Chapter 54
One of chaami’s assistants came forward and gave a heavy punch to his stomach. And Vishnu fell to his knees in pain.
Chaami - take him inside there and show him, who really we are .
They dragged him through the ground to that big hut, which was guarded by his henchmen. They took him inside and threw him to the floor. It took him a moment to adjust his eyes and see the inside of that big house.
And that’s when Vishnu realized that both Devika and him have walked into the den of a hardcore criminal. When he realized the magnitude of that, it weakened him.
He saw the house is stocked with guns, elephant ivory, animal skins, sandalwoods everywhere. It is the storehouse of all the criminal activities of chaami. He slowly understood that they are in big trouble and chaami is a notorious poacher , smuggler and gang leader.
When vishnu tried to get up, he was kicked from behind and he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the wall. Soon he felt his vision gets blurred and soon he passed out.
Devika came back along with one of the chaami’s assistant from the river, after taking a dip. The whole place has been arranged to do the puja. The temple is well lit by the fire lamp. Inside the temple there is a fire pit arranged for doing the homam right infront of the deity.
Devika was shivering after the dip in the cold water. Her skin is glistening from water and her clothes are clinging to her slender body.
She stood near a fire lamp to get some warmth, that is when she noted, Vishnu is nowhere to be seen. She asked Chaami, when he came near to her
Devika - Where is Vishnu?
Chaami - Beti, He is okay, he had to get back to the village for some treatment
Devika - what happened to him?
Chaami - oh , nothing beti, its just a small accident. While he was picking up one of the fire lamp, the hot oil got spilled to his hand. And he got little burn.
Devika - oh no, is he okay
Chaami - yes, beti. He is totaly fine. It is just small burn, he went to the village to get some treatment from the village vaidya. And he will come back soon
Devika - oh im so worried, can i go and see him
Chaami - believe me he is alright. He will get some first aid and come back. Beti, you have to concentrate on puja. And we dont have much time to complete.
Devika - okay chaami
Chaami guided her to the temple for puja. And in the hut nearby, Vishnu gained consciousness, but he was tied and his mouth was tied with a cloth. He could not even move. His head is paining and there are 2 people guarding the front door. He noticed through the window of the hut, devika talking to chaami. From the position he is, he can clearly see them and the place the puja is going to happen.
But he cant move or shout to alert devika madam. She cannot see the inside of the hut as it is dark there. He tried to untie the ropes on his hand without success.
Devika and Chaami reached the entrance of the temple, where he stopped and took off the saffron shawl he was wearing over his shoulder. He then bowed in front of the diety.
He then turned to devika and told
Chaami - Beti, to enter inside the temple. You have to take off your top cloth. Thats the custom here to show the respect to the God. Because we human beings are nothing infront of him. We have to show our respect to the deity. Thats the tradition and custom we have to follow
Devika was in shock and speechless. She just simply stared at chaami, without knowing what to say. Hundred things went through her mind in split of a second. She is the only woman there along with atleast 15 men.
Vishnu also was not there for her help and comfort.
Chaami - Beti , I know, what you are thinking. This is holy place and all of them here are swamiji’s who are naishtika brahmacharis. They dont see difference in male and female. They only see soul. We are not slaves to any human carnal feelings. So Beti, you dont have to worry about anything. And there should not be any inhibitions in front of God.
Saying that chaami, walked inside the temple and sat infront of the fire pit for the puja.
Devika stood there still anxious and thinking
Chaami - Beti , please come and sit infront of the Homa kunda. We dont have much time and your family is in danger beti
The thought of family and the danger they are in , made devika act. She raised her hand and moved to her shoulder. She lifted the cloth she was wearing over her left shoulder and dropped it to the ground.
There she is, the most beautiful woman, standing topless infront of Chaami for one another time. Chaami heart danced with joy, as he was able to make her topless successfully again through his mastermind. But nothing showed on his face. His faced looked calm and had a blank expression.
Devika slowly walked inside the temple in small steps. She looked like a jungle princess. She was just wearing a red waist cloth and a chain made of shells around her neck. Her breast jiggled with each steps. All the swami’s there feasted on her round naked juicy breasts. The lights from the fire and lamps made her appear even sexier. Her nipples are pointing out, due to the dip she took in the cold water.
She walked and sat infront of the fire pit, directly across chaami.
There are two other helpers inside the temple for chaami, but others were standing outside.
Soon the homam started and chaami started chanting mantra’s and pouring offerings to agni kunda. Everyone repeated the prayers. Soon devika felt little comfortable sitting there topless chanting prayers as her concentration moved to puja and also warmth from the fire made her cold dissappear.
The chanting of prayers and mantras continued for next 30 minutes. Vishnu watched helplessly through the window, all the events unfolding. He felt angry and pity on him , not being able to help devika and save her from the clutches of devil chaami.
Around 10:30, Chaami stopped chanting the prayers and spoke to devika
Chaami - Beti, the initial phase of the puja is over. Now next is the most important part. As i told, we have to set the soul of this innocent person who got killed free, so the athma get moksha and leaves your family.
Devika - Ji Chaami.
Chaami - So we have to bring the soul who is restless and having vengeance upon your family here and speak with that athma to know, what is stopping him to leave from this earth and travel peacefully to heaven. Also understand what we have to do to leave your family alone.
Devika - yes chaami.
Chaami - beti, you have to understand, this is going to be very dangerous. Once we start, there is no turning back. Because Im going to bring here a very powerful soul, who is looking to hurt your family. I would need your full cooperation, and we cannot stop in between after we start. And thats the only way to save your family. Do you understand?
Devika - Yes chaami. I totally understand the risk. I want to save my husband and child, even if that causes my life.
Chaami - you will be safe beti, that's why I'm here. But Beti, you should understand this soul might get angry and try to attack you when it sees you. But beti you should not worry, you should concentrate on completing the puja before the soul gets too powerful beyond our control by midnight.
Devika - yes, chaami. I understand.
