of him to stand with her legs spreaded, which she obediently did. Chaami then kneeled in front of the woman and brought the stone and inserted it in her pussy from below without actually raising her waist cloth. Then he chanted some prayers and took the stone out.
The woman was not exposed, as chaami just inserted the stone from below without raising the skirt. The whole process only took 1 minute but made devika totally shocked at the weird ritual.
It did not take much long, before devika could gather her thoughts chaami was in front of her with a smile.
Chaami - devika beti, i know you are little tensed. But believe me, this is blessed holy water by the god. And if you are planning to have another baby with your husband, this will make sure, you will have easy pregnancy without any complication and to have healthy baby.
Devika did not know what to tell. A part of her wanted to refuse chaami, but another part of her do not want to disappoint chaami as he is the only one who can save her family through the puja.
Chaami - okay beti, are you ready
Devika just nodded
Chaami - when the god bless you the mother in you with this sacred stone, please chant this prayer
Chaami taught her a prayer and after that he dipped the stone into the water. The water looked like a lubricant so the stone can be easily inserted without any pain.
Chaami knelt down in front of devika
Chaami - beti, keep your feets apart.
Devika with some reluctance did it. Vishnu from the crowd only can see her from behind. His heart was also equally raised like Devika's. He could see chaami bringing the erect stone lund in the gap created between her legs.
From below chaami took the stone inside her skirt. Vishnu saw devika jolting as the tip of the stone touched her pussy.
Devika shivered and closed her eyes. Chaami rubbed the stone on her pussy up and down few times
Chaami - beti, stay steady and tell me when it touches the opening
Chaami again rubbed it on her pussy trying to find the opening. Then he heard feeble sound from devika and he immediately pushed it up and the sacred stone entered devika's sacred pussy. Devika gasped for air as the stone entered her choot. It felt rough and huge inside her.
With another push, chaami entered almost the entire stone in her pussy. Devika held chaami’s shoulder for support.
Chaami - beti chant the prayer
Devika had hard time chanting the prayer as chaami started the up and down motion with stone in her pussy. This continued for 1 minute until devika finished with the prayers. Atlast chaami took out the stone and got up from his kneeling position.
He then kept his palm on her forehead
Chaami - god bless you always dear.
Devika quietly returned back to the crowd after getting stone fucked.
Soon the celebration and the festival was over. Chaami declared all the rituals are over and dispersed the gathering. And all the village people went back to their own huts. It was around 9 pm.
Devika and vishnu was still remaining there waiting for chaami to speak
Chaami - beti, now it's time to do the puja for your family.
Devika - is it here we are doing?
Chaami - no beti, my beloved disciples have made all the arrangement in our tribal temple
Lets go there
Devika - should i carry anything or can i change my dress
Chaami - no beti, there you can come like this. There are certain things we should follow, while inside the temple. I will tell you. So please come like this. And follow me.
Saying that he started walking into the forest with a fire lamp. Devika and vishnu looked at each other. Vishnu wanted to stop her, but before he could say something, devika started walking following chaami.
Vishnu did not have any option, so walked along with devika. He does not even have a clue on how to stop this fake puja of chaami. There is no reason, devika would believe him. The only way to make her believe that chaami is a fraud, is by telling the truth. That it was their idea to bring chaami to her life, so they could watch her in skimpy clothes during the college trip. But if vishnu tell that, devika will loose all her trust in him and Vishnu will loose devika.
Vishnu prayed to god to show him some other way to stop chaami’s evil plans.
They walked through the dense forest for 15 minutes, before they reached a very old ancient temple made from rock and stones. The temple is well lit with fire lamps and other lanterns. There are around 15 people there, all males, well built and wearing saffron coloured dhothi but bare chested.
When they saw chaami, they all bowed down with respect, folding their hands.
Chaami - come beti, we have reached. These are my beloved disciples.They are assisting me in the puja. They made all the preparations.
Devika folded her hands and greeted everyone with a smile.
Chaami then went and spoke with few of his assistants, while vishnu looked around and assessed the surroundings. This temple is in the middle of the forest and they could hear a river running near them. There is a big hut near to the temple and there are 4 people standing in front of it, as if they are guarding it.
