Chapter 55
Chaami was ready to push his lund in. Suddenly everyone got stunned as a gun shot was fired and a scream was heard. The guy who was holding devika’s hand fell backwards. He was shot on his head and blood was splattered around him.
There was dead silence, Everyone was shocked and looked at the person who is on the ground dead, with a pool of blood. Within seconds more shots were fired. Everyone ran to take guard.
Chaami who was about to enjoy the tight choot of devika immediately stood up shocked and screamed
Chaami - who the fuck is it?. Get the guns and shoot the fuckers back
Everyone ran to the hut, to get the guns. More shots fired and more people are down. Devika who was on the ground, also stood up and stood there naked, without knowing what to do. As she saw, chaami’s people running around and gunshots being fired from inside the forests.
Vishnu who was in the hut also was equally shocked and scared, without understanding what was happening. He saw shooting happening back and forth. Some of the chaami’s guys are wounded from gunshots. More people came to the hut to take more guns and other weapons.
Soon someone shouted “ it is security officer, we are surrounded by security officer”
Chaami - kill them all
Soon Devika who was scared ran into the hut and got more surprised , seeing Vishnu there, injured and tied.
Devika - Vishnu , what happened to you ? What is happening here. Oh god
Devika untied Vishnu and freed him
Vishnu - madam, madam are you okay. Chaami is a criminal, we made a big mistake coming here. He trapped you madam. Look at all the guns here
Thats when devika looked at the hut and understood the big trouble she is in. She saw guns, Ivories, drugs, Animal skins and other smuggled items. She couldnt believe her eyes. The whole world is turning upside down infront of her. Till this moment chaami was a godly person, who was trying to save her family. But in a flash of seconds everything changed, she understood how smartly chaami cheated her and brought her to this place.
Vishnu - madam, we are not safe here. We have to leave
They heard more shots being fired and they looked through the window outside. They saw security officer coming outside from the forest with guns. Most of the chaami’s guys are down. But chaami is still fighting back ferociously.
They heard security officer shouting through microphone
security officer - Surrender, Surrender
Chaami was still shooting back at the security officer
security officer - you are surrounded, it is better to surrender
Chaami took another gun and aimed at the security officer who were approaching him. Two shots were fired and two security officermen were down.
Vishnu and devika heard a Third shot and this was fired from inside the forest and it hit chaami directly on his head and from the force, his body was thrown a few feets away and hit the ground. There was no movement.
Chaami is DEAD.
Vishnu and Devika looked at the origin of that shot. From the light of the moon they saw a security officer figure walking outside from the forest. The figure appeared familiar to them. He took a few more steps and stood near a fire lamp making him visible.
Both Vishnu’s and Devika’s jaws dropped and in complete disbelief they uttered the name at the same time.
They couldn't believe their eyes. They saw Ganapati coming out from the forest in a security officer inspector uniform and he just killed Chaami.
Devika - whats happening here, is that Ganapati?
Vishnu - yes madam, i cant believe it. Is he a security officer officer
For the next 5 minutes there was heavy firing from both sides and atlast chaami’s men were defeated. At Least 8 of his men were killed including Chaami, some others got injured and rest of them surrendered. Two security officermen were also killed and couple of them were injured.
Ganapati after making sure that Chaami is dead and giving instructions to other security officermen to seize all evidences there, looked at the hut and saw vishnu and devika looking from the window scared.
Devika and Vishnu saw Ganapati walking to the hut after seeing them. Both of them were scared seeing all the violence and blood. Ganapati entered the hut. That's when Devika realized that she was fully naked all this while.
Upon seeing Ganapati, she immediately went behind the door to cover herself.
Vishnu - Ganapati, how come you are here, i can't believe
Ganapati - Are you guys alright? Are you injured vishnu? And how about you madam?
Ganapati seeing devika was naked, took off his security officer uniform shirt and gave it to devika. Devika from behind the door took the shirt and wore it.
After wearing the shirt, she stepped outside from behind the door. She had tears in her eyes and she was shocked and scared. She shouted
Devika - what is all this ? What is happening Ganapati? Tell me
The shirt she was wearing reached below her waist, few inches below her ass. But still exposed her meaty thighs and legs. There was dirt and soil on her legs as she was pushed to the ground by chaami
Ganapati - relax madam, you are safe now. There is nothing to worry about.