Chaami - okay
Chaami then called one of his assistant to come and sit to the right side of the fire pit. A young boy around 20 years old came and sat.
Two other more stronger men also came and sat on both sides of the boy.
Chaami - beti, im going to do the avaahana process and bring the soul here to this boy’s body.
Chaami pointed to the boy who was sitting in the middle of 2 well built guys.
Chaami - Once the soul enters the body of him. Then we would be able to communicate and understand what he actually wants. And if we are able to fulfill whatever thats is stopping him from leaving the earth. Then we would be able to give him moksha
Devika nodded. She is now little tensed on what is happening. She thought chaami would be able save her with just a puja. But now this is beyond that and little scary for her. But she was determined to save her family at any cost.
Again Chaami started chanting mantras and began the aavahan process. And little after 10 minutes, devika noted a small breeze started coming, which soon turned to a wind. Chaami is now shouting the mantra with more energy. The pace of the wind started growing stronger.
The leaves flew in the air and nearby trees started dancing from the blowing wind.
Vishnu from the hut noticed, from the corner of the temple, outside there are 2 huge fans running and it is operated by chaami's gang members. Vishnu understood that everything is a set up to deceive devika madam. Chaami had arranged this place and the whole scene to look like a horror film.
But poor devika oblivion to all these, chanted the mantras recited by chaami. Soon Devika noticed some changes in the behavior of the boy. He acted differently and weird. His facial expression changed and became increasingly restless. All devika could here is mantra shouted by Chaami , sound of the hand bells shaken by his helpers, the strong wind. Devika really became scared.
All of sudden the boy fell unconscious, but he was supported by the 2 men sitting beside him. After chaami chanted the next mantra, the boy came back to consciousness and his eyes looked bloody red and he screamed like a possessed person. His scream echoed the whole place as if he was screaming through a microphone.
Indeed he was wearing a hidden microphone connected to a hidden speaker which amplified his sound. Devika shivered with frightness. Vishnu was lying there helplessly, amused by the event unfolding in front of his eyes.
Soon the scream turned to a loud laughter. That's when he saw devika infront of his eyes. Suddenly his laughter stopped and his expression changed to anger in a split of a second and he breathed heavily.
Vishnu thought if this kid acts in a movie, he could easily win an oscar.
Before anyone could react, the boy moved from his sitting position and charged to devika. Before Devika could guard herself, she felt a tight grip on her neck and the possessed boy was trying to choke her.
Chaami shouted to his helpers to hold the boy. The guys came quickly pulled back the boy and brought him back to his position leaving devika coughing and breathing for air.
Chaami - are you okay beti?
Devika took a few deep breaths and nodded okay.
Both of those strong men sitting beside the boy, held him tightly so he was unable to move and attack Devika again. The boy kept on trying to escape from their grip.
Chaami shouted at the boy
Chaami - calm down, calm down. Relax. And tell who are you?
There was no response from the boy, he was looking at devika and was shouting to free himself
Chaami - Look here
Chaami said some mantra and shouted again at the possessed boy
Chaami - look here. I will help you. I'm here to help you
The boy slowly turned to Chaami
Chaami - Now tell me who are you
Boy - Im Im Rangan
Chaami - why are you still here? What is preventing you to leave from here.
Boy - I want revenge. I want to destroy her family. And kill all of her family. Then only my duty gets full filled and can attain moksha
The kid's voice echoed in the speakers and devika got really scared hearing the motive of this angry soul.
Chaami - why do you want to punish her family. She did not do anything to you
Boy - what do you mean she did not do anything. Because of her husband. My family got shattered. My wife commited suicide, she was 1 month pregnant.
Chaami - what you mean. Her husband have not even met you or seen your wife.
Boy - yes , you have not seen me. But her family caused that accident and i was killed. I was going to save my wife, Who was dying. But her husband on that night carelessly drove and hit my cycle and killed me. I cried for help in that road for 1 hour. But no one came. Your husband did not even stop the car and left. Due to that i lost my wife and my unborn child
Chaami - its true that her husband caused the accident. But how it is related with your wife dying.
Boy calmed down a bit and started telling the story. He appeared sad.
Boy - me and my wife neeli got married 1 year back. I was working in the tea estate and for the marriage function and to rent the house to bring in my wife. I had borrowed 1 lakh rupees from the owner of the plantation Wasim. I thought he was a good guy.
After the marriage we were living happily. She was so loving and caring. But one day, the owner terminated me from the job for no reason. I became jobless and was finding it difficult to find another job. Soon the owner asked me to repay his money soon. But i did not have any job to pay. I asked him for excuses, but he was stubborn in getting the money back.
Soon he started coming to my house and i could feel he was eying my wife in a bad way. He once said, he could forget about his money if I allow him to spend 1 night with my wife. With anger I slapped him and kicked him out of my house.
After that i did not see him. Soon my wife got pregnant and some happiness came back to our life. But it has reached a point, where we cannot survive without me going to the job.
So on that day, that's when everything got changed. In the morning i went to the town looking for the job. But again it was disappointment. While coming back, i phoned neeli and was talking to her, when i heard over the phone she saying, Wasim has come and ringing the doorbell. I asked her through the phone not to open the door.
By that time I had reached the bus stop and got down from the bus. I had kept my cycle there near the bus stop. Through the phone, I heard Neeli screaming as Wasim broke into the house.
I took my cycle and started rushing to my house which was 5 kms away. While I was riding and I had kept the phone on my ear and heard Wasim speaking. I understood, Wasim was not alone, he has come with few other guys. I was trying to ride as fast as possible to reach near neeli. I was only 1 km away from my house, when I suddenly heard a honk sound, next moment I was on the road not able to move and blood coming from my head.
I saw your car moving away without even stopping and on the phone which was laying next me, i heard my poor wife neeli screaming as those monsters bangd her continuously. I layed there helplessly not able to move but hearing the torment of my wife. That day because of your husband, the dreams of my little family got shattered. I was killed and my wife on the very same day committed suicide with our unborn child.