Vishnu also noted a tree house near to that hut and there is a guy standing there as well. Vishnu felt something mischievous and suspicious about the whole place.
By that time, chaami came back from the discussion.
Chaami - beti, the time now is 15 past nine. So we have to make sure, the puja will be completed before midnight. Then only this will be successful.
Devika carefully listened to chaami.
Chaami - beti , as I said over the phone. The god is angry upon your family for the sin your husband did.
Vishnu questioned him
Vishnu - what sin?
Chaami looked sternly at vishnu and continued
Chaami - He killed an innocent person
Devika - but, chaami. He did not do that purposefully. It was an accident.
Chaami - beti , whatever it is. That poor soul has not got moksha and is angry with your family. He will haunt your family, until his soul gets moksha. Your husband, child, anyone close to you will be in danger. The only way to get yourself saved is by giving this soul moksha from this earth and send him to heaven.
Vishnu - what nonsense, who believes these things in this century
Chaami - beta, as you are close to beti, even your life is in danger. That means even you can get killed
Vishnu - i don't believe this stupidity. Madam lets go back
Chaami suppressed his anger to vishnu and spoke calmly
Chaami - beti, you are free to go. It is not me who called for help. Beti, if we are not able to complete this puja before midnight. The soul will become powerful and no one can stop it, that means someone dear to you will get killed.
Chaami repeated the last sentence once again, this time looking directly at the eyes of Vishnu.
Chaami - I promise, someone will die, if this puja cannot be completed before midnight.
This time Vishnu also got scared, looking at the eyes of Chaami. He understood that chaami indirectly threatened to kill him if he interferes with the puja.
Devika - no vishnu, stop talking nonsense. I took you along with me to help me. I dont want to put my family in any danger. If you want and dont believe, you can leave
Vishnu understood that devika is blindly believing chaami and no one in the world could change her mind. Vishnu don't have a clue about what to do now. He looked at chaami and he had a evil victorious smile on his face.
Chaami - beti, we don't have much time to waste. We have to start the puja. Right away
Devika - yes.
Chaami - okay, so beti. Before you can enter the temple, you have to make sure, that you have cleansed you mind and body. This is done by taking a dip in the holy river. This river is considered as sacred and taking a dip will wash away all your sins so far. So your mind and body is pure.
Chaami called one of his follower
Chaami - he will take you to the river. And beti, make sure you take a complete dip.
Devika nodded and walked along with one of Chaami's guy. Vishnu was also about to go with devika, but chaami stopped him
Chaami - beta , let them go. You also have some duty.
Chaami made sure devika is out of sight and he immediately turned to vishnu and before he could react, chaami’s heavy hands were on his throat and he was pushed and pinned against a tree. Vishnu struggled to breath, even though chaami was old, but he was very strong. Vishnu tried to escape from his clutches in vain.
Chaami - Fucker, if you have any plans to interfere in my business, you will not leave from here alive. Your body wont even be found by anyone. Im going to fuck your fucking sexy teacher tonight, right in front of your eyes. Do you fucking understand it.
One of chaami’s assistants came forward and gave a heavy punch to his stomach. And Vishnu fell to his knees in pain.
Chaami - take him inside there and show him, who really we are .
They dragged him through the ground to that big hut, which was guarded by his henchmen. They took him inside and threw him to the floor. It took him a moment to adjust his eyes and see the inside of that big house.
And that’s when Vishnu realized that both Devika and him have walked into the den of a hardcore criminal. When he realized the magnitude of that, it weakened him.
He saw the house is stocked with guns, elephant ivory, animal skins, sandalwoods everywhere. It is the storehouse of all the criminal activities of chaami. He slowly understood that they are in big trouble and chaami is a notorious poacher , smuggler and gang leader.
When vishnu tried to get up, he was kicked from behind and he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the wall. Soon he felt his vision gets blurred and soon he passed out.
Soon the celebration and the festival was over. Chaami declared all the rituals are over and dispersed the gathering. And all the village people went back to their own huts. It was around 9 pm.
Devika and vishnu was still remaining there waiting for chaami to speak
Chaami - beti, now it's time to do the puja for your family.
Devika - is it here we are doing?
