Part 03.2
Vimala : But I will... If I ever get to Catch you Hiding in My Bathroom... Watching Me Strip Naked... And Wet In The Shower... Right?! That is the meaning of Care according to you... Right?? I apologize for being Old-Fashioned, but People in My Generation call that Lust!! Wicked Immoral Lust!! You should simply go to a Doctor and get your Head checked!!
Nirmal : Shut Up, Mom!!
Vimala : You Shut Up!!
Nirmal : You are Not Sane... There is Something Very Wrong with... You are literally Pushing Me To Commit Suicide!! I Wish I was Dead!!
Vimala : Oh... My...
Nirmal : What is... At-least... Stop Acting So Weird in Public... I am not going to Steal your Food... You don't have to play it with like that... What Bloody... You are So Crazy...
Vimala : Shit!!
Nirmal : True... Shit Crazy!!
Vimala : Nirmal... I think...
Nirmal : Tell It... Tell It Out Loud... Curse Me More!!
Vimala : No... No... Listen...
Nirmal : What... What Now... What More...
Vimala : Do you Smell it??
Nirmal : Smell... Smell What??
Vimala : That Smell... Can You Smell It??
Nirmal : Huh...
Vimala : The Water... Water... It is The Water...
Nirmal : What... Water What... What are you...And... Don't Gulp like that... You will End Up Choking... Bloody... What has gotten into you... Are you Really Mad!!
Vimala : No... No... It's Not The Water...
Nirmal : What are you even saying...
Vimala : Crap... Why am I still Texting... Arrghhh... Fine... I think it really is better if I just text this down...
Nirmal : What is this even about...
Vimala : It's the Bread... I Am Sure!!
Nirmal : Mom... What!!
Vimala : Nirmal!! It is the Bread... Eat it... I mean... Don't Eat it... But... Still... Maybe... Take A Small Bite...
Nirmal : I Don't Understand...
Vimala : Just Eat It... You Will Understand...
Nirmal : What...
Vimala : Eat It!!
Nirmal : I... I Already Have...
Vimala : And??
Nirmal : And...
Vimala : What do you think...
Nirmal : What??
Vimala : You don't think it tastes of Cum??
Nirmal : What The Hell... Not That Again...
Vimala : No... No... This is not like before... I Am Serious... You really don't think so...
Nirmal : It's Impossible, Mom... You know that too... Cum In Food... Only you will... See... No Way!!
Vimala : Being Served Cum is very much possible, My Dear Son... This is India... I hope you often read the News... Anything can happen here...
Nirmal : Okay... Yes... I have heard about a few cases... But... Still... That was never in Places so crowded... This is Too Impossible!!
Vimala : But you too feel the same... Don't you?! There is Cum in it... You too can Taste it... Look... Look Carefully... It's Not Cheese on top... It's Cum... Bread Toasted with Cum... Maybe even sprayed with Cum... Something has been done to Somehow have Cum on it!!
Nirmal : I don't know, Mom... I really don't know... Mom... Let us not talk about this... Please... I really don't know...
Vimala : What do you mean by that!!
Nirmal : What??
Vimala : Are you saying I should just eat Some Man's Cum?? Happily allow Some Asshole's cum find its way in my mouth... Yet keep quite and Not React... That is what you are saying?!
Nirmal : Mom... Please... No!! That is not what I said... I am only telling I don't know...
Vimala : What is that you don't know!!
Nirmal : I don't know if it's Cum!!
Vimala : How can you say that... You are A Man.
Nirmal : So What if I am A Man!!
Vimala : You must have tasted Cum... You know the Taste of it...
Nirmal : What... What did you say??
Vimala : I mean... Don't get me wrong... I am Not Questioning your Orientation... All I am saying is... See... You must have tasted your Own Cum... You have, Right... And... You are Still Doubting... Nirmal... You sure this doesn't taste so?!
Nirmal : What Nonsense!!
Vimala : What... This doesn't taste like Cum to you??
Nirmal : That is not... See... Why will I taste My Own Cum... Why do you even think I would have...
Vimala : Huh... Well... I thought it was Normal...
Nirmal : What the... Mom!! What is Normal about it... Mom... What are you saying... This is all Too Abnormal!!
Vimala : That is not the conversation we are having now... But still... Okay... I felt... Boys would be curious to check How They Taste... What They Taste like... So... I thought... You know...
Nirmal : I think we should go... Come...
Vimala : You said you were Hungry...
Nirmal : I am Not... I don't want to Eat this anyway!! Let's Go!! Right Away!!
Vimala : There is still a lot of Shopping to be done... We have a lot of time!!
Nirmal : I Am Done!! I Am Done Here!! I Am Done Being With You!!
Vimala : Come On...
Nirmal : Let's Go...
Vimala : Stay... Please... I did not mean that in a bad way... I really did not... I just meant you would have someday had to have Your Cum in Your Mouth... That is all!!
Nirmal : What the Fuck is Wrong with You!!
Vimala : Lol... Calm Down... You Look So Red... Sit... Oh Please... Sit Down... Shit!! Please... People are Looking at Us!!
Nirmal : Just Get Lost... You did not have a problem when People were looking at you... Why Bother Now!! I Am Leaving!!