Devika - How can I relax, I almost got bangd. These men sexually abused and assaulted me. And you are saying, im safe and nothing to worry
She screamed while crying
Ganapati - madam, this whole thing was part of the security officer operation. Im circle inspector and my actual name is Amritraj.
Vishnu - what?
Devika - i cant believe it, so you are saying all these years you where cheating us?
Ganapati - no madam. I can explain. Please try to understand.
Ganapati started talking and explaining, while outside, other security officermen were covering the dead bodies and confiscating all the guns, ivories, gold, drugs and other illegal items.
Ganapati - This operation started approximately 3 years ago. The name of the operation was “Operation Raksha”. As the name suggests, it was an operation to save our college children.
For years, drugs were a huge headache for the security officer department. There were reports that drug mafia were operating, focusing on the colleges. Our children were targeted and they gave drugs to them. And this business was huge and they had a very vast network.
Initially they target a student who is vulnerable and will make friends with them and gradually they will give drugs for free. And when it reaches a point when that student is addicted and cannot function without drugs, they will ask for money to provide more dose to them. When kids do not have money, they will ask them to sell it to their friends in exchange for drugs.
Almost in all the colleges this mafia was operating and it was spreading like a cancer spoiling our children’s future.
And for us security officer, it was a huge headache, because we did not have any idea regarding where to start. Atlast after lots of brainstorming a squad was formed and it was led by me .
As part of the operation, we decided to start with our college as we found the central point of the business happening from that college.
That’s how Ganapati was born. I disguised myself as stupid dumb peon and joined the college. I watched the students and their activities and found within days that main person who is selling drugs in the college was Rahim.
Actually it was through Rahim they were operating.
Vishnu was shocked as he had no idea that once his friend Rahim sold drugs.
Ganapati continued
So I closely watched Rahim and followed his outside college activities. And found that Rahim was getting drugs from another person. And he was the guy who was selling drugs to many students in different colleges. His name was Rangaraj.
Vishnu and devika remember this name, he was the guy who dropped them near the forest.
Ganapati - So next few months I focused on making friendship with Rangaraj. For that i watched his activities and found out his routine. Because he was just one of them, and my intention was to destroy the whole mafia and find the starting point and mastermind behind this.
Rangaraj used to go to a local bar every evening. So i also started going there and tried to make small conversation with him. And gradually after months of work , I made friendship with him.
But our mission was stuck there and reached a dead end as we couldn’t move further beyond Rangaraj.
And that’s when madam, you joined the college. And atlast we got a breakthrough from nowhere as we had almost given up the mission.
Devika got curious and asked
Devika - How?
Ganapati - It was during that college trip. As part of the college trip, you went to tribal village and met Chaami for the first time.
Few days after that college trip, Rangaraj asked about you madam. And initially i did not understand why, but on an evening when we both were drinking Rangaraj told everything. He was so drunk that day and by then he trusted me like a friend. On that day he said, that his boss is interested in you madam and he said his boss’s name is chaami. But even though I asked more about Chaami, he did not tell me much.
I then searched through the security officer records and found more about chaami. Chaami is a person who was till then believed to be dead by the security officer department. There was lots of unsolved cases against him related to elephant poaching and sandal smuggling. According to security officer records he was dead.
But now i understood that he is not and is still operating. So our next mission was to find Chaami and arrest him with all evidences and stop the whole mafia.
But we did not have any evidences against him. The only thing we could do was wait and make a trap for him. But we did not know how.
That’s when one day, Rangaraj met me and said Chaami wanted my help. I could not believe my ears at that time as I felt an opportunity was there for me to grab. Rangaraj explained that his boss chaami is willing to pay me money, if I could set up a meeting between Chaami and you madam.
I understood that chaami is now after you madam as he was mesmerized by your beauty. I understood that chaami now has a weakness and that is you.
I cannot lose this opportunity to meet him. So that’s how I staged a housewarming at my place and invited you to come there.
Devika recollected the day she met chaami at Ganapati’s place and he made her naked, even milked her. She felt angry and sad, how she got deceived cleverly.
Ganapati continued
On that day, I saw chaami for the first time, but i was helpless, i could not arrest him there as i did not have any evidence. But i knew from then on he was the person the entire security officer dept was looking for. We have to hunt his entire empire down to save our children.