Chaami - no beti, my beloved disciples have made all the arrangement in our tribal temple
Lets go there
Devika - should i carry anything or can i change my dress
Chaami - no beti, there you can come like this. There are certain things we should follow, while inside the temple. I will tell you. So please come like this. And follow me.
Saying that he started walking into the forest with a fire lamp. Devika and vishnu looked at each other. Vishnu wanted to stop her, but before he could say something, devika started walking following chaami.
Vishnu did not have any option, so walked along with devika. He does not even have a clue on how to stop this fake puja of chaami. There is no reason, devika would believe him. The only way to make her believe that chaami is a fraud, is by telling the truth. That it was their idea to bring chaami to her life, so they could watch her in skimpy clothes during the college trip. But if vishnu tell that, devika will loose all her trust in him and Vishnu will loose devika.
Vishnu prayed to god to show him some other way to stop chaami’s evil plans.
They walked through the dense forest for 15 minutes, before they reached a very old ancient temple made from rock and stones. The temple is well lit with fire lamps and other lanterns. There are around 15 people there, all males, well built and wearing saffron coloured dhothi but bare chested.
When they saw chaami, they all bowed down with respect, folding their hands.
Chaami - come beti, we have reached. These are my beloved disciples.They are assisting me in the puja. They made all the preparations.
Devika folded her hands and greeted everyone with a smile.
Chaami then went and spoke with few of his assistants, while vishnu looked around and assessed the surroundings. This temple is in the middle of the forest and they could hear a river running near them. There is a big hut near to the temple and there are 4 people standing in front of it, as if they are guarding it.
Vishnu also noted a tree house near to that hut and there is a guy standing there as well. Vishnu felt something mischievous and suspicious about the whole place.
By that time, chaami came back from the discussion.
Chaami - beti, the time now is 15 past nine. So we have to make sure, the puja will be completed before midnight. Then only this will be successful.
Devika carefully listened to chaami.
Chaami - beti , as I said over the phone. The god is angry upon your family for the sin your husband did.
Vishnu questioned him
Vishnu - what sin?
Chaami looked sternly at vishnu and continued
Chaami - He killed an innocent person
Devika - but, chaami. He did not do that purposefully. It was an accident.
Chaami - beti , whatever it is. That poor soul has not got moksha and is angry with your family. He will haunt your family, until his soul gets moksha. Your husband, child, anyone close to you will be in danger. The only way to get yourself saved is by giving this soul moksha from this earth and send him to heaven.
Vishnu - what nonsense, who believes these things in this century
Chaami - beta, as you are close to beti, even your life is in danger. That means even you can get killed
Vishnu - i don't believe this stupidity. Madam lets go back
Chaami suppressed his anger to vishnu and spoke calmly
Chaami - beti, you are free to go. It is not me who called for help. Beti, if we are not able to complete this puja before midnight. The soul will become powerful and no one can stop it, that means someone dear to you will get killed.
Chaami repeated the last sentence once again, this time looking directly at the eyes of Vishnu.
Chaami - I promise, someone will die, if this puja cannot be completed before midnight.
This time Vishnu also got scared, looking at the eyes of Chaami. He understood that chaami indirectly threatened to kill him if he interferes with the puja.
Devika - no vishnu, stop talking nonsense. I took you along with me to help me. I dont want to put my family in any danger. If you want and dont believe, you can leave
Vishnu understood that devika is blindly believing chaami and no one in the world could change her mind. Vishnu don't have a clue about what to do now. He looked at chaami and he had a evil victorious smile on his face.
Chaami - beti, we don't have much time to waste. We have to start the puja. Right away
Devika - yes.
Chaami - okay, so beti. Before you can enter the temple, you have to make sure, that you have cleansed you mind and body. This is done by taking a dip in the holy river. This river is considered as sacred and taking a dip will wash away all your sins so far. So your mind and body is pure.
Chaami called one of his follower
Chaami - he will take you to the river. And beti, make sure you take a complete dip.
Devika nodded and walked along with one of Chaami's guy. Vishnu was also about to go with devika, but chaami stopped him
Chaami - beta , let them go. You also have some duty.
Chaami made sure devika is out of sight and he immediately turned to vishnu and before he could react, chaami’s heavy hands were on his throat and he was pushed and pinned against a tree. Vishnu struggled to breath, even though chaami was old, but he was very strong. Vishnu tried to escape from his clutches in vain.