Vimala : Wait... Let me Just Clarify... Please!!
Nirmal : Clarify What?? You are Only Going to Argue that They were Not People earlier, But Just Boys, and It Was Okay if They Looked at You!!
Vimala : Look... Nirmal... No!! It's Not About The Boys... Keep that Episode aside... I mean... Please... Let us just focus on what's happening here... Let us not mix everything... I should have not either... But, I can't do anything about mentioning those Parts now... Look... I did not mean to say you would have... I mean... You Know... I am just saying you would have got the Taste of it... Maybe... When You Kissed Your Girlfriend... After... You know... Or... When You Went Down On... Her... After... You know...
Nirmal : Stop This... Please... I have Never Done Anything Like... You are Destroying Me... Please!!
Vimala : You are Still A Virgin??
Nirmal : Mom... What is wrong... Why are you even asking me all that... What all are you asking me... We cannot talk about all this!!
Vimala : Why?? Of-Course... We Can!!
Nirmal : No!! I am Not Liking this... You are taking this too far... I Want To Go Home!!
Vimala : Okay... Fine... I Agree... You are Right... I didn't realise... I guess I took it a little too far... I Should Stop!!
Nirmal : Yes... You Have... And You Should Stop... You Should Stop Texting... And Also... Stop Having That Stupid Grin On Your Face!!
Vimala : Hehehe... Sorry... But... I Cannot Stop... I think I am going to Start Laughing Out Loud... For Real... But... Sorry... Really Sorry...
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : Phew... Okay... In case you are still worried about The Cum in The Food thing, Don't Worry... There Is No Need To Worry!! This Food Court is Managed by The Raj Group's Catering Division, and impossible claims you have been making... So... Just Relax, and Finish Your Meal, and We will Get Back to Shopping... I assure you I will be good.
Nirmal : I made No Claims!!
Vimala : You did...
Nirmal : I only said there was a good chance about The Food being Stale... You said everything else...
Vimala : Fine... I just made it a little extra difficult for you... I wanted to know if you had any bad intentions... I just wanted to be sure... That was not required... My Mistake... But leave it... Forget it... Eat... Please... It's Really Good... Don't Worry about anything else!!
Nirmal : I am not worried about the Cum in the Food anymore... I am worried about you... I am worried about what you think about me... That is what I am worried about, Mom!!
Vimala : Hehe... I know... What I meant is that The Food is perfectly fine... It's all okay... Hygiene is what they give the most importance to... This Is Not A Paid Promotion or anything... What am I even saying... I just want you to eat, and not remain hungry...
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : Aah... Okay... Let me get straight to the point... You don't have to worry about me... I Trust You... And, I Love You... And, You don't have to worry thinking what I must be thinking about you... I really trust you... But sometimes... You know... I just... You will know why and what... It doesn't mean I don't love you... This is how I am... I am also only being careful about everything... That includes everything... No Offence meant to you... But it's better not to be sorry later... Right?! Look... I am Not Blaming You... I fully trust you... And Your Intentions... And... You will know... You already know... You must know better than anybody else... You are concerned about people around you... Right?! Careful... About Everything... Everybody... You got it from me!! You got that trait from me!! So... You will know that I am somebody who goes the Extra Distance to make sure everything is fine... Just like you do... Just like you have been doing since the morning... It's just that!! Okay?? And, You can by now guess how long I must have been trying to be careful about everything... You know what it must be like... You know what I must be like...
It was only fear in the beginning, but things change... You get used to it... You start to find things are okay... You worry less... And also you get this arrogant temptation to kinda belittle somebody trying to be as careful or as worried as you once were... You too might be feeling changes... Small Changes... Or you too soon will... But... Having said that... I am sorry I tried it on you... I am sorry I tried making you feel bad... Making your concerns look not so genuine!! I should have been more considerate, because I was somebody who was supposed to clearly know how your mind would have been working... I should have been more kind with you... I should have been less menacing... I should have reminded myself more that you were after all my own child... My Darling Child... I should Never have paid attention to What Other Mothers tell About Their Sons... It always infuriated me... And I Start To Think... I Mean... My Bad!! And... I won't do it again... I won't do any of this... I will treat you well... Okay?!
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : I Love You... I Really Love You!!
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : What??
Nirmal : What What!!
Vimala : Why are you Not Happy?? Smile... At-least Now... Say Something... Please...
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : You Are Upset??
Nirmal : You know that... You clearly know I am Upset... You have done everything possible to leave me Upset for the rest of my life!!
Vimala : There is No Need for you to be Upset!! You should be feeling you are very normal, and be happy that everything is fine!! I have made it clear to you what I feel about you, and you really don't need to be Upset!! I understand it was My Mistake...
Nirmal : You don't know what I am feeling!! You have No Idea how this is affecting me... I Am Really Upset!!
Vimala : About What??
Nirmal : About Everything You Have Told Me!! Nothing... Nothing Will Change That!!
Vimala : Are you Upset because I told you I know what Cum tastes like??
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : OR... Are you Upset because I told you I don't know what Cum tastes like?? Hehehe...
Nirmal : Stop It!!
Vimala : What... Stop What!!
Nirmal : You don't have to Push Me Away like this... Stop Making Fun of Me...