It all happened due to your husband. I could have saved my wife, if your car had not hit me. We could have also lived happily in this world.
Its all because of you and your family. Now it is time for revenge, i will hunt your family until I destroy your family. Then only I will get moksha. Wasim is already dead. Now its time for your husband and kid. I will kill them as well.
Hearing it Devika folded her hands and begged Rangan
Devika - no no no, please dont do anything to my family. Please.
Boy - hahahahahaha
Through the speaker, his demonic laughter echoed
Boy - no no, no way you can escape. I want justice. And your husband will be killed
Devika - no no
Chaami - listen here, i can't let you harm this beti’s family. They did not harm you anyway knowingly. You should forgive them. Please
Boy - nooo
Chaami - dont you want to join your wife in heaven
Boy - but only after my revenge
Chaami - what is your revenge?
Boy - i want to kill her husband and child
Devika - no please.
Chaami - i cant let you do that. Please have mercy on her. Im requesting you to leave her family alone. They did not do anything knowingly. Please I request
Boy remained silent for a moment and then talked
Boy - okay, I can leave her husband and child alone. But her husband also should feel the pain I felt.
Chaami - what do you mean?
Boy - I can leave her husband, but if that to happen, she needs to suffer. I want her to go through the same pain my poor neeli went through. I will leave her husband, but she needs to get bangd infront of me. Hahaha
Devika was shocked hearing it. Vishnu was also equally shocked, hearing it while inside the hut. Vishnu now understood the clear plan of chaami. Chaami planned all this drama to convince her to have sex, in the pretext of saving her family.
Chaami - what? That's impossible. You are so cruel.
Boy - thats the only way she can save her family. Otherwise Im telling you at midnight sharp your husband is going to be dead, wherever he is now.
Chaami - please forgive her
Boy - no. Now it's her choice. Saving her husband and child is on her. She can choose who is important. Whether to save herself or to save her family.
Devika sat there and cried. The time is 11:15 pm. There is not enough time. Chaami understood that everything is working as per his plan so far. Now only thing that is needed is a small push from him, so devika going to agree and he can fuck her hot choot. He smiled in his mind.
Chaami got up from there and came near devika
Chaami - beti, come i need to talk with you
Devika got up from there wiping her tears, chaami did not miss, how her naked breasts moved while she stood up. He cant wait anymore to hold those melons. He calmed himself. Chaami took devika few steps away from there and spoke to her
Chaami - beti, we dont have much time. What should we do?
Devika - I dont know chaami, is there any way you can help me
Chaami - beti , this soul is very powerful and will not retract until his goal is met. The only way to save your family is by giving this soul moksha. But to give moksha, his unfinished business in this world should be fulfilled. And that means is his revenge needs to be fulfilled. And revenge can be fulfilled, either him killing your family or the 2nd option. Which is he needs to see beti you get bangd.
Devika cried again
Devika - I want to save my family at any cost, but how can i , what if that soul kills me
Chaami - beti, i have an idea. He just said, he wants to see you get bangd. But he did not say he wanted to do it by himself. So i will do one thing. We can deceive the soul. I will tell Rangan that we will bang you infront of him. But we will make sure that we are acting and you are not harmed. So that you actually wont get bangd and you will be safe. There by your family is also safe. The soul also will get moksha. It will be win win situation for everyone
Devika - what do you mean by acting
Chaami - beti , we will act infront of him and convince him that you got bangd. But in reality its just to deceive him and you will not get harmed
Devika did not understand what chaami was saying. She was scared and did not know what to do to save her family
Chaami - dont worry beti, do you trust me
Devika - yes
Chaami - then leave everything to me, nothing will happen to you or your family. We dont have any time. Its already 11:30
Chaami went near Rangan, who was still being held by Chaami’s helper
Chaami - okay, Rangan i understand your pain and Im here to help you. So you will get moksha and can join your wife in heaven
Boy - hahaha
Chaami - i will help you with your revenge. I will bang her infront of you. But promise, after that you will not trouble her family
Boy - yes, I promise. I will leave her.
Chaami - okay Rangan, I will take the task and will execute your revenge on her, right in front of your eyes.
Boy- yes, hahahaa
Chaami turned to devika, who was standing there topless showcasing her beautiful naked breast infront of all these criminals. She was scared, helpless, and anxious. For her, only chaami is the savior and she believes, he can save her family from this demon.
Chaami looked at devika and eyed her beautiful body for a moment. He was overwhelmed with excitement, as he know that this was the moment he was waiting for so long. All the plans he executed till now and he is going to feast on the beautiful sexy body of devika and that too with permission of her. He cannot wait any more seconds. A brief moment of silence was broken with roar of Chaami.
Chaami - Bring her hear.
Vishnu from the hut through all the fire lamps, clearly saw, 2 strong men 6 ft tall come forward and held devika’s hand from both sides. Devika was stunned and did not know what was happening. Before she could think, she was pulled and brought near chaami. Devika looked at chaami surprisingly. Chaami reassured her with his eyes and signed her everything is going to be okay. Chaami came near devika and whispered in her ears
Chaami - beti, dont worry, everything to be okay. We will save your family. We are almost there, we now just have to convince this revengeful soul that his revenge is fulfilled, so he is going to leave your family forever. Are you ready beti, you just have to trust me?
Devika just nodded. Chaami turned back to the boy and announced
Chaami - now , you watch. Im the going to execute your revenge here
Chaami again turned to face devika and came near her. This time his face looked different. There was no more calmness or peacefulness in his face. Chaami looked like a predator finding his prey. Chaami reached near devika and she was tightly held by chaami’s 2 gang members.
Chaami raised his hand and touched her face and stroked it with his fingers. Devika did not know what to do, but she did not have any other choice other that trusting chaami.
The boy who was acting as possessed watched chaami’s action and cheered
Boy - hahaha, this is not a romantic movie scene, i want her to face the same cruelty my wife had to face. Then only her husband will know, what i went through. So that's their punishment. So no cuddling, she should cry and scream for help. Go on Go on
Chaami immediately pulled her face near him, before devika could think, chaami pressed his lips to her soft lips.
