Part 02
Nirmal : Hello Mom...
Vimala : Hello??
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : Nirmal!! What is it??
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : What do you want??
Nirmal : Nothing...
Vimala : What?? Wait... You want more money?? You already finished what I gave you?!
Nirmal : No, Mom... It is not that...
Vimala : Then, What Is It?? What Is Wrong??
Nirmal : Nothing, Mom...
Vimala : Nirmal... You are so... Where exactly are you?? I want to see you now!!
Nirmal : I am nearby...
Vimala : Nearby?! Where?? I cannot see you.
Nirmal : Mom... I am here only... Turn to your left.
Vimala : Oh... Great!! This Boy... Why are you hiding there?! Just come here, and tell me what you want to tell me!! No More Texting... Please!!
Nirmal : I think I will just continue texting...
Vimala : You are irritating me now!!
Nirmal : I want to tell you something...
Vimala : Ohh... Yea... But... I don't think the Strap is Visible... I have been checking the same regularly.
Nirmal : No... No... Not that.
Vimala : Then?? What Is It Now?!
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : Just Say It!!
Nirmal : I think you should move a little away from there...
Vimala : Huh?! From where?!
Nirmal : From where you are now standing!!
Vimala : What?! Why?? And... Whatever it is, just come here and tell me that... Direct!! You don't need to use a Phone!!
Nirmal : Mom... Look...
Vimala : I am looking at you... You look possessed!!
Nirmal : I am fine...
Vimala : I don't think so...
Nirmal : Just look at your Phone... This is something very important!!
Vimala : Stop Scaring Me!! I hate this!!
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : Tell Me!! You Idiot!!
Nirmal : The Boys there...
Vimala : What?? What about them??
Nirmal : They...
Vimala : What are you even trying to say??
Nirmal : They are looking at you.
Vimala : Huh?? Who??
Nirmal : Them!!
Vimala : Those Two?! They must be looking at someone else!!
Nirmal : No... They are both looking at you!!
Vimala : Ok...
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : What?? Can't you see I am in the middle of something!!
Nirmal : But...
Vimala : But What??
Nirmal : Those Boys are Looking at you.
Vimala : Arrgghhh!! So What?! What Is Wrong With That!!
Nirmal : Mom... You don't have a problem with that??
Vimala : Do you have a problem with that?!
Nirmal : Mom... No, Mom... I mean...
Vimala : Then What?! Let Them Look!!
Nirmal : Mom... See... Those Boys are indecently looking at you.
Vimala : Lol... What?! Hehehe... Oh, Nirmal... How do you know that??
Nirmal : I Know!!
Vimala : Yeah?! Well... In that case... Why don't you tell me what exactly you meant by the usage of the word Indecently!! I mean... How did you even understand they are Indecently Looking at me!!
Nirmal : You Know!!
Vimala : I don't... I just don't!!
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : What?? Tell Me... I would love to know how your thinking works!!
Nirmal : Mom... Please... Why can't you understand how concerned I am about you!!
Vimala : Nirmal... I know... Son... See... They are just looking... Those Boys are just having a good time... It is normal... You would know that... They must be of your same age... You know how it is when you see an Attractive Woman... Hehehe...
Nirmal : Mom!! I cannot believe you said that!! I am just not one of them... I don't act like this is front of women!!
Vimala : Whoa!! Relax...
Nirmal : I cannot accept this... Why can't you think straight... And... Do something about this!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Let me make this clear... We cannot do anything!! This is just a harmless act... What I am saying is... That is how everybody will consider it!! Just ignore such things, Nirmal... Be Cool... Just be happy that your Mother is still a Good-Looking Young Female!! Haha...
Nirmal : Mom... But... They are also saying things.
Vimala : Things?! What things??
Nirmal : They Are Passing Comments!!
Vimala : Look, Nirmal... There is still nothing You or I can do about it... It is not something I am happy about, and it is not something I would ever enjoy experiencing... But that is how the System here is!! There is no use complaining... There is no use fretting over it...
Nirmal : Dirty Comments!! They are saying nasty things!!
Vimala : Hold On... How on earth do you know what they are saying?! You heard anything??
Nirmal : No!!
Vimala : Then?!
Nirmal : I can guess...
Vimala : Fantastic!!
Nirmal : What??
Vimala : Just Mind Your Own Business, and go away!! I am fine here... I can take care of myself!! Stupid Lad!!
Nirmal : Mom... You are not fine!! Look... They even have their Mobile Phones pointed towards you.
Vimala : What are you saying, Nirmal... Why would they?!
Nirmal : The Camera is definitely focused on you... Mom... They are Clicking Photos of you!!