Vimala : I was not... I was not Pushing You Away... I was Not Making Fun of You... I was Genuinely Asking you whether it is Cum that is The Problem here!!
Nirmal : Don't talk about it...
Vimala : About What?? Cum?!
Nirmal : Yes... That!!
Vimala : But Why?!
Nirmal : I don't like it... I hate that Word now!!
Vimala : So...
Nirmal : So What??
Vimala : You used to like that Word before??
Nirmal : Stop... I don't want to be Associated with that Word again in any ways!!
Vimala : So... You are Never Going to Cum Again?! Isn't that going to be a little too cruel on your Girls... Lol!!
Nirmal : Shut Up!!
Vimala : Hahahaha... It Is All Normal, Nirmal... Just Relax!!
Nirmal : What is So Normal about any of this... What is Normal here?? Do you even know what NORMAL means?? Or is that Your Normal is so very different from My Normal?? Is that why you cannot understand me?! Because whatever you are saying is definitely not looking Normal to me!!
Vimala : You don't have to act so... You Know... Not in Front Of Me... I am Your Mother... And Also... You can be Free with me... We have talked about so much... So Many Things... We Talk About Everything... We can talk about this too...
Nirmal : We have never talked about anything like this... I don't want to either... You are the last person I will ever talk to about all this!! In-Fact... I don't think I will ever talk to you about anything!!
Vimala : Come On, Nirmal... Grow Up for once... Why are you acting So Silly... Don't Be So Rude!!
Nirmal : You should be Telling that to Yourself... You are making me Really Uncomfortable...
Vimala : Yeah?? Really?!
Nirmal : Yes!!
Vimala : Well... In that case... How about I make you More Uncomfortable!!
Nirmal : Mom... Why are you Behaving like this... Why can't you behave like a Normal Mother!!
Vimala : Behaving like this?! Like what?? Oh... You are telling me My Behavior is Not Right?? Great!! Maybe, I should learn a thing or two about Behaving Well from you... Perhaps I should Start with Shamelessly Throwing My Stained Undies all over the House, just like you do... Just like how you do with your Briefs... Bloody Normal Son!!
Nirmal : What The Hell!!
Vimala : Just being Honest... Just being A Normal Mother... Nothing Else, Normal Son!!
Nirmal : Get Lost!!
Vimala : I initially thought you were Only Being Lazy... I thought you were Just Lazy to move and make sure your To-Be-Washed Garments were rightly in the Laundry Basket... Now I Guess... I mean... Now I know you were doing it On Purpose... You were Throwing them at me!! For Me!! You wanted me To Feel your Dirty Underwear drenched in Cum... You wanted me to Touch them... You wanted me to Touch You... You wanted to Enjoy Seeing me take the effort to bend down and Collect your Briefs from the Floor... You Wanted To See Me Touching your Remainings... You must have been hoping for me to Treasure that Moment... The Opportunity to get my hands on your Used Briefs... And, Smell them... And, Even Taste them!! Right?! Good Job... Son!! And, Of-Course... You were also desperately expecting that I too will Do The Same With My Inners... Exactly like how I just said I was going to Start Doing!! You Were Always Trying To Provoke Me... Right?! As In Porn?? Well... You have Won... Again... You have got me doing just what you want me to do!! I Hope You Are Happy... Son!!
Nirmal : Shut Up, Mom... I Am Leaving...
Vimala : Hahaha... I know you are liking this... I know you are Very Hard now, and Checking How Much Harder you can get... I know you want me to Go On and On and On, and Never Stop Talking About This... Talking Dirty!!
Nirmal : No... No... I Am Not... And... No... Don't Look Me Down There... You... Cannot... I am not at all liking this!!
Vimala : You would have left long ago if you really weren't liking this... You would never have reached here... You would have left at-least the very moment you first said you were leaving... And, That was a long time ago!!
Nirmal : I did not want to leave you alone...
Vimala : Haha... You would have at-least Stopped Texting.
Nirmal : I Talk Very Less... I Always Text... You know that... I was not liking this Chat... But, Because I had a matter to settle, I had to continue Texting.
Vimala : Lol O Lol...
Nirmal : Don't Laugh... Even you did not Stop Texting... Despite all the instances you told me you cannot Text... So, You too are more comfortable when Texting... You are also just like me... You convey emotions better through Texts... This is The Zone you too like to be in... That is why We are still having this Conversation... Even Fighting via Text Messages!!
Vimala : What.... That is not even what I asked you... That is not even what I was talking about... Your Replies do not even feel like they are meant for me anymore... Who are you even telling all this to... Wait... Wrong Chat?? Double Dating, Eh?!
Nirmal : I am Going Home!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Sit There... Sit... I was Just Joking... I Am Sorry.
Nirmal : Joking?! About What Were You Joking??
Vimala : About Everything!!
Nirmal : This is No Joke!! You are Making Me Cry... Can't You See!!
Vimala : No... No!! Shit... Please... Don't Say That... That will Break Me...
Nirmal : You Have Already Broken Me!!
Vimala : I Am Really Sorry... Please... Relax!!
Nirmal : I have Never done anything like that... I have Never done anything like what you tell I have done... None of That is True!! I Never meant Anything Bad... You Know That!! Why do you still want to make me feel So Worthless?? Why do you say things like that!! When did I ever throw My Used Underwear at You?!
