Page 01
If anything, Kathy had somehow managed to look even younger when Paul came home from his first year of college than when he'd left. Maybe it was just the time away from her playing with his mind. Maybe it was because he'd missed her more than he expected to. She was quite a bit younger than most of his friends' mothers, but she still had always looked younger than she was. A few of his friends' mothers were definitely hot, sexy women that got lots of attention from older and younger guys alike, but none of them had Kathy's classic looks or her pneumatically pumped curves.
And that was the reason he'd been so determined to go to a school far enough away to have to leave the house. For that matter, at the beginning of the year Paul had planned to stay near campus over the summer. It wasn't so far away he couldn't get home over weekends and holidays. Cutting all ties with his gorgeous mother was the last thing he wanted to do. He only needed some distance. Perspective. But as awkward as it could be living in a house with a woman like Kathy, Paul had missed her more than he'd ever missed anyone.
The day he came back, he'd timed his arrival for the middle of the day when he knew his mother would still be at work. She'd offered to come get him in her SUV so he could move his things home for the summer, but he'd turned down the offer and got her to rent him a vehicle. He'd wanted to make the four-hour drive on his own, but barely a half-hour into the trip he started wishing his beautiful mother had been there.
Paul was both relieved and disappointed when he walked into the quiet, empty house. He left his things in the car, figuring to carry it all in later. The first thing he did was head for the kitchen to look for something to eat and drink. After that, he went upstairs, but instead of going to his own room he went directly to his mother's. As usual, everything was neat and organized, just as she kept the entire house and yard.
He sat on the edge of his mother's crisply made bed and lay back. It was frustrating, to say the least, that the year away hadn't helped him sort through his ambivalent feelings about her. If anything, missing her as much as he did only seemed to make it worse. The irony wasn't lost on him the way his deeper feelings for her caused him to keep her at an emotional arm's length.
There he was, after his first year of college, and his mother was in her thirties. She looked like she was still in her twenties, and it wasn't unusual when people assumed she was Paul's sister. He was always aware of what a great job she'd done raising him on her own, but at the same time, it hadn't been easy living with a mother everyone wanted to fuck. It had soured most of his friendships when other guys said things about her.
Paul also knew his mother was completely aware of the way people reacted to her, and she didn't do anything to discourage the attention she got. And even though she rarely ever dated, she clearly enjoyed the admiration. Most people thought of his hot mother as a typical, blonde bimbo, but he knew she was only playing a role that was expected of her. She was smarter than she let most people think, even Paul himself.
Lying on her bed, he realized he hadn't really gotten too far away from her. Maybe that's why he didn't get the change in perspective he'd hoped for. His campus was close enough to get home for a weekend whenever he wanted, and they'd talked by either voice or video at least four times a week. They kept it up even when Paul was making connections with some of the hot girls he was meeting on campus.
It wasn't until he started getting close with Jenna, the fourth girl he met at school, that he realized he was gravitating to girls who looked like his mother. All pretty blondes with big tits. And Jenna looked more like Kathy than any of the others.
"What the fuck," he muttered, getting up off his mother's bed and walking into her adjacent bathroom. He reached into her laundry hamper and started fingering through her dirty clothes. It was full of lacy, D cup bras and skimpy thong panties. He finally picked out a lacy, white thong and held the tiny strip of cloth to his face. Inhaling deeply, his senses filled with the ripe scent of his mother's pussy.
"Jesus, this is bad," he told himself, feeling his cock begin to swell as he sniffed the aroma of the pussy he'd only thought about more the longer he'd been away.
Holding his mother's pungent panties to his face, he unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock with his free hand. He was fully erect and throbbing within seconds, precum already oozing heavily from his cockhead. His hand was soon slamming hard and fast on his enormous shaft. After a couple minutes of furious stroking, he took the panties and wrapped them around his cock.
Between his cock being as big as it was, and the panties being so small, they didn't cover very much of his rigid flesh. But the delicate fabric still felt good, and in a round-about way it let Paul imagine having his beautiful mother's pussy close to his cock.