Vimala : Are You Serious?? You Sure They Are Clicking Pictures?? You Sure I am In them??
Nirmal : Videos too...
Vimala : Are You Sure??
Nirmal : 99.99%!!
Vimala : Why Not 100%??
Nirmal : Because... I am not fully sure...
Vimala : What?? You are not fully sure they are doing it??
Nirmal : Mom... No...
Vimala : Then?! Why are you saying all this if you are not even sure it is happening!! What is the matter with you?? Why are you imagining all this!! You have been on some foolish trip ever since we got out of Home!!
Nirmal : But... Isn't that obvious?! Mom... Just Think!! Anybody can guess what they are up to!!
Vimala : How... Gross!! Nirmal... I don't have a lot of time... So... Listen... If you have a real issue with some random losers ogling at your mother's assets, just come stand near me... Let them know I am not alone... Let them know I have somebody with me... Let them know they cannot get away messing with me... Do That... Please!! Because right now, you are just making this worse, and you have got me really angry!!
Nirmal : Why do you always have to say such crude things??
Vimala : I only asked you to man up... You are old enough!! And... Only if you really want to!!
Nirmal : You did not have to use the phrase you used to connect them to you, and you really did not have to use most of the words you used!! I know what it is to be a Responsible Son... I don't want you to fire me up like this!! I did not like it!!
Vimala : That is the problem now?? The Indecent Boys shooting a Porn Video featuring me have vanished?!
Nirmal : Mom!! Why do you even have to say such things??
Vimala : I don't have the right to ask questions?! I did not know!!
Nirmal : Why do you have to argue so much??
Vimala : You know what?! You deserve to be slippered for testing my patience!! To be more precise, The Boys there are not troubling me... You are troubling me!!
Nirmal : You will never understand me!!
Vimala : I don't want to either!! Your Twisted Mind is the last thing I want to understand!!
Nirmal : Can you at-least move away from the Underwear Section?? Please... Mom... Please be kind enough to stop going through the Lingerie on display!!
Vimala : What The... Nirmal... Are You Mad?! You just crossed a line!!
Nirmal : I am just telling you...
Vimala : Telling me what?! That I am not supposed to buy any Underwear?? You expect me to walk around without wearing any?!
Nirmal : Mom... What is the matter with you?? Don't you understand?!
Vimala : I don't... And... You are the one who does not seem to understand!! You find faults in everything I do!! Always!!
Nirmal : Why can't you just trust me, and listen to me?!
Vimala : What The Hell... What is really wrong with you?? Just tell it to me!! Straight!! You think I am too old to wear a Pair of Nice Lingerie?! Or... Are you thinking I am craving for attention?? Yeah?! That is it... Right?! I feel so happy!! Nirmal... I honestly never ever thought you would end up judging me!!
Nirmal : This is not me judging you.
Vimala : What else do you think you are you doing?? What?! Who are you to decide what I should do and what I should wear!!
Nirmal : Mom!! You are getting this all wrong!!
Vimala : Oh Yeah?! So... Are you are telling me I shouldn't buy those Regular Panties, either?? Not even the Normal Cotton ones?! Nirmal... Do you even realise what you are trying to get yourself into?? What is this?? Some kind of a Kink?! What happened to you??
Nirmal : I think I should just laugh at this!! Hahahahaha!!
Vimala : You feel convincing your Own Mom to not wear anything intimate is funny?!
Nirmal : You just won't... Ughhh... Stop This Nonsense!! Let's Go back Home!!
Vimala : I really need to buy New Panties!! And, I will buy New Panties!! You can act like a complete jerk, say whatever you want, as long as you please... And... Deep inside, you too know I am not spending time in this Section to shamelessly excite Young Kids watching me!! You very well do know that most of what I now have has got plenty of holes in them, and you do know I need new ones!!
Nirmal : What The Bloody... Stop It!! Now!!
Vimala : What?? You know it!!
Nirmal : What do you mean?! What are you accusing me of, Mom?!
Vimala : Ask yourself!! You know what I am talking about!!
Nirmal : Do you even realise what you are putting me through?! You cannot punish me like this!! How will I know such things!! How can you even say I would be knowing such things!!
Vimala : Such things... What is that?? Explain!!
Nirmal : Nothing!!
Vimala : Fine... I get it!! You just don't want to accept it!!
Nirmal : Why do you always have to hurt me?! I feel so cursed... I feel you do not even love me!! I see you as somebody so pure... I wish the best for you... But... Here you are... Fully convinced I have been seeing you in ways I should not be seeing you!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Look... That is not what I was really saying... Nirmal... You really didn't know?!