Vimala : Sorry, Nirmal... That is not what I meant... I did not literally mean it... I was just a bit... See... I know it was Not Intentional... You wanted nothing out of it... I know... But...
Nirmal : But What?? Why But??
Vimala : I still really thought the Wetness in your Briefs were from Semen... Guess I really don't know what Semen smells like, or even feels like!!
Nirmal : Mom... Please!! Are You Really Stupid?? This is Absurd!!
Vimala : What is absurd about this?? What?! The respect I just gave you by making sure I do not use the Word CUM, that you said you now hate, and instead swapped it with the Word SEMEN?! I only did not want to disturb you any more, and you are calling that absurd??
Nirmal : Gross... What Is This Nonsense... You Are Not Done Messing With Me??
Vimala : Hahaha...
Nirmal : Cum Cum Cum... That is all that you say... So So Absurd... And you feel No Remorse... You are Openly Admitting it!! I know... You are finding pleasure in this... Aren't You?! Look... Let me make this clear for the final time... I am not liking it... And So... I am going.
Vimala : Stay...
Nirmal : I feel like My Head is going to burst... This Cum-Talk is on the verge of getting me killed!!
Vimala : I know... I know you must be thinking how is it that A Woman of my age does not know what Cum smells like... Or feels like!! I know you must be finding that a little too harsh on your Dad... I know that is what is making you sad... But... I am not lying...
Nirmal : What The... I don't even want you to use that Word, and you are adamant you will only keep saying that... Or something that means the same... I am not even in the mood to talk about anything like that, and you are still forcefully making me talk about it!! You do not even realize what you are saying!! See... I don't want to talk to you... I find you too... Annoying!! Mom... With all due respect, I Am Done Talking To You... You are somebody I really don't want to talk to... Now... Or, Maybe... Ever!!
Vimala : Are you Ashamed of Me?!
Nirmal : Yes... I Am...
Vimala : You Cannot Say That...
Nirmal : I Cannot... I Should Not... I Know!! But... I have to... You are forcing me to say that!!
Vimala : You are Really Ashamed of Your Mother??
Nirmal : Yes... You hurt me... You have been hurting me... And you are least bothered about it... You will only hurt me more!!
Vimala : I know you are hurt... And I can understand... You must be feeling so bad... And I also know why...
Nirmal : You don't!!
Vimala : I do... It's because I don't know much about Cum... Right, Son?! Hehehehe...
Nirmal : Arrrgggg... Fine... I cannot take this any more... Have it your way then!! Yes... It is just because of that... Okay?! Satisfied?? I Don't Want to Ever See You Again!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Don't be So Angry... I Am Sorry...
Nirmal : I don't want Your Sorry... Not Anymore...
Vimala : Why!!
Nirmal : You do Not Mean It!! Just Get Lost!!
Vimala : Please... Stay...
Nirmal : No Chance of me staying... Not Another Second!!
Vimala : I Am Sorry, My Son... Please Forgive Me... Don't leave me alone and go!! Something dangerous could happen to me.
Nirmal : I have No other option... You are Old Enough to take care of yourself!!
Vimala : Please... I am sorry... Give me One More Chance!! Just One More!! Please!! I Am Sorry...
Nirmal : Don't Be Sorry... Be Better!!
Vimala : I am ready to Be Better!!
Nirmal : Then Start Being Better!!
Vimala : But... I need your help for that...
Nirmal : My Help?? Why?!
Vimala : Hehe... You Know Why...
Nirmal : I don't know why!!
Vimala : How else can I Be Better!!
Nirmal : What...
Vimala : How else can I learn more about A Man's Cum!!
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : I mean it... I want to be The Mother you want me to be... I want to Be Better... Just like you want me to!! I want to know everything about Cum... That Is What You Want... Right?! So... I will make sure I know everything about Cum... Especially Yours!!
Nirmal : What Are You Saying, Mom... Are You Even My Real Mother!!
Vimala : Yes... And I will prove it to you... I will prove it by letting you know I do take you very seriously... So... Stop Talking... I mean Typing... And... Just Cum on the Plate in front of you... Do It Now... I don't care whether anybody sees us... I really don't care... You can do it from right here... Sitting in front of me... Looking at me... Just take your Thing out, and Shoot Your Cum Out... All On To The Plate... And Serve it to me... Serve it to Your Mother!! I will tell you exactly what I think about A Man's Cum... How It tastes like... How your's tastes like... How You Taste Like!! I really will... I really will do it for you... I really will do it for A Real Man... That Is What You Too Want Me To Do... Right?! You want me to know what you taste like... I know...... I know that will make you feel better... Oh Yes... That will!! That will also make sure to you that I Love You... Right?! You will then be fully convinced that I am really Your Mother!! Give me a chance... Please... I am begging you... I Can Make Up For All The Hurt Caused... I really want to... So... Please... Just Do It!! Now!! Give It To Me... Give Me Yours... Give It To Me Now!! I will savor it... I Am Sure It Will Taste Great!!
Nirmal : Bye.