Chaami - Fucker, if you have any plans to interfere in my business, you will not leave from here alive. Your body wont even be found by anyone. Im going to fuck your fucking sexy teacher tonight, right in front of your eyes. Do you fucking understand it.
Devika - ok
Chaami - now chant this prayer through out the process
Devika noded and chaami taught her the prayer. Devika had her hands over her head holding the flowers and she started chanting the prayer.
Vishnu and all other villagers could only see her from behind. Vishnu watched in disbelief how chaami again cleverly succeeded in playing with devika’s innocent mind. And this time as well there is nothing he could do other than being a spectator.
Devika had her eyes closed while chanting the prayer and she felt chaami’s fingers on her shoulder slowly removing the cloth she was wearing. Soon she felt cold air on her naked breast.
Chaami seeing that devika had her eyes closed, looked at the beautiful sight of her naked breast from the light coming from the fireplace.
For the first time in the night he felt some movement inside his dhoti. Chaami thought her breasts and nipple have grown a little bigger from the last time he had seen it.
Chaami took some water and sprinkled it on her breast. Devika shivered when cold water hit her breasts. He then poured some herbal oil into his palm and then chanted some mantras and touched her round inviting tissue.
He first started from the top and worked his way down, enjoying the softness and warmth of her breast. Soon in the pretext of applying oil, he started softly squeezing her breast using his rough fingers.
He grabbed her pointy nipples and rolled in his fingers and applied oil in it. Devika had her eyes closed tightly chanting prayer while hoping the process will be over soon.
Chaami took extra time and made sure he touched every inch of her two breasts. Once he is fully satisfied , he released her breasts then took the empty bowl in his hand and kept it below her right nipple. Like an expert he again grabbed her erect nipple and started milking her. Warm milk started flowing out her breast into the bowl.
Devika felt little pain as chaami strongly held her nipples and milked her by pulling and twisting it. Chaami made sure to milk her to the last drop left. For devika the whole process took around 20 minutes.
Atlast chaami declared that he is done with this ritual. Devika felt her breasts are sore, she picked the cloth and covered her breasts and silently returned back to the crowd.
Chaami then took all the bowl and took a sip from each bowl tasting the milk he milked from everyone.
Chaami - this is the godly medicine which will bring our community to prosperity and unity. Everyone have it and share among yourself.
Saying that he passed all the bowls to the crowd sitting in front of them. And everyone had milk like a precious medicine. Vishnu also drank from one of the bowls.
Devika still felt pain in her breast from rough treatment from Chaami. She was anxiously waiting for the puja to begin. She wants to get it done with the puja as quickly as possible.
After everyone had the milk, everyone settled and sat back waiting for chaami.
Chaami - okay, now the last ritual and another important ritual before we conclude this year’s festival.
Everyone cheered
Chaami - so again this festival is also about our next generation. We have to make sure our community sustains forever. So we have to pray to god and ask them to bless our married people with babies, so our generation continues.
Chaami took another bowl and filled it with some water. He then raised the bowl to heaven and chanted prayers for a few minutes. After that he poured some medicinal leaves in the bowl and again chanted some prayers.
Chaami - this water is now blessed by god and will help our mothers to bear healthy children. All married ladies please come forward and stand in front of me
Devika was again confused, if she is included and needs to complete the ritual. As if chaami understood her dilemma, he announced
Chaami - devika beti, as you are here. You are also part of our community. Please come to the front.
Devika again without knowing what to expect, stood up, came forward and joined the line of 10 women this time.
Chaami came forward with the bowl and what happened next made Devika completely shocked. So as Vishnu
Chaami also had another object made out of stone and it resembled the structure of an erect penis. He dipped the stone in the holy water and then he asked the woman in front of him to stand with her legs spreaded, which she obediently did. Chaami then kneeled in front of the woman and brought the stone and inserted it in her pussy from below without actually raising her waist cloth. Then he chanted some prayers and took the stone out.
The woman was not exposed, as chaami just inserted the stone from below without raising the skirt. The whole process only took 1 minute but made devika totally shocked at the weird ritual.