Devika tried to move back, but the hands holding her was too strong and she couldn't move. Chaami held her face straight with his right hand and started forcefully sucking her lower lips. Devika felt the bad breath of chaami, she cant even move her face and groaned.
Chaami eagerly sucked both her lips as he can no longer control himself. Chaami tasted her saliva as he pushed his tongue into her. After a minute enjoying her lips and mouth, chaami released her face.
Vishnu helplessly watched devika gasping for air and spitting out chaami’s saliva. She has never been kissed aggressively before. Venki was always gentle.
Chaami eyed her breasts jiggling while she was coughing and struggling to breath. He immediately did not waste any time, extended his hand and grabbed her hanging round breast and squeezed hard. Devika cried in pain
Devika - nooo, dont
Chaami grabbed the other breast as well and palmed both the breast together
Boy - hahaha, thats how I wanted it. Make her cry
Chaami held both her protruding nipples and twisted it.
Devika - nooooo, please. Dont..Leave
Chaami - beti , I have to make sure that Rangan actually thinks you are getting bangd, then only he will leave you family alone. We have only less time, please im doing this for you beti. Trust me. We dont have any choice. Otherwise he will not believe us and after midnight, we cannot refrain the soul. He will become too powerful , then no one can help. Please cooperate and do this for your family
Hearing about family, calmed devika a bit. Now wanted to save her family at any cost and was ready to sacrifice anything. She became determined. And stopped crying and looked at the eyes of Rangan directly with confidence with determined face.
Chaami understood that little lecture did the trick as he saw a different devika on her face, who is ready to do any sacrifice to save her family.
Vishnu was astonished how cunningly he played with devika’s mind and he is a total monster. He felt regret, because Vishnu and his friends was the reason chaami met devika.
Chaami held her right breast and he bent down and took her nipple in his mouth. But this time, devika did not have any reaction, she blankly kept staring at Rangan suppressing her helplessness. She does not want to look defeated in front of the evil spirit.
Chaami played with nipple using her tongue. He licked it all over her breast and started sucking her breast. It was only an hour ago, he had milked completely in front of the village people, but still when started sucking, warm milk flowed to her mouth. This excited chaami more as he squeezed and sucked her breast forcefully
Devika is still staring at rangan. Tears was running down her cheeks, but she did not cry loudly. She wanted to appear strong. She clenched her teeth, when chaami chewed and bit her nipples. Chaami moved to the other breast and did the same.
Rangan was not impressed as devika was not crying and kept staring at him
Boy -Look at her, i want her to cry in pain. Punish her more
Chaami stood straight and walked behind devika. Devika was still being held by chaami’s assistants firmly and was facing the boy. Chaami stood behind devika and rubbed his hand through her back
Boy - what are you waiting for, i want her to cry like my wife cried.
Chaami brought his hand to her front from behind and yanked her waist cloth forcely and the only dress devika was wearing got loose and chaami stripped completely
and made her naked infront of all those notorious gangsters.
Vishnu saw chaami throwing her only cloth she was wearing to ground and devika still did not struggle or moved. But just stood there her eyes closed and tears rolling down.
Boy - hahahahaha
Chaami looked down at her beautiful fleshy curvy ass. She is only wearing a chain made from shells and on her waist, the thread tied by chaami before. Chaami was surprised that she is still wearing that thread. He ran his fingers through her waist touching the thread.
Boy - make her scream
Chaami lifted his hand and gave a hard slap to her heavy duty gaand
Devika squirmed with pain, but did not still cry loudly. She kept her eyes closed tightly and bore the pain. Another tight slap on her gaand. Each slap, her ass cheeks trembled and her gaand became red.
Everyone there watched chaami slapping her curvy ass while she stood there naked.
Her pussy was cleanly shaven recently when venki came for vacation, so it had only a few hairs. For everyone there her pussy lips was visible.
Chaami grabbed her ass in his hand squeezed it tightly couple of times.
Boy - she is so stubborn and still not crying
Chaami came to the front side this time. He kneeled down infront of her. He then pushed her legs apart and made her stand with her legs spreaded a feet apart. And he pressed his face to her choot.
He kissed her pussy lips and extended his tongue and started licking her pussy lips.
Boy - yeah, torment her
While chaami was licking her pussy lips, his helpers who was standing beside her holding her, started roaming their hands on her body as well. The guy standing to her right held her ass and palmed it. While the other guy on the left was holding her breast playing with her nipples. Devika stood there like statue praying to god to give her strength to save her family.
Thats when she felt, chaami inserted a finger in her pussy. He fingered her next few minutes and sometimes licked her choot and pressed her clit.
Boy - hahaha.. now do you feel the pain. Do you feel how my wife felt while she got violated by those wolves. Hahaha
Chaami again stood up
Boy - now enough. It's time for what i'm waiting for fulfill my revenge. Fuck her
Chaami in quick motion removed his dhothi and he stood there naked with a fully erect monster penis. For the first time, devika's eyes and face showed fear and she tried to escape from the clutches of her tormentors. But she was helpless.
Soon she was pushed to the ground and she fell on her back. Two strong hands of chaami’s helpers grabbed her legs and spreaded it wide, giving unhindered view of her choot to everyone there. Another pair of hands held her hands above her head tightly.
Chaami also kneeled on the ground near her spreaded legs. He brought his fingers and touched pussy lips once again. He spreaded her pussy lips apart with his two fingers and looked at her choot hole.
He then moved his body near her and positioned his hard lund infront of her pussy. The tip of his penis touched her pussy lips. This was the moment chaami was waiting for. Atlast he is going to fuck this dream beauty. He rubbed his penis up and down on her pussy lips
Devika - noo please leave me
Chaami was ready to push his lund in. Suddenly everyone got stunned as a gun shot was fired and a scream was heard. The guy who was holding devika’s hand fell backwards. He was shot on his head and blood was splattered around him.