Vimala : Nirmal... Do It Now!! You Better Do It... Otherwise... It will Not Just Be You that I am Tasting... But Every Man in this Mall will be having their Cum going Deep Down My Throat!! Hahaha!!
Nirmal : Shut Up, Mom!!
Vimala : You Shut Up!!
Nirmal : You are Not Sane... There is Something Very Wrong with... You are literally Pushing Me To Commit Suicide!! I Wish I was Dead!!
Vimala : Oh... My...
Nirmal : What is... At-least... Stop Acting So Weird in Public... I am not going to Steal your Food... You don't have to play it with like that... What Bloody... You are So Crazy...
Vimala : Shit!!
Nirmal : True... Shit Crazy!!
Vimala : Nirmal... I think...
Nirmal : Tell It... Tell It Out Loud... Curse Me More!!
Vimala : No... No... Listen...
Nirmal : What... What Now... What More...
Vimala : Do you Smell it??
Nirmal : Smell... Smell What??
Vimala : That Smell... Can You Smell It??
Nirmal : Huh...
Vimala : The Water... Water... It is The Water...
Nirmal : What... Water What... What are you...And... Don't Gulp like that... You will End Up Choking... Bloody... What has gotten into you... Are you Really Mad!!
Vimala : No... No... It's Not The Water...
Nirmal : What are you even saying...
Vimala : Crap... Why am I still Texting... Arrghhh... Fine... I think it really is better if I just text this down...
Nirmal : What is this even about...
Vimala : It's the Bread... I Am Sure!!
Nirmal : Mom... What!!
Vimala : Nirmal!! It is the Bread... Eat it... I mean... Don't Eat it... But... Still... Maybe... Take A Small Bite...
Nirmal : I Don't Understand...
Vimala : Just Eat It... You Will Understand...
Nirmal : What...
Vimala : Eat It!!
Nirmal : I... I Already Have...
Vimala : And??
Nirmal : And...
Vimala : What do you think...
Nirmal : What??
Vimala : You don't think it tastes of Cum??
Nirmal : What The Hell... Not That Again...
Vimala : No... No... This is not like before... I Am Serious... You really don't think so...
Nirmal : It's Impossible, Mom... You know that too... Cum In Food... Only you will... See... No Way!!
Vimala : Being Served Cum is very much possible, My Dear Son... This is India... I hope you often read the News... Anything can happen here...
Nirmal : Okay... Yes... I have heard about a few cases... But... Still... That was never in Places so crowded... This is Too Impossible!!
Vimala : But you too feel the same... Don't you?! There is Cum in it... You too can Taste it... Look... Look Carefully... It's Not Cheese on top... It's Cum... Bread Toasted with Cum... Maybe even sprayed with Cum... Something has been done to Somehow have Cum on it!!
Nirmal : I don't know, Mom... I really don't know... Mom... Let us not talk about this... Please... I really don't know...
Vimala : What do you mean by that!!
Nirmal : What??
Vimala : Are you saying I should just eat Some Man's Cum?? Happily allow Some Asshole's cum find its way in my mouth... Yet keep quite and Not React... That is what you are saying?!
Nirmal : Mom... Please... No!! That is not what I said... I am only telling I don't know...
Vimala : What is that you don't know!!
Nirmal : I don't know if it's Cum!!
Vimala : How can you say that... You are A Man.
Nirmal : So What if I am A Man!!
Vimala : You must have tasted Cum... You know the Taste of it...
Nirmal : What... What did you say??
Vimala : I mean... Don't get me wrong... I am Not Questioning your Orientation... All I am saying is... See... You must have tasted your Own Cum... You have, Right... And... You are Still Doubting... Nirmal... You sure this doesn't taste so?!
Nirmal : What Nonsense!!
Vimala : What... This doesn't taste like Cum to you??
Nirmal : That is not... See... Why will I taste My Own Cum... Why do you even think I would have...
Vimala : Huh... Well... I thought it was Normal...
Nirmal : What the... Mom!! What is Normal about it... Mom... What are you saying... This is all Too Abnormal!!
Vimala : That is not the conversation we are having now... But still... Okay... I felt... Boys would be curious to check How They Taste... What They Taste like... So... I thought... You know...
Nirmal : I think we should go... Come...
Vimala : You said you were Hungry...
Nirmal : I am Not... I don't want to Eat this anyway!! Let's Go!! Right Away!!
Vimala : There is still a lot of Shopping to be done... We have a lot of time!!
Nirmal : I Am Done!! I Am Done Here!! I Am Done Being With You!!
Vimala : Come On...
Nirmal : Let's Go...
Vimala : Stay... Please... I did not mean that in a bad way... I really did not... I just meant you would have someday had to have Your Cum in Your Mouth... That is all!!
Nirmal : What the Fuck is Wrong with You!!
Vimala : Lol... Calm Down... You Look So Red... Sit... Oh Please... Sit Down... Shit!! Please... People are Looking at Us!!
Nirmal : Just Get Lost... You did not have a problem when People were looking at you... Why Bother Now!! I Am Leaving!!
Vimala : Wait... Let me Just Clarify... Please!!
Nirmal : Clarify What?? You are Only Going to Argue that They were Not People earlier, But Just Boys, and It Was Okay if They Looked at You!!