It did not take much long, before devika could gather her thoughts chaami was in front of her with a smile.
Chaami - devika beti, i know you are little tensed. But believe me, this is blessed holy water by the god. And if you are planning to have another baby with your husband, this will make sure, you will have easy pregnancy without any complication and to have healthy baby.
Devika did not know what to tell. A part of her wanted to refuse chaami, but another part of her do not want to disappoint chaami as he is the only one who can save her family through the puja.
Chaami - okay beti, are you ready
Devika just nodded
Chaami - when the god bless you the mother in you with this sacred stone, please chant this prayer
Chaami taught her a prayer and after that he dipped the stone into the water. The water looked like a lubricant so the stone can be easily inserted without any pain.
Chaami knelt down in front of devika
Chaami - beti, keep your feets apart.
Devika with some reluctance did it. Vishnu from the crowd only can see her from behind. His heart was also equally raised like Devika's. He could see chaami bringing the erect stone lund in the gap created between her legs.
From below chaami took the stone inside her skirt. Vishnu saw devika jolting as the tip of the stone touched her pussy.
Devika shivered and closed her eyes. Chaami rubbed the stone on her pussy up and down few times
Chaami - beti, stay steady and tell me when it touches the opening
Chaami again rubbed it on her pussy trying to find the opening. Then he heard feeble sound from devika and he immediately pushed it up and the sacred stone entered devika's sacred pussy. Devika gasped for air as the stone entered her choot. It felt rough and huge inside her.
With another push, chaami entered almost the entire stone in her pussy. Devika held chaami’s shoulder for support.
Chaami - beti chant the prayer
Devika had hard time chanting the prayer as chaami started the up and down motion with stone in her pussy. This continued for 1 minute until devika finished with the prayers. Atlast chaami took out the stone and got up from his kneeling position.
He then kept his palm on her forehead
Chaami - god bless you always dear.
Devika quietly returned back to the crowd after getting stone fucked.
Soon the celebration and the festival was over. Chaami declared all the rituals are over and dispersed the gathering. And all the village people went back to their own huts. It was around 9 pm.
Devika and vishnu was still remaining there waiting for chaami to speak
Chaami - beti, now it's time to do the puja for your family.
Devika - is it here we are doing?
Chaami - no beti, my beloved disciples have made all the arrangement in our tribal temple
Lets go there
Devika - should i carry anything or can i change my dress
Chaami - no beti, there you can come like this. There are certain things we should follow, while inside the temple. I will tell you. So please come like this. And follow me.
Saying that he started walking into the forest with a fire lamp. Devika and vishnu looked at each other. Vishnu wanted to stop her, but before he could say something, devika started walking following chaami.
Vishnu did not have any option, so walked along with devika. He does not even have a clue on how to stop this fake puja of chaami. There is no reason, devika would believe him. The only way to make her believe that chaami is a fraud, is by telling the truth. That it was their idea to bring chaami to her life, so they could watch her in skimpy clothes during the college trip. But if vishnu tell that, devika will loose all her trust in him and Vishnu will loose devika.
Vishnu prayed to god to show him some other way to stop chaami’s evil plans.
They walked through the dense forest for 15 minutes, before they reached a very old ancient temple made from rock and stones. The temple is well lit with fire lamps and other lanterns. There are around 15 people there, all males, well built and wearing saffron coloured dhothi but bare chested.
When they saw chaami, they all bowed down with respect, folding their hands.
Chaami - come beti, we have reached. These are my beloved disciples.They are assisting me in the puja. They made all the preparations.
Devika folded her hands and greeted everyone with a smile.
Chaami then went and spoke with few of his assistants, while vishnu looked around and assessed the surroundings. This temple is in the middle of the forest and they could hear a river running near them. There is a big hut near to the temple and there are 4 people standing in front of it, as if they are guarding it.
Vishnu also noted a tree house near to that hut and there is a guy standing there as well. Vishnu felt something mischievous and suspicious about the whole place.
By that time, chaami came back from the discussion.
Chaami - beti, the time now is 15 past nine. So we have to make sure, the puja will be completed before midnight. Then only this will be successful.
Devika carefully listened to chaami.
Chaami - beti , as I said over the phone. The god is angry upon your family for the sin your husband did.
