Chapter 18
The naughty trio was very tensed and anxious regarding this situation, as they are well aware Chaami can cunningly manipulate the innocence of Devika. They all remember, how easily he was able to strip off Devika in their trip to village and he was successfull in parading the beautiful body of their teacher in skimpy clothes infront of her students. She was near naked to feast upon, infront of all her students .
Vishnu : Are you thinking the same thing what I'm thinking
Rahim: Yes, my heart is actually pounding
Anand: Yeah bro, I can hear it
Vishnu : What can happen bro inside that room?
Rahim: I dont know that Chaami is acunning bastard
Vishnu : I know, thats why I'm worried about
Even though they themselves are not innocent in any means, and their goal is also to enjoy Devika, they do not want anyone outside them to get hold of their teacher. That is why making them so nervous about the whole situation
Ganapati : What are you guys talking about
Anand: You dont talk stupid, Why did you call that Chaami
Ganapati: What I need a priest to bless my new home. What is wrong with him? And do you know him before?
Rahim: Leave it Anand, now come on, lets finish this fast
Vishnu: How much more we have to walk now?
Ganapati : we are almost there
It took 5 minutes for the to reach at the chair rental place and took another 10 minutes to settle the bills. After that they proceed to the junction to get the autorickshaw. And by the time they reached back to GanapatI's home, it might have taken around 30 minutes.
Vishnu jumped out of the autorickshaw, before even it came to a complete halt. He got down and looked to the room and still it was closed. He along with his friends and Ganapati went near the room and knocked on the door to find no response. They knocked again and still there was no response from inside. And finally, he slightly pushed the door, and to their surprise the door was not locked. They opened the door and entered inside and to their further amazement there was no one inside.
They reached back to the hostel wondering what would have happened to their devika teacher.
Rahim: Where she would have gone bro?
Vishnu : she might have gone back to her home
Anand: But she was supposed to wait for the autorikshaw right?
Rahim : yeah, but told her that we will come back in 10 minutes but it took more 30 minutes and it was getting late as well
Vishnu : Then where did that chaami go?
Rahim: I dont know bro....
Anand : what would have happened inside?
Vishnu : Its definite that chaami might have did something smart
Rahim: yeah...what if like last time he made her naked?
Vishnu : Oh my god...i dont want to imagine that...i will kill that rascal
Rahim : Anyway lets check devika madam tomorrow
Vishnu : yeah
Next day at the college ,they were eagerly waiting for the break to come so that they can go and meet devika madam. They saw through the window devika going to her room and she was wearing a green sari and black blouse. And after one hour of waiting the first break arrived.
Rahim : ok lets go and ask
Anand : yeah come guys
Vishnu : wait
Rahim: what?
Vishnu: guys, devika is more close with me, so she might not tell what had happened there if all of us go
Rahim: so
Vishnu : i will go alone and nicely ask her, so she might comfortable to reveal it.
Rahim : no way we also want to know
Vishnu : that i will tell you guys after coming back na..
Rahim: Noo
Anand : hey rahim, what vishnu saying is correct only..let him go..
Rahim : hmm ok...but you should tell us everything
Vishnu : ok
Saying that he directly rushed to devikas room, he knocked from outside before entering the room
Devika - Hey vishnu, how are you?
Vishnu - im good madam, i just came to check on you, i was conerned
Devika - what happened
Vishnu - madam we were worried, yesterday when we came back we did not find you. So we were worried
Devika - oh im sorry vishnu, i couldnt inform you guys, there was an emergency
Vishnu - what happened ? Is everything ok
Devika - yeah, everything is fine. Actually my mother slipped in the bathroom. And i had to leave immediately because of that, so couldn't inform you guys
Vishnu - So is she alright?
Devika - yeah she is fine , after reaching home i took her to the hospital and she is little bit sore, but she is fine.
Vishnu: we were worried and we did not see chaami also there. Where did he go?
The moment he said chaami's name her smile vanished and she looked down and vishnu noticed that
Vishnu : madam , what happened, did he also leave along with you.
Devika- actually hm..actually i left before him, i left immediately after the call came. Why? Wasnt he there when you guys came?
Vishnu - no ,he wasnt there
Devika - oh then he might have had left as well
Vishnu - oh madam what chaami tell you
Devika - what do you mean
Vishnu - when we went outside with chairs, chaami had called you inside, so what was it about.
Devika again got nervous as well as shy and did not know what to tell, she was searching for words
Devika - uh hmm... Nothing actually vishnu...he just actually..uhh..called to give blessings thats all
Vishnu understood she is hiding something and something might have happened. So thought pushing more for answers. So he asked with a grin
Vishnu - why madam are you blushing, when i mentioned about chaami
Devika - what vishnu..who told im blushing...vishnu the bell will ring now, go to your class now
Vishnu walked slowly towards her left side and she was sitting on the chair, Vishnu kept both his hands on the table and leaned on the table.