So for me the only option was to wait and trap chaami. And for me the only way to do that was through you madam. I understood that chaami’s goal is to have sex with you madam. So I started making a plan. Inorder to gather evidences we have to find his operation place. So i made a plan to find his den by using you as bait.
Devika could not believe her ears as she listened to Ganapati
Ganapati - Soon through Rangan, chaami asked me to make another arrangement as he was not successful during the housewarming.
So we made a plan to scare you. I knew that, madam you care so much about your family and would do anything for them if you feel they are in danger.
So that letter that I gave you was actually written by me. I said to you that it was written by chaami. I thought i can make an arrangement for chaami to meet you at his place by scaring you through that letter by saying your family is in danger.
But it didn't work out at that time, as you forgot to read the letter. We did not have much time, because chaami was dangerous and clever, if we take more time, we can lose him.
So my next plan was to pressurize you madam with difficult situations. So for that we had to first keep your husband away from you. So it was a strategic decision to send your husband away to north india for work related assignments. Head of the security officer dept requested the ceo of your husband's company to get your husband transferred.
And then we decided to pressurize you, so that you feel your family is in danger. For that we created that accident that happened while coming back from vacation. Actually no one was injured. I purposefully met you guys in the vacation and asked for a lift. So I can be in that car and plan that accident.
Devika got really shocked that the accident was Ganapati's plan and she was cleverly deceived again. She felt her head is spinning, not able to digest what ganapati saying.
Devika - So Harilal?
Ganapati - He is my sub inspector working under me for this operation
Devika - so those things happened in the house?
Ganapati - madam, that was also part of the plan. Im sorry, we had to put you through a lot of difficult situations. And the only way to get to chaami was to make you nervous, anxious and scared about your family. So thats why we put more pressure on you by bringing in Harilal and blackmailed you about the accident to get you scared and weak. I do understand that those things happened on your house that day was difficult for you.
But it was only because of that, the thought of chaami came to your mind and we made you believe that chaami was the only person to save your family. And you did not have any other choice other than agreeing for the puja.
Through Rangaraj I informed chaami about your situation and about the plan to bring you to his place. Chaami was so delighted but still i did not know anything about the location where chaami is.
So we got ready for carrying out a major operation and our plan to locate chaami was by following you. So today morning since you left your house with Vishnu our whole squad was following you.
We waited for a moment to surround and launch an attack. While you guys where in the village we were waiting. We knew that those village people were innocent. So we waited to find the real den of Chaami.
We had to wait until both you and Vishnu were taken to this place in the forest for puja.
Devika - So why did you wait till now, if you had waited more. Do you know, i would have got bangd
Ganapati - sorry, madam we had to wait for the right moment. We waited for all of his men's attention is diverted. Otherwise it would put everyone's life in danger.
Devika cried listening to all these things told by Ganapati. She was made a bait to catch a criminal. Thinking all the bad things she had to face, she couldn't refrain from crying. All the things came to her mind. Chaami making her naked, milking her, tying thread on her waist, inserting stone in her pussy and atlast almost got fucked. And being blackmailed by harilal, helping Ganapati to ejaculate.
Everything was a plan made to deceive her. Everyone took advantage of her and deceived.
She weeped. Ganapati felt bad.
Ganapati - madam, im sorry that i had to put you through all these. But on bigger picture, it was only because of you that this mission is complete and we could stop this mafia. All those children from all the college will be saved from drugs and their parents can now be relieved.
By that time a security officer officer came to the hut and said.
security officerman - sir, everything is seized and packed. The dead bodies also are wrapped. We have to leave from here soon sir
Ganapati - okay
security officerman went back
Ganapati - madam we have to go from here. Please come, i will drop you at your home
Devika did not have anything to say as she was still in shock
Vishnu - but ganapati, huh.. sorry sir..our dress and belongings are in the village.
Ganapati - thats okay, we have fresh clothes in the security officer vehicle for both of you. And your belongings, it will be brought to your house by security officer later. But right now we have to leave as soon from here. As it is still not safe.
Ganapati, Vishnu and Devika walked out of the hut. Devika was still wearing just khaki security officer shirt barely covering her gaand, while vishnu is just in a dhothi.
Ganapati - we have to walk an hour through the forest before reaching the security officer vehicle.
The time is past 1 am now, outside the air is still filled with the smell of gunpowder due to the heavy firings took place.