He'd seen her pussy a number of times when she'd been getting out of the shower or getting dressed with her door open. She never flinched when it happened, and just went about her business as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Paul figured a woman like his mother was so used to people looking at her body that she didn't think twice about it anymore. Seeing her silky-smooth mound that she went out and got waxed every few weeks had never failed to give him a painfully throbbing hard on.
And the sight of her huge, round tits, so smooth with proportionately large nipples, affected him just as much. He'd always noticed her tanned skin, and how she never had tan lines. It also impressed him how her areolas were large, but barely a shade darker than the rest of her skin.
As he stood there in his mother's bathroom stroking his rock-hard pole, she was all he could think about. He loved her the way he never loved anyone in the world, but this was exactly why he found himself avoiding her so much of the time.
His hand was pounding his cock faster and harder, grinding his mother's worn panties up and down that long, thick shaft. But before long he was reaching back into her hamper to grab another pair, holding them to his face to inhale the scent of her pussy while he used the other pair to keep stroking.
He was diving himself toward a hot release when the phone in his back pocket started vibrating with incoming messages. It made him think of all the selfies he saved of his mother, many of which came from clothing store changing rooms and she wanted his opinion on one outfit or another. Considering the way she usually dressed, the outfits were always tight and revealing.
Paul started thinking about the last selfie his mother sent when she was trying on a skimpy tank top. It barely held her enormous boobs. If it had shown any more cleavage her areolas would've been visible. There was no question, his mother had the most incredible tits he'd ever seen.
A few moments later, Paul was gasping desperately while his cock released a plentiful load of spunk that spattered the laundry in his mother's hamper along with the wall behind it.
The young man pumped his gushing cock until he was squeezing out the last oozes of spunk with his mother's panties under his hand. He finally used both pair to wipe up his cock and the drabs that had hit the wall. Then he tossed the cum soaked panties back in the hamper.
After putting his cock away, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket to find the text messages his mother had just sent him.
Where are you? Are you home yet? the first one said. Then there was a second: I'm so excited you're coming back home. I can't believe I get you for the whole summer! I've missed you so much!
Paul was still feeling light-headed from his orgasm and couldn't bring himself to reply right away. His mother had sent him dozens of messages over the semester to say how much she missed him. He couldn't think of anyone he knew whose mother loved them as much as Kathy loved him. Maybe it was just from her being a single mom for so many years, but Paul didn't care what the reasons were. He loved her back at least as much and then more.
But he didn't totally trust himself around her, and the way other people looked at her had always made him feel awkward, so as much as he loved being around her he still remained distant.
He decided to grab a shower before she got home, and decided to use her bathroom instead of the one he'd normally use across the hall from his room. He started the water running and then stripped naked, waiting until the water was at the right temp before stepping into the glass-enclosed tub. The glass was soon steamy.
Paul soaped himself all over, and then just stood under the water and became lost in his thoughts. It jarred him when he heard his mother talking to him from right there inside the bathroom.
"Baby when did you get home? Why didn't you tell me you were already here? Didn't you get my text?"
"Yeah," he said. "I just wanted to get cleaned up first. I didn't expect you back this early."
"I guess I was feeling antsy," she admitted. "I couldn't wait to see you. Besides, it's supposed to be a really nice weekend so half the office was gone by lunch and getting an early start."
"Mom, the last time I was home was only three weeks ago."
Even through the steam-coated glass, he could see her leaning back against the sink. Her black, office skirt was tight and shorter than any of her coworkers ever wore. She usually wore suits, with a skirt and matching jacket, but she must have taken her jacket off before she came into the bathroom. She was just wearing a white blouse. Even though he couldn't make out any details through the condensation on the glass, Paul could tell his mother's blouse was open enough to show off a healthy portion of her deep, smooth cleavage. It was how she usually dressed.
"I know, but three weeks might as well be forever," she replied.