Vimala : Look... Nirmal... No!! It's Not About The Boys... Keep that Episode aside... I mean... Please... Let us just focus on what's happening here... Let us not mix everything... I should have not either... But, I can't do anything about mentioning those Parts now... Look... I did not mean to say you would have... I mean... You Know... I am just saying you would have got the Taste of it... Maybe... When You Kissed Your Girlfriend... After... You know... Or... When You Went Down On... Her... After... You know...
Nirmal : Stop This... Please... I have Never Done Anything Like... You are Destroying Me... Please!!
Vimala : You are Still A Virgin??
Nirmal : Mom... What is wrong... Why are you even asking me all that... What all are you asking me... We cannot talk about all this!!
Vimala : Why?? Of-Course... We Can!!
Nirmal : No!! I am Not Liking this... You are taking this too far... I Want To Go Home!!
Vimala : Okay... Fine... I Agree... You are Right... I didn't realise... I guess I took it a little too far... I Should Stop!!
Nirmal : Yes... You Have... And You Should Stop... You Should Stop Texting... And Also... Stop Having That Stupid Grin On Your Face!!
Vimala : Hehehe... Sorry... But... I Cannot Stop... I think I am going to Start Laughing Out Loud... For Real... But... Sorry... Really Sorry...
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : Phew... Okay... In case you are still worried about The Cum in The Food thing, Don't Worry... There Is No Need To Worry!! This Food Court is Managed by The Raj Group's Catering Division, and impossible claims you have been making... So... Just Relax, and Finish Your Meal, and We will Get Back to Shopping... I assure you I will be good.
Nirmal : I made No Claims!!
Vimala : You did...
Nirmal : I only said there was a good chance about The Food being Stale... You said everything else...
Vimala : Fine... I just made it a little extra difficult for you... I wanted to know if you had any bad intentions... I just wanted to be sure... That was not required... My Mistake... But leave it... Forget it... Eat... Please... It's Really Good... Don't Worry about anything else!!
Nirmal : I am not worried about the Cum in the Food anymore... I am worried about you... I am worried about what you think about me... That is what I am worried about, Mom!!
Vimala : Hehe... I know... What I meant is that The Food is perfectly fine... It's all okay... Hygiene is what they give the most importance to... This Is Not A Paid Promotion or anything... What am I even saying... I just want you to eat, and not remain hungry...
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : Aah... Okay... Let me get straight to the point... You don't have to worry about me... I Trust You... And, I Love You... And, You don't have to worry thinking what I must be thinking about you... I really trust you... But sometimes... You know... I just... You will know why and what... It doesn't mean I don't love you... This is how I am... I am also only being careful about everything... That includes everything... No Offence meant to you... But it's better not to be sorry later... Right?! Look... I am Not Blaming You... I fully trust you... And Your Intentions... And... You will know... You already know... You must know better than anybody else... You are concerned about people around you... Right?! Careful... About Everything... Everybody... You got it from me!! You got that trait from me!! So... You will know that I am somebody who goes the Extra Distance to make sure everything is fine... Just like you do... Just like you have been doing since the morning... It's just that!! Okay?? And, You can by now guess how long I must have been trying to be careful about everything... You know what it must be like... You know what I must be like...
It was only fear in the beginning, but things change... You get used to it... You start to find things are okay... You worry less... And also you get this arrogant temptation to kinda belittle somebody trying to be as careful or as worried as you once were... You too might be feeling changes... Small Changes... Or you too soon will... But... Having said that... I am sorry I tried it on you... I am sorry I tried making you feel bad... Making your concerns look not so genuine!! I should have been more considerate, because I was somebody who was supposed to clearly know how your mind would have been working... I should have been more kind with you... I should have been less menacing... I should have reminded myself more that you were after all my own child... My Darling Child... I should Never have paid attention to What Other Mothers tell About Their Sons... It always infuriated me... And I Start To Think... I Mean... My Bad!! And... I won't do it again... I won't do any of this... I will treat you well... Okay?!
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : I Love You... I Really Love You!!
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : What??
Nirmal : What What!!
Vimala : Why are you Not Happy?? Smile... At-least Now... Say Something... Please...
Nirmal : Hhmm...
Vimala : You Are Upset??
Nirmal : You know that... You clearly know I am Upset... You have done everything possible to leave me Upset for the rest of my life!!
Vimala : There is No Need for you to be Upset!! You should be feeling you are very normal, and be happy that everything is fine!! I have made it clear to you what I feel about you, and you really don't need to be Upset!! I understand it was My Mistake...
Nirmal : You don't know what I am feeling!! You have No Idea how this is affecting me... I Am Really Upset!!
Vimala : About What??
Nirmal : About Everything You Have Told Me!! Nothing... Nothing Will Change That!!
Vimala : Are you Upset because I told you I know what Cum tastes like??
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : OR... Are you Upset because I told you I don't know what Cum tastes like?? Hehehe...
Nirmal : Stop It!!
Vimala : What... Stop What!!
Nirmal : You don't have to Push Me Away like this... Stop Making Fun of Me...
Vimala : I was not... I was not Pushing You Away... I was Not Making Fun of You... I was Genuinely Asking you whether it is Cum that is The Problem here!!
Nirmal : Don't talk about it...