Vishnu questioned him
Vishnu - what sin?
Chaami looked sternly at vishnu and continued
Chaami - He killed an innocent person
Devika - but, chaami. He did not do that purposefully. It was an accident.
Chaami - beti , whatever it is. That poor soul has not got moksha and is angry with your family. He will haunt your family, until his soul gets moksha. Your husband, child, anyone close to you will be in danger. The only way to get yourself saved is by giving this soul moksha from this earth and send him to heaven.
Vishnu - what nonsense, who believes these things in this century
Chaami - beta, as you are close to beti, even your life is in danger. That means even you can get killed
Vishnu - i don't believe this stupidity. Madam lets go back
Chaami suppressed his anger to vishnu and spoke calmly
Chaami - beti, you are free to go. It is not me who called for help. Beti, if we are not able to complete this puja before midnight. The soul will become powerful and no one can stop it, that means someone dear to you will get killed.
Chaami repeated the last sentence once again, this time looking directly at the eyes of Vishnu.
Chaami - I promise, someone will die, if this puja cannot be completed before midnight.
This time Vishnu also got scared, looking at the eyes of Chaami. He understood that chaami indirectly threatened to kill him if he interferes with the puja.
Devika - no vishnu, stop talking nonsense. I took you along with me to help me. I dont want to put my family in any danger. If you want and dont believe, you can leave
Vishnu understood that devika is blindly believing chaami and no one in the world could change her mind. Vishnu don't have a clue about what to do now. He looked at chaami and he had a evil victorious smile on his face.
Chaami - beti, we don't have much time to waste. We have to start the puja. Right away
Devika - yes.
Chaami - okay, so beti. Before you can enter the temple, you have to make sure, that you have cleansed you mind and body. This is done by taking a dip in the holy river. This river is considered as sacred and taking a dip will wash away all your sins so far. So your mind and body is pure.
Chaami called one of his follower
Chaami - he will take you to the river. And beti, make sure you take a complete dip.
Devika nodded and walked along with one of Chaami's guy. Vishnu was also about to go with devika, but chaami stopped him
Chaami - beta , let them go. You also have some duty.
Chaami made sure devika is out of sight and he immediately turned to vishnu and before he could react, chaami’s heavy hands were on his throat and he was pushed and pinned against a tree. Vishnu struggled to breath, even though chaami was old, but he was very strong. Vishnu tried to escape from his clutches in vain.
Chaami - Fucker, if you have any plans to interfere in my business, you will not leave from here alive. Your body wont even be found by anyone. Im going to fuck your fucking sexy teacher tonight, right in front of your eyes. Do you fucking understand it.
One of chaami’s assistants came forward and gave a heavy punch to his stomach. And Vishnu fell to his knees in pain.
Chaami - take him inside there and show him, who really we are .
They dragged him through the ground to that big hut, which was guarded by his henchmen. They took him inside and threw him to the floor. It took him a moment to adjust his eyes and see the inside of that big house.
And that’s when Vishnu realized that both Devika and him have walked into the den of a hardcore criminal. When he realized the magnitude of that, it weakened him.
He saw the house is stocked with guns, elephant ivory, animal skins, sandalwoods everywhere. It is the storehouse of all the criminal activities of chaami. He slowly understood that they are in big trouble and chaami is a notorious poacher , smuggler and gang leader.
When vishnu tried to get up, he was kicked from behind and he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the wall. Soon he felt his vision gets blurred and soon he passed out.
Soon the celebration and the festival was over. Chaami declared all the rituals are over and dispersed the gathering. And all the village people went back to their own huts. It was around 9 pm.
Devika and vishnu was still remaining there waiting for chaami to speak
Chaami - beti, now it's time to do the puja for your family.
Devika - is it here we are doing?
Chaami - no beti, my beloved disciples have made all the arrangement in our tribal temple
Lets go there
Devika - should i carry anything or can i change my dress
Chaami - no beti, there you can come like this. There are certain things we should follow, while inside the temple. I will tell you. So please come like this. And follow me.
Saying that he started walking into the forest with a fire lamp. Devika and vishnu looked at each other. Vishnu wanted to stop her, but before he could say something, devika started walking following chaami.