Her tone was whiny and anything but motherly sounding. She sounded more like Jenna did when she was trying to get Paul to do something he didn't feel like doing.
"Mom," he replied, "we talk almost every night, and I text with you more than anybody."
"I know. It's just not the same as having you here, though."
Paul could hear the pout in his mother's tone. He could never admit it to her, but he couldn't help loving the way she was talking to him more like his girlfriend than his mother. Despite just having rubbed out a good one into her panties, his cock started tingling as flashes of Jenna came to his mind. They were practically like twins, and he knew he'd have to keep them from ever meeting each other or they'd both see the obvious comparison.
"It's ok," he finally said, discreetly rubbing his cock. "I miss you, too."
"Well, why don't you hurry up so I can get freshened up, too, and we can go out for a nice welcome-home dinner?"
"Sounds really nice, Mom."
Kathy giggled happily, and Paul could see her start to move. He was stalling now so he wouldn't have to get out of the shower with a half-erect cock in front of her. As she moved to leave, he noticed her pause at the laundry hamper. He could tell she reached down into it, and then looked quickly back at him over her shoulder. After that, she quickly left the room with a tiny bunch of white cloth balled up in her hand.
Paul instantly wished he'd been more careful and shoved the panties he'd cum in further down to the bottom of the hamper. It would be foolish to think his mother didn't know exactly what cum smelled and felt like, even soaked into the gusset of a pair of skimpy panties. He knew he was busted and he couldn't remember ever feeling as embarrassed as he did right then. At the same time, he couldn't help wondering what his mother was doing with the slut panties she discovered. It would've been impossible for her to pick them up without touching his cum.
His cock was swelling hard and fast all over again, and he turned the water to cold before he started jerking off again. He let the water run cold as much as he could take before turning it off and getting out to grab a towel. He was still semi-erect despite the cold shower, and he noticed his mother had left the door open between her bathroom and bedroom. He dried off quickly and wrapped the towel around his waist.
He found his mother sitting on the edge of her bed. Her shoes were off and her legs were crossed, bringing her skirt up high on her thighs. Her blouse was lying near her on the bed while her huge tits strained at the overfilled cups of a lace-edged bra. The panties were nowhere to be seen, and Kathy had a faraway look in her eye. It seemed like there were a few seconds before she even noticed her half naked son standing in the room.
"Oh...honey," she said dreamily. "We're getting ready to go out, right?"
"Yeah, if you want to. Sorry to monopolize your bathroom. I really didn't expect you back until later."
Paul couldn't bring himself to move. His mother was acting like she sleep-walking, and he couldn't take his eyes off her legs or the huge, smooth scoops of titflesh spilling over her bra cups. His cock started getting bigger, and it was making a larger bulge in the damp towel around his waist.
"S'okay, baby. You can use Mommy's bathroom anytime you want," she said, still not making eye contact.
His cock was twitching under the towel and he was powerless to control it. His mother's eyes were on the tubular bulge, but the look in them was like she staring through him into the distance. He wanted to rip off the towel and then pull his mother's gorgeous tits out of her bra and feel them while he slipped his swollen cock between them. The thought only made him bigger and harder, his cock beginning to lift up the damp towel.
But she was his mother. That would be impossible.
"Guess I should go get ready too," he said half-heartedly.
"Yeah," Kathy nodded. "Yeah. Me too."
She stood up without another word and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor to reveal a very skimpy turquoise thong underneath. There was no denying how incredible his mother's body was, and the way she looked standing there in a scant pair of panties and bra made Paul's dick throb harder than ever. He'd seen her in bikinis almost ask skimpy as her lingerie, but this was different.
"Let me know when you're ready, baby," she said. Then she turned and went into her bathroom, slowly closing the door behind her. His mother's ass was as good as naked, displaying the same, even tan as the rest of her body.
Without thinking of how she could easily walk back into the bedroom at any moment, Paul flicked the towel off his waist and grabbed his suffering cock. He started stroking his shaft hard and furious, imagining the feel of his shaft sliding between his mother's fine, rounded ass cheeks.