Chaami - take him inside there and show him, who really we are .
They dragged him through the ground to that big hut, which was guarded by his henchmen. They took him inside and threw him to the floor. It took him a moment to adjust his eyes and see the inside of that big house.
And that’s when Vishnu realized that both Devika and him have walked into the den of a hardcore criminal. When he realized the magnitude of that, it weakened him.
He saw the house is stocked with guns, elephant ivory, animal skins, sandalwoods everywhere. It is the storehouse of all the criminal activities of chaami. He slowly understood that they are in big trouble and chaami is a notorious poacher , smuggler and gang leader.
When vishnu tried to get up, he was kicked from behind and he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the wall. Soon he felt his vision gets blurred and soon he passed out.
Devika came back along with one of the chaami’s assistant from the river, after taking a dip. The whole place has been arranged to do the puja. The temple is well lit by the fire lamp. Inside the temple there is a fire pit arranged for doing the homam right infront of the deity.
Devika was shivering after the dip in the cold water. Her skin is glistening from water and her clothes are clinging to her slender body.
She stood near a fire lamp to get some warmth, that is when she noted, Vishnu is nowhere to be seen. She asked Chaami, when he came near to her
Devika - Where is Vishnu?
Chaami - Beti, He is okay, he had to get back to the village for some treatment
Devika - what happened to him?
Chaami - oh , nothing beti, its just a small accident. While he was picking up one of the fire lamp, the hot oil got spilled to his hand. And he got little burn.
Devika - oh no, is he okay
Chaami - yes, beti. He is totaly fine. It is just small burn, he went to the village to get some treatment from the village vaidya. And he will come back soon
Devika - oh im so worried, can i go and see him
Chaami - believe me he is alright. He will get some first aid and come back. Beti, you have to concentrate on puja. And we dont have much time to complete.
Devika - okay chaami
Chaami guided her to the temple for puja. And in the hut nearby, Vishnu gained consciousness, but he was tied and his mouth was tied with a cloth. He could not even move. His head is paining and there are 2 people guarding the front door. He noticed through the window of the hut, devika talking to chaami. From the position he is, he can clearly see them and the place the puja is going to happen.
But he cant move or shout to alert devika madam. She cannot see the inside of the hut as it is dark there. He tried to untie the ropes on his hand without success.
Devika and Chaami reached the entrance of the temple, where he stopped and took off the saffron shawl he was wearing over his shoulder. He then bowed in front of the diety.
He then turned to devika and told
Chaami - Beti, to enter inside the temple. You have to take off your top cloth. Thats the custom here to show the respect to the God. Because we human beings are nothing infront of him. We have to show our respect to the deity. Thats the tradition and custom we have to follow
Devika was in shock and speechless. She just simply stared at chaami, without knowing what to say. Hundred things went through her mind in split of a second. She is the only woman there along with atleast 15 men.
Vishnu also was not there for her help and comfort.
Chaami - Beti , I know, what you are thinking. This is holy place and all of them here are swamiji’s who are naishtika brahmacharis. They dont see difference in male and female. They only see soul. We are not slaves to any human carnal feelings. So Beti, you dont have to worry about anything. And there should not be any inhibitions in front of God.
Saying that chaami, walked inside the temple and sat infront of the fire pit for the puja.
Devika stood there still anxious and thinking
Chaami - Beti , please come and sit infront of the Homa kunda. We dont have much time and your family is in danger beti
The thought of family and the danger they are in , made devika act. She raised her hand and moved to her shoulder. She lifted the cloth she was wearing over her left shoulder and dropped it to the ground.
There she is, the most beautiful woman, standing topless infront of Chaami for one another time. Chaami heart danced with joy, as he was able to make her topless successfully again through his mastermind. But nothing showed on his face. His faced looked calm and had a blank expression.
Devika slowly walked inside the temple in small steps. She looked like a jungle princess. She was just wearing a red waist cloth and a chain made of shells around her neck. Her breast jiggled with each steps. All the swami’s there feasted on her round naked juicy breasts. The lights from the fire and lamps made her appear even sexier. Her nipples are pointing out, due to the dip she took in the cold water.
She walked and sat infront of the fire pit, directly across chaami.
There are two other helpers inside the temple for chaami, but others were standing outside.
Soon the homam started and chaami started chanting mantra’s and pouring offerings to agni kunda. Everyone repeated the prayers. Soon devika felt little comfortable sitting there topless chanting prayers as her concentration moved to puja and also warmth from the fire made her cold dissappear.
The chanting of prayers and mantras continued for next 30 minutes. Vishnu watched helplessly through the window, all the events unfolding. He felt angry and pity on him , not being able to help devika and save her from the clutches of devil chaami.
Around 10:30, Chaami stopped chanting the prayers and spoke to devika
Chaami - Beti, the initial phase of the puja is over. Now next is the most important part. As i told, we have to set the soul of this innocent person who got killed free, so the athma get moksha and leaves your family.
Devika - Ji Chaami.
Chaami - So we have to bring the soul who is restless and having vengeance upon your family here and speak with that athma to know, what is stopping him to leave from this earth and travel peacefully to heaven. Also understand what we have to do to leave your family alone.
Devika - yes chaami.
Chaami - beti, you have to understand, this is going to be very dangerous. Once we start, there is no turning back. Because Im going to bring here a very powerful soul, who is looking to hurt your family. I would need your full cooperation, and we cannot stop in between after we start. And thats the only way to save your family. Do you understand?
Devika - Yes chaami. I totally understand the risk. I want to save my husband and child, even if that causes my life.
Chaami - you will be safe beti, that's why I'm here. But Beti, you should understand this soul might get angry and try to attack you when it sees you. But beti you should not worry, you should concentrate on completing the puja before the soul gets too powerful beyond our control by midnight.
Devika - yes, chaami. I understand.
Chaami - okay
Chaami then called one of his assistant to come and sit to the right side of the fire pit. A young boy around 20 years old came and sat.