Nirmal : I didn't know... I don't know, Mom!! How would I know?!
Vimala : No?? Really?!
Nirmal : What Nonsense!! Why even think that!!
Vimala : I strongly expected you to have a good idea about it... In-fact, when a pair of mine went missing, a few days ago, I thought you would have taken it to your Room... The holes in them also seemed larger when I later surprisingly found them back in it's original place... So...
Nirmal : Stop It!! This is so disturbing!! Mom... Why are you even telling me all this shit!!
Vimala : It wasn't you?!
Nirmal : I am going!! I am going away!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Sorry... Wait...
Nirmal : How can you think about me like this?? I know nothing about what you think I know!! I swear!!
Vimala : I thought you would know...
Nirmal : Stop saying that, Mom!! Why would you think something like that, in the first place?? How on earth was I supposed to know!!
Vimala : Forgive me if I am being cruel here with more of my frankness, but most Sons find pleasure in going through the contents of their Mothers Wardrobes... Especially having their hands all over the Undies... I thought you too must have...
Nirmal : Mom!! Shut Up!!
Vimala : My Fault!!
Nirmal : You have said all that so easily... You don't know how I am being affected!! Mom... I am not that kind of a person... You know nothing about me!!
Vimala : I am sorry, Nirmal... I really did not know!! I have been hearing so many things from the other Mothers, and I thought you too would be doing the same as their Sons!!
Nirmal : What The Fuck!! How can you even think about me like that!!
Vimala : Mind Your Language!! Don't Use Such Words!!
Nirmal : Yeah Right!! You of all people should be saying that!! Wow!!
Vimala : Okay... Maybe, I was a little... Shit... Look at you... You are drenched in sweat... Nirmal... I am sorry... I did not know this conversation was getting so taxing for you... I just wanted to see what you really wanted... Shit Shit Shit... I was only trying to push you a bit... I am really sorry... I should never have thought about you like that... Nirmal... Please... Just Calm Down... Please... And... Just Come Here, Will You?! It's all good... I know you are a very good guy... I was just teasing you... I am sorry.
Nirmal : I am fine... Don't care about me anymore... Please!! I am more than fine... You just don't realise how concerned I always have been about your safety!! But You... You are more interested in labeling me a Creep!! I feel wonderful!!
Vimala : I do... I do, Nirmal... I mean... I do know you care about me... That is why I want you to come stand by my side... I truly trust you... Just come over here... You don't have to stay so far away from me!! Keep your Phone aside, and be here with me...
Nirmal : And do what??
Vimala : Come here... Nirmal... Talk to me... Stop Over-Thinking for once, and burdening yourself like this... You always do that... Everything is fine here... You know that... I care for you more than you care for me, Nirmal... You know that!!
Nirmal : Perfect!! Superb!!
Vimala : Nirmal... I know you only mean good for me... So, instead of giving me so much to worry about, and being worried yourself, why don't you just come here... And... Help me choose a Neat Pair... You can select from here what you will be comfortable to see me wearing... Let's fix this... Let's make this alright!!
Nirmal : What?? Mom!! I Hate You... I Hate You, Mom... Forever!! You just made me feel like a Cheap Sex Freak!! I feel so pathetic!!
Vimala : Nirmal... No!! Never!! You Are My Son... You are just not understanding what I am saying!!
Nirmal : The kind of things you say... I won't understand... You have hurt me so much today.
Vimala : Look... What I meant is... I only tried to say you can choose for me something that you will be comfortable to know I am wearing!! I know you won't see me in it!! And... I said that only because you gave me the impression that you did not want me to buy any Lingerie from here!! I felt it was better I let you select!!
Nirmal : That is what you have understood?! Seriously?? I just don't know how to say what I was really having in my mind, Mom... I was worried seeing those Boys... It's a disturbing idea... And... Let's stop this... I expect you to show some mercy!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Yes... I know... I know you only did not want those Boys to have fun at my expense!! I understand... And... Let us keep it aside... I get you... Thank You... I mean it... But...
Nirmal : But??
Vimala : Look... Having said that, I also really don't have a problem with you knowing what I am buying!! I am a Modern Mummy... Hehe!! So Please Calm Down...
Nirmal : Mom... I don't want to know what you are buying... I don't want to know what you are wearing!! I don't care... Why is it that you don't know that?? Why is it that you don't know I would not like that?!