Vimala : About What?? Cum?!
Nirmal : Yes... That!!
Vimala : But Why?!
Nirmal : I don't like it... I hate that Word now!!
Vimala : So...
Nirmal : So What??
Vimala : You used to like that Word before??
Nirmal : Stop... I don't want to be Associated with that Word again in any ways!!
Vimala : So... You are Never Going to Cum Again?! Isn't that going to be a little too cruel on your Girls... Lol!!
Nirmal : Shut Up!!
Vimala : Hahahaha... It Is All Normal, Nirmal... Just Relax!!
Nirmal : What is So Normal about any of this... What is Normal here?? Do you even know what NORMAL means?? Or is that Your Normal is so very different from My Normal?? Is that why you cannot understand me?! Because whatever you are saying is definitely not looking Normal to me!!
Vimala : You don't have to act so... You Know... Not in Front Of Me... I am Your Mother... And Also... You can be Free with me... We have talked about so much... So Many Things... We Talk About Everything... We can talk about this too...
Nirmal : We have never talked about anything like this... I don't want to either... You are the last person I will ever talk to about all this!! In-Fact... I don't think I will ever talk to you about anything!!
Vimala : Come On, Nirmal... Grow Up for once... Why are you acting So Silly... Don't Be So Rude!!
Nirmal : You should be Telling that to Yourself... You are making me Really Uncomfortable...
Vimala : Yeah?? Really?!
Nirmal : Yes!!
Vimala : Well... In that case... How about I make you More Uncomfortable!!
Nirmal : Mom... Why are you Behaving like this... Why can't you behave like a Normal Mother!!
Vimala : Behaving like this?! Like what?? Oh... You are telling me My Behavior is Not Right?? Great!! Maybe, I should learn a thing or two about Behaving Well from you... Perhaps I should Start with Shamelessly Throwing My Stained Undies all over the House, just like you do... Just like how you do with your Briefs... Bloody Normal Son!!
Nirmal : What The Hell!!
Vimala : Just being Honest... Just being A Normal Mother... Nothing Else, Normal Son!!
Nirmal : Get Lost!!
Vimala : I initially thought you were Only Being Lazy... I thought you were Just Lazy to move and make sure your To-Be-Washed Garments were rightly in the Laundry Basket... Now I Guess... I mean... Now I know you were doing it On Purpose... You were Throwing them at me!! For Me!! You wanted me To Feel your Dirty Underwear drenched in Cum... You wanted me to Touch them... You wanted me to Touch You... You wanted to Enjoy Seeing me take the effort to bend down and Collect your Briefs from the Floor... You Wanted To See Me Touching your Remainings... You must have been hoping for me to Treasure that Moment... The Opportunity to get my hands on your Used Briefs... And, Smell them... And, Even Taste them!! Right?! Good Job... Son!! And, Of-Course... You were also desperately expecting that I too will Do The Same With My Inners... Exactly like how I just said I was going to Start Doing!! You Were Always Trying To Provoke Me... Right?! As In Porn?? Well... You have Won... Again... You have got me doing just what you want me to do!! I Hope You Are Happy... Son!!
Nirmal : Shut Up, Mom... I Am Leaving...
Vimala : Hahaha... I know you are liking this... I know you are Very Hard now, and Checking How Much Harder you can get... I know you want me to Go On and On and On, and Never Stop Talking About This... Talking Dirty!!
Nirmal : No... No... I Am Not... And... No... Don't Look Me Down There... You... Cannot... I am not at all liking this!!
Vimala : You would have left long ago if you really weren't liking this... You would never have reached here... You would have left at-least the very moment you first said you were leaving... And, That was a long time ago!!
Nirmal : I did not want to leave you alone...
Vimala : Haha... You would have at-least Stopped Texting.
Nirmal : I Talk Very Less... I Always Text... You know that... I was not liking this Chat... But, Because I had a matter to settle, I had to continue Texting.
Vimala : Lol O Lol...
Nirmal : Don't Laugh... Even you did not Stop Texting... Despite all the instances you told me you cannot Text... So, You too are more comfortable when Texting... You are also just like me... You convey emotions better through Texts... This is The Zone you too like to be in... That is why We are still having this Conversation... Even Fighting via Text Messages!!
Vimala : What.... That is not even what I asked you... That is not even what I was talking about... Your Replies do not even feel like they are meant for me anymore... Who are you even telling all this to... Wait... Wrong Chat?? Double Dating, Eh?!
Nirmal : I am Going Home!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Sit There... Sit... I was Just Joking... I Am Sorry.
Nirmal : Joking?! About What Were You Joking??
Vimala : About Everything!!
Nirmal : This is No Joke!! You are Making Me Cry... Can't You See!!
Vimala : No... No!! Shit... Please... Don't Say That... That will Break Me...
Nirmal : You Have Already Broken Me!!
Vimala : I Am Really Sorry... Please... Relax!!
Nirmal : I have Never done anything like that... I have Never done anything like what you tell I have done... None of That is True!! I Never meant Anything Bad... You Know That!! Why do you still want to make me feel So Worthless?? Why do you say things like that!! When did I ever throw My Used Underwear at You?!