Two other more stronger men also came and sat on both sides of the boy.
Chaami - beti, im going to do the avaahana process and bring the soul here to this boy’s body.
Chaami pointed to the boy who was sitting in the middle of 2 well built guys.
Chaami - Once the soul enters the body of him. Then we would be able to communicate and understand what he actually wants. And if we are able to fulfill whatever thats is stopping him from leaving the earth. Then we would be able to give him moksha
Devika nodded. She is now little tensed on what is happening. She thought chaami would be able save her with just a puja. But now this is beyond that and little scary for her. But she was determined to save her family at any cost.
Again Chaami started chanting mantras and began the aavahan process. And little after 10 minutes, devika noted a small breeze started coming, which soon turned to a wind. Chaami is now shouting the mantra with more energy. The pace of the wind started growing stronger.
The leaves flew in the air and nearby trees started dancing from the blowing wind.
Vishnu from the hut noticed, from the corner of the temple, outside there are 2 huge fans running and it is operated by chaami's gang members. Vishnu understood that everything is a set up to deceive devika madam. Chaami had arranged this place and the whole scene to look like a horror film.
But poor devika oblivion to all these, chanted the mantras recited by chaami. Soon Devika noticed some changes in the behavior of the boy. He acted differently and weird. His facial expression changed and became increasingly restless. All devika could here is mantra shouted by Chaami , sound of the hand bells shaken by his helpers, the strong wind. Devika really became scared.
All of sudden the boy fell unconscious, but he was supported by the 2 men sitting beside him. After chaami chanted the next mantra, the boy came back to consciousness and his eyes looked bloody red and he screamed like a possessed person. His scream echoed the whole place as if he was screaming through a microphone.
Indeed he was wearing a hidden microphone connected to a hidden speaker which amplified his sound. Devika shivered with frightness. Vishnu was lying there helplessly, amused by the event unfolding in front of his eyes.
Soon the scream turned to a loud laughter. That's when he saw devika infront of his eyes. Suddenly his laughter stopped and his expression changed to anger in a split of a second and he breathed heavily.
Vishnu thought if this kid acts in a movie, he could easily win an oscar.
Before anyone could react, the boy moved from his sitting position and charged to devika. Before Devika could guard herself, she felt a tight grip on her neck and the possessed boy was trying to choke her.
Chaami shouted to his helpers to hold the boy. The guys came quickly pulled back the boy and brought him back to his position leaving devika coughing and breathing for air.
Chaami - are you okay beti?
Devika took a few deep breaths and nodded okay.
Both of those strong men sitting beside the boy, held him tightly so he was unable to move and attack Devika again. The boy kept on trying to escape from their grip.
Chaami shouted at the boy
Chaami - calm down, calm down. Relax. And tell who are you?
There was no response from the boy, he was looking at devika and was shouting to free himself
Chaami - Look here
Chaami said some mantra and shouted again at the possessed boy
Chaami - look here. I will help you. I'm here to help you
The boy slowly turned to Chaami
Chaami - Now tell me who are you
Boy - Im Im Rangan
Chaami - why are you still here? What is preventing you to leave from here.
Boy - I want revenge. I want to destroy her family. And kill all of her family. Then only my duty gets full filled and can attain moksha
The kid's voice echoed in the speakers and devika got really scared hearing the motive of this angry soul.
Chaami - why do you want to punish her family. She did not do anything to you
Boy - what do you mean she did not do anything. Because of her husband. My family got shattered. My wife commited suicide, she was 1 month pregnant.
Chaami - what you mean. Her husband have not even met you or seen your wife.
Boy - yes , you have not seen me. But her family caused that accident and i was killed. I was going to save my wife, Who was dying. But her husband on that night carelessly drove and hit my cycle and killed me. I cried for help in that road for 1 hour. But no one came. Your husband did not even stop the car and left. Due to that i lost my wife and my unborn child
Chaami - its true that her husband caused the accident. But how it is related with your wife dying.
Boy calmed down a bit and started telling the story. He appeared sad.
Boy - me and my wife neeli got married 1 year back. I was working in the tea estate and for the marriage function and to rent the house to bring in my wife. I had borrowed 1 lakh rupees from the owner of the plantation Wasim. I thought he was a good guy.
After the marriage we were living happily. She was so loving and caring. But one day, the owner terminated me from the job for no reason. I became jobless and was finding it difficult to find another job. Soon the owner asked me to repay his money soon. But i did not have any job to pay. I asked him for excuses, but he was stubborn in getting the money back.
Soon he started coming to my house and i could feel he was eying my wife in a bad way. He once said, he could forget about his money if I allow him to spend 1 night with my wife. With anger I slapped him and kicked him out of my house.
After that i did not see him. Soon my wife got pregnant and some happiness came back to our life. But it has reached a point, where we cannot survive without me going to the job.
So on that day, that's when everything got changed. In the morning i went to the town looking for the job. But again it was disappointment. While coming back, i phoned neeli and was talking to her, when i heard over the phone she saying, Wasim has come and ringing the doorbell. I asked her through the phone not to open the door.
By that time I had reached the bus stop and got down from the bus. I had kept my cycle there near the bus stop. Through the phone, I heard Neeli screaming as Wasim broke into the house.
I took my cycle and started rushing to my house which was 5 kms away. While I was riding and I had kept the phone on my ear and heard Wasim speaking. I understood, Wasim was not alone, he has come with few other guys. I was trying to ride as fast as possible to reach near neeli. I was only 1 km away from my house, when I suddenly heard a honk sound, next moment I was on the road not able to move and blood coming from my head.
I saw your car moving away without even stopping and on the phone which was laying next me, i heard my poor wife neeli screaming as those monsters bangd her continuously. I layed there helplessly not able to move but hearing the torment of my wife. That day because of your husband, the dreams of my little family got shattered. I was killed and my wife on the very same day committed suicide with our unborn child.