Vimala : Nirmal... I get your point... And... I am the happiest person to know that... You are a lovely soul... But... I also want you to put an end to giving yourself so much pressure... This is all very normal... And it is just not your fault!! None of this is your fault!! You just don't have to feel so lost every-time... Whatever it is... Particularly when it is something involving you and me!! Nirmal... A Mother and Son can have such talks... You don't have to feel so uneasy... You don't need to send me Text Messages... You can talk to me... Freely!! Telling me about the Strap of a Bra and Asking me about the Selection of Panties is all cool... I want you to know that!! There is absolutely nothing odd here!! Nothing Wrong here!!
Nirmal : This is indeed all wrong!!
Vimala : What is so wrong??
Nirmal : I don't want to know what you are wearing underneath!!
Vimala : But you are still concerned about it...
Nirmal : No!!
Vimala : Then... Why did you tell me about the Strap of My Bra being Visible?!
Nirmal : You know why!!
Vimala : What if I say No??
Nirmal : Because... I did not want anybody else to see it!!
Vimala : Why??
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : Hehe... Chill... And Also... You won't have to worry about the Straps again... I will buy Strapless Bras from now on!! Lol!! Happy?!
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : Good Idea??
Nirmal : I just don't care!!
Vimala : Hahaha!! You won't care even if I don't wear one??
Nirmal : As long as you are comfortable!!
Vimala : Ohohoho!! Seriously?! You are saying that?? That is very flattering... Haha!!
Nirmal : I actually don't care!! I just want you to be safe, and I just don't want to be told about it.
Vimala : Lol O Lol!! Nirmal... See... Last One...You know I am wearing a Bra... You have seen enough proof... But you have got nothing to confirm I am also wearing a... You Know... Hehe... So...
Nirmal : So What?? What is this!!
Vimala : I really hope that you are at-least aware of the fact that I do always keep the openings covered, regardless of what I finally wear on top of all that... I hope you do acknowledge it!!
Nirmal : Bye!!
Vimala : Okay... I shouldn't have said that... Sorry... You already said you want to be told nothing about it... But... This too is still nothing abnormal... I mean... You must be seeing it all around the House... My Inner-Wears are always there... This is nothing you need to feel bad about... It's obvious you know, even if you have tried to not know!! And... Your Briefs too... I don't feel anything strange when I see yours... So... If I can know what you are wearing, you can know what I am wearing!! It's All Good!!
Nirmal : Mom!! What?! My Briefs?!
Vimala : What?? You think I don't know what you wear?! Son... I still wash all your Clothes, and that includes everything!! Lazy Dumbo!!
Nirmal : Just Shut Up, Mom!!
Vimala : Lol... You Shut Up!! Hehe... Let me get back to shopping... And let me finish it fast!! We have spent so much time Texting, Nirmal!! I wouldn't have encouraged it... I always prefer a Direct Conversation... But you wouldn't be ready for it, and I also did not want to force you into it...
Nirmal : Happy Shopping!!
Vimala : For your kind information, I can finish this faster if you were helping me!!
Nirmal : I cannot, Mom... I am still feeling so uncomfortable!!
Vimala : Ohh... Nirmal... Okay... Why don't you walk around the Mall for sometime... Or maybe... Go buy yourself something!! You told me you have a big To-Buy List when we left Home, and you have not got yourself anything!! Stop Shielding Me, and Start Shopping!! Your Mom Won't Cheat On Your Dad!! Promise!! Lol!!
Nirmal : Fine... Whatever!!
Vimala : Nirmal...
Nirmal : What??
Vimala : Son... I am sorry for hurting you... Listen... I am not buying any of this from here now... I will get what I want from the Online Store.
Nirmal : Why are you telling me all this?? You anyway don't want me around... So stop bothering about explaining things to me!!
Vimala : No... I wanted you to stay with me... You were feeling low... Nirmal... I just wanted to help you cheer up... Look... I am going to try a couple of Kurtis... Are you coming with me?? I mean... I want you to come with me!! I want you to look at me as I put them on me!!
Nirmal : What The Hell!! No Way!!
Vimala : Great!! Lol... My Dear Son... Don't get your hopes too high!! Hehe... I am definitely not letting you inside the Trial Room!! I am not going to expose myself in front of you!! I will come out every-time I am in the right form to be displayed to you, and you can tell me how I look.
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : Hehehe... Just Joking... Just Clarifying... Hehe... To be honest, I simply cannot stop myself from feeling proud about how innocent My Son really is... You are the best... And... Don't look so tensed... I just want you to be around me, and you can also keep this Purse of mine with you... I have got money in it, and I don't want to leave it with the Staff at the Counter... So... Be a good boy, and come with me... Now!!
Nirmal : Mom...
Vimala : What?? What More??
Nirmal : You can buy the Panties, as well... I am sorry if I was acting weird... I was just too stressed.