They were about to enter the forest, when suddenly they heard the sound of gunshot firing from behind them.
They turned and found couple of chaami’s guys who escaped and hiding in the forest started to fire at them.
Ganapati got alert and shouted
Ganapati - hide, take cover.
But before ganapati or other security officermen can shoot back or react. Another shot was made and Ganapati got hit and fell to the ground and he screamed to devika
Ganapati - Run. Run
Again other security officermen started firing back. Vishnu grabbed devika’s arm
Vishnu - madam, run. come
He pulled her hand and both of them ran into the darkness in the forest.
They both ran without turning back in the darkness of the forest. Behind them they could still hear the gunshots. They ran and ran to save their lives.
They ran for the next 30 minutes, before they are tired and cannot run anymore. Both of them gasped for air, tired and they had no idea where they were.
Everywhere it is darkness, they can't see anything and now they don't hear the gunshots as well. They stood there took some time to breath air.
Devika - Vishnu, Vishnu. I can't run anymore. I'm so tired. Where are we?
Vishnu - i don't know madam.
Devika - Ganapati got shot. Is he alright?
Vishnu - don't know madam. May be he is dead
Devika - Are they going to come after us
Vishnu - Don’t know madam. Maybe security officermen would have defeated them. But I'm not sure. We have to get out of this forest as soon as possible.
Devika - im so tired, i cant move anymore.
They were standing near a tree deep inside the forest. They could hear different sounds of the forest. They were still alert as any danger can come up on them any time. More they were scared is about what if chaami’s people are still there and what if they see them.
They prayed to find any security officermen. Both of them sat near the tree tired.
Devika - hope we will be able to find some security officerman
Vishnu - i think we have to stay here until it is morning.
Devika - yes, without daylight we cannot walk in the forest it will be dangerous.
Both of them sat there scared, listening to each slight sounds and worrying about. It was around 2 am and both of them felt cold as they were only scarcely dressed. Devika is only wearing the security officer shirt given by Ganapati and Vishnu is wearing only the dhoti.
Vishnu - Are you okay madam?
Devika - I don't know Vishnu. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. How would someone feel, when they realize everyone they met in their life had other objectives and using them to achieve that. I don't know Vishnu. I regret coming to that college. From the time I stepped into that college everything changed
Devika continued
Devika - All the bad things in my life started with that. First I trusted Rahim, Anand and you. And thought I can make you guy good children. I failed in it. Rahim had bad intention. Then chaami came to my life, Ganapati everyone had their own objectives and used me.
Even i had to face bad experience from you, Vishnu. Now how I'm supposed to feel. Im scared Vishnu. I do not know whom to trust. Everyone deceived me by trust.
Vishnu - Im sorry madam. I came here with you to help you and make sure no harm happens to you. But i could not. I was unable to stop Chaami
Devika - That’s okay, Vishnu. Atleast you are still here with me. Im thankful for that. Otherwise what i would have done. I would have died there.
Devika weeped thinking about her misfortunes
Devika - i just wanted to be with my Venki and Adi
Vishnu - Madam, I promise I will take you back home. Even if I have to sacrifice my life. I will take you safely back home.
Devika - if i could return back home alive. I will not come back to that college. That college do not leave any good memories in me
Vishnu - madam, because of that college, i was able to meet you madam. Am i not a good memory for you madam? I know i have misbehaved with you. Im sorry for that
Devika - Thats okay Vishnu. You are a good boy. Always keep you good deeds with you. The only good person i met there is you Vishnu. I will never forget you in my life
The cold night made both of the shiver. On top of that both of them were tired. Vishnu felt more coldness as he was just wearing a dhoti reaching his knees. And also he was little injured because of the hitting received from Chaami’s people.
Devika noticed Vishnu shivering badly from the coldness.
Devika - are you okay?
Vishnu did not respond. Devika moved near Vishnu and held his hand. It was cold as ice.
Devika - your hands are so cold.
Devika rubbed both his hands for few seconds and she then placed her hand around his shoulder and pulled him towards her and hugged him from the side.
Devika - Dont fall sick. You promised me that you will take me back safely
Vishnu with shivering voice said.
Vishnu - I will madam
Vishnu was feeling so cold and his body kept shivering despite the efforts from devika. Even though devika herself was feeling cold but she has the comfort of the thick security officer shirt.