Vimala : Sorry, Nirmal... That is not what I meant... I did not literally mean it... I was just a bit... See... I know it was Not Intentional... You wanted nothing out of it... I know... But...
Nirmal : But What?? Why But??
Vimala : I still really thought the Wetness in your Briefs were from Semen... Guess I really don't know what Semen smells like, or even feels like!!
Nirmal : Mom... Please!! Are You Really Stupid?? This is Absurd!!
Vimala : What is absurd about this?? What?! The respect I just gave you by making sure I do not use the Word CUM, that you said you now hate, and instead swapped it with the Word SEMEN?! I only did not want to disturb you any more, and you are calling that absurd??
Nirmal : Gross... What Is This Nonsense... You Are Not Done Messing With Me??
Vimala : Hahaha...
Nirmal : Cum Cum Cum... That is all that you say... So So Absurd... And you feel No Remorse... You are Openly Admitting it!! I know... You are finding pleasure in this... Aren't You?! Look... Let me make this clear for the final time... I am not liking it... And So... I am going.
Vimala : Stay...
Nirmal : I feel like My Head is going to burst... This Cum-Talk is on the verge of getting me killed!!
Vimala : I know... I know you must be thinking how is it that A Woman of my age does not know what Cum smells like... Or feels like!! I know you must be finding that a little too harsh on your Dad... I know that is what is making you sad... But... I am not lying...
Nirmal : What The... I don't even want you to use that Word, and you are adamant you will only keep saying that... Or something that means the same... I am not even in the mood to talk about anything like that, and you are still forcefully making me talk about it!! You do not even realize what you are saying!! See... I don't want to talk to you... I find you too... Annoying!! Mom... With all due respect, I Am Done Talking To You... You are somebody I really don't want to talk to... Now... Or, Maybe... Ever!!
Vimala : Are you Ashamed of Me?!
Nirmal : Yes... I Am...
Vimala : You Cannot Say That...
Nirmal : I Cannot... I Should Not... I Know!! But... I have to... You are forcing me to say that!!
Vimala : You are Really Ashamed of Your Mother??
Nirmal : Yes... You hurt me... You have been hurting me... And you are least bothered about it... You will only hurt me more!!
Vimala : I know you are hurt... And I can understand... You must be feeling so bad... And I also know why...
Nirmal : You don't!!
Vimala : I do... It's because I don't know much about Cum... Right, Son?! Hehehehe...
Nirmal : Arrrgggg... Fine... I cannot take this any more... Have it your way then!! Yes... It is just because of that... Okay?! Satisfied?? I Don't Want to Ever See You Again!!
Vimala : Nirmal... Don't be So Angry... I Am Sorry...
Nirmal : I don't want Your Sorry... Not Anymore...
Vimala : Why!!
Nirmal : You do Not Mean It!! Just Get Lost!!
Vimala : Please... Stay...
Nirmal : No Chance of me staying... Not Another Second!!
Vimala : I Am Sorry, My Son... Please Forgive Me... Don't leave me alone and go!! Something dangerous could happen to me.
Nirmal : I have No other option... You are Old Enough to take care of yourself!!
Vimala : Please... I am sorry... Give me One More Chance!! Just One More!! Please!! I Am Sorry...
Nirmal : Don't Be Sorry... Be Better!!
Vimala : I am ready to Be Better!!
Nirmal : Then Start Being Better!!
Vimala : But... I need your help for that...
Nirmal : My Help?? Why?!
Vimala : Hehe... You Know Why...
Nirmal : I don't know why!!
Vimala : How else can I Be Better!!
Nirmal : What...
Vimala : How else can I learn more about A Man's Cum!!
Nirmal : Mom!!
Vimala : I mean it... I want to be The Mother you want me to be... I want to Be Better... Just like you want me to!! I want to know everything about Cum... That Is What You Want... Right?! So... I will make sure I know everything about Cum... Especially Yours!!
Nirmal : What Are You Saying, Mom... Are You Even My Real Mother!!
Vimala : Yes... And I will prove it to you... I will prove it by letting you know I do take you very seriously... So... Stop Talking... I mean Typing... And... Just Cum on the Plate in front of you... Do It Now... I don't care whether anybody sees us... I really don't care... You can do it from right here... Sitting in front of me... Looking at me... Just take your Thing out, and Shoot Your Cum Out... All On To The Plate... And Serve it to me... Serve it to Your Mother!! I will tell you exactly what I think about A Man's Cum... How It tastes like... How your's tastes like... How You Taste Like!! I really will... I really will do it for you... I really will do it for A Real Man... That Is What You Too Want Me To Do... Right?! You want me to know what you taste like... I know...... I know that will make you feel better... Oh Yes... That will!! That will also make sure to you that I Love You... Right?! You will then be fully convinced that I am really Your Mother!! Give me a chance... Please... I am begging you... I Can Make Up For All The Hurt Caused... I really want to... So... Please... Just Do It!! Now!! Give It To Me... Give Me Yours... Give It To Me Now!! I will savor it... I Am Sure It Will Taste Great!!
Nirmal : Bye.
Vimala : Nirmal... Do It Now!! You Better Do It... Otherwise... It will Not Just Be You that I am Tasting... But Every Man in this Mall will be having their Cum going Deep Down My Throat!! Hahaha!!