Vimala : You are fine now... Right?! See... All you need to do is to stop caring about what others are doing and thinking... Control What Is In Your Control... Be Happy... That is how you should do it, Son!! Live Your Life!!
Nirmal : Yes, Mom... I will be better... And... Please buy what you like... I won't mind even if it is a Pair of Lingerie... It is your choice... I only want you to be safe!!
Vimala : Aaha... So... You do know I deserve to wear a Sexy Lingerie!! Hehehe... Sweet Boy!!
Nirmal : Not Again...
Vimala : Hahaha!! Mmwwaahh!! I Love You...
Nirmal : Hehe... I Love You Too, Mom...
Vimala : Good... But... Just as My Son would be really hoping for, and wants me to, I am extremely contently putting in to the Shopping Bag a few Comfortable Pairs of Very Humble Cotton Panties.
Nirmal : Hhhmmm...
Vimala : Lol!! I wished you said something cute!! Hehe... Now, Hurry Up!! The Trial Rooms take forever to get out of, and I suddenly have a lot of Items to try... Run if you don't want to be stuck here all day!!
Nirmal : Yes... But... Mom... Wait!!
Vimala : What Is It Now??
Nirmal : I don't think you can try Inner-Wears...
Vimala : What??
Nirmal : They won't let you do that!!
Vimala : Oho... Yeah?!
Nirmal : Yes.
Vimala : Nice... And... You seem to know quite a lot... Guess you have always been helping the Rest of the Ladies in your life get themselves the Right Pairs... Haha!!
Nirmal : It's Unhygienic!! As simple as that!!
Vimala : Are you telling me that I am not clean enough?? You think I am Dirty down there?!
Nirmal : Mom!! You Have Lost It... Come On!!
Vimala : What??
Nirmal : It is a very basic thing... As simple as that!! Again!! Nobody would ever go to the Trial Room with Bras & Panties!! It's just that, and it's really nothing against you!!
Vimala : One Second... One Second, Please... Nirmal... Tell me the truth... Were you expecting me to really try putting on these New Pairs of Panties?? Like... Really?! Here?!
Nirmal : Yeah... I thought you were going to... Inside the Trial Room!!
Vimala : Thank You for telling me you take me for an idiot, and an even bigger Thank You for being sure I would be trying the Panties only from Inside The Trial Room...
Nirmal : You don't have to feel offended...
Vimala : No... No!! They are of-course important information, and I do apologize to you for being in the mood to keep this discussion for another time... Because... I want to ask you something else right now... I expect the Truth from you, as always...
Nirmal : Sarcasm??
Vimala : I don't think so...
Nirmal : What is it??
Vimala : Did you also think I was going to ask you whether they looked good on me??
Nirmal : What looked good on you??
Vimala : What I was going to try!!
Nirmal : Yeah... That is why you wanted me to come along... To tell you how the Kurtis looked on you... Right?!
Vimala : The Panties, too?!
Nirmal : What The Hell!!
Vimala : You Did!! Didn't You?!
Nirmal : No!!
Vimala : You Did!! Your Mind Did Wander There!! Say Yes!! Agree To It!!
Nirmal : No... I won't...
Vimala : Why??
Nirmal : Stop It, Mom.
Vimala : You want me to stop it??
Nirmal : Yes... Please!! I am begging you!! You are causing me a lot of pain!!
Vimala : Fine... I will stop this... I don't want to give you more reasons to be upset... I see you breathing heavily... And... I will make this easy... Just tell me what Color will look good on me, and we are done!!
Nirmal : Excuse Me... What?!
Vimala : Which among the Three in this Set of Panties would look better over my curves??
Nirmal : Mom... How Dare You!!
Vimala : Stop pretending to be the Naive Boy you clearly not are... You have already imagined me stripping down to these!!
Nirmal : No!!
Vimala : Liar!!
Nirmal : You are lying!!
Vimala : What is poking out of you?? I am meters away, yet I can see it so clearly!!
Nirmal : I have had enough...
Vimala : Answer Me!!
Nirmal : Get Lost!!
Vimala : So... You Won't??
Nirmal : No.
Vimala : You Really Won't?!
Nirmal : No!!
Vimala : I know what is fighting to get out of your Pants!! Tell me what Color you want to see me in, if you do not want me to make this really bad!!
Nirmal : I Am Leaving!!
Vimala : Okay... If that is how you want it to be... Then... Let me just ask the Boys still standing there, and who according to you have been getting hard ogling at me, what they think about the selection... Well... It's not going to be difficult... Those Boys are Still Looking at me... I just need to gift them the opportunity... And... I really hope that they say they can give me the right opinion only if I put on a show for them!!