Vishnu did not have any option, so walked along with devika. He does not even have a clue on how to stop this fake puja of chaami. There is no reason, devika would believe him. The only way to make her believe that chaami is a fraud, is by telling the truth. That it was their idea to bring chaami to her life, so they could watch her in skimpy clothes during the college trip. But if vishnu tell that, devika will loose all her trust in him and Vishnu will loose devika.
Vishnu prayed to god to show him some other way to stop chaami’s evil plans.
They walked through the dense forest for 15 minutes, before they reached a very old ancient temple made from rock and stones. The temple is well lit with fire lamps and other lanterns. There are around 15 people there, all males, well built and wearing saffron coloured dhothi but bare chested.
When they saw chaami, they all bowed down with respect, folding their hands.
Chaami - come beti, we have reached. These are my beloved disciples.They are assisting me in the puja. They made all the preparations.
Devika folded her hands and greeted everyone with a smile.
Chaami then went and spoke with few of his assistants, while vishnu looked around and assessed the surroundings. This temple is in the middle of the forest and they could hear a river running near them. There is a big hut near to the temple and there are 4 people standing in front of it, as if they are guarding it.
Vishnu also noted a tree house near to that hut and there is a guy standing there as well. Vishnu felt something mischievous and suspicious about the whole place.
By that time, chaami came back from the discussion.
Chaami - beti, the time now is 15 past nine. So we have to make sure, the puja will be completed before midnight. Then only this will be successful.
Devika carefully listened to chaami.
Chaami - beti , as I said over the phone. The god is angry upon your family for the sin your husband did.
Vishnu questioned him
Vishnu - what sin?
Chaami looked sternly at vishnu and continued
Chaami - He killed an innocent person
Devika - but, chaami. He did not do that purposefully. It was an accident.
Chaami - beti , whatever it is. That poor soul has not got moksha and is angry with your family. He will haunt your family, until his soul gets moksha. Your husband, child, anyone close to you will be in danger. The only way to get yourself saved is by giving this soul moksha from this earth and send him to heaven.
Vishnu - what nonsense, who believes these things in this century
Chaami - beta, as you are close to beti, even your life is in danger. That means even you can get killed
Vishnu - i don't believe this stupidity. Madam lets go back
Chaami suppressed his anger to vishnu and spoke calmly
Chaami - beti, you are free to go. It is not me who called for help. Beti, if we are not able to complete this puja before midnight. The soul will become powerful and no one can stop it, that means someone dear to you will get killed.
Chaami repeated the last sentence once again, this time looking directly at the eyes of Vishnu.
Chaami - I promise, someone will die, if this puja cannot be completed before midnight.
This time Vishnu also got scared, looking at the eyes of Chaami. He understood that chaami indirectly threatened to kill him if he interferes with the puja.
Devika - no vishnu, stop talking nonsense. I took you along with me to help me. I dont want to put my family in any danger. If you want and dont believe, you can leave
Vishnu understood that devika is blindly believing chaami and no one in the world could change her mind. Vishnu don't have a clue about what to do now. He looked at chaami and he had a evil victorious smile on his face.
Chaami - beti, we don't have much time to waste. We have to start the puja. Right away
Devika - yes.
Chaami - okay, so beti. Before you can enter the temple, you have to make sure, that you have cleansed you mind and body. This is done by taking a dip in the holy river. This river is considered as sacred and taking a dip will wash away all your sins so far. So your mind and body is pure.
Chaami called one of his follower
Chaami - he will take you to the river. And beti, make sure you take a complete dip.
Devika nodded and walked along with one of Chaami's guy. Vishnu was also about to go with devika, but chaami stopped him
Chaami - beta , let them go. You also have some duty.
Chaami made sure devika is out of sight and he immediately turned to vishnu and before he could react, chaami’s heavy hands were on his throat and he was pushed and pinned against a tree. Vishnu struggled to breath, even though chaami was old, but he was very strong. Vishnu tried to escape from his clutches in vain.
Chaami - Fucker, if you have any plans to interfere in my business, you will not leave from here alive. Your body wont even be found by anyone. Im going to fuck your fucking sexy teacher tonight, right in front of your eyes. Do you fucking understand it.