It all happened due to your husband. I could have saved my wife, if your car had not hit me. We could have also lived happily in this world.
Its all because of you and your family. Now it is time for revenge, i will hunt your family until I destroy your family. Then only I will get moksha. Wasim is already dead. Now its time for your husband and kid. I will kill them as well.
Hearing it Devika folded her hands and begged Rangan
Devika - no no no, please dont do anything to my family. Please.
Boy - hahahahahaha
Through the speaker, his demonic laughter echoed
Boy - no no, no way you can escape. I want justice. And your husband will be killed
Devika - no no
Chaami - listen here, i can't let you harm this beti’s family. They did not harm you anyway knowingly. You should forgive them. Please
Boy - nooo
Chaami - dont you want to join your wife in heaven
Boy - but only after my revenge
Chaami - what is your revenge?
Boy - i want to kill her husband and child
Devika - no please.
Chaami - i cant let you do that. Please have mercy on her. Im requesting you to leave her family alone. They did not do anything knowingly. Please I request
Boy remained silent for a moment and then talked
Boy - okay, I can leave her husband and child alone. But her husband also should feel the pain I felt.
Chaami - what do you mean?
Boy - I can leave her husband, but if that to happen, she needs to suffer. I want her to go through the same pain my poor neeli went through. I will leave her husband, but she needs to get bangd infront of me. Hahaha
Devika was shocked hearing it. Vishnu was also equally shocked, hearing it while inside the hut. Vishnu now understood the clear plan of chaami. Chaami planned all this drama to convince her to have sex, in the pretext of saving her family.
Chaami - what? That's impossible. You are so cruel.
Boy - thats the only way she can save her family. Otherwise Im telling you at midnight sharp your husband is going to be dead, wherever he is now.
Chaami - please forgive her
Boy - no. Now it's her choice. Saving her husband and child is on her. She can choose who is important. Whether to save herself or to save her family.
Devika sat there and cried. The time is 11:15 pm. There is not enough time. Chaami understood that everything is working as per his plan so far. Now only thing that is needed is a small push from him, so devika going to agree and he can fuck her hot choot. He smiled in his mind.
Chaami got up from there and came near devika
Chaami - beti, come i need to talk with you
Devika got up from there wiping her tears, chaami did not miss, how her naked breasts moved while she stood up. He cant wait anymore to hold those melons. He calmed himself. Chaami took devika few steps away from there and spoke to her
Chaami - beti, we dont have much time. What should we do?
Devika - I dont know chaami, is there any way you can help me
Chaami - beti , this soul is very powerful and will not retract until his goal is met. The only way to save your family is by giving this soul moksha. But to give moksha, his unfinished business in this world should be fulfilled. And that means is his revenge needs to be fulfilled. And revenge can be fulfilled, either him killing your family or the 2nd option. Which is he needs to see beti you get bangd.
Devika cried again
Devika - I want to save my family at any cost, but how can i , what if that soul kills me
Chaami - beti, i have an idea. He just said, he wants to see you get bangd. But he did not say he wanted to do it by himself. So i will do one thing. We can deceive the soul. I will tell Rangan that we will bang you infront of him. But we will make sure that we are acting and you are not harmed. So that you actually wont get bangd and you will be safe. There by your family is also safe. The soul also will get moksha. It will be win win situation for everyone
Devika - what do you mean by acting
Chaami - beti , we will act infront of him and convince him that you got bangd. But in reality its just to deceive him and you will not get harmed
Devika did not understand what chaami was saying. She was scared and did not know what to do to save her family
Chaami - dont worry beti, do you trust me
Devika - yes
Chaami - then leave everything to me, nothing will happen to you or your family. We dont have any time. Its already 11:30
Chaami went near Rangan, who was still being held by Chaami’s helper
Chaami - okay, Rangan i understand your pain and Im here to help you. So you will get moksha and can join your wife in heaven
Boy - hahaha
Chaami - i will help you with your revenge. I will bang her infront of you. But promise, after that you will not trouble her family
Boy - yes, I promise. I will leave her.
Chaami - okay Rangan, I will take the task and will execute your revenge on her, right in front of your eyes.
Boy- yes, hahahaa
Chaami turned to devika, who was standing there topless showcasing her beautiful naked breast infront of all these criminals. She was scared, helpless, and anxious. For her, only chaami is the savior and she believes, he can save her family from this demon.
Chaami looked at devika and eyed her beautiful body for a moment. He was overwhelmed with excitement, as he know that this was the moment he was waiting for so long. All the plans he executed till now and he is going to feast on the beautiful sexy body of devika and that too with permission of her. He cannot wait any more seconds. A brief moment of silence was broken with roar of Chaami.
Chaami - Bring her hear.
Vishnu from the hut through all the fire lamps, clearly saw, 2 strong men 6 ft tall come forward and held devika’s hand from both sides. Devika was stunned and did not know what was happening. Before she could think, she was pulled and brought near chaami. Devika looked at chaami surprisingly. Chaami reassured her with his eyes and signed her everything is going to be okay. Chaami came near devika and whispered in her ears
Chaami - beti, dont worry, everything to be okay. We will save your family. We are almost there, we now just have to convince this revengeful soul that his revenge is fulfilled, so he is going to leave your family forever. Are you ready beti, you just have to trust me?
Devika just nodded. Chaami turned back to the boy and announced
Chaami - now , you watch. Im the going to execute your revenge here
Chaami again turned to face devika and came near her. This time his face looked different. There was no more calmness or peacefulness in his face. Chaami looked like a predator finding his prey. Chaami reached near devika and she was tightly held by chaami’s 2 gang members.
Chaami raised his hand and touched her face and stroked it with his fingers. Devika did not know what to do, but she did not have any other choice other that trusting chaami.
The boy who was acting as possessed watched chaami’s action and cheered
Boy - hahaha, this is not a romantic movie scene, i want her to face the same cruelty my wife had to face. Then only her husband will know, what i went through. So that's their punishment. So no cuddling, she should cry and scream for help. Go on Go on
Chaami immediately pulled her face near him, before devika could think, chaami pressed his lips to her soft lips.