Vishnu - maam , did something like what happened in the tribal village happened yesterday?
Devika - what are you saying vishnu?
Vishnu - madam, did chaami make you wear the tribal clothes again.
Devika - ohhh...vishnu what all are you thinking
Vishnu - because last time i saw you blushing like this, you were in that tribal dress infront of the students revealing your......
Devika closed her face with both the hand out of shyness
Devika - oh my god, this is too much vishnu...what are you saying.... Dont tell that.. i was not revealing anything
Vishnu enjoyed teasing her
Vishnu - if you were not revealing, then why did the students tried to get a peek of your.....
Vishnu deliberately left the sentence incomplete. And devika out of innocence and curiosity asked him
Devika - oh my god, peek of what?
Vishnu with cheeky smile, took out his leg and with her knees gave a press on devika's bulging ass through the chair
Vishnu - they were trying to get a peek on this..
Devika was shocked by Vishnu's actions
Devika - what are you doing vishnu...oh my god...
Vishnu - i was trying to point out, what they were trying to look on that day.
Devika - stop it vishnu, you are becoming a bad boy these days, you don even know what you are talking
Vishnu - im telling the truth madam, as a friend and brother its my duty to tell you honestly, and i believe i can have a open conversation with you because im treating you as my sister.
That words melted devikas heart
Devika - i know vishnu, you are my little brother only. I was just kidding im not mad at you
Vishnu smiled and said
Vishnu - so can i point out where all the students trying to look that day
Devika with a blushing smile said
Devika - i will kill you , if you do that again
Vishnu - haha
Devika - but seriously , were they trying to look there
Vishnu played dumb
Vishnu - where maam?
Devika - come on vishnu, dont act smart tell na?
Vishnu - yes maam , im telling the truth
Devika - but i was not revealing anything right?
Vishnu - what are you saying maam?, from the cloth what you were wearing on your waist on that day it was quite obvious that you were not wearing underneath.
Devika - oh my did you know
Vishnu - it was visible
Devika - what was visible?
Vishnu - the shape and roundness of this was visible
Saying that vishnu again pressed his knees on to the softness of devikas ass. And this time devika did not say anything about Vishnu's activity. Because she was more concerned about how she might have looked on that day.
Devika - are you serious vishnu?
Vishnu - yes madam, thats why students was trying to get a look inside as they were aware that you were wearning nothing inside.
Devika - oh god
Vishnu - but dont worry, u are one was actually successful in getting a view inside your skirt
Devika - oh god..that is humiliating
Vishnu - dont worry maam its ok./everyone have forgotten everything and you are the most wonderful teacher. Everyone respect you.
Those words were little soothing for devika
Bell rang
Devika - can go to your class
Vishnu - see you ma'am
Vishnu left the class happy about the fact that he was able to feel her ass, but also little concerned as he knew that she was hiding something regarding yesterday's events at Ganapati's house
Rahim : what happened there bro
Anand : Did she tell you about what happened yesterday
Vishnu : No guys she di not tell anything particular
Rahim ; did you ask properly bro
Vishnu : I asked her ...but she told nothing happened
Anand : then why did she leave early
Vishnu : She told it was because she had an emergency at home. Her mother slipped. So that's why she left
Anand : oh i see
Viahnu: but guys i also felt that she is hiding something
Rahim: why? Why did you feel like that?
Vishnu : Because the moment I asked abiut chaami she was kind of got nervous. She started sweating and was blushing a lot
Rahim : it then definitely something would have happened there
Anand : yeah otherwise she dsnt have to get nervous at all
Vishnu : yeah thats what i also thought
Rahim : but how to find this out bro
Vishnu : i have no idea..i dont think she wud say it
Anand : yeah and chaami is also not here...
Rahim : yeah ..that fucker might have done something with her
Vishnu : yeah
Anand: so anywsys we dont have anyway to know about it
Vishnu : i doubt
Rahim: hmm..ok leave it guys ...let it be...lets leave that...lets concentrate on how can we exploit her
Vishnu : yeah
Anand : i have some plans for her quite sure she will fall on my trap
Rahim : same here....lets c who going to be successful
Vishnu: haha..i think she already is under my control...hahaa
The three guys were so disappointed as they were not able to get to about the details from yesterday.
The class got over for that day and they were returning back to the hostel when they met Ganapati
Rahim : hey Ganapati...whats is your stay at the new house
Ganapati: oh ..dont ask me was a nightmare guys...i havnt had something like this before in my life
Anand: what happened..
Ganapati: oh someone broke into my house in the night
Vishnu: oh god...who?
Ganapati: some thief...
Anand - then did you have any valuables at home