With his raging hard on firmly gripped in his large fist, Paul picked up his mother's blouse off the bed and discovered the cum soaked panties she'd found in the hamper. Now there could be no more pretending she hadn't found them or figured out what he'd done with them. He put the blouse back down and picked up the panties. Draping them over his cock the best he could, he started pounding his throbbing shank once again, grunting and too far gone to care if his mother suddenly came back and found him.
He lost track of time as he pumped his cock hard and fast, finally exploding with another creamy load into his mother's tiny thong. He was in a daze by the time he squeezed the last oozes of cum into Kathy's thong. Again, he used them to wipe up the excess spunk from his shaft and fingers, but the tiny garment was already saturated. Without thinking, he just tossed them on top of his mother's blouse, leaving them and his towel behind as he left her room.
Kathy drove to the restaurant. She had taken a long time getting ready. Paul was used to that, and he was also used to the way she dressed for their dinner out. Used to it, but still deeply affected. His mother had finally come downstairs in a revealing cocktail dress. It was white, which set off her tan beautifully, and had a plunging halter top that left a distracting amount of her deep, smooth cleavage exposed. It was the kind of dress that was meant to be worn without a bra, and Paul couldn't ignore the hypnotic motion of his mother's huge tits with every gesture and movement.
The hem of the dress was tight and short. Kathy's ass and thighs were just slightly on the thick side, although still tight and firm as much younger women, and in the driver's seat of her car the dress rode nearly to her ass.
Kathy was in a completely different mood from those tense moments they'd shared after his shower. She was practically giddy with happiness now and talking as she drove about all the things they could do together over the summer. Paul was following her the best he could, but he was severely distracted remembering the dreamy look in her eyes when she was gazing at the shape of his hardening cock under his towel.
He was also preoccupied with the way she looked in her dress as well as flashing back on the way she stripped to her bra and thong before walking into her bathroom.
Yet Paul had seen her in those states of dress and/or undress many times before. She'd never been shy about her body, and her son had always bounced back and forth between wishing she were more like his friends' moms and feeling proud of her. It also meant going through life overhearing words like "slut", "bimbo" and "milf" being said about her by guys his age as well as their mothers. It was a big part of the reason that neither of them had very many long-lasting, close friendships.
On the other hand, he would've been lying if he ever said he didn't think his own mother was kind of a bimbo himself. She didn't exactly spend her time reading Shakespeare, but Paul knew she was a lot smarter than she let people think. The carefully chosen outfits she always wore to work were somewhere in between slutwear and professional office garb, and staying with the same company for a long time, she'd advanced steadily.
Paul couldn't blame her. She was just doing what she felt she needed to do to raise a son on her own. He'd never known who his father was. He wasn't even sure if his mother knew, but he never asked. He didn't care. She was everything he ever needed.
He didn't know where she was taking him to dinner, but he knew she was going to turn every head in the room when they went in. He was used to that, too, and tonight he wasn't going to feel self-conscious about it, only proud of how sexy and gorgeous his mother was.
At one point during the ride, Kathy rested a free hand on her son's thigh, just leaving it there while she kept talking about how happy she was to have him home. Despite having jerked off twice, his mother's intimate touch made his cock begin to tingle with warmth. He almost put his hand on top of hers, but then his phone buzzed with a text notice. At first it came as a relief, because he had no idea where putting his hand over his mother's might have led. But then he saw the message from Jenna.
Now Paul was looking at the picture filling his phone screen. Jenna's big, naked tits were staring back at him. She was clutching one of her heavy globes in her hand and squeezing hard. The text that followed seconds later said, Miss u, baby. Tell me we're not gonna go all summer without seeing each other.
Paul took a long look at his college girlfriend's tits while his mother's hand was lightly squeezing his leg mere inches away from his cock. He finally closed the photo and tucked the phone back in his shirt pocket before Kathy caught what he was looking at. She was the last person he wanted to see what his girlfriend looked like. The resemblance between them would be too obvious.