Devika tried to move back, but the hands holding her was too strong and she couldn't move. Chaami held her face straight with his right hand and started forcefully sucking her lower lips. Devika felt the bad breath of chaami, she cant even move her face and groaned.
Chaami eagerly sucked both her lips as he can no longer control himself. Chaami tasted her saliva as he pushed his tongue into her. After a minute enjoying her lips and mouth, chaami released her face.
Vishnu helplessly watched devika gasping for air and spitting out chaami’s saliva. She has never been kissed aggressively before. Venki was always gentle.
Chaami eyed her breasts jiggling while she was coughing and struggling to breath. He immediately did not waste any time, extended his hand and grabbed her hanging round breast and squeezed hard. Devika cried in pain
Devika - nooo, dont
Chaami grabbed the other breast as well and palmed both the breast together
Boy - hahaha, thats how I wanted it. Make her cry
Chaami held both her protruding nipples and twisted it.
Devika - nooooo, please. Dont..Leave
Chaami - beti , I have to make sure that Rangan actually thinks you are getting bangd, then only he will leave you family alone. We have only less time, please im doing this for you beti. Trust me. We dont have any choice. Otherwise he will not believe us and after midnight, we cannot refrain the soul. He will become too powerful , then no one can help. Please cooperate and do this for your family
Hearing about family, calmed devika a bit. Now wanted to save her family at any cost and was ready to sacrifice anything. She became determined. And stopped crying and looked at the eyes of Rangan directly with confidence with determined face.
Chaami understood that little lecture did the trick as he saw a different devika on her face, who is ready to do any sacrifice to save her family.
Vishnu was astonished how cunningly he played with devika’s mind and he is a total monster. He felt regret, because Vishnu and his friends was the reason chaami met devika.
Chaami held her right breast and he bent down and took her nipple in his mouth. But this time, devika did not have any reaction, she blankly kept staring at Rangan suppressing her helplessness. She does not want to look defeated in front of the evil spirit.
Chaami played with nipple using her tongue. He licked it all over her breast and started sucking her breast. It was only an hour ago, he had milked completely in front of the village people, but still when started sucking, warm milk flowed to her mouth. This excited chaami more as he squeezed and sucked her breast forcefully
Devika is still staring at rangan. Tears was running down her cheeks, but she did not cry loudly. She wanted to appear strong. She clenched her teeth, when chaami chewed and bit her nipples. Chaami moved to the other breast and did the same.
Rangan was not impressed as devika was not crying and kept staring at him
Boy -Look at her, i want her to cry in pain. Punish her more
Chaami stood straight and walked behind devika. Devika was still being held by chaami’s assistants firmly and was facing the boy. Chaami stood behind devika and rubbed his hand through her back
Boy - what are you waiting for, i want her to cry like my wife cried.
Chaami brought his hand to her front from behind and yanked her waist cloth forcely and the only dress devika was wearing got loose and chaami stripped completely
and made her naked infront of all those notorious gangsters.
Vishnu saw chaami throwing her only cloth she was wearing to ground and devika still did not struggle or moved. But just stood there her eyes closed and tears rolling down.
Boy - hahahahaha
Chaami looked down at her beautiful fleshy curvy ass. She is only wearing a chain made from shells and on her waist, the thread tied by chaami before. Chaami was surprised that she is still wearing that thread. He ran his fingers through her waist touching the thread.
Boy - make her scream
Chaami lifted his hand and gave a hard slap to her heavy duty gaand
Devika squirmed with pain, but did not still cry loudly. She kept her eyes closed tightly and bore the pain. Another tight slap on her gaand. Each slap, her ass cheeks trembled and her gaand became red.
Everyone there watched chaami slapping her curvy ass while she stood there naked.
Her pussy was cleanly shaven recently when venki came for vacation, so it had only a few hairs. For everyone there her pussy lips was visible.
Chaami grabbed her ass in his hand squeezed it tightly couple of times.
Boy - she is so stubborn and still not crying
Chaami came to the front side this time. He kneeled down infront of her. He then pushed her legs apart and made her stand with her legs spreaded a feet apart. And he pressed his face to her choot.
He kissed her pussy lips and extended his tongue and started licking her pussy lips.
Boy - yeah, torment her
While chaami was licking her pussy lips, his helpers who was standing beside her holding her, started roaming their hands on her body as well. The guy standing to her right held her ass and palmed it. While the other guy on the left was holding her breast playing with her nipples. Devika stood there like statue praying to god to give her strength to save her family.
Thats when she felt, chaami inserted a finger in her pussy. He fingered her next few minutes and sometimes licked her choot and pressed her clit.
Boy - hahaha.. now do you feel the pain. Do you feel how my wife felt while she got violated by those wolves. Hahaha
Chaami again stood up
Boy - now enough. It's time for what i'm waiting for fulfill my revenge. Fuck her
Chaami in quick motion removed his dhothi and he stood there naked with a fully erect monster penis. For the first time, devika's eyes and face showed fear and she tried to escape from the clutches of her tormentors. But she was helpless.
Soon she was pushed to the ground and she fell on her back. Two strong hands of chaami’s helpers grabbed her legs and spreaded it wide, giving unhindered view of her choot to everyone there. Another pair of hands held her hands above her head tightly.
Chaami also kneeled on the ground near her spreaded legs. He brought his fingers and touched pussy lips once again. He spreaded her pussy lips apart with his two fingers and looked at her choot hole.
He then moved his body near her and positioned his hard lund infront of her pussy. The tip of his penis touched her pussy lips. This was the moment chaami was waiting for. Atlast he is going to fuck this dream beauty. He rubbed his penis up and down on her pussy lips
Devika - noo please leave me
Chaami was ready to push his lund in. Suddenly everyone got stunned as a gun shot was fired and a scream was heard. The guy who was holding devika’s hand fell backwards. He was shot on his head and blood was